




 574660-50UGCNAnti-Survivin Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

574777-10UGCNAnti-Synapsin I Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

574778-50ULCNAnti-Synapsin I Rabbit pAb 4,797.00 

574788-1SETCNAnti-Syntaxin 4 Rabbit pAb 3,367.00 

575001-200UGCNa-Synuclein, Human, Recombinant, E. coli 4,277.00 

575003-200UGCNa-Synuclein A53T, Hu., Recom 5,200.00 

575143-100ULCNPD Anti-STAT6 (pTyr641) Rabbit pAb 5,577.00 

577801-100UGCNAnti-Tau Mouse mAb (TAU-5) 5,057.00 

577815-10TCNPD Anti-Tau (pSer396) Rabbit pAb 4,797.00 

582000-100ULCNAnti-omerase (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

582005-100ULCNAnti-omerase (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

58656-2500KUCNThermolysin, B. thermoproteolyticus 2,587.00 

598101-100UGCNThioredoxin, Human, Recomb. 4,017.00 

598502-100UGCNThioredoxin Reductase, Yeast, Recom 2,847.00 

604980-100UCNThrombin, Bovine, High Activity 1,053.00 

604980-500UCNThrombin, Bovine, High Activity 3,991.00 

605157-1KUCNThrombin, Bovine 702.00 

605160-1KUCNThrombin, Plasminogen-Free, Bovine 1,586.00 

605190-1000UCNThrombin, Human Plasma 4,927.00 

605190-100UCNThrombin, Human Plasma 870.00 

605195-1000UCNThrombin, Human Plasma, High Activity 3,861.00 

605195-100UCNThrombin, Human Plasma, High Activity 923.00 

605195-5000UCNThrombin, Human Plasma, High Activity 13,338.00 

605197-50UGCNThrombin-Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhib 5,330.00 

605204-1MLCNThrombin, Immobilized, Human Plasma 2,652.00 

605206-100UCNThrombin, Citrate-Free, Human Plasma 650.00 

609270-100ULCNAnti-Thymosin b4 Rabbit pAb 4,147.00 

609310-100MGCNThyroglobulin, Bovine Thyroid Gland 1,677.00 

609312-1MGCNThyroglobulin, Human Thyroid 1,157.00 

610200-50UGCNAnti-Tie1, C-Terminal Rabbit pAb 4,264.00 

610205-50UGCNAnti-Tie2 Mouse mAb (Ab33) 2,652.00 

612151-25UGCNTissue Factor, Apo-, Human, Recombinant 12,272.00 

612161-500UGCNAnti-Tissue Factor Mouse mAb (TF9-10H10) 7,917.00 

612200-100UGCNTissue Plasminogen Activator, Human 3,328.00 

612200-1MGCNTissue Plasminogen Activator, Human 8,671.00 

613544-100MLCN3,3′,5,5′-Tetramethylbenzidine, Soluble 637.00 

613548-100MLCN3,3′,5,5′-Tetramethylbenzidine, Insol. 1,027.00 

616374-100UGCNTRAIL, Human, Recombinant, E. coli 5,317.00 

616376-10UGCNTRAIL, Human, Recomb. NSO cells 5,317.00 

616378-100UGCNAnti-TRAIL, C-Terminal (261-277) Rb pAb 3,887.00 

616395-100MGCNTransferrin, Apo-, Human Plasma 1,053.00 

616397-100MGCNTransferrin, Holo, Human Plasma 793.00 

616397-500MGCNTransferrin, Holo, Human Plasma 3,185.00 

616419-10MGCNTransferrinApo-,HumanPlasma,LowEndotoxin 520.00 

616420-100MGCNTransferrin, Holo, Bovine Plasma 1,020.00 

616424-100MGCNTransferrin, Holo, Human Plasma, Low End 1,326.00 

616465-500ULCNAnti-Transglutaminase II Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

625725-100ULCNPD Anti-TrkA (pTyr490) Rabbit pAb 4,654.00 

650297-1MLCNAnti-Trypsin Rabbit pAb 4,264.00 

650367-500UGCNAnti-Tryptase Rabbit pAb 4,524.00 

654205-10UGCNTumor Necrosis Factor-a, Human, Recomb. 4,654.00 

654245-10UGCNTumor Necrosis Factor-a, Mouse, Recomb. 4,264.00 

654250-1MGCNAnti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Rabbit pAb 5,460.00 

