Exocell 产品代理


Exocell公司是一家专注于糖尿病及其并发症研究相关的产品与服务美国高科技生物制品公司,该公司提供先进的糖尿病研究产品,涵盖临床诊断、临床研究及基础实验研究领域,包括人、小鼠、 大鼠尿蛋白和糖基化蛋白,人纤连蛋白、载脂蛋白B等一系列试剂盒和抗体,其高品质的产品欧美。作为开发,营销和执行新的临床诊断化验*者,Exocell公司已经并且正在为糖尿病及其相关的肾脏和血管疾病领域的基础科研、实验动物研究以及临床诊断和治疗研究提供的产品和研发服务。








Hemoglobin A1c参照标准(长期控糖指标)



Apo B Test用于检测人血浆中的apolipoprotein B

Collagen IV H用于检测 样本中的IV 型胶原

hFibronectin ELISA试剂盒用于检测人血浆中的fibronectin

Nephrin ELISA试剂盒用于检测尿液中的nephrin.


Beta-induced h3用于检测人尿液中的BIG-H3

Troponin – H用于检测人血浆或血清中的 Troponin I

TNF-sR2 用于检测人尿/血浆/血清中的TNF-α可溶性受体2



Albuwell M用于检测小鼠样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Nephrat II用于检测大鼠样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Albuwell C, O  P 用于检测狗、绵羊及非人的灵长类动物样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Collagen IV M用于检测小鼠和大鼠样本中的IV型胶原,

Creatinine Companion用于检测人和啮齿类动物的creatinine.

Glyco-Albumin R用于检测大鼠血清中的糖化白蛋白,

Nephrin ELISA to measure rodent urinary nephrin.

CRP ELISA试剂盒用于检测啮齿类动物血浆中的C-reactive蛋白.

Adiponectin ELISA试剂盒用于检测人尿和血浆中的adiponectin

Beta-induced h3用于检测人尿中的BIG-H3

Troponin M用于检测小鼠血浆/血清中的Troponin I

Troponin R用于检测大鼠血浆/血清中的Troponin I





E85: 抗糖化血红素的单克隆抗体


糖化血红素片段(gly Hb, HbA1c, glyHbA0, HbA1a, b)

去糖的血红素片段(degly Hb, degly HbA0)





  1Albuwell M

  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 293:F1657-1665, 2007
    Interference with TGF-B signalling by Smad3-knockout in mice limits diabetic glomerulosclerosis without affecting albuminuria
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 292:F321-329, 2007
    Soluble betaglycan reduces renal damage progression in db/db mice
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 105:e45-e52, 2007
    Amelioration of established diabetic nephropathy by combined treatment with SMP-534 (antifibrotic agent) and losartan in db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F214-F222, 2006
    Impact of genetic background on nephropathy in diabetic mice
  • American Journal Physiology Heart Circ Physiology 290:H935-H940, 2006
    Angiotensin II hypertension is attenuated in interleukin-6 knockout mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 291:F1315-F1322, 2006
    Characterization of diabetic nephropathy in a transgenic model of hypoinsulinemic diabetes
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F813-820, 2006
    SMP-534 ameliorates progression of glomerular fibrosis and urinary albumin in diabetic db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F828-F837, 2006
    Adenosine A2a receptor activation attenuates inflammation and injury in diabetic nephropathy
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 104:e23-e34, 2006
    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 deficiency has renal benefits but some adverse systemic consequences in diabetic mice
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 16:27-45, 2005
    Mouse models of diabetic nephropathy
  • American Society Nephrology 16:1289-1299, 2005
    Genome-wide scan in a novel IgA nephropathy model identifies a susceptibility locus on murine chromosome 10, in a region syntenic to human IGAN1 on chromosome 6q22-23
  • Diabetes 54:2628-2637, 2005
    Characterization of susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to diabetic nephropathy
  • American Journal Pathology 165:1243-1255, 2004
    Urinary excretion of fatty acid-binding protein reflects stress overload on the proximal tubules
  • Hypertension 43:364-369, 2004
    Role for thromboxanes receptors in angiotensin-II-induced hypertension
  • Journal Clinical Investigation 113:1390-1397, 2004
    Induction of B7-1 in podocytes is associated with nephritic syndrome
  • Diabetes 53:2101-2109, 2004
    Diminished loss of proteoglycans and lack of albuminuria in protein kinase C-?-deficient mice
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:1200-1211, 2003
    Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis in mice with podocyte-specific expression of mutant ?-actinin-4
  • American Journal Pathology 162:1123-1137, 2003
    RAGE drives the development of glomerulosclerosis and implicates podocyte activation in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy
  • Kidney International 64:1978-1985, 2003
    Gene expression profile in diabetic KK/Ta mice
  • Journal of Immunology 170:5658-5666, 2003
    CC chemokine ligand 5/RANTES chemokine antagonists aggravate glomerulonephritis despite reduction of glomerular leukocyte infiltration


