NIBSC ——欧洲标准生物制剂、疫苗、细胞株供应中心 中国进口商

NIBSC ——欧洲标准生物制剂、疫苗、细胞株供应中心 中国进口商





关键词:NIBSC,英国生物标准品研究所,WHO生物制品标准实验室,AIDS试剂中心,HIV/AIDS试剂中心 NIBSC中国代理




过去30年里,NIBSC 的流感资源中心在流感疫苗的生产与标准化中起着重要作用,流感疫苗研发与生产的关键问题在于流感病毒有着*的突变率,用于疫苗研发与生产的病毒株每隔一段时间须得更新,在WHO推荐用于疫苗生产和研发的流感病毒株选择上起着关键性作用。目前该中心为客户提供大量候选的流感疫苗、病毒、SRD试剂及唾液酸苷酶试剂。包括H1N1、H3N2、B (Yamagata lineage)、 B (Victoria lineage)。


英国干细胞库 (UKSCB) 供应多种人/鼠全能/多能干细胞株及相关干细胞研究产品与研究方法与资料。



6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,nibscam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。
















过去30年里,NIBSC 的流感资源中心在流感疫苗的生产与标准化中起着重要作用,流感疫苗研发与生产的关键问题在于流感病毒有着*的突变率,用于疫苗研发与生产的病毒株每隔一段时间须得更新,在WHO推荐用于疫苗生产和研发的流感病毒株选择上起着关键性作用。目前该中心为客户提供大量候选的流感疫苗、病毒、SRD试剂及唾液酸苷酶试剂。包括H1N1H3N2B (Yamagata lineage) B (Victoria lineage)





英国干细胞库 (UKSCB) 供应多种人/鼠全能/多能干细胞株及相关干细胞研究产品与研究方法与资料。






世界*实验材料供应商NIBSC正式上海金畔为其中国代理,NIBSC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, NIBSC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

NIBSC中国代理,NIBSC上海代理,NIBSC北京代理,NIBSC广东代理,NIBSC江苏代理 NIBSC湖北代理, NIBSC天津, NIBSC黑龙江代理, NIBSC内蒙古代理, NIBSC吉林代理, NIBSC福建代理, NIBSC江苏代理, NIBSC浙江代理, NIBSC四川代理,




2 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,



5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们还是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, NIBSC, Inc.  Genebridege; NIBSC Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; NIBSC; NIBSC; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;……几十家国外公司代理

7:我们还从事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend….等*批发


NIBSC 隶属 于NBSB, NBSB通过对 NIBSC 的管理,确保生物产 品的质量与安全,从而保障并促进公众的健康。 NIBSC 提供对投入英国市场的生物药品的独立测 试,尤其是用于英国儿童免疫计划的疫苗;它同时 也是欧盟控制药品进入欧盟市场的官.方药品控制 实 验 室 (Official Medicines Control Laboratories, OMCL)。 如果出现不能满足药品存放要求或患者 出现不良反应等问题,NIBSC也可对已投入欧盟市 场的产品进行检验。 NIBSC制备的菌毒种和检测 抗原、抗血清标准品,保障了各厂家顺利的研究和 生产。


产品编号 名称 规格型号 品牌/生产厂家
92/680 Serum amyloid A protein. WHO International Standard ea NIBSC
10/140 Anti-human papillomavirus[HPV] 18 serum (1st International Standard) ea NIBSC
73/601 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Human NIBSC
10/266 4th WHO International Standard for HBV DNA for NAT ea NIBSC
90/636 HIV-1 P24 Antigen WHO International Standard 1ml NIBSC
89/548 Interleukin-6 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard ea NIBSC
21/234 Working reagent for anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin 0.25 g NIBSC
91/554 Insulin-like growth Factor 1 WHO International Standard ea NIBSC









过去30年里,NIBSC 的流感资源中心在流感疫苗的生产与标准化中起着重要作用,流感疫苗研发与生产的关键问题在于流感病毒有着*的突变率,用于疫苗研发与生产的病毒株每隔一段时间须得更新,在WHO推荐用于疫苗生产和研发的流感病毒株选择上起着关键性作用。目前该中心为客户提供大量候选的流感疫苗、病毒、SRD试剂及唾液酸苷酶试剂。包括H1N1H3N2B (Yamagata lineage) B (Victoria lineage)   






英国干细胞库 (UKSCB) 供应多种人//多能干细胞株及相关干细胞研究产品与研究方法与资料。




NIBSC中国 英国国家生物标准与检定所

NIBSC中国代理 英国国家生物标准与检定所

简要描述:英国国家生物标准与检定所(National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, NIBSC),同时它又是世界卫生组织WHO的一个标准品供应中心,它的核心工作是制备、保存和分发WHO用于检测生物制品质量的标准品。NIBSC制备的流感毒株和检测抗原、抗血清标准品,保障了各厂家顺利的研究和生产。



英国国家生物标准与检定所(National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, NIBSC),同时它又是世界卫生组织WHO的一个标准品供应中心,它的核心工作是制备、保存和分发WHO用于检测生物制品质量的标准品。NIBSC制备的流感毒株和检测抗原、抗血清标准品,保障了各厂家顺利的研究和生产。


