





细胞因子风暴,也称为高细胞因子疾病,是一种健康而有力的免疫系统的系统性表达,导致释放超过150种炎症介质,例如TNF-α,IL-1,IL-6,IL-12, IFN-α,IFN-β,IFN-γ,MCP-1和IL-8。





货号 细胞因子风暴试验 包装尺寸
KB1145 GENLISA  人TNF-α(肿瘤坏死因子α)ELISA ELISA 96孔
KB1094 GENLISA  人类MCP-1(单核细胞趋化蛋白1)ELISA ELISA 96孔
KB1140 GENLISA  人类TGF-beta 1(转化生长因子β1)ELISA ELISA 96孔
KB1063 GENLISA  人类IL-1 beta ELISA 96孔
KBH1980 GENLISA  人类克伦布氏囊,Lundgen-6,KL-6 ELISA ELISA 96孔







所有产品均以冻干形式提供,使之更易于操作及保存。包装大小从μg-mg级,同时还提供自定义包装大小服务,从而为研究者提供zui大的灵活性。与此同时PeproTech正不断的扩展现有产品的范围,如新近推出的一系列的抗原亲合多克隆抗体及其生物素标记的衍生物,ELISA 试剂盒以及一些新的单克隆抗体等。


Human Growth Factors & Cytokines
Human, Murine & Rat Chemokines
Murine & Rat Growth Factors & Cytokines
Human & Rat Neurotrophins
Other Recombinant Proteins
Monoclonal Antibodies
Antigen-Affinity Purified Polyclonal Antibodies
Biotinylated Polyclonal Antibodies
ELISA Development Kits





简要描述:The joint Protein Central (jPC) focuses on bringing to the life sciences community the latest cell-cycle stimulants and inhibitors in hopes of developing human biotherapeutics.



  Unit Price Quantity
Special Offers
Sample Pack
10 µg each of hBMP2, hBMP3, hBMP6, hGDF5, hGDF6, hNoggin, hbFGF
Individual Reagents
human BMP2
human BMP3
human BMP6
human FGF2
human GDF5
human GDF6
human Noggin
zebrafish FGF2


美国 PeproTech 公司是的重组细胞因子生厂商之一,目前已开发了 350 种以上的高品质重组细胞因子和相关抗体,依赖其*的 E. Coli 率表达系统使其产品的质量稳定,价格低,所有产品以冻干形式提供,以方便运输和储存,特别是以小包装的细胞因子广受客户的青睐。产品主要包括免疫调节蛋白、白细胞介素、CSFs、生长因子、干扰素、Chemokines 、Adipokines 、TGFß / BMP Proteins、神经因子、FGFs 和 TNF 配体/受体防御因子等。