  • Atherosclerosis 202:162-168, 2009
    Glycation of LDL in non-diabetic people: Small dense LDL is preferentially glycated both in vivo and in vitro
  • Immunopharmacology Immunotoxicology 15:1-12, 2008
    Evaluation of serum biomarkers in nutritional disorders: Glycated apolipoprotein B, fasting serum glucose, fructosamine, stable and labile glycated hemoglobin in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects
  • Nutrition Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease 17:6-12, 2007
    Glycated apolipoprotein B and myocardial infarction
  • Circulation 109:1750-1755, 2004
    Endothelial dysfunction and increased arterial intima-media thickness in children with type 1 diabetes
  • Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 6:348-356, 2004
    Increased plasma glycated low-density lipoprotein concentrations in diabetes: A marker of atherogenic risk
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 10:332-341, 1999
    Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia impair lipoprotein metabolism in chronic hemodialysis patients
  • Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 12:1336-1343, 1997
    Uptake and metabolism of lipoproteins from patients with diabetes mellitus type II by glomerular epithelial cells


  • Cell Biochemistry Biophysics 48:147-157, 2007
    Novel inhibitors of glycation and AGE formation
  • American Journal Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiology 292:R769-R777, 2007
    17-estradiol supplementation reduces tubulointerstitial fibrosis by increasing MMP activity in the diabetic kidney
  • Diabetes 56:1842-1849, 2007
    Hyperglycemia is a major determinant of albumin permeability in diabetic microcirculation
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F828-F837, 2006
    Adenosine A2a receptor activation attenuates inflammation and injury in diabetic nephropathy
  • Laboratory Investigation 86:357-368, 2006
    Expression of Smad1 is directly associated with mesangial matrix expansion in rat diabetic nephropathy
  • FASEB Journal 20:E150-E159, 2006
    Cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue protection by lipophilic calcium channel blockers
  • American Journal Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiology 290:R435-R441, 2006
    Endothelin antagonism prevents early EGFR transactivation but not increased matrix metalloproteinase activity in diabetes
  • Laboratory Investigation 86:927-939, 2006
    Angiotensin II-dependent Src and Smad1 signaling pathway is crucial for the development of diabetic nephropathy
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 289:F442-450, 2005
    Regulation of the renal thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter, blood pressure, and natriuresis in obese Zucker rats treated with rosiglitazone
  • Diabetologia 46:1140-1152, 2003
    LR-90 a new advanced glycation endproduct inhibitor prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:709-720, 2003
    Delayed treatment with lithospermate B attenuates experimental diabetic renal injury
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:3178-3187, 2003
    Role of 12-lipoxygenase in the stimulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and collagen ?5(IV) in experimental diabetic nephropathy and ion glucose-stimulated podocytes
  • American Journal Pathology 158:1733-1741, 2001
    A vitamin D analog ameliorates glomerular injury on rat glomerulonephritis
  • American Journal Society Nephrology 12:993-1000, 2001
    Antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor improve early renal dysfunction in experimental diabetes

      4Collagen Type IV

  • Diabetologia 51:198-207, 2008
    Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 has prosclerotic effects both in a mouse model of experimental diabetes and in vitro in human mesangial cells
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 105:e45-e52, 2007
    Amelioration of established diabetic nephropathy by combined treatment with SMP-534 (antifibrotic agent) and losartan in db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiol 292:F789-F795, 2007
    Inhibiting albumin glycation attenuates dysregulation of VEGFR-1 and collagen IV subchain production and the development of renal insufficiency
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F813-820, 2006
    SMP-534 ameliorates progression of glomerular fibrosis and urinary albumin in diabetic db/db mice
  • Kidney International 68:1554-1561, 2005
    Evidence linking glycated albumin to altered glomerular nephrin and VEGF expression, proteinuria, and diabetic nephropathy
  • Kidney International 64:1632-1642, 2003
    Vitamin D3 up-regulated protein-1 regulates collagen expression in mesangial cells
  • Metabolism 50:1435-1440, 2001
    Increased urinary type IV collagen marks the development of glomerular [athology in diabetic db/db mice
  • Diabetes Care 24:914-918, 2001
    Increased collagen IV excretion in diabetes
  • Diabetes Care 24:1324-1327, 2001
    Serum type IV collagen in diabetic patients at risk for nephropathy