00/410 MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin).100% 480-A, 525-C DNA(1st International Reference Preparation) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/416 MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) Low Mutant Virus Reference(1st International Reference Preparation) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/418 MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/422 MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) High Mutant Virus Reference(1st International Reference Preparation) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/440 Influenza anti A/Singapore/1/57 Serum (sheep) H2 株 NIBSC 1900
00/442 Influenza anti B/Yamanashi/166/98 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/464 Streptokinase 株 NIBSC 1900
00/500 Botulinum Antitoxin Human 株 NIBSC 1900
00/530 Influenza Virus infectious B/Sichuan/379/99 株 NIBSC 1900
00/532 Influenza Virus infectious B/Johannesburg/5/99 株 NIBSC 1900
00/542 Influenza anti A/Chick/Scotland/59 (H5N1) Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/544 Influenza Virus infectious B/Victoria/504/00 株 NIBSC 1900
00/546 Influenza Antigen B/Johannesburg/5/99 株 NIBSC 1900
00/552 Influenza Antigen A/duck/Singapore/97 (H5N3) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/556 Influenza anti B/Johannesburg/5/99/ Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/560 Hepatitis A Virus RNA NAT Assays 株 NIBSC 1900
00/572 Interferon Beta (Human, rDNA; CHO cell-derived; Glycosylated) 株 NIBSC 1900
00/574 Interferon Beta Ser 17 Human, recDNA, E-coli-derived, non-glycosylated 株 NIBSC 1900
00/576 Interferon Beta, Human, Fibroblast Cell-Derived, Glycosylated 株 NIBSC 1900
00/588 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) subtype adw2, genotype A 株 NIBSC 1900
00/614 Influenza Virus infectious B/Guangdong/120/00 株 NIBSC 1900
007SP Human Anti-Pneumococcal capsule Reference Serum (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
007SP Human Anti-Pneumococcal capsule Reference Serum (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
01/412 Anti-Meningococcal immunotype L3,7,9 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
01/420 Interleukin-17 Human rec DNA 株 NIBSC 1900
01/424 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Human rDNA derived 株 NIBSC 1900
01/426 Meningococcal group Y polysaccharide 株 NIBSC 1900
01/428 Meningococcal group W135 polysaccharide 株 NIBSC 1900
01/450 Influenza anti B/Guangdong/120/2000 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
01/452 Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
01/488 Hepatitis A Virus RNA Working Reagent for NAT assays 株 NIBSC 1900
01/506 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type F 株 NIBSC 1900
01/508 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type C 株 NIBSC 1900
01/510 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type D 株 NIBSC 1900
01/512 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type G 株 NIBSC 1900
01/514 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.7 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
01/528 Oral Poliovaccine Sabin Reference Preparation Type 1[LS-c, 2ab strain] (Panel of 5 ampoules) 株 NIBSC 1900
01/530 Oral Poliovaccine Sabin Reference Preparation Type 2 (Panel of 5 ampoules) 株 NIBSC 1900
01/532 Oral Poliovaccine Sabin Reference Preparation Type 3 (Panel of 5 ampoules) 株 NIBSC 1900
01/538 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.16 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
01/546 Influenza Antigen B/Guangdong/120/2000 株 NIBSC 1900
01/572 Anti-D Immunoglobulin 株 NIBSC 1900
01/580 Thrombin, human, 2nd International Standard 株 NIBSC 1900
01/600 Anti-Toxoplasma IgG, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
01/608 Low Molecular Weight Heparin, 2nd International Standard 株 NIBSC 1900
01/612 Influenza Virus infectious B/Hawaii/10/01 株 NIBSC 1900
01/614 Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 株 NIBSC 1900
02/102 Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
02/144 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.15 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/148 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.4 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/168 Prekallikrein Activator (PKA), Human 株 NIBSC 1900
02/176 Diphtheria Toxoid for use in Flocculation Test. 株 NIBSC 1900
02/178 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.2 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/180 Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P2.2a mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/182 Anti-Japanese Encephalitis Virus Plasma, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
02/184 Anti-Japanese Encephalitis (Anti-JE) Virus Control Plasma, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
02/186 Anti-Dengue Virus Types 1+2+3+4, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
02/206 Blood Coagulation Factor XIII, Plasma, Human 1st IS 株 NIBSC 1900
02/208 Haemophilus influenzae b PRP 株 NIBSC 1900
02/210 HIV (antibody), 1st International Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
02/226 IVIG negative control for use with IVIG + anti-D 株 NIBSC 1900
02/228 IVIG + anti-D for use with negative control IVIG 株 NIBSC 1900
02/254 Insulin-like growth Factor I 株 NIBSC 1900
02/262 Influenza Virus infectious B/Brisbane/32/2002 株 NIBSC 1900
02/264-003 HCV RNA Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
02/286 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 株 NIBSC 1900
02/294 Influenza anti A/chick/Italy/13474/99 (H7N1) Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
02/306 Polio Virus Sabin Types 1, 2 and 3 株 NIBSC 1900
02/308 Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.4 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/310 Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.15 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/318 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type E 株 NIBSC 1900
02/320 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.3 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
02/336 Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 株 NIBSC 1900
02/338 Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
02/342 Protein C Plasma 株 NIBSC 1900
03/104-011 HTLV-1 (antibody) Monitor Sample 株 NIBSC 1900
03/110 Influenza anti B/Shangdong/9/97 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/114 Anti-Meningococcal Serosutype P1.1 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/116 Blood Coagulation Factor V, Plasma(1st I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/124 Thrombopoietin, human rDNA derived 株 NIBSC 1900
03/142 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.14 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/148 Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, FGF-7)(24-163) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/150 Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF,FGF-7) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/152 Anti-HPA-1a standard 株 NIBSC 1900
03/164 Anti-B minimum potency reference preparation 株 NIBSC 1900
03/178 Vitamin B12, Serum Folate 株 NIBSC 1900
03/182 Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.21 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/188 Anti-A minimum potency reference preparation 株 NIBSC 1900
03/190 Anti-HPA-3a(minimum potency) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/192 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
03/198 Influenza Virus infectious A/Kumamoto/102/02 株 NIBSC 1900
03/200 Interleukin – 18 (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/210 Anti-Meningiococcal Serosubtype P1.6 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/212 Influenza anti A/Wyoming/03/03 Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
03/220 Influenza Antigen A/Wyoming/03/03 株 NIBSC 1900
03/224 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.10 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/226 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.5 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/228 Protein S, Plasma, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
03/236 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.13 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
03/242 Influenza anti A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) HA Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
03/244 Influenza anti A/chick/Germany/N/49 (H10N7) HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/258 Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 (IVR-116) 株 NIBSC 1900
03/262 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen subtype adw2, genotype A Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
03/B346-11 QCRHSV2QC1- Anti-HSV2 Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
04/102 Blood Coagulation Factor XI Plasma, Human(1st I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
04/122 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.12 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
04/132 IVIG + Anti-D for use with negative control IVIG 株 NIBSC 1900
04/140 IVIG Negative Control for use with IVIG & Anti-D 株 NIBSC 1900
04/142 Methylated Human Serum Albumin 株 NIBSC 1900
04/160 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-147 株 NIBSC 1900
04/166 TNF-related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (trail), Human, rDNA-derived 株 NIBSC 1900
04/170 Influenza Virus infectious A/Wellington/1/2004 株 NIBSC 1900
04/172 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-139 株 NIBSC 1900
04/198 Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.1 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
04/200 Parathyroid hormone 1-34 Recombinant, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
04/202 Influenza Antigen B/ Jiangsu/10/2003 株 NIBSC 1900
04/214 Influenza anti A/Vietnam/1194/04 (NIBRG-14) HA Serum (sheep SH440&SH442) 株 NIBSC 1900
04/224 Factor V Leiden, Human gDNA, 1st International Genetic Reference Panel 2004 株 NIBSC 1900
04/228 Influenza anti B/ Neuraminidase Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
04/230 Influenza anti N1 Neuraminidase Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
04/242 Influenza anti B/Jiangsu/10/2003 HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
04/246 Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup W-135 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
04/248 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.19 mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
04/252 Protein C Concentrate, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
04/258 Influenza anti N2 Neuraminidase Serum(prepared from A/Wyoming/3/2003) 株 NIBSC 1900
04/260 Influenza anti A/New Caledonia/20/99 HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
04/262 Influenza anti A/New York/55/2004 HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
04/264 Influenza Antigen A/New York/55/2004 (H3N2) (NYMC X-157) 株 NIBSC 1900
05/102 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC BX-7 株 NIBSC 1900
05/106 Anti-HPA-1a minimum potency reagent 株 NIBSC 1900
05/110 Influenza Virus infectious A/California/7/2004 株 NIBSC 1900
05/112 Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration (2nd International Standard). 株 NIBSC 1900
05/122 Anti-syphilis plasma IgG (human) 株 NIBSC 1900
05/130 Prothrombin Mutation G20210A, Human gDNA, 1st International Genetic Reference Panel 2005 株 NIBSC 1900
05/132 Anti-syphilis plasma IgG and IgM (human) 株 NIBSC 1900
05/134 Anti-human papillomavirus type 16 serum (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
05/138 Influenza Virus infectious B/Shanghai/361/2002 株 NIBSC 1900
05/162 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, plasma derived 株 NIBSC 1900
05/190 Anti Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.9 Monoclonal Antibody 株 NIBSC 1900
05/192 Anti Meningococcal Serotype P2.2b Monoclonal Antibody 株 NIBSC 1900
05/208-001 HLA-A Genotyping Reference Panel. 株 NIBSC 1900
05/232 Influenza Virus infectious A/Hiroshima/52/2005 株 NIBSC 1900
05/234 Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/67/2005 – Like 株 NIBSC 1900
05/236 Influenza anti A/Wisconsin/67/2005 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
05/242 IVIG, Anti-D and Negative Control Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
05/244 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-161 株 NIBSC 1900
05/248 Anti Dengue, WHO Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
05/252 Influenza anti B Neuraminidase Serum (Sheep SH463) 株 NIBSC 1900
06/102 Hepatitis C Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (4th WHO International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
06/106 Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2) (NYMCX-161) 株 NIBSC 1900
06/108 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-116 株 NIBSC 1900
06/114 Influenza Virus Infectious A/PR/8/34 株 NIBSC 1900
06/124 Monoclonal Antibody for Serotyping Bordela pertussis Fimbrial Antigen 2 (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
06/128 Monoclonal Antibody for Serotyping Bordela pertussis Fimbrial Antigen 3 (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
06/140 Pertussis Antiserum (human)1st IS – WHO international Standard. 株 NIBSC 1900
06/142 Pertussis Antiserum (Human) 1st WHO Reference Reagent 株 NIBSC 1900
06/164 Influenza Virus infectious 1 VR-142 株 NIBSC 1900
06/166 Antithrombin Concentrate, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
06/170 Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 株 NIBSC 1900
06/172 FEIBA Concentrate 1st NIBSC Working Reference Standard 株 NIBSC 1900
06/184 Influenza Virus infectious A/Wisconsin/67/2005 株 NIBSC 1900
06/192 Influenza anti A/turkey/Turkey/1/05 (NIBRG-23) HA serum(sheepSH465 & SH466) 株 NIBSC 1900
06/202 HPV 16 DNA 株 NIBSC 1900
06/206 HPV 18 DNA 株 NIBSC 1900
06/210 Medium Titre Meningococcal OMV Ref. serum 株 NIBSC 1900
06/236 Influenza Virus infectious A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 07/132 株 NIBSC 1900
06/242 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC-X161 B 株 NIBSC 1900
06/B461-06 QCRHIV1QC5-Anti-HIV1: Quality Control Serum: Sample5 株 NIBSC 1900
06/B475-10 QCRMALQC1-Anti-Malaria Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
07/102 Influenza Antigen A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (IVR-145)(H1N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/104 Influenza anti A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (H1N1) (IVR-145) HA Serum (sheep 467,468,469,470) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/112 Influenza Antigen A/turkey/Turkey/1/2005 (H5N1) NIBRG-23 株 NIBSC 1900
07/132 Influenza Virus infectious B/Malaysia/2506/2004 株 NIBSC 1900
07/144 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-145, 株 NIBSC 1900
07/146 Influenza anti A/HongKong/1073/99 like HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/148 Influenza anti A/Vietnam/1194/04 (H5N1) HA Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
07/150 Human Plasma Anti-Influenza H5N1 株 NIBSC 1900
07/164 Anti-HBs immunoglobulin 株 NIBSC 1900
07/182 Blood Coagulation Factor IX Concentrate, Human, 4th International Standard” 株 NIBSC 1900
07/184 Influenza anti B/Malaysia/2506/2004-HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/202 Recombinant soluble transferrin receptor (rsTfR)(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/214 Positive Control for use in flow cytometry cross matching (FCXM) and anti-HLA serology 株 NIBSC 1900
07/216 Diphtheria Toxoid (Adsorbed) (4th International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/222 RhD/SRY Plasma DNA sensitivity standard 株 NIBSC 1900
07/226 Influenza Virus Infectious A/New Caledonia/20/99 株 NIBSC 1900
07/228 Blood Coagulation Factor VIIa, Concentrate, Human, 2nd International Standard” 株 NIBSC 1900
07/246 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-147 株 NIBSC 1900
07/252 Influenza Virus infectious NIBRG-14 株 NIBSC 1900
07/268 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/3/2007 株 NIBSC 1900
07/270 BCG Vaccine of Danish 1331 sub-strain (1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/272 BCG Vaccine of Tokyo 172 sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/274 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/278 Influenza anti A/mallard/Netherlands/12/2000 (H7) HA serum (NIBRG-60) (sheep SH474 AND SH475) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/286-009 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Monitor Sample 株 NIBSC 1900
07/288-008 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 0.2IU/ml 株 NIBSC 1900
07/290 Influenza Antigen A/Anhui/1/05 (H5N1) IBCDC-RG-6 株 NIBSC 1900
07/294-003 Norovirus GII for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
07/296-003 Influenza Virus (A/Christchurch/1/2003, H1N1) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
07/298-003 Influenza Virus (A/Wyoming/3/2003, H3N2) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
07/300-004 Influenza Virus (B/Jiangsu/10/2003) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
07/304 Anti-D for assuring operator and test performance 株 NIBSC 1900
07/306 Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG Positive Control 株 NIBSC 1900
07/308 Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG Negative Control 株 NIBSC 1900
07/310 Anti-A and anti-B in IVIG: Limit reference preparation 株 NIBSC 1900
07/316 Blood Coagulation Factor VIII and Von Willebrand Factor in Plasma (6th I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/318 Meningococcal Group C Polysaccharide 株 NIBSC 1900
07/326 Blood Coagulation Factors II, IX,and X Concentrate, 6th British Working Standard. 株 NIBSC 1900
07/328 Unfractionated Heparin (6th I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/336 Influenza Antigen A/mallard/Netherlands/12/00 (H7N3) NIBRG-60 株 NIBSC 1900
07/338 Influenza anti A/Anhui/1/05 (H5) HA serum (IBCDC-RG6) (Sheep SH477) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/348 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-171B 株 NIBSC 1900
07/350 Blood Coagulation Factor VIII Concentrate (8th I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/354 Influenza Virus infectious A/Uruguay/716/2007 株 NIBSC 1900
07/358 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-50 株 NIBSC 1900
07/362 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-149 株 NIBSC 1900
07/364 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, (5th International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
07/B498-12 QCRHBclgMQC1-IgM Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
07/B512-09 QCRTHBcQC2-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC 1900
08/100 Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/59/2007 (IVR-148) (H1N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/108 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-91 株 NIBSC 1900
08/110 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-88 株 NIBSC 1900
08/114-004 Human Adenovirus serotype 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/118-003 Parainfluenza Virus serotype 3 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/120-003 Human Respiratory syncytial virus A2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/126 Influenza anti A/turkey/Turkey/1/05(N1) NA Serum (NIBRG-74) (Sheep SH485) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/138 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Florida/4/2006 株 NIBSC 1900
08/140 Influenza Antigen B/Florida/4/2006 株 NIBSC 1900
08/142 Influenza anti A/Anhui/1/05 (H5) HA serum (IBCDC-RG6) (sheep SH477) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/148 Positive control for Luminex based anti-HLA Class II serology 株 NIBSC 1900
08/150 HIV-2 RNA(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/154 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-12 株 NIBSC 1900
08/156 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-23 30060 VE3 株 NIBSC 1900
08/158 Fragile X Syndrome gDNA Genetic Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
08/160 Haemophilia A, Intron-22 inversion, gDNA, Genetic Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
08/174-003 Human Coxsackie B4 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/176-002 Parainfluenza Virus serotype 1 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/178-002 Parainfluenza Virus serotype 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/180-002 Parainfluenza virus serotype 4 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/184 Influenza Antigen B/Malaysia/2506/2004 株 NIBSC 1900
08/202 Influenza anti A/chick/Hong Kong/G9/1997/(H9) HA serum (NIBRG-94)(H9N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/204 Thyroid Stimulating Antibody (2nd I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/208 Influenza Antigen Hong Kong/1073/99 (H9N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/210 Influenza anti A/Cambodia/R0405050/2007 (H5) HA serum (NIBRG-86) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/214 Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C polysaccharide (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/216 Influenza Antigen A/Cambodia/R0405050/2007 (H5N1) NIBRG-88 株 NIBSC 1900
08/224-003 Human Herpes Simplex virus type 1 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/226-003 Human Herpes Simplex virus type 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/228 Influenza Antigen A/chick/Hong Kong/G9/1997 (H9N2) NIBRG-91 株 NIBSC 1900
08/230 Streptodornase (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/246 Influenza anti A/Brisbane/10/2007- like HA serum 株 NIBSC 1900
08/256 C1- Inhibitor, Concentrate (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/258 Antithrombin, Plasma (3rd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/262 C1 Inhibitor (Plasma)(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/266 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/268 Influenza Antigen A/mallard/England/727/2006 (H2N3) NIBRG-107 株 NIBSC 1900
08/270 Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG: Positive and Negative control panel. (2 ampoules of 07/306 and 2 ampoules of 07/308) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/278 Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/10/2007-like (Prepared from A/Uruguay/716/2007 (NYMC X-175C)) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/280 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/33/2008 株 NIBSC 1900
08/282 Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, human, recombinant, for bioassay (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/300 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-148 株 NIBSC 1900
08/304 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-175C 株 NIBSC 1900
08/310-003 Varicella Zoster Virus (Type B) Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/314-004 Human Cytomegalovirus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/316-003 Epstein-Barr Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC 1900
08/318-003 Human Norovirus GI Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC 1900
08/320-002 Human Metapneumovirus Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC 1900
08/322-002 Human Parechovirus Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC 1900
08/324-003 Rhinovirus Genogroup A Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC 1900
08/352 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008-like 株 NIBSC 1900
08/356 Influenza anti A/Japan/305/57 (H2) HA serum (A/Singapore/1/57-Like) (Sheep SH398) 株 NIBSC 1900
08/358 HIV-1RNA Genotype Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
08/362 Influenza Antigen A/New York/107/2003 (H7N2) NIBRG-109 株 NIBSC 1900
08/B531-10 QCRVZVQC1-Anti VZV:Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
08/B534-05 QCRHIV2QC3- Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample 3 株 NIBSC 1900
08/B536-14 QCRHIV1P24QC2-HIV1 p24 Antigen: Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC 1900
08/B538-07 QCRHIV1QC1-Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
08/B539-12 QCRNEGQC1-Negative Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
08/B554-09 QCRHBeQC1-Anti-HBe Quality Control Serum: sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