货号 品名 价格 规格
100-00AB-2 Human PDGF-AB 1050 2ug
100-00AB-10 Human PDGF-AB 2570 10ug
100-00AB-100 Human PDGF-AB 15010 100ug
100-00AB-250 Human PDGF-AB 27020 250ug
100-00AB-500 Human PDGF-AB 39030 500ug
100-00AB-1000 Human PDGF-AB 60060 1000ug
100-00CC-5 Human PDGF-CC 1050 5ug
100-00CC-20 Human PDGF-CC 2570 20ug
100-00CC-100 Human PDGF-CC 11550 100ug
100-00CC-250 Human PDGF-CC 20790 250ug
100-00CC-500 Human PDGF-CC 30030 500ug
100-00CC-1000 Human PDGF-CC 46200 1000ug
100-01-5 Human sCD22 1050 5ug
100-01-20 Human sCD22 2570 20ug
100-01-100 Human sCD22 13090 100ug
100-01-250 Human sCD22 25870 250ug
100-01-500 Human sCD22 44350 500ug
100-01-1000 Human sCD22 73920 1000ug
100-03-10 Human Heregulin beta-1 1050 10ug
100-03-50 Human Heregulin beta-1 2570 50ug
100-03-100 Human Heregulin beta-1 5770 100ug
100-03-250 Human Heregulin beta-1 10390 250ug
100-03-500 Human Heregulin beta-1 15010 500ug
100-03-1000 Human Heregulin beta-1 23100 1000ug
100-04-5 Human Epiregulin 1050 5ug
100-04-25 Human Epiregulin 2570 25ug
100-04-100 Human Epiregulin 11550 100ug
100-04-250 Human Epiregulin 20790 250ug
100-04-500 Human Epiregulin 30030 500ug
100-04-1000 Human Epiregulin 46200 1000ug
100-05-5 Human IGF Binding Protein-5 1050 5ug
100-05-25 Human IGF Binding Protein-5 2570 25ug
100-05-100 Human IGF Binding Protein-5 11550 100ug
100-05-250 Human IGF Binding Protein-5 20790 250ug
100-05-500 Human IGF Binding Protein-5 30030 500ug
100-05-1000 Human IGF Binding Protein-5 46200 1000ug
100-06-5 Human PlGF-1 1050 5ug
100-06-25 Human PlGF-1 2570 25ug
100-06-100 Human PlGF-1 11550 100ug
100-06-250 Human PlGF-1 20790 250ug
100-06-500 Human PlGF-1 30030 500ug
100-06-1000 Human PlGF-1 46200 1000ug
100-07-10 Human Prolactin 1050 10ug
100-07-50 Human Prolactin 2570 50ug
100-07-100 Human Prolactin 5770 100ug
100-07-250 Human Prolactin 10390 250ug
100-07-500 Human Prolactin 15010 500ug
100-07-1000 Human Prolactin 23100 1000ug
100-08-5 Human IGF Binding Protein-3 1050 5ug
100-08-25 Human IGF Binding Protein-3 2570 25ug
100-08-100 Human IGF Binding Protein-3 11550 100ug
100-08-250 Human IGF Binding Protein-3 20790 250ug
100-08-500 Human IGF Binding Protein-3 30030 500ug
100-08-1000 Human IGF Binding Protein-3 46200 1000ug
100-09-10 Human PTHrp 1050 10ug
100-09-50 Human PTHrp 2570 50ug
100-09-100 Human PTHrp 5770 100ug
100-09-250 Human PTHrp 10390 250ug
100-09-500 Human PTHrp 15010 500ug
100-09-1000 Human PTHrp 23100 1000ug
100-10-100 Areomonas Aminopeptidase 1050 100ug
100-10-250 Areomonas Aminopeptidase 1730 250ug
100-10-500 Areomonas Aminopeptidase 2570 500ug
100-10-1000 Areomonas Aminopeptidase 3850 1000ug
100-11-100 Human IGF-I 1050 100ug
100-11-500 Human IGF-I 2570 500ug
100-11-1000 Human IGF-I 3850 1000ug
100-11R3-200 Human IGF-I LR3 1050 200ug
100-11R3-1000 Human IGF-I LR3 2570 1000ug
100-12-10 Human IGF-II 1050 10ug
100-12-50 Human IGF-II 2570 50ug
100-12-100 Human IGF-II 5390 100ug
100-12-250 Human IGF-II 9700 250ug
100-12-500 Human IGF-II 14010 500ug
100-12-1000 Human IGF-II 21560 1000ug
100-13A-2 Human PDGF-AA 1050 2ug
100-13A-10 Human PDGF-AA 2570 10ug
100-13A-50 Human PDGF-AA 7200 50ug
100-13A-100 Human PDGF-AA 12010 100ug
100-13A-250 Human PDGF-AA 21020 250ug
100-13A-500 Human PDGF-AA 36030 500ug
100-13A-1000 Human PDGF-AA 60060 1000ug
100-14B-2 Human PDGF-BB 1050 2ug
100-14B-10 Human PDGF-BB 2570 10ug
100-14B-50 Human PDGF-BB 9000 50ug
100-14B-100 Human PDGF-BB 15010 100ug
100-14B-250 Human PDGF-BB 27020 250ug
100-14B-500 Human PDGF-BB 39030 500ug
100-14B-1000 Human PDGF-BB 60060 1000ug
100-15R-2 Human EGF-receptor 1050 2ug
100-15R-10 Human EGF-receptor 2570 10ug
100-15R-100 Human EGF-receptor 15010 100ug
100-15R-250 Human EGF-receptor 27020 250ug
100-15R-500 Human EGF-receptor 39030 500ug
100-15R-1000 Human EGF-receptor 60060 1000ug
100-16A-20 Human TGF-alpha 1050 20ug
100-16A-100 Human TGF-alpha 2570 100ug
100-16A-250 Human TGF-alpha 5920 250ug
100-16A-500 Human TGF-alpha 10160 500ug
100-16A-1000 Human TGF-alpha 16940 1000ug
100-17A-10 Human FGF-acidic 1050 10ug
100-17A-50 Human FGF-acidic 2570 50ug
100-17A-100 Human FGF-acidic 5770 100ug
100-17A-250 Human FGF-acidic 10390 250ug
100-17A-500 Human FGF-acidic 15010 500ug
100-17A-1000 Human FGF-acidic 23100 1000ug
100-18B-10 Human FGF-basic 1050 10ug
100-18B-50 Human FGF-basic 2570 50ug
100-18B-100 Human FGF-basic 3310 100ug
100-18B-250 Human FGF-basic 5540 250ug
100-18B-500 Human FGF-basic 8000 500ug
100-18B-1000 Human FGF-basic 12320 1000ug
100-18C-10 Human FGF basic (146AA) 1050 10ug
100-18C-50 Human FGF basic (146AA) 2570 50ug
100-18C-100 Human FGF basic (146AA) 3690 100ug
100-18C-250 Human FGF basic (146AA) 6460 250ug
100-18C-500 Human FGF basic (146AA) 11080 500ug
100-18C-1000 Human FGF basic (146AA) 18480 1000ug
100-19-2 Human KGF 1050 2ug
100-19-10 Human KGF 2570 10ug
100-19-50 Human KGF 12010 50ug
100-19-100 Human KGF 20020 100ug
100-19-250 Human KGF 36030 250ug
100-19-500 Human KGF 52050 500ug
100-19-1000 Human KGF 80080 1000ug
100-20-2 Human VEGF 1050 2ug
100-20-10 Human VEGF 2570 10ug
100-20-50 Human VEGF 9000 50ug
100-20-100 Human VEGF 12010 100ug
100-20-250 Human VEGF 21020 250ug
100-20-500 Human VEGF 39030 500ug
100-20-1000 Human VEGF 60060 1000ug
100-20A-2 Human VEGF 121 1050 2ug
100-20A-10 Human VEGF 121 2570 10ug
100-20A-50 Human VEGF 121 9000 50ug
100-20A-100 Human VEGF 121 15010 100ug
100-20A-250 Human VEGF 121 27020 250ug
100-20A-500 Human VEGF 121 39030 500ug
100-20A-1000 Human VEGF 121 60060 1000ug
100-20B-5 Human VEGF B 1050 5ug
100-20B-20 Human VEGF B 2570 20ug
100-20B-100 Human VEGF B 12010 100ug
100-20B-250 Human VEGF B 21020 250ug
100-20B-500 Human VEGF B 36030 500ug
100-20B-1000 Human VEGF B 60060 1000ug
100-20C-5 Human VEGF-C 1050 5ug
100-20C-20 Human VEGF-C 2570 20ug
100-20C-100 Human VEGF-C 11550 100ug
100-20C-250 Human VEGF-C 20790 250ug
100-20C-500 Human VEGF-C 30030 500ug
100-20C-1000 Human VEGF-C 46200 1000ug
100-20D-2 Human VEGF-D 1050 2ug
100-20D-10 Human VEGF-D 2570 10ug
100-20D-100 Human VEGF-D 20020 100ug
100-20D-250 Human VEGF-D 36030 250ug
100-20D-500 Human VEGF-D 52050 500ug
100-20D-1000 Human VEGF-D 80080 1000ug
100-21-2 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 1050 2ug
100-21-10 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 2570 10ug
100-21-50 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 12010 50ug
100-21-100 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 20020 100ug
100-21-250 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 36030 250ug
100-21-500 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 52050 500ug
100-21-1000 Human TGF-beta1-Mammalian 80080 1000ug
100-21C-2 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 1050 2ug
100-21C-10 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 2570 10ug
100-21C-50 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 12010 50ug
100-21C-100 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 20020 100ug
100-21C-250 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 36030 250ug
100-21C-500 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 52050 500ug
100-21C-1000 Human TGF-beta1-Produced in CHO 80080 1000ug
100-22A-2 Human SCGF-alpha 1050 2ug
100-22A-10 Human SCGF-alpha 2570 10ug
100-22A-100 Human SCGF-alpha 20020 100ug
100-22A-250 Human SCGF-alpha 36030 250ug
100-22A-500 Human SCGF-alpha 52050 500ug
100-22A-1000 Human SCGF-alpha 80080 1000ug
100-22B-2 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 1050 2ug
100-22B-10 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 2570 10ug
100-22B-50 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 12010 50ug
100-22B-100 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 20020 100ug
100-22B-250 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 36030 250ug
100-22B-500 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 52050 500ug
100-22B-1000 Human SCGF-beta (formerly SCGF) 80080 1000ug
100-23-5 Human FGF-9 1050 5ug
100-23-20 Human FGF-9 2570 20ug
100-23-100 Human FGF-9 12010 100ug
100-23-250 Human FGF-9 21020 250ug
100-23-500 Human FGF-9 36030 500ug
100-23-1000 Human FGF-9 60060 1000ug
100-25-5 Human FGF-8 1050 5ug
100-25-25 Human FGF-8 2570 25ug
100-25-100 Human FGF-8 11550 100ug
100-25-250 Human FGF-8 20790 250ug
100-25-500 Human FGF-8 30030 500ug
100-25-1000 Human FGF-8 46200 1000ug
100-26-5 Human FGF-10 1050 5ug
100-26-25 Human FGF-10 2570 25ug
100-26-100 Human FGF-10 11550 100ug
100-26-250 Human FGF-10 20790 250ug
100-26-500 Human FGF-10 30030 500ug
100-26-1000 Human FGF-10 46200 1000ug
100-27-5 Human FGF-17 1050 5ug
100-27-25 Human FGF-17 2570 25ug
100-27-100 Human FGF-17 11550 100ug
100-27-250 Human FGF-17 20790 250ug
100-27-500 Human FGF-17 30030 500ug
100-27-1000 Human FGF-17 46200 1000ug
100-28-5 Human FGF-18 1050 5ug
100-28-25 Human FGF-18 2570 25ug
100-28-100 Human FGF-18 11550 100ug
100-28-250 Human FGF-18 20790 250ug
100-28-500 Human FGF-18 30030 500ug
100-28-1000 Human FGF-18 46200 1000ug
100-29-5 Human FGF-16 1050 5ug
100-29-25 Human FGF-16 2570 25ug
100-29-100 Human FGF-16 11550 100ug
100-29-250 Human FGF-16 20790 250ug
100-29-500 Human FGF-16 30030 500ug
100-29-1000 Human FGF-16 46200 1000ug
100-30-5 Human FGF-6 1050 5ug
100-30-25 Human FGF-6 2570 25ug
100-30-100 Human FGF-6 11550 100ug
100-30-250 Human FGF-6 20790 250ug
100-30-500 Human FGF-6 30030 500ug
100-30-1000 Human FGF-6 46200 1000ug
100-31-5 Human FGF-4 1050 5ug
100-31-25 Human FGF-4 2570 25ug
100-31-100 Human FGF-4 9240 100ug
100-31-250 Human FGF-4 16170 250ug
100-31-500 Human FGF-4 27720 500ug
100-31-1000 Human FGF-4 46200 1000ug
100-32-5 Human FGF-19 1050 5ug
100-32-25 Human FGF-19 2570 25ug
100-32-50 Human FGF-19 5540 50ug
100-32-100 Human FGF-19 9240 100ug
100-32-250 Human FGF-19 16170 250ug
100-32-500 Human FGF-19 27720 500ug
100-32-1000 Human FGF-19 46200 1000ug
100-34-10 Human FGF-5 1050 10ug
100-34-50 Human FGF-5 2570 50ug
100-34-100 Human FGF-5 5770 100ug
100-34-250 Human FGF-5 10390 250ug
100-34-500 Human FGF-5 15010 500ug
100-34-1000 Human FGF-5 23100 1000ug
100-35-2 Human TGF-beta2 1050 2ug
100-35-10 Human TGF-beta2 2570 10ug
100-35-100 Human TGF-beta2 20020 100ug
100-35-250 Human TGF-beta2 36030 250ug
100-35-500 Human TGF-beta2 52050 500ug
100-35-1000 Human TGF-beta2 80080 1000ug
100-35B-2 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 1050 2ug
100-35B-10 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 2570 10ug
100-35B-50 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 12010 50ug
100-35B-100 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 20020 100ug
100-35B-250 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 36030 250ug
100-35B-500 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 52050 500ug
100-35B-1000 Human TGF-beta2-Mammalian 80080 1000ug
100-36E-2 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 1050 2ug
100-36E-10 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 2570 10ug
100-36E-50 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 12010 50ug
100-36E-100 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 20020 100ug
100-36E-250 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 36030 250ug
100-36E-500 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 52050 500ug
100-36E-1000 Human TGF-beta3 (E.coli) 80080 1000ug
100-39-2 Human HGF 1050 2ug
100-39-10 Human HGF 2570 10ug
100-39-50 Human HGF 11080 50ug
100-39-100 Human HGF 18480 100ug
100-39-250 Human HGF 33260 250ug
100-39-500 Human HGF 48040 500ug
100-39-1000 Human HGF 73920 1000ug
100-40-10 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 1050 10ug
100-40-50 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 2570 50ug
100-40-100 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 3310 100ug
100-40-250 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 5540 250ug
100-40-500 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 8000 500ug
100-40-1000 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 12320 1000ug
100-41-3 Human FGF-20 1050 3ug
100-41-15 Human FGF-20 2570 15ug
100-41-100 Human FGF-20 15010 100ug
100-41-250 Human FGF-20 27020 250ug
100-41-500 Human FGF-20 39030 500ug
100-41-1000 Human FGF-20 60060 1000ug
100-42-5 Human FGF-21 1050 5ug
100-42-25 Human FGF-21 2570 25ug
100-42-100 Human FGF-21 11550 100ug
100-42-250 Human FGF-21 20790 250ug
100-42-500 Human FGF-21 30030 500ug
100-42-1000 Human FGF-21 46200 1000ug
100-44-5 Human EG-VEGF 1050 5ug
100-44-20 Human EG-VEGF 2570 20ug
100-44-100 Human EG-VEGF 11550 100ug
100-44-250 Human EG-VEGF 20790 250ug
100-44-500 Human EG-VEGF 30030 500ug
100-44-1000 Human EG-VEGF 46200 1000ug
100-45-5 Human Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-E.coli 1050 5ug
100-45-25 Human Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-E.coli 2570 25ug
100-45-100 Human Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-E.coli 8620 100ug
100-45-250 Human Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-E.coli 15090 250ug
100-45-500 Human Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-E.coli 25870 500ug
100-45-1000 Human Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-E.coli 43120 1000ug
100-46-5 Human Prokineticin-2 1050 5ug
100-46-20 Human Prokineticin-2 2570 20ug
100-46-50 Human Prokineticin-2 6930 50ug
100-46-100 Human Prokineticin-2 11550 100ug
100-46-250 Human Prokineticin-2 20790 250ug
100-46-500 Human Prokineticin-2 30030 500ug
100-46-1000 Human Prokineticin-2 46200 1000ug
100-47-10 Human HB-EGF 1050 10ug
100-47-50 Human HB-EGF 2570 50ug
100-47-100 Human HB-EGF 5770 100ug
100-47-250 Human HB-EGF 10390 250ug
100-47-500 Human HB-EGF 15010 500ug
100-47-1000 Human HB-EGF 23100 1000ug
100-50-5 Human Betacellulin 1050 5ug
100-50-20 Human Betacellulin 2570 20ug
100-50-100 Human Betacellulin 11550 100ug
100-50-250 Human Betacellulin 20790 250ug
100-50-500 Human Betacellulin 30030 500ug
100-50-1000 Human Betacellulin 46200 1000ug
100-51-5 Human Epigen 1050 5ug
100-51-25 Human Epigen 2570 25ug
100-51-100 Human Epigen 11550 100ug
100-51-250 Human Epigen 20790 250ug
100-51-500 Human Epigen 30030 500ug
100-51-1000 Human Epigen 46200 1000ug
100-52-5 Human FGF-23 1050 5ug
100-52-20 Human FGF-23 2570 20ug
100-52-100 Human FGF-23 12010 100ug
100-52-250 Human FGF-23 21020 250ug
100-52-500 Human FGF-23 36030 500ug
100-52-1000 Human FGF-23 60060 1000ug
100-53-5 Human Klotho 1050 5ug
100-53-20 Human Klotho 2570 20ug
100-53-100 Human Klotho 11550 100ug
100-53-250 Human Klotho 20790 250ug
100-53-500 Human Klotho 30030 500ug
100-53-1000 Human Klotho 46200 1000ug
100-55B-10 Human Amphiregulin 1050 10ug
100-55B-50 Human Amphiregulin 2570 50ug
100-55B-100 Human Amphiregulin 5770 100ug
100-55B-250 Human Amphiregulin 10390 250ug
100-55B-500 Human Amphiregulin 15010 500ug
100-55B-1000 Human Amphiregulin 23100 1000ug
100-56-5 Human PlGF-2 1050 5ug
100-56-25 Human PlGF-2 2570 25ug
100-56-100 Human PlGF-2 11550 100ug
100-56-250 Human PlGF-2 20790 250ug
100-56-500 Human PlGF-2 30030 500ug
100-56-1000 Human PlGF-2 46200 1000ug
100-57-5 Human PlGF-3 1050 5ug
100-57-25 Human PlGF-3 2570 25ug
100-57-100 Human PlGF-3 11550 100ug
100-57-250 Human PlGF-3 20790 250ug
100-57-500 Human PlGF-3 30030 500ug
100-57-1000 Human PlGF-3 46200 1000ug
100-58-2 Human Thrombomodulin 1050 2ug
100-58-10 Human Thrombomodulin 2570 10ug
100-58-100 Human Thrombomodulin 15010 100ug
100-58-250 Human Thrombomodulin 27020 250ug
100-58-500 Human Thrombomodulin 39030 500ug
100-58-1000 Human Thrombomodulin 60060 1000ug
100-61-2 Human EGF L7 1050 2ug
100-61-10 Human EGF L7 2570 10ug
100-61-50 Human EGF L7 6930 50ug
100-61-100 Human EGF L7 11550 100ug
100-61-250 Human EGF L7 20790 250ug
100-61-500 Human EGF L7 30030 500ug
100-61-1000 Human EGF L7 46200 1000ug
100-64-10 Human EPO 1050 10ug
100-64-50 Human EPO 2570 50ug
100-64-100 Human EPO 4620 100ug
100-64-250 Human EPO 8080 250ug
100-64-500 Human EPO 13860 500ug
100-64-1000 Human EPO 23100 1000ug
110-01-10 Human sCD14 1050 10ug
110-01-50 Human sCD14 2570 50ug
110-01-100 Human sCD14 5770 100ug
110-01-250 Human sCD14 10390 250ug
110-01-500 Human sCD14 15010 500ug
110-01-1000 Human sCD14 23100 1000ug
110-02-5 Human p16-INK4a 1050 5ug
110-02-20 Human p16-INK4a 2570 20ug
110-02-100 Human p16-INK4a 12010 100ug
110-02-250 Human p16-INK4a 21020 250ug
110-02-500 Human p16-INK4a 36030 500ug
110-02-1000 Human p16-INK4a 60060 1000ug
110-02T-5 Human p16-INK4a-TAT 1050 5ug
110-02T-25 Human p16-INK4a-TAT 2570 25ug
110-02T-100 Human p16-INK4a-TAT 11550 100ug
110-02T-250 Human p16-INK4a-TAT 20790 250ug
110-02T-500 Human p16-INK4a-TAT 30030 500ug
110-02T-1000 Human p16-INK4a-TAT 46200 1000ug
110-03-5 Human Sox2 1050 5ug
110-03-25 Human Sox2 2570 25ug
110-03-100 Human Sox2 11550 100ug
110-03-250 Human Sox2 20790 250ug
110-03-500 Human Sox2 30030 500ug
110-03-1000 Human Sox2 46200 1000ug
110-03T-5 Human Sox2-TAT 1050 5ug
110-03T-25 Human Sox2-TAT 2570 25ug
110-03T-100 Human Sox2-TAT 11550 100ug
110-03T-250 Human Sox2-TAT 20790 250ug
110-03T-500 Human Sox2-TAT 30030 500ug
110-03T-1000 Human Sox2-TAT 46200 1000ug
110-06-5 Human Lin28-TAT 1050 5ug
110-06-25 Human Lin28-TAT 2570 25ug
110-06-100 Human Lin28-TAT 11550 100ug
110-06-250 Human Lin28-TAT 20790 250ug
110-06-500 Human Lin28-TAT 30030 500ug
110-06-1000 Human Lin28-TAT 46200 1000ug
110-08-5 Human KLF4-TAT 1050 5ug
110-08-25 Human KLF4-TAT 2570 25ug
110-08-100 Human KLF4-TAT 11550 100ug
110-08-250 Human KLF4-TAT 20790 250ug
110-08-500 Human KLF4-TAT 30030 500ug
110-08-1000 Human KLF4-TAT 46200 1000ug
110-10-20 Human Vimentin 1050 20ug
110-10-100 Human Vimentin 2570 100ug
110-10-250 Human Vimentin 5920 250ug
110-10-500 Human Vimentin 10160 500ug
110-10-1000 Human Vimentin 16940 1000ug
120-00-2 Human Myostatin 1050 2ug
120-00-10 Human Myostatin 2570 10ug
120-00-100 Human Myostatin 20020 100ug
120-00-250 Human Myostatin 36030 250ug
120-00-500 Human Myostatin 52050 500ug
120-00-1000 Human Myostatin 80080 1000ug
