Trinity Biotech 公司 Lipase产品介绍

 自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。

Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于





 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。


Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:












The measurement of serum lipase activity is widely used for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.
METHOD Kinetic, Enzymatic
The rate of increase in absorbance at 550 nm due to the formation of quinone diimine dye is directly proportional to the lipase activity in the sample.
DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS A 10-fold increase of lipase activity above the upper reference limit is suggestive of pancreatitis, pancreatic injury, or inflammation of organs contiguous to the pancreas. It is recommended that other tests, such as trypsinogen and amylase isoenzymes be performed to supplement the diagnosis.
Lipase PS: Kit (166 assays)Trinity Biotech80Maximum Assays: 166

Trinity Biotech 公司HDL产品介绍

 自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。
Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于
 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。
Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:
Blood total cholesterol levels have long been known to be related to coronary heart disease (CHD). Total Cholesterol count is composed of LDL, HDL, along with triglycerides and Lp(a) cholesterol.
HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) EZ LDLTM Homogeneous Method
High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) has become an important tool used to assess an individual’s risk of developing CHD since a strong negative relationship between HDL-C concentration and the incidence of CHD has been reported. Most clinical laboratories routinely perform HDL-C analysis. The Trinity Biotech EZ HDL Cholesterol test employs the use of a specific antibody, and thus, can be applied on automated analysers.
METHOD Colormetric, immunological procedure for automated analysers.
PRINCIPLE Anti-human ß-lipoprotien antibody binds to lipoproteins (LDL, VLDL and chylomicrons) other than HDL cholesterol (HDL-C). The antigenantibody complexes formed block enzyme reactions when the enzymatic cholesterol reagent is added. Cholesterol esterase and cholesterol oxidase react only with HDL-C. Hydrogen peroxide produced by the enzyme reactions with HDL-C yields a blue colour complex upon oxidase consideration with FDAOS (N-ethyl-N-2hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3, 5-dimethoxy, 4-Fluoroanaline sodium salt and 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of peroxidase.
By measuring the absorbance of the blue colour complex produced at approximay 600 nm, the HDL-C concentrationin the sample can be calculated when compared when the absorbance on the calibrator.
DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS About one-fourth to one-third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as ‘good’ cholesterol, because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack. Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of  heart disease. Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it is passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, thus slowing its build up.
EZ HDL: Cholesterol Kit (444 assays – low vol)Trinity Biotech354LBMaximum Assays: 444
EZ HDL/LDL™ Combination CalibratorTrinity BiotechE02774 x 3ml

Trinity Biotech公司G-6-PDH – Spot Test 产品介绍

 自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。
Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于
 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。
Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:
METHOD Spot Test, Visual Fluorescence (qualitative)
The reaction mixture containing glucose -6-phosphate+NADP (Not Fluorescent) and blood is incubated and, at timed intervals, drops of the mixture are applied to filter paper. The spots are visually inspected under long-wavelength (320-420nm) ultraviolet light. The observed rate of appearance of bright Fluorescence is proportional to the blood G-6-PDH activity.
G-6-PDH Screening Test KitTrinity Biotech203-AMaximum Assays: 50

Trinity Biotech公司G-6-PDH – Dye Reduction产品介绍

  Since its formation in 1992, Trinity Biotech has actively pursued the aim of becoming a leading player in the international diagnostics industry. A combination of strong organic growth and a progressive acquisition-led strategy has seen the company assemble an impressive portfolio of over 400 products to date.

