BBI Solutions HD.GC20.OD10 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商 BBI Solutions正式上海金畔为其中国代理, BBI Solutions在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, BBI Solutions就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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BBI Solutions是诊断试剂盒研发与生产领域的企业,为诊断试剂盒生产商及科研院校提供的体外诊断试剂原料、标准品、成品及技术服务。该公司zui早始于19591986由英国卡迪夫大学的约翰·钱德勒正式确立了BBI Solutions品牌,至今已经历了五十多年的发展,已经从一家小型专业公司成长为业务生产基地横跨三大洲、五个国家的大型企业,积累了丰富诊断试剂研发和生产经验,拥有专业的研究团队、完善的生产和质控流程,确保了公司产品的高品质。

BBI Solutions的产品的范围包括人的抗原,抗体,血清,血浆和临床化学酶,以及世界的ELISA试剂盒侧向层析检测试剂盒、和生物传感器,金纳米粒子和葡萄糖氧化酶。产品广泛应用于临床化学及生命科学领域的ELISA Lateral Flow、电镜/光镜实验,以及生物传感器的研发。特别是葡萄糖氧化酶每年应用于超过五十亿血糖监测试纸条。*生产工艺的金纳米颗粒每年应用于超过四千万例侧向层流检测试验中。


High OD Gold Nanoparticles, 20nm, OD10


SKU#: HD.GC20.OD10


应用 横向流动,生命科学
交货时间 该产品的订货时间为2周
光密度 OD10
产品分类 金纳米粒子


产品编号 产品名称 规格型号 生产厂家
HD.GC20.OD10 High OD Gold Nanoparticles, 20nm, OD10 10ml bbisolutions

上海金畔公司 BBI Solutions HD.GC20.OD10 现货供应



BBI Solutions是诊断试剂盒研发与生产领域的企业,为诊断试剂盒生产商及科研院校提供的体外诊断试剂原料、标准品、成品及技术服务。该公司zui早始于19591986由英国卡迪夫大学的约翰·钱德勒正式确立了BBI Solutions品牌,至今已经历了五十多年的发展,已经从一家小型专业公司成长为业务生产基地横跨三大洲、五个国家的大型企业,积累了丰富诊断试剂研发和生产经验,拥有专业的研究团队、完善的生产和质控流程,确保了公司产品的高品质。

BBI Solutions的产品的范围包括人的抗原,抗体,血清,血浆和临床化学酶,以及世界的ELISA试剂盒侧向层析检测试剂盒、和生物传感器,金纳米粒子和葡萄糖氧化酶。产品广泛应用于临床化学及生命科学领域的ELISA Lateral Flow、电镜/光镜实验,以及生物传感器的研发。特别是葡萄糖氧化酶每年应用于超过五十亿血糖监测试纸条。*生产工艺的金纳米颗粒每年应用于超过四千万例侧向层流检测试验中。


上海金畔现货bbisolutions葡萄糖氧化酶 ~ 360U/mg


BBI Solutions是葡萄糖氧化酶的制造商。该酶是生物传感器研制的理想原材料。我们的生产工艺,经多年开发和优化,从而确保了高质量、稳定的产品、批次一致性。为生物传感器和试剂厂家提供了一系列经充分验证的葡萄糖氧化酶产品。 BBI Solutions的产品不适用于医疗应用


简称 GO
活性 ~360 U/mg
CAS编号 9001-37-0
杂质 α 淀粉酶含量不高于0.05%, 蔗糖酶含量不高于0.05%, 麦芽糖酶含量不高于0.05%,葡萄糖氧化酶/过氧化物酶比例不低于2000
EINECS 232-601-0
保存基质 冻干状态
纯度 ~360 U/mg
建议用于 血糖水平监测 (生物传感器)
溶解性 可以5mg/ml溶解在0.1M的磷酸钾缓冲液中,pH值7.0,溶液澄清,色泽偏黄。
来源 黑曲霉菌
储存 低于零下15摄氏度储存。
系统名称 β D 葡萄糖,氧气氧化还原酶
单位定义 在25°C下,PH值为7.0时,每分钟能氧化1毫摩尔葡萄糖的酶量。



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BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理