120-01-10 Human GDF-5 (Formerly BMP-14) 1050 10ug
120-01-50 Human GDF-5 (Formerly BMP-14) 2570 50ug
120-01-100 Human GDF-5 (Formerly BMP-14) 5770 100ug
120-01-250 Human GDF-5 (Formerly BMP-14) 10390 250ug
120-01-500 Human GDF-5 (Formerly BMP-14) 15010 500ug
120-01-1000 Human GDF-5 (Formerly BMP-14) 23100 1000ug
120-02-2 Human BMP-2 1050 2ug
120-02-10 Human BMP-2 2570 10ug
120-02-50 Human BMP-2 9000 50ug
120-02-100 Human BMP-2 15010 100ug
120-02-250 Human BMP-2 27020 250ug
120-02-500 Human BMP-2 39030 500ug
120-02-1000 Human BMP-2 60060 1000ug
120-02C-2  Human BMP-2 1050 2ug
120-02C-10  Human BMP-2 2570 10ug
120-02C-100  Human BMP-2 16010 100ug
120-02C-250  Human BMP-2 28020 250ug
120-02C-500  Human BMP-2 48040 500ug
120-02C-1000  Human BMP-2 80080 1000ug
120-04-10 Human BMP-13/CDMP-2 1050 10ug
120-04-50 Human BMP-13/CDMP-2 2570 50ug
120-04-100 Human BMP-13/CDMP-2 5770 100ug
120-04-250 Human BMP-13/CDMP-2 10390 250ug
120-04-500 Human BMP-13/CDMP-2 15010 500ug
120-04-1000 Human BMP-13/CDMP-2 23100 1000ug
120-05-1 Human BMP-4 1050 1ug
120-05-5 Human BMP-4 2570 5ug
120-05-50 Human BMP-4 11080 50ug
120-05-100 Human BMP-4 26950 100ug
120-05-250 Human BMP-4 48510 250ug
120-05-500 Human BMP-4 70070 500ug
120-05-1000 Human BMP-4 107800 1000ug
120-05ET-2 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 1050 2ug
120-05ET-10 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 2570 10ug
120-05ET-50 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 9000 50ug
120-05ET-100 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 15010 100ug
120-05ET-250 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 27020 250ug
120-05ET-500 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 39030 500ug
120-05ET-1000 Human BMP-4 (E.coli) 60060 1000ug
120-06-2 Human BMP-6 1050 2ug
120-06-10 Human BMP-6 2570 10ug
120-06-50 Human BMP-6 12010 50ug
120-06-100 Human BMP-6 20020 100ug
120-06-250 Human BMP-6 36030 250ug
120-06-500 Human BMP-6 52050 500ug
120-06-1000 Human BMP-6 80080 1000ug
120-07-2 Human GDF-2 1050 2ug
120-07-10 Human GDF-2 2570 10ug
120-07-100 Human GDF-2 20020 100ug
120-07-250 Human GDF-2 36030 250ug
120-07-500 Human GDF-2 52050 500ug
120-07-1000 Human GDF-2 80080 1000ug
120-09-10 Human TSG 1050 10ug
120-09-50 Human TSG 2570 50ug
120-09-100 Human TSG 5770 100ug
120-09-250 Human TSG 10390 250ug
120-09-500 Human TSG 15010 500ug
120-09-1000 Human TSG 23100 1000ug
120-10C-5 Human Noggin 1050 5ug
120-10C-20 Human Noggin 2570 20ug
120-10C-50 Human Noggin 7200 50ug
120-10C-100 Human Noggin 12010 100ug
120-10C-250 Human Noggin 21020 250ug
120-10C-500 Human Noggin 36030 500ug
120-10C-1000 Human Noggin 60060 1000ug
120-11-5 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 1050 5ug
120-11-20 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 2570 20ug
120-11-50 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 7200 50ug
120-11-100 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 12010 100ug
120-11-250 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 21020 250ug
120-11-500 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 48040 500ug
120-11-1000 Human/Murine/Rat GDF-11 60060 1000ug
120-12-5 Human Myostatin Propeptide 1050 5ug
120-12-25 Human Myostatin Propeptide 2570 25ug
120-12-100 Human Myostatin Propeptide 20020 100ug
120-12-250 Human Myostatin Propeptide 36030 250ug
120-12-500 Human Myostatin Propeptide 52050 500ug
120-12-1000 Human Myostatin Propeptide 80080 1000ug
120-13-5 Human Follistatin 1050 5ug
120-13-20 Human Follistatin 2570 20ug
120-13-100 Human Follistatin 13090 100ug
120-13-250 Human Follistatin 28020 250ug
120-13-500 Human Follistatin 48040 500ug
120-13-1000 Human Follistatin 80080 1000ug
120-14-2 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 1050 2ug
120-14-10 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 2570 10ug
120-14-50 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 10010 50ug
120-14-100 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 18480 100ug
120-14-250 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 35030 250ug
120-14-500 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 60060 500ug
120-14-1000 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A 100100 1000ug
120-14E-2 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 1050 2ug
120-14E-10 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 2570 10ug
120-14E-50 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 9000 50ug
120-14E-100 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 15010 100ug
120-14E-250 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 27020 250ug
120-14E-500 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 39030 500ug
120-14E-1000 Human/Murine/Rat Activin A (E.Coli) 60060 1000ug
120-16-5 Human CTGFL/WISP-2 1050 5ug
120-16-20 Human CTGFL/WISP-2 2570 20ug
120-16-100 Human CTGFL/WISP-2 12010 100ug
120-16-250 Human CTGFL/WISP-2 21020 250ug
120-16-500 Human CTGFL/WISP-2 36030 500ug
120-16-1000 Human CTGFL/WISP-2 60060 1000ug
120-17-2 Human WNT-1 1050 2ug
120-17-10 Human WNT-1 2570 10ug
120-17-50 Human WNT-1 12010 50ug
120-17-100 Human WNT-1 20020 100ug
120-17-250 Human WNT-1 36030 250ug
120-17-500 Human WNT-1 52050 500ug
120-17-1000 Human WNT-1 80080 1000ug
120-18-5 Human WISP-1 1050 5ug
120-18-20 Human WISP-1 2570 20ug
120-18-100 Human WISP-1 12010 100ug
120-18-250 Human WISP-1 21020 250ug
120-18-500 Human WISP-1 36030 500ug
120-18-1000 Human WISP-1 60060 1000ug
120-19-5 Human CTGF (98 a.a.) 1050 5ug
120-19-20 Human CTGF (98 a.a.) 2570 20ug
120-19-100 Human CTGF (98 a.a.) 12010 100ug
120-19-250 Human CTGF (98 a.a.) 21020 250ug
120-19-500 Human CTGF (98 a.a.) 36030 500ug
120-19-1000 Human CTGF (98 a.a.) 60060 1000ug
120-20-5 Human WISP-3 1050 5ug
120-20-20 Human WISP-3 2570 20ug
120-20-100 Human WISP-3 12010 100ug
120-20-250 Human WISP-3 21020 250ug
120-20-500 Human WISP-3 36030 500ug
120-20-1000 Human WISP-3 60060 1000ug
120-21-5 Human Nanog  1050 5ug
120-21-20 Human Nanog  2570 20ug
120-21-100 Human Nanog  12010 100ug
120-21-250 Human Nanog  21020 250ug
120-21-500 Human Nanog  36030 500ug
120-21-1000 Human Nanog  60060 1000ug
120-21B-5 Human Nanog-TAT 1050 5ug
120-21B-20 Human Nanog-TAT 2570 20ug
120-21B-100 Human Nanog-TAT 12010 100ug
120-21B-250 Human Nanog-TAT 21020 250ug
120-21B-500 Human Nanog-TAT 36030 500ug
120-21B-1000 Human Nanog-TAT 60060 1000ug
120-22-5 Human GDF-3 1050 5ug
120-22-20 Human GDF-3 2570 20ug
120-22-100 Human GDF-3 12010 100ug
120-22-250 Human GDF-3 21020 250ug
120-22-500 Human GDF-3 36030 500ug
120-22-1000 Human GDF-3 60060 1000ug
120-24B-10 Human BMP-3 (E.coli) 1050 10ug
120-24B-50 Human BMP-3 (E.coli) 2570 50ug
120-24B-100 Human BMP-3 (E.coli) 5770 100ug
120-24B-250 Human BMP-3 (E.coli) 10390 250ug
120-24B-500 Human BMP-3 (E.coli) 15010 500ug
120-24B-1000 Human BMP-3 (E.coli) 23100 1000ug
120-25-5 Human CYR61 1050 5ug
120-25-20 Human CYR61 2570 20ug
120-25-100 Human CYR61 12010 100ug
120-25-250 Human CYR61 21020 250ug
120-25-500 Human CYR61 36030 500ug
120-25-1000 Human CYR61 60060 1000ug
120-26-5 Human NOV 1050 5ug
120-26-20 Human NOV 2570 20ug
120-26-100 Human NOV 12010 100ug
120-26-250 Human NOV 21020 250ug
120-26-500 Human NOV 36030 500ug
120-26-1000 Human NOV 60060 1000ug
120-28-5 Human GDF-15/MIC-1 1050 5ug
120-28-20 Human GDF-15/MIC-1 2570 20ug
120-28-100 Human GDF-15/MIC-1 13860 100ug
120-28-200 Human GDF-15/MIC-1 27720 200ug
120-28-500 Human GDF-15/MIC-1 69300 500ug
120-28-1000 Human GDF-15/MIC-1 120120 1000ug
120-29-5 Human sFRP-1 1050 5ug
120-29-20 Human sFRP-1 2570 20ug
120-29-100 Human sFRP-1 12010 100ug
120-29-250 Human sFRP-1 21020 250ug
120-29-500 Human sFRP-1 36030 500ug
120-29-1000 Human sFRP-1 60060 1000ug
120-30-2 Human DKK-I 1050 2ug
120-30-10 Human DKK-I 2570 10ug
120-30-100 Human DKK-I 20020 100ug
120-30-250 Human DKK-I 36030 250ug
120-30-500 Human DKK-I 52050 500ug
120-30-1000 Human DKK-I 80080 1000ug
120-31-3 Human WNT-7a 1050 3ug
120-31-15 Human WNT-7a 2570 15ug
120-31-100 Human WNT-7a 14780 100ug
120-31-500 Human WNT-7a 44350 500ug
120-31-1000 Human WNT-7a 73920 1000ug
120-35-10 Human Osteopontin 1050 10ug
120-35-50 Human Osteopontin 2570 50ug
120-35-100 Human Osteopontin 5770 100ug
120-35-250 Human Osteopontin 10390 250ug
120-35-500 Human Osteopontin 15010 500ug
120-35-1000 Human Osteopontin 23100 1000ug
120-36-10 Human SPARC 1050 10ug
120-36-50 Human SPARC 2570 50ug
120-36-100 Human SPARC 5770 100ug
120-36-250 Human SPARC 10390 250ug
120-36-500 Human SPARC 15010 500ug
120-36-1000 Human SPARC 23100 1000ug
120-37-2 Human GDF-7 1050 2ug
120-37-10 Human GDF-7 2570 10ug
120-37-100 Human GDF-7 20020 100ug
120-37-250 Human GDF-7 36030 250ug
120-37-500 Human GDF-7 52050 500ug
120-37-1000 Human GDF-7 80080 1000ug
120-38-5 Human R-spondin-1 1050 5ug
120-38-20 Human R-spondin-1 2570 20ug
120-38-100 Human R-spondin-1 11550 100ug
120-38-250 Human R-spondin-1 20790 250ug
120-38-500 Human R-spondin-1 30030 500ug
120-38-1000 Human R-spondin-1 46200 1000ug
120-39-2 Human BMP-5 1050 2ug
120-39-10 Human BMP-5 2570 10ug
120-39-50 Human BMP-5 9000 50ug
120-39-100 Human BMP-5 15010 100ug
120-39-250 Human BMP-5 27020 250ug
120-39-500 Human BMP-5 39030 500ug
120-39-1000 Human BMP-5 60060 1000ug
120-40-2 Human BMP-10 1050 2ug
120-40-10 Human BMP-10 2570 10ug
120-40-100 Human BMP-10 15010 100ug
120-40-250 Human BMP-10 27020 250ug
120-40-500 Human BMP-10 39030 500ug
120-40-1000 Human BMP-10 60060 1000ug
120-41-5 Human GASP-1 1050 5ug
120-41-25 Human GASP-1 2570 25ug
120-41-100 Human GASP-1 15010 100ug
120-41-250 Human GASP-1 27020 250ug
120-41-500 Human GASP-1 39030 500ug
120-41-1000 Human GASP-1 60060 1000ug
120-42-10 Human Gremlin-1 1050 10ug
120-42-50 Human Gremlin-1 2570 50ug
120-42-100 Human Gremlin-1 5770 100ug
120-42-250 Human Gremlin-1 10390 250ug
120-42-500 Human Gremlin-1 15010 500ug
120-42-1000 Human Gremlin-1 23100 1000ug
120-43-5 Human R-spondin-2 1050 5ug
120-43-20 Human R-spondin-2 2570 20ug
120-43-100 Human R-spondin-2 11550 100ug
120-43-250 Human R-spondin-2 20790 250ug
120-43-500 Human R-spondin-2 30030 500ug
120-43-1000 Human R-spondin-2 46200 1000ug
120-44-5 Human R-spondin-3 1050 5ug
120-44-20 Human R-spondin-3 2570 20ug
120-44-100 Human R-spondin-3 11550 100ug
120-44-250 Human R-spondin-3 20790 250ug
120-44-500 Human R-spondin-3 30030 500ug
120-44-1000 Human R-spondin-3 46200 1000ug
120-45-2 Human DKK-2 1050 2ug
120-45-10 Human DKK-2 2570 10ug
120-45-50 Human DKK-2 9600 50ug
120-45-100 Human DKK-2 16010 100ug
120-45-250 Human DKK-2 28020 250ug
120-45-500 Human DKK-2 48040 500ug
120-45-1000 Human DKK-2 80080 1000ug
120-46-2 Human DKK-3 1050 2ug
120-46-10 Human DKK-3 2570 10ug
120-46-100 Human DKK-3 16010 100ug
120-46-250 Human DKK-3 28020 250ug
120-46-500 Human DKK-3 48040 500ug
120-46-1000 Human DKK-3 80080 1000ug
130-01-5 Human MIA 1050 5ug
130-01-20 Human MIA 2570 20ug
130-01-100 Human MIA 12010 100ug
130-01-250 Human MIA 21020 250ug
130-01-500 Human MIA 36030 500ug
130-01-1000 Human MIA 60060 1000ug
130-02-5 Human MIA-2 1050 5ug
130-02-20 Human MIA-2 2570 20ug
130-02-100 Human MIA-2 11550 100ug
130-02-250 Human MIA-2 20790 250ug
130-02-500 Human MIA-2 30030 500ug
130-02-1000 Human MIA-2 46200 1000ug
130-03-5 Human OTOR 1050 5ug
130-03-20 Human OTOR 2570 20ug
130-03-100 Human OTOR 12010 100ug
130-03-250 Human OTOR 21020 250ug
130-03-500 Human OTOR 36030 500ug
130-03-1000 Human OTOR 60060 1000ug
130-05-5 Human INSL5/INSL7 Hybrid 1050 5ug
130-05-25 Human INSL5/INSL7 Hybrid 2570 25ug
130-05-100 Human INSL5/INSL7 Hybrid 11550 100ug
130-05-250 Human INSL5/INSL7 Hybrid 20790 250ug
130-05-500 Human INSL5/INSL7 Hybrid 30030 500ug
130-05-1000 Human INSL5/INSL7 Hybrid 46200 1000ug
130-06-5 Human Angiopoietin 1050 5ug
130-06-20 Human Angiopoietin 2570 20ug
130-06-100 Human Angiopoietin 13090 100ug
130-06-250 Human Angiopoietin 28020 250ug
130-06-500 Human Angiopoietin 48040 500ug
130-06-1000 Human Angiopoietin 80080 1000ug
130-07-5 Human Angiopoietin-2 1050 5ug
130-07-20 Human Angiopoietin-2 2570 20ug
130-07-100 Human Angiopoietin-2 13090 100ug
130-07-250 Human Angiopoietin-2 28020 250ug
130-07-500 Human Angiopoietin-2 48040 500ug
130-07-1000 Human Angiopoietin-2 80080 1000ug
130-08-200 Human GLP-1 1050 200ug
130-08-1000 Human GLP-1 2570 1000ug
130-08-5000 Human GLP-1 10780 5000ug
130-09-5 Human Visfatin 1050 5ug
130-09-25 Human Visfatin 2570 25ug
130-09-100 Human Visfatin 11550 100ug
130-09-250 Human Visfatin 20790 250ug
130-09-500 Human Visfatin 30030 500ug
130-09-1000 Human Visfatin 46200 1000ug
130-10-5 Human Relaxin-3 1050 5ug
130-10-25 Human Relaxin-3 2570 25ug
130-10-100 Human Relaxin-3 11550 100ug
130-10-250 Human Relaxin-3 20790 250ug
130-10-500 Human Relaxin-3 30030 500ug
130-10-1000 Human Relaxin-3 46200 1000ug
130-11-5 Human Vaspin 1050 5ug
130-11-25 Human Vaspin 2570 25ug
130-11-100 Human Vaspin 11550 100ug
130-11-250 Human Vaspin 20790 250ug
130-11-500 Human Vaspin 30030 500ug
130-11-1000 Human Vaspin 46200 1000ug
130-12-5 Human Maspin 1050 5ug
130-12-20 Human Maspin 2570 20ug
130-12-100 Human Maspin 11550 100ug
130-12-250 Human Maspin 20790 250ug
130-12-500 Human Maspin 30030 500ug
130-12-1000 Human Maspin 46200 1000ug
130-13-5 Human PEDF 1050 5ug
130-13-20 Human PEDF 2570 20ug
130-13-100 Human PEDF 12010 100ug
130-13-250 Human PEDF 21020 250ug
130-13-500 Human PEDF 36030 500ug
130-13-1000 Human PEDF 60060 1000ug
130-14-5 Human Neuroserpin 1050 5ug
130-14-25 Human Neuroserpin 2570 25ug
130-14-100 Human Neuroserpin 11550 100ug
130-14-250 Human Neuroserpin 20790 250ug
130-14-500 Human Neuroserpin 30030 500ug
130-14-1000 Human Neuroserpin 46200 1000ug
130-15-5 Human Relaxin-2 1050 5ug
130-15-25 Human Relaxin-2 2570 25ug
130-15-100 Human Relaxin-2 11550 100ug
130-15-250 Human Relaxin-2 20790 250ug
130-15-500 Human Relaxin-2 30030 500ug
130-15-1000 Human Relaxin-2 46200 1000ug
130-18-10 Human ANGPTL-3 1050 10ug
130-18-50 Human ANGPTL-3 2570 50ug
130-18-100 Human ANGPTL-3 5770 100ug
130-18-250 Human ANGPTL-3 10390 250ug
130-18-500 Human ANGPTL-3 15010 500ug
130-18-1000 Human ANGPTL-3 23100 1000ug
130-20-50 Human C1 Inhibitor 1050 50ug
130-20-200 Human C1 Inhibitor 2570 200ug
130-20-500 Human C1 Inhibitor 7390 500ug
130-20-1000 Human C1 Inhibitor 12320 1000ug
130-22-5 Human ANGPTL-7 1050 5ug
130-22-20 Human ANGPTL-7 2570 20ug
130-22-100 Human ANGPTL-7 13090 100ug
130-22-250 Human ANGPTL-7 28020 250ug
130-22-500 Human ANGPTL-7 48040 500ug
130-22-1000 Human ANGPTL-7 80080 1000ug
140-03-2 Murine Granzyme B 1050 2ug
140-03-10 Murine Granzyme B 2570 10ug
140-03-100 Murine Granzyme B 30030 100ug
140-03-250 Murine Granzyme B 54050 250ug
140-03-500 Murine Granzyme B 78070 500ug
140-03-1000 Murine Granzyme B 120120 1000ug
140-04-2 Human PAI-1 1050 2ug
140-04-10 Human PAI-1 2570 10ug
140-04-50 Human PAI-1 12010 50ug
140-04-100 Human PAI-1 20020 100ug
140-04-250 Human PAI-1 36030 250ug
140-04-500 Human PAI-1 52050 500ug
140-04-1000 Human PAI-1 80080 1000ug
140-06-2 Human PAI-2 1050 2ug
140-06-10 Human PAI-2 2570 10ug
140-06-100 Human PAI-2 20020 100ug
140-06-250 Human PAI-2 36030 250ug
140-06-500 Human PAI-2 52050 500ug
140-06-1000 Human PAI-2 80080 1000ug
140-07-5 Human DLL-4 1050 5ug
140-07-25 Human DLL-4 2570 25ug
140-07-100 Human DLL-4 11550 100ug
140-07-250 Human DLL-4 20790 250ug
140-07-500 Human DLL-4 30030 500ug
140-07-1000 Human DLL-4 46200 1000ug
140-08-5 Human DLL-1 1050 5ug
140-08-25 Human DLL-1 2570 25ug
140-08-100 Human DLL-1 11550 100ug
140-08-250 Human DLL-1 20790 250ug
140-08-500 Human DLL-1 30030 500ug
140-08-1000 Human DLL-1 46200 1000ug
140-09-100 Human Vitronectin 1050 100ug
140-09-500 Human Vitronectin 2570 500ug
140-09-1000 Human Vitronectin 3850 1000ug
140-10-5 Human PAF-AH 1050 5ug
140-10-20 Human PAF-AH 2570 20ug
140-10-100 Human PAF-AH 11550 100ug
140-10-250 Human PAF-AH 20790 250ug
140-10-500 Human PAF-AH 30030 500ug
140-10-1000 Human PAF-AH 46200 1000ug
140-13-10 Human Fetuin A/AHSG 1050 10ug
140-13-50 Human Fetuin A/AHSG 2570 50ug
140-13-100 Human Fetuin A/AHSG 5770 100ug
140-13-250 Human Fetuin A/AHSG 10390 250ug
140-13-500 Human Fetuin A/AHSG 15010 500ug
140-13-1000 Human Fetuin A/AHSG 23100 1000ug
140-14-20 Human Thumosin Beta4 1050 20ug
140-14-100 Human Thumosin Beta4 2570 100ug
140-14-250 Human Thumosin Beta4 5920 250ug
140-14-500 Human Thumosin Beta4 10160 500ug
140-14-1000 Human Thumosin Beta4 16940 1000ug
150-01-20 Human Endostatin 1050 20ug
150-01-100 Human Endostatin 2570 100ug
150-01-250 Human Endostatin 5920 250ug
150-01-500 Human Endostatin 10160 500ug
150-01-1000 Human Endostatin 16940 1000ug
150-04-10 Human VCAM-1 1050 10ug
150-04-50 Human VCAM-1 2570 50ug
150-04-100 Human VCAM-1 5770 100ug
150-04-250 Human VCAM-1 10390 250ug
150-04-500 Human VCAM-1 15010 500ug
150-04-1000 Human VCAM-1 23100 1000ug
150-05-10 Human ICAM-I 1050 10ug
150-05-50 Human ICAM-I 2570 50ug
150-05-100 Human ICAM-I 5770 100ug
150-05-250 Human ICAM-I 10390 250ug
150-05-500 Human ICAM-I 15010 500ug
150-05-1000 Human ICAM-I 23100 1000ug
150-06-10 Human PECAM-I 1050 10ug
150-06-50 Human PECAM-I 2570 50ug
150-06-100 Human PECAM-I 5770 100ug
150-06-250 Human PECAM-I 10390 250ug
150-06-500 Human PECAM-I 15010 500ug
150-06-1000 Human PECAM-I 23100 1000ug
150-11-5 Human SLIT-2-N 1050 5ug
150-11-25 Human SLIT-2-N 2570 25ug
150-11-100 Human SLIT-2-N 15010 100ug
150-11-250 Human SLIT-2-N 27020 250ug
150-11-500 Human SLIT-2-N 39030 500ug
150-11-1000 Human SLIT-2-N 60060 1000ug
150-12-5 Mycoplasma Arginine Deminase 1050 5ug
150-12-20 Mycoplasma Arginine Deminase 2570 20ug
150-12-100 Mycoplasma Arginine Deminase 11550 100ug
150-12-250 Mycoplasma Arginine Deminase 20790 250ug
150-12-500 Mycoplasma Arginine Deminase 30030 500ug
150-12-1000 Mycoplasma Arginine Deminase 46200 1000ug
150-14-5 Human Tigar 1050 5ug
150-14-25 Human Tigar 2570 25ug
150-14-100 Human Tigar 11550 100ug
150-14-250 Human Tigar 20790 250ug
150-14-500 Human Tigar 30030 500ug
150-14-1000 Human Tigar 46200 1000ug
