
intronbio 17141 商业化的脂多糖(LPS)提取试剂盒 LPS提取试剂盒 Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)Extraction Kit intronbio 17141 *常用的LPS提取方法仍然是Westphal,O. (1965)使用的热酚-水法(hot phenol-water method),主要优势在于高产量,但是提取步骤繁琐,费时,以及常受蛋白质和核酸的污染,纯度低等缺点也常困扰科研工作者。 ◆ iNtRON提供的LPS提取试剂盒是市场上的**个商品化的产品,排除传统热酚-水法的缺陷,使得科研工作者能够快速方便的从细菌中提取LPS。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
17045 G-spin™ Total DNA Extraction Mini Kit   50 Col 2454.55  Intron2020
17046 G-spin™ Total DNA Extraction Mini Kit   200 Col 8000.00  Intron2020
17121 G-spin™ Genomic DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Bacteria)  50 Col 2818.18  Intron2020
17231 G-DEX™ IIc Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Cell/Tissue) 300 Tests 4363.64  Intron2020
17241 G-DEX™ IIb Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Blood) 200 Tests 4818.18  Intron2020
17361 i-genomic BYF DNA Extraction Mini Kit  50 Col 3636.36  Intron2020
17233 Fast Plant genomic DNA Isolation Kit  50 Col 3181.82  Intron2020
17371 i-genomic Plant DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Plant)  50 Col 3818.18  Intron2020
17391 i-genomic Urine DNA Extraction Mini Kit 50 Col 3636.36  Intron2020
17452 i-genomic Stool plus DNA Extraction Mini Kit 50 Col 6000.00  Intron2020
17384 i-genomic Clinic DNA Extraction Mini Kit 50Col 5454.55  Intron2020
17096 DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit  50 Col 1000.00  Intron2020
17098 DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit  200 Col 3000.00  Intron2020
17095 Fast DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit  50 Col 1181.82  Intron2020
17013 Fast DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit  200 Col 3272.73  Intron2020
17254 DNA-midi™ GT Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit (Gravity) 25 Tests  5181.82  Intron2020
17253 DNA-maxi™ SV Plasmid DNA Purification Kit  12 Col 4000.00  Intron2020
17289 MEGAquick-spin™ plus Total Fragment DNA Purification Kit 50 Col 1454.55  Intron2020
17290 MEGAquick-spin™ plus Total Fragment DNA Purification Kit 200 Col 4000.00  Intron2020
17061 easy-BLUE™ Total RNA Extraction Kit (Solution Type) 100 ml 3363.64  Intron2020
17063 easy-RED™ Total RNA Extraction Kit (Liquid Sample) 100 ml 4000.00  Intron2020
17221 easy-spin™ Total RNA Extraction Kit 50 Col 4818.18  Intron2020
17310 easy-spin™ IIp Plant RNA Extraction Kit (Mini-prep) 50 Col 5000.00  Intron2020
17491 IQeasy™ Plus Plant RNA Extraction Mini Kit  50 Col 5454.55  Intron2020
17211 RNA-spin™ Total RNA Extraction Kit 50 Col 4181.82  Intron2020
17412 Double-RNA Viral dsRNA Extraction Mini Kit
(For Plant Tissue)
50 Col 7000.00  Intron2020
17151 Viral Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit 50 Col 3636.36  Intron2020
17154 Patho Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit 50 Col 4000.00  Intron2020
21131 RNase WiPER 200ml * 2ea 1636.36  Intron2020
17081 PRO-PREP™ Protein Extraction Solution (Cell/Tissue) 100 ml 2363.64  Intron2020
17081.1 PRO-PREP™ Protein Extraction Solution (Cell/Tissue)
(EDTA free)
100 ml 2363.64  Intron2020
21011 PRO-MEASURE™ Protein Measurement Solution 100 ml 2454.55  Intron2020
21071 SMART™ BCA Protein Assay Kit 2,500 Test 2454.55  Intron2020
24052 GangNam Stain™ Prestained Protein Ladder (3 Colors) 250 ul 1600.00  Intron2020
16026 WEST-Queen™ Western Blot Detection Kit  200 ml 2636.36  Intron2020
16028 Miracle-Star™ Western Blot Detection System 200 ml 2454.55  Intron2020
16174 Fast-One Blocker (Blocking Solution and Signal Enhancer)  500ML 2363.64  Intron2020
21112 NomelRT™ Western Blot Stripping Buffer  500 ml 2363.64  Intron2020
25021 i-Taq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. 250 Units 1272.73  Intron2020
25022 i-Taq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. 500 Units 2181.82  Intron2020
25161 i-StarTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. 250 Units 1818.18  Intron2020
25162 i-StarTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. 500 Units 3454.55  Intron2020