  • PLoS One 7(5):e36041, 2012
    Dysregulated nephrin in diabetic nephropathy of type 2 diabetes: A cross sectional study
  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and ?ig-h3 in women with preeclampsia


  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and βig-h3 in women with preeclampsia

7 βig-h3

  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and βig-h3 in women with preeclampsia




世界*实验材料供应商Exocell正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Exocell在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Exocell就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

Exocell中国代理,Exocell上海代理,Exocell北京代理,Exocell广东代理,Exocell江苏代理 Exocell湖北代理, Exocell天津, Exocell黑龙江代理, Exocell内蒙古代理, Exocell吉林代理, Exocell福建代理, Exocell江苏代理, Exocell浙江代理, Exocell四川代理,






2 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,






5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司


6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, FD Neurotechnologies, Inc. FormuMax Scientific, Inc; Genebridege; Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Innovative Research of America; Ludger ; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发


Exocell m Albumin说明书

Exocell m Albumin说明书




Exocell m-Albumin说明书

Exocell mAlbumin

m Albumin



Exocell / Albuwell M

Catalogue Numbers:

1011 Strip Plate


Competitive ELISA

Summary of procedure:

Albuwell M是一种直接竞争ELISA(抗体捕获),目的是通过测定尿白蛋白来监测小鼠肾功能。完成测定、样品及抗小鼠白蛋白抗体-hrp c的测定。 在白蛋白涂层井中加入共轭剂。抗体结合物与涂覆在平板上的白蛋白或与流体相的白蛋白发生反应,因此形成竞争结合的概念。

经过30分钟的孵化后,板被洗去反应物在流体相中。只有与平板上的白蛋白结合在一起的共轭物才能被发现,而且它是用TMB在显色剂中检测到的。 IC反应颜色强度与流体中白蛋白浓度的对数成反比。检测可能在不到一个小时内完成。


Urine, 10ul


0.156-10 ug/mL









6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知*批发,欢迎合作。



 Ethos Biosciences于2018年成立,是Ott Scientific的子公司,致力于设计,开发和制造高质量,易于使用的测定试剂盒,试剂和服务。在2018年11月,我们收购了 Glycadia,Inc.的诊断操作,如装配世界的产品目录的一步,并期待着进一步扩大我们的产品。 通过收购Exocell,我们不仅合并了广受赞誉的产品,其中许多产品在各自领域被认为是黄金标准检测方法,而且我们保持了整个操作过程。这意味着自Exocell的现 们将继续获得自1988年由医学博士Margo Cohen创立以来,一直依赖的行业产品,服务和支持。博士 Exocell:肾病学检测专业知识,可促进对糖尿病的了解和治疗 Margo Cohen是糖尿病,内分泌学和新陈代谢研究,于1988年成立了Exocell,以开发与糖尿病相关的诊断产品,随后成立了Glycadia,以开发治疗产品 Exocell ®迅速成为肾脏病诊断方面的,拥有15项专有技术和超过2000研究引用。现在校风生物科学的一部分,Exocell ®产品继续服务于世界各地的学术,生 究团队。



货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
1004 Albuwell Hu 1 kit 10030 ethosbiosciences
1011 Albuwell M 1 kit 10030 ethosbiosciences
NR002 Nephrat II 1 kit 10030 ethosbiosciences
1013 Albuwell O 1 kit 11730 ethosbiosciences
1018 Albuwell H 1 kit 11730 ethosbiosciences
1016 Albuwell C 1 kit 11730 ethosbiosciences
1012 The Creatinine Companion 1 kit 4989.5 ethosbiosciences
1020 TBARS Malondialdehyde Oxidative Stress Assay 1 kit 3230 ethosbiosciences
1021 Thiol Oxidative Stress Assay 1 kit 4080 ethosbiosciences
1035 Human Nephrin ELISA 1 kit 13005 ethosbiosciences
1036 Rat Nephrin ELISA 1 kit 13005 ethosbiosciences
1037 Mouse Nephrin ELISA 1 kit 13005 ethosbiosciences
1038 Human NGAL ELISA 1 kit 询价 ethosbiosciences
1039 Rat NGAL ELISA 1 kit 询价 ethosbiosciences
1040 Mouse NGAL ELISA 1 kit 询价 ethosbiosciences
1041 Human Cystatin C ELISA 1 kit 询价 ethosbiosciences
1042 Rat Cystatin C ELISA 1 kit 询价 ethosbiosciences
1043 Mouse Cystatin C ELISA 1 kit 询价 ethosbiosciences
3001 Cystatin C, Human ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
3011 NGAL, Mouse ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
5001 Cystatin C, Human ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
5002 Cystatin C, Rat ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
5003 Cystatin C, Mouse ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
5011 NGAL, Human ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
5012 NGAL, Rat ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
5013 NGAL, Mouse ea 询价 ethosbiosciences
2001-100ml EIA Diluent 100 ml 2890 ethosbiosciences
2001-1L EIA Diluent 1 Liter 13600 ethosbiosciences
1003-1 EIA Wash Buffer 10x concentrate 1 Liter 2210 ethosbiosciences
1Z0216-100ml NHE-BSA Diluent 100 ml 2210 ethosbiosciences
1Z0216-1L NHE-BSA Diluent 1 Liter 10880 ethosbiosciences