09/100 Influenza anti A/mallard/England/727/2006 (N3) NA serum (NIBRG-107) (Sheep SH503) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/110 Parvovirus B19 DNA Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology(NAT) based assays Genotype Panel(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/112 Negative Control for use in flow cytometry cross matching (FCXM) and anti-HLA serology 株 NIBSC 1900
09/130 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-122 株 NIBSC 1900
09/132-002 Human Coronavirus 229E Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC 1900
09/136 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA Derived)(2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/138 Genetic Reference Panel, for the quantitation of BCR-ABL translocation by RQ-PCR (1st I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/140 Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference Panel) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/146 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v (NYMC-X179A) (Egg derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/148 Influenza anti A/New York/107/2003 (H7) HA serum (Sheep SH504 and SH505) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/154 Clostridium Sordellii anti-serum (1st International standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/162 Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/170 Anti-Meningococcal factor H binding protein variant 1 (JAR4) monoclonal antibody 株 NIBSC 1900
09/172 Blood coagulation Factors II, VII, IX, X Plasma (4th International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/174 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/09 (H1N1)v (NYMCX-179A) (Cell Derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/182 VWF Factor Concentrate (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/184 Influenza Antigen A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) NIBRG-14 株 NIBSC 1900
09/186 Anti-Chagas Disease (TcII) Ig in Human Plasma 株 NIBSC 1900
09/188 Anti-Chagas Disease (TcI) Ig in Human Plasma 株 NIBSC 1900
09/196 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1v) (NIBRG-121xp) (Egg Derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/222 Human reference Serum for Antibodies specific for Haemophilus Influenzae b Polysaccharide 株 NIBSC 1900
09/234 Transforming Growth Factor-BETA 3 (Human, rDNA derived TGF-ß 3) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/236 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-153 株 NIBSC 1900
09/260 Epstein-Barr Virus (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/264 Fibrinogen Plasma (D)(3rd International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/266 Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, GDNF 株 NIBSC 1900
09/268 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-121xp 株 NIBSC 1900
09/272 Placental Growth Factor 株 NIBSC 1900
09/274 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-185 株 NIBSC 1900
09/276 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Brisbane/59/2007 株 NIBSC 1900
09/280 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-64 株 NIBSC 1900
09/284 Anti-Human Neutrophil Antibody 1a WHO Reference Reagent 株 NIBSC 1900
09/304 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-155 株 NIBSC 1900
09/306 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-147 株 NIBSC 1900
09/308 Influenza serology antigen reagent for haemagglutination inhibition assay Pandemic H1N1 2009 (X179A) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/310 Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/15/09 (H3N2) (NYMCX-183) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/316 Influenza Anti B Neuraminidase Serum (B/Florida/4/2006) 株 NIBSC 1900
09/318 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-35 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B558-03 QCRHIV1RTDQC1-Anti-HIV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 for Rapid Test Devices 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B562-04 QCRHIV1QC3- Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample3 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B564-05 QCRHBsGQC1-HBsAg Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B566-05 QCRHBsGQC2-HBsAg Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B571-05 QCRHIV1QC2- Anti-HIV 1: Quality Control Serum: Sample 2 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B572-13 QCRHAVIgMQC2 IgM Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B577-03 QCRRUBQC1-Anti-Rubella Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B584-06 QCRTHAVQC1-Total Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B585-10 QCRSYPHQC1-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B587-06 QCRHBsQC1- Anti HBs Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
09/B588-02 QCRTOXOQC1-Anti-Toxoplasma Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
10/106 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008 Reassortant (NYMC BX-35) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/120 Influenza Antiserum A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)(IVR-148) HA (sheep 516 and 517) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/128 Diphtheria Polyclonal Antibody 株 NIBSC 1900
10/130 Diphtheria Monoclonal Antibody 株 NIBSC 1900
10/136-001 HLA-DRB1 Genotyping Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
10/140 Anti-HPV 18 Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
10/142 Negative control for Luminex based anti-HLA serology 株 NIBSC 1900
10/150-004 Anti Hepatitis C Virus 株 NIBSC 1900
10/152 HIV-1 RNA (3rd International standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/154-002 Anti-HCV (1 in 8 dilution) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/188 Factor VIII Concentrate (13th British Standard). 株 NIBSC 1900
10/202 Influenza antibody (Human) to A/California/7/2009 ‘like’ (H1N1v) virus 株 NIBSC 1900
10/214 Influenza Anti A/Hong Kong 1073/99 (N2)NA Serum (Sheep SH395 SH396) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/216 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-74 株 NIBSC 1900
10/218 Influenza Anti A/California/7/2009 (N1) NA Serum (Sheep SH 521) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/226 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-158 株 NIBSC 1900
10/232 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC1(AR1R1) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/234 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC12 (ODpsi) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/236 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC4(OR1R2) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/238 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC5(Brr) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/258 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009-like(NIB-74) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/262 Diphtheria Antitoxin Human IgG 株 NIBSC 1900
10/264 Hepatitis B Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (3rd WHO International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
10/272 BCG Substrain Moreau 株 NIBSC 1900
10/276 Influenza virus infectious BX-31 株 NIBSC 1900
10/276 Influenza virus infectious BX-31 株 NIBSC 1900
10/280 Anti-HLA Control 株 NIBSC 1900
10/286 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Leutinizing Hormone human, urinary for bioassay 株 NIBSC 1900
10/B590-04 QCRSYPHQC2-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: sample2 株 NIBSC 1900
10/B592-04 QCRTHBcQC1-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
10/B594-02 QCRHCVQC1-Anti-HCV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
10/B596-04 QCRHSV1QC1-Anti-HSV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
10/B599-03 QCRCMVQC1- Anti CMV: Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC 1900
11/106 Influenza Virus infectious A/Perth/16/2009 株 NIBSC 1900
11/106 Influenza Virus infectious A/Perth/16/2009 株 NIBSC 1900
11/108 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-187 株 NIBSC 1900
11/108 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-187 株 NIBSC 1900
11/112 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-179A 株 NIBSC 1900
11/112 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-179A 株 NIBSC 1900
11/128 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-181 株 NIBSC 1900
11/130 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-14 株 NIBSC 1900
11/134 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) Like (A/Brisbane/10/2010- cell derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
11/136 Influenza Anti-B/Brisbane/60/2008 HA Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
11/182-001 HBV DNA Working Reagent 株 NIBSC 1900
11/186 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-74xp 株 NIBSC 1900
11/200 Diphtheria Antitoxin Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
11/206 Influenza anti-A/Perth/16/2009 HA Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
11/208-001 Parvovirus B19 DNA 株 NIBSC 1900
11/214 Blood Group Genotyping Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
11/216 Chagas Antibody Reference Panel ( 1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
11/218-001 MLH1/MSH2 Exon Copy Number Reference Panel 株 NIBSC 1900
11/222 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-79 株 NIBSC 1900
11/226 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Victoria/361/2011 株 NIBSC 1900
11/232 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Texas/6/2011 株 NIBSC 1900
11/236 Factor XIa 株 NIBSC 1900
11/238 Influenza anti-A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) HA serum 株 NIBSC 1900
11/244 Influenza Virus Infectiious NYMC BX-49 株 NIBSC 1900
11/B601-02 QCRHIV1P24QC1-HIV1 p24 Antigen: Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC 1900
11/B603-02 QCRHIV2QC2-Anti HIV2:Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC 1900
11/B604-001 QCRFLUAH5QC1 Influenza H5 PC1 株 NIBSC 1900
12/100 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-217 株 NIBSC 1900
12/106 Influenza Antigen B/Hubei-Wujiagang/158/2009 (NYMCBX-39) 株 NIBSC 1900
12/110 Influenza Antigen B/Wisconsin/1/2010 (cell derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
12/112 Influenza Antigen A/Victoria/210/2009 (H3N2) (NYMCX-187) 株 NIBSC 1900
12/114 Influenza Antigen A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2) (IVR-165) 株 NIBSC 1900
12/116 Influenza anti-A/Victoria/361/2011-like HA serum 株 NIBSC 1900
12/118 Influenza anti-B/Wisconsin/1/2010-like HA serum 株 NIBSC 1900
12/122 Influenza virus infectious A/turkey/Italy/3889/1999 株 NIBSC 1900
12/168 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/09 (H1N1) (NYMCX-181) Egg derived 株 NIBSC 1900
12/174 Infectious Virus Influenza A/California/7/2009 株 NIBSC 1900
12/198 Influenza virus infectious B/Wisconsin/1/2010 34490 E5 株 NIBSC 1900
12/200 Influenza virus infectious B/Brisbane/60/2008 34500 E7 株 NIBSC 1900
12/202 Influenza virus infectious NYMC BX-39 株 NIBSC 1900
12/204 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-165 株 NIBSC 1900
2CPBETAAT Clostridium Perfringens Beta Antitoxin 株 NIBSC 1900
2CPEPSILONAT Clostridium Perfringens Epsilon Antitoxin 株 NIBSC 1900
59/015 Gas Gangrene (Cl. Perfringens(Cl. Welchii) Type A), Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
59/016 Corticotrophin (ACTH), Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
59/021 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type A 株 NIBSC 1900
60/001 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type B 株 NIBSC 1900
60/013 Tetanus Antitoxin, Equine, for Bioassay 株 NIBSC 1900
61/001 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type D 株 NIBSC 1900
62/001 Serum Gonadotrophin, Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
62/014 Lysine Vasopressin, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
63/005 Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Histolyticum), Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
63/007 Diphtheria Antitoxin, Equine, for Flocculation Test 株 NIBSC 1900
64/002 Rheumatoid Arthritis Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
64/014 Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Septicum), Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
64/024 Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Oedematiens), Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
65/093 Anti-Thyroglobulin Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
65/119 Renin, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
65/122 Long-acting Thyroid Stimulator, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
66/021 Tetanus Antitoxin, Equine, for Flocculation Test 株 NIBSC 1900
66/138 Gastrin II, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
66/153 Diphtheria Antitoxin, Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
66/233 Anti-Nuclear Factor Serum (Homogenous) Human 株 NIBSC 1900
66/304 Insulin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
66/387 Anti-thyroid Microsome Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
67/018 Interferon, Chick 株 NIBSC 1900
67/037 Immunoglobulin D (IgD) Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
67/086 Immunoglobulins G, A, M Serum Human 株 NIBSC 1900
67/099 Immunoglobulins G, A & M Serum Human 株 NIBSC 1900
67/182 Anti-Rubella Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
67/183 Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
67/343 Erythropoietin, Human, Urinary 株 NIBSC 1900
68/340 Anti-Nucleolar Factor Plasma, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
68/356 Renin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
69/017 Diphtheria Toxoid, Plain 株 NIBSC 1900
69/065 Autoimmune Antibody to Human Spermatazoa 株 NIBSC 1900
69/194 Glucagon, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
70/302 Angiotensin II 株 NIBSC 1900
71/328 Angiotensin I 株 NIBSC 1900
73/515 Anti-D (Rho) Antibodies, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
73/545 Placental Lactogen, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
73/601 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Human 株 NIBSC 1900
74/520 Serum Proteins (Other than Immunoglobulins) Human 株 NIBSC 1900
74/555 Corticotrophin (ACTH), Human 株 NIBSC 1900
74/581 Ancrod 株 NIBSC 1900
74/586 Corticotrophin (ACTH), Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
75/506 Cocksfoot Pollen Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
75/533 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Human, for Radioiodination 株 NIBSC 1900
75/535 Chorionic Gonadotrophin beta, Human, for Radioiodination 株 NIBSC 1900
75/551 Chorionic Gonadotrophin beta Subunit, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
75/569 Chorionic Gonadotrophin alpha subunit, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
75/595 Blood Coagulation Factor Xa, Bovine 株 NIBSC 1900
76/508 Chorionic Gonadotrophin alpha Subunit, Human, for Radioiodination 株 NIBSC 1900
76/515 Mannan (C. Albians) Purified 株 NIBSC 1900
76/522 Opacity 5IRP 株 NIBSC 1900
76/525 Anti-Birch Pollen Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
76/547 Influenza anti A/Victoria/3/75 Serum(goat) 株 NIBSC 1900
76/575 Oxytocin 株 NIBSC 1900
76/589 Tetanus Antitoxin, Human, Immunoglobulin 株 NIBSC 1900
77/503 Anti-Cocksfoot Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
77/512 Lysine Vasopressin 株 NIBSC 1900
77/530 Influenza Antigen A/New Jersey/8/76 株 NIBSC 1900
77/531 Influenza anti A/New Jersey/8/76 (H1N1) Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
77/568 Influenza anti B/Hong Kong/8/73 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
77/584 Anti-D Pteronyssinus Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
77/600 Mannan (C. Albicans) Purified 株 NIBSC 1900
77/616 Twelve Grass Pollen Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
77/643 Secretin 株 NIBSC 1900
77/662 Acarus Siro Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
77/664 Glycyphagus destructor Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
78/517 Tyrophagus Putrescentiae Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
78/543 Kininogenase, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
78/545 Anti-Aspergillus fumigatus Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
78/554 Luteinizing Hormone, Pituitary, alpha subunit 株 NIBSC 1900
78/556 Luteinizing Hormone, Pituitary, beta subunit 株 NIBSC 1900
78/560 Influenza Antigen A/Texas/1/77 株 NIBSC 1900
78/569 Influenza anti A/Texas/1/77 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
78/575 Aspergillus Fumigatus Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
78/582 Tyrophagus Longior Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
78/628 Bee Venom 株 NIBSC 1900
79/500 Parathyroid Hormone, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
79/516 Influenza anti A/Brazil/11/78 Serum (goat) 株 NIBSC 1900
79/552 Influenza Antigen A/USSR/92/77 株 NIBSC 1900
79/558 Influenza Antigen A/USSR/92/77 株 NIBSC 1900
79/560 Influenza Antigen A/Brazil/11/78 株 NIBSC 1900
79/568 Influenza Antigen B/Hong Kong/8/73 株 NIBSC 1900
79/572 Prekallikrein Activator (PKA), Human 株 NIBSC 1900
80/505 Growth Hormone, Human, Pituitary 株 NIBSC 1900
80/517 Influenza Antigen A/Bangkok/1/79 株 NIBSC 1900
80/519 Influenza Antigen B/Singapore/222/79 株 NIBSC 1900
80/523 Influenza anti B/Singapore/222/79 Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
80/525 Influenza anti A/Bangkok/1/79 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
80/552 Luteinizing Hormone, Human, Pituitary 株 NIBSC 1900
80/590 Tetracosactide 株 NIBSC 1900
81/565 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
82/508 Parathyroid Hormone, Human-Type, Synthetic (1-34) fragment 株 NIBSC 1900
82/512 Parathyroid Hormone, Bovine-Type, Synthetic (1-34) fragment 株 NIBSC 1900
82/518 Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
82/520 Timothy Pollen Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
82/585 Anti Poliovirus serum types 1,2 and 3 株 NIBSC 1900
82/587 Interferon Gamma (Human, Leukocyte derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
82/632 Parathyroid Hormone, Bovine 株 NIBSC 1900
82/652 Human Serum Vitamin B12, Pernicous anaemia 株 NIBSC 1900
83/500 Insulin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
83/501 Beta Thromboglobulin, Purified Human 株 NIBSC 1900
83/505 Plaet Factor 4 Human, Purified 株 NIBSC 1900
83/511 Insulin, Bovine 株 NIBSC 1900
83/514 Interferon alpha-1D, (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
83/515 Insulin, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
83/537 Influenza Antigen A/Philippines/2/82 株 NIBSC 1900
83/545 Influenza anti A/Philippine/2/82 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
83/550 Influenza Antigen A/Brazil/11/78 株 NIBSC 1900
83/573 Prolactin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
83/575 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Pituitary 株 NIBSC 1900
84/500 Prolactin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
84/510 C- Peptide of Human Insulin 株 NIBSC 1900
84/514 Proinsulin, Bovine 株 NIBSC 1900
84/522 Birch Pollen Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
84/528 Proinsulin, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
84/538 Influenza Antigen A/Chile/1/83 株 NIBSC 1900
84/542 Influenza Antigen B/Norway/1/84 株 NIBSC 1900
84/581 Short Ragweed Pollen Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
84/611 Proinsulin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
84/614 Calcitonin, ASU 1-7 Eel Calcitonin Analogue (Elcatonin) 株 NIBSC 1900
84/628 Anti-c Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
84/636 Influenza anti B/USSR/100/83 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
84/640 Influenza anti A/Chile/1/8 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
84/673 Influenza anti A/equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) Serum(goat) 株 NIBSC 1900
84/677 Influenza anti A/equine/Miami/63 (H3N8) Serum(goat) 株 NIBSC 1900
84/685 Dog (Canis Familiaris) Hair Dander Extract 株 NIBSC 1900
85/506 C-Reactive Protein, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
85/516 Influenza anti A/Equine/Kentucky/1/81 HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
85/520 Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Kentucky/1/81 株 NIBSC 1900
85/522 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone beta subunit 株 NIBSC 1900
85/551 Anti-Rye Grass Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
85/553 Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) 株 NIBSC 1900
85/616 Haemoglobin F Lysate, Raised 株 NIBSC 1900
85/669 Atrial Natriuretic Factor, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
86/504 Interleukin-2 (Human, Jurkat derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/536 Angiotensin I Human Type Synthetic 株 NIBSC 1900
86/538 Angiotensin II 株 NIBSC 1900
86/552 Interleukin-1 Beta (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/564 Interleukin-2 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/576 Influenza Antigen A/Mississippi/1/85 株 NIBSC 1900
86/590 Influenza anti A/Mississippi/1/85 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/592 Influenza anti B/Ann Arbor/1/86/HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/630 Influenza Antigen B/Ann Arbor/1/86 株 NIBSC 1900
86/632 Interleukin-1 alpha (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/678 Interleukin-1 alpha (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/680 Interleukin-1 beta (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
86/690 Inhibin, Porcine 株 NIBSC 1900
87/510 Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Miami/63 株 NIBSC 1900
87/578 Influenza anti A/Leningrad/360/86 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
87/584 Influenza Antigen A/Leningrad/360/86 株 NIBSC 1900
87/586 Interferon Gamma (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
87/594 Urokinase, High Molecular Weight 株 NIBSC 1900
87/640 Tumour Necrosis Factor beta (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
87/654 Anti-Ferritin Monoclonal Antibody (1) 株 NIBSC 1900
87/662 Anti-Ferritin Monoclonal Antibody (2) 株 NIBSC 1900
87/690 Erythropoietin Human recDNA 株 NIBSC 1900
87/714 Influenza Antigen A/Sichuan/2/87 株 NIBSC 1900
87/774 Influenza Antigen B/Victoria/2/87 株 NIBSC 1900
88/522 Bordela pertussis (Whole cell vaccine) 3BRP 株 NIBSC 1900
88/532 Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
88/554 Influenza Antigen B/Beijing/7/87 株 NIBSC 1900
88/556 Calcitonin, Eel 株 NIBSC 1900
88/638 Thyroxine-binding globulin 株 NIBSC 1900
88/646 Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
88/654 Influenza Antigen A/England/427/88 株 NIBSC 1900
88/656 Interleukin-4 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
88/672 Influenza anti A/Sichuan/2/87 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
88/678 Influenza anti B/Beijing/1/87 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
88/786 Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (Human Natural) 株 NIBSC 1900
88/846 Influenza anti A/England/427/88 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/512 Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF-1) (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/514 Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/516 Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (Bovine) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/518 Transforming Growth Factor beta-2 (Bovine) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/520 Interleukin-8 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/530 Anti-Bordela pertussis serum (Human) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/544 Renin, Human, rec DNA 株 NIBSC 1900
89/548 Interleukin-6 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/568 Influenza Antigen A/OMS/5389/88 株 NIBSC 1900
89/594 Bordela pertussis (W28) LPS 2ug 株 NIBSC 1900
89/596 Bordela pertussis anti-agglutinogen 1(rabbit) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/598 Bordela pertussis anti-agglutinogen 2 (rabbit) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/600 Bordela pertussis anti-agglutinogen 3 (rabbit) 株 NIBSC 1900
89/620 Calcitonin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
89/666 Haemoglobin A2 Lysate, Raised 株 NIBSC 1900
89/670 Bordela pertussis (W28) LPS25ug 株 NIBSC 1900