Specialising in the development, manufacture and marketing of diagnostic test kits, Trinity Biotech’s continued success is based on the fact that as a company it consistently achieves standards of excellence in the quality of all it does.
The test kits manufactured by Trinity Biotech are used in the clinical laboratory and point-of-care segments of the diagnostic market to detect infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, autoimmune and haemoglobin disorders, and detect, monitor and control diabetes. The company is also a significant provider of raw materials to the life sciences industry.
Quoted on the NASDAQ exchange, and with facilities spanning Europe and America, Trinity Biotech sells its products in more than 75 countries. It reaches this worldwide market by combining the skills of its own sales force with a network of international distributors and strategic partners.
Trinity Biotech has manufacturing facilities in:
Bray, Ireland – Rapids, Infectious Disease
Carlsbad, USA – Infectious Disease – Western Blot,  Point-of-care development
Acton, USA – Raw materials for supply to the research and diagnostic industries
Jamestown, USA – Infectious Disease – Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
Kansas City, USA –Diabetes Diagnostics based on Boronate Affinity HPLC 
自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。
专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。
Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于
 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。
Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:
METHOD Dye Reduction, Visual Colour (qualitative)
The rate at which the colour visually disappears in the reaction mixture is proportional to the G-6-PDH content of red cells.
G-6-PDH Trizma Buffer SolutionTrinity Biotech400-4-5050 ml
G-6-PDH Dye Reduction Kit (5 assays/vial)Trinity Biotech400K-100-5X20Maximum Assays: 100
G-6-PDH Mineral Oil 1 LiterTrinity Biotech400-5-10001 L
G-6-PDH Dye Reduction Kit (10 assay/vial)Trinity Biotech400K-100XMaximum Assays: 100
G-6-PDH Mineral Oil – 100 mlTrinity Biotech400-5-100100 ml
G-6-PDH 10-Assay Vial (10 vials)Trinity Biotech400-10×1010 vials
G6PDH Substrate Kit 5 Tests/ VialTrinity Biotech400-5×1010 Vials

Trinity Biotech 公司 Cardiac markers产品介绍

 Since its formation in 1992, Trinity Biotech has actively pursued the aim of becoming a leading player in the international diagnostics industry. A combination of strong organic growth and a progressive acquisition-led strategy has seen the company assemble an impressive portfolio of over 400 products to date.

Specialising in the development, manufacture and marketing of diagnostic test kits, Trinity Biotech’s continued success is based on the fact that as a company it consistently achieves standards of excellence in the quality of all it does.
The test kits manufactured by Trinity Biotech are used in the clinical laboratory and point-of-care segments of the diagnostic market to detect infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, autoimmune and haemoglobin disorders, and detect, monitor and control diabetes. The company is also a significant provider of raw materials to the life sciences industry.
Quoted on the NASDAQ exchange, and with facilities spanning Europe and America, Trinity Biotech sells its products in more than 75 countries. It reaches this worldwide market by combining the skills of its own sales force with a network of international distributors and strategic partners.
Trinity Biotech has manufacturing facilities in:
Bray, Ireland – Rapids, Infectious Disease
Carlsbad, USA – Infectious Disease – Western Blot,  Point-of-care development
Acton, USA – Raw materials for supply to the research and diagnostic industries
Jamestown, USA – Infectious Disease – Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
Kansas City, USA –Diabetes Diagnostics based on Boronate Affinity HPLC 
自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。
专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。
Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于
 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。
Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:
Lp(a) – Additional automation componentsMacra®AT910096 tests
Macra® Lp(a)Macra®233910096 tests