656000-100ULCNPD Anti-Tyk2 (pTyr1054/1055) Rabbit pAb 4,797.00 

657012-100ULCNAnti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase Rabbit pAb 4,524.00 

662036-500UGCNPro-SUMO-1, Human, Recombinant 3,458.00 

662038-500UGCNPro-SUMO-2, Human, Recombinant 3,458.00 

662039-500UGCNSUMO-2, Human, Recombinant, E coli 3,458.00 

662040-500UGCNPro-SUMO-3, Human, Recombinant 3,458.00 

662042-500UGCNSUMO-3, Human, Recombinant, E coli 3,458.00 

662045-100ULCNAnti-UCP-1 (145-159) Rabbit pAb 4,524.00 

662047-100ULCNAnti-UCP-2 (144-157) Rabbit pAb 4,524.00 

662048-100ULCNAnti-UCP-3 (147-159) Rabbit pAb 4,654.00 

662051-50UGCNUbcH2, Human, Recombinant 4,121.00 

662053-50UGCNUbcH3, Human, Recombinant 3,055.00 

662057-1MGCNUbiquitin, GST-Fusion, Recom 3,328.00 

662060-1MGCNUbiquitin, His*Tag, Recombinant, E. coli 2,652.00 

662065-1MGCNMethylated Ubiquitin, Human, Recombinant 1,456.00 

662068-10UGCNAXL, GST-Fusion, Human, Rec. 4,017.00 

662070-10UGCNUbiquitin-Activating Enzyme E1, Rabbit 3,861.00 

662087-25UGCNUCH-L1, His Tag, Mouse, Recombinant 3,055.00 

662091-50UGCNUbiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 5a, Recom 3,861.00 

662094-50UGCNUbiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 6, Recom 3,328.00 

662098-50UGCNUbcH5c, Human, Recombinant 4,121.00 

662099-50ULCNAnti-Ubiquitin Rabbit pAb 3,185.00 

662103-100UGCNUbcH13, His Tag, Human, Recombinant 4,121.00 

662106-200ULCNAnti-Ubiquitin-Act Enzyme E1A/E1B Rb pAb 3,731.00 

662116-1SETCNUbiquitin Conjugating Enzyme Set 7,865.00 

672081-3000IUCNUrokinase, HMW, Human Urine 2,925.00 

672112-10KUCNUrokinase, Human Urine 2,652.00 

676490-50UGCNVEGF Receptor 2(D1-7) Human, Recombinant 5,590.00 

676602-100UGCNPD Anti-VASP (pSer239) Mouse mAb (16C2) 5,707.00 

676604-100UGCNPD Anti-VASP (pSer157) Mouse mAb (5C6) 5,707.00 

681125-1MLCNAnti-Vitronectin Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

681300-100UGCNvon Willebrand Factor, Human Plasma 5,187.00 

681505-1STCNAnti-CaV2.2 Rabbit pAb 3,367.00 

681507-1STCNAnti-CaV1.2 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

682151-10UCNXanthine Oxidase, Buttermilk 637.00 

682151-50UCNXanthine Oxidase, Buttermilk 2,327.00 

684274-500MIUCNb1,2-Xylosidase, Xanthomonas sp. 4,121.00 


69050-3CNANTI-CRE ANTIBODY 2,067.00 

69086-3CNCDP-STAR SUBSTRATE 2,210.00 

69171-3CNHSV*TAG MONOCLONAL Ab 1,911.00 

69171-4CNHSV*TAG MONOCLONAL Ab 7,657.00 

69213-3CNS*TAG AP WESTERN BLOT KIT 3,133.00 

















71840-3CNHis*Tag Antibody HRP Conjugate Kit 5,356.00 

869001-10UGCNFSH, Hu. Pituitary, Iodination 1,586.00 

869001-50UGCNFSH, Hu. Pituitary, Iodination 5,200.00 

869003-10UGCNLH, Hu. Pituitary, Iodination Gr. 1,183.00 

869003-50UGCNLH, Hu. Pituitary, Iodination Gr. 4,654.00 

869008-100UGCNGH, Hu. Pituitary, Iodination Gr. 3,991.00 

869008-50UGCNGH, Hu. Pituitary, Iodination Gr. 2,119.00 

869019-5MLCNNormal Rabbit Serum, Lyophilized Solid 793.00 

869031-100UGCNChorionic Gonadotropin, Iodination Gr. 1,287.00 

869039-5UGCNProlactin, Human Pituitary, Iodin. Grade 3,731.00 

ACMT001-360UGCNMitochondrialOXPHOS(Hu)AntibodyCocktail 9,087.00 

ACMT002-300UGCNMitochondrialOXPHOS(Rdt)AntibodyCocktail 9,087.00 

AM03-100UGCNAnti-Bak (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (TC-100) 3,887.00 

