lonza EGM-2MV EGM-2 CC-3162 CC-3202 培养基*
简要描述:Clonetics™ offers a variety of different endothelial media kits.
简要描述:Clonetics™ offers a variety of different endothelial media kits.
LONZA(龙沙) 瑞士的制药化工*,龙沙集团是一家以生命科学为主导,在生物化学、精细化工、功能化学等行业均处于地位的性跨国公司,具有一百多年历史,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔。主要生产生命科学产品以及多种类的精细和特殊化工产品,以高科技生命技术与优质产品*。龙沙集团通过战略性的投资、关注客户的需求,巩固其技术基础,在市场上建立起地位。今天,创新及先进的生产技术已成为龙沙固有的服务范围。公司提供一整套从实验室研究到工业应用的开放方案。龙沙集团是活性化学成分、中间体及生物技术解决方案的定制制造商,以先进的化学合成(龙沙定制合成业务LCMC),微生物发酵(龙沙生物技术业务)和哺乳动物细胞培养发酵(龙沙生物研究业务)为基础,向医药及农用化学行业供应产品。龙沙的雄厚实力还体现在大小分子、缩氨酸、氨基酸和非大众生物制品方面,这对新药和保健产品开发有举足轻重的作用。在细胞层面的研究、内毒素的检测及细胞治疗的生产等领域,龙沙也是个*。此外,龙沙还为营养、卫生、防腐、农用化学和个人护理产品等市场提供有价值的化学成分和生物技术辅料。
简要描述:maxa公司成立于1998年,是德国一只处于快速发展中的生物技术团队,他们致力于一种高效率、非病毒基因转染技术——Nucleofector 的开发。在Nucleofector 技术和成功融资的基础上,Amaxa公司从Z初的两个人迅速发展到现在的80多位技术人员的队伍,并迅速成为非病毒基因转染技术领域里Z主要的公司之一,
Amaxa LONZA代理,Amaxa LONZA中国,Amaxa LONZA代理,Amaxa LONZA公司,Amaxa LONZA专业代理-上海金畔生物科技有限公司,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765
世界*实验材料供应商Amaxa LONZA正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Amaxa LONZA在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Amaxa LONZA就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
Amaxa LONZA中国代理,Amaxa LONZA上海代理,Amaxa LONZA北京代理,Amaxa LONZA广东代理,Amaxa LONZA江苏代理 Amaxa LONZA湖北代理, Amaxa LONZA天津, Amaxa LONZA黑龙江代理, Amaxa LONZA内蒙古代理, Amaxa LONZA吉林代理, Amaxa LONZA福建代理, Amaxa LONZA江苏代理, Amaxa LONZA浙江代理, Amaxa LONZA四川代理,
德国Lonza Amaxa www.amaxa.com www.lonza.com.cn www.lonza.com
Amaxa公司成立于1998年,是德国一只处于快速发展中的生物技术团队,他们致力于一种高效率、非病毒基因转染技术——Nucleofector 的开发。在Nucleofector 技术和成功融资的基础上,Amaxa公司从zui初的两个人迅速发展到现在的80多位技术人员的队伍,并迅速成为非病毒基因转染技术领域里zui主要的公司之一。
Nucleofector 核酸转染仪 Nucleofector 核酸转染仪是将传统地电穿孔技术和地转染试剂结合起来的产物,针对不同的细胞类型,采用一套的转染试剂和转染程序,以达到的转染效率。Nucleofector 核酸转染仪特别适用于转染原代细胞和难以转染的细胞系,如T细胞及PC-12细胞系等。Nucleofector 技术是*的,因为它可以直接将DNA转染到细胞核内,因此实现了因受到细胞分裂限制而一直困扰人们的原代细胞的高效率转染。在Nucleofector核酸转染仪的帮助下,您可以在肿瘤研究、免疫学、组织工程学及心血管疾病研究领域中轻而易举地获得大于90%的高效率基因转染率。
amaxa now a Lonza company
With the acquisition of amaxa, Lonza reinforces its position as a premium supplier to the cell discovery market with leading edge, proprietary technologies in the well defined market niches of transfection systems, which complement and expand the existing portfolio. These new products include the leading and unique Nucleofector® Technology, a transfection method which enables efficient and reproducible transfer of various substrates such as DNA, RNA or peptides into cells that are considered difficult or even impossible to transfect.