Trinity Biotech 公司Bile Acids产品介绍

  自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。
Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于
Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:
The test for serum bile acids will detect liver changes before the formation of more advanced clinical signs of illness. This early sensitivity is very important to the practitioner because it allows for the possibility of treatment before extensive and irreversible damage is done.
Bile Acids are indicators of a liver function. However, the test will not provide a definitive diagnosis of the primary problem, merely an early confirmation that there is a hepatobiliary deficiency.
There are a large number of diseases that can compromise hepatobiliary function in a primary or secondary manner.
METHOD Colormetric, Enzymatic
The intensity of the colour produced by the action of 3a -hydroxsteroid dehydrogenase (3a -HSD) and diaphorase is directly proportional to the bile acids concentration in sample.
DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Liver diseases that can elevate bile acid levels include hepatic neoplasia, portosystemic shunt, hepatitis, bile duct obstruction, canine adenovirus, slowed gastrointestinal transit and almost any condition that causes a defect in hepatic uptake or portal circulation. Test results that appear low are usually due to normal variation or prolonged fasting, but can also indicate intestinal malabsorption or increased gastric motility.
Normally, a small increase will be seen from the fasted to the post-prandial sample, however hepatobiliary disorders can cause elevated fasting and/or elevated post-prandial values.
Bile Acid: KitTrinity Biotech450-A16×10 ml
Bile Acid: Reagent BTrinity Biotech450-21×5 ml
Bile Acid: ControlsTrinity Biotech450-226×5 ml
Bile Acid: Calibrator SetTrinity Biotech450-115×5 ml
Bile Acid: Stop ReagentTrinity Biotech450-350 ml
Bile Acid: Calibrator (100 umol/l)Trinity Biotech450-1005 ml
Bile Acid: Reagent ATrinity Biotech450-1-5050 ml
Bile Acid: Reagent BTrinity Biotech450-2-2525 ml

Trinity Biotech 公司ACE产品介绍

 自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。

Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于










Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) is a glycoprotein peptidlypeptide hydrolase.


METHOD Ultraviolet, Kinetic




Furylacryloylphenylalanylglycylglycine (FAPGG) is hydrolyzed to Furylacryloylphenylalanine (FAP) and glycylglycine (GG). Hydrolysis of FAPCGG results in a decrease in absorbance at 340 nm. The rate of decrease in absorbance at 340 nm is directly proportional to ACE activity in the sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Elevated levels of ACE activity occur in serum of patients with active sarcoidosis, and occasionally in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome, in adults with tuberculosis, leprosy and in many other pathologic conditions involving lung and liver diseases.




ACE Kit: CalibratorTrinity Biotech305-506×1 ml

ACE Kit: ReagentTrinity Biotech305-1010×10 ml

ACE Kit: Control – NTrinity BiotechA60406×1 ml

ACE Kit: Control – ETrinity BiotechA70406×1 ml

热烈庆祝成为Trinity Biotech 产品中国代理

自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。

Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于





 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。


Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:







 The measurement of serum lipase activity is widely used for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.

 METHOD Kinetic, Enzymatic


The rate of increase in absorbance at 550 nm due to the formation of quinone diimine dye is directly proportional to the lipase activity in the sample.


 DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS A 10-fold increase of lipase activity above the upper reference limit is suggestive of pancreatitis, pancreatic injury, or inflammation of organs contiguous to the pancreas. It is recommended that other tests, such as trypsinogen and amylase isoenzymes be performed to supplement the diagnosis.


Lipase PS: Kit (166 assays)Trinity Biotech80Maximum Assays: 166



Lactic Acid is a by-product of carbohydrate metabolism. Blood lactate arises primarily from muscle cells and erthrocytes and is metabolised by the liver. Therefore, blood lactate levels reflect both production and metabolism.


METHOD Enzymatic, Colourimetric


PRINCIPLE Lactic acid is converted to pyruvate and the H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) by lactate oxidase. In the presence of the H2O2 formed, peroxidase catalyzes the oxidative condensation of chromogen precursors to produce a coloured dye with an absorption maximum at 540 nm. The increase in absorbance at 540 nm is directly proportional to lactate concentration in the sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Normal lactate acid levels are 4.5-19.8 mg/dL. Elevate lactate acid levels can result from severe tissue oxygen deprivation leading to ‘lactic acidosis’ characterised by weakness, stupor, fatigue and coma. Lactate measurement can also be useful clinically in the diagnosis of angina pectoris or in liver function testing where reduced liver function is suspected.


Lactate Kit: Reagent 10 x 10mLTrinity Biotech735-1010×10 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard Solution 40 mg/dlTrinity Biotech826-1010 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard SetTrinity Biotech735-11


Lactic Acid is a by-product of carbohydrate metabolism. Blood lactate arises primarily from muscle cells and erthrocytes and is metabolised by the liver. Therefore, blood lactate levels reflect both production and metabolism.