AM04-100UGCNAnti-Bak (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (TC-102) 3,757.00 

AM30-100UGCNAnti-PARP-1 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (C-2-10) 4,927.00 

AM34-100UGCNAnti-Caspase-3 (Ab-2) Mo mAb (10C1.C9) 3,237.00 

AM44-100UGCNAnti-Bax (Ab-6) Mouse mAb (6A7) 3,757.00 

AM46-100UGCNAnti-Caspase-8 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (1-3) 3,887.00 

AM50-100UGCNAnti-Mcl-1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (RC13) 3,887.00 

AM63-100UGCNAnti-A20 Mouse mAb (59A426) 4,121.00 

AM65-100UGCNAnti-Caspase-3 (Ab-4) Mo mAb (AM1.31-11) 3,237.00 

AM76-100UGCNAnti-TBK1 Mouse mAb (108A429) 3,991.00 

AM80-100UGCNAnti-PAR (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (10H) 4,407.00 

AP1006-100ULCNAnti-NRAGE Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

AP1009-100ULCNPD Anti-WWOX (pTyr33) Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

AP1035-50UGCNAnti-Cyclophilin D Mo mAb (E11AE12BD4) 3,627.00 

AP1054-100UGCNAnti-Sphingosine Kinase 2 Rabbit pAb 3,861.00 

AP1057-50UGCNAnti-ANT2 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

AP1058-50UGCNAnti-TOM70 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

AP1062-50ULCNPhosphoDetectAnti-PDH-E1a(pSer293)RabpAb 3,861.00 

AP1063-50UGCNPhosphoDetect Anti-PDH-E1alpha (pSer232) 4,264.00 

AP1064-50UGCNPhosphoDetect Anti-PDH-E1alpha (pSer 300 3,991.00 

AP1065-50ULCNPDCD4 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

AP1134-100UGCNAnti-SET Mouse mAb (M1-F5) 4,407.00 

AP1135-100UGCNAnti-CTNNBL1 Mouse mAb (5F1) 4,017.00 

AP1136-50ULCNAnti-IL3 Mouse pAb 3,991.00 

AP1137-100UGCNAnti-ADA Mouse mAb (4G4-1C6) 3,991.00 

AP1138-50UGCNAnti-ARSA Mouse pAb 3,887.00 

AP1139-100UGCNAnti-ARSB Mouse mAb 3,887.00 

AP1140-100UGCNAnti-GBA Mouse mAb (2E2) 3,991.00 

AP1141-50UGCNAnti-SPINK1 Mouse mAb (4D4) 3,991.00 

AP1142-100UGCNAnti-SPINK1 Rabbit pAb 4,147.00 

AP1143-100UGCNAnti-PTPRE Mouse mAb (2D10) 3,991.00 

AP1144-100UGCNAnti-ACP1 Mouse mAb (4B10) 3,991.00 

AP1145-100UGCNAnti-IL13RA2 Mouse mAb (2E10) 3,991.00 

AP1146-100UGCNAnti-BIK Mouse mAb (4G12) 4,017.00 

AP1147-100UGCNAnti-TNFRSF8 Mouse mAb (2E2) 3,991.00 

AP1148-100UGCNAnti-DAD1 Mouse mAb (1F3-A4) 4,017.00 

AP1149-100UGCNAnti-EPHX1 Mouse mAb (2E7) 3,991.00 

AP1150-100UGCNAnti-GCH1 Mouse mAb (4A12) 3,991.00 

AP1151-100UGCNAnti-CXCL1 Mouse mAb (7A11) 3,991.00 

AP1152-100UGCNAnti-IL1RN Mouse mAb (M1-B9) 3,991.00 

AP1153-100UGCNAnti-IL12RB2 Mouse mAb (2H6) 3,991.00 

AP1154-100UGCNAnti-KITLG Mouse mAb (3E10) 3,887.00 

AP1155-100UGCNAnti-PON1 Mouse mAb (2H7) 4,394.00 

AP1156-100UGCNAnti-CCL3 Mouse mAb (4E7) 3,991.00 

AP1157-100UGCNAnti-TNFRSF1B Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

AP1158-100UGCNAnti-IL1R2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

AP1159-100UGCNAnti-TNFRSF14 Mouse mAb (2G6-2C7) 4,017.00 