品名 简写 Form 来源 详细描述 zui小包装 单位
Acylase 酰化酶 AC1 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = 1 MU 1 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC1 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = 1 MU 10 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC1 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = 1 MU 100 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC2 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 U/mg material 1 g = 2 MU 1 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC2 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 U/mg material 1 g = 2 MU 10 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC2 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 U/mg material 1 g = 2 MU 100 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC3 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC3 Spec : (O.O.O.) 4,000 U/mg material 1 g = 4 MU 500 mg
Acylase 酰化酶 AC3 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC3 Spec : (O.O.O.) 4,000 U/mg material 1 g = 4 MU 1 g
Acylase 酰化酶 AC3 冻干粉 Porcine Kidney AC3 Spec : (O.O.O.) 4,000 U/mg material 1 g = 4 MU 10 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI2 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 5 glycine U/mg material 1 g = approx. 5,000 U 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI2 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 5 glycine U/mg material 1 g = approx. 5,000 U 10 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI2 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 5 glycine U/mg material 1 g = approx. 5,000 U 100 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI3 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 glycine U/mg material 1 g = approx. 20,000 U 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI3 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 glycine U/mg material 1 g = approx. 20,000 U 10 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI3 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 glycine U/mg material 1 g = approx. 20,000 U 100 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI10G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI10G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,600 glycine U/mg protein. 5,000 U = approx. 3.2 mg protein 5,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI10G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI10G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,600 glycine U/mg protein. 5,000 U = approx. 3.2 mg protein 50,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI10G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI10G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,600 glycine U/mg protein. 5,000 U = approx. 3.2 mg protein 100,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI11G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI11G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,800 glycine U/mg protein   5,000 U = approx. 2.8 mg protein 5,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI11G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI11G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,800 glycine U/mg protein   5,000 U = approx. 2.8 mg protein 50,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI11G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI11G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,800 glycine U/mg protein   5,000 U = approx. 2.8 mg protein 100,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI12G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI12G Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 glycine U/mg protein. 5,000 U = approx. 2.5 mg protein 5,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI12G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI12G Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 glycine U/mg protein. 5,000 U = approx. 2.5 mg protein 50,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI12G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI12G Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 glycine U/mg protein. 5,000 U = approx. 2.5 mg protein 100,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI13G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI13G Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 glycine U/mg protein.  5,000 U = approx. 2.0 mg protein 5,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI13G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI13G Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 glycine U/mg protein.  5,000 U = approx. 2.0 mg protein 50,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI13G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI13G Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 glycine U/mg protein.  5,000 U = approx. 2.0 mg protein 100,000 U
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI6G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI6G Spec : (N.L.T.) 700 glycine U/mg protein. 100 mg = approx. 70,000 U 100 mg
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI6G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI6G Spec : (N.L.T.) 700 glycine U/mg protein. 100 mg = approx. 70,000 U 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI8G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI8G Spec : Not less than 1300 Glycine U/mg protein     100 mg
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI8G 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI8G Spec : Not less than 1300 Glycine U/mg protein     1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI8T T = Triethalanomine solution Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI8T Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,600 DEA U/mg protein  100 mg = approx. 260,000 U (DEA) 100 mg
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPI8T T = Triethalanomine solution Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPI8T Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,600 DEA U/mg protein  100 mg = approx. 260,000 U (DEA) 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIXG 甘油溶液 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIXG Spec : (O.O.O.) 1,000 glycine U/mg protein.  100 mg = approx. 100,000 U (glyc) 100 mg
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIXT T = Triethalanomine solution Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIXT Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 DEA U/mg protein. 100 mg = approx. 200,000 U (DEA) 100 mg
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIXT T = Triethalanomine solution Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIXT Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,000 DEA U/mg protein. 100 mg = approx. 200,000 U (DEA) 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIS1 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIS1 Spec : (N.L.T) 1.5U/mg protein (approx 0.5 U/mg material)   1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIS1 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIS1 Spec : (N.L.T) 1.5U/mg protein (approx 0.5 U/mg material)   10 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIS1 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIS1 Spec : (N.L.T) 1.5U/mg protein (approx 0.5 U/mg material)   100 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIW1 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIW1 Spec : (N.L.T)  2.0 U/mg protein (approx 1.0 U/mg material) 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIW1 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIW1 Spec : (N.L.T)  2.0 U/mg protein (approx 1.0 U/mg material) 10 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIW1 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIW1 Spec : (N.L.T)  2.0 U/mg protein (approx 1.0 U/mg material) 100 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIW2 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIW2 Spec : <15 U/mg protein 1 g
Alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶 ALPIW2 冻干粉 Bovine calf intestinal mucosa ALPIW2 Spec : <15 U/mg protein 10 g
Ascorbate Oxidase* 抗坏血酸氧化酶 AO1F 冻干粉 Cucurbita AO1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 200 U/mg  1000 U
Butyrylcholine esterase丁酰胆碱酯酶 BCE3 冻干粉 Equine Serum BCE3 Spec : (N.L.T) 45U/mg material (approx 200U/mg protein)  1,000 U
Butyrylcholine esterase丁酰胆碱酯酶 BCE3 冻干粉 Equine Serum BCE3 Spec : (N.L.T) 45U/mg material (approx 200U/mg protein)  10000 U
Butyrylcholine esterase丁酰胆碱酯酶 BCE3 冻干粉 Equine Serum BCE3 Spec : (N.L.T) 45U/mg material (approx 200U/mg protein)  100,000 U
Carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 CAB2 冻干粉 Bovine erythrocytes CAB2 100 mg
Carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 CAB2 冻干粉 Bovine erythrocytes CAB2 500 mg
Carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 CAB2 冻干粉 Bovine erythrocytes CAB2 1 g
Carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 CAB2 冻干粉 Bovine erythrocytes CAB2 5 g
Catalase 氧化氢酶 CAT2F 冻干粉  Bovine liver; Aspergillus niger CAT2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 11,700U/mg material (approx 40,000U/mg protein) 5 MU
Catalase 氧化氢酶 CAT2F 冻干粉  Bovine liver; Aspergillus niger CAT2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 11,700U/mg material (approx 40,000U/mg protein) 50 MU
Catalase 氧化氢酶 CAT2F 冻干粉  Bovine liver; Aspergillus niger CAT2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 11,700U/mg material (approx 40,000U/mg protein) 500 MU
Catalase 氧化氢酶 CATAN3F 冻干粉  Bovine liver; Aspergillus niger CATAN3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 4,000 U/mg material  (N.L.T.) 10,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 250 mg Aspergillus niger 10 MU
Catalase 氧化氢酶 CATAN3F 冻干粉  Bovine liver; Aspergillus niger CATAN3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 4,000 U/mg material  (N.L.T.) 10,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 250 mg Aspergillus niger 100 MU
Cholesterol esterase 胆甾醇酯酶 CE2 冻干粉  Porcine Pancreas CE2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 35 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 30 mg   10,000 U
Cholesterol esterase 胆甾醇酯酶 CE2 冻干粉  Porcine Pancreas CE2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 35 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 30 mg   100,000 U
Cholesterol esterase 胆甾醇酯酶 CE4F 冻干粉 Pseudomonas spp  CE4F*  Spec : (N.L.T.) 100 U/mg material  1,000 U
Cholesterol oxidase 胆固醇氧化酶 CHO2F 冻干粉 Microorganism CHO2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 5 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 200 mg 10,000 U
Cholesterol oxidase 胆固醇氧化酶 CHO4 稳定溶液 Microorganism CHO4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 200 U/ml 10,000 U
Cholesterol oxidase 胆固醇氧化酶 CO5F 冻干粉 Microorganism CO5F*  Spec : (N.L.T.) 12 U/mg 1,000 U
Creatinase 肌酸酶 CR1F 冻干粉 Recombinant E. coli CR1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 9 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 125 mg 20,000 U
Creatinase 肌酸酶 CR1F 冻干粉 Recombinant E. coli CR1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 9 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 125 mg 1.5 MU
Creatininase 肌酸酐酶 CNN1 冻干粉 Recombinant E. coli CNN1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg material  50,000 U
Creatininase 肌酸酐酶 CNN1 冻干粉 Recombinant E. coli CNN1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg material  4 MU
Creatinine Deaminase* CND1F 冻干粉 Microorganism CND1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 10 U/mg  1,000 U
Creatinine Deaminase* CNA1F 冻干粉 Microorganism CNA1F   Spec : (N.L.T.) 150 U/mg  1,000 U
Cytochrome C 细胞色素c 031-003 冻干粉  Equine heart muscle 031-002 Spec: Purity > 90.0% 1,000 g
D-Amino acid oxidase 氨基酸氧化酶 DOX2 冻干粉 Porcine kidney DOX2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 6,000 U/g material N.B. Kinetic units 1,000 U
D-Amino acid oxidase 氨基酸氧化酶 DOX2 冻干粉 Porcine kidney DOX2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 6,000 U/g material N.B. Kinetic units 10000 U
DeoxyRibonuclease 核糖核酸酶 去氧核糖核酸酶 DNP2 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas DNP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 1 MU 1 g
DeoxyRibonuclease 核糖核酸酶 去氧核糖核酸酶 DNP2 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas DNP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 1 MU 10 g
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E2 冻干粉  Porcine pancreas E2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 200 U/mg material 1g = approx. 200,000 U Form: Freeze-dried powder 1,500 U
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E2 冻干粉  Porcine pancreas E2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 200 U/mg material 1g = approx. 200,000 U Form: Freeze-dried powder 15,000 U
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E2 冻干粉  Porcine pancreas E2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 200 U/mg material 1g = approx. 200,000 U Form: Freeze-dried powder 75,000 U
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E2 冻干粉  Porcine pancreas E2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 200 U/mg material 1g = approx. 200,000 U Form: Freeze-dried powder 150,000 U
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E3 硫酸铵液  Porcine pancreas E3 Spec : (N.L.T) 120 U/mg protein 1g protein = approx. 120,000 U Form: Ammonium sulphate suspension 50,000 U
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E3 硫酸铵液  Porcine pancreas E3 Spec : (N.L.T) 120 U/mg protein 1g protein = approx. 120,000 U Form: Ammonium sulphate suspension 100,000 U
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E3 硫酸铵液  Porcine pancreas E3 Spec : (N.L.T) 120 U/mg protein 1g protein = approx. 120,000 U Form: Ammonium sulphate suspension 1 MU
Elastase 弹性蛋白酶* E3 硫酸铵液  Porcine pancreas E3 Spec : (N.L.T) 120 U/mg protein 1g protein = approx. 120,000 U Form: Ammonium sulphate suspension 2.5 MU
Glucose Dehydrogenase 葡萄糖脱氢酶 – FAD dependent  GLD1 冻干粉 microorganism GLD1 Spec : (O.O.O.) 625 U/mg material 250 KU
Glucose Dehydrogenase 葡萄糖脱氢酶 – FAD dependent  GLD1 冻干粉 microorganism GLD1 Spec : (O.O.O.) 625 U/mg material 1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO2A 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO2A Spec : (O.O.O.) 250 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 4 g 4 g
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO2A 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO2A Spec : (O.O.O.) 250 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 4 g 40 g
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO2AS 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO2AS Spec : (N.L.T.) 160U/mg (approx 325U/mg protein)  1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO2AS 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO2AS Spec : (N.L.T.) 160U/mg (approx 325U/mg protein)  10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO2BS 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO2BS Spec : (N.L.T.) 180U/mg material (approx 350U/mg protein) 1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO2BS 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO2BS Spec : (N.L.T.) 180U/mg material (approx 350U/mg protein) 10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3A 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3A Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 270U/mg material) 250,000 U
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3A 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3A Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 270U/mg material) 1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3A 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3A Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 270U/mg material) 10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3AC 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3AC Spec : (O.O.O.) 360 U/mg protein (approx 270U/mg material)   250,000 U
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3AC 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3AC Spec : (O.O.O.) 360 U/mg protein (approx 270U/mg material)   1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3AC 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3AC Spec : (O.O.O.) 360 U/mg protein (approx 270U/mg material)   10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3B2 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3B2 Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 280U/mg material)  1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3B2 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3B2 Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 280U/mg material)  10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3B3 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3B3 Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 280U/mg material)  1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3B3 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO3B3 Spec : (O.O.O.) 360U/mg protein (approx 280U/mg material)  10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3S  稳定溶液 Aspergillus niger GO3S Spec : (O.O.O.) 360 U/mg protein  250,000 U
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3S  稳定溶液 Aspergillus niger GO3S Spec : (O.O.O.) 360 U/mg protein  1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO3S  稳定溶液 Aspergillus niger GO3S Spec : (O.O.O.) 360 U/mg protein  10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO4  稳定溶液 Aspergillus niger GO4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 300U/mg protein   250,000 U
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO4  稳定溶液 Aspergillus niger GO4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 300U/mg protein   1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO4  稳定溶液 Aspergillus niger GO4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 300U/mg protein   10 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO4F 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO4F Spec : (O.O.O.) 250 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 4 g  250,000 U
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO4F 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO4F Spec : (O.O.O.) 250 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 4 g  1 MU
Glucose oxidase 葡糖氧化酶 GO4F 冻干粉 Aspergillus niger GO4F Spec : (O.O.O.) 250 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 4 g  10 MU
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 GPDHLM2 硫酸铵液 Leuconostoc sp. GPDHLM2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 2 mg protein  10,000 U
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 GPDHLM2 硫酸铵液 Leuconostoc sp. GPDHLM2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 2 mg protein  100,000 U
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 GPDHLM2F 冻干粉 Leuconostoc sp. GPDHLM2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 2 mg 10,000 U
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 GPDHLM2F 冻干粉 Leuconostoc sp. GPDHLM2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 2 mg 100,000 U
a-Glucosidase葡糖苷酶*  AG1F 冻干粉  microorganism AG1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 U/mg 1 KU
b-Glucosidase葡糖苷酶 GSA2 冻干粉 Sweet almonds GSA2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 1 g 1 MU
b-Glucosidase葡糖苷酶 GSA2 冻干粉 Sweet almonds GSA2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 1 g 10 MU
b-Glucosidase葡糖苷酶 GSA3 冻干粉 Sweet almonds GSA3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 400 mg 1 MU
b-Glucosidase葡糖苷酶 GSA3 冻干粉 Sweet almonds GSA3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 400 mg 10 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2 硫酸铵液 Helix pomatia GH2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 1 g protein 0.5 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2 硫酸铵液 Helix pomatia GH2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 1 g protein 1 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2 硫酸铵液 Helix pomatia GH2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 1 g protein 10 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2F 冻干粉 Helix pomatia GH2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1000U/mg protein (approx 500U/mg material). 0.5 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2F 冻干粉 Helix pomatia GH2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1000U/mg protein (approx 500U/mg material). 1 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2F 冻干粉 Helix pomatia GH2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1000U/mg protein (approx 500U/mg material). 10 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2G  甘油 Helix pomatia GH2G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 1 g protein 0.5 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2G  甘油 Helix pomatia GH2G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 1 g protein 1 MU
b-Glucuronidase 葡萄糖醛酸酶 GH2G  甘油 Helix pomatia GH2G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 1 g protein 10 MU
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB3 冻干粉   GDHB3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 10 U/mg material, approx 40 U/mg enzyme protein    1,000 U = approx. 100 mg 10,000 U
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB3 冻干粉   GDHB3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 10 U/mg material, approx 40 U/mg enzyme protein    1,000 U = approx. 100 mg 100,000 U