150-14T-5 Human Tigar-TAT 1050 5ug
150-14T-25 Human Tigar-TAT 2570 25ug
150-14T-100 Human Tigar-TAT 11550 100ug
150-14T-250 Human Tigar-TAT 20790 250ug
150-14T-500 Human Tigar-TAT 30030 500ug
150-14T-1000 Human Tigar-TAT 46200 1000ug
150-15-10 Human E-Selectin 1050 10ug
150-15-50 Human E-Selectin 2570 50ug
150-15-100 Human E-Selectin 5770 100ug
150-15-250 Human E-Selectin 10390 250ug
150-15-500 Human E-Selectin 15010 500ug
150-15-1000 Human E-Selectin 23100 1000ug
150-16-2 Human VAP-1 1050 2ug
150-16-10 Human VAP-1 2570 10ug
150-16-50 Human VAP-1 12010 50ug
150-16-100 Human VAP-1 20020 100ug
150-16-250 Human VAP-1 36030 250ug
150-16-500 Human VAP-1 52050 500ug
150-16-1000 Human VAP-1 80080 1000ug
150-18-10 Human Uteroglobin 1050 10ug
150-18-50 Human Uteroglobin 2570 50ug
150-18-100 Human Uteroglobin 5770 100ug
150-18-250 Human Uteroglobin 10390 250ug
150-18-500 Human Uteroglobin 15010 500ug
150-18-1000 Human Uteroglobin 23100 1000ug
160-01-5 Human TLR-3 1050 5ug
160-01-25 Human TLR-3 2570 25ug
160-01-100 Human TLR-3 11550 100ug
160-01-250 Human TLR-3 20790 250ug
160-01-500 Human TLR-3 30030 500ug
160-01-1000 Human TLR-3 46200 1000ug
160-02-10 Human FGFR1a (IIIc) Fc 1050 10ug
160-02-50 Human FGFR1a (IIIc) Fc 2570 50ug
160-02-100 Human FGFR1a (IIIc) Fc 4620 100ug
160-02-250 Human FGFR1a (IIIc) Fc 8080 250ug
160-02-500 Human FGFR1a (IIIc) Fc 13860 500ug
160-02-1000 Human FGFR1a (IIIc) Fc 23100 1000ug
160-03-10 Human FGFR2a (IIIc) Fc 1050 10ug
160-03-50 Human FGFR2a (IIIc) Fc 2570 50ug
160-03-100 Human FGFR2a (IIIc) Fc 4620 100ug
160-03-250 Human FGFR2a (IIIc) Fc 8080 250ug
160-03-500 Human FGFR2a (IIIc) Fc 13860 500ug
160-03-1000 Human FGFR2a (IIIc) Fc 23100 1000ug
200-01A-2 Human IL-1alpha 1050 2ug
200-01A-10 Human IL-1alpha 2570 10ug
200-01A-50 Human IL-1alpha 9000 50ug
200-01A-100 Human IL-1alpha 15010 100ug
200-01A-250 Human IL-1alpha 27020 250ug
200-01A-500 Human IL-1alpha 39030 500ug
200-01A-1000 Human IL-1alpha 60060 1000ug
200-01B-2 Human IL-1beta 1050 2ug
200-01B-10 Human IL-1beta 2570 10ug
200-01B-50 Human IL-1beta 9000 50ug
200-01B-100 Human IL-1beta 15010 100ug
200-01B-250 Human IL-1beta 27020 250ug
200-01B-500 Human IL-1beta 39030 500ug
200-01B-1000 Human IL-1beta 60060 1000ug
200-01Ra-20 Human IL-1Ra 1050 20ug
200-01Ra-100 Human IL-1Ra 2570 100ug
200-01Ra-250 Human IL-1Ra 5920 250ug
200-01Ra-500 Human IL-1Ra 10160 500ug
200-01Ra-1000 Human IL-1Ra 16940 1000ug
200-02-10 Human IL-2 1050 10ug
200-02-50 Human IL-2 2570 50ug
200-02-100 Human IL-2 3310 100ug
200-02-250 Human IL-2 4310 250ug
200-02-500 Human IL-2 7390 500ug
200-02-1000 Human IL-2 12320 1000ug
200-02R-5 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 1050 5ug
200-02R-25 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 2570 25ug
200-02R-50 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 5170 50ug
200-02R-100 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 8620 100ug
200-02R-250 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 15090 250ug
200-02R-500 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 25870 500ug
200-02R-1000 Human sIL-2 Receptor α 43120 1000ug
200-03-2 Human IL-3 1050 2ug
200-03-10 Human IL-3 2570 10ug
200-03-50 Human IL-3 6930 50ug
200-03-100 Human IL-3 11550 100ug
200-03-250 Human IL-3 20790 250ug
200-03-500 Human IL-3 30030 500ug
200-03-1000 Human IL-3 46200 1000ug
200-04-5 Human IL-4 1050 5ug
200-04-20 Human IL-4 2570 20ug
200-04-50 Human IL-4 6000 50ug
200-04-100 Human IL-4 10010 100ug
200-04-250 Human IL-4 17510 250ug
200-04-500 Human IL-4 30030 500ug
200-04-1000 Human IL-4 50050 1000ug
200-04R-3 Human IL-4 Receptor 1050 3ug
200-04R-15 Human IL-4 Receptor 2570 15ug
200-04R-100 Human IL-4 Receptor 15400 100ug
200-04R-250 Human IL-4 Receptor 27720 250ug
200-04R-500 Human IL-4 Receptor 40040 500ug
200-04R-1000 Human IL-4 Receptor 61600 1000ug
200-05-2 Human IL-5 1050 2ug
200-05-10 Human IL-5 2570 10ug
200-05-50 Human IL-5 9930 50ug
200-05-100 Human IL-5 16550 100ug
200-05-250 Human IL-5 29790 250ug
200-05-500 Human IL-5 43040 500ug
200-05-1000 Human IL-5 66220 1000ug
200-06-5 Human IL-6 1050 5ug
200-06-20 Human IL-6 2570 20ug
200-06-50 Human IL-6 6930 50ug
200-06-100 Human IL-6 11550 100ug
200-06-250 Human IL-6 20790 250ug
200-06-500 Human IL-6 30030 500ug
200-06-1000 Human IL-6 46200 1000ug
200-06R-5 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 1050 5ug
200-06R-20 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 2570 20ug
200-06R-50 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 6650 50ug
200-06R-100 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 11080 100ug
200-06R-250 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 19400 250ug
200-06R-500 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 33260 500ug
200-06R-1000 Human sIL-6 Receptor α 55440 1000ug
200-07-2 Human IL-7 1050 2ug
200-07-10 Human IL-7 2570 10ug
200-07-50 Human IL-7 12010 50ug
200-07-100 Human IL-7 20020 100ug
200-07-250 Human IL-7 36030 250ug
200-07-500 Human IL-7 52050 500ug
200-07-1000 Human IL-7 80080 1000ug
200-08-5 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 1050 5ug
200-08-25 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 2570 25ug
200-08-50 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 6930 50ug
200-08-100 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 11550 100ug
200-08-250 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 20790 250ug
200-08-500 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 30030 500ug
200-08-1000 Human IL-8 (77a.a.) (CXCL8) 46200 1000ug
200-08M-5 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  1050 5ug
200-08M-25 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  2570 25ug
200-08M-50 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  5540 50ug
200-08M-100 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  9240 100ug
200-08M-250 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  16170 250ug
200-08M-500 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  27720 500ug
200-08M-1000 Human IL-8 (CXCL8) (72 a.a.)  46200 1000ug
200-09-2 Human IL-9 1050 2ug
200-09-10 Human IL-9 2570 10ug
200-09-50 Human IL-9 12010 50ug
200-09-100 Human IL-9 20020 100ug
200-09-250 Human IL-9 36030 250ug
200-09-500 Human IL-9 52050 500ug
200-09-1000 Human IL-9 80080 1000ug
200-10-2 Human IL-10 1050 2ug
200-10-10 Human IL-10 2570 10ug
200-10-50 Human IL-10 12010 50ug
200-10-100 Human IL-10 20020 100ug
200-10-250 Human IL-10 36030 250ug
200-10-500 Human IL-10 52050 500ug
200-10-1000 Human IL-10 80080 1000ug
200-11-2 Human IL-11 1050 2ug
200-11-10 Human IL-11 2570 10ug
200-11-50 Human IL-11 9600 50ug
200-11-100 Human IL-11 20020 100ug
200-11-250 Human IL-11 36030 250ug
200-11-500 Human IL-11 52050 500ug
200-11-1000 Human IL-11 80080 1000ug
200-12-2 Human IL-12 1050 2ug
200-12-10 Human IL-12 2570 10ug
200-12-50 Human IL-12 12010 50ug
200-12-100 Human IL-12 20020 100ug
200-12-250 Human IL-12 36030 250ug
200-12-500 Human IL-12 52050 500ug
200-12-1000 Human IL-12 80080 1000ug
200-12P40-2 Human IL-12 p40 1050 2ug
200-12P40-10 Human IL-12 p40 2570 10ug
200-12P40-100 Human IL-12 p40 30030 100ug
200-12P40-250 Human IL-12 p40 54050 250ug
200-12P40-500 Human IL-12 p40 78070 500ug
200-12P40-1000 Human IL-12 p40 120120 1000ug
200-12P80H-2 Human IL-12 p80 (High-5 Insect Cells) 1050 2ug
200-12P80H-10 Human IL-12 p80 (High-5 Insect Cells) 2570 10ug
200-12P80H-100 Human IL-12 p80 (High-5 Insect Cells) 30030 100ug
200-12P80H-250 Human IL-12 p80 (High-5 Insect Cells) 54050 250ug
200-12P80H-500 Human IL-12 p80 (High-5 Insect Cells) 78070 500ug
200-12P80H-1000 Human IL-12 p80 (High-5 Insect Cells) 120120 1000ug
200-13-2 Human IL-13 1050 2ug
200-13-10 Human IL-13 2570 10ug
200-13-50 Human IL-13 12010 50ug
200-13-100 Human IL-13 20020 100ug
200-13-250 Human IL-13 36030 250ug
200-13-500 Human IL-13 52050 500ug
200-13-1000 Human IL-13 80080 1000ug
200-13A-2 Human IL-13 Variant 1050 2ug
200-13A-10 Human IL-13 Variant 2570 10ug
200-13A-100 Human IL-13 Variant 20020 100ug
200-13A-250 Human IL-13 Variant 36030 250ug
200-13A-500 Human IL-13 Variant 52050 500ug
200-13A-1000 Human IL-13 Variant 80080 1000ug
200-15-2 Human IL-15 1050 2ug
200-15-10 Human IL-15 2570 10ug
200-15-50 Human IL-15 9000 50ug
200-15-100 Human IL-15 15010 100ug
200-15-250 Human IL-15 27020 250ug
200-15-500 Human IL-15 39030 500ug
200-15-1000 Human IL-15 60060 1000ug
200-16-2 Human IL-16 (130aa) 1050 2ug
200-16-10 Human IL-16 (130aa) 2570 10ug
200-16-50 Human IL-16 (130aa) 12010 50ug
200-16-100 Human IL-16 (130aa) 20020 100ug
200-16-250 Human IL-16 (130aa) 36030 250ug
200-16-500 Human IL-16 (130aa) 52050 500ug
200-16-1000 Human IL-16 (130aa) 80080 1000ug
200-16A-2 Human IL-16A (121aa) 1050 2ug
200-16A-10 Human IL-16A (121aa) 2570 10ug
200-16A-50 Human IL-16A (121aa) 12010 50ug
200-16A-100 Human IL-16A (121aa) 20020 100ug
200-16A-250 Human IL-16A (121aa) 36030 250ug
200-16A-500 Human IL-16A (121aa) 52050 500ug
200-16A-1000 Human IL-16A (121aa) 80080 1000ug
200-17-5 Human IL-17A 1050 5ug
200-17-25 Human IL-17A 2570 25ug
200-17-50 Human IL-17A 5540 50ug
200-17-100 Human IL-17A 9240 100ug
200-17-250 Human IL-17A 16170 250ug
200-17-500 Human IL-17A 27720 500ug
200-17-1000 Human IL-17A 46200 1000ug
200-19-2 Human IL-19 1050 2ug
200-19-10 Human IL-19 2570 10ug
200-19-100 Human IL-19 20020 100ug
200-19-250 Human IL-19 36030 250ug
200-19-500 Human IL-19 52050 500ug
200-19-1000 Human IL-19 80080 1000ug
200-20-2 Human IL-20 1050 2ug
200-20-10 Human IL-20 2570 10ug
200-20-50 Human IL-20 12010 50ug
200-20-100 Human IL-20 20020 100ug
200-20-250 Human IL-20 36030 250ug
200-20-500 Human IL-20 52050 500ug
200-20-1000 Human IL-20 80080 1000ug
200-21-2 Human IL-21 1050 2ug
200-21-10 Human IL-21 2570 10ug
200-21-50 Human IL-21 12010 50ug
200-21-100 Human IL-21 20020 100ug
200-21-250 Human IL-21 36030 250ug
200-21-500 Human IL-21 52050 500ug
200-21-1000 Human IL-21 80080 1000ug
200-22-2 Human IL-22 1050 2ug
200-22-10 Human IL-22 2570 10ug
200-22-100 Human IL-22 20020 100ug
200-22-250 Human IL-22 36030 250ug
200-22-500 Human IL-22 52050 500ug
200-22-1000 Human IL-22 80080 1000ug
200-23-2 Human IL-23 1050 2ug
200-23-10 Human IL-23 2570 10ug
200-23-50 Human IL-23 16630 50ug
200-23-100 Human IL-23 27720 100ug
200-23-250 Human IL-23 52820 250ug
200-23-500 Human IL-23 90550 500ug
200-23-1000 Human IL-23 150920 1000ug
200-24-5 Human IL-17E 1050 5ug
200-24-25 Human IL-17E 2570 25ug
200-24-100 Human IL-17E 11550 100ug
200-24-250 Human IL-17E 20790 250ug
200-24-500 Human IL-17E 30030 500ug
200-24-1000 Human IL-17E 46200 1000ug
200-25-5 Human IL-17F 1050 5ug
200-25-25 Human IL-17F 2570 25ug
200-25-50 Human IL-17F 5540 50ug
200-25-100 Human IL-17F 9240 100ug
200-25-250 Human IL-17F 16170 250ug
200-25-500 Human IL-17F 27720 500ug
200-25-1000 Human IL-17F 46200 1000ug
200-27-5 Human IL-17D 1050 5ug
200-27-25 Human IL-17D 2570 25ug
200-27-100 Human IL-17D 11550 100ug
200-27-250 Human IL-17D 20790 250ug
200-27-500 Human IL-17D 30030 500ug
200-27-1000 Human IL-17D 46200 1000ug
200-28-5 Human IL-17B 1050 5ug
200-28-25 Human IL-17B 2570 25ug
200-28-100 Human IL-17B 11550 100ug
200-28-250 Human IL-17B 20790 250ug
200-28-500 Human IL-17B 30030 500ug
200-28-1000 Human IL-17B 46200 1000ug
200-31-2 Human IL-31 1050 2ug
200-31-10 Human IL-31 2570 10ug
200-31-100 Human IL-31 20020 100ug
200-31-250 Human IL-31 36030 250ug
200-31-500 Human IL-31 52050 500ug
200-31-1000 Human IL-31 80080 1000ug
200-33-2 Human IL-33 1050 2ug
200-33-10 Human IL-33 2570 10ug
200-33-50 Human IL-33 12010 50ug
200-33-100 Human IL-33 20020 100ug
200-33-250 Human IL-33 36030 250ug
200-33-500 Human IL-33 52050 500ug
200-33-1000 Human IL-33 80080 1000ug
200-34-2 Human IL-34 1050 2ug
200-34-10 Human IL-34 2570 10ug
200-34-100 Human IL-34 20020 100ug
200-34-250 Human IL-34 36030 250ug
200-34-500 Human IL-34 52050 500ug
200-34-1000 Human IL-34 80080 1000ug
200-35-5 Human IL-24 1050 5ug
200-35-20 Human IL-24 2570 20ug
200-35-50 Human IL-24 7200 50ug
200-35-100 Human IL-24 12010 100ug
200-35-250 Human IL-24 21020 250ug
200-35-500 Human IL-24 36030 500ug
200-35-1000 Human IL-24 60060 1000ug
200-36B-2 Human IL-36 beta 1050 2ug
200-36B-10 Human IL-36 beta 2570 10ug
200-36B-100 Human IL-36 beta 20020 100ug
200-36B-250 Human IL-36 beta 36030 250ug
200-36B-500 Human IL-36 beta 52050 500ug
200-36B-1000 Human IL-36 beta 80080 1000ug
200-36G-2 Human IL-36 gamma 1050 2ug
200-36G-10 Human IL-36 gamma 2570 10ug
200-36G-100 Human IL-36 gamma 20020 100ug
200-36G-250 Human IL-36 gamma 36030 250ug
200-36G-500 Human IL-36 gamma 52050 500ug
200-36G-1000 Human IL-36 gamma 80080 1000ug
200-36RA-5 Human IL-36RA 1050 5ug
200-36RA-25 Human IL-36RA 2570 25ug
200-36RA-100 Human IL-36RA 9240 100ug
200-36RA-250 Human IL-36RA 16170 250ug
200-36RA-500 Human IL-36RA 27720 500ug
200-36RA-1000 Human IL-36RA 46200 1000ug
200-37-2 Human IL-35 1050 2ug
200-37-10 Human IL-35 2570 10ug
200-37-50 Human IL-35 12010 50ug
200-37-100 Human IL-35 16010 100ug
200-37-250 Human IL-35 36030 250ug
200-37-500 Human IL-35 52050 500ug
200-37-1000 Human IL-35 80080 1000ug
200-38-2 Human IL-27 1050 2ug
200-38-10 Human IL-27 2570 10ug
200-38-50 Human IL-27 9600 50ug
200-38-100 Human IL-27 16010 100ug
200-38-250 Human IL-27 28020 250ug
200-38-500 Human IL-27 48040 500ug
200-38-1000 Human IL-27 80080 1000ug
210-10-2 Murine IL-10 1050 2ug
210-10-10 Murine IL-10 2570 10ug
210-10-50 Murine IL-10 12010 50ug
210-10-100 Murine IL-10 20020 100ug
210-10-250 Murine IL-10 36030 250ug
210-10-500 Murine IL-10 52050 500ug
210-10-1000 Murine IL-10 80080 1000ug
210-12-2 Murine IL-12 1050 2ug
210-12-10 Murine IL-12 2570 10ug
210-12-50 Murine IL-12 12010 50ug
210-12-100 Murine IL-12 20020 100ug
210-12-250 Murine IL-12 36030 250ug
210-12-500 Murine IL-12 52050 500ug
210-12-1000 Murine IL-12 80080 1000ug
210-13-2 Murine IL-13 1050 2ug
210-13-10 Murine IL-13 2570 10ug
210-13-50 Murine IL-13 12010 50ug
210-13-100 Murine IL-13 20020 100ug
210-13-250 Murine IL-13 36030 250ug
210-13-500 Murine IL-13 52050 500ug
210-13-1000 Murine IL-13 80080 1000ug
210-15-2 Murine IL-15 1050 2ug
210-15-10 Murine IL-15 2570 10ug
210-15-50 Murine IL-15 9000 50ug
210-15-100 Murine IL-15 15010 100ug
210-15-250 Murine IL-15 27020 250ug
210-15-500 Murine IL-15 39030 500ug
210-15-1000 Murine IL-15 60060 1000ug
210-17-5 Murine IL-17A 1050 5ug
210-17-25 Murine IL-17A 2570 25ug
210-17-50 Murine IL-17A 5540 50ug
210-17-100 Murine IL-17A 9240 100ug
210-17-250 Murine IL-17A 16170 250ug
210-17-500 Murine IL-17A 27720 500ug
210-17-1000 Murine IL-17A 46200 1000ug
210-17F-5 Murine IL-17F 1050 5ug
210-17F-25 Murine IL-17F 2570 25ug
210-17F-50 Murine IL-17F 5540 50ug
210-17F-100 Murine IL-17F 9240 100ug
210-17F-250 Murine IL-17F 16170 250ug
210-17F-500 Murine IL-17F 27720 500ug
210-17F-1000 Murine IL-17F 46200 1000ug
210-21-2 Murine IL-21 1050 2ug
210-21-10 Murine IL-21 2570 10ug
210-21-50 Murine IL-21 12010 50ug
210-21-100 Murine IL-21 20020 100ug
210-21-250 Murine IL-21 36030 250ug
210-21-500 Murine IL-21 52050 500ug
210-21-1000 Murine IL-21 80080 1000ug
210-22-2 Murine IL-22 1050 2ug
210-22-10 Murine IL-22 2570 10ug
210-22-50 Murine IL-22 12010 50ug
210-22-100 Murine IL-22 20020 100ug
210-22-250 Murine IL-22 36030 250ug
210-22-500 Murine IL-22 52050 500ug
210-22-1000 Murine IL-22 80080 1000ug
210-25-2 Murine SF-20 1050 2ug
210-25-10 Murine SF-20 2570 10ug
210-25-100 Murine SF-20 20020 100ug
210-25-250 Murine SF-20 36030 250ug
210-25-500 Murine SF-20 52050 500ug
210-25-1000 Murine SF-20 80080 1000ug
210-31-2 Murine IL-31 1050 2ug
210-31-10 Murine IL-31 2570 10ug
210-31-100 Murine IL-31 20020 100ug
210-31-250 Murine IL-31 36030 250ug
210-31-500 Murine IL-31 52050 500ug
210-31-1000 Murine IL-31 80080 1000ug
210-33-2 Murine IL-33 1050 2ug
210-33-10 Murine IL-33 2570 10ug
210-33-50 Murine IL-33 12010 50ug
210-33-100 Murine IL-33 20020 100ug
210-33-250 Murine IL-33 36030 250ug
210-33-500 Murine IL-33 52050 500ug
210-33-1000 Murine IL-33 80080 1000ug
211-11A-2 Murine IL-1alpha 1050 2ug
211-11A-10 Murine IL-1alpha 2570 10ug
211-11A-50 Murine IL-1alpha 9000 50ug
211-11A-100 Murine IL-1alpha 15010 100ug
211-11A-250 Murine IL-1alpha 27020 250ug
211-11A-500 Murine IL-1alpha 39030 500ug
211-11A-1000 Murine IL-1alpha 60060 1000ug
211-11B-2 Murine IL-1beta 1050 2ug
211-11B-10 Murine IL-1beta 2570 10ug
211-11B-50 Murine IL-1beta 9000 50ug
211-11B-100 Murine IL-1beta 15010 100ug
211-11B-250 Murine IL-1beta 27020 250ug
211-11B-500 Murine IL-1beta 39030 500ug
211-11B-1000 Murine IL-1beta 60060 1000ug
212-12-5 Murine IL-2 1050 5ug
212-12-20 Murine IL-2 2570 20ug
212-12-50 Murine IL-2 6460 50ug
212-12-100 Murine IL-2 10780 100ug
212-12-250 Murine IL-2 19400 250ug
212-12-500 Murine IL-2 28020 500ug
212-12-1000 Murine IL-2 43120 1000ug
213-13-2 Murine IL-3 1050 2ug
213-13-10 Murine IL-3 2570 10ug
213-13-50 Murine IL-3 6930 50ug
213-13-100 Murine IL-3 11550 100ug
213-13-250 Murine IL-3 20790 250ug
213-13-500 Murine IL-3 30030 500ug
213-13-1000 Murine IL-3 46200 1000ug
214-14-5 Murine IL-4 1050 5ug
214-14-20 Murine IL-4 2570 20ug
214-14-50 Murine IL-4 6000 50ug
214-14-100 Murine IL-4 10010 100ug
214-14-250 Murine IL-4 17510 250ug
214-14-500 Murine IL-4 30030 500ug
214-14-1000 Murine IL-4 50050 1000ug
215-15-5 Murine IL-5 1050 5ug
215-15-25 Murine IL-5 2570 25ug
215-15-50 Murine IL-5 5540 50ug
215-15-100 Murine IL-5 9240 100ug
215-15-250 Murine IL-5 16170 250ug
215-15-500 Murine IL-5 27720 500ug
215-15-1000 Murine IL-5 46200 1000ug
216-16-2 Murine IL-6 1050 2ug
216-16-10 Murine IL-6 2570 10ug
216-16-50 Murine IL-6 6930 50ug
216-16-100 Murine IL-6 11550 100ug
216-16-250 Murine IL-6 20790 250ug
216-16-500 Murine IL-6 30030 500ug
216-16-1000 Murine IL-6 46200 1000ug
217-17-2 Murine IL-7 1050 2ug
217-17-10 Murine IL-7 2570 10ug
217-17-50 Murine IL-7 12010 50ug
217-17-100 Murine IL-7 20020 100ug
217-17-250 Murine IL-7 36030 250ug
217-17-500 Murine IL-7 52050 500ug