AP1160-100UGCNAnti-NDRG1 Mouse mAb (2D7) 4,147.00 

AP1162-100UGCNAnti-NDRG2 Mouse mAb (6A5) 3,887.00 

AP1163-50UGCNAnti-TP53BP2 Mouse mAb (3F8) 4,017.00 

AP1164-100UGCNAnti-PDCD7 Mouse mAb (3H5) 4,017.00 

AP1165-50UGCNAnti-FIS1 Mouse mAb (1G9) 4,017.00 

AP1166-100UGCNAnti-NGFRAP1 Mouse mAb (4E5) 3,887.00 

AP1167-100UGCNAnti-TNS4 Mouse mAb (3B8) 4,017.00 

AP1168-100UGCNAnti-TNFSF14 Mouse mAb (4E3) 4,017.00 

AP1170-100UGCNAnti-PAFAH1B1 Mouse mAb (2C12) 3,887.00 

AP1171-100ULCNAnti-IFNGR1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

AP1172-100UGCNAnti-MST1R  Mouse mAb (4E2) 3,991.00 

AP1173-100UGCNAnti-EPHA4 Mouse mAb (6H7) 3,887.00 

AP1174-100ULCNAnti-DLC1 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

AP1175-100UGCNAnti-ING4 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

AP1176-100UGCNAnti-LIPA Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

AP1177-100UGCNAnti-LIPA Mouse mAb (1F9) 3,991.00 

AP1178-100UGCNAnti-SERPINE2 Mouse mAb (3G12) 3,991.00 

AP1179-100UGCNAnti-TLR4 Mouse mAb (1H7) 4,147.00 

AP1180-100UGCNAnti-TLR5 Mouse mAb (4F7) 4,017.00 

AP1181-100UGCNAnti-TLR7 Mouse mAb (2C9) 4,017.00 

ASK07-1EACNp53 Antibody Sampler Kit 4,667.00 

ASK10-1EACNMMP/TIMP Family Antibody Sampler Kit I 4,667.00 

ASK12-1EACNBcl-2 Family Antibody Sampler Kit 4,537.00 

BA24-100UGCNAnti-Thrombospondin (Ab-3) Mo mAb (A6.1) 3,731.00 

CA1004-200ULCNAnti-CA 125 Mouse mAb (OC 125) 3,887.00 

CA1010-50ULCNAnti-Pax3 Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

CA1016-50ULCNAnti-Hsp90a Rabbit pAb 2,652.00 

CA1023-50UGCNAnti-Hsp90alpha Mouse mAb (EMD-17D7) 2,119.00 

CA1026-50ULCNAnti-Wilm’s Tumor Protein Rabbit pAb 2,977.00 

CA1033-100UGCNAnti-BRCA2 Rabbit pAb 3,237.00 

CA1036-100UGCNAnti-CUTL1 Mouse mAb (2A10) 3,991.00 

CA1037-100UGCNAnti-NR0B1 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

CA1038-100UGCNAnti-PRDM1 Mouse mAb (2B10) 3,991.00 

CA1039-100UGCNAnti-HSPA1B Mouse mAb (3B7) 3,991.00 

CA1040-100UGCNAnti-SHBG Mouse mAb (5E6) 3,991.00 

CA1041-100UGCNAnti-DNAJB2 Mouse mAb (2C9) 3,991.00 

CA1042-100UGCNAnti-HSPA1L Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CA1043-100UGCNAnti-HSPA9 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CA1045-100UGCNAnti-PRLR Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CA1046-100UGCNAnti-PRLR Mouse mAb (1E4) 3,991.00 

CB1001-500UGCNAnti-GAPDH Mouse mAb (6C5) 4,168.00 

CB1012-50UGCNAnti-p19ARF (54-75) Rat mAb (5-C3-1) 1,989.00 

CB1015-100UGCNAnti-GTAP Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

CB1018-50UGCNEMI-1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CB1020-100UGCNAnti-MFN2 Mouse mAb (4H8) 3,991.00 

CB1021-100UGCNAnti-GMNN Mouse mAb (1A8) 3,991.00 

CB1022-100UGCNAnti-S100A9 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CB1023-100UGCNAnti-S100A9 Mouse mAb (1C10) 3,991.00 