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB3 冻干粉   GDHB3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 10 U/mg material, approx 40 U/mg enzyme protein    1,000 U = approx. 100 mg 1 MU
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB5 硫酸铵液   GDHB5 Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg protein 10,000 U
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB5 硫酸铵液   GDHB5 Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg protein 100,000 U
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB5 硫酸铵液   GDHB5 Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg protein 1 MU
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB5G 甘油   GDHB5G Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg protein 10,000 U
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB5G 甘油   GDHB5G Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg protein 100,000 U
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDHB5G 甘油   GDHB5G Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg protein 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg protein 1 MU
Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 GDH1F 甘油   * GDH1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 100 U/mg     1,000 U
Glycerol Kinase 甘油激酶 * GK1F 冻干粉  microorganism GK1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 30 U/mg     1,000 U
L-a-Glycerophosphate Oxidase* 甘油磷酸氧化酶 GPO1F 冻干粉  microorganism GPO1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 15 U/mg     1,000 U
Hexokinase *己糖激酶 HK4F 冻干粉  microorganism HK4F Spec : (N.L.T.) 150 U/mg     1,000 U
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO2 冻干粉 Ovine HYO2 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 300 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 300,000 U 10 g
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO2 冻干粉 Ovine HYO2 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 300 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 300,000 U 100 g
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO3 冻干粉 Ovine HYO3 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 500,000 U 10 g
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO3 冻干粉 Ovine HYO3 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 500,000 U 100 g
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO4 冻干粉 Ovine HYO4 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 1 MU 1 MU
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO4 冻干粉 Ovine HYO4 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 1 MU 10 MU
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO5 冻干粉 Ovine HYO5 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 1.5 MU 1 MU
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO5 冻干粉 Ovine HYO5 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 1.5 MU 10 MU
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO6 冻干粉 Ovine HYO6 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 5,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 5 MU 1 MU
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 HYO6 冻干粉 Ovine HYO6 (ovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 5,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 5 MU 10 MU
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 081-244 冻干粉 Bovine 081-244 (bovine) Spec : (N.L.T.) 220 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 220,000 U 1 kg
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 081-245 冻干粉 Bovine 081-245 (bovine) Thiomucase   Spec : (N.L.T.) 350 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 350,000 U 100 g
Lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 LDHP2 硫酸铵液   LDHP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 300 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 3 g protein 0.1 MU
Lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 LDHP2 硫酸铵液   LDHP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 300 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 3 g protein 0.5 MU
Lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 LDHP2FS 冻干粉   LDHP2FS Spec : (N.L.T.) 300 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 3 g protein 0.1 MU
Lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 LDHP2FS 冻干粉   LDHP2FS Spec : (N.L.T.) 300 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 3 g protein 0.5 MU
Lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 LDH1F * 冻干粉   LDH1F * Spec : (N.L.T.) 400 U/mg 1,000 U
Lipoprotein Lipase * 脂蛋白脂肪酶 LPL1F 冻干粉  Pseudomonas spp LPL1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 U/mg     1,000 U
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX1 冻干粉  Soybean LPX1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 100,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 100 MU 1 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX1 冻干粉  Soybean LPX1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 100,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 100 MU 5 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX1 冻干粉  Soybean LPX1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 100,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 100 MU 10 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX1 冻干粉  Soybean LPX1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 100,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 100 MU 100 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX2F 冻干粉  Soybean LPX2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 200,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 200 MU 0.1 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX2F 冻干粉  Soybean LPX2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 200,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 200 MU 1 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX2F 冻干粉  Soybean LPX2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 200,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 200 MU 5 g
Lipoxidase 脂肪氧合酶 LPX2F 冻干粉  Soybean LPX2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 200,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 200 MU 10 g
Lysozyme 溶解酵素 、溶菌酶* LZ3 冻干粉 Chicken egg white     LZ3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 20 MU 25 g
Lysozyme 溶解酵素 、溶菌酶* LZ3 冻干粉 Chicken egg white     LZ3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 20 MU 100 g
Lysozyme 溶解酵素 、溶菌酶* LZ3 冻干粉 Chicken egg white     LZ3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20,000 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 20 MU 250 g
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2  硫酸铵液   MDHP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,250 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 800 mg protein 0.1 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2  硫酸铵液   MDHP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,250 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 800 mg protein 0.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2  硫酸铵液   MDHP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,250 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 800 mg protein 2.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2F 冻干粉   MDHP2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1250 U/mg enzyme protein 0.1 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2F 冻干粉   MDHP2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1250 U/mg enzyme protein 0.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2F 冻干粉   MDHP2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1250 U/mg enzyme protein 2.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2G  甘油   MDHP2G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,250 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 800 mg protein 0.1 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP2G  甘油   MDHP2G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,250 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 800 mg protein 0.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3 硫酸铵液   MDHP3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg protein     1 mu = approx. 700 mg protein 0.1 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3 硫酸铵液   MDHP3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg protein     1 mu = approx. 700 mg protein 0.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3 硫酸铵液   MDHP3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg protein     1 mu = approx. 700 mg protein 2.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3F 冻干粉   MDHP3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg enzyme protein    1 MU = approx. 700 mg protein 0.1 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3F 冻干粉   MDHP3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg enzyme protein    1 MU = approx. 700 mg protein 0.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3F 冻干粉   MDHP3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg enzyme protein    1 MU = approx. 700 mg protein 2.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3G 甘油   MDHP3G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 700 mg protein 0.1 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDHP3G 甘油   MDHP3G Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 700 mg protein 0.5 MU
Malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸酶 MDH1F Microorganism    MDH1F*  Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 U/mg    1,000 U
Mucopolysaccharidase 粘多糖酶 081-237 冻干粉 Bovine testes 081-237 Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 Chondroitinase U/mg material      100 MU = 2.5 kg 100 MU
Mucopolysaccharidase 粘多糖酶 081-237 冻干粉 Bovine testes 081-237 Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 Chondroitinase U/mg material      100 MU = 2.5 kg 1,000 MU
Mucopolysaccharidase 粘多糖酶 081-237 冻干粉 Bovine testes 081-237 Spec : (N.L.T.) 40 Chondroitinase U/mg material      100 MU = 2.5 kg 10,000 MU
Mutarotase 变旋酶 MUR1 Porcine kidney Porcine kidney MUR1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 5,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 200 mg protein 100,000 U
Mutarotase 变旋酶 MUR1 Porcine kidney Porcine kidney MUR1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 5,000 U/mg protein 1 MU = approx. 200 mg protein 1 MU
Mutarotase 变旋酶 MUR1F 冻干粉 Porcine kidney MUR1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 700 mg 100,000 U
Mutarotase 变旋酶 MUR1F 冻干粉 Porcine kidney MUR1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1,500 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 700 mg 1 MU
Pepsin 胃蛋白酶 PEP2 冻干粉 Porcine stomach mucosa PEP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 2.5 MU 10 g
Pepsin 胃蛋白酶 PEP2 冻干粉 Porcine stomach mucosa PEP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 2.5 MU 25 g
Pepsin 胃蛋白酶 PEP2 冻干粉 Porcine stomach mucosa PEP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 2.5 MU 100 g
Pepsin 胃蛋白酶 PEP2 冻干粉 Porcine stomach mucosa PEP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 2.5 MU 250 g
Pepsin 胃蛋白酶 PEP2 冻干粉 Porcine stomach mucosa PEP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 2.5 MU 1,000 g
Pepsin 胃蛋白酶 PEP2 冻干粉 Porcine stomach mucosa PEP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 2.5 MU 5,000 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  APOHRP4C 冻干粉 Horseradish APOHRP4C Spec : RZ < 0.05 100 mg
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  APOHRP4C 冻干粉 Horseradish APOHRP4C Spec : RZ < 0.05 1 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  161-455 冻干粉 Horseradish 161-455 Spec :(O.O.O.) 100 U/mg material, RZ > 0.6     1g = approx. 100,000 U 100 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP2 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 60 U/mg material, RZ > 0.6   1 MU = approx. 15 g 50,000 U
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP2 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 60 U/mg material, RZ > 0.6   1 MU = approx. 15 g 500,000 U
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP2 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 60 U/mg material, RZ > 0.6   1 MU = approx. 15 g 5 MU
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP5 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP5 Spec : Acidic Isozyme  (N.L.T.) 72U/mg material   RZ approx 3.5          10 mg
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP5 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP5 Spec : Acidic Isozyme  (N.L.T.) 72U/mg material   RZ approx 3.5          100 mg
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP5 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP5 Spec : Acidic Isozyme  (N.L.T.) 72U/mg material   RZ approx 3.5          1 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  161-453 冻干粉 Horseradish 161-453 Spec : (O.O.O.) 100 U/mg material, RZ > 1.0     1g = approx. 100,000 U 100 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP3C 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP3C Spec : (N.L.T.) 150 U/mg material, RZ > 2.0    1 MU = approx. 4.5 g 500,000 U
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP3C 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP3C Spec : (N.L.T.) 150 U/mg material, RZ > 2.0    1 MU = approx. 4.5 g 1 MU
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0    1 g = approx. 250,000 U 500 mg
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0    1 g = approx. 250,000 U 1 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4 Spec : (N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0    1 g = approx. 250,000 U 5 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4B 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4B Spec :(N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0     1 g = approx. 250,000 U 500 mg
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4B 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4B Spec :(N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0     1 g = approx. 250,000 U 1 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4B 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4B Spec :(N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0     1 g = approx. 250,000 U 5 g
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4C 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4C Spec : (N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0   1 MU = approx. 4 g 500,000 U
Peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 HRP  HRP4C 冻干粉 Horseradish HRP4C Spec : (N.L.T.) 250 U/mg material, RZ > 3.0   1 MU = approx. 4 g 1 MU
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶 PEPC2F 冻干粉 Maize leaves PEPC2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1 U/mg material, approx 7U/mg protein   1,000 U = approx. 1 g 1,000 U
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶 PEPC2F 冻干粉 Maize leaves PEPC2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 1 U/mg material, approx 7U/mg protein   1,000 U = approx. 1 g 10,000 U
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN1 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 100 mg
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN1 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 1 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN1 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN1 Spec : (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 10 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN1F 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 100 mg
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN1F 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 1 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN1F 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 10 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN2 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN2 Spec : essentially protease free (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 100 mg
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN2 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN2 Spec : essentially protease free (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 1 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN2 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN2 Spec : essentially protease free (N.L.T.) 70 U/mg material 1 g = approx. 70,000 U 10 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN3 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN3 Spec : very low Dnase   (N.L.T.) 81 U/mg material 100 mg
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN3 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN3 Spec : very low Dnase   (N.L.T.) 81 U/mg material 1 g
Ribonuclease 核糖核酸酶 RN3 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas RN3 Spec : very low Dnase   (N.L.T.) 81 U/mg material 10 g
Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase * 嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶 PNP1F 冻干粉 Microorganism PNP1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 15 U/mg     1,000 U
Sarcosine oxidase 肌氨酸氧化酶 SO2F 冻干粉 Microorganism SO2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 U/mg material 10,000 U = approx 500 mg 10,000 U
Sarcosine oxidase 肌氨酸氧化酶 SO2F 冻干粉 Microorganism SO2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 U/mg material 10,000 U = approx 500 mg 100,000 U
Sarcosine oxidase 肌氨酸氧化酶 SO2F 冻干粉 Microorganism SO2F Spec : (N.L.T.) 20 U/mg material 10,000 U = approx 500 mg 500,000 U
Sarcosine oxidase 肌氨酸氧化酶 SO3F 冻干粉 Microorganism SO3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 8 U/mg  1,000 U
Sucrose phosphorylase 蔗糖磷酸化酶 SP1F 冻干粉 Recombinant E. coli SP1F Spec : (N.L.T.) 50 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 25 mg 500 U
Superoxide dismutase 过氧化物歧化酶 SOD2 冻干粉 Bovine erythrocytes SOD2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 3,000 U/mg material 1 MU = approx. 0.3 g 1 MU
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶 201-553 冻干粉 bovine pancreas 201-553 EP BP Spec : (N.L.T.) 0.5 µKatal/mg           1Kg is approx 0.5 Katal Units 1 kg
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶 201-553 冻干粉 bovine pancreas 201-553 USP Spec : (N.L.T.) 2,500 U/mg material    1 Kg is approx. 2.5 BU 1 kg
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY1 冻干粉  Soybean SOY1 Spec :(N.L.T.) 7,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g = approx. 7 MU BAEE 1 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY1 冻干粉  Soybean SOY1 Spec :(N.L.T.) 7,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g = approx. 7 MU BAEE 10 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY1 冻干粉  Soybean SOY1 Spec :(N.L.T.) 7,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g = approx. 7 MU BAEE 50 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY2 冻干粉  Soybean SOY2 Spec :(N.L.T.) 10,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g = approx. 10 MU BAEE 1 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY2 冻干粉  Soybean SOY2 Spec :(N.L.T.) 10,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g = approx. 10 MU BAEE 10 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY2 冻干粉  Soybean SOY2 Spec :(N.L.T.) 10,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g = approx. 10 MU BAEE 50 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY3 冻干粉  Soybean SOY3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20,000 BAEE U/mg material   1 g = approx. 20 MU BAEE 1 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY3 冻干粉  Soybean SOY3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20,000 BAEE U/mg material   1 g = approx. 20 MU BAEE 10 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 SOY3 冻干粉  Soybean SOY3 Spec : (N.L.T.) 20,000 BAEE U/mg material   1 g = approx. 20 MU BAEE 50 g
Trypsin inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 201-571 冻干粉  Soybean 201-571  Spec : (N.L.T.) 7,000 BAEE U/mg material    1 g
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶/ChymoTrypsin 胰蛋白酶 1:1       161-903 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas Spec : (N.L.T.) Trypsin 900 NF U/mg material, Chymotrypsin 900 NF U/mg material   1
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶/ChymoTrypsin 胰蛋白酶 1:1       161-903 冻干粉 Bovine pancreas Spec : (N.L.T.) Trypsin 900 NF U/mg material, Chymotrypsin 900 NF U/mg material   10
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶/ChymoTrypsin 胰蛋白酶 6:1     161-905  冻干粉 Bovine pancreas Spec : (N.L.T.) Trypsin 2,200 NF U/mg material, Chymotrypsin 365 NF U/mg material   1
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶/ChymoTrypsin 胰蛋白酶 6:1     161-905  冻干粉 Bovine pancreas Spec : (N.L.T.) Trypsin 2,200 NF U/mg material, Chymotrypsin 365 NF U/mg material   10
Urease 脲酶 URE2 冻干粉 Jack bean URE2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 220 Nessler U/mg material  1 MU = approx. 4 g 1 MU
Urease 脲酶 URE2 冻干粉 Jack bean URE2 Spec : (N.L.T.) 220 Nessler U/mg material  1 MU = approx. 4 g 10 MU
Urease 脲酶 URE3 冻干粉 Jack bean URE3 Spec : (N.L.T.) Nessler 1300 U/mg protein (approx 450 U/mg material)       1 MU
Urease 脲酶 URE3 冻干粉 Jack bean URE3 Spec : (N.L.T.) Nessler 1300 U/mg protein (approx 450 U/mg material)       10 MU
Uricase 尿酸酶 U5 冻干粉 Microorganism U5 Spec : (N.L.T.) 4 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 250 mg 1,000 U
Uricase 尿酸酶 U5 冻干粉 Microorganism U5 Spec : (N.L.T.) 4 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 250 mg 100,000 U
Uricase 尿酸酶 U6F 冻干粉 Microorganism U6F* Spec : (N.L.T.) 1.5 U/mg  1,000 U
Xanthine Oxidase * 黄嘌呤氧化酶 XO3F 冻干粉 Microorganism XO3F Spec : (N.L.T.) 10 U/mg material 1,000 U = approx. 250 mg 1,000 U