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我们的蛋白质包括干扰素、白细胞介素、骨形态蛋白、肿瘤坏死因子、瘦素、干细胞因子、催乳素、趋化因子、抗体、肽、 酶、病毒抗原、各种生长因子,例如:血小板衍生物、 表皮、 胰岛素样、 神经、结缔组织、 血管内皮、成纤维细胞等。

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货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
cyt-213-20ug Recombinant Human Interleukin-6 20ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
pro-2703-10ug Mouse Complement Component C1q 10ug 5400 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
pro-554L-200ug Human Complement Component C1q 200ug 4500 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-207-10ug Recombinant Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-216-1mg Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 1mg 3200 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-371-10ug Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-3 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hor-272-1000IU Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin 1000IU 1400 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-265-1mg Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-2 1mg 17700 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-361-50ug Recombinant Yeast Glutaredoxin 1 50ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
ant-229-1mg Mouse Anti Factor IX 1mg 6200 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-375-2ug Recombinant Human Dipeptidyl-Peptidase 4 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
chm-245-1mg Recombinant Mouse Platelet Factor-4 (CXCL4) 1mg 38000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
chm-245-20ug Recombinant Mouse Platelet Factor-4 (CXCL4) 20ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
chm-245-5ug Recombinant Mouse Platelet Factor-4 (CXCL4) 5ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cmv-215-100ug Recombinant Cytomegalo Virus Pp65(UL83) 100ug 2300 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-1154-10ug Recombinant Human Paraoxonase-1 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
pro-616-200ug Recombinant E.Coli Maltose Binding Protein 200ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-729-10ug Recombinant Human Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-769-10ug Recombinant Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
pro-356-10mg Recombinant Staphylococcal Protein-A 10mg 700 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hbs-872-1mg Recombinant Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Adw subtype 1mg 16800 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-128-1mg Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 N15 Labeled 1mg 35000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hbs-875-100ug Recombinant Hepatitis B Surface Antigen adr subtype, CHO 100ug 2500 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-615-25ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin Globular 25ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-216-100ug Recombinant Human Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 100ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-218-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hor-001-10ug Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hor-250-10mg Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 10mg 8400 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-238-5ug Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Binding Protein 5ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hor-250-5mg Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 5mg 6200 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-371-2ug Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-3 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-244-10ug Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Sf9 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
pro-2507-5ug Recombinant Human Son Of Sevenless Homolog 1 5ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
hor-290-1mg Human Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) 1mg 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-270-250mg Recombinant Human Insulin 250mg 5600 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
pro-2324-10ug Recombinant Human CD18 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-319-10,000IU Recombinant Human Deoxyribonuclease I 10,000IU 10800 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-348-10ug Recombinant Salmonella Typhimurium Uridine phosphorylase 10ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-359-10ug Recombinant Human Cyclophilin-A 10ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-367-20ug Recombinant Human Cyclophilin-D, His Tag 20ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-375-10ug Recombinant Human Dipeptidyl-Peptidase 4 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-390-50ug Recombinant Human Aldose Reductase 50ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-417-100mg Bovine Deoxyribonuclease I 100mg 3500 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-440-10ug Recombinant Human Monoamine Oxidase B 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-474-5ug Recombinant Human Protein Disulfide Isomerase A3 5ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-645-20ug Recombinant Human Sialidase 1 20ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-683-5ug Recombinant Human Hexosaminidase A 5ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-778-20ug Recombinant Human Heparanase-1 20ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-778-1mg Recombinant Human Heparanase-1 1mg 38000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
enz-800-20ug Recombinant Human Dual Specificity Phosphatase 22 20ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-145-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-A, Active 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-145-10ug Recombinant Human Activin-A, Active 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-145-1mg Recombinant Human Activin-A, Active 1mg 60000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-414-1ug Recombinant Human Activin-A Active 1ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-414-5ug Recombinant Human Activin-A Active 5ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-414-100ug Recombinant Human Activin-A Active 100ug 21000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-569-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-569-10ug Recombinant Human Activin-A 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-569-1mg Recombinant Human Activin-A 1mg 38000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-052-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-A, Plant 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-052-10ug Recombinant Human Activin-A, Plant 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-052-1mg Recombinant Human Activin-A, Plant 1mg 72000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-146-2ug Recombinant Mouse Activin-A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-146-10ug Recombinant Mouse Activin-A 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-146-1mg Recombinant Mouse Activin-A 1mg 60000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-147-2ug Recombinant Rat Activin-A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-147-10ug Recombinant Rat Activin-A 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-147-1mg Recombinant Rat Activin-A 1mg 60000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-057-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-B Active 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-057-10ug Recombinant Human Activin-B Active 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-057-1mg Recombinant Human Activin-B Active 1mg 80000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-058-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-B 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-058-10ug Recombinant Human Activin-B 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-058-1mg Recombinant Human Activin-B 1mg 72000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-1140-2ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-1140-10ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 1 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-1140-0.1mg Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 1 0.1mg 14000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-920-2ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type II-Like 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-920-10ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type II-Like 1 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-920-1mg Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type II-Like 1 1mg 72800 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-976-2ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 2A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-976-10ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 2A 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-976-1mg Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 2A 1mg 72800 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-024-2ug Human Adiponectin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-024-10ug Human Adiponectin 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-024-0.1mg Human Adiponectin 0.1mg 14000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-280-5ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-280-25ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin 25ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-280-1mg Recombinant Human Adiponectin 1mg 39200 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-433-10ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin, His tag 10ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-433-50ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin, His tag 50ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-433-1mg Recombinant Human Adiponectin, His tag 1mg 35000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-073-5ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin (108-244 a.a.) 5ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-073-25ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin (108-244 a.a.) 25ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-073-1mg Recombinant Human Adiponectin (108-244 a.a.) 1mg 39200 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-434-2ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-434-10ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-434-1mg Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK 1mg 78000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-764-2ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HMW Rich 2ug 900 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔
cyt-764-10ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HMW Rich 10ug 2000 prospecbio 4-6周 上海金畔