CB1024-100UGCNAnti-ACTN4 Mouse mAb (4D10) 4,017.00 

CB1025-100UGCNAnti-ADD1 Mouse mAb (2C9) 4,017.00 

CB1026-50UGCNAnti-PDZK1 Mouse mAb (1C3-2B11) 3,991.00 

CB1027-100UGCNAnti-TNNT2 Mouse mAb (3H4-F7) 4,017.00 

CB1028-100UGCNAnti-MAP1LC3B Mouse mAb (4E11) 3,887.00 

CB1030-100UGCNAnti-INHBA Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

CB1031-100UGCNAnti-GHRL Mouse mAb (2F4) 3,991.00 

CB1032-100UGCNAnti-MYL6 Mouse mAb (1D6) 3,991.00 

CB1033-100UGCNAnti-CD83 Mouse mAb (3G10-1F4) 3,991.00 

CB1034-100UGCNAnti-CEACAM1 Mouse mAb (2F10) 4,017.00 

CB1035-100UGCNAnti-CD82 Mouse mAb (4F2) 3,991.00 

CB1036-100UGCNAnti-S100A7 Mouse mAb (1A4) 3,887.00 

CB1037-100ULCNAnti-S100A7 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CB1038-100UGCNAnti-S100A10 Mouse mAb (4D2-F1) 3,991.00 

CB1039-100UGCNAnti-S100A4 Mouse mAb (1F12-1G7) 4,407.00 

CB1040-100UGCNAnti-S100B Mouse mAb (1B2) 3,887.00 

CB1041-50UGCNAnti-RDX Mouse mAb (1E12) 4,017.00 

CB1042-100UGCNAnti-GSN Mouse mAb (3G5) 4,017.00 

CB1043-100UGCNAnti-GSN Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

CB1044-100UGCNAnti-OCLN Mouse mAb (1G7) 4,017.00 

CB1045-100UGCNAnti-OCLN Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

CB1046-100UGCNAnti-CLDN1 Mouse mAb (1C5-D9) 4,017.00 

CB1047-100UGCNAnti-STMN1 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

CB1048-100UGCNAnti-TNNI2 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

CB1049-100UGCNAnti-CD99 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

CB1050-100UGCNAnti-CD99 Mouse mAb (3A10) 3,991.00 

CB1051-50UGCNAnti-AMELX Mouse mAb (3B5) 3,991.00 

CB1052-100UGCNAnti-TUBB2A Mouse mAb (2B2) 4,147.00 

CC12-100UGCNAnti-Cyclin D1 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (DCS-6) 3,107.00 

CC43-100UGCNAnti-Cdh1 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (DH01) 3,887.00 

CL07-1000MLCNTMB (Soluble Substrate) 4,277.00 

CL07-100MLCNTMB (Soluble Substrate) 1,027.00 

CP01-1EACNAnti-Actin (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (JLA20) 3,887.00 

CP06-100UGCNAnti-a-Tubulin Mouse mAb (DM1A) 3,887.00 

CP11L-100UGCNAnti-Integrin a3 Mouse mAb (P1B5) 4,017.00 

CP13L-100UGCNAnti-Fibronectin (Ab-1) Mo mAb (N-294) 3,757.00 

CP17-100UGCNAnti-Collagen Type I Mo mAb (I-8H5) 3,887.00 

CP18-100UGCNAnti-Collagen, Type II (Ab-1) Mouse mAb 3,887.00 

CP19-100UGCNAnti-Collagen Type III Mo mAb (III-53) 3,367.00 

CP26-100UGCNAnti-Integrin b1 Mouse mAb (4B7) 3,237.00 

CP28-200UGCNAnti-Fibroblast Antigen Mouse mAb (AS02) 5,967.00 

CP35-100ULCNAnti-PSD-95 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (7E3-1B8) 4,407.00 

CP45-100ULCNAnti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Mo mAb (X22) 4,537.00 

CP53-100UGCNAnti-ICAM-1 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (W-CAM-1) 3,887.00 

CP63-100UGCNAnti-EpCAM (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (1Dg.F3) 3,757.00 

CP64-100ULCNAnti-Actin (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (HHF-35) 2,977.00 