METHOD Enzymatic, Colourimetric


PRINCIPLE Lactic acid is converted to pyruvate and the H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) by lactate oxidase. In the presence of the H2O2 formed, peroxidase catalyzes the oxidative condensation of chromogen precursors to produce a coloured dye with an absorption maximum at 540 nm. The increase in absorbance at 540 nm is directly proportional to lactate concentration in the sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Normal lactate acid levels are 4.5-19.8 mg/dL. Elevate lactate acid levels can result from severe tissue oxygen deprivation leading to ‘lactic acidosis’ characterised by weakness, stupor, fatigue and coma. Lactate measurement can also be useful clinically in the diagnosis of angina pectoris or in liver function testing where reduced liver function is suspected.





Lactate Kit: Reagent 10 x 10mLTrinity Biotech735-1010×10 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard Solution 40 mg/dlTrinity Biotech826-1010 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard SetTrinity Biotech735-11

Blood total cholesterol levels have long been known to be related to coronary heart disease (CHD). Total Cholesterol count is composed of LDL, HDL, along with triglycerides and Lp(a) cholesterol.


HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) EZ LDLTM Homogeneous Method


High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) has become an important tool used to assess an individual’s risk of developing CHD since a strong negative relationship between HDL-C concentration and the incidence of CHD has been reported. Most clinical laboratories routinely perform HDL-C analysis. The Trinity Biotech EZ HDL Cholesterol test employs the use of a specific antibody, and thus, can be applied on automated analysers.


METHOD Colormetric, immunological procedure for automated analysers.


PRINCIPLE Anti-human ß-lipoprotien antibody binds to lipoproteins (LDL, VLDL and chylomicrons) other than HDL cholesterol (HDL-C). The antigenantibody complexes formed block enzyme reactions when the enzymatic cholesterol reagent is added. Cholesterol esterase and cholesterol oxidase react only with HDL-C. Hydrogen peroxide produced by the enzyme reactions with HDL-C yields a blue colour complex upon oxidase consideration with FDAOS (N-ethyl-N-2hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3, 5-dimethoxy, 4-Fluoroanaline sodium salt and 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of peroxidase.

By measuring the absorbance of the blue colour complex produced at approximay 600 nm, the HDL-C concentrationin the sample can be calculated when compared when the absorbance on the calibrator.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS About one-fourth to one-third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as ‘good’ cholesterol, because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack. Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of  heart disease. Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it is passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, thus slowing its build up.



EZ HDL: Cholesterol Kit (444 assays – low vol)Trinity Biotech354LBMaximum Assays: 444

EZ HDL/LDL™ Combination CalibratorTrinity BiotechE02774 x 3ml

Lyophilized control containing G-6-PDH in a stablised human red cell hemolysate.



G-6-PDH Control, DEFICIENTTrinity BiotechG58886x0.5 ml

G-6-PDH Control, INTERMEDIATETrinity BiotechG50296x0.5 ml

G-6-PDH Control, NORMALTrinity BiotechG68886x0.5 ml

METHOD Spot Test, Visual Fluorescence (qualitative)







The reaction mixture containing glucose -6-phosphate+NADP (Not Fluorescent) and blood is incubated and, at timed intervals, drops of the mixture are applied to filter paper. The spots are visually inspected under long-wavelength (320-420nm) ultraviolet light. The observed rate of appearance of bright Fluorescence is proportional to the blood G-6-PDH activity.




G-6-PDH Screening Test KitTrinity Biotech203-AMaximum Assays: 50

METHOD Dye Reduction, Visual Colour (qualitative)




The rate at which the colour visually disappears in the reaction mixture is proportional to the G-6-PDH content of red cells.