录号 |
产品名称 |
产品描述 |
供应商 |
规格 |
2008报价 |
Nucleofector Device |
AAD-1001S |
Nucleofector device (Academic) |
Amaxa |
1 device |
请询价 |
AAI-1001S |
Nucleofector device (Industrial) |
Amaxa |
1 device |
请询价 |
AAM-1001S |
Nucleofector 96-well shuttle |
Including 96-well shuttle, and laptop with software; but Nucleofector IIS needed for operation of Shuttle |
Amaxa |
1 device |
请询价 |
AWA-1001 |
Service Contract |
Nucleofector® Silver |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWB-1001 |
Service Contract |
96-well Shuttle® Silver |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWD-1001 |
Nucleofector® Guarantee |
1 year Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWD-1002 |
Nucleofector® Guarantee |
2 years Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWM-1001 |
96-well Shuttle®Guarantee |
1 year Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWM-1002 |
96-well Shuttle®Guarantee |
2 years Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AXA-1001 |
96-well Shuttle® Rack |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
SBA-1001 |
Automation Package |
for 96-well Shuttle® |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
Nucleofector kit for Cell Lines |
VCA-1001 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit R |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1002 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit T |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1003 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit V |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1004 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit C |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1005 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit L |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCO-1001N |
Cell Line Optimization Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
18 tests |
¥6,200 |
cGMP Nucleofector kit for Cell Lines |
VGA-1001 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit R |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1002 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit T |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1003 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit V |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1004 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit C |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1005 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit L |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
Nucleofector kit for primary Cells |
blood cells |
VPA-1001 |
Human B cell Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1002 |
Human T cell Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,human,stimulated and unstimulated |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1003 |
Human CD34+ Cells Nucleofector Kit |
CD34+ cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1004 |
Human Dendritic Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1005 |
Human NK Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Natural Killer cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1006 |
Mouse T Cell Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,mouse,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥7,840 |
VPA-1007 |
Human Monocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Monocytes,human,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥7,840 |
VPA-1008 |
Human Macrophage Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1009 |
Mouse Macrophage Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage(C57BL76,BALA/c),human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1010 |
Mouse B Cell Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1011 |
Mouse Dendritic Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
endothelial cells |
VPB-1001 |
HCAEC Nucleofector Kit |
Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPB-1002 |
HUVEC Nucleofector Kit |
Umbilical Vein En, dothelial Cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPB-1003 |
HMVEC-L Nucleofector Kit |
Microvascular Endothelial Cells – Lung,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
smooth muscle cells |
VPC-1001 |
Human AoSMC NucleofectorKit |
Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
dermal cells |
VPD-1001 |
NHDF Nucleofector Kit |
Dermal Fibroblasts,human, neonatal and adult |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1002 |
Human Keratinocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Keratinocyte,human,neonatal and adult |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1003 |
NHEM-Neo Nucleofector Kit |
Melanocytes,human,Neonatal |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
stem cells |
VPE-1001 |
Human MSC Nucleofector Kit |
Mesenchymal Stem Cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1004 |
Mouse NSC Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cells,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1005 |
Rat NSC Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cells,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPH-1001 |
Mouse ES Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Embryonic stem cells,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPH-5002 |
Human Stem Cell Starter Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
18 tests |
¥7,300 |
VPH-5012 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPH-5022 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
neural cells |
VPG-1001 |
Mouse Neuron Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,mouse,hippocampal |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1002 |
Chicken Neuron Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,chicken,dorsal root ganglion(DRG),hippocampal and cortical |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1003 |
Rat Neuron Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,rat,dorsal root ganglion(DRG),hippocampal and cortical |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1004 |
Mouse Neural Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cell, mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1005 |
Rat Neural Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cell, rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1006 |
Mouse Astrocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Astrocyte,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1007 |
Rat Astrocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Astrocyte,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1009 |
Rat Oligodendrocytes Nucleofector Kit |
Oligodendrocytes,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VSPI-1003 |
Basic Neuron SCN Nucleofector Kit |
Small cell number(20ul), rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
hepatocytes |
VPL-1001 |
Human Hepatocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Hepatocyte,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPL-1002 |
Mouse Hepatocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Hepatocyte,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPL-1003 |
Rat Hepatocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Hepatocyte,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
basic Nucleofector kits for Primary cells |
VPI-1001 |
Basic Kit for primary endothelial cells |
Endothelial cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1002 |
Basic Kit for Primary Fibroblast cells |
Fibroblast cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1003 |
Basic Kit for primary neural cells |
Neural cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1004 |
Basic Kit for primary smooth musicle cells |
Smooth musicle cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1005 |
Basic Kit for primary epithelia cells |
Epithelia cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VMI-1001 |
Basic Parasite Starter Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
10 tests |
¥3,240 |
VMI-1011 |
Basic Parasite Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VMI-1021 |
Basic Parasite Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
other primary cells |
VPD-1004 |
MEF1 Nucleofector Kit |
Embryonic Fibroblasts,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1005 |
MEF2 Nucleofector Kit |
Embryonic Fibroblasts,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1006 |
MEF Nucleofector Starter Kit |
Embryonic Fibroblasts,mouse, initial optimization recommended |
Amaxa |
10 tests |
¥3,240 |
VPE-1002 |
Rat Cardiomyocyte Kit |
Cardiomyocyte,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPF-1001 |
Human Chondrocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Chondrocyte,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPK-1001 |
Bronchial epithelial cells Nucleofector Kit |
Bronchial epithelial cells, human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPK-1002 |
Mammary Epithelial Cell |
Mammary Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPK-1003 |
Prostate Epithelial Cell |
Prostate Epithelial Cell,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
96-well Nucleofector kit for Cell Lines |