Albuwell M (Mouse Albumin ELISA)

Albuwell M (Mouse Albumin ELISA)

简要描述:Ethos Biosciences成立2018年,是0f Scientific的子公司,专注于设计、开发和制造高品质、易于使用的检测试剂盒、试剂和服务。2018年11月,我们从Glcadia公司收购了Exocell诊断业务,这是组装优秀产品目录的第一步。随着Exocell的收购,我们不仅合并了被广泛引用的产品,其中许多被认为是各自领域的黄金标准分析




Exocell在制造ELISA试剂盒、试剂、抗体和血红蛋白组分方面拥有超过30年的经验。我们易于使用的诊断和试剂主要用于肾脏疾病、糖尿病和a ncgrdi ovg sculgr疾病的实验和临床研究。


Astral Diagnostics拥有超过20年的经验,为实验室兽医和临床研究以及诊断制造高品质的染色剂和试剂。您的汽车查看我们的污渍由污渍类型:血液学组织学、细胞学、微生物学和兽医病理学。


自2000年成立以来,American Bionostica一直为食品安全、农业、环境、兽医、生物防御和临床部门的OEM客户生产流动测试和检测。我们的合作方法和支持使我们的客户能够在快速增长的市场中取得成功。

Exocell 2015

Exocell 2015





Exocell公司是一家专注于糖尿病及其并发症研究相关的产品与服务美国高科技生物制品公司,该公司提供先进的糖尿病研究产品,涵盖临床诊断、临床研究及基础实验研究领域,包括人、小鼠、 大鼠尿蛋白和糖基化蛋白,人纤连蛋白、载脂蛋白B等一系列试剂盒和抗体,其高品质的产品欧美。作为开发,营销和执行新的临床诊断化验*者,Exocell公司已经并且正在为糖尿病及其相关的肾脏和血管疾病领域的基础科研、实验动物研究以及临床诊断和治疗研究提供优质的产品和研发服务。








Hemoglobin A1c参照标准(长期控糖指标)


Apo B Test用于检测人血浆中的apolipoprotein B

Collagen IV H用于检测 样本中的IV 型胶原

hFibronectin ELISA试剂盒用于检测人血浆中的fibronectin

Nephrin ELISA试剂盒用于检测尿液中的nephrin.


Beta-induced h3用于检测人尿液中的BIG-H3

Troponin – H用于检测人血浆或血清中的 Troponin I

TNF-sR2 用于检测人尿/血浆/血清中的TNF-α可溶性受体2


Albuwell M用于检测小鼠样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Nephrat II用于检测大鼠样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Albuwell C, O  P 用于检测狗、绵羊及非人的灵长类动物样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Collagen IV M用于检测小鼠和大鼠样本中的IV型胶原,

Creatinine Companion用于检测人和啮齿类动物的creatinine.

Glyco-Albumin R用于检测大鼠血清中的糖化白蛋白,

Nephrin ELISA to measure rodent urinary nephrin.

CRP ELISA试剂盒用于检测啮齿类动物血浆中的C-reactive蛋白.

Adiponectin ELISA试剂盒用于检测人尿和血浆中的adiponectin

Beta-induced h3用于检测人尿中的BIG-H3

Troponin M用于检测小鼠血浆/血清中的Troponin I

Troponin R用于检测大鼠血浆/血清中的Troponin I




E85: 抗糖化血红素的单克隆抗体


糖化血红素片段(gly Hb, HbA1c, glyHbA0, HbA1a, b)

去糖的血红素片段(degly Hb, degly HbA0)