PeproTech生产高品质的产品为您生命科学的研究创造基石,从而助力科学发现和人类健康。 自1988年成立以来,我们已经发展成为在美国拥有先进的制造工厂,在全球各地设有办事处的全球性企业。









货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
200-15-50UG Recombinant Human IL-15 50UG 7963.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-07-50UG Recombinant Human IL-7 50UG 10614.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-06-100UG Recombinant Human IL-6 100UG 10205.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-04-100UG Recombinant Human IL-4 100UG 8847.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
500-P318BT-50UG Biotinylated Anti-Human EPO 50UG 3364.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-15-1MG Recombinant Human IL-15 1MG 53185.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-07-1MG Recombinant Human SCF 1MG 32734.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-04-20UG Recombinant Human IL-4 20UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-01B-10UG Recombinant Human IL-1beta 10UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-02-100UG Recombinant Human IL-2 100UG 2938.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-10-50UG Recombinant Human IL-10 50UG 10614.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-01A-50UG Recombinant Human TNF-alpha 50UG 2610 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-06-50UG Recombinant Human IL-6 50UG 6129.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-01B-50UG Recombinant Human IL-1beta 50UG 7963.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-07-1MG Recombinant Human IL-7 1MGsuppliedas2x500UG 70921.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
315-02-100UG Recombinant Murine M-CSF 100UG 14632.8 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-07-500UG Recombinant Human IL-7 500UG 46010.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-15-10UG Recombinant Human IL-15 10UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-03-100UG Recombinant Human GM-CSF 100UG 8847.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-12-100UG Recombinant Human IL-12 p70 (CHO derived) 100UG 18020.8 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-25-100UG Recombinant Human M-CSF 100UG 14632.8 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-15-500UG Recombinant Human IL-15 500UG 34512 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-02-20UG Recombinant Human IFN-gamma 20UG 1046.7 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-28A-10UG Recombinant Human SDF-1alpha (CXCL12) 10UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-25-50UG Recombinant Human M-CSF 50UG 8789.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-07-500UG Recombinant Human SCF 500UG 21237.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-18-10UG Recombinant Human TPO 10UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-02-100UG Recombinant Human IFN-gamma 100UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-25-500UG Recombinant Human M-CSF 500UG 38047.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-02-1MG Recombinant Human IL-2 1MG 10914.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-03-50UG Recombinant Human IL-3 50UG 6129.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-12-50UG Recombinant Human IL-12 p70 (CHO derived) 50UG 10614.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-01A-100UG Recombinant Human TNF-alpha 100UG 4608 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-03-5UG Recombinant Human GM-CSF 5UG 1046.7 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-12-10UG Recombinant Human IL-12 p70 (CHO derived) 10UG 2552.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
210-21-100UG Recombinant Murine IL-21 100UG 17710.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-02-250UG Recombinant Human IL-2 250UG 4771.2 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-03-1MG Recombinant Human IL-3 1MG 40918.4 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
300-28A-50UG Recombinant Human SDF-1alpha (CXCL12) 50UG 6129.6 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔
200-15RA-100UG Recombinant Human sIL-15 Receptor alpha Fc 100UG 2565 PeproTech 1-6周 上海金畔