VHCA-1001 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SE |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHCA-1002 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SF |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHCA-1003 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SG |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHCO-1001 |
Cell Line Optimization 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥14,865 |
VHCA-2001 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SE |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHCA-2002 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SF |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHCA-2003 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SG |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
96-well Nucleofector kit for Primary Cells |
blood cells |
VHPA-1001 |
Human B cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2001 |
Human B cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1002 |
Human T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2002 |
Human T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1006 |
Mouse T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,mouse,,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥14,325 |
VHPA-2006 |
Mouse T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,mouse,,including 500ml media |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥116,215 |
VHPA-1007 |
Human Monocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Monocytes,human,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥14,325 |
VHPA-2007 |
Human Monocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Monocytes,human,including 500ml media |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥116,215 |
VHPA-1008 |
Human Macrophage 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2008 |
Human Macrophage 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1011 |
Mouse DC(Immature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,Immature |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2011 |
Mouse DC(Immature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,Immature |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1012 |
Mouse DC(Mature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,mature |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2012 |
Mouse DC(Mature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,mature |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
endothelial cells |
VHPB-1002 |
HUVEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Endothelial cells,human Umbilical Vein |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPB-2002 |
HUVEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Endothelial cells,human Umbilical Vein |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
dermal cells |
VHPD-1001 |
Human Dermal Fibroblast 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dermal Fibroblast,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPD-2001 |
Human Dermal Fibroblast 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dermal Fibroblast,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
Chondrocyte |
VHPF-1001 |
Human Chondrocyte 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Chondrocyte,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPF-2001 |
Human Chondrocyte 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Chondrocyte,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
neural cells |
VHPG-1003 |
Rat Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,rat |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPG-2003 |
Rat Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,rat |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
ES cells |
VHPH-1001 |
Mouse ES Cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
ES Cell,Mouse |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPH-2001 |
Mouse ES Cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
ES Cell,Mouse |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
basic Nucleofector kits for Primary cells |
VHPI-1003 |
Basic Prim Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,basic |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPI-2003 |
Basic Prim Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,basic |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPI-1005 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
64 wells |
¥6,622 |
VHPI-1015 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPI-2015 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPI-1025 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPI-2025 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
epithelial cells |
VHPK-1001 |
NHBE 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Bronchial epithelial cells, human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPK-2001 |
NHBE 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Bronchial epithelial cells, human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPK-1002 |
HMEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
mammary Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPK-2002 |
HMEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
mammary Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPK-1003 |
hPrEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Prostate Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPK-2003 |
hPrEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Prostate Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
hepatocytes |
VHPL-1001 |
human Hepatocyte 96-well kit |
Hepatocytes,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPL-2001 |
human Hepatocyte 96-well kit |
Hepatocytes,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥113,510 |
HiFect Transfection Reagent |
VBA-1001 |
HiFect Kit |
Amaxa |
825ul |
¥2,700 |
VBA-4001 |
HiFect Kit |
Amaxa |
4×825ul |
¥9,460 |
Related products |
antibiotics |
VZA-1001 |
Normocin |
10×1ml |
Amaxa |
500 mg |
¥9,460 |
VZA-1002 |
Normocin |
1×20ml |
Amaxa |
1 g(1×20ml) |
¥4,325 |
VZA-1011 |
Plasmocin(prophylactic) |
5×2ml |
Amaxa |
25 mg |
¥2,030 |
VZA-1012 |
Plasmocin(treatment) |
2×1ml |
Amaxa |
50 mg |
¥3,110 |
VZA-1021 |
Primocin |
10×1ml |
Amaxa |
500 mg |
¥2,970 |
VZA-1022 |
Primocin |
1×20ml |
Amaxa |
1 g(1×20ml) |
¥4,730 |
siRNA Test kit |
VSC-1001 |
siRNA Test Kit |
Cell Lines and Primary Adherent Cells |
Amaxa |
50 tests |
¥2,675 |
Culture Media |
VZB-1002 |
hTC Culture Medium |
Amaxa |
1x 500ml |
¥675 |
VZB-4002 |
hTC Culture Medium |
Amaxa |
4x 500ml |
¥2,030 |
VZB-4003 |
Human Monocyte Medium |
Amaxa |
4x 500ml |
¥2,030 |
VBT-1001 |
XpressNOW™ |
for 1 litre cell culture |
Amaxa |
1,000ml |
¥5,945 |
Vector |
VDC-1040 |
pmaxCloning™ |
Cloning Vector for Nucleofection |
Amaxa |
¥7,568 |
VDF-1011 |
pmaxFP™ -Green-C |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1012 |
pmaxFP™ -Green-N |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1013 |
pmaxFP™ -Green-PRL |
promoter-less |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1021 |
pmaxFP™ -Yellow-C |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1022 |
pmaxFP™ -Yellow-N |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1023 |
pmaxFP™ -Yellow-PRL |
promoter-less |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1031 |
pmaxFP™ -Red-C |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1032 |
pmaxFP™ -Red-N |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1033 |
pmaxFP™ -Red-PRL |
promoter-less |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
录号 |
产品名称 |
产品描述 |
供应商 |
规格 |
2008报价 |
Nucleofector Device |
AAD-1001S |
Nucleofector device (Academic) |
Amaxa |
1 device |
请询价 |
AAI-1001S |
Nucleofector device (Industrial) |
Amaxa |
1 device |
请询价 |
AAM-1001S |
Nucleofector 96-well shuttle |
Including 96-well shuttle, and laptop with software; but Nucleofector IIS needed for operation of Shuttle |
Amaxa |
1 device |
请询价 |
AWA-1001 |
Service Contract |
Nucleofector® Silver |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWB-1001 |
Service Contract |
96-well Shuttle® Silver |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWD-1001 |
Nucleofector® Guarantee |
1 year Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWD-1002 |
Nucleofector® Guarantee |
2 years Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWM-1001 |
96-well Shuttle®Guarantee |
1 year Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AWM-1002 |
96-well Shuttle®Guarantee |
2 years Extension |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
AXA-1001 |
96-well Shuttle® Rack |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
SBA-1001 |
Automation Package |
for 96-well Shuttle® |
Amaxa |
请询价 |
Nucleofector kit for Cell Lines |
VCA-1001 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit R |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1002 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit T |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1003 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit V |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1004 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit C |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCA-1005 |