  1Albuwell M

  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 293:F1657-1665, 2007
    Interference with TGF-B signalling by Smad3-knockout in mice limits diabetic glomerulosclerosis without affecting albuminuria
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 292:F321-329, 2007
    Soluble betaglycan reduces renal damage progression in db/db mice
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 105:e45-e52, 2007
    Amelioration of established diabetic nephropathy by combined treatment with SMP-534 (antifibrotic agent) and losartan in db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F214-F222, 2006
    Impact of genetic background on nephropathy in diabetic mice
  • American Journal Physiology Heart Circ Physiology 290:H935-H940, 2006
    Angiotensin II hypertension is attenuated in interleukin-6 knockout mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 291:F1315-F1322, 2006
    Characterization of diabetic nephropathy in a transgenic model of hypoinsulinemic diabetes
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F813-820, 2006
    SMP-534 ameliorates progression of glomerular fibrosis and urinary albumin in diabetic db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F828-F837, 2006
    Adenosine A2a receptor activation attenuates inflammation and injury in diabetic nephropathy
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 104:e23-e34, 2006
    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 deficiency has renal benefits but some adverse systemic consequences in diabetic mice
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 16:27-45, 2005
    Mouse models of diabetic nephropathy
  • American Society Nephrology 16:1289-1299, 2005
    Genome-wide scan in a novel IgA nephropathy model identifies a susceptibility locus on murine chromosome 10, in a region syntenic to human IGAN1 on chromosome 6q22-23
  • Diabetes 54:2628-2637, 2005
    Characterization of susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to diabetic nephropathy
  • American Journal Pathology 165:1243-1255, 2004
    Urinary excretion of fatty acid-binding protein reflects stress overload on the proximal tubules
  • Hypertension 43:364-369, 2004
    Role for thromboxanes receptors in angiotensin-II-induced hypertension
  • Journal Clinical Investigation 113:1390-1397, 2004
    Induction of B7-1 in podocytes is associated with nephritic syndrome
  • Diabetes 53:2101-2109, 2004
    Diminished loss of proteoglycans and lack of albuminuria in protein kinase C-?-deficient mice
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:1200-1211, 2003
    Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis in mice with podocyte-specific expression of mutant ?-actinin-4
  • American Journal Pathology 162:1123-1137, 2003
    RAGE drives the development of glomerulosclerosis and implicates podocyte activation in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy
  • Kidney International 64:1978-1985, 2003
    Gene expression profile in diabetic KK/Ta mice
  • Journal of Immunology 170:5658-5666, 2003
    CC chemokine ligand 5/RANTES chemokine antagonists aggravate glomerulonephritis despite reduction of glomerular leukocyte infiltration


  • Atherosclerosis 202:162-168, 2009
    Glycation of LDL in non-diabetic people: Small dense LDL is preferentially glycated both in vivo and in vitro
  • Immunopharmacology Immunotoxicology 15:1-12, 2008
    Evaluation of serum biomarkers in nutritional disorders: Glycated apolipoprotein B, fasting serum glucose, fructosamine, stable and labile glycated hemoglobin in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects
  • Nutrition Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease 17:6-12, 2007
    Glycated apolipoprotein B and myocardial infarction
  • Circulation 109:1750-1755, 2004
    Endothelial dysfunction and increased arterial intima-media thickness in children with type 1 diabetes
  • Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 6:348-356, 2004
    Increased plasma glycated low-density lipoprotein concentrations in diabetes: A marker of atherogenic risk
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 10:332-341, 1999
    Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia impair lipoprotein metabolism in chronic hemodialysis patients
  • Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 12:1336-1343, 1997
    Uptake and metabolism of lipoproteins from patients with diabetes mellitus type II by glomerular epithelial cells


  • Cell Biochemistry Biophysics 48:147-157, 2007
    Novel inhibitors of glycation and AGE formation
  • American Journal Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiology 292:R769-R777, 2007
    17-estradiol supplementation reduces tubulointerstitial fibrosis by increasing MMP activity in the diabetic kidney
  • Diabetes 56:1842-1849, 2007
    Hyperglycemia is a major determinant of albumin permeability in diabetic microcirculation
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F828-F837, 2006
    Adenosine A2a receptor activation attenuates inflammation and injury in diabetic nephropathy
  • Laboratory Investigation 86:357-368, 2006
    Expression of Smad1 is directly associated with mesangial matrix expansion in rat diabetic nephropathy
  • FASEB Journal 20:E150-E159, 2006
    Cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue protection by lipophilic calcium channel blockers
  • American Journal Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiology 290:R435-R441, 2006
    Endothelin antagonism prevents early EGFR transactivation but not increased matrix metalloproteinase activity in diabetes
  • Laboratory Investigation 86:927-939, 2006
    Angiotensin II-dependent Src and Smad1 signaling pathway is crucial for the development of diabetic nephropathy
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 289:F442-450, 2005
    Regulation of the renal thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter, blood pressure, and natriuresis in obese Zucker rats treated with rosiglitazone
  • Diabetologia 46:1140-1152, 2003
    LR-90 a new advanced glycation endproduct inhibitor prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:709-720, 2003
    Delayed treatment with lithospermate B attenuates experimental diabetic renal injury
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:3178-3187, 2003
    Role of 12-lipoxygenase in the stimulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and collagen ?5(IV) in experimental diabetic nephropathy and ion glucose-stimulated podocytes
  • American Journal Pathology 158:1733-1741, 2001
    A vitamin D analog ameliorates glomerular injury on rat glomerulonephritis
  • American Journal Society Nephrology 12:993-1000, 2001
    Antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor improve early renal dysfunction in experimental diabetes