简要描述:BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理



BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理

货号 Range 品名 尺寸 包装
EMGC2/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金2nm 2nm 20ml
EMGC2/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金2nm 2nm 100ml
EMGC5/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金5nm 5nm 20ml
EMGC5/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金5nm 5nm 100ml
EMGC10/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金10nm 10nm 20ml
EMGC10/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金10nm 10nm 100ml
EMGC15/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金15nm 15nm 20ml
EMGC15/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金15nm 15nm 100ml
EMGC20/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金20nm 20nm 20ml
EMGC20/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金20nm 20nm 100ml
EMGC30/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金30nm 30nm 20ml
EMGC30/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金30nm 30nm 100ml
EMGC40/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金40nm 40nm 20ml
EMGC40/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金40nm 40nm 100ml
EMGC50/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金50nm 50nm 20ml
EMGC50/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金50nm 50nm 100ml
EMGC60/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金60nm 60nm 20ml
EMGC60/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金60nm 60nm 100ml
EMGC80/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金80nm 80nm 20ml
EMGC80/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金80nm 80nm 100ml
EMGC100/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金100nm 100nm 20ml
EMGC100/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金100nm 100nm 100ml
EMGC150/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金150nm 150nm 20ml
EMGC150/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金150nm 150nm 100ml
EMGC200/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金200nm 200nm 20ml
EMGC200/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金200nm 200nm 100ml
EMGC250/4 Gold Colloid 胶体金250nm 250nm 20ml
EMGC250/7 Gold Colloid 胶体金250nm 250nm 100ml
GCIKITLIFE Gold Colloid 胶体金5nm / 10nm / 20nm / 40nm  Various 20ml
GCIKITDIAG Gold Colloid 胶体金20nm / 40nm / 60nm / 80nm  Various 20ml
EMGC2/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金2nm 2nm 500ml
EMGC5/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金5nm 5nm 500ml
EMGC10/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金10nm 10nm 500ml
EMGC15/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金15nm 15nm 500ml
EMGC20/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金20nm 20nm 500ml
EMGC30/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金30nm 30nm 500ml
EMGC40/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金40nm 40nm 500ml
EMGC50/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金50nm 50nm 500ml
EMGC60/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金60nm 60nm 500ml
EMGC80/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金80nm 80nm 500ml
EMGC100/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金100nm 100nm 500ml
EMGC150/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金150nm 150nm 500ml
EMGC200/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金200nm 200nm 500ml
EMGC250/8 Gold Colloid 胶体金250nm 250nm 500ml
EM RAG5/1 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM RAG5/2 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM RAG10/1 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM RAG10/2 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM RAG15/1 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 15nm Gold 15nm 0.25ml
EM RAG15/2 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 15nm Gold 15nm 1ml
EM RAG20/1 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 20nm Gold 20nm 0.25ml
EM RAG20/2 Gold Conjugates Rabbit Anti Goat IgG 20nm Gold 20nm 1ml
EM GMHL5/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM GMHL5/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM GMHL10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GMHL10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GMHL15/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 15nm Gold 15nm 0.25ml
EM GMHL15/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 15nm Gold 15nm 1ml
EM GMHL20/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 20nm Gold 20nm 0.25ml
EM GMHL20/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG (H+L) 20nm Gold 20nm 1ml
EM GAM2/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG Fc Specific 2nm Gold 2nm 0.25ml
EM GAM2/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG Fc Specific 2nm Gold 2nm 1ml
EM GAM5/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG Fc Specific 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM GAM5/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG Fc Specific 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM GAM10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG Fc Specific 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GAM10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG Fc Specific 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GAF10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG & IgM 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GAF10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Mouse IgG & IgM 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GFAR5/1 Gold Conjugates Goat F(ab) anti Rabbit IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM GFAR5/2 Gold Conjugates Goat F(ab) anti Rabbit IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM GFAR10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat F(ab) anti Rabbit IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GFAR10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat F(ab) anti Rabbit IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GAT10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rat IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GAT10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rat IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GAG5/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Guinea pig IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM GAG5/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Guinea pig IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM GAG10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Guinea pig IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GAG10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Guinea pig IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GAR2/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 2nm Gold 2nm 0.25ml
EM GAR2/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 2nm Gold 2nm 1ml
EM GAR5/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM GAR5/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM GAR10/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM GAR10/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM GAR15/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 15nm Gold 15nm 0.25ml
EM GAR15/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 15nm Gold 15nm 1ml
EM GAR20/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 20nm Gold 20nm 0.25ml
EM GAR20/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 20nm Gold 20nm 1ml
EM GAR30/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 30nm Gold 30nm 0.25ml
EM GAR30/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 30nm Gold 30nm 1ml
EM GAR40/1 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 40nm Gold 40nm 0.25ml
EM GAR40/2 Gold Conjugates Goat anti Rabbit IgG 40nm Gold 40nm 1ml
EM PAG5/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A  5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM PAG5/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A  5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM PAG10/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM PAG10/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM PAG15/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A 15nm Gold 15nm 0.25ml
EM PAG15/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A 15nm Gold 15nm 1ml
EM PAG20/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A 20nm Gold 20nm 0.25ml
EM PAG20/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Protein A 20nm Gold 20nm 1ml
EM STP2/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 2nm Gold 2nm 0.25ml
EM STP2/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 2nm Gold 2nm 1ml
EM STP5/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM STP5/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM STP10/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM STP10/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM STP15/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 15nm Gold 15nm 0.25ml
EM STP15/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 15nm Gold 15nm 1ml
EM STP20/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 20nm Gold 20nm 0.25ml
EM STP20/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate -Strepdavidin 20nm Gold 20nm 1ml
EM BSA5/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Bovine Serum Albumin 5nm Gold 5nm 0.25ml
EM BSA5/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Bovine Serum Albumin 5nm Gold 5nm 1ml
EM BSA10/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Bovine Serum Albumin 10nm Gold 10nm 0.25ml
EM BSA10/2 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Bovine Serum Albumin 10nm Gold 10nm 1ml
EM CGC5/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Cationic Colloid Gold 5nm 5nm 0.25ml
EM CGC10/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Cationic Colloid Gold 10nm  10nm 0.25ml
EM CGC15/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Cationic Colloid Gold 15nm 15nm 0.25ml
EM CGC20/1 Gold Conjugates UA Conjugate – Cationic Colloid Gold 20nm 20nm 0.25ml
ArrayGC2 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金2nm 2nm 20ml
ArrayGC5 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金5nm 5nm 20ml
ArrayGC10 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金10nm 10nm 20ml
ArrayGC15 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金15nm 15nm 20ml
ArrayGC20 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金20nm 20nm 20ml
ArrayGC30 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金30nm 30nm 20ml
ArrayGC40 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金40nm 40nm 20ml
ArrayGC50 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金50nm 50nm 20ml
ArrayGC60 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金60nm 60nm 20ml
ArrayGC80 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金80nm 80nm 20ml
ArrayGC100 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金100nm 100nm 20ml
ArrayGC150 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金150nm 150nm 20ml
ArrayGC200 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金200nm 200nm 20ml
ArrayGC250 Micro Array Gold Micro Array 胶体金250nm 250nm 20ml
ArraySC20 Micro Array Silver Micro Array 胶体银20nm 20nm 20ml
ArraySC40 Micro Array Silver Micro Array 胶体银40nm 40nm 20ml
ArraySC60 Micro Array Silver Micro Array 胶体银60nm 60nm 20ml
ArraySC80 Micro Array Silver Micro Array 胶体银80nm 80nm 20ml
ARRAY STP80/1 Miscellaneous Products 链霉亲和素   0.25ml
ARRAY STP80/2 Miscellaneous Products 链霉亲和素   1ml
SEKL15 Miscellaneous Products Silver Enhancement Kit   15ml
SEKB250 Miscellaneous Products Silver Blotting Kit   250ml
SETS10 Miscellaneous Products Test Strips for Silver Kits   10 Strips
BA250 Miscellaneous Products Unicryl   250ml
PRO500 Miscellaneous Products Protogold   500ml
BB20 Miscellaneous Products Biobond   20ml
BM100 Miscellaneous Products Biomount   100ml
BSA10 Miscellaneous Products Bovine Serum Albumin Powder   10g
GEL10 Miscellaneous Products Fish Gelatin   10ml
T20 Miscellaneous Products Tween 20   10ml
GC.150ul Miscellaneous Products Raman Spec Gold 150nm 150ul
SC.150ul Miscellaneous Products Raman Spec Silver 150nm 150ul
HRP4/2 Natural Enzymes Horseradish Peroxidase   250mg
GO3A Natural Enzymes Glucose Oxidase    0.5mu
ALPI12GP Natural Enzymes Alkaline Phosphatase   each 10 000 u
URE2 Natural Enzymes Urease   0.5mu
RN3 Natural Enzymes Ribonuclease   0.5g
EMSC20/4 Silver Colloid 胶体银20nm 20nm 20ml
EMSC20/7 Silver Colloid 胶体银20nm 20nm 100ml
EMSC40/4 Silver Colloid 胶体银40nm 40nm 20ml
EMSC40/7 Silver Colloid 胶体银40nm 40nm 100ml
EMSC60/4 Silver Colloid 胶体银60nm 60nm 20ml
EMSC60/7 Silver Colloid 胶体银60nm 60nm 100ml
EMSC80/4 Silver Colloid 胶体银80nm 80nm 20ml
EMSC80/7 Silver Colloid 胶体银80nm 80nm 100ml
EMSC20/8 Silver Colloid 胶体银20nm 20nm 500ml
EMSC40/8 Silver Colloid 胶体银40nm 40nm 500ml
EMSC60/8 Silver Colloid 胶体银60nm 60nm 500ml
EMSC80/8 Silver Colloid 胶体银80nm 80nm 500ml
HD.GC20.OD5/10 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 10ml
HD.GC40.OD5/10 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 10ml
HD.GC60.OD5/10 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 10ml
HD.GC80.OD5/10 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 10ml
HD.GC20.OD5/50 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 50ml
HD.GC40.OD5/50 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 50ml
HD.GC60.OD5/50 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 50ml
HD.GC80.OD5/50 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 50ml
HD.GC20.OD5/100 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 100ml
HD.GC40.OD5/100 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 100ml
HD.GC60.OD5/100 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 100ml
HD.GC80.OD5/100 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 100ml
HD.GC20.OD5/500 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 500ml
HD.GC40.OD5/500 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 500ml
HD.GC60.OD5/500 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 500ml
HD.GC80.OD5/500 High OD – OD5 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 500ml
HD.GC20.OD10/10 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 10ml
HD.GC40.OD10/10 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 10ml
HD.GC60.OD10/10 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 10ml
HD.GC80.OD10/10 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 10ml
HD.GC20.OD10/50 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 50ml
HD.GC40.OD10/50 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 50ml
HD.GC60.OD10/50 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 50ml
HD.GC80.OD10/50 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 50ml
HD.GC20.OD10/100 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 100ml
HD.GC40.OD10/100 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 100ml
HD.GC60.OD10/100 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 100ml
HD.GC80.OD10/100 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 100ml
HD.GC20.OD10/500 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 500ml
HD.GC40.OD10/500 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 500ml
HD.GC60.OD10/500 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 500ml
HD.GC80.OD10/500 High OD – OD10 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 500ml
HD.GC20.OD15/10 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 10ml
HD.GC40.OD15/10 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 10ml
HD.GC60.OD15/10 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 10ml
HD.GC80.OD15/10 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 10ml
HD.GC20.OD15/50 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 50ml
HD.GC40.OD15/50 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 50ml
HD.GC60.OD15/50 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 50ml
HD.GC80.OD15/50 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 50ml
HD.GC20.OD15/100 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 100ml
HD.GC40.OD15/100 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 100ml
HD.GC60.OD15/100 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 100ml
HD.GC80.OD15/100 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 100ml
HD.GC20.OD15/500 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 500ml
HD.GC40.OD15/500 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 500ml
HD.GC60.OD15/500 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 500ml
HD.GC80.OD15/500 High OD – OD15 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 500ml
HD.GC20.OD50/1 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 1ml
HD.GC40.OD50/1 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 1ml
HD.GC60.OD50/1 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 1ml
HD.GC80.OD50/1 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 1ml
HD.GC20.OD50/10 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 10ml
HD.GC40.OD50/10 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 10ml
HD.GC60.OD50/10 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 10ml
HD.GC80.OD50/10 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 10ml
HD.GC20.OD50/50 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 50ml
HD.GC40.OD50/50 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 50ml
HD.GC60.OD50/50 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 50ml
HD.GC80.OD50/50 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 50ml
HD.GC20.OD50/100 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 100ml
HD.GC40.OD50/100 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 100ml
HD.GC60.OD50/100 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 100ml
HD.GC80.OD50/100 High OD – OD50 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 100ml
HD.GC20.OD100/1 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 1ml
HD.GC40.OD100/1 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 1ml
HD.GC60.OD100/1 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 1ml
HD.GC80.OD100/1 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 1ml
HD.GC20.OD100/10 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 10ml
HD.GC40.OD100/10 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 10ml
HD.GC60.OD100/10 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 10ml
HD.GC80.OD100/10 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 10ml
HD.GC20.OD100/50 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 50ml
HD.GC40.OD100/50 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 50ml
HD.GC60.OD100/50 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 50ml
HD.GC80.OD100/50 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 50ml
HD.GC20.OD100/100 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  20nm 100ml
HD.GC40.OD100/100 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  40nm 100ml
HD.GC60.OD100/100 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  60nm 100ml
HD.GC80.OD100/100 High OD – OD100 High OD colloidal gold  80nm 100ml