Cell Line Nucleofector Kit L |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VCO-1001N |
Cell Line Optimization Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
18 tests |
¥6,200 |
cGMP Nucleofector kit for Cell Lines |
VGA-1001 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit R |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1002 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit T |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1003 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit V |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1004 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit C |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
VGA-1005 |
cGMP Cell Line Nucleofector Kit L |
Amaxa |
25tests |
¥70,270 |
Nucleofector kit for primary Cells |
blood cells |
VPA-1001 |
Human B cell Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1002 |
Human T cell Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,human,stimulated and unstimulated |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1003 |
Human CD34+ Cells Nucleofector Kit |
CD34+ cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1004 |
Human Dendritic Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1005 |
Human NK Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Natural Killer cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1006 |
Mouse T Cell Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,mouse,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥7,840 |
VPA-1007 |
Human Monocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Monocytes,human,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥7,840 |
VPA-1008 |
Human Macrophage Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1009 |
Mouse Macrophage Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage(C57BL76,BALA/c),human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1010 |
Mouse B Cell Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPA-1011 |
Mouse Dendritic Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
endothelial cells |
VPB-1001 |
HCAEC Nucleofector Kit |
Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPB-1002 |
HUVEC Nucleofector Kit |
Umbilical Vein En, dothelial Cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPB-1003 |
HMVEC-L Nucleofector Kit |
Microvascular Endothelial Cells – Lung,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
smooth muscle cells |
VPC-1001 |
Human AoSMC NucleofectorKit |
Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
dermal cells |
VPD-1001 |
NHDF Nucleofector Kit |
Dermal Fibroblasts,human, neonatal and adult |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1002 |
Human Keratinocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Keratinocyte,human,neonatal and adult |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1003 |
NHEM-Neo Nucleofector Kit |
Melanocytes,human,Neonatal |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
stem cells |
VPE-1001 |
Human MSC Nucleofector Kit |
Mesenchymal Stem Cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1004 |
Mouse NSC Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cells,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1005 |
Rat NSC Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cells,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPH-1001 |
Mouse ES Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Embryonic stem cells,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPH-5002 |
Human Stem Cell Starter Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
18 tests |
¥7,300 |
VPH-5012 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPH-5022 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
neural cells |
VPG-1001 |
Mouse Neuron Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,mouse,hippocampal |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1002 |
Chicken Neuron Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,chicken,dorsal root ganglion(DRG),hippocampal and cortical |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1003 |
Rat Neuron Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,rat,dorsal root ganglion(DRG),hippocampal and cortical |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1004 |
Mouse Neural Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cell, mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1005 |
Rat Neural Stem Cell Nucleofector Kit |
Neural Stem Cell, rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1006 |
Mouse Astrocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Astrocyte,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1007 |
Rat Astrocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Astrocyte,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPG-1009 |
Rat Oligodendrocytes Nucleofector Kit |
Oligodendrocytes,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VSPI-1003 |
Basic Neuron SCN Nucleofector Kit |
Small cell number(20ul), rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
hepatocytes |
VPL-1001 |
Human Hepatocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Hepatocyte,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPL-1002 |
Mouse Hepatocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Hepatocyte,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPL-1003 |
Rat Hepatocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Hepatocyte,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
basic Nucleofector kits for Primary cells |
VPI-1001 |
Basic Kit for primary endothelial cells |
Endothelial cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1002 |
Basic Kit for Primary Fibroblast cells |
Fibroblast cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1003 |
Basic Kit for primary neural cells |
Neural cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1004 |
Basic Kit for primary smooth musicle cells |
Smooth musicle cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPI-1005 |
Basic Kit for primary epithelia cells |
Epithelia cells,mammaliam |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VMI-1001 |
Basic Parasite Starter Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
10 tests |
¥3,240 |
VMI-1011 |
Basic Parasite Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VMI-1021 |
Basic Parasite Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
other primary cells |
VPD-1004 |
MEF1 Nucleofector Kit |
Embryonic Fibroblasts,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1005 |
MEF2 Nucleofector Kit |
Embryonic Fibroblasts,mouse |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPD-1006 |
MEF Nucleofector Starter Kit |
Embryonic Fibroblasts,mouse, initial optimization recommended |
Amaxa |
10 tests |
¥3,240 |
VPE-1002 |
Rat Cardiomyocyte Kit |
Cardiomyocyte,rat |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPF-1001 |
Human Chondrocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Chondrocyte,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPK-1001 |
Bronchial epithelial cells Nucleofector Kit |
Bronchial epithelial cells, human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPK-1002 |
Mammary Epithelial Cell |
Mammary Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
VPK-1003 |
Prostate Epithelial Cell |
Prostate Epithelial Cell,human |
Amaxa |
25 tests |
¥6,200 |
96-well Nucleofector kit for Cell Lines |
VHCA-1001 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SE |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHCA-1002 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SF |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHCA-1003 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SG |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHCO-1001 |
Cell Line Optimization 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥14,865 |
VHCA-2001 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SE |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHCA-2002 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SF |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHCA-2003 |
Cell Line 96-well Nucleofector Kit SG |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
96-well Nucleofector kit for Primary Cells |
blood cells |
VHPA-1001 |
Human B cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2001 |
Human B cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
B cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1002 |
Human T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2002 |
Human T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1006 |
Mouse T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,mouse,,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥14,325 |
VHPA-2006 |
Mouse T cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
T cells,mouse,,including 500ml media |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥116,215 |
VHPA-1007 |
Human Monocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Monocytes,human,including 100ml media |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥14,325 |
VHPA-2007 |
Human Monocyte Nucleofector Kit |
Monocytes,human,including 500ml media |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥116,215 |