G-6-PDH Trizma Buffer SolutionTrinity Biotech400-4-5050 ml

G-6-PDH Dye Reduction Kit (5 assays/vial)Trinity Biotech400K-100-5X20Maximum Assays: 100

G-6-PDH Mineral Oil 1 LiterTrinity Biotech400-5-10001 L

G-6-PDH Dye Reduction Kit (10 assay/vial)Trinity Biotech400K-100XMaximum Assays: 100

G-6-PDH Mineral Oil – 100 mlTrinity Biotech400-5-100100 ml

G-6-PDH 10-Assay Vial (10 vials)Trinity Biotech400-10×1010 vials

G6PDH Substrate Kit 5 Tests/ VialTrinity Biotech400-5×1010 Vials

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) is an X-linked disorder is the most common type of haemolytic anaemia due to an intrinsic red cell enzyme defect.

Males who inherit an abnormal gene are invariably affected. Heterozygote females usually have approximay 50% G6PD enzyme activity; the random Lyonisation of X chromosomes means that rarely carrier females may be severely affected. It is most common in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, South East Asia and West Africa. It is rare among Caucasians.


METHOD Ultraviolet, Kinetic (quantitative)




The rate of formation of NADPH is proportional to the G-6-PDH activity is measured spectrophotometrically as an increase in absorbance at 340nm.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Presentation is usually with an acute episode of intravascular haemolysis on exposure to certain drugs, infection or acute illness. Mediterranean forms may present with neonatal jaundice. The condition is also known as favism as sudden haemolysis may be precipitated by the ingestion of fava beans – Vicia faba. The deficiency is generally less severe in Africans and favism is rare in this population.



G-6-PDH kit (50 assays)Trinity Biotech345-BMaximum Assays: 50

G-6-PDH kit (20 assays)Trinity Biotech345-AMaximum Assays: 20

G-6-PDH Red Cell Lysing ReagentTrinity BiotechR11294x25 ml


Lp(a) – Additional automation componentsMacra®AT910096 tests

Macra® Lp(a)Macra®233910096 tests

The test for serum bile acids will detect liver changes before the formation of more advanced clinical signs of illness. This early sensitivity is very important to the practitioner because it allows for the possibility of treatment before extensive and irreversible damage is done.

Bile Acids are indicators of a liver function. However, the test will not provide a definitive diagnosis of the primary problem, merely an early confirmation that there is a hepatobiliary deficiency.

There are a large number of diseases that can compromise hepatobiliary function in a primary or secondary manner.



METHOD Colormetric, Enzymatic





The intensity of the colour produced by the action of 3a -hydroxsteroid dehydrogenase (3a -HSD) and diaphorase is directly proportional to the bile acids concentration in sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Liver diseases that can elevate bile acid levels include hepatic neoplasia, portosystemic shunt, hepatitis, bile duct obstruction, canine adenovirus, slowed gastrointestinal transit and almost any condition that causes a defect in hepatic uptake or portal circulation. Test results that appear low are usually due to normal variation or prolonged fasting, but can also indicate intestinal malabsorption or increased gastric motility.

Normally, a small increase will be seen from the fasted to the post-prandial sample, however hepatobiliary disorders can cause elevated fasting and/or elevated post-prandial values.




Bile Acid: KitTrinity Biotech450-A16x10 ml

Bile Acid: Reagent BTrinity Biotech450-21×5 ml

Bile Acid: ControlsTrinity Biotech450-226×5 ml

Bile Acid: Calibrator SetTrinity Biotech450-115×5 ml

Bile Acid: Stop ReagentTrinity Biotech450-350 ml

Bile Acid: Calibrator (100 umol/l)Trinity Biotech450-1005 ml

Bile Acid: Reagent ATrinity Biotech450-1-5050 ml

Bile Acid: Reagent BTrinity Biotech450-2-2525 ml





Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) is a glycoprotein peptidlypeptide hydrolase.




METHOD Ultraviolet, Kinetic








Furylacryloylphenylalanylglycylglycine (FAPGG) is hydrolyzed to Furylacryloylphenylalanine (FAP) and glycylglycine (GG). Hydrolysis of FAPCGG results in a decrease in absorbance at 340 nm. The rate of decrease in absorbance at 340 nm is directly proportional to ACE activity in the sample.




DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Elevated levels of ACE activity occur in serum of patients with active sarcoidosis, and occasionally in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome, in adults with tuberculosis, leprosy and in many other pathologic conditions involving lung and liver diseases.








ACE Kit: CalibratorTrinity Biotech305-506×1 ml


ACE Kit: ReagentTrinity Biotech305-1010×10 ml


ACE Kit: Control – NTrinity BiotechA60406x1 ml


ACE Kit: Control – ETrinity BiotechA70406x1 ml








热烈庆祝成为Trinity Biotech 公司中国代理

 自从1992年建立以来,Trinity Biotech 公司继续积极从事于诊断行业,目标是成为一个*者。强有机的增长和不断进步的战略模式见证了公司的荣誉。 迄今为止Trinity Biotech 公司组装过的组合已经超过了400种。

专业发展于诊断器材的销售和制造, 三一生物技术的持续成功依赖于公司始终如一的质量标准。

Trinity Biotech公司生产测试套件主要用于





 TRINITY 公司是的临床诊断试剂及临床免疫类仪器生产供应商,*纳斯达克上市的医药企业。公司商业总部位于爱尔兰都柏林,在纽约Jamston, California,,英国warehouse, 德国,加拿大,瑞典均设有生产基地。自1992年成立以来,已在收购十多家医药生物公司。其产品范围包括自身免疫性疾病的诊断,激素类诊断试剂,药物监测,性传播疾病和传染病血清学诊断,及临床血液部门检测(Sigma),临床凝血检测(Biopool)。


Trinity Biotech的制造设备基地如下:









The measurement of serum lipase activity is widely used for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.


METHOD Kinetic, Enzymatic



The rate of increase in absorbance at 550 nm due to the formation of quinone diimine dye is directly proportional to the lipase activity in the sample.



DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS A 10-fold increase of lipase activity above the upper reference limit is suggestive of pancreatitis, pancreatic injury, or inflammation of organs contiguous to the pancreas. It is recommended that other tests, such as trypsinogen and amylase isoenzymes be performed to supplement the diagnosis.



Lipase PS: Kit (166 assays)Trinity Biotech80Maximum Assays: 166



Lactic Acid is a by-product of carbohydrate metabolism. Blood lactate arises primarily from muscle cells and erthrocytes and is metabolised by the liver. Therefore, blood lactate levels reflect both production and metabolism.


METHOD Enzymatic, Colourimetric


PRINCIPLE Lactic acid is converted to pyruvate and the H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) by lactate oxidase. In the presence of the H2O2 formed, peroxidase catalyzes the oxidative condensation of chromogen precursors to produce a coloured dye with an absorption maximum at 540 nm. The increase in absorbance at 540 nm is directly proportional to lactate concentration in the sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Normal lactate acid levels are 4.5-19.8 mg/dL. Elevate lactate acid levels can result from severe tissue oxygen deprivation leading to ‘lactic acidosis’ characterised by weakness, stupor, fatigue and coma. Lactate measurement can also be useful clinically in the diagnosis of angina pectoris or in liver function testing where reduced liver function is suspected.





Lactate Kit: Reagent 10 x 10mLTrinity Biotech735-1010×10 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard Solution 40 mg/dlTrinity Biotech826-1010 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard SetTrinity Biotech735-11


Lactic Acid is a by-product of carbohydrate metabolism. Blood lactate arises primarily from muscle cells and erthrocytes and is metabolised by the liver. Therefore, blood lactate levels reflect both production and metabolism.


METHOD Enzymatic, Colourimetric


PRINCIPLE Lactic acid is converted to pyruvate and the H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) by lactate oxidase. In the presence of the H2O2 formed, peroxidase catalyzes the oxidative condensation of chromogen precursors to produce a coloured dye with an absorption maximum at 540 nm. The increase in absorbance at 540 nm is directly proportional to lactate concentration in the sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Normal lactate acid levels are 4.5-19.8 mg/dL. Elevate lactate acid levels can result from severe tissue oxygen deprivation leading to ‘lactic acidosis’ characterised by weakness, stupor, fatigue and coma. Lactate measurement can also be useful clinically in the diagnosis of angina pectoris or in liver function testing where reduced liver function is suspected.