CP70-100UGCNAnti-Fibronectin (Ab-3) Mo mAb (FBN11) 3,887.00 

CP74-100UGCNAnti-Vinculin Mouse mAb (V284 or VLN01) 4,017.00 

DC01L-200UGCNAnti-Rat IgG (Goat) Peroxidase Conjugate 1,677.00 

DC02L-200UGCNGoat Anti-Mouse IgG Peroxidase Conjugate 1,287.00 

DC03L-200UGCNGoat Anti-Rabbit IgG Peroxidase Conj. 1,417.00 

DC05L-200UGCNGoat Anti-Mouse IgG AP Conjugate 2,067.00 

DP01-100UGCNAnti-SV40 T Antigen Mo mAb (PAb419) 3,757.00 

DP02-200UGCNAnti-SV40 T Antigen Mo mAb (PAb416) 3,887.00 

DP02A-0.5MLCNAnti-SV40 T Ag Mo mAb (PAb416) Agar conj 5,057.00 

DP08-100UGCNAnti-Adenovirus 5 E1B Rt mAb (9C10) 3,237.00 

DP10L-100UGCNAnti-Polyoma Virus T Antigen Mo mAb (F4) 3,627.00 

DP11-100UGCNAnti-Adenovirus 2 E1A Mouse mAb (M73) 3,367.00 

DP12-100UGCNAnti-HPV 18/16-E6 Mouse mAb (C1P5) 3,367.00 

DP14L-100UGCNAnti-SV40 T Antigen Mo mAb (PAb280) 3,627.00 

DP15L-100UGCNAnti-EBNA Mouse mAb (E8.26) 3,627.00 

DR1001-100ULCNAnti-8-Hydroxyguanosine Goat pAb 3,588.00 

DR1002-50UGCNPD Anti-ATM (pSer1981)Mo mAb (10H11.E12) 2,587.00 

DR1015-100UGCNAnti-RENT1 Goat pAb 4,524.00 

DR1016-100UGCNAnti-H2AX Rabbit pAb 4,537.00 

DR1017-100UGCNPD Anti-H2AX (pSer139) Rabbit pAb 4,927.00 

DR1025-50ULCNPD Anti-Chk1 (pSer317) Rabbit pAb 2,652.00 

DR1027-50ULCNPD Anti-MDM2 (pSer166) Rabbit pAb 3,107.00 

DR1035-50UGCNAnti-SMG1 Rabbit pAb 2,457.00 

DR1037-50UGCNAnti-Plk1 Mouse mAb (35-206) 2,392.00 

DR1041-50ULCNAnti-TIP60 Rabbit pAb 2,197.00 

DR1044-200ULCNAnti-FEN1 Mouse mAb (1E2) 4,407.00 

DR1045-100UGCNAnti-GCLC Mouse mAb (3H1) 3,991.00 

DR1046-50UGCNAnti-SIAH1 Mouse mAb (2F2) 3,991.00 

DR1047-100UGCNAnti-UHRF1 Mouse mAb (3A11) 3,991.00 

DR1050-100UGCNAnti-NFE2L2 Mouse mAb (1F3) 4,407.00 

DR1052-100UGCNAnti-SALL4 Mouse mAb (6E3) 3,887.00 

DR1054-100UGCNAnti-EIF2S1 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

DR1055-100UGCNAnti-EIF2S1 Mouse mAb (3H12-C11) 4,407.00 

DR1056-50UGCNAnti-SQSTM1 Mouse pAb 3,887.00 

DR1057-100UGCNAnti-SQSTM1 Mouse mAb 4,017.00 

DR1058-100UGCNAnti-SOCS3 Mouse mAb (1E4) 4,017.00 

DR1059-100UGCNAnti-NSEP1 Mouse mAb (4F12) 4,407.00 

DR1060-100UGCNAnti-ELF3 Mouse mAb (1D8) 3,991.00 

DR1061-100UGCNAnti-ENO1 Mouse mAb (8G8) 3,887.00 

DR1062-100UGCNAnti-ERCC2 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

DR1063-100UGCNAnti-EWSR1 Mouse mAb (5C10) 4,407.00 

DR1064-100UGCNAnti-EXT2 Mouse mAb (3G6) 3,991.00 

DR1065-100UGCNAnti-GPT Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1066-100ULCNAnti-GTF2I Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1067-100UGCNAnti-GTF2I Mouse mAb (3E2) 3,991.00 