VHPA-1008 |
Human Macrophage 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2008 |
Human Macrophage 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Macrophage,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1011 |
Mouse DC(Immature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,Immature |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2011 |
Mouse DC(Immature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,Immature |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPA-1012 |
Mouse DC(Mature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,mature |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPA-2012 |
Mouse DC(Mature) 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dendritic Cell,mouse,mature |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
endothelial cells |
VHPB-1002 |
HUVEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Endothelial cells,human Umbilical Vein |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPB-2002 |
HUVEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Endothelial cells,human Umbilical Vein |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
dermal cells |
VHPD-1001 |
Human Dermal Fibroblast 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dermal Fibroblast,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPD-2001 |
Human Dermal Fibroblast 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Dermal Fibroblast,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
Chondrocyte |
VHPF-1001 |
Human Chondrocyte 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Chondrocyte,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPF-2001 |
Human Chondrocyte 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Chondrocyte,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
neural cells |
VHPG-1003 |
Rat Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,rat |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPG-2003 |
Rat Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,rat |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
ES cells |
VHPH-1001 |
Mouse ES Cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
ES Cell,Mouse |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPH-2001 |
Mouse ES Cell 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
ES Cell,Mouse |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
basic Nucleofector kits for Primary cells |
VHPI-1003 |
Basic Prim Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,basic |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPI-2003 |
Basic Prim Neuron 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Neurons,basic |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPI-1005 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
64 wells |
¥6,622 |
VHPI-1015 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPI-2015 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 1 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPI-1025 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPI-2025 |
Basic Epithelial 96-well Nucleofector Kit 2 |
Epithelial cells,mammalian |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
epithelial cells |
VHPK-1001 |
NHBE 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Bronchial epithelial cells, human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPK-2001 |
NHBE 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Bronchial epithelial cells, human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPK-1002 |
HMEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
mammary Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPK-2002 |
HMEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
mammary Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
VHPK-1003 |
hPrEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Prostate Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPK-2003 |
hPrEC 96-well Nucleofector Kit |
Prostate Epithelial cells,human |
Amaxa |
960 wells |
¥113,510 |
hepatocytes |
VHPL-1001 |
human Hepatocyte 96-well kit |
Hepatocytes,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥13,240 |
VHPL-2001 |
human Hepatocyte 96-well kit |
Hepatocytes,human |
Amaxa |
96 wells |
¥113,510 |
HiFect Transfection Reagent |
VBA-1001 |
HiFect Kit |
Amaxa |
825ul |
¥2,700 |
VBA-4001 |
HiFect Kit |
Amaxa |
4×825ul |
¥9,460 |
Related products |
antibiotics |
VZA-1001 |
Normocin |
10×1ml |
Amaxa |
500 mg |
¥9,460 |
VZA-1002 |
Normocin |
1×20ml |
Amaxa |
1 g(1×20ml) |
¥4,325 |
VZA-1011 |
Plasmocin(prophylactic) |
5×2ml |
Amaxa |
25 mg |
¥2,030 |
VZA-1012 |
Plasmocin(treatment) |
2×1ml |
Amaxa |
50 mg |
¥3,110 |
VZA-1021 |
Primocin |
10×1ml |
Amaxa |
500 mg |
¥2,970 |
VZA-1022 |
Primocin |
1×20ml |
Amaxa |
1 g(1×20ml) |
¥4,730 |
siRNA Test kit |
VSC-1001 |
siRNA Test Kit |
Cell Lines and Primary Adherent Cells |
Amaxa |
50 tests |
¥2,675 |
Culture Media |
VZB-1002 |
hTC Culture Medium |
Amaxa |
1x 500ml |
¥675 |
VZB-4002 |
hTC Culture Medium |
Amaxa |
4x 500ml |
¥2,030 |
VZB-4003 |
Human Monocyte Medium |
Amaxa |
4x 500ml |
¥2,030 |
VBT-1001 |
XpressNOW™ |
for 1 litre cell culture |
Amaxa |
1,000ml |
¥5,945 |
Vector |
VDC-1040 |
pmaxCloning™ |
Cloning Vector for Nucleofection |
Amaxa |
¥7,568 |
VDF-1011 |
pmaxFP™ -Green-C |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1012 |
pmaxFP™ -Green-N |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1013 |
pmaxFP™ -Green-PRL |
promoter-less |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1021 |
pmaxFP™ -Yellow-C |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1022 |
pmaxFP™ -Yellow-N |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1023 |
pmaxFP™ -Yellow-PRL |
promoter-less |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1031 |
pmaxFP™ -Red-C |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1032 |
pmaxFP™ -Red-N |
promoter CMV IE |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
VDF-1033 |
pmaxFP™ -Red-PRL |
promoter-less |
Amaxa |
¥9,865 |
Cat. Number Product Size Price
2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们还是santa,Amaxa LONZA Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, Amaxa LONZA, Inc. Genebridege; Amaxa LONZA Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Amaxa LONZA; Amaxa LONZA; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理
7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发
世界*实验材料供应商 LONZA正式上海金畔为其中国代理, LONZA在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, LONZA就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
LONZA中国代理, LONZA上海代理, LONZA北京代理,LONZA广东代理, LONZA江苏代理LONZA湖北代理,LONZA天津,LONZA黑龙江代理,LONZA内蒙古代理,LONZA吉林代理,LONZA福建代理, LONZA江苏代理, LONZA浙江代理, LONZA四川代理,
LONZA(龙沙) 瑞士的制药化工*,龙沙集团是一家以生命科学为主导,在生物化学、精细化工、功能化学等行业均处于地位的性跨国公司,具有一百多年历史,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔。主要生产生命科学产品以及多种类的精细和特殊化工产品,以高科技生命技术与产品*。龙沙集团通过战略性的投资、关注客户的需求,巩固其技术基础,在市场上建立起地位。今天,创新及先进的生产技术已成为龙沙固有的服务范围。公司提供一整套从实验室研究到工业应用的开放方案。龙沙集团是活性化学成分、中间体及生物技术解决方案的定制制造商,以先进的化学合成(龙沙定制合成业务LCMC),微生物发酵(龙沙生物技术业务)和哺乳动物细胞培养发酵(龙沙生物研究业务)为基础,向医药及农用化学行业供应产品。龙沙的雄厚实力还体现在大小分子、缩氨酸、氨基酸和非大众生物制品方面,这对新药和保健产品开发有举足轻重的作用。在细胞层面的研究、内毒素的检测及细胞治疗的生产等领域,龙沙也是个。此外,龙沙还为营养、卫生、防腐、农用化学和个人护理产品等市场提供有价值的化学成分和生物技术辅料。
X-VIVO TM 15的组成与X-VIVO TM 10相似,并且在无血清条件下已经针对肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)的增殖进行了优化。请参阅补充信息,以获得更多的造血细胞应用。
对于行政原因,Lonza必须更改一些X-Vivo 15介质的零件代码如下:
Description | Catalog # |
X-VIVO 15 w/o Gentamicin or Phenol Red, 1 L | 04-744Q |
X-VIVO 15 with Gentamicin L-Gln, Phenol Red, 1 L | 04-418Q |
X-Vivo 15 contains Recomb. Transferrin- 1L bottle | BE02-053Q |
X-VIVO 15 w/o Gentamicin and Phenol Red contains recomb. transferrin- 1L bottle | BE02-054Q |
X-Vivo 15, 1 L | BE02-060Q |
世界*实验材料供应商Amaxa LONZA正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Amaxa LONZA在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Amaxa LONZA就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
Amaxa LONZA中国代理,Amaxa LONZA上海代理,Amaxa LONZA北京代理,Amaxa LONZA广东代理,Amaxa LONZA江苏代理 Amaxa LONZA湖北代理, Amaxa LONZA天津, Amaxa LONZA黑龙江代理, Amaxa LONZA内蒙古代理, Amaxa LONZA吉林代理, Amaxa LONZA福建代理, Amaxa LONZA江苏代理, Amaxa LONZA浙江代理, Amaxa LONZA四川代理,
德国Lonza Amaxa www.amaxa.com www.lonza.com.cn www.lonza.com
Amaxa公司成立于1998年,是德国一只处于快速发展中的生物技术团队,他们致力于一种高效率、非病毒基因转染技术——Nucleofector 的开发。在Nucleofector 技术和成功融资的基础上,Amaxa公司从zui初的两个人迅速发展到现在的80多位技术人员的队伍,并迅速成为非病毒基因转染技术领域里zui主要的公司之一。
Nucleofector 核酸转染仪 Nucleofector 核酸转染仪是将传统地电穿孔技术和地转染试剂结合起来的产物,针对不同的细胞类型,采用一套的转染试剂和转染程序,以达到的转染效率。Nucleofector 核酸转染仪特别适用于转染原代细胞和难以转染的细胞系,如T细胞及PC-12细胞系等。Nucleofector 技术是*的,因为它可以直接将DNA转染到细胞核内,因此实现了因受到细胞分裂限制而一直困扰人们的原代细胞的高效率转染。在Nucleofector核酸转染仪的帮助下,您可以在肿瘤研究、免疫学、组织工程学及心血管疾病研究领域中轻而易举地获得大于90%的高效率基因转染率。
amaxa now a Lonza company
With the acquisition of amaxa, Lonza reinforces its position as a premium supplier to the cell discovery market with leading edge, proprietary technologies in the well defined market niches of transfection systems, which complement and expand the existing portfolio. These new products include the leading and unique Nucleofector® Technology, a transfection method which enables efficient and reproducible transfer of various substrates such as DNA, RNA or peptides into cells that are considered difficult or even impossible to transfect.