90/500 Influenza Antigen A/Shanghai/16/89 株 NIBSC 1900
90/502 Influenza Antigen A/Guizhou/54/89 株 NIBSC 1900
90/504 Influenza anti A/Guangdong/39/89 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
90/520 Bordela pertussis, filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) 株 NIBSC 1900
90/530 Interleukin-7 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
90/534 Mumps Vaccine (Live) 株 NIBSC 1900
90/586 Interleukin-5 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
90/636 HIV-1 P24 Antigen 株 NIBSC 1900
90/654 Bordela pertussis 69kD 株 NIBSC 1900
90/690 Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody 株 NIBSC 1900
90/696 Transforming Growth Factor beta-2, Human, rec DNA 株 NIBSC 1900
90/712 Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
90/784 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-26 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/510 Interleukin-3 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/530 Epidermal Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/550 Epidermal Growth Factor (1-52) (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/554 Insulin-like growth Factor 1 株 NIBSC 1900
91/562 Anti-D for use with papain preparation 92/658 株 NIBSC 1900
91/612 Influenza anti A/Taiwan/1/86 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/624 Inhibin A, Human, recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
91/626 Activin A, Human, Recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
91/656 Interleukin-4 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/658 Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (Mouse rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/660 Influenza Virus infectious A/Texas/36/91 (H1N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/662 Interleukin-3 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/670 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-27 (H1N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/678 Interleukin-9 (Human,rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/682 Stem Cell Factor (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
91/688 Rubella Vaccine (Live) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/510 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Human, recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
92/512 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, urofollitropin Human Urinary 株 NIBSC 1900
92/518 Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 alpha (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/520 Rantes (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/530 Influenza Antigen A/Texas/36/91 株 NIBSC 1900
92/582 Influenza anti B/Yamagata/16/88 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/628 Influenza Antigen B/Yamagata/16/88 株 NIBSC 1900
92/632 Influenza anti A/Beijing/352/89 (H3N2) Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/644 Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1ra) (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/648 Measles Vaccine (Live) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/654 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), plasma Human 株 NIBSC 1900
92/658 Papain preparation for use with Anti-D preparation 91/562 株 NIBSC 1900
92/680 Serum amyloid A protein 株 NIBSC 1900
92/734 Influenza Virus infectious A/Beijing/32/92 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/738 Influenza Virus infectious A/Shanghai/24/90 株 NIBSC 1900
92/788 Interleukin-11 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
92/794 Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (Human,rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/500 Influenza Antigen A/Beijing/32/92 株 NIBSC 1900
93/516 Influenza Antigen A/Shanghai/24/90 株 NIBSC 1900
93/518 Influenza anti A/Beijing/32/92 (H3N2) Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/522 Influenza anti A/Shanghai/24/90 (H3N2) Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/524 Soluble Tumor Necrosis Receptor factor Type II (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/526 Batroxobin 株 NIBSC 1900
93/556 Nerve Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/560 Insulin-like growth Factor Binding Protein-3 株 NIBSC 1900
93/562 Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/564 Oncostatin M (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/566 Interleukin-2 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/568 Influenza Virus infectious A/Beijing/359/89 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/572 Influenza Virus infectious A/Guizhou/54/89 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/574 Bone morphogenetic Protein-2 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/668 Interleukin-1 beta (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/672 Interleukin-1 alpha (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/686 Influenza Virus infectious A/Shangdong/9/93 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/692 Influenza Virus infectious B/Panama/45/90 株 NIBSC 1900
93/722 Interleukin-10 (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/730 Interleukin-6 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/740 Interleukin-7 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
93/816 Influenza Virus infectious A/Harbin/15/92 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/500 Influenza Antigen B/Panama/45/90 株 NIBSC 1900
94/504 Influenza anti A/Shanghai/9/93 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/516 Influenza Antigen A/Shangdong/9/93 株 NIBSC 1900
94/520 Influenza anti B/Panama/45/90 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/532 Pertussis Vaccine Whole Cell 株 NIBSC 1900
94/572 Ferritin, Human, recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
94/622 Interleukin-13 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/674 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
94/684 Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/718 Straphylokinase, rec (STAR) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/728 Plaet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/730 Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Antigen in Plasma 株 NIBSC 1900
94/754 Interferon Omega (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/758 Influenza Virus infectious A/Johannesburg/33/94 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/760 Influenza Virus infectious B/Beijing/184/93 株 NIBSC 1900
94/762 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-8 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/766 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-34 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/784 Interferon alpha (Human, leukocyte derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/786 Interferon alpha Concensus Sequence (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
94/790 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin). Synthetic DNA 100% 472-C 株 NIBSC 1900
95/510 Influenza Antigen A/Texas/36/91 株 NIBSC 1900
95/516 Influenza Antigen A/Johannesburg/33/94 株 NIBSC 1900
95/522 Anti-HBc (Anti-hepatitis B core antigen) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/524 Influenza anti A/Johannesburg/33/94 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/528 Folate, Whole Blood Haemolysate 株 NIBSC 1900
95/542 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA 0.9% 472-C 株 NIBSC 1900
95/544 Interleukin-12 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/554 Interleukin-15 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/564 Single Chain Urinary-Type Plasminogen Activator (SCuPA), (Non-Glyc) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/566 Interferon alpha-2b (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/568 Interferon Alpha n1 (Human lymphoblastoid cell derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/572 Interferon alpha-1/8 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/574 Interferon Alpha n3 (Human, leukocyte derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/580 Interferon alpha-2c (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/584 Anti-hepatitis E Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
95/646 Parathyroid Hormone 1-84, human, recombinant(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/650 Interferon alpha-2a (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/668 Single Chain Urinary-Type Plasminogen Activator (SCuPA), (Glyc) 株 NIBSC 1900
95/674 Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup A mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
95/678 Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup C mAb 株 NIBSC 1900
95/758 Influenza Virus infectious A/Wuhan/359/95 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/528 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor Type 1, (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/532 FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/534 Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/538 Insulin-like growth Factor-II (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/556 Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (precursor), (Human rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/564 Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/572 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) Low virus reference 0.7%472-C 株 NIBSC 1900
96/578 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) High virus reference 1.1%472-C 株 NIBSC 1900
96/602 Luteinizing Hormone, Human, recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
96/666 Anti-Human Globulin 株 NIBSC 1900
96/668 Prostate Specific Antigen (free) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/670 Prostate Specific Antigen (90:10) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/784 Inhibin B, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
96/830 Influenza Virus infectious A/Bayern/7/95 株 NIBSC 1900
96/836 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-9 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/848 Influenza Virus infectious A/Shenzhen/227/95 (H1N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
96/850 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-39 (H1N1) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/518 Influenza Antigen A/Johannesburg/82/96 株 NIBSC 1900
97/536 Plasmin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
97/538 Anti-Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
97/550 Islet Cell Antibodies 株 NIBSC 1900
97/558 Bordela pertussis anti 69kD serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/562 Blood Coagulation Factors IXa Concentrate, Human, recombinant(1st I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/564 Bordela pertussis anti FHA serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/572 Bordela pertussis PT anti serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/574 Bordela pertussis anti Fim3 serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/584 Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Newmarket/2/93 株 NIBSC 1900
97/592 Blood Coagulation Factor VII Concentrate(1st I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/594 Leptin, Human, Recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
97/596 Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Newmarket/1/93 株 NIBSC 1900
97/600 Interleukin-2 Soluble Receptor (human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/610 Influenza anti A/equine/Newmarket/1/93 Serum(sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/612 Influenza anti A/Nanchang/933/95 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/614 Influenza anti A/Equine/Newmarket/2/93 (H3N8) HA Serum (SH-376) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/626 Leptin, Mouse, Recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
97/642 Bordela pertussis anti serum (mouse) 1RR 株 NIBSC 1900
97/646 Anti-Hepatitis A Immunoglobulin, Human (W1041) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/648 Anti-Measles serum 株 NIBSC 1900
97/662 AntiStreptolysin O 株 NIBSC 1900
97/692 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-108 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/714 Prolactin, Human, recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
97/722 Influenza Virus infectious A/duck/Sing-Q/119/97 (H5N3) 株 NIBSC 1900
97/726 Influenza Virus infectious B/Harbin/7/94 株 NIBSC 1900
97/748 Influenza Antigen B/Harbin/7/94 株 NIBSC 1900
97/756 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin), low virus reference 0.65%481-G 株 NIBSC 1900
97/758 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA 0.67%481-G 株 NIBSC 1900
97/760 Influenza Antigen A/Beijing/262/95 株 NIBSC 1900
98/524 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA, 100%481-G 株 NIBSC 1900
98/544 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-13 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/572 Diphtheria and Tetanus Antitoxin, Guinea Pig Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
98/574 Somatropin 株 NIBSC 1900
98/580 Prolactin Human, recombinant, glycosylated 株 NIBSC 1900
98/582 Prolactin, Human, recombinant, non-glycosylated 株 NIBSC 1900
98/586 Calcitonin, Salmon 株 NIBSC 1900
98/590 Blood Coagulation Factors II and X Concentrate(3rd I.S.) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/596 MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin), high virus reference 1.21% 481-G 株 NIBSC 1900
98/600 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-40 (H5N3) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/604 Influenza anti B/Harbin/7/94/HA Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/608 Transforming Growth Factor beta-3 (Human, rDNA derived) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/610 Influenza Virus infectious ARIV-1 (H5N3) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/614 Fibrinogen Concentrate, Human, 1st International Standard 株 NIBSC 1900
98/666 Influenza anti A/Hong Kong/489/97 (H5N1) Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/686 Control Guinea Pig Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
98/708 Haemiglobincyanide 株 NIBSC 1900
98/714 Tissue Plasminogen Activator, Human, Recombinant 株 NIBSC 1900
98/718 Neurotrophin 3 株 NIBSC 1900
98/722 Meningococcal group A polysaccharide 株 NIBSC 1900
98/762 Influenza Virus infectious Resvir-14 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/772 Influenza anti A/Beijing/262/95 Serum (sheep) 株 NIBSC 1900
98/774 Influenza Antigen B/Shangdong/7/97 株 NIBSC 1900
98/778 Influenza Virus infectious A/Sichuan/346/98 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/506 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1B7) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/508 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1D7) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/510 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3F11) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/512 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (10D6) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/514 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (8G4) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/516 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (E1E) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/518 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (E2E) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/520 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3F10) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/522 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (11D9) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/524 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (4D10) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/526 Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (11E6) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/528 Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (10C9) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/530 Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (10B5) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/532 Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (G9A) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/534 Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3F6) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/536 Anti-PT S2 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3A12) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/538 Anti-PT S2 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (2H3) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/540 Anti-PT S2 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (9G8) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/542 Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7E10) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/544 Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7G11) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/546 Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (4G5) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/548 Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (2E12) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/550 Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6F8) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/554 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7F2) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/556 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6B3) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/558 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6G8) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/560 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (9F3) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/562 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1H2) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/564 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (9C6) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/566 Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6D6) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/568 Anti-PT S5 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7E3) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/570 Anti Filamentous Haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (1C6) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/572 Anti-Filamentous Haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (2E9) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/574 Anti Filamentous Haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (12G10) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/586 Influenza Antigen B/Yamanashi/166/98 株 NIBSC 1900
99/614 Influenza Antigen A/Sydney/5/97 株 NIBSC 1900
99/616 Yellow Fever Vaccine 株 NIBSC 1900
99/624 Influenza Antigen A/Sydney/5/97 株 NIBSC 1900
99/634-006 HIV-1 RNA Working Reagent 1 (PWS-1) for NAT Assays 株 NIBSC 1900
99/636-005 HIV-1 RNA Working Reagent 2 for NAT assays 株 NIBSC 1900
99/642 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked, human 株 NIBSC 1900
99/650 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, beta subunit, human 株 NIBSC 1900
99/666 Anti-HPA-5b (Minimum Potency) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/674-012 HIV-2 (antibody) Monitor Sample 株 NIBSC 1900
99/688 Chorionic Gonadatrophin, intact, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
99/692 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked beta subunit, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
99/698 Biotinylated Brad-5 (Bio-Brad-5) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/706 Anti-Meningococcal human reference serum CDC1992 株 NIBSC 1900
99/708 Chorionic Gonadatrophin, beta core fragment, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
99/710-015 HIV-1 (antibody) (1 in 5 dilution) British Working Standard 株 NIBSC 1900
99/714 Influenza Antigen A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/720 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, alpha subunit, Human (purified) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/728 Anti-D Immunoglobulin Control 株 NIBSC 1900
99/732 Multiplex Working Reagent (HCV, HBV, HAV, HIV, B19) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/750-017 HIV-1 (antibody) British Working Standard) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/774 Biotinylated Brad-5 株 NIBSC 1900
99/802 B19 DNA NAT assays.2nd I.S. 株 NIBSC 1900
99/824 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR 16 (H3N2) 株 NIBSC 1900
99/828 Influenza Antigen B/Yamanashi/166/98 株 NIBSC 1900
99/836 Anti-D Minimum Potency Standard for blood grouping reagents 株 NIBSC 1900
AFP Alpha-Foetoprotein 株 NIBSC 1900
B2M Beta-2 Microglobulin 株 NIBSC 1900
BUSB Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type B 株 NIBSC 1900
CDS Anti-Canine Distemper Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
CHAN Cholera Antitoxin, Goat 株 NIBSC 1900
CHS Anti-Canine Hepatitis Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
COT Clostridium novyi (alpha) Toxoid 株 NIBSC 1900
CWBETATD Clostridium Welchii (Perfringens)(Beta) Toxoid CwBT 株 NIBSC 1900
CWEPSILONTD Clostridium Welchii (Perfringens)( Epsilon) Toxoid CwDT 株 NIBSC 1900
DY Anti-Dysentery (shiga) serum, Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
ECHS Anti-Echinococcus Serum, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
JNIH-11 Bordela pertussis anti FHA serum (mouse) 株 NIBSC 1900
JNIH-12 Bordela pertussis PT( LPF) anti serum, (mouse) 株 NIBSC 1900
JNIH-3 Acellular Pertussis Vaccine – 1st IS 株 NIBSC 1900
JNIH-4 Bordela pertussis filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) 株 NIBSC 1900
JNIH-5 Bordela pertussis toxin (PT) 1st IS 株 NIBSC 1900
MGDS Anti-Mycoplasma gallisepticum Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
NDS Anti-Newcastle Disease Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
NVIA Newcastle Disease Vaccine (Inactivated) 株 NIBSC 1900
OE Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. novyi), Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
PE Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Perfringens alpha antitoxin) Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
PPDA Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M Avium Tuberculin 株 NIBSC 1900
PPDBOV Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of Bovine Tuberculin 株 NIBSC 1900
PPDT Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M. Tuberculosis Tuberculin 株 NIBSC 1900
QF Anti-Q Fever Serum, Bovine 株 NIBSC 1900
RAI Anti-rabies Immunoglobulin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
RBT/05 Thromboplastin,rabbit,plain(pack of 5 ampoules) with diluent (pack of 5 04/210) 株 NIBSC 1900
RTF/09 Thromboplastin, Human Recombinant, Plain (4th I.S.) (Panel of 5 ampoules for use with 5 diluent 08/146). 株 NIBSC 1900
RUBI-1-94 Anti-rubella Immunoglobulin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
SES Swine Erysipelas Serum (anti-N) 株 NIBSC 1900
SFS Anti-Swine Fever Serum 株 NIBSC 1900
SMV Smallpox Vaccine 株 NIBSC 1900
SPDS-S2 Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Std. Form S) 株 NIBSC 1900
SPDS-V Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Variant Form V) 株 NIBSC 1900
SPLS Anti-Staphylococcal P-V Leucocidin serum, Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
SSCLOT4 SSC/ISTH Secondary Coagulation Standard Lot#4 株 NIBSC 1900
STA Staphylococcus Alpha Antitoxin, Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
STT Diphtheria (Schick) Test Toxin 株 NIBSC 1900
TE-3 Tetanus Immunoglobulin, Human 株 NIBSC 1900
TILI Anti-tick borne encephalitis serum 株 NIBSC 1900
TISA Anti-tick borne encephalitis serum 株 NIBSC 1900
VI Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Septicum), Equine 株 NIBSC 1900
W1004 Anti-C complete blood typing serum,human 株 NIBSC 1900
W1005 Anti-E complete blood typing serum, human 株 NIBSC 1900
W1007 Anti-c Incomplete blood typing serum, human 株 NIBSC 1900
W1044 Anti-Varicella zoster immunoglobulin 株 NIBSC 1900
W1062 Anti smooth muscle(anti actin) autoantibody. 株 NIBSC 1900
W1063 Anti nuclear ribonucleoprotein(nRNP) autoantibody 株 NIBSC 1900
W1064 Anti-Nuclear factor serum,homogenous(66/233) 株 NIBSC 1900
W1066 Rheumatoid Arthritis serum. 株 NIBSC 1900
YF Anti-Yellow Fever Serum, monkey 株 NIBSC 1900