产品类别包括:重组细胞因子和蛋白、单克隆和多克隆抗体、ELISA试剂盒、无动物成分(Animal Free)的重组细胞因子和蛋白、GMP级别的重组细胞因子和蛋白、人胚胎干细胞培养基。                         


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
100-01-100UG Human sCD22 100UG 14128 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-01-20UG Human sCD22 20UG 2502 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-01-5UG Human sCD22 5UG 1026 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-01-500UG Human sCD22 500UG 41512 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-01-250UG Human sCD22 250UG 27952 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-03-10UG Recombinant Human Heregulinbeta-1 10UG 1026 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-03-50UG Recombinant Human Heregulinbeta-1 50UG 2502 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-03-250UG Recombinant Human Heregulinbeta-1 250UG 8728 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-03-500UG Recombinant Human Heregulinbeta-1 500UG 12968 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔
100-03-100UG Recombinant Human Heregulinbeta-1 100UG 4984 PeproTech 1-4周 上海金畔




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● 用E.coli表达各种人・小鼠・大鼠来源的细胞因子

● E.coli培养和纯化过程中不使用动物来源原料并提供证明书

● 过滤杀菌的冻干产品

● 实施变更管理



● 本品在制造过程中不使用动物来源原料,通过E.coli来培养、表达、并纯化获得细胞因子。

● 与普通细胞因子的使用方法相同。

● 大包装产品的价格和货期请咨询合作代理商。









Activin A

Activin A, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


500 μg



Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


100 μg


250 μg


1 mg



CD40 Ligand soluble, Human, recombinant,



50 μg


1 mg



Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


20 μg


1 mg



Epidermal Growth Factor, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


100 μg


500 μg



Fibroblast Growth Factor (acidic), Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free



50 μg


1 mg



Fibroblast Growth Factor (basic), Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free



50 μg


100 μg


1 mg



Fibroblast Growth Factor 4, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


25 μg


500 μg×2



Fibroblast Growth Factor 8, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


25 μg


500 μg



Fibroblast Growth Factor 9, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


20 μg


1 mg



Fibroblast Growth Factor 10, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


25 μg


1 mg




Flt3 Ligand, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor,

Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg



Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-

Stimulating Factor, Human, recombinant,



20 μg


1 mg



Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor,

Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


250 μg


1 mg








Heregulin-β-1, Human, recombinant,



50 μg


1 mg



Insulin-like Growth factor-I, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


100 μg


1 mg



Insulin-like Growth factor-Ⅱ, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


50 μg


1 mg



Interferon-γ, Human, recombinant,



100 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-1α, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-1β, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-2, Human, recombinant,



50 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-3, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-4, Human, recombinant,



20 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-6, Human, recombinant,



20 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-7, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-8 (monocyte-derived), Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free



25 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-15, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-16, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg




Keratinocyte Growth Factor, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg



LIF, Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


25 μg


1 mg



Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor, Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg




MCP-1, Human, recombinant,



20 μg


1 mg



Nerve Growth Factor-β, Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


20 μg


1 mg








Neurotrophin-3, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


250 μg


1 mg



Oncostatin M (209aa), Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg



PDGF-AA, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



PDGF-BB, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Placenta Growth Factor-1, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


25 μg


1 mg



Stem Cell Factor, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


250 μg


1 mg



Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1α, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg



Thrombopoietin, Human, recombinant,



10 μg


500 μg



Transforming Growth Factor-β3, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


100 μg


1 mg



Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Human,

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


50 μg


1 mg



Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A165,

Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


100 μg


500 μg





Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A121,

Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg









Epidermal Growth Factor, Mouse,recombinant, 



500 ug




Fibroblast Growth Factor (basic), Mouse,recombinant,




50 μg


1 mg



Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony

Stimulating Factor, Mouse, recombinant,



20 μg


1 mg



Interferon-γ, Mouse, recombinant,



100 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-3, Mouse, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-4, Mouse, recombinant,



20 μg


1 mg



Interleukin-6, Mouse, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor,

Mouse, recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg



Noggin, Mouse, recombinant,



20 μg


500 μg



Stem Cell Factor, Mouse, recombinant,Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg



Thrombopoietin, Mouse, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg



Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A165,Mouse, 

recombinant, Animal-derived-free


10 μg


1 mg









Thrombopoietin, Rat, recombinant,



10 μg


1 mg


※ 本页面产品仅供研究用,研究以外不可使用。




ProSpec是一家不断发展的生物技术公司,在各地提供高度纯化的蛋白质,为研究界提供用于癌症,细胞凋亡,发育,内分泌学,免疫学,神经科学,蛋白酶和干细胞研究的细胞因子相关产品。蛋白质包括干扰素,白细胞介素,骨形态蛋白,肿瘤坏死因子,瘦素,干细胞因子,催乳素,趋化因子,抗体,肽, 酶,病毒抗原,各种生长因子,例如:血小板来源, 表皮, 胰岛素样, 神经, 结缔组织, 血管内皮,成纤维细胞等…..