2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们还是santa,Amaxa LONZA Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, Amaxa LONZA, Inc. Genebridege; Amaxa LONZA Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Amaxa LONZA; Amaxa LONZA; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理
7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发
简要描述:Amaxa LONZA代理,Amaxa LONZA中国,Amaxa LONZA代理,Amaxa LONZA公司,Amaxa LONZA专业代理-上海金畔生物科技有限公司,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765
世界*实验材料供应商Amaxa LONZA正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Amaxa LONZA在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Amaxa LONZA就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
Amaxa LONZA中国代理,Amaxa LONZA上海代理,Amaxa LONZA北京代理,Amaxa LONZA广东代理,Amaxa LONZA江苏代理 Amaxa LONZA湖北代理, Amaxa LONZA天津, Amaxa LONZA黑龙江代理, Amaxa LONZA内蒙古代理, Amaxa LONZA吉林代理, Amaxa LONZA福建代理, Amaxa LONZA江苏代理, Amaxa LONZA浙江代理, Amaxa LONZA四川代理,
德国Lonza Amaxa www.amaxa.com www.lonza.com.cn www.lonza.com
Amaxa公司成立于1998年,是德国一只处于快速发展中的生物技术团队,他们致力于一种高效率、非病毒基因转染技术——Nucleofector 的开发。在Nucleofector 技术和成功融资的基础上,Amaxa公司从zui初的两个人迅速发展到现在的80多位技术人员的队伍,并迅速成为非病毒基因转染技术领域里zui主要的公司之一。
Nucleofector 核酸转染仪 Nucleofector 核酸转染仪是将传统地电穿孔技术和地转染试剂结合起来的产物,针对不同的细胞类型,采用一套的转染试剂和转染程序,以达到的转染效率。Nucleofector 核酸转染仪特别适用于转染原代细胞和难以转染的细胞系,如T细胞及PC-12细胞系等。Nucleofector 技术是*的,因为它可以直接将DNA转染到细胞核内,因此实现了因受到细胞分裂限制而一直困扰人们的原代细胞的高效率转染。在Nucleofector核酸转染仪的帮助下,您可以在肿瘤研究、免疫学、组织工程学及心血管疾病研究领域中轻而易举地获得大于90%的高效率基因转染率。
amaxa now a Lonza company
With the acquisition of amaxa, Lonza reinforces its position as a premium supplier to the cell discovery market with leading edge, proprietary technologies in the well defined market niches of transfection systems, which complement and expand the existing portfolio. These new products include the leading and unique Nucleofector® Technology, a transfection method which enables efficient and reproducible transfer of various substrates such as DNA, RNA or peptides into cells that are considered difficult or even impossible to transfect.
2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们还是santa,Amaxa LONZA Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, Amaxa LONZA, Inc. Genebridege; Amaxa LONZA Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Amaxa LONZA; Amaxa LONZA; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理
7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发
世界*实验材料供应商Amaxa LONZA正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Amaxa LONZA在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Amaxa LONZA就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
Amaxa LONZA中国代理,Amaxa LONZA上海代理,Amaxa LONZA北京代理,Amaxa LONZA广东代理,Amaxa LONZA江苏代理 Amaxa LONZA湖北代理, Amaxa LONZA天津, Amaxa LONZA黑龙江代理, Amaxa LONZA内蒙古代理, Amaxa LONZA吉林代理, Amaxa LONZA福建代理, Amaxa LONZA江苏代理, Amaxa LONZA浙江代理, Amaxa LONZA四川代理,
德国Lonza Amaxa www.amaxa.com www.lonza.com.cn www.lonza.com
Amaxa公司成立于1998年,是德国一只处于快速发展中的生物技术团队,他们致力于一种高效率、非病毒基因转染技术——Nucleofector 的开发。在Nucleofector 技术和成功融资的基础上,Amaxa公司从zui初的两个人迅速发展到现在的80多位技术人员的队伍,并迅速成为非病毒基因转染技术领域里zui主要的公司之一。
Nucleofector 核酸转染仪 Nucleofector 核酸转染仪是将传统地电穿孔技术和地转染试剂结合起来的产物,针对不同的细胞类型,采用一套的转染试剂和转染程序,以达到的转染效率。Nucleofector 核酸转染仪特别适用于转染原代细胞和难以转染的细胞系,如T细胞及PC-12细胞系等。Nucleofector 技术是*的,因为它可以直接将DNA转染到细胞核内,因此实现了因受到细胞分裂限制而一直困扰人们的原代细胞的高效率转染。在Nucleofector核酸转染仪的帮助下,您可以在肿瘤研究、免疫学、组织工程学及心血管疾病研究领域中轻而易举地获得大于90%的高效率基因转染率。
amaxa now a Lonza company
With the acquisition of amaxa, Lonza reinforces its position as a premium supplier to the cell discovery market with leading edge, proprietary technologies in the well defined market niches of transfection systems, which complement and expand the existing portfolio. These new products include the leading and unique Nucleofector? Technology, a transfection method which enables efficient and reproducible transfer of various substrates such as DNA, RNA or peptides into cells that are considered difficult or even impossible to transfect.