Lactate Kit: Reagent 10 x 10mLTrinity Biotech735-1010×10 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard Solution 40 mg/dlTrinity Biotech826-1010 ml

Lactate Kit: Standard SetTrinity Biotech735-11

Blood total cholesterol levels have long been known to be related to coronary heart disease (CHD). Total Cholesterol count is composed of LDL, HDL, along with triglycerides and Lp(a) cholesterol.


HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) EZ LDLTM Homogeneous Method


High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) has become an important tool used to assess an individual’s risk of developing CHD since a strong negative relationship between HDL-C concentration and the incidence of CHD has been reported. Most clinical laboratories routinely perform HDL-C analysis. The Trinity Biotech EZ HDL Cholesterol test employs the use of a specific antibody, and thus, can be applied on automated analysers.


METHOD Colormetric, immunological procedure for automated analysers.


PRINCIPLE Anti-human ß-lipoprotien antibody binds to lipoproteins (LDL, VLDL and chylomicrons) other than HDL cholesterol (HDL-C). The antigenantibody complexes formed block enzyme reactions when the enzymatic cholesterol reagent is added. Cholesterol esterase and cholesterol oxidase react only with HDL-C. Hydrogen peroxide produced by the enzyme reactions with HDL-C yields a blue colour complex upon oxidase consideration with FDAOS (N-ethyl-N-2hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3, 5-dimethoxy, 4-Fluoroanaline sodium salt and 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of peroxidase.

By measuring the absorbance of the blue colour complex produced at approximay 600 nm, the HDL-C concentrationin the sample can be calculated when compared when the absorbance on the calibrator.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS About one-fourth to one-third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as ‘good’ cholesterol, because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack. Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of  heart disease. Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it is passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, thus slowing its build up.



EZ HDL: Cholesterol Kit (444 assays – low vol)Trinity Biotech354LBMaximum Assays: 444

EZ HDL/LDL™ Combination CalibratorTrinity BiotechE02774 x 3ml

Lyophilized control containing G-6-PDH in a stablised human red cell hemolysate.



G-6-PDH Control, DEFICIENTTrinity BiotechG58886×0.5 ml

G-6-PDH Control, INTERMEDIATETrinity BiotechG50296×0.5 ml

G-6-PDH Control, NORMALTrinity BiotechG68886×0.5 ml

METHOD Spot Test, Visual Fluorescence (qualitative)







The reaction mixture containing glucose -6-phosphate+NADP (Not Fluorescent) and blood is incubated and, at timed intervals, drops of the mixture are applied to filter paper. The spots are visually inspected under long-wavelength (320-420nm) ultraviolet light. The observed rate of appearance of bright Fluorescence is proportional to the blood G-6-PDH activity.




G-6-PDH Screening Test KitTrinity Biotech203-AMaximum Assays: 50

METHOD Dye Reduction, Visual Colour (qualitative)




The rate at which the colour visually disappears in the reaction mixture is proportional to the G-6-PDH content of red cells.



G-6-PDH Trizma Buffer SolutionTrinity Biotech400-4-5050 ml

G-6-PDH Dye Reduction Kit (5 assays/vial)Trinity Biotech400K-100-5X20Maximum Assays: 100

G-6-PDH Mineral Oil 1 LiterTrinity Biotech400-5-10001 L

G-6-PDH Dye Reduction Kit (10 assay/vial)Trinity Biotech400K-100XMaximum Assays: 100

G-6-PDH Mineral Oil – 100 mlTrinity Biotech400-5-100100 ml

G-6-PDH 10-Assay Vial (10 vials)Trinity Biotech400-10×1010 vials

G6PDH Substrate Kit 5 Tests/ VialTrinity Biotech400-5×1010 Vials

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) is an X-linked disorder is the most common type of haemolytic anaemia due to an intrinsic red cell enzyme defect.