简要描述:BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理



BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理

IgG Fc Fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG Fc Fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgG Lambda Fab fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 500 µg
IgG Lambda Fab fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG Lambda Fab fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgM Kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgM Fc 5µ 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgM Fc 5µ 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgM µ Chain 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgM µ Chain 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
Kallikrein 天然 Enzyme 1 mg
Kallikrein 天然 Enzyme 1 mg
Very Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Very Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
High Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
High Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 5 mg
High Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 5 mg
Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Thrombospondin 天然 Complement Protein 100 µg
Thrombospondin 天然 Complement Protein 250 ug
Thrombospondin 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Mast Cell Tryptase  天然 Allergy 100 µg
Mast Cell Tryptase  天然 Allergy 1 mg
PBP2a  重组 Infectious  100 µg
PBP2a  重组 Infectious  1 mg
Vitamin D Binding Protein 天然 Nutritonal Marker 100 µg
Vitamin D Binding Protein 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Vitamin D Binding Protein 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
HSV -2 gG 重组 Infectious  100 µg
HSV -2 gG 重组 Infectious  1 mg
Menopausal Gonadotrophin 天然 hormones 1 mg
Menopausal Gonadotrophin 天然 hormones 5 mg
Prolactin 重组 Hormones 100 µg
Prolactin 重组 Hormones 1 mg
Prolactin 重组 Hormones 10 mg
Cystatin C  重组 Inhibitors 100 µg
Cystatin C  重组 Inhibitors 1 mg
Cystatin C  重组 Inhibitors 10 mg
Osteopontin C 重组 Tumour Marker 20 µg
Osteopontin C 重组 Tumour Marker 100 µg
Osteopontin C 重组 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 (Heart) 重组 Nutritonal Marker 100 µg
Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 (Heart) 重组 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Fatty Acid Binding Protein (1 Liver) 重组 Nutritonal Marker 100 µg
Fatty Acid Binding Protein (1 Liver) 重组 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalcin 重组 Lipocalin 2 100 µg
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalcin 重组 Urine Protein 1 mg
Troponin T  重组 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Troponin T  重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Troponin I  重组 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Troponin I  重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Microseminoprotein beta (MSMB) 重组 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
Microseminoprotein beta (MSMB) 重组 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
S100A8 protein (Calprotectin Monomer) 重组 Acute Phase Proteins 100 µg
S100A8 protein (Calprotectin Monomer) 重组 Acute Phase Proteins 1 mg
S100A8 protein (Calprotectin Monomer) 重组 Acute Phase Proteins 10 mg
Human Serum Albumin 天然 Plasma Protein 10 grams
Human Serum Albumin 天然 Plasma Protein 100 gram
Human Serum Albumin 天然 Plasma Protein  
IgG 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 grams
IgG 天然 Immunoglobulin 100 mg
IgG 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 grams
IgG 天然 Immunoglobulin 100 mg
IgG 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 grams
IgG 天然 Immunoglobulin 100 mg
Triglyceride concentrate 天然 Cardica Markers 100 mg
Triglyceride concentrate 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Triglyceride concentrate 天然 Cardica Markers 10 grams
Apo Transferrin Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 1 g
Apo Transferrin Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 10 g
Holo Transferrin  Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 1 g
Holo Transferrin  Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 10 g
Sidero Transferrin  Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 1 g
Sidero Transferrin  Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 5 g
Sidero Transferrin  Pasteurised / Endotoxin low Mycoplasma tested Cell Culture 10 g
Epidermal Growth Factor Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 100 ug
Epidermal Growth Factor Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 1 mg
Epidermal Growth Factor Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 10 mg
Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor  Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 100 ug
Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor  Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 1 mg
Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor  Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 10 mg
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor  Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 100 ug
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor  Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 1 mg
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor  Recomb from Yeast Cell Culture 10 mg
Ultra low level HbA1c for HPLC For use with HPLC instuments HbA1C Solutions 1 ml
Ultra low level HbA1c for HPLC For use with HPLC instuments HbA1C Solutions 20 ml
Ultra low level HbA1c for HPLC For use with HPLC instuments HbA1C Solutions 100 ml
High level HbA1c for HPLC For use with HPLC instuments HbA1C Solutions 1 ml
High level HbA1c for HPLC For use with HPLC instuments HbA1C Solutions 10 ml
Low level HbA1c for immunoassay For use with  immunoassay HbA1C Solutions 1 ml
Low level HbA1c for immunoassay For use with  immunoassay HbA1C Solutions 20 ml
Low level HbA1c for immunoassay For use with  immunoassay HbA1C Solutions 100 ml
Low level HbA1c for immunoassay For use with  immunoassay HbA1C Solutions 1 ml
Low level HbA1c for immunoassay For use with  immunoassay HbA1C Solutions 10 ml
Control liquid samples Kit   HbA1C Solutions 1 Kit
Urine High level NTX   URINE SOLUTIONS 100 ml
Urine High level NTX   URINE SOLUTIONS 1 L
Urine High level NTX   URINE SOLUTIONS 10 L
Urine Intermediate level NTX   URINE SOLUTIONS 100 ml
Urine Intermediate level NTX   URINE SOLUTIONS 1 L
Urine Intermediate level NTX   URINE SOLUTIONS 10 L
C Reactive Protein Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
C Reactive Protein Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
C Reactive Protein Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
C Reactive Protein Depleted Lithium Heparin Serum Matrix = Lithium Heparin Plamsa Depleted Sera 100ml
C Reactive Protein Depleted Lithium Heparin Serum Matrix = Lithium Heparin Plamsa Depleted Sera 500 ml
C Reactive Protein Depleted Lithium Heparin Serum Matrix = Lithium Heparin Plamsa Depleted Sera 1L
C Reactive Protein Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
C Reactive Protein Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
C Reactive Protein Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Complement C1q Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Complement C1q Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Complement C1q Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Ferritin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Ferritin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Ferritin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Alpha Fetoprotein Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Alpha Fetoprotein Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Alpha Fetoprotein Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
human Chorionic Gonadotropin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
human Chorionic Gonadotropin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
human Chorionic Gonadotropin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Thyroxine Binding Globulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Thyroglobulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Thyroglobulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Thyroglobulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Myoglobin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Myoglobin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Myoglobin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Immunoglobulin G Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Immunoglobulin G Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Immunoglobulin G Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Immunoglobulin G Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Immunoglobulin G Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Immunoglobulin G Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Immunoglobulin E Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Immunoglobulin E Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Immunoglobulin E Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Neurone Specific Enolase Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Neurone Specific Enolase Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Neurone Specific Enolase Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Transferin Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Transferin Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Transferin Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Cystatin C Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Cystatin C Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Cystatin C Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Troponin I Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Troponin I Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Troponin I Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Transferin Receptor Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Transferin Receptor Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Transferin Receptor Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Growth Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Growth Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Growth Hormone Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
T3/T4 Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
T3/T4 Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
T3/T4 Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
T3 / T4 Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
T3 / T4 Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
T3 / T4 Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Steroid Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Steroid Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Steroid Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Steroids Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Steroids Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Steroids Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Steroids Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Steroids Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Steroids Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Homocysteine Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Homocysteine Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Homocysteine Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Folate Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Folate Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Folate Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Folate Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Folate Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Folate Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Lactate Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Lactate Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Lactate Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
NT-pro BNP Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
NT-pro BNP Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
NT-pro BNP Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Insulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Insulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Insulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Insulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Insulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Insulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Insulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Insulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Insulin Low Plasma Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Vitamin D Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Vitamin D Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Vitamin D Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Vitamin D Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Vitamin D Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Vitamin D Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Immunoglobulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Immunoglobulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Immunoglobulin Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
TSH / T3 / T4 Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
TSH / T3 / T4 Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
TSH / T3 / T4 Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
Hormones Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
C4 & C1 Esterase Inhibitor Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
C4 & C1 Esterase Inhibitor Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
C4 & C1 Esterase Inhibitor Depleted Serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
C-Peptide depleted serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 100ml
C-Peptide depleted serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 500 ml
C-Peptide depleted serum Matrix = Normal Human Serum Depleted Sera 1L
Testosterone Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Testosterone Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Testosterone Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Testosterone Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 100ml
Testosterone Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 500 ml
Testosterone Depleted Processed Serum Matrix = Delipidated / Defibrinated Plasma Depleted Sera 1L
Asceptically filled Human Sera 250 ml
Asceptically filled Human Sera 500 ml
Asceptically filled Human Sera  1 Lt
Asceptically filled Human Sera 250 ml
Asceptically filled Human Sera 500 ml
Asceptically filled Human Sera 1 Lt
Asceptically filled Human Sera 250 ml
Asceptically filled Human Sera 500 ml
Asceptically filled Human Sera  1 Lt
Normal Human Serum Human Sera 100 ml
Normal Human Serum Human Sera 500 ml
Normal Human Serum Human Sera  1 Lt
Defibrinated Plasma Human Sera 100 ml
Defibrinated Plasma Human Sera 500 ml
Defibrinated Plasma Human Sera  1 Lt
Defibrinated Plasma Human Sera 10 Lt
Delipidated Defibrinated  Human Sera 500 ml
Delipidated Defibrinated  Human Sera  1 Lt
Delipidated Defibrinated  Human Sera 10 Lt
Sgl Charcoal Treated Defib Human Sera 100 ml
Sgl Charcoal Treated Defib Human Sera 500 ml
Sgl Charcoal Treated Defib Human Sera  1 Lt
Sgl Charcoal Treated Defib Human Sera 10 Lt
Double Charcoal Defib Human Sera 100 ml
Double Charcoal Defib Human Sera 500 ml
Double Charcoal Defib Human Sera  1 Lt
Double Charcoal Defib Human Sera 10 Lt
K-3 EDTA plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 250 ml
K-3 EDTA plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 500 ml
K-3 EDTA plasma Human – priced per ml Sera  1 Lt
K-3 EDTA plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 10 Lt
Lithium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 250 ml
Lithium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 500 ml
Lithium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera  1 Lt
Lithium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 10 Lt
Sodium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 250 ml
Sodium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 500 ml
Sodium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera  1 Lt
Sodium heparin Plasma Human – priced per ml Sera 10 Lt
Citrate Plasma   4% Human – priced per ml Sera  1 Lt
Citrate Plasma   4% Human – priced per ml Sera 10 Lt
packed cells from CPDA Human Sera 1 bags
packed cells from CPDA Human Sera 10 bags