货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
cyt-145-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-A, Active 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-414-1ug Recombinant Human Activin-A Active 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-569-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-052-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-A, Plant 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-146-2ug Recombinant Mouse Activin-A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-147-2ug Recombinant Rat Activin-A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-057-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-B Active 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-058-2ug Recombinant Human Activin-B 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1140-2ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-920-2ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type II-Like 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-976-2ug Recombinant Human Activin A Receptor Type 2A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-024-2ug Human Adiponectin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-280-5ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-433-10ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin, His tag 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-073-5ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin (108-244 a.a.) 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-434-2ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-764-2ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin glycosilated, HMW Rich 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-233-2ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin Trimeric Form 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1002-1ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin, Sf9 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1168-2ug Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-435-2ug Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-537-5ug Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin, His tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-247-2ug Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin Trimeric Form 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-696-2ug Recombinant Porcine Adiponectin glycosilated, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-831-2ug Recombinant Rat Adiponectin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-615-5ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin Globular 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-277-2ug Recombinant Human Adiponectin Globular, His tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-432-10ug Recombinant Mouse Adiponectin Globular 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-697-2ug Recombinant Human Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-007-5ug Recombinant Human Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1 Like 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-925-2ug Recombinant Human AITR 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-076-5ug Recombinant Human AITRL 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-317-5ug Recombinant Human AITRL, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-807-2ug Recombinant Human AITRL, T7 Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-074-5ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-1 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1103-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-2 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-765-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 2 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-248-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 3 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-766-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 3, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-902-5ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 3, (243-460 a.a.) 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-986-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 3, (17-460 a.a.) 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-249-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-698-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 4, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-832-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 6 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1208-2ug Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 7 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-914-1ug Recombinant Mouse Angiopoietin-like Protein 7 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-750-20ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein A-I 20ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-661-20ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein A-I, His Tag 20ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-037-20ug Human Apolipoprotein A-I 20ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-891-5ug Recombinant Mouse Apolipoprotein A-I 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-025-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein A-V, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-767-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein A-V 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1042-100ug Human Apolipoprotein-B 100ug 2300 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-812-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein C-I 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-547-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-D 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-768-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-D, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-652-2ug Recombinant Human APO-D GST Tag 2ug 2800 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-874-100ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein E3 100ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-189-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-H 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-278-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-J 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-548-2ug Human Apolipoprotein-J 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1131-2ug Human Apolipoprotein-J, Serum 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-814-5ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-J, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1172-2ug Recombinant Mouse Apolipoprotein-J 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-437-2ug Recombinant Rat Apolipoprotein-J 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-549-2ug Recombinant Canine Apolipoprotein-J 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-618-2ug Recombinant Canine Apolipoprotein-J, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-785-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein L 4 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-715-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-M 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-026-2ug Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-M, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-815-5ug Recombinant Human APRIL 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-803-5ug Recombinant Mouse APRIL 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-041-10ug Recombinant Human Amphiregulin 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-306-5ug Recombinant Human Artemin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-564-5ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin-1 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-044-5ug Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin-1 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-062-5ug Recombinant Rat Beta Defensin-1 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-571-5ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin-2 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-035-5ug Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin-2 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-461-5ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin-3 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-036-5ug Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin-3 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-063-5ug Recombinant Rat Beta Defensin-3 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-599-5ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin-4 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-066-5ug Recombinant Rat Beta Defensin-4 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-804-5ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin-5 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-945-5ug Recombinant Mouse Beta Defensin-14 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-207-2ug Recombinant Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-881-5ug Recombinant Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1081-2ug Recombinant Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-014-2ug Recombinant Human Precursor Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-307-5ug Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS) 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-545-5ug Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS), His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-054-1ug Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS), Plant 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-429-10ug Recombinant Human BAFF (BLyS) Receptor 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-380-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein Receptor-1A 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1005-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein Receptor-1A,  IgG-His 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1094-50ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein Receptor-1A, CHO 50ug 8400 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-897-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein Receptor-1B 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-261-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-2 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-080-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-2, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-627-5ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-2 Monomer 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-937-10ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-3 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-361-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-4 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1093-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-4 Active, CHO 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-660-5ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-5 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-754-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-6 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-333-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-629-10ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7 His Tag 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-039-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7, Plant 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-082-1ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-7, HEK 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-830-5ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-8b 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-938-10ug Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic protein-13 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-579-5ug Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor 5ug 500 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-246-5ug Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, CHO 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-079-5ug Recombinant Human beta Nerve Growth Factor, HEK 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-581-5ug Recombinant Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-440-5ug Mouse beta Nerve Growth Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-426-2ug Recombinant Human Pro-Nerve Growth Factor 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-327-2ug Recombinant Human B-type Natriuretic Protein 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-605-2ug Recombinant Human B-type Natriuretic Protein His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-369-10mg Human B-type Natriuretic Protein 10mg 4200 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1029-2ug Recombinant Human B-type Natriuretic Protein (27-102 a.a.) 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1118-10ug Recombinant Human NT-Pro B-type Natriuretic Protein 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1205-25ug Recombinant Human Pro B-type Natriuretic Protein 25ug 8400 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1071-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-059-2ug Recombinant Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 2 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-330-5ug Recombinant Human Betacellulin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-077-2ug Recombinant Human Betacellulin, His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1188-2ug Recombinant Human Betacellulin, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-131-5ug Recombinant Mouse Betacellulin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-406-5ug Recombinant Bovine Betacellulin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-167-5ug Recombinant Human Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-729-5ug Recombinant Mouse Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-730-5ug Recombinant Rat Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-071-5ug Recombinant Human Cardiotrophin-Like Cytokine Factor 1 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-272-5ug Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-573-5ug Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-909-5ug Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, His Tag Active 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-139-5ug Recombinant Mouse Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-654-5ug Recombinant Rat Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-926-2ug Recombinant Rat Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-883-5ug Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1087-2ug Recombinant Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor, Sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-959-5ug Recombinant Rat Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-796-5ug Recombinant Human GM-CSF Receptor Alpha 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1044-1ug Recombinant Human GM-CSF Receptor Alpha Sf9 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-928-2ug Recombinant Human GM-CSF Receptor Beta 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-944-2ug Recombinant Human Cardiotrophin-1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-436-2ug Recombinant Human Cardiotrophin-1, His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-151-2ug Recombinant Mouse Cardiotrophin-1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-199-2ug Recombinant Rat Cardiotrophin-1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1128-50ug Recombinant Mouse Neuropoietin 50ug 8400 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-541-5ug Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-438-5ug Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-526-4ug Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (182-250 a.a.) 4ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-687-2ug Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1174-2ug Recombinant Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (183-255 a.a.) 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1173-2ug Recombinant Mouse Connective Tissue Growth Factor 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-366-5ug Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen-4 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-952-2ug Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen-4, Sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-985-2ug Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen-4, igG-His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1144-10ug Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen-4, igG-His Tag, Active 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-950-5ug Recombinant Mouse Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen-4 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-164-5ug Recombinant Human Cysteine-Rich Angiogenic Inducer 61 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-775-2ug Recombinant Human Cytokine-Like 1 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-713-2ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin 116 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-714-5ug Recombinant Human Beta Defensin 118 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-367-2ug Recombinant Human Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-668-2ug Recombinant Human Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3, His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-621-2ug Recombinant Mouse Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1036-5ug Recombinant Macaque Epstein Barr Virus Induced 3 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-338-5ug Recombinant Human Endocrine Gland Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-825-5ug Recombinant Mouse Endocrine Gland Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-217-100ug Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 100ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-332-100ug Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Pichia 100ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-466-20ug Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor 21-Leu 20ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-798-20ug Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Long 20ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1115-100ug Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor (1-51 a.a.) 100ug 1120 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-326-100ug Recombinant Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor 100ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-554-10ug Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-841-2ug Recombinant Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor, Biotin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-138-2ug Recombinant Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor, His 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1054-1ug Recombinant Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor, His Active 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-556-2ug Rat Epidermal Growth Factor 2ug 2800 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-669-20ug Recombinant Rat Epidermal Growth Factor 20ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-974-2ug Recombinant Human EGF Like Domain Multiple 6 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1105-2ug Recombinant Mouse EGF Like Domain Multiple 6 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-607-5ug Recombinant Human Endothelial-Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-021-1ug Recombinant Human Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase Complex-Interacting Multifunctional Protein 1 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-389-2ug Recombinant Human Endoglin, Sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-525-2ug Recombinant Human Endoglin 2ug 2800 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-823-2ug Recombinant Human Endoglin His-Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-424-2ug Recombinant Mouse Endoglin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-972-1ug Recombinant Mouse Endoglin (27-581 a.a.) 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-601-5ug Recombinant Human Epigen 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-794-5ug Recombinant Human Epigen, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1038-2ug Recombinant Human Epigen, Sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-609-5ug Recombinant Human Epiregulin 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-859-5ug Recombinant Human Epiregulin, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1206-2ug Recombinant Human Epiregulin, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-201-5ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-325-2ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha Fc/Chimera 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-083-2ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-791-2ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha, His Tag 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-934-2ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-alpha, sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1171-2ug Recombinant Mouse Erythropoietin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1187-2ug Recombinant Rat Erythropoietin 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-929-2ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Receptor 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-997-2ug Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Receptor, Active 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-125-5ug Recombinant Human sFas Receptor 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
pro-594-5ug Recombinant Human sFAS Receptor, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1153-2ug Recombinant Human sFas Receptor 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-031-5ug Recombinant Human FAS Ligand 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-051-2ug Recombinant Human FAS Ligand, HEK 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-264-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-364-2ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, Sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1112-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic (155 a.a.) 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-528-10ug Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-072-5ug Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic, His Tag 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-075-10ug Recombinant Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-613-1ug Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic 1ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-218-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-365-2ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Sf9 2ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-557-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic (147 a.a) 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-123-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic, Plant 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-288-10ug Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-1130-10ug Recombinant Bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic ( 147 a.a.) 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-386-10ug Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-608-10ug Recombinant Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-312-5ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-957-10ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-5 10ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔
cyt-979-5ug Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-6 5ug 900 prospecbio 4周到货 上海金畔





品       牌




伊红美蓝琼脂平板 90mm×10个/包

450-01 Recombinant Human beta-NGF细胞因子
450-34 Recombinant Murine β-NGF细胞因子
120-02 Recombinant Human BMP-2细胞因子
315-09 Recombinant Murine EGF细胞因子
100-15 Recombinant Human EGF细胞因子
100-17A Recombinant Human FGF-acidic细胞因子
100-17A Recombinant Human FGF-acidic细胞因子
450-33A Recombinant Murine FGF-acidic细胞因子
100-18B Recombinant Human FGF-basic细胞因子
100-18B Recombinant Human FGF-basic细胞因子
450-33 Recombinant Murine FGF-basic细胞因子
250-05 Recombinant Murine G-CSF细胞因子
300-23 Recombinant Human G-CSF细胞因子
300-03 Recombinant Human GM-CSF细胞因子
300-03 Recombinant Human GM-CSF细胞因子
315-03 Recombinant Murine GM-CSF细胞因子
315-03 Recombinant Murine GM-CSF细胞因子
100-39 Recombinant Human HGF
300-02 Recombinant Human IFN-r细胞因子
315-05 Recombinant Murine IFN-r细胞因子
100-11 Recombinant Human IGF-1
100-11 Recombinant Human IGF-1
250-19 Recombinant Murine IGF-1
100-19 Recombinant Human KGF
100-19 Recombinant Human KGF(FGF-7)
200-01A Recombinant Human IL-1α
211-11A Recombinant Murine IL-1a
200-01B Recombinant Human IL-1β
211-11B Recombinant Murine IL-1β细胞因子