 英国国家生物制品检定所(National Institute for Biological Standards and Control,NIBSC)




  NIBSC提供对投入英国市场的生物药品的独立测试,尤其是用于英国儿童免疫计划的疫苗;它同时也是欧盟控制药品进入欧盟市场的*药品控制实验室(OMCL)。 如果出现不能满足药品存放要求或患者出现不良反应等问题,NIBSC 也可对已投入欧盟市场的产品进行检验。


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Streptokinase 00/464
Interferon Beta (Human, rDNA; CHO cell-derived; Glycosylated) 00/572
Interferon Beta Ser 17 Human, recDNA, E-coli-derived, non-glycosylated 00/574
Interferon Beta, Human, Fibroblast Cell-Derived, Glycosylated 00/576
Interleukin-17 Human rec DNA 01/420
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Human rDNA derived 01/424
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type D 01/510
Anti-D Immunoglobulin 01/572
Thrombin, human, 2nd International Standard 01/580
Low Molecular Weight Heparin, 2nd International Standard 01/608
Blood Coagulation Factor VIII Concentrate, Human 02/122
Prekallikrein Activator (PKA), Human 02/168
Blood Coagulation Factor XIII, Plasma, Human 1st IS 02/206
IVIG negative control for use with IVIG + anti-D 02/226
IVIG + anti-D for use with negative control IVIG 02/228
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 02/286
Blood Coagulation Factor V, Plasma(1st I.S.) 03/116
Thrombopoietin, human rDNA derived 03/124
Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, FGF-7)(24-163) 03/148
Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF,FGF-7) 03/150
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, recombinant 03/192
Interleukin – 18 (Human rDNA derived) 03/200
IVIG + Anti-D for use with negative control IVIG 04/132
IVIG Negative Control for use with IVIG & Anti-D 04/140
TNF-related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (trail), Human, rDNA-derived 04/166
Parathyroid hormone 1-34 Recombinant, Human 04/200
Protein C Concentrate, Human 04/252
Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration (2nd International Standard). 05/112
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, plasma derived 05/162
IVIG, Anti-D and Negative Control Panel 05/242
Antithrombin Concentrate, Human 06/166
FEIBA Concentrate 1st NIBSC Working Reference Standard 06/172
Blood Coagulation Factor IX Concentrate, Human, 4th International Standard” 07/182
Blood Coagulation Factor VIIa, Concentrate, Human, 2nd International Standard” 07/228
Anti-D for assuring operator and test performance 07/304
Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG Positive Control 07/306
Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG Negative Control 07/308
Anti-A and anti-B in IVIG: Limit reference preparation 07/310
Blood Coagulation Factor VIII and Von Willebrand Factor in Plasma (6th I.S.) 07/316
Blood Coagulation Factors II, IX,and X Concentrate, 6th British Working Standard. 07/326
Unfractionated Heparin (6th I.S.) 07/328
Blood Coagulation Factor VIII Concentrate (8th I.S.) 07/350
Chorionic Gonadotrophin, (5th International Standard) 07/364
Streptodornase (2nd International Standard) 08/230
C1- Inhibitor, Concentrate (1st International Standard) 08/256
Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG: Positive and Negative control panel. (2 ampoules of 07/306 and 2 ampoules of 07/308) 08/270
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, human, recombinant, for bioassay (2nd International Standard) 08/282
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA Derived)(2nd International Standard) 09/136
VWF Factor Concentrate (2nd International Standard) 09/182
Corticotrophin (ACTH), Porcine 59/016
Serum Gonadotrophin, Equine 62/001
Lysine Vasopressin, Porcine 62/014
Renin, Porcine 65/119
Gastrin II, Porcine 66/138
Interferon, Chick 67/018
Renin, Human 68/356
Glucagon, Porcine 69/194
Angiotensin II 70/302
Angiotensin I 71/328
Corticotrophin (ACTH), Human 74/555
Ancrod 74/581
Blood Coagulation Factor Xa, Bovine 75/595
Oxytocin 76/575
Lysine Vasopressin 77/512
Secretin 77/643
Kininogenase, Porcine 78/543
Luteinizing Hormone, Pituitary, alpha subunit 78/554
Luteinizing Hormone, Pituitary, beta subunit 78/556
Prekallikrein Activator (PKA), Human 79/572
Growth Hormone, Human, Pituitary 80/505
Luteinizing Hormone, Human, Pituitary 80/552
Tetracosactide 80/590
Parathyroid Hormone, Human-Type, Synthetic (1-34) fragment 82/508
Parathyroid Hormone, Bovine-Type, Synthetic (1-34) fragment 82/512
Interferon Gamma (Human, Leukocyte derived) 82/587
Parathyroid Hormone, Bovine 82/632
Insulin, Human 83/500
Beta Thromboglobulin, Purified Human 83/501
Plaet Factor 4 Human, Purified 83/505
Insulin, Bovine 83/511
Interferon alpha-1D, (Human rDNA derived) 83/514
Insulin, Porcine 83/515
Prolactin, Human 83/573
Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Pituitary 83/575
Prolactin, Human 84/500
Calcitonin, ASU 1-7 Eel Calcitonin Analogue (Elcatonin) 84/614
C-Reactive Protein, Human 85/506
Atrial Natriuretic Factor, Human 85/669
Interleukin-2 (Human, Jurkat derived) 86/504
Angiotensin I Human Type Synthetic 86/536
Angiotensin II 86/538
Interleukin-1 Beta (Human, rDNA derived) 86/552
Interleukin-2 (Human, rDNA derived) 86/564
Interleukin-1 alpha (Human rDNA derived) 86/632
Interleukin-1 alpha (Human, rDNA derived) 86/678
Interleukin-1 beta (Human, rDNA derived) 86/680
Inhibin, Porcine 86/690
Interferon Gamma (Human, rDNA derived) 87/586
Urokinase, High Molecular Weight 87/594
Tumour Necrosis Factor beta (Human, rDNA derived) 87/640
Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (Mouse, rDNA derived) 88/532
Calcitonin, Eel 88/556
Erythropoietin, Human recombinant 88/574
Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 88/646
Interleukin-4 (Human, rDNA derived) 88/656
Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (Human Natural) 88/786
Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF-1) (Human rDNA derived) 89/512
Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (Human, rDNA derived) 89/514
Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (Bovine) 89/516
Transforming Growth Factor beta-2 (Bovine) 89/518
Interleukin-8 (Human, rDNA derived) 89/520
Renin, Human, rec DNA 89/544
Interleukin-6 (Human, rDNA derived) 89/548
Calcitonin, Human 89/620
Interleukin-7 (Human, rDNA derived) 90/530
Interleukin-5 (Human, rDNA derived) 90/586
Transforming Growth Factor beta-2, Human, rec DNA 90/696
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 90/712
Interleukin-3 (Human, rDNA derived) 91/510
Epidermal Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 91/530
Epidermal Growth Factor (1-52) (Human, rDNA derived) 91/550
Insulin-like growth Factor 1 91/554
Inhibin A, Human, recombinant 91/624
Activin A, Human, Recombinant 91/626
Interleukin-4 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 91/656
Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (Mouse rDNA derived) 91/658
Interleukin-3 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 91/662
Interleukin-9 (Human,rDNA derived) 91/678
Stem Cell Factor (Human rDNA derived) 91/682
Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Human, recombinant 92/510
Follicle Stimulating Hormone, urofollitropin Human Urinary 92/512
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 alpha (Human, rDNA derived) 92/518
Rantes (Human, rDNA derived) 92/520
Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1ra) (Human, rDNA derived) 92/644
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), plasma Human 92/654
Serum amyloid A protein 92/680
Interleukin-11 (Human, rDNA derived) 92/788
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (Human,rDNA derived) 92/794
Soluble Tumor Necrosis Receptor factor Type II (Human, rDNA derived) 93/524
Batroxobin 93/526
Nerve Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 93/556
Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 93/562
Oncostatin M (Human, rDNA derived) 93/564
Interleukin-2 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 93/566
Bone morphogenetic Protein-2 (Human, rDNA derived) 93/574
Interleukin-1 beta (Mouse, rDNA derived) 93/668
Interleukin-1 alpha (Mouse, rDNA derived) 93/672
Interleukin-10 (Human rDNA derived) 93/722
Interleukin-6 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 93/730
Interleukin-7 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 93/740
Endotoxin 94/580
Interleukin-13 (Human, rDNA derived) 94/622
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 94/684
Straphylokinase, rec (STAR) 94/718
Plaet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) 94/728
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Antigen in Plasma 94/730
Interferon Omega (Human, rDNA derived) 94/754
Interferon alpha (Human, leukocyte derived) 94/784
Interferon alpha Concensus Sequence (Human rDNA derived) 94/786
Interleukin-12 (Human, rDNA derived) 95/544
Interleukin-15 (Human, rDNA derived) 95/554
Single Chain Urinary-Type Plasminogen Activator (SCuPA), (Non-Glyc) 95/564
Interferon alpha-2b (Human, rDNA derived) 95/566
Interferon Alpha n1 (Human lymphoblastoid cell derived) 95/568
Interferon alpha-1/8 (Human, rDNA derived) 95/572
Interferon Alpha n3 (Human, leukocyte derived) 95/574
Interferon alpha-2c (Human, rDNA derived) 95/580
Interferon alpha-2a (Human, rDNA derived) 95/650
Single Chain Urinary-Type Plasminogen Activator (SCuPA), (Glyc) 95/668
Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor Type 1, (Human, rDNA derived) 96/528
FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Human, rDNA derived) 96/532
Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 96/534
Insulin-like growth Factor-II (Human rDNA derived) 96/538
Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (precursor), (Human rDNA derived) 96/556
Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (Human, rDNA derived) 96/564
Luteinizing Hormone, Human, recombinant 96/602
Inhibin B, Human 96/784
Plasmin, Human 97/536
Anti-Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Serum 97/538
Blood Coagulation Factors IXa Concentrate, Human, recombinant(1st I.S.) 97/562
Blood Coagulation Factor VII Concentrate(1st I.S.) 97/592
Leptin, Human, Recombinant 97/594
Interleukin-2 Soluble Receptor (human, rDNA derived) 97/600
Leptin, Mouse, Recombinant 97/626
Somatropin 98/574
Calcitonin, Salmon 98/586
Blood Coagulation Factors II and X Concentrate(3rd I.S.) 98/590
Transforming Growth Factor beta-3 (Human, rDNA derived) 98/608
Fibrinogen, Plasma, Human, 2nd IS 98/612
Fibrinogen Concentrate, Human, 1st International Standard 98/614
Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone, Human Urinary 98/704
Tissue Plasminogen Activator, Human, Recombinant 98/714
Neurotrophin 3 98/718
Biotinylated Brad-5 (Bio-Brad-5) 99/698
Anti-D Immunoglobulin Control 99/728
Biotinylated Brad-5 99/774
Thromboplastin,rabbit,plain(pack of 5 ampoules) with diluent (pack of 5 04/210) RBT/05
Thromboplastin, Human Recombinant, Plain (4th I.S.) (Panel of 5 ampoules for use with 5 diluent 08/146). RTF/09