      4Collagen Type IV

  • Diabetologia 51:198-207, 2008
    Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 has prosclerotic effects both in a mouse model of experimental diabetes and in vitro in human mesangial cells
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 105:e45-e52, 2007
    Amelioration of established diabetic nephropathy by combined treatment with SMP-534 (antifibrotic agent) and losartan in db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiol 292:F789-F795, 2007
    Inhibiting albumin glycation attenuates dysregulation of VEGFR-1 and collagen IV subchain production and the development of renal insufficiency
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F813-820, 2006
    SMP-534 ameliorates progression of glomerular fibrosis and urinary albumin in diabetic db/db mice
  • Kidney International 68:1554-1561, 2005
    Evidence linking glycated albumin to altered glomerular nephrin and VEGF expression, proteinuria, and diabetic nephropathy
  • Kidney International 64:1632-1642, 2003
    Vitamin D3 up-regulated protein-1 regulates collagen expression in mesangial cells
  • Metabolism 50:1435-1440, 2001
    Increased urinary type IV collagen marks the development of glomerular [athology in diabetic db/db mice
  • Diabetes Care 24:914-918, 2001
    Increased collagen IV excretion in diabetes
  • Diabetes Care 24:1324-1327, 2001
    Serum type IV collagen in diabetic patients at risk for nephropathy


  • PLoS One 7(5):e36041, 2012
    Dysregulated nephrin in diabetic nephropathy of type 2 diabetes: A cross sectional study
  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and ?ig-h3 in women with preeclampsia


  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and βig-h3 in women with preeclampsia

7 βig-h3

  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and βig-h3 in women with preeclampsia


世界*实验材料供应商Exocell正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Exocell在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Exocell就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, FD Neurotechnologies, Inc. FormuMax Scientific, Inc; Genebridege; Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Innovative Research of America; Ludger ; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

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上海金畔生物科技有限公司 Exocell专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商 Exocell 正式上海金畔为其中国代理, Exocell 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Exocell 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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h = Human, m = Mouse, r = Rat, c = Dog, o = Sheep, p = non-Human Primate

Urinary Analytes

Kit Description

Catalogue Number
Albuwell II (h Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1004
Albuwell M (m Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1011
Albuwell O (o Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1013
Beta-IG-H3 H (h Beta-induced h3 ELISA, strip plate) 1025
Beta-IG-H3 M (m Beta-induced h3 ELISA, strip plate) 1026
Collagen IV H h Collagen IV ELISA, Strip Plate 1015
Collagen IV M (m/r Collagen IV ELISA, Strip Plate) 1014
Creatinine Companion (h,r,m Creatinine Assay, Strip Plate) 1012
Nephrat II (r Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) NR002
Nephrin (h, r, m Nephrin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1019
h-Podocalyxin (h PODXL ELISA, Strip Plate) 1023
Podocalyxin-R (r PODXL ELISA, Strip Plate) 1033
TNF-sR2 (h TNF-sR2 ELISA, Strip Plate) 1034
Blood/Plasma/Tissue Proteins
Glycaben (h Gly Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1003
Glyco-Albumin R (r Gly Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1017
Apo B (h Apolipoprotein B ELISA, Strip Plate) 1006
Glycacor (h Gly ApoB ELISA, Strip Plate) 1009
Fibronectin (h Fibronectin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1010
C Reactive Protein (m/r CRP ELISA, Strip Plate) 1022
Troponin H Human Troponin I ELISA 1027
Troponin M Mouse Troponin I ELISA 1028
Troponin R Rat Troponin I ELISA 1029
Redox Assays
Universal TBARs (h,r,m chemical assay, strip & black plate) 1020
DTNB-Thiols (h,r,m chemical assay, strip plate) 1021



Exocell 特约代理


Exocell公司是一家专注于糖尿病及其并发症研究相关的产品与服务美国高科技生物制品公司,该公司提供的糖尿病研究产品,涵盖临床诊断、临床研究及基础实验研究领域,包括人、小鼠、 大鼠尿蛋白和糖基化蛋白,人纤连蛋白、载脂蛋白B等一系列试剂盒和抗体,其高品质的产品欧美。作为开发,营销和执行新的临床诊断化验者,Exocell公司已经并且正在为糖尿病及其相关的肾脏和血管疾病领域的基础科研、实验动物研究以及临床诊断和治疗研究提供的产品和研发服务。







Hemoglobin A1c参照标准(长期控糖指标)



Apo B Test用于检测人血浆中的apolipoprotein B

Collagen IV H用于检测 样本中的IV 型胶原

hFibronectin ELISA试剂盒用于检测人血浆中的fibronectin

Nephrin ELISA试剂盒用于检测尿液中的nephrin.