2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们还是santa,Amaxa LONZA Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, Amaxa LONZA, Inc. Genebridege; Amaxa LONZA Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; Amaxa LONZA; Amaxa LONZA; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理
7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发
世界*实验材料供应商 LONZA正式上海金畔为其中国代理, LONZA在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, LONZA就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
LONZA中国代理, LONZA上海代理, LONZA北京代理,LONZA广东代理, LONZA江苏代理LONZA湖北代理,LONZA天津,LONZA黑龙江代理,LONZA内蒙古代理,LONZA吉林代理,LONZA福建代理, LONZA江苏代理, LONZA浙江代理, LONZA四川代理,
LONZA(龙沙) 瑞士的制药化工*,龙沙集团是一家以生命科学为主导,在生物化学、精细化工、功能化学等行业均处于地位的性跨国公司,具有一百多年历史,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔。主要生产生命科学产品以及多种类的精细和特殊化工产品,以高科技生命技术与产品*。龙沙集团通过战略性的投资、关注客户的需求,巩固其技术基础,在市场上建立起地位。今天,创新及先进的生产技术已成为龙沙固有的服务范围。公司提供一整套从实验室研究到工业应用的开放方案。龙沙集团是活性化学成分、中间体及生物技术解决方案的定制制造商,以先进的化学合成(龙沙定制合成业务LCMC),微生物发酵(龙沙生物技术业务)和哺乳动物细胞培养发酵(龙沙生物研究业务)为基础,向医药及农用化学行业供应产品。龙沙的雄厚实力还体现在大小分子、缩氨酸、氨基酸和非大众生物制品方面,这对新药和保健产品开发有举足轻重的作用。在细胞层面的研究、内毒素的检测及细胞治疗的生产等领域,龙沙也是个。此外,龙沙还为营养、卫生、防腐、农用化学和个人护理产品等市场提供有价值的化学成分和生物技术辅料。
Nucleofector™ Kits for Human Stem Cell H9
各种Nucleofector™试剂盒和相应的Amaxa™优化方案可用于使用不同的Nucleofection™平台转染H9人类干细胞。用于在4D-Nucleofector TM和96孔Shuttle TM系统中转染人H9干细胞的*试剂盒是与细胞型特异性方案组合使用的P3一次细胞试剂盒。干细胞特异性基因试剂盒适用于使用Nucleofector™II / 2b器件优化人类干细胞。
由Nucleofection TM与pmaxGFP™载体转染的H9细胞保持其未分化状态。24小时后分析显示maxGFP TM蛋白(绿色)以及多能性标记SSEA4(红色)和Oct4(紫色)的表达。蓝色信号是指DAPI的核染色。
(数据由Jennifer Moore,Rutgers University,Piscataway,USA提供)。
对于4D-Nucleofector™试剂盒“L”和“S”表示Nucleocuvette™容器格式。L =100μl单个Nucleocuvette TM,S = 16孔Nucleocuvette TM条带。
货号 |
品名 |
规格 |
V4XP-3012 |
P3 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit L (12 RCT) |
KT |
V4XP-3024 |
P3 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit L (24 RCT) |
KT |
V4XP-3032 |
P3 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit S (32 RCT) |
KT |
V4SP-3096 |
P3 Primary Cell 96-well Nucleofector™ Kit (96 RCT) |
KT |
V4SP-3960 |
P3 Primary Cell 96-well Nucleofector™ Kit (960 RCT) |
KT |
VPH-5002 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Starter Kit (20 RCT) |
PC |
VAPH-5012 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Kit 1 (10 RCT) |
PC |
VPH-5012 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Kit 1 (25 RCT) |
PC |
VVPH-5012 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Kit 1 (100 RCT) |
KT |
VAPH-5022 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Kit 2 (10 RCT) |
PC |
VPH-5022 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Kit 2 (25 RCT) |
PC |
VVPH-5022 |
Human Stem Cell Nucleofector® Kit 2 (100 RCT) |
KT |
LONZA(龙沙) 是一家以生命科学为主导,在生物化学、精细化工、功能化学等行业均处于靠前地位的全球性跨国公司,具有一百多年历史,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔。
产品编号 | 名称 | 规格型号 | 品牌/生产厂家 |
VCA-1003 | Cell Line NucleofectorTM Kit V | 25reactions | lonza |
04-418Q | X-VIVO™ 15 Chemically Defined, Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium | 1L | lonza |
CC-3162 | EGM-2 BulletKit (CC-3156 & CC-4176) | kit | lonza |
CC-3170 | BEGM Bronchial Epithelial Cell Growth Medium BulletKit | ea | lonza |
V4XP-3024 | P3 Primary Cell 4D-NucleofectorTM X Kit L | 24 reactions | lonza |
LT07-318 | MycoAlertTM Mycoplasma Detection Kit (100 Tests) | 100 Tests | lonza |
LT07-518 | MycoAlertTM Assay Control Set (10 Tests) | 10 Tests | lonza |
LT07-710 | MycoAlert PLUS detection kit | 100 test | lonza |
BEBP02-054Q | TheraPEAKTM X-VIVOTM-15 Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium contains rec transf, 1L | 1L | lonza |
50150 | SeaKem™ Gold Agarose, ™ | 125g | lonza |