Hepatitis A Virus RNA NAT Assays 00/560
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) subtype adw2, genotype A 00/588
Hepatitis A Virus RNA Working Reagent for NAT assays 01/488
Anti-Toxoplasma IgG, Human 01/600
Anti-Parvovirus B19, plasma, human 01/602
HIV (antibody), 1st International Reference Panel 02/210
Insulin-like growth Factor I 02/254
HCV RNA Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 02/264-003
Protein C Plasma 02/342
HTLV-1 (antibody) Monitor Sample 03/104-009
Anti-HPA-1a standard 03/152
Anti-B minimum potency reference preparation 03/164
Vitamin B12, Serum Folate 03/178
Anti-A minimum potency reference preparation 03/188
Anti-HPA-3a(minimum potency) 03/190
Protein S, Plasma, Human 03/228
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen subtype adw2, genotype A Reference Panel 03/262
QCRHSV2QC1-Anti-HSV2 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 03/B346-06
Blood Coagulation Factor XI Plasma, Human(1st I.S.) 04/102
Plasmodium falciparum DNA for NAT Assays 04/176
Factor V Leiden, Human gDNA, 1st International Genetic Reference Panel 2004 04/224
Anti-HPA-1a minimum potency reagent 05/106
Anti-syphilis plasma IgG (human) 05/122
Prothrombin Mutation G20210A, Human gDNA, 1st International Genetic Reference Panel 2005 05/130
Anti-syphilis plasma IgG and IgM (human) 05/132
HIV-1 RNA Working Reagent 3 for NAT Assays 05/158-002
HLA-A Genotyping Reference Panel. 05/208-001
QCRTOXOQC1-Anti-Toxoplasma Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 05/B433-06
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA 06/100
Anti Hepatitis C Virus 06/188-006
Anti-HCV (1 in 8 dilution) 06/190-008
HPV 16 DNA 06/202
HPV 18 DNA 06/206
QCRHIV1QC5-Anti-HIV1: Quality Control Serum: Sample5 06/B461-04
QCRMALQC1-Anti-Malaria Quality Control Serum: Sample1 06/B475-06
Anti-HBs immunoglobulin 07/164
Recombinant soluble transferrin receptor (rsTfR)(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 07/202
Positive control for FCXM 07/214
RhD/SRY Plasma DNA sensitivity standard 07/222
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Monitor Sample 07/286-006
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 0.2IU/ml 07/288-004
Norovirus GII for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 07/294-001
Influenza Virus (A/Christchurch/1/2003, H1N1) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 07/296-001
Influenza Virus (A/Wyoming/3/2003, H3N2) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 07/298-001
Influenza Virus (B/Jiangsu/10/2003) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 07/300-001
QCRHBclgMQC1-IgM Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample1 07/B498-08
QCRTHBcQC1-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample1 07/B506-09
QCRTHBcQC1-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 07/B506-11
QCRTHBcQC2-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample2 07/B512-06
QCRHBsQC1-Anti HBs Quality Control Serum: Sample1 07/B515-06
QCRHIV1P24QC1-HIV1 p24 Antigen: Quality Control Serum: Sample1 07/B519-12
Human Adenovirus serotype 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/114-001
Parainfluenza Virus serotype 3 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/118-001
Human Respiratory syncytial virus A2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/120-001
HIV-2 RNA(1st International Standard) 08/150
Fragile X Syndrome gDNA Genetic Reference Panel 08/158
Haemophilia A, Intron-22 inversion, gDNA, Genetic Reference Panel 08/160
Human Coxsackie B4 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/174-001
Parainfluenza Virus serotype 1 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/176-001
Parainfluenza Virus serotype 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/178-001
Parainfluenza virus serotype 4 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/180-001
Thyroid Stimulating Antibody (2nd I.S.) 08/204
Human Herpes Simplex virus type 1 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/224-001
Human Herpes Simplex virus type 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/226-001
Antithrombin, Plasma (3rd International Standard) 08/258
C1 Inhibitor (Plasma)(1st International Standard) 08/262
HCV RNA Genotype Panel for Nucleic acid amplification techniques 08/264
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. (2nd International Standard) 08/266
Varicella Zoster Virus (Type B) Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT) 08/310-001
Human Cytomegalovirus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/314-002
Epstein-Barr Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 08/316-001
Human Norovirus GI Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 08/318-001
Human Metapneumovirus Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 08/320-001
Human Parechovirus Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 08/322-001
Human Rhinovirus Genogroup A Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 08/324-001
HIV-1RNA Genotype Panel 08/358
QCRRUBQC1-Anti-Rubella Quality Control Serum: Sample1 08/B523-03
QCRVZVQC1-AntiVZV: Quality Control Serum: Sample1 08/B531-06
QCRHIV2QC3-Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample3 08/B534-03
QCRHIV1P24QC2-HIV1 p24 Antigen: Quality Control Serum: Sample2 08/B536-05
QCRHIV1QC1-Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample1 08/B538-04
QCRNEGQC1-Negative Quality Control Serum: Sample1 08/B539-06
QCRHCVQC1-Anti-HCV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 08/B542-06
QCRHIV2QC2-Anti HIV2:Quality Control Serum: Sample2 08/B544-06
QCRCMVQC1-Anti CMV: Quality Control Serum: Sample1 08/B549-06
QCRHBeQC1-Anti-HBe Quality Control Serum: sample1 08/B554-04
Parvovirus B19 DNA Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology(NAT) based assays Genotype Panel(1st International Standard) 09/110
Negative Control for FCXM 09/112
Human Coronavirus 229E Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 09/132-001
Genetic Reference Panel, for the quantitation of BCR-ABL translocation by RQ-PCR (1st I.S.) 09/138
Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference Panel) 09/140
Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (1st International Standard) 09/162
Blood coagulation Factors II, VII, IX, X Plasma (4th International Standard) 09/172
Neisseria meningitidis for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT) 09/320-001
QCRSYPHQC2-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: sample2 09/B559-06
QCRHIV1QC3- Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample3 09/B562-01
QCRHBsGQC1-Anti HBsAg Quality Control Serum: Sample1 09/B564-02
QCRHBsGQC2-Anti HBsAg Quality Control Serum: Sample2 09/B566-01
QCRHIV1QC2- Anti-HIV 1: Quality Control Serum: Sample 2 09/B571-02
QCRHAVIgMQC2-Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample2 09/B572-05
QCRRUBQC1-Anti-Rubella Quality Control Serum: Sample1 09/B577-01
QCRTHAVQC1-Total Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 09/B584-01
QCRSYPHQC1-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 09/B585-03
QCRHBsQC1-Anti HBs Quality Control Serum: Sample1 09/B587-02
HBV DNA PCR Reference 10/194-001
Rheumatoid Arthritis Serum 64/002
Anti-Thyroglobulin Serum, Human 65/093
Long-acting Thyroid Stimulator, Human 65/122
Anti-Nuclear Factor Serum (Homogenous) Human 66/233
Insulin, Human 66/304
Anti-thyroid Microsome Serum, Human 66/387
Immunoglobulin D (IgD) Serum, Human 67/037
Immunoglobulins G, A, M Serum Human 67/086
Immunoglobulins G, A & M Serum Human 67/099
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Serum, Human 67/183
Erythropoietin, Human, Urinary 67/343
Anti-Nucleolar Factor Plasma, Human 68/340
Autoimmune Antibody to Human Spermatazoa 69/065
Anti-D (Rho) Antibodies, Human 73/515
Placental Lactogen, Human 73/545
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Human 73/601
Serum Proteins (Other than Immunoglobulins) Human 74/520
Corticotrophin (ACTH), Porcine 74/586
Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Human 75/502
Cocksfoot Pollen Extract 75/506
Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Human, for Radioiodination 75/533
Chorionic Gonadotrophin beta, Human, for Radioiodination 75/535
Parathyroid Hormone, Human 75/549
Chorionic Gonadotrophin beta Subunit, Human 75/551
Chorionic Gonadotrophin alpha subunit, Human 75/569
Chorionic Gonadotrophin alpha Subunit, Human, for Radioiodination 76/508
Mannan (C. Albians) Purified 76/515
Anti-Birch Pollen Serum, Human 76/525
Anti-Cocksfoot Serum, Human 77/503
Anti-D Pteronyssinus Serum, Human 77/584
Mannan (C. Albicans) Purified 77/600
Twelve Grass Pollen Extract 77/616
Acarus Siro Extract 77/662
Glycyphagus destructor Extract 77/664
Tyrophagus Putrescentiae Extract 78/517
Anti-Aspergillus fumigatus Serum, Human 78/545
Aspergillus Fumigatus Extract 78/575
Tyrophagus Longior Extract 78/582
Bee Venom 78/628
Parathyroid Hormone, Human 79/500
Anti-Cat Fur Serum, Human 79/530
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human 81/565
Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Extract 82/518
Timothy Pollen Extract 82/520
Human Serum Vitamin B12, Pernicous anaemia 82/652
C- Peptide of Human Insulin 84/510
Proinsulin, Bovine 84/514
Birch Pollen Extract 84/522
Proinsulin, Porcine 84/528
Short Ragweed Pollen Extract 84/581
Proinsulin, Human 84/611
Anti-c Serum, Human 84/628
Dog (Canis Familiaris) Hair Dander Extract 84/685
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone beta subunit 85/522
Anti-Rye Grass Serum, Human 85/551
Haemoglobin F Lysate, Raised 85/616
Anti-Ferritin Monoclonal Antibody (1) 87/654
Anti-Ferritin Monoclonal Antibody (2) 87/662
Thyroxine-binding globulin 88/638
Haemoglobin A2 Lysate, Raised 89/666
HIV-1 P24 Antigen 90/636
Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody 90/690
Anti-D for use with papain preparation 92/658 91/562
Papain preparation for use with Anti-D preparation 91/562 92/658
Insulin-like growth Factor Binding Protein-3 93/560
Ferritin, Human, recombinant 94/572
Follicle Stimulating Hormone/Luteinizing Hormone, Human Pituitary 94/632
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant 94/674
Anti-HBc (Anti-hepatitis B core antigen) 95/522
Folate, Whole Blood 95/528
Anti-hepatitis E Serum, Human 95/584
Parathyroid Hormone 1-84, human, recombinant(1st International Standard) 95/646
Lupus Anticoagulant Negative Control 96/522
Anti-Human Globulin 96/666
Prostate Specific Antigen (free) 96/668
Prostate Specific Antigen (90:10) 96/670
Islet Cell Antibodies 97/550
Anti-Hepatitis A Immunoglobulin, Human (W1041) 97/646
HIV-1 RNA, 2nd International Standard 97/650
Prolactin, Human, recombinant 97/714
Hepatitis B Virus DNA for nucleic acid amplification techniques 97/750
Prolactin Human, recombinant, glycosylated 98/580
Prolactin, Human, recombinant, non-glycosylated 98/582
Haemiglobincyanide 98/708
HIV-1 RNA Working Reagent 1 (PWS-1) for NAT Assays 99/634-005
HIV-1 RNA Working Reagent 2 for NAT assays 99/636-005
Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked, human 99/642
Chorionic Gonadotrophin, beta subunit, human 99/650
Anti-HPA-5b (Minimum Potency) 99/666
HIV-2 (antibody) Monitor Sample 99/674-010
Chorionic Gonadatrophin, intact, Human 99/688
Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked beta subunit, Human 99/692
Chorionic Gonadatrophin, beta core fragment, Human 99/708
HIV-1 (antibody) (1 in 5 dilution) British Working Standard 99/710-012
Chorionic Gonadotrophin, alpha subunit, Human (purified) 99/720
Multiplex Working Reagent (HCV, HBV, HAV, HIV, B19) 99/732
Parvovirus B19 DNA Working reagent 99/736
HIV-1 (antibody) British Working Standard) 99/750-013
B19 DNA NAT assays.2nd I.S. 99/802
Anti-D Minimum Potency Standard for blood grouping reagents 99/836
Alpha-Foetoprotein AFP
Beta-2 Microglobulin B2M
Anti-Canine Distemper Serum CDS
Cholera Antitoxin, Goat CHAN
Anti-Canine Hepatitis Serum CHS
Anti-Dysentery (shiga) serum, Equine DY
Anti-Echinococcus Serum, Human ECHS
Anti-Mycoplasma gallisepticum Serum MGDS
Anti-Newcastle Disease Serum NDS
Anti-Q Fever Serum, Bovine QF
Anti-rabies Immunoglobulin, Human RAI
Swine Erysipelas Serum (anti-N) SES
Anti-Swine Fever Serum SFS
Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Std. Form S) SPDS-S2
Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Variant Form V) SPDS-V
Anti-tick borne encephalitis serum TILI
Anti-tick borne encephalitis serum TISA
Anti-C complete blood typing serum,human W1004
Anti-E complete blood typing serum, human W1005
Anti-c Incomplete blood typing serum, human W1007
Anti-Varicella zoster immunoglobulin W1044
Anti smooth muscle(anti actin) autoantibody. W1062
Anti nuclear ribonucleoprotein(nRNP) autoantibody W1063
Anti-Nuclear factor serum,homogenous(66/233) W1064
Rheumatoid Arthritis serum. W1066

MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin).100% 480-A, 525-C DNA(1st International Reference Preparation) 00/410
MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) Low Mutant Virus Reference(1st International Reference Preparation) 00/416
MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) (1st International Standard) 00/418
MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) High Mutant Virus Reference(1st International Reference Preparation) 00/422
Influenza anti A/Singapore/1/57 Serum (sheep) H2 00/440
Influenza anti B/Yamanashi/166/98 Serum (sheep) 00/442
Diphtheria Antitoxin Human Serum 00/496
Botulinum Antitoxin Human 00/500
Influenza Virus infectious B/Sichuan/379/99 00/530
Influenza Virus infectious B/Johannesburg/5/99 00/532
Influenza anti A/Chick/Scotland/59 (H5N1) Serum (sheep) 00/542
Influenza Virus infectious B/Victoria/504/00 00/544
Influenza Antigen B/Johannesburg/5/99 00/546
Influenza Antigen A/duck/Singapore/97 (H5N3) 00/552
Influenza anti B/Johannesburg/5/99/ Serum (sheep) 00/556
Influenza Virus infectious B/Guangdong/120/00 00/614
Anti-Meningococcal immunotype L3,7,9 mAb 01/412
Meningococcal group Y polysaccharide 01/426
Meningococcal group W135 polysaccharide 01/428
Influenza anti B/Guangdong/120/2000 Serum (sheep) 01/450
Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum (sheep) 01/452
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type F 01/506
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type C 01/508
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type G 01/512
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.7 mAb 01/514
Oral Poliovaccine Sabin Reference Preparation Type 1[LS-c, 2ab strain] 01/528
Oral Poliovaccine Sabin Reference Preparation Type 2 01/530
Oral Poliovaccine Sabin Reference Preparation Type 3 01/532
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.16 mAb 01/538
Influenza Antigen B/Guangdong/120/2000 01/546
Influenza Virus infectious B/Hawaii/10/01 01/612
Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 01/614
Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum (sheep) 02/102
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.15 mAb 02/144
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.4 mAb 02/148
Diphtheria Toxoid for use in Flocculation Test. 02/176
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.2 mAb 02/178
Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P2.2a mAb 02/180
Anti-Japanese Encephalitis Virus Plasma, Human 02/182
Anti-Japanese Encephalitis (Anti-JE) Virus Control Plasma, Human 02/184
Anti-Dengue Virus Types 1+2+3+4, Human 02/186
Haemophilus influenzae b PRP 02/208
Tetanus Toxoid Not Adsorbed 02/232
Influenza Virus infectious B/Brisbane/32/2002 02/262
Influenza anti A/chick/Italy/13474/99 (H7N1) Serum (sheep) 02/294
Polio Virus Sabin Types 1, 2 and 3 02/306
Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.4 mAb 02/308
Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.15 mAb 02/310
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type E 02/318
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.3 mAb 02/320
Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 02/336
Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum (sheep) 02/338
Influenza anti B/Shangdong/9/97 Serum (sheep) 03/110
Anti-Meningococcal Serosutype P1.1 mAb 03/114
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.14 mAb 03/142
Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.21 mAb 03/182
Influenza Virus infectious A/Kumamoto/102/02 03/198
Anti-Meningiococcal Serosubtype P1.6 mAb 03/210
Influenza anti A/Wyoming/03/03 Serum 03/212
Influenza Antigen A/Wyoming/03/03 03/220
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.10 mAb 03/224
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.5 mAb 03/226
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.13 mAb 03/236
Influenza anti A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) HA Serum 03/242
Influenza anti A/chick/Germany/N/49 (H10N7) HA Serum (sheep) 03/244
Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 (IVR-116) 03/258
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.12 mAb 04/122
Tetanus Toxoid For Flocculation Test 04/150
Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-147 04/160
Influenza Virus infectious A/Wellington/1/2004 04/170
Influenza Virus infectious IVR-139 04/172
Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P3.1 mAb 04/198
Influenza Antigen B/ Jiangsu/10/2003 04/202
Influenza anti A/Vietnam/1194/04 (NIBRG-14) HA Serum (sheep SH440&SH442) 04/214
Influenza anti B/ Neuraminidase Serum 04/228
Influenza anti N1 Neuraminidase Serum 04/230
Influenza anti B/Jiangsu/10/2003 HA Serum (sheep) 04/242
Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup W-135 mAb 04/246
Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.19 mAb 04/248
Influenza Virus infectious A/New York/55/2004 04/254
Influenza anti N2 Neuraminidase Serum(prepared from A/Wyoming/3/2003) 04/258
Influenza anti A/New Caledonia/20/99 HA Serum (sheep) 04/260
Influenza anti A/New York/55/2004 HA Serum (sheep) 04/262
Influenza Antigen A/New York/55/2004 (H3N2) (NYMC X-157) 04/264
Influenza Virus infectious NYMC BX-7 05/102
Influenza Virus infectious A/California/7/2004 05/110
Anti-human papillomavirus type 16 serum (1st International Standard) 05/134
Influenza Virus infectious B/Shanghai/361/2002 05/138
Anti Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.9 Monoclonal Antibody 05/190
Anti Meningococcal Serotype P2.2b Monoclonal Antibody 05/192
Influenza Virus infectious A/Hiroshima/52/2005 05/232
Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/67/2005 – Like 05/234
Influenza anti A/Wisconsin/67/2005 Serum (sheep) 05/236
Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-161 05/244
Anti Dengue, WHO Reference Panel 05/248
Influenza anti B Neuraminidase Serum (Sheep SH463) 05/252
Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2) (NYMCX-161) 06/106
Influenza Virus infectious IVR-116 06/108
Influenza Virus Infectious A/PR/8/34 06/114
Monoclonal Antibody for Serotyping Bordela pertussis Fimbrial Antigen 2 (1st International Standard) 06/124
Monoclonal Antibody for Serotyping Bordela pertussis Fimbrial Antigen 3 (1st International Standard) 06/128
Pertussis Antiserum (human)1st IS – WHO international Standard. 06/140
Pertussis Antiserum (Human) 1st WHO Reference Reagent 06/142
Influenza Virus infectious 1 VR-142 06/164
Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 06/170
Influenza Virus infectious A/Wisconsin/67/2005 06/184
Influenza anti A/turkey/Turkey/1/05 (NIBRG-23) HA serum(sheepSH465 & SH466) 06/192
Medium Titre Meningococcal OMV Ref. serum 06/210
Influenza Virus infectious A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 07/132 06/236
Influenza Virus infectious NYMC-X161 B 06/242
Influenza Antigen A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (IVR-145)(H1N1) 07/102
Influenza anti A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (H1N1) (IVR-145) HA Serum (sheep 467,468,469,470) 07/104
Influenza Antigen A/turkey/Turkey/1/2005 (H5N1) NIBRG-23 07/112
Influenza Virus infectious B/Malaysia/2506/2004 07/132
Influenza Virus infectious IVR-145, 07/144
Influenza anti A/HongKong/1073/99 like HA Serum (sheep) 07/146
Influenza anti A/Vietnam/1194/04 (H5N1) HA Serum 07/148
Human Plasma Anti-Influenza H5N1 07/150
Rabies vaccine 07/162
Influenza anti B/Malaysia/2506/2004-HA Serum (sheep) 07/184
Diphtheria Toxoid (Adsorbed) (4th International Standard) 07/216
Influenza Virus Infectious A/New Caledonia/20/99 07/226
Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-147 07/246
Influenza Virus infectious NIBRG-14 07/252
Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/3/2007 07/268
BCG Vaccine of Danish 1331 sub-strain (1st WHO Reference Reagent) 07/270
BCG Vaccine of Tokyo 172 sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 07/272
BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 07/274
Influenza anti A/mallard/Netherlands/12/2000 (H7) HA serum (NIBRG-60) (sheep SH474 AND SH475) 07/278
Influenza Antigen A/Anhui/1/05 (H5N1) IBCDC-RG-6 07/290
Meningococcal Group C Polysaccharide 07/318
Influenza Antigen A/mallard/Netherlands/12/00 (H7N3) NIBRG-60 07/336
Influenza anti A/Anhui/1/05 (H5) HA serum (IBCDC-RG6) (Sheep SH477) 07/338
Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-171B 07/348
Influenza Virus infectious A/Uruguay/716/2007 07/354
Influenza Anti-B/Florida/4/2006 HA serum (sheep 478, 479) 07/356
Influenza Virus infectious NIB-50 07/358
Influenza Virus infectious IVR-149 07/362
Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/59/2007 (IVR-148) (H1N1) 08/100
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-91 08/108
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-88 08/110
Influenza anti A/turkey/Turkey/1/05(N1) NA Serum (NIBRG-74) (Sheep SH485) 08/126
Influenza Virus Infectious B/Florida/4/2006 08/138
Influenza Antigen B/Florida/4/2006 08/140
Influenza anti A/Anhui/1/05 (H5) HA serum (IBCDC-RG6) (sheep SH477) 08/142
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-12 08/154
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-23 30060 VE3 08/156
Influenza Antigen B/Malaysia/2506/2004 08/184
Influenza anti A/chick/Hong Kong/G9/1997/(H9) HA serum (NIBRG-94)(H9N1) 08/202
Influenza Antigen Hong Kong/1073/99 (H9N2) 08/208
Influenza anti A/Cambodia/R0405050/2007 (H5) HA serum (NIBRG-86) 08/210
Influenza Antigen A/Cambodia/R0405050/2007 (H5N1) NIBRG-88 08/216
Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed (4th International Standard) 08/218
Influenza Antigen A/chick/Hong Kong/G9/1997 (H9N2) NIBRG-91 08/228
Influenza anti A/Brisbane/10/2007- like HA serum 08/246
Influenza Antigen A/mallard/England/727/2006 (H2N3) NIBRG-107 08/268
Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/10/2007-like (Prepared from A/Uruguay/716/2007 (NYMC X-175C)) 08/278
Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/33/2008 08/280
Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-148 08/300
Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-175C 08/304
Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008-like 08/352
Influenza anti A/Japan/305/57 (H2) HA serum (A/Singapore/1/57-Like) (Sheep SH398) 08/356
Influenza Virus Infectious BX-31 08/360
Influenza Antigen A/New York/107/2003 (H7N2) NIBRG-109 08/362
Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-58 08/364
Influenza anti A/mallard/England/727/2006 (N3) NA serum (NIBRG-107) (Sheep SH503) 09/100
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-122 09/130
Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v (NYMC-179A) (Egg derived) 09/146
Clostridium Sordellii anti-serum (1st International standard) 09/154
Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/60/2008 09/168
Anti-Meningococcal factor H binding protein variant 1 (JAR4) monoclonal antibody 09/170
Influenza Antigen A/California/7/09 (H1N1)v (NYMCX-179A) (Cell Derived) 09/174
Influenza Antigen A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) NIBRG-14 09/184
Influenza Antibody (human) to A/California/7/2009 “like” (H1N1v) (1st International Standard) 09/194
Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1v) (NIBRG-121xp) (Egg Derived) 09/196
Diphtheria Antitoxin Equine DI 09 10 iu/ml 09/204
Influenza Virus Infectious A/Perth/16/2009 09/208
Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-179A 09/216
Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-153 09/236
Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-183 09/248
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-121xp 09/268
Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-185 09/274
Influenza Virus Infectious A/Brisbane/59/2007 09/276
Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-64 09/280
Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-187 09/290
Influenza Antigen A/California/7/09 (H1N1)v (NYMC-181) (Egg Derived) 09/294
Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-155 09/304
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-147 09/306
Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/15/09 (H3N2) (NYMCX-183) 09/310
Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-181 09/314
Influenza Anti B Neuraminidase Serum (B/Florida/4/2006) 09/316
Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-35 09/318
Influenza Antigen A/Victoria/210/09 (H3N2) (NYMCX-187) 10/102
Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008 Reassortant (NYMC BX-35) 10/106
Influenza Antiserum A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)(IVR-148) HA (sheep 516 and 517) 10/120
Influenza Virus Infectious A/California/7/2009 10/122
Diphtheria Polyclonal Antibody 10/128
Diphtheria Monoclonal Antibody 10/130
Tetanus Polyclonal Antibody 10/132
Tetanus Monoclonal Antibody 10/134
Influenza Anti-B/Brisbane/60/2008 HA serum 10/146
Influenza Anti-A/Perth/16/2009 HA Serum 10/182
Influenza Anti A/Hong Kong 1073/99 (N2)NA Serum (Sheep SH395 SH396) 10/214
Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-74 10/216
Influenza Anti A/California/7/2009 (N1) NA Serum (Sheep SH 521) 10/218
Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-158 10/226
Influenza Anti-A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) HA Serum 10/230
Influenza virus infectious B/Brisbane/60/2008 30990 E6 10/244
Clostridium Perfringens Beta Antitoxin 2CPBETAAT
Clostridium Perfringens Epsilon Antitoxin 2CPEPSILONAT
Gas Gangrene (Cl. Perfringens(Cl. Welchii) Type A), Equine 59/015
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type A 59/021
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type B 60/001
Tetanus Antitoxin, Equine, for Bioassay 60/013
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type D 61/001
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Histolyticum), Equine 63/005
Diphtheria Antitoxin, Equine, for Flocculation Test 63/007
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Septicum), Equine 64/014
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Oedematiens), Equine 64/024
Tetanus Antitoxin, Equine, for Flocculation Test 66/021
Diphtheria Antitoxin, Equine 66/153
Anti-Rubella Serum, Human 67/182
Diphtheria Toxoid, Plain 69/017
Cholera Vaccine (Inaba) 73/554
Opacity 5IRP 76/522
Influenza anti A/Victoria/3/75 Serum(goat) 76/547
Tetanus Antitoxin, Human, Immunoglobulin 76/589
Influenza Antigen A/New Jersey/8/76 77/530
Influenza anti A/New Jersey/8/76 (H1N1) Serum(sheep) 77/531
Influenza anti B/Hong Kong/8/73 Serum(sheep) 77/568
Influenza Antigen A/Texas/1/77 78/560
Influenza anti A/Texas/1/77 Serum (sheep) 78/569
Influenza anti A/Brazil/11/78 Serum (goat) 79/516
Influenza Antigen A/USSR/92/77 79/552
Influenza Antigen A/USSR/92/77 79/558
Influenza Antigen A/Brazil/11/78 79/560
Influenza Antigen B/Hong Kong/8/73 79/568
Influenza Antigen A/Bangkok/1/79 80/517
Influenza Antigen B/Singapore/222/79 80/519
Influenza anti B/Singapore/222/79 Serum 80/523
Influenza anti A/Bangkok/1/79 Serum (sheep) 80/525
Anti Poliovirus serum types 1,2 and 3 82/585
Influenza Antigen A/Philippines/2/82 83/537
Influenza anti A/Philippine/2/82 Serum (sheep) 83/545
Influenza Antigen A/Brazil/11/78 83/550
Influenza Antigen A/Chile/1/83 84/538
Influenza Antigen B/Norway/1/84 84/542
Influenza anti B/USSR/100/83 Serum(sheep) 84/636
Influenza anti A/Chile/1/8 Serum(sheep) 84/640
Influenza anti A/equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) Serum(goat) 84/673
Influenza anti A/equine/Miami/63 (H3N8) Serum(goat) 84/677
Influenza anti A/Equine/Kentucky/1/81 HA Serum (sheep) 85/516
Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Kentucky/1/81 85/520
Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) 85/553
Influenza Antigen A/Mississippi/1/85 86/576
Influenza anti A/Mississippi/1/85 Serum(sheep) 86/590
Influenza anti B/Ann Arbor/1/86/HA Serum (sheep) 86/592
Influenza Antigen B/Ann Arbor/1/86 86/630
Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Miami/63 87/510
Influenza anti A/Leningrad/360/86 Serum (sheep) 87/578
Influenza Antigen A/Leningrad/360/86 87/584
Influenza Antigen A/Sichuan/2/87 87/714
Influenza Antigen B/Victoria/2/87 87/774
Bordela pertussis (Whole cell vaccine) 3BRP 88/522
Influenza Antigen B/Beijing/7/87 88/554
Influenza Antigen A/England/427/88 88/654
Influenza anti A/Sichuan/2/87 Serum(sheep) 88/672
Influenza anti B/Beijing/1/87 Serum(sheep) 88/678
Influenza anti A/England/427/88 Serum(sheep) 88/846
Anti-Bordela pertussis serum (Human) 89/530
Influenza Antigen A/OMS/5389/88 89/568
Bordela pertussis (W28) LPS 2ug 89/594
Bordela pertussis anti-agglutinogen 1(rabbit) 89/596
Bordela pertussis anti-agglutinogen 2 (rabbit) 89/598
Bordela pertussis anti-agglutinogen 3 (rabbit) 89/600
Bordela pertussis (W28) LPS25ug 89/670
Influenza Antigen A/Shanghai/16/89 90/500
Influenza Antigen A/Guizhou/54/89 90/502
Influenza anti A/Guangdong/39/89 Serum(sheep) 90/504
Bordela Pertussis toxin (PT) 90/518
Bordela pertussis, filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) 90/520
Mumps Vaccine (Live) 90/534
Bordela pertussis 69kD 90/654
Influenza Virus infectious NIB-26 (H3N2) 90/784
Poliomyelitis Vaccine (Inactivated) 91/574
Influenza anti A/Taiwan/1/86 Serum (sheep) 91/612
Influenza Virus infectious A/Texas/36/91 (H1N1) 91/660
Influenza Virus infectious NIB-27 (H1N1) 91/670
Rubella Vaccine (Live) 91/688
Influenza Antigen A/Texas/36/91 92/530
Influenza anti B/Yamagata/16/88 Serum(sheep) 92/582
Influenza Antigen B/Yamagata/16/88 92/628
Influenza anti A/Beijing/352/89 (H3N2) Serum (sheep) 92/632
Measles Vaccine (Live) 92/648
Influenza Virus infectious A/Beijing/32/92 (H3N2) 92/734
Influenza Virus infectious A/Shanghai/24/90 92/738
Influenza Antigen A/Beijing/32/92 93/500
Influenza Antigen A/Shanghai/24/90 93/516
Influenza anti A/Beijing/32/92 (H3N2) Serum (sheep) 93/518
Influenza anti A/Shanghai/24/90 (H3N2) Serum (sheep) 93/522
Influenza Virus infectious A/Beijing/359/89 (H3N2) 93/568
Influenza Virus infectious A/Guizhou/54/89 (H3N2) 93/572
Influenza Virus infectious A/Shangdong/9/93 (H3N2) 93/686
Influenza Virus infectious B/Panama/45/90 93/692
Influenza Virus infectious A/Harbin/15/92 (H3N2) 93/816
Influenza Antigen B/Panama/45/90 94/500
Influenza anti A/Shanghai/9/93 Serum(sheep) 94/504
Influenza Antigen A/Shangdong/9/93 94/516
Influenza anti B/Panama/45/90 Serum(sheep) 94/520
Pertussis Vaccine Whole Cell 94/532
Influenza Virus infectious A/Johannesburg/33/94 (H3N2) 94/758
Influenza Virus infectious B/Beijing/184/93 94/760
Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-8 (H3N2) 94/762
Influenza Virus infectious NIB-34 (H3N2) 94/766
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin). Synthetic DNA 100% 472-C 94/790
Hepatitis A Vaccine, inactivated 95/500
Influenza Antigen A/Texas/36/91 95/510
Influenza Antigen A/Johannesburg/33/94 95/516
Influenza anti A/Johannesburg/33/94 Serum(sheep) 95/524
Influenza anti A/Taiwan/1/86 Serum (H1N1) 95/536
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA 0.9% 472-C 95/542
Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup A mAb 95/674
Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup C mAb 95/678
Anti-Meningococcal Serogroup B mAb 95/750
Influenza Virus infectious A/Wuhan/359/95 (H3N2) 95/758
Anti-Hib Human Reference Serum 96/536
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) Low virus reference 0.7%472-C 96/572
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 3 (Sabin) High virus reference 1.1%472-C 96/578
Influenza Virus infectious A/Bayern/7/95 96/830
Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-9 (H3N2) 96/836
Influenza Virus infectious A/Shenzhen/227/95 (H1N1) 96/848
Influenza Virus infectious NIB-39 (H1N1) 96/850
Influenza Antigen A/Johannesburg/82/96 97/518
Bordela pertussis anti 69kD serum (sheep) 97/558
Bordela pertussis anti FHA serum (sheep) 97/564
Bordela pertussis PT anti serum (sheep) 97/572
Bordela pertussis anti Fim3 serum (sheep) 97/574
Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Newmarket/2/93 97/584
Influenza Antigen A/Equine/Newmarket/1/93 97/596
Influenza anti A/equine/Newmarket/1/93 Serum(sheep) 97/610
Influenza anti A/Nanchang/933/95 (H3N2) 97/612
Influenza anti A/Equine/Newmarket/2/93 (H3N8) HA Serum (SH-376) 97/614
Bordela pertussis anti serum (mouse) 1RR 97/642
Anti-Measles serum 97/648
AntiStreptolysin O 97/662
Influenza Virus infectious IVR-108 (H3N2) 97/692
Influenza Virus infectious A/duck/Sing-Q/119/97 (H5N3) 97/722
Influenza Virus infectious B/Harbin/7/94 97/726
Influenza Antigen B/Harbin/7/94 97/748
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin), low virus reference 0.65%481-G 97/756
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA 0.67%481-G 97/758
Influenza Antigen A/Beijing/262/95 97/760
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin) Synthetic DNA, 100%481-G 98/524
Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-13 (H3N2) 98/544
Diphtheria and Tetanus Antitoxin, Guinea Pig Serum 98/572
MAPREC analysis of Poliovirus type 2 (Sabin), high virus reference 1.21% 481-G 98/596
Influenza Virus infectious NIB-40 (H5N3) 98/600
Influenza anti B/Harbin/7/94/HA Serum (sheep) 98/604
Influenza Virus infectious ARIV-1 (H5N3) 98/610
Influenza anti A/Hong Kong/489/97 (H5N1) Serum (sheep) 98/666
Control Guinea Pig Serum 98/686
Meningococcal group A polysaccharide 98/722
Influenza Virus infectious Resvir-14 (H3N2) 98/762
Influenza anti A/Beijing/262/95 Serum (sheep) 98/772
Influenza Antigen B/Shangdong/7/97 98/774
Influenza Virus infectious A/Sichuan/346/98 (H3N2) 98/778
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1B7) 99/506
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1D7) 99/508
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3F11) 99/510
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (10D6) 99/512
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (8G4) 99/514
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (E1E) 99/516
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (E2E) 99/518
Anti-PT S1subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3F10) 99/520
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (11D9) 99/522
Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (4D10) 99/524
Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (11E6) 99/526
Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (10C9) 99/528
Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (10B5) 99/530
Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (G9A) 99/532
Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3F6) 99/534
Anti-PT S2 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (3A12) 99/536
Anti-PT S2 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (2H3) 99/538
Anti-PT S2 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (9G8) 99/540
Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7E10) 99/542
Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7G11) 99/544
Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (4G5) 99/546
Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (2E12) 99/548
Anti-PT S3 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6F8) 99/550
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7F2) 99/554
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6B3) 99/556
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6G8) 99/558
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (9F3) 99/560
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1H2) 99/562
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (9C6) 99/564
Anti-PT S4 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (6D6) 99/566
Anti-PT S5 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (7E3) 99/568
Anti Filamentous Haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (1C6) 99/570
Anti-Filamentous haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (2E9) 99/572
Anti Filamentous Haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (12G10) 99/574
Influenza Antigen B/Yamanashi/166/98 99/586
Methylated Human Serum Albumin (mHSA) 99/592
Influenza Antigen A/Sydney/5/97 99/614
Yellow Fever Vaccine 99/616
Influenza Antigen A/Sydney/5/97 99/624
Anti-Meningococcal human reference serum CDC1992 99/706
Influenza Antigen A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2) 99/714
Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR 16 (H3N2) 99/824
Influenza Antigen B/Yamanashi/166/98 99/828
Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type B BUSB
Clostridium novyi (alpha) Toxoid COT
Clostridium Welchii (Perfringens)(Beta) Toxoid CwBT CWBETATD
Clostridium Welchii (Perfringens)( Epsilon) Toxoid CwDT CWEPSILONTD
Bordela pertussis anti FHA serum (mouse) JNIH-11
Bordela pertussis PT( LPF) anti serum, (mouse) JNIH-12
Acellular Pertussis Vaccine – 1st IS JNIH-3
Bordela pertussis filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) JNIH-4
Bordela pertussis toxin (PT) 1st IS JNIH-5
Newcastle Disease Vaccine (Inactivated) NVIA
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. novyi), Equine OE
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Perfringens alpha antitoxin) Equine PE
Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M Avium Tuberculin PPDA
Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of Bovine Tuberculin PPDBOV
Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M. Tuberculosis Tuberculin PPDT
Anti-rubella Immunoglobulin, Human RUBI-1-94
Smallpox Vaccine SMV
Anti-Staphylococcal P-V Leucocidin serum, Equine SPLS
Staphylococcus Alpha Antitoxin, Equine STA
Diphtheria (Schick) Test Toxin STT
Tetanus Immunoglobulin, Human TE-3
Typhoid Vaccine (acetone-inactivated) TYVK
Typhoid Vaccine (heat-phenol-inactivated) TYVL
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Cl. Septicum), Equine VI
Anti-Yellow Fever Serum, monkey YF