Beta-induced h3用于检测人尿液中的BIG-H3

Troponin – H用于检测人血浆或血清中的 Troponin I

TNF-sR2 用于检测人尿/血浆/血清中的TNF-α可溶性受体2



Albuwell M用于检测小鼠样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Nephrat II用于检测大鼠样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Albuwell C, O P 用于检测狗、绵羊及非人的灵长类动物样本中的微白蛋白尿,

Collagen IV M用于检测小鼠和大鼠样本中的IV型胶原,

Creatinine Companion用于检测人和啮齿类动物的creatinine.

Glyco-Albumin R用于检测大鼠血清中的糖化白蛋白,

Nephrin ELISA to measure rodent urinary nephrin.

CRP ELISA试剂盒用于检测啮齿类动物血浆中的C-reactive蛋白.

Adiponectin ELISA试剂盒用于检测人尿和血浆中的adiponectin

Beta-induced h3用于检测人尿中的BIG-H3

Troponin M用于检测小鼠血浆/血清中的Troponin I

Troponin R用于检测大鼠血浆/血清中的Troponin I





E85: 抗糖化血红素的单克隆抗体


糖化血红素片段(gly Hb, HbA1c, glyHbA0, HbA1a, b)

去糖的血红素片段(degly Hb, degly HbA0)





  1Albuwell M

  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 293:F1657-1665, 2007
    Interference with TGF-B signalling by Smad3-knockout in mice limits diabetic glomerulosclerosis without affecting albuminuria
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 292:F321-329, 2007
    Soluble betaglycan reduces renal damage progression in db/db mice
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 105:e45-e52, 2007
    Amelioration of established diabetic nephropathy by combined treatment with SMP-534 (antifibrotic agent) and losartan in db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F214-F222, 2006
    Impact of genetic background on nephropathy in diabetic mice
  • American Journal Physiology Heart Circ Physiology 290:H935-H940, 2006
    Angiotensin II hypertension is attenuated in interleukin-6 knockout mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 291:F1315-F1322, 2006
    Characterization of diabetic nephropathy in a transgenic model of hypoinsulinemic diabetes
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F813-820, 2006
    SMP-534 ameliorates progression of glomerular fibrosis and urinary albumin in diabetic db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F828-F837, 2006
    Adenosine A2a receptor activation attenuates inflammation and injury in diabetic nephropathy
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 104:e23-e34, 2006
    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 deficiency has renal benefits but some adverse systemic consequences in diabetic mice
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 16:27-45, 2005
    Mouse models of diabetic nephropathy
  • American Society Nephrology 16:1289-1299, 2005
    Genome-wide scan in a novel IgA nephropathy model identifies a susceptibility locus on murine chromosome 10, in a region syntenic to human IGAN1 on chromosome 6q22-23
  • Diabetes 54:2628-2637, 2005
    Characterization of susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to diabetic nephropathy
  • American Journal Pathology 165:1243-1255, 2004
    Urinary excretion of fatty acid-binding protein reflects stress overload on the proximal tubules
  • Hypertension 43:364-369, 2004
    Role for thromboxanes receptors in angiotensin-II-induced hypertension
  • Journal Clinical Investigation 113:1390-1397, 2004
    Induction of B7-1 in podocytes is associated with nephritic syndrome
  • Diabetes 53:2101-2109, 2004
    Diminished loss of proteoglycans and lack of albuminuria in protein kinase C-?-deficient mice
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:1200-1211, 2003
    Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis in mice with podocyte-specific expression of mutant ?-actinin-4
  • American Journal Pathology 162:1123-1137, 2003
    RAGE drives the development of glomerulosclerosis and implicates podocyte activation in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy
  • Kidney International 64:1978-1985, 2003
    Gene expression profile in diabetic KK/Ta mice
  • Journal of Immunology 170:5658-5666, 2003
    CC chemokine ligand 5/RANTES chemokine antagonists aggravate glomerulonephritis despite reduction of glomerular leukocyte infiltration