简要描述:BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理



BBI代理,BBI上海代理,BBI北京代理,BBI 代理,BBI一级代理,BBI试剂盒,BBI kit,BBI国内代理

品名 天然/重组 Groups 包装
C Reactive Protein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
C Reactive Protein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
C-Reactive Protein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
C-Reactive Protein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Complement C1q 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Complement C1q 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Liver Ferritin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Liver Ferritin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Spleen Ferritin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Spleen Ferritin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Alpha Fetoprotein 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Alpha Fetoprotein 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Alpha Fetoprotein 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Alpha Fetoprotein 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Lysozyme 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Lysozyme 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
Human Placental Lactogen 天然 Hormone 1 mg
Human Placental Lactogen 天然 Hormone 10 mg
>96% Pure 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Prostate specific antigen  天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Prostate specific antigen  天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Prostate specific antigen  天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Prostate specific antigen 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Prostate specific antigen 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Prostate specific antigen 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Haptoglobin 天然 Hormone 1 mg
Haptoglobin 天然 Hormone 10 mg
Alpha-1 -Microglobulin 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Alpha-1 -Microglobulin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
Alpha-1 -Microglobulin 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Alpha-1 -Microglobulin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
Beta-2- Microglobulin 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Beta-2- Microglobulin 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Beta-2- Microglobulin 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Beta-2- Microglobulin 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
Retinol Binding Protein 天然 Plasma Protein 1 mg
Retinol Binding Protein 天然 Plasma Protein 10 mg
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 天然 Thyroid Marker 10 mg
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 天然 Thyroid Marker 10 mg
Thyroglobulin (for use in Immunoassay) 天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Thyroglobulin (for use in Immunoassay) 天然 Thyroid Marker 10 mg
Thyroglobulin (for Cancer marker use) 天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Thyroglobulin (for Cancer marker use) 天然 Thyroid Marker 10 mg
Serum Amyloid P 天然 Plasma Protein 1 mg
Serum Amyloid P 天然 Plasma Protein 10 mg
Folate Binding Protein 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Folate Binding Protein 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Tamm Horsfall Glycoprotein 天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Tamm Horsfall Glycoprotein 天然 Thyroid Marker 5 mg
Myoglobin 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Myoglobin 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Myoglobin 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Myoglobin 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Myoglobin 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Albumin 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Albumin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
Immunoglobulin G 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
Immunoglobulin G 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
Immunoglobulin G 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
Immunoglobulin A 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
Immunoglobulin A 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
Immunoglobulin A 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
Immunoglobulin A 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
Immunoglobulin A 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
Immunoglobulin A 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
>60% pure 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
Alpha -2 Macroglobulin 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Alpha -2 Macroglobulin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
Sex hormone binding globulin 天然 Hormone 1 mg
Sex hormone binding globulin 天然 Hormone 10 mg
Neurone Specific Enolase 天然 CNS Marker 1 mg
Neurone Specific Enolase 天然 CNS Marker 10 mg
Neurone Specific Enolase 天然 CNS Marker 10 µg
Neurone Specific Enolase 天然 CNS Marker 100 µg
Complement C3c 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Complement C3c 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Complement C3c 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Complement C3c 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Complement C4c 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Complement C4c 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Complement C4c 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Complement C4c 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 10 mg
Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 10 mg
Transferrin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
alpha 1 antichymotrypsin 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 1 mg
alpha 1 antichymotrypsin 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 10 mg
alpha 1 antichymotrypsin 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 1 mg
alpha 1 antichymotrypsin 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 10 mg
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 1 mg
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin 天然 Acute Phase Proteins 10 mg
Osteolcalcin  (On the basis of ELISA result) 天然   10 µg
Osteolcalcin  (On the basis of ELISA result) 天然   100 µg
Osteolcalcin  (On the basis of ELISA result) 天然   500 µg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Prealbumin 天然 Nutritonal Marker 10 mg
Cystatin C  天然 Inhibitors 1 mg
Cystatin C  天然 Inhibitors 10 mg
Cystatin C  天然 Inhibitors 10 mg
Butrylcholinesterase 天然 Enzyme 25 U
Butrylcholinesterase 天然 Enzyme 100 IU
Butrylcholinesterase 天然 Enzyme 1 KU
Hemopexin 天然 Plasma Protein 100 µg
Hemopexin 天然 Plasma Protein 1 mg
Hemopexin 天然 Plasma Protein 10 mg
Troponin Complex 天然 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Troponin Complex 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Troponin Complex 天然 Cardica Markers 5 mg
Transferrin Receptor 天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Transferrin Receptor 天然 Nutritonal Marker 5 mg
Hemoglobin A1c 天然 Diabetes Marker 1 mg
Hemoglobin A1c 天然 Diabetes Marker 10 mg
Thyroid Peroxidase  天然 Thyroid Marker 100 µg
Thyroid Peroxidase  天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Skeletal CK-MM  天然 Thyroid Marker 1 mg
Skeletal CK-MM  天然 Thyroid Marker 10 mg
Cardiac CK – MB 天然 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Cardiac CK – MB 天然 Cardica Markers 500 µg
Cardiac CK – MB 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
CK-MB  天然 Cardica Markers 25 µg
CK-MB  天然 Cardica Markers 100 µg
PSA-ACT Complex 天然 Tumour Marker 100 µg
PSA-ACT Complex 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
PSA-ACT Complex 天然 Tumour Marker 5 mg
PSA-ACT Complex 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
PSA-ACT Complex 天然 Tumour Marker 5 mg
Apolipoprotein B100 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Apolipoprotein B100 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 重组 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Beta-2-Glycoprotein 1 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Beta-2-Glycoprotein 1 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Heart Fatty Acid Binding Protein  天然 Nutritonal Marker 1 mg
Heart Fatty Acid Binding Protein  天然 Nutritonal Marker 5 mg
Recombinant human Albumin 重组 Plasma Protein 10 mg
Recombinant human Albumin 重组 Plasma Protein 10 mg
D-Dimer 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
D-Dimer 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
D-Dimer 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
D-Dimer 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
D-Dimer 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
D-Dimer 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Plasminogen 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Plasminogen 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor 天然 Urine Protein 100 µg
Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
PSA (non binding to ACT) 天然 Tumour Marker 100 µg
PSA (non binding to ACT) 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
PSA (non binding to ACT) 天然 Tumour Marker 100 µg
PSA (non binding to ACT) 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Apolipoprotein B 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Apolipoprotein B 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Antithrombin 3 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Antithrombin 3 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Lactoferrin 天然 Cell Culture 1 mg
Lactoferrin 天然 Cell Culture 5 mg
Apolipoprotein A2 天然 Cardica Markers 500 µg
Apolipoprotein A2 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 gram
Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 5 mg
Low Density Lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 grams
High Density lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 1 gram
High Density lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 5 mg
High Density lipoprotein 天然 Cardica Markers 10 grams
Alpha Globulin Fraction 天然 Plasma Protein 1 mg
Alpha Globulin Fraction 天然 Plasma Protein 10 grams
Cyfra 21-1 (Cytokeratin Fragments) 重组 Tumour Marker 50 µg
Cyfra 21-1 (Cytokeratin Fragments) 重组 Tumour Marker 500 µg
Tissue Transglutaminase  重组 Autoimmune  100 µg
Tissue Transglutaminase  重组 Autoimmune  1 mg
 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Binding Protein 重组 Hormones 20 µg
 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Binding Protein 重组 Hormones 100 µg
Myeloperoxidase 天然 Enzyme 1 mg
Myeloperoxidase 天然 Enzyme 5 mg
Von Willebrand Factor 天然 Complement Protein 1 mg
Von Willebrand Factor 天然 Complement Protein 10 mg
Ribosomal Protein P2 重组 Autoimmune  1 mg
Ribosomal Protein P2 重组 Autoimmune  5 mg
Low molecular weight Kininogen 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
High molecular weight Kininogen 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Insulin-Like Growth Factor -1 重组 Hormones 50 µg
Insulin-Like Growth Factor -1 重组 Hormones 1 mg
Insulin-Like Growth Factor -1 重组 Hormones 10 mg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 重组 Tumour Marker 5 µg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 重组 Tumour Marker 10 µg
Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor-2 重组 Hormones 50 µg
Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor-2 重组 Hormones 100 µg
IGF Binding Protein -3 重组 Hormones 25 µg
IGF Binding Protein -3 重组 Hormones 100 µg
IGF Binding Protein -3 重组 Hormones 25 µg
IGF Binding Protein -3 重组 Hormones 100 µg
IGF Binding Protein -5 重组 Hormones 25 µg
IGF Binding Protein -5 重组 Hormones 100 µg
Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha 重组 Tumour Marker 50 µg
Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha 重组 Tumour Marker 200 µg
Intrinsic Factor   Nutritonal Marker 10 µg
Myostatin 重组 Hormones 10 µg
Myostatin 重组 Hormones 50 µg
Thrombopoitin 重组 Hormones 10 µg
Thrombopoitin 重组 Hormones 100 µg
Thrombopoitin 重组 Hormones 10 µg
Thrombopoitin 重组 Hormones 100 µg
Recombinant Troponin C (heart)  重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Recombinant Troponin C (heart)  重组 Cardica Markers 5 mg
Recombinant Troponin C (heart)  重组 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Parathyroid Hormone (84 aa) 重组 Hormones 100 µg
Parathyroid Hormone (84 aa) 重组 Hormones 500 µg
Parathyroid Hormone (84 aa) 重组 Hormones 1 mg
Carcinoembryonic Antigen 重组 Tumour Marker 10 µg
Carcinoembryonic Antigen 重组 Tumour Marker 100 µg
Carcinoembryonic Antigen 重组 Tumour Marker 1 mg
CK-BB 重组 Cardica Markers 50 µg
CK-BB 重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
CK-MB Type 1 重组 Cardica Markers 50 µg
CK-MB Type 1 重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
CK-MB Type 2 重组 Cardica Markers 50 µg
CK-MB Type 2 重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
CHK-MM Type 1 重组 Cardica Markers 50 µg
CHK-MM Type 1 重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
CHK-MM Type 3 重组 Cardica Markers 50 µg
CHK-MM Type 3 重组 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Cardiotropin 1 重组 Cardica Markers 10 µg
Cardiotropin 1 重组 Cardica Markers 20 µg
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin 重组 Hormones 50 µg
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin 重组 Hormones 1 mg
Growth Hormone 重组 Hormones 1 mg
Growth Hormone 重组 Hormones 10 mg
Alpha Erythropoietin 重组 Hormones 5 µg
Alpha Erythropoietin 重组 Hormones 50 µg
Alpha Erythropoietin 重组 Hormones 500 µg
Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A 天然 Tumour Marker 100 µg
Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A 天然 Tumour Marker 100 µg
Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Uristatin 天然 Urine Protein 100 µg
Uristatin 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Uristatin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
Bikunin 天然 Urine Protein 100 µg
Bikunin 天然 Urine Protein 1 mg
Bikunin 天然 Urine Protein 10 mg
>95% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
Treponema pallidum 15kDa mb protein 重组 Infectious  5 mg
Treponema pallidum 15kDa mb protein 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>95% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
Treponema pallidum 17kDa  重组 Infectious  5 mg
Treponema pallidum 17kDa  重组 Infectious  10 mg
>95% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TPA- 47kDa mb protein  重组 Infectious  5 mg
TPA- 47kDa mb protein  重组 Infectious  10 mg
>95% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TPA- 47kDa mb protein 重组 Infectious  5 mg
TPA- 47kDa mb protein 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>95% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
Treponema pallidum TmpA mb protein 重组 Infectious  5 mg
Treponema pallidum TmpA mb protein 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>98% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TB antigen ESAT-6 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>98% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TB antigen ESAT-6 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>98% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TB antigen CFP-10 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>98% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TB antigen CFP-10 重组 Infectious  10 mg
>98% Pure 重组 Infectious  1 mg
TB antigen 38 kDa  重组 Infectious  10 mg
Apolipoprotein E 天然 Cardica Markers 50 µg
Apolipoprotein E 天然 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Apolipoprotein A1 天然 Cardica Markers 1 mg
Apolipoprotein A1 天然 Cardica Markers 10 mg
Lipoprotein (a) 天然 Cardica Markers 100 µg
Lipoprotein (a) 天然 Cardica Markers 200 µg
Ceruloplasmin 天然 Tumour Marker 1 mg
Ceruloplasmin 天然 Tumour Marker 10 mg
IgA1 kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
IgA1 kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgA2 Kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
IgA2 Kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgA1 天然 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
IgA1 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgG1 Kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG1 Kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
IgG2 kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG2 kappa 天然 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
IgG3 Lambda 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG3 Lambda 天然 Immunoglobulin 5 mg
IgG4 Lambda 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG4 Lambda 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg
IgG Fab fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 1 mg
IgG Fab fragment 天然 Immunoglobulin 10 mg