NIBSC 全国一级代理

世界*实验材料供应商  NIBSC正式上海金畔为其中国代理,  NIBSC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,  NIBSC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

  NIBSC中国代理,  NIBSC上海代理,  NIBSC北京代理, NIBSC广东代理,  NIBSC江苏代理 NIBSC湖北代理, NIBSC天津, NIBSC黑龙江代理, NIBSC内蒙古代理, NIBSC吉林代理, NIBSC福建代理,  NIBSC江苏代理,  NIBSC浙江代理,  NIBSC四川代理,






过去30年里,NIBSC 的流感资源中心在流感疫苗的生产与标准化中起着重要作用,流感疫苗研发与生产的关键问题在于流感病毒有着*的突变率,用于疫苗研发与生产的病毒株每隔一段时间须得更新,在WHO推荐用于疫苗生产和研发的流感病毒株选择上起着关键性作用。目前该中心为客户提供大量候选的流感疫苗、病毒、SRD试剂及唾液酸苷酶试剂。包括H1N1、H3N2、B (Yamagata lineage)、 B (Victoria lineage)。     


英国干细胞库 (UKSCB) 供应多种人/鼠/多能干细胞株及相关干细胞研究产品与研究方法与资料。     




货号 品名 价格 品牌
00/410 MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin).100% 480-A, 525-C DNA(1st International Reference Preparation) 2390  NIBSC
00/416 Low Mutant Virus Reference for MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin)(1st International Reference Preparation) 2390  NIBSC
00/418 MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin) (1st International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
00/422 High Mutant Virus Reference for MAPREC assay of poliovirus type 1 (Sabin)(1st International Reference Preparation) 2390  NIBSC
00/440 Influenza Antiserum A/Singapore/1/57 (H2) 1974  NIBSC
00/442 Influenza anti B/Yamanashi/166/98 Serum 1974  NIBSC
00/464 Streptokinase (3rd International Standard 2001) 2390  NIBSC
00/500 Botulinum Type A-E Antitoxin, Human Serum 2083  NIBSC
00/530 Influenza Virus infectious B/Sichuan/379/99 询价 NIBSC
00/542 Influenza anti- A/Chick/Scotland/59 (H5N1) Serum 1974  NIBSC
00/544 Influenza Virus infectious B/Victoria/504/00 询价 NIBSC
00/546 Influenza Antigen B/Johannesburg/5/99 1974  NIBSC
00/552 Influenza Antigen A/Duck/Singapore-Q/F119-3/97 (H5N3) 1974  NIBSC
00/556 Influenza anti-B/Johannesburg/5/99/ Serum 1974  NIBSC
00/562 Hepatitis A Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques(2nd International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
00/572 Interferon Beta (Human, rDNA, Glycosylated) (3rd International standard) 2390  NIBSC
00/574 Interferon Beta SER17 Mutein (Human, rDNA derived) 2083  NIBSC
00/576 Interferon Beta (Human, Fibroblast-derived, Glycosylated) 2083  NIBSC
00/614 Influenza virus infectious B/Guangdong/120/2000 询价 NIBSC
01/412 Anti-Meningococcal Immunotype L3,7,9 Monoclonal Antibody 2083  NIBSC
01/420 Interleukin-17 (Human rDNA derived)(International Reference Reagent) 2390  NIBSC
01/424 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Human rDNA derived 2083  NIBSC
01/426 Meningococcal group Y polysaccharide 2083  NIBSC
01/428 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide 2083  NIBSC
01/450 Influenza anti B/Guangdong/120/2000 Serum 1974  NIBSC
01/452 Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2) HA serum 1974  NIBSC
01/506 Botulinum type F antitoxin, equine 2083  NIBSC
01/508 Botulinum type C antitoxin, equine 2083  NIBSC
01/510 Botulinum Antitoxin Equine Type D 2083  NIBSC
01/512 Botulinum type G antitoxin, equine 2083  NIBSC
01/514 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.7 Monoclonal Antibody 2083  NIBSC
01/538 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.16 mAb 2083  NIBSC
01/546 Influenza Antigen B/Guangdong/120/2000 1974  NIBSC
01/572 Anti-D Immunoglobulin(2nd International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
01/580 Thrombin, human(2nd International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
01/600 Anti-Toxoplasma IgG, Human(International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
01/602 Anti-Parvovirus B19, plasma, human(2nd International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
01/612 Influenza Virus infectious B/Hawaii/10/01 询价 NIBSC
01/614 Influenza Antigen A/New Caledonia/20/99 1974  NIBSC
02/102 Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum 1974  NIBSC
02/144 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.15 mAb 2083  NIBSC
02/148 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.4 mAb 2083  NIBSC
02/168 Prekallikrein Activator (PKA), Human(2nd International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
02/178 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.2 mAb 2083  NIBSC
02/180 Anti-Meningococcal Serotype P2.2a mAb 2083  NIBSC
02/182 Anti-Japanese Encephalitis Virus Plasma, Human 2083  NIBSC
02/184 Anti-Japanese Encephalitis (Anti-JE) Virus Negative Control Plasma, Human 2083  NIBSC
02/206 Factor XIII Plasma, Human (1st International Standard) 2390  NIBSC
02/210 HIV (antibody), 1st International Reference Panel 4605  NIBSC
02/226 IVIG negative control for use with IVIG + anti-D(International Reference Reagent) 2390  NIBSC
02/228 IVIG + anti-D for use with negative control IVIG(International Reference Reagent) 2390  NIBSC
02/230 Biotinylated Brad-5 (Bio-Brad-5) 548  NIBSC


NIBSC 02/230 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商  NIBSC正式上海金畔为其中国代理,  NIBSC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,  NIBSC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

  NIBSC中国代理,  NIBSC上海代理,  NIBSC北京代理, NIBSC广东代理,  NIBSC江苏代理 NIBSC湖北代理, NIBSC天津, NIBSC黑龙江代理, NIBSC内蒙古代理, NIBSC吉林代理, NIBSC福建代理,  NIBSC江苏代理,  NIBSC浙江代理,  NIBSC四川代理,




Product Number 02/230
Product Description 生物素化的Brad-5(Bio-Brad-5)
Type of Standard Working Standard
Category Biotherapeutics > Immunoglobulins and immune sera
Instructions for Use 02-230.pdf
Keywords anti-D potency assay, competitive EIA, anti-RhD
Related Products  
Customer Notes Replaces 99/774
Minimum Quantity 5


货号 品名 价格 品牌
02/230 Biotinylated Brad-5 (Bio-Brad-5) 548 NIBSC





NIBSC 02/148 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商  NIBSC正式上海金畔为其中国代理,  NIBSC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,  NIBSC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

  NIBSC中国代理,  NIBSC上海代理,  NIBSC北京代理, NIBSC广东代理,  NIBSC江苏代理 NIBSC湖北代理, NIBSC天津, NIBSC黑龙江代理, NIBSC内蒙古代理, NIBSC吉林代理, NIBSC福建代理,  NIBSC江苏代理,  NIBSC浙江代理,  NIBSC四川代理,



产品编号 02/148
产品描述 抗脑膜炎Serosubtype P1.4 mAb
标准类型 非世卫组织参考资料
类别 疫苗 > 脑膜炎球菌分型和ELISA试剂
关键词 奈瑟氏脑膜炎PorA
相关产品 03/114,02/178,02/320,02/148,03/226,03/210,01/514,05/190,03/224,04/122,03/236,03/142,02 / 144,01/538,04/198,02/180,05/192,02/308,02/310,03/182,04/248,674分之95,678分之95,04/246,722分之98,01/ 426,01/428,
zui小用量 1



货号 品名 价格 品牌
02/148 Anti-Meningococcal Serosubtype P1.4 mAb 2083 NIBSC





NIBSC 02/102 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商  NIBSC正式上海金畔为其中国代理,  NIBSC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,  NIBSC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

  NIBSC中国代理,  NIBSC上海代理,  NIBSC北京代理, NIBSC广东代理,  NIBSC江苏代理 NIBSC湖北代理, NIBSC天津, NIBSC黑龙江代理, NIBSC内蒙古代理, NIBSC吉林代理, NIBSC福建代理,  NIBSC江苏代理,  NIBSC浙江代理,  NIBSC四川代理,




Product Number 02/102
Product Description Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum
Type of Standard Influenza Reagent
Category Vaccines > Influenza
Related Products  
Customer Notes  
Minimum Quantity 1


货号 品名 价格 品牌
02/102 Influenza anti A/Panama/2007/99 Serum 1974 NIBSC