简要描述:Lonza 代理,Lonza 中国,Lonza 代理,Lonza 公司,Lonza 专业代理-上海金畔生物科技有限公司,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765
世界*实验材料供应商Lonza 正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Lonza 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Lonza 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
Lonza 中国代理,Lonza 上海代理,Lonza 北京代理,Lonza 广东代理,Lonza 江苏代理 Lonza 湖北代理, Lonza 天津, Lonza 黑龙江代理, Lonza 内蒙古代理, Lonza 吉林代理, Lonza 福建代理, Lonza 江苏代理, Lonza 浙江代理, Lonza 四川代理,
美国LONZA无血清培养基(Serum Free Medium,SFM)产品介绍 |
Serum-free media(SFM) 技术介绍 |
1、含血清成分培养体系的劣势 培养动物细胞,无论是为了增殖病毒,还是为了获得相关的生物制品,都力求使细胞大规模、高密度生长 ,并在高密度下维持高的细胞活性,简化下游纯化工艺,提高生物制品的安全性和产率,降低产品的成本 ,提高市场竞争力。但是常规细胞培养基的组分——血清的存在严重制约了动物细胞的规模培养,使用户 不得不每次都要费心挑选出不同批次的血清中质量的一批,并为此而投入大笔的成本资金。如果您也 为此而头痛,为什么不尝试一下无血清培养基呢? 2、无血清培养体系的优势 无血清培养基(Serum Free Medium, SFM)是全部用已知成分组配的不加血清的合成培养基,通常在含 有细胞所需营养和贴壁因子的基础培养基中加入适宜的促细胞生长因子,保证细胞良好生长,是于 制药生产的培养基。它在提高细胞培养质量的同时,还有以下诸多优点: 周围环境的影响(如天气干旱时,血清产量降低),而使血清价格有所调整。 |
LONZA无血清培养基(Serum Free Medium,SFM)产品介绍 |
LONZA Inc(龙沙公司):瑞士的制药化工*,龙沙集团是一家以生命科学为主导,在生物化学、精细化 工、功能化学等行业均处于先进地位的性跨国公司,具有一百多年历史,龙沙公司总部位于瑞士巴 塞尔,在欧洲、美洲、亚洲总共有35个研发和生产中心,其中LONZA的大部分生物技术产品在美国研发 生产。LONZA Ltd(龙沙公司)主要生产生命科学产品以及多种类的精细和特殊化工产品,以高科技生物技 术与优质产品*。 LONZA子公司美国BioWhittaker公司简介: 美国BioWhittaker公司作为美国zui早的人体和动物细胞培养基的供应者,进入生物医药已有50年的历史(1952年成立)。美国BioWhittaker公司的细胞培养产品主要有特定细胞的原代细胞生长培养基,通用无血清培养基(General Purpose Serum-free Medium),特殊用途无血清培养基(Specialty Serum-free Media),普通培养基,无蛋白和限定化学成分培养基(Chemically Defined Serum-free Media)等细胞培养基类产品和内毒素检测试剂盒等生命科学产品。1997年美国 BioWhittaker公司成为美国Cambrex公司旗下子公司,继续服务于欧美及生命科学市场。 为了研发更多优质产品,2007年BioWhittaker公司加盟LONZA集团,同时LONZA集团为其BioWhittaker 子公司提供了雄厚的资金和的。为此,LONZA品牌的细胞培养类和内毒素检测类产品将以 更优异的产品质量和便捷的服务提供给广大用户。 |
通用无血清培养基(General Purpose Serum-free Medium) |
产品名称:LONZA 12-725F UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium 500mL/瓶 |
12-725F UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium无血清培养基(Serum Free Medium, SFM)是由世界著名的美国LONZA公司生产,该12-725F UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium无血清培养基是一种营养成分*的通用型的无血清培养基,适用于培养贴壁哺乳动物细胞和悬浮哺乳动物细胞;适于在疫苗生产中制备病毒颗粒;支持杂交瘤形成时的细胞融合,支持单核细胞、巨噬细胞、上皮细胞和成纤维细胞系的细胞生长。适合多种细胞类型的无血清培养,包括HeLa细胞、HEC细胞、HEL,N-10细胞、HNK细胞、MB231细胞等等。LONZA公司生产的所有系列无血清培养基(Serum Free Medium, SFM)都是在cGMPs洁净车间里生产,12-725F UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium无血清培养基已被列入美国FDA产品管理档案中。
12-725F UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium培养基产品的应用
适应的细胞类型 Cell lines and Cell types
● 235-1,MNQ Rat Pituitary 大鼠垂体脑细胞
● B82 Mouse L cells –connective tissue 小鼠L细胞联结组织
● COS1, COS7 African green monkey SV40 transformed kidney 非洲绿猴SV40转化肾细胞
● CA77 Rat Medulary thyroid tumor 大鼠髓质甲状腺肿瘤细胞
● EB-3 Human Burkitt’s lymphoma 人伯基特氏淋巴瘤细胞
● FM3A Mouse Breast cancer 小鼠乳腺癌细胞
● GC, GH3 Rat Pituitary 大鼠垂体脑细胞
● HEL, N-10 Human Fetal lung diploid fibroblast 人胚胎肺二倍体成纤维细胞
● HeLa Human Uterine cancer 人子宫癌细胞
● HNK Human Neonatal kidney (primary) 人新生肾细胞
● HTC29 Human Colon Cancer 人结肠癌细胞
● HuL-1,2 Human Liver (normal) 人肝细胞
● HuK-1 Human Kidney (normal) 人肾细胞
● HuS-1AT Human Skin 人表皮细胞
● HEC Human Embryonic cancer 人胚胎肿瘤细胞
● HL-60 Human Acute promyelocytic leukemia 人急性早幼粒细胞性白血病细胞
● JTC-12 Monkey Kidney 猴肾脏细胞
● K-562 Human Chronic myelocytic leukemia 人慢性粒细胞性白血病细胞
● L Mouse Subcutaneous 小鼠皮下L细胞
● Lym-1 Rat Lymph node 大鼠淋巴结细胞
● MB231 Human Breast carcinoma 人乳腺癌细胞
● NS-1 Mouse Myeloma 小鼠骨髓瘤细胞
● P388D1 Mouse Macrophage-like 小鼠巨噬样细胞
● P815 Mouse Mast cell tumor 小鼠马斯特肿瘤细胞
● Raji Human Burkitt’s lymphoma 人伯基特氏淋巴瘤细胞
● RPL-1 Rat Peritoneum 大鼠腹膜RPL-1细胞
● RSP-2 Rat Spleen 大鼠脾细胞
● RLG-1 Rat Lung 大鼠肺细胞
● RCR-1 Rat Brain 大鼠脑细胞
● Rat-1 Rat Fibroblast 大鼠成纤维细胞
● T3 Mouse Pituitary 小鼠垂体脑细胞
● TT Human Medulary thyroid tumor 人髓质甲状腺肿瘤细胞
● U138 Human Glioma 人神经胶质瘤细胞