  • Atherosclerosis 202:162-168, 2009
    Glycation of LDL in non-diabetic people: Small dense LDL is preferentially glycated both in vivo and in vitro
  • Immunopharmacology Immunotoxicology 15:1-12, 2008
    Evaluation of serum biomarkers in nutritional disorders: Glycated apolipoprotein B, fasting serum glucose, fructosamine, stable and labile glycated hemoglobin in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects
  • Nutrition Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease 17:6-12, 2007
    Glycated apolipoprotein B and myocardial infarction
  • Circulation 109:1750-1755, 2004
    Endothelial dysfunction and increased arterial intima-media thickness in children with type 1 diabetes
  • Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 6:348-356, 2004
    Increased plasma glycated low-density lipoprotein concentrations in diabetes: A marker of atherogenic risk
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 10:332-341, 1999
    Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia impair lipoprotein metabolism in chronic hemodialysis patients
  • Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 12:1336-1343, 1997
    Uptake and metabolism of lipoproteins from patients with diabetes mellitus type II by glomerular epithelial cells


  • Cell Biochemistry Biophysics 48:147-157, 2007
    Novel inhibitors of glycation and AGE formation
  • American Journal Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiology 292:R769-R777, 2007
    17-estradiol supplementation reduces tubulointerstitial fibrosis by increasing MMP activity in the diabetic kidney
  • Diabetes 56:1842-1849, 2007
    Hyperglycemia is a major determinant of albumin permeability in diabetic microcirculation
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F828-F837, 2006
    Adenosine A2a receptor activation attenuates inflammation and injury in diabetic nephropathy
  • Laboratory Investigation 86:357-368, 2006
    Expression of Smad1 is directly associated with mesangial matrix expansion in rat diabetic nephropathy
  • FASEB Journal 20:E150-E159, 2006
    Cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue protection by lipophilic calcium channel blockers
  • American Journal Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiology 290:R435-R441, 2006
    Endothelin antagonism prevents early EGFR transactivation but not increased matrix metalloproteinase activity in diabetes
  • Laboratory Investigation 86:927-939, 2006
    Angiotensin II-dependent Src and Smad1 signaling pathway is crucial for the development of diabetic nephropathy
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 289:F442-450, 2005
    Regulation of the renal thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter, blood pressure, and natriuresis in obese Zucker rats treated with rosiglitazone
  • Diabetologia 46:1140-1152, 2003
    LR-90 a new advanced glycation endproduct inhibitor prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:709-720, 2003
    Delayed treatment with lithospermate B attenuates experimental diabetic renal injury
  • Journal American Society Nephrology 14:3178-3187, 2003
    Role of 12-lipoxygenase in the stimulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and collagen ?5(IV) in experimental diabetic nephropathy and ion glucose-stimulated podocytes
  • American Journal Pathology 158:1733-1741, 2001
    A vitamin D analog ameliorates glomerular injury on rat glomerulonephritis
  • American Journal Society Nephrology 12:993-1000, 2001
    Antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor improve early renal dysfunction in experimental diabetes

      4Collagen Type IV

  • Diabetologia 51:198-207, 2008
    Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 has prosclerotic effects both in a mouse model of experimental diabetes and in vitro in human mesangial cells
  • Nephron Experimental Nephrology 105:e45-e52, 2007
    Amelioration of established diabetic nephropathy by combined treatment with SMP-534 (antifibrotic agent) and losartan in db/db mice
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiol 292:F789-F795, 2007
    Inhibiting albumin glycation attenuates dysregulation of VEGFR-1 and collagen IV subchain production and the development of renal insufficiency
  • American Journal Physiology Renal Physiology 290:F813-820, 2006
    SMP-534 ameliorates progression of glomerular fibrosis and urinary albumin in diabetic db/db mice
  • Kidney International 68:1554-1561, 2005
    Evidence linking glycated albumin to altered glomerular nephrin and VEGF expression, proteinuria, and diabetic nephropathy
  • Kidney International 64:1632-1642, 2003
    Vitamin D3 up-regulated protein-1 regulates collagen expression in mesangial cells
  • Metabolism 50:1435-1440, 2001
    Increased urinary type IV collagen marks the development of glomerular [athology in diabetic db/db mice
  • Diabetes Care 24:914-918, 2001
    Increased collagen IV excretion in diabetes
  • Diabetes Care 24:1324-1327, 2001
    Serum type IV collagen in diabetic patients at risk for nephropathy


  • PLoS One 7(5):e36041, 2012
    Dysregulated nephrin in diabetic nephropathy of type 2 diabetes: A cross sectional study
  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and ?ig-h3 in women with preeclampsia


  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and βig-h3 in women with preeclampsia

7 βig-h3

  • Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302:F1084-F1089, 2012
    Increased urinary excretion of nephrin, podocalyxin and βig-h3 in women with preeclampsia