Males who inherit an abnormal gene are invariably affected. Heterozygote females usually have approximay 50% G6PD enzyme activity; the random Lyonisation of X chromosomes means that rarely carrier females may be severely affected. It is most common in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, South East Asia and West Africa. It is rare among Caucasians.


METHOD Ultraviolet, Kinetic (quantitative)




The rate of formation of NADPH is proportional to the G-6-PDH activity is measured spectrophotometrically as an increase in absorbance at 340nm.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Presentation is usually with an acute episode of intravascular haemolysis on exposure to certain drugs, infection or acute illness. Mediterranean forms may present with neonatal jaundice. The condition is also known as favism as sudden haemolysis may be precipitated by the ingestion of fava beans – Vicia faba. The deficiency is generally less severe in Africans and favism is rare in this population.



G-6-PDH kit (50 assays)Trinity Biotech345-BMaximum Assays: 50

G-6-PDH kit (20 assays)Trinity Biotech345-AMaximum Assays: 20

G-6-PDH Red Cell Lysing ReagentTrinity BiotechR11294×25 ml


Lp(a) – Additional automation componentsMacra®AT910096 tests

Macra® Lp(a)Macra®233910096 tests

The test for serum bile acids will detect liver changes before the formation of more advanced clinical signs of illness. This early sensitivity is very important to the practitioner because it allows for the possibility of treatment before extensive and irreversible damage is done.

Bile Acids are indicators of a liver function. However, the test will not provide a definitive diagnosis of the primary problem, merely an early confirmation that there is a hepatobiliary deficiency.

There are a large number of diseases that can compromise hepatobiliary function in a primary or secondary manner.



METHOD Colormetric, Enzymatic





The intensity of the colour produced by the action of 3a -hydroxsteroid dehydrogenase (3a -HSD) and diaphorase is directly proportional to the bile acids concentration in sample.


DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Liver diseases that can elevate bile acid levels include hepatic neoplasia, portosystemic shunt, hepatitis, bile duct obstruction, canine adenovirus, slowed gastrointestinal transit and almost any condition that causes a defect in hepatic uptake or portal circulation. Test results that appear low are usually due to normal variation or prolonged fasting, but can also indicate intestinal malabsorption or increased gastric motility.

Normally, a small increase will be seen from the fasted to the post-prandial sample, however hepatobiliary disorders can cause elevated fasting and/or elevated post-prandial values.




Bile Acid: KitTrinity Biotech450-A16×10 ml

Bile Acid: Reagent BTrinity Biotech450-21×5 ml

Bile Acid: ControlsTrinity Biotech450-226×5 ml

Bile Acid: Calibrator SetTrinity Biotech450-115×5 ml

Bile Acid: Stop ReagentTrinity Biotech450-350 ml

Bile Acid: Calibrator (100 umol/l)Trinity Biotech450-1005 ml

Bile Acid: Reagent ATrinity Biotech450-1-5050 ml

Bile Acid: Reagent BTrinity Biotech450-2-2525 ml





Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) is a glycoprotein peptidlypeptide hydrolase.




METHOD Ultraviolet, Kinetic








Furylacryloylphenylalanylglycylglycine (FAPGG) is hydrolyzed to Furylacryloylphenylalanine (FAP) and glycylglycine (GG). Hydrolysis of FAPCGG results in a decrease in absorbance at 340 nm. The rate of decrease in absorbance at 340 nm is directly proportional to ACE activity in the sample.




DIAGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Elevated levels of ACE activity occur in serum of patients with active sarcoidosis, and occasionally in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome, in adults with tuberculosis, leprosy and in many other pathologic conditions involving lung and liver diseases.








ACE Kit: CalibratorTrinity Biotech305-506×1 ml


ACE Kit: ReagentTrinity Biotech305-1010×10 ml


ACE Kit: Control – NTrinity BiotechA60406×1 ml


ACE Kit: Control – ETrinity BiotechA70406×1 ml