Sensidyne, Inc. 特约代理

世界*实验材料供应商Sensidyne, Inc. 正式上海金畔为其中国代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,Sensidyne, Inc. 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

Sensidyne, Inc. 中国代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 上海代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 北京代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 广东代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 江苏代理Sensidyne, Inc. 湖北代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 天津,Sensidyne, Inc. 黑龙江代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 内蒙古代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 吉林代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 福建代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 江苏代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 浙江代理,Sensidyne, Inc. 四川代理,

Founded in 1983, Sensidyne was established as a manufacturer and distributor of gas detection and air sampling instrumentation and a major supplier of gas detection tubes. In 1995, the Gilian Instrument Company was acquired to expand the existing line of personal air sampling pumps. The trademark of Gilian® continues to flourish under the Sensidyne banner and continues to be the most recognized brand globally for high performance vapor and particulate monitoring equipment. The Company has also established itself as a technology leader in Fixed Gas Detection with its SensAlert® and SensAlert Plus® line of point gas detectors.  In April 2008 Sensidyne, LP became part of the Schauenburg Electronic Technologies Group of Schauenburg International GmbH.


Sensidyne provides products to a broad range of process, manufacturing and infrastructure industries including Power, Chemical, Oil and Gas, Mining, Industrial Gases, Semi-conductor, Metals, Water and Waste Treatment facilities worldwide.

Our core competencies lie in product development, manufacturing, distribution and service of fixed gas detection and air monitoring instrumentation, sound and vibration, and heat stress.  Our brands include SensAlert® Fixed Point Gas Detectors, Gilian® and BDX® Air Sampling Pumps, Sensidyne Gas Detector Tubes, Sensidyne Micro Air Pumps and Sensidyne Toxic Gas and Oxygen Sensors.

Sensidyne is dedicated to providing the highest reliability, latest technology, expert customer service, and technical support.  We also provide detailed technical information and assistance for a wide variety of applications across our entire product offering. Sensidyne is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified organization.