BBI Solutions APOHRP4C 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商 BBI Solutions正式上海金畔为其中国代理, BBI Solutions在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, BBI Solutions就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

BBI Solutions中国代理, BBI Solutions上海代理, BBI Solutions北京代理,BBI Solutions广东代理, BBI Solutions江苏代理BBI Solutions湖北代理,BBI Solutions天津,BBI Solutions黑龙江代理,BBI Solutions内蒙古代理,BBI Solutions吉林代理,BBI Solutions福建代理, BBI Solutions江苏代理, BBI Solutions浙江代理, BBI Solutions四川代理,


BBI Solutions是诊断试剂盒研发与生产领域的企业,为诊断试剂盒生产商及科研院校提供的体外诊断试剂原料、标准品、成品及技术服务。该公司zui早始于19591986由英国卡迪夫大学的约翰·钱德勒正式确立了BBI Solutions品牌,至今已经历了五十多年的发展,已经从一家小型专业公司成长为业务生产基地横跨三大洲、五个国家的大型企业,积累了丰富诊断试剂研发和生产经验,拥有专业的研究团队、完善的生产和质控流程,确保了公司产品的高品质。

BBI Solutions的产品的范围包括人的抗原,抗体,血清,血浆和临床化学酶,以及世界的ELISA试剂盒侧向层析检测试剂盒、和生物传感器,金纳米粒子和葡萄糖氧化酶。产品广泛应用于临床化学及生命科学领域的ELISA Lateral Flow、电镜/光镜实验,以及生物传感器的研发。特别是葡萄糖氧化酶每年应用于超过五十亿血糖监测试纸条。*生产工艺的金纳米颗粒每年应用于超过四千万例侧向层流检测试验中。











RZ> 0.05




在分析级水中容易地溶解在2mg / ml,以得到清澈的溶液。




将在20℃和pH 6.0下在20秒内催化从lyrogallol产生1mg紫红糖的量。


BBI Solutions 代理

BBI Solutions 代理

简要描述:BBI Solutions 代理,BBI Solutions 上海代理,BBI Solutions 北京代理, BBI Solutions 代理, BBI Solutions 一级代理, BBI Solutions 代理
上海金畔生物科技有限公司 BBI Solutions 专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



  BBI, BBI Solutions, BBI Solutions代理, BBI Solutions,BBI代理。

BBI Solutions是诊断试剂盒研发与生产领域的企业,为诊断试剂盒生产商及科研院校提供优质的体外诊断试剂原料、标准品、成品及技术服务。该公司zui早始于19591986由英国卡迪夫大学的约翰·钱德勒正式确立了BBI Solutions品牌,至今已经历了五十多年的发展,已经从一家小型专业公司成长为业务生产基地横跨三大洲、五个国家的大型企业,积累了丰富诊断试剂研发和生产经验,拥有专业的研究团队、完善的生产和质控流程,确保了公司产品的高品质。

BBI Solutions的产品的范围包括人的抗原,抗体,血清,血浆和临床化学酶,以及世界的ELISA试剂盒侧向层析检测试剂盒、和生物传感器,金纳米粒子和葡萄糖氧化酶。产品广泛应用于临床化学及生命科学领域的ELISA Lateral Flow、电镜/光镜实验,以及生物传感器的研发。特别是葡萄糖氧化酶每年应用于超过五十亿血糖监测试纸条。*生产工艺的金纳米颗粒每年应用于超过四千万例侧向层流检测试验中。


BBI Solutions的主要产品系列:



BBI Solutions供应多款适用于诊断试剂盒研发与生产的高品质单克隆抗体产品,包括肿瘤标志物、感染性疾病哦、糖尿病等多个研究领域。这些单克隆抗体产品经 ELISALateral Flow实验检验,确保其高的特异性与敏感性与品质。


BBI Solutions拥有大批的多克隆抗体产品,来源与山羊,绵羊或鸡,这些抗体适用于生命科学研究、临床化学、ELISA Lateral flow检测技术领域的研发与生产。


BBI Solutions拥有自己的高敏感度、高特异性重组抗体生产平台,可以大大增加免疫诊断试剂盒开发中抗体的灵敏度和可靠性。所提供的产品已经临床患者样本中经过检验,拥有优越的灵敏度(检测极限为Picomolar)。目前已有超过30种临床检测标志物的重组抗体产品。


BBI Solutions在蛋白纯化的研究与生产中已经有25年的历史,目前所共有的高*或重组人蛋白有着优越的品质和活性。免疫诊断试剂盒精准的校正和检测结果依赖于原材料是否具有高的同质性。作为主要的高品质人类抗原蛋白研发和生产供应商,BBI Solutions的抗原产品在符合伦理要求的前提下(通过ISO 13485)纯化自人类血浆或组织中,在公司严格的质控及检测实验室、医院用户使用信息整合中,确保了产品*的品质。目前供应的产品涵盖自身免疫、心血管疾病、肿瘤、感染性疾病、炎症、多款激素、生长因子及肾脏相关的生物标记蛋白(抗原)。

另外,BBI Solutions还供应采用E.coliPichia pastoris表达系统生产的优质的重组蛋白,zui大程度上接近了天然蛋白的性质,因其不依赖与生产原材料的现在,可以随时满足客户的需求。



BBI Solutions历来致力于高可靠性、高品质、高可重复性的细胞培养试剂产品,以确保研究人员养出优质的细胞。目前供应的细胞培养添加剂有白蛋白、多款人转铁因子。



BBI Solutions拥有60年的酶类研发和生产经验,其供应的产品拥有高的品质及批次间*性适用于诊断试剂及生命科学研究领域。BBI Solutions的酶以其高活性、高纯度,批次间高度*性及多年来大量临床应用客户的实际检测而闻名。该系列产品广泛应用于生物传感器(为该领域提供优质化学酶超过20年)、免疫检测(是用于ELISA等检测中的碱性磷酸酶、辣根过氧化物酶生产的企业)、临床化学检测(体外快速精确诊断,如快速血糖监测)及其他多种应用领域。



BBI Solutions为诊断试剂及生命科学研究领域供应高品质的纳米金颗粒及金颗粒交联试剂已有25年历史,每年有超过四千万检测试验使用。BBI公司的纳米金颗粒产品,其*的生产工艺确保了纳米金颗粒拥有*的粒径和形状,有不同大小的产品规格供客户选用。纳米金颗粒交联产品拥有超高的特异性与灵敏度(<5% 不平整粒形,CV of <8%),并且具有超长的保质期(12 – 24个月),可大量供应(多达350L)。此外,还提供定制纳米金颗粒交联服务,可保证交联试剂或抗体拥有高灵敏度和高特异性。BBI的高OD纳米金颗粒可简化样品交联过程,无需离心步骤。




Size range of nanoparticles

Area of use


Small (2nm -15nm)

ImmunohistochemistryLight MicroscopyHigh magnification TEMBiomarkers

Antibody/antigen detection in cellsDetection of biomarkers in cells for imaging and sensing

Medium (20nm – 60nm)

Lateral flow assaysTEM and SEM BiomarkersSERSDNA detection

Detection of food borne pathogensBacteria in bloodDrugs of abuseClinical biomarkersVeterinary biomarkers

Large (80nm – 250nm)

Flow cytometrySERSForensic science

Detection of CD4 cells using flow cytometryClinical biomarker detection using Raman spectroscopy

此外,BBI还供应优质的银纳米颗粒,适用于实验研究及表面增强的拉曼光谱技术(Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy),还具有杀菌特性,优良的导电性和光吸收与散射能力。


作为诊断试剂及原材料供应的专家,BBI Solutions供应各种形式的正常血清及人类血浆产品, 正常的人类血清样本有着多种规格与型号(如EDTA 血浆、去纤维蛋白血浆等)。除正常血清血浆产品,BBI还供应临床患者的血清和血浆产品,用于各种疾病的研究与对照,主要包括感染性疾病状态的血浆,如syphilisHBVHCV HIV。此外,BBI还供应多款因子去除的血清,满足不同科研人员的需要。










现货 100ug
PSA – Non Binding to ACT P207-3


期货 10ug
CENP-B Autoimmune Antigen P278-3


现货 60ug
U1 RNP C Autoimmune Antigen P299-3


现货 50ug
Creatin Kinase CKMB Type 1 P371-3


现货 10ug
Creatin Kinase CKMM Type 1 P375-3


现货 50ug
HIV-1 core protein p17 P415-3


现货 50ug
Chagas Combination A13, B13, H49, 1F8 Antigen (Baculo) P477-3


现货 100ug
Apolipoprotein A1 P502-3


现货 100ug
IgG2 Kappa P521-3


现货 1mg
IgM Fc 5Á P530-3


现货 100ug
Thrombospondin P541-3


现货 25ug       





BBI生物 特约代理


BBI生命科技公司是一家有着50多年历史的高科技生物制品公司,公司致力于体外诊断试剂的原材料及终产品测试平台的钻研与生产,为诊断试剂、生命科学研究、制药工业提供的生物制剂。 经过五十多年的发展,Over BBI 已经从zui初的小型专业试剂公司成长为性试剂领域*,生产基地遍及三大洲五个国家。产品涵盖生物原材料试剂如蛋白/抗原、酶类、单克隆抗体、重组的Fab抗体、细胞培养试剂,血浆/血清制品如正常及疾病状态下的血浆、条件蛋白去除血清、患者血样。同时,BBI还供应世界的侧向层析检测、ELISA及生物传感器产品。此外,BBI还提供*的客户定制项目研究服务。我们相信世界每一个人都有机会过上更高质量的生活,我们的目标即是致力于生产和提供高质量生活所需的产品和技术。










为增加检测的灵敏度和可靠性,BBI研发出了的重组抗体,这些抗体已经在真正的患者样本上验证,具有高灵敏度、高亲和性和临床可靠性,可批量化实现E. coli中生产。目前BBI在该系列产品中共有62款重组抗体产品。













BBI在该产品系列中供应多款大小(2nm to 250nm )的金银纳米颗粒,高度的可重复性及一致的形态与大小使BBI的纳米金、银颗粒广泛应用于诊断(侧流层析)、免疫组织学及免疫电镜、电子工业领域。





BBI供应27款特定因子清除的血清产品,包括C-reactive proteinFerritinImmunoglobulinThyroglobulinThyroid stimulating hormoneSteroid hormone (Testosterone, Oestradiol etc.)Thyroid hormone (T3,T4 etc.)清除血清产品。


BBI 供应多达56款临床人类标本,包括自愿捐赠者的DNA及血样,是临床研究的理想实验材料。包括不同年龄段、地理区位及种族特征。


BBI供应多款疾病血清,适用于自体免疫疾病及感染疾病研究。包括 syphilis, HBV, HCVHIV感染疾病下血清样本。


BBI Solutions 特约代理

BBI Solutions——体外诊断试剂专业供应商

BBI Solutions是诊断试剂盒研发与生产领域的企业,为诊断试剂盒生产商及科研院校提供的体外诊断试剂原料、标准品、成品及技术服务。该公司zui早始于19591986由英国卡迪夫大学的约翰·钱德勒正式确立了BBI Solutions品牌,至今已经历了五十多年的发展,已经从一家小型专业公司成长为业务生产基地横跨三大洲、五个国家的大型企业,积累了丰富诊断试剂研发和生产经验,拥有专业的研究团队、完善的生产和质控流程,确保了公司产品的高品质。

BBI Solutions的产品的范围包括人的抗原,抗体,血清,血浆和临床化学酶,以及世界的ELISA试剂盒侧向层析检测试剂盒、和生物传感器,金纳米粒子和葡萄糖氧化酶。产品广泛应用于临床化学及生命科学领域的ELISA Lateral Flow、电镜/光镜实验,以及生物传感器的研发。特别是葡萄糖氧化酶每年应用于超过五十亿血糖监测试纸条。*生产工艺的金纳米颗粒每年应用于超过四千万例侧向层流检测试验中。

BBI Solutions的主要产品系列:



BBI Solutions供应多款适用于诊断试剂盒研发与生产的高品质单克隆抗体产品,包括肿瘤标志物、感染性疾病哦、糖尿病等多个研究领域。这些单克隆抗体产品经 ELISALateral Flow实验检验,确保其高的特异性与敏感性与品质。


BBI Solutions拥有大批的多克隆抗体产品,来源与山羊,绵羊或鸡,这些抗体适用于生命科学研究、临床化学、ELISA Lateral flow检测技术领域的研发与生产。


BBI Solutions拥有自己的高敏感度、高特异性重组抗体生产平台,可以大大增加免疫诊断试剂盒开发中抗体的灵敏度和可靠性。所提供的产品已经临床患者样本中经过检验,拥有优越的灵敏度(检测极限为Picomolar)。目前已有超过30种临床检测标志物的重组抗体产品。


BBI Solutions在蛋白纯化的研究与生产中已经有25年的历史,目前所共有的高或重组人蛋白有着优越的品质和活性。免疫诊断试剂盒的校正和检测结果依赖于原材料是否具有高的同质性。作为主要的高品质人类抗原蛋白研发和生产供应商,BBI Solutions的抗原产品在符合伦理要求的前提下(通过ISO 13485)纯化自人类血浆或组织中,在公司严格的质控及检测实验室、医院用户使用信息整合中,确保了产品的品质。目前供应的产品涵盖自身免疫、心血管疾病、肿瘤、感染性疾病、炎症、多款激素、生长因子及肾脏相关的生物标记蛋白(抗原)。

另外,BBI Solutions还供应采用E.coliPichia pastoris表达系统生产的的重组蛋白,zui大程度上接近了天然蛋白的性质,因其不依赖与生产原材料的现在,可以随时满足客户的需求。


BBI Solutions历来致力于高可靠性、高品质、高可重复性的细胞培养试剂产品,以确保研究人员养出的细胞。目前供应的细胞培养添加剂有白蛋白、多款人转铁因子。


BBI Solutions拥有60年的酶类研发和生产经验,其供应的产品拥有高的品质及批次间一致性适用于诊断试剂及生命科学研究领域。BBI Solutions的酶以其高活性、高纯度,批次间高度一致性及多年来大量临床应用客户的实际检测而闻名。该系列产品广泛应用于生物传感器(为该领域提供化学酶超过20年)、免疫检测(是用于ELISA等检测中的碱性磷酸酶、辣根过氧化物酶生产的企业)、临床化学检测(体外快速诊断,如快速血糖监测)及其他多种应用领域。


BBI Solutions为诊断试剂及生命科学研究领域供应高品质的纳米金颗粒及金颗粒交联试剂已有25年历史,每年有超过四千万检测试验使用。BBI公司的纳米金颗粒产品,其*的生产工艺确保了纳米金颗粒拥有一致的粒径和形状,有不同大小的产品规格供客户选用。纳米金颗粒交联产品拥有超高的特异性与灵敏度(<5% 不平整粒形,CV of <8%),并且具有超长的保质期(12 – 24个月),可大量供应(多达350L)。此外,还提供定制纳米金颗粒交联服务,可保证交联试剂或抗体拥有高灵敏度和高特异性。BBI的高OD纳米金颗粒可简化样品交联过程,无需离心步骤。



Size range of nanoparticles

Area of use


Small (2nm -15nm)

ImmunohistochemistryLight MicroscopyHigh magnification TEMBiomarkers

Antibody/antigen detection in cellsDetection of biomarkers in cells for imaging and sensing

Medium (20nm – 60nm)

Lateral flow assaysTEM and SEM BiomarkersSERSDNA detection

Detection of food borne pathogensBacteria in bloodDrugs of abuseClinical biomarkersVeterinary biomarkers

Large (80nm – 250nm)

Flow cytometrySERSForensic science

Detection of CD4 cells using flow cytometryClinical biomarker detection using Raman spectroscopy

此外,BBI还供应的银纳米颗粒,适用于实验研究及表面增强的拉曼光谱技术(Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy),还具有杀菌特性,优良的导电性和光吸收与散射能力。


作为诊断试剂及原材料供应的专家,BBI Solutions供应各种形式的正常血清及人类血浆产品, 正常的人类血清样本有着多种规格与型号(如EDTA 血浆、去纤维蛋白血浆等)。除正常血清血浆产品,BBI还供应临床患者的血清和血浆产品,用于各种疾病的研究与对照,主要包括感染性疾病状态的血浆,如syphilisHBVHCV HIV。此外,BBI还供应多款因子去除的血清,满足不同科研人员的需要。