DR1068-100UGCNAnti-HPRT1 Mouse mAb (4C3-G8) 3,991.00 

DR1070-100UGCNAnti-RARB Mouse mAb (1F7) 3,991.00 

DR1071-100UGCNAnti-TFAM Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

DR1072-100UGCNAnti-XPC Mouse mAb (6D11) 4,407.00 

DR1073-100UGCNAnti-HMGA2 Mouse mAb (2D10) 3,991.00 

DR1074-100UGCNAnti-GSTO1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1075-100UGCNAnti-TARDBP Mouse mAb (2E2-D3) 3,887.00 

DR1076-100UGCNAnti-GSTO2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1077-100UGCNAnti-ARX Mouse mAb (4H8) 3,887.00 

DR1078-100UGCNAnti-CCL11 Mouse mAb (1C8-2C1) 3,991.00 

DR1079-100UGCNAnti-ERCC1 Mouse mAb (3A7) 4,407.00 

DR1080-100UGCNAnti-MCM2 Mouse mAb (6A8) 4,407.00 

DR1084-100ULCNAnti-GCLM Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1086-100UGCNAnti-ATF3 Mouse mAb (6B8) 4,407.00 

DR1087-100UGCNAnti-TWIST1 Mouse mAb (3E11) 3,991.00 

DR1088-100UGCNAnti-TWIST1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1089-100UGCNAnti-NKX2-5 Mouse mAb (1E4-G5) 3,887.00 

DR1090-100UGCNAnti-AHR Mouse mAb (3B12) 4,407.00 

DR1092-100UGCNAnti-GATA2 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

DR1093-100UGCNAnti-ETV6 Mouse mAb (3B10) 4,017.00 

DR1094-100UGCNAnti-PAX7 Mouse mAb (1E12) 4,147.00 

DR1095-100UGCNAnti-E2F2 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

DR1096-100UGCNAnti-MEF2C Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

DR1097-100UGCNAnti-RPS3 Mouse mAb (2A8) 3,991.00 

DR1098-100UGCNAnti-ID1 Mouse mAb (1F7) 4,407.00 

DR1099-100UGCNAnti-PIAS3 Mouse mAb (4F12) 3,991.00 

DR1102-100UGCNAnti-XPA Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

DR1103-100UGCNAnti-XRCC1 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

DR1105-100UGCNAnti-CRY1 Mouse mAb (4H4-1C4) 3,887.00 

DR1106-100UGCNAnti-MSH6 Mouse mAb (1F2) 4,147.00 

DR1113-100UGCNAnti-NMI Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

DR1114-100UGCNAnti-NMI Mouse mAb (9D8) 3,991.00 

DR1117-100UGCNAnti-CEBPG Mouse mAb (3A3-1A6) 4,407.00 

DR1120-100UGCNAnti-TBX5 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

DR1122-100UGCNAnti-KLF10 Mouse mAb (4G9) 4,407.00 

DR1123-100UGCNAnti-GCM1 Mouse mAb (2E11) 3,887.00 

DR1125-100UGCNAnti-WARS Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

DR1126-100UGCNAnti-WARS Mouse mAb (3A12) 4,017.00 

GF05-200UGCNAnti-GCSF (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (5.24) 3,731.00 

GF06-100UGCNAnti-TGF-a (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (134A-2B3) 2,795.00 

GF10-100UGCNAnti-TGF-a (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (213-4.4) 2,795.00 

GF16-200UGCNAnti-TGF-b3 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (236-5.2) 2,652.00 

GF25-100UGCNAnti-VEGF (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (14-124) 3,731.00 

GF35L-100UGCNAnti-BDNF Mouse mAb (35928.11) 3,367.00 

GF39-100UGCNAnti-HGF Mo mAb (4C12.1) 3,887.00 

GF40-100UGCNAnti-TP Mouse mAb (P-GF.44C) 3,887.00 

GF53-100UGCNAnti-tPA (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (GMA-043) 2,925.00 

GR01-100UGCNAnti-EGF-R (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (528) 3,731.00 

GR01L-100UGCNAnti-EGF-R (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (528) 4,121.00 

GR07-100UGCNAnti-IR (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (29B4) 3,991.00 

GR08L-100UGCNAnti-TR (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (T56/14) 3,328.00 

GR09L-100UGCNAnti-TR (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (42/6) 3,991.00 

GR11-100UGCNAnti-IGF-I Receptor (Ab-1) Mo mAb (aIR3) 4,121.00 

GR11L-100UGCNAnti-IGF-I Receptor (Ab-1) Mo mAb (aIR3) 4,524.00 

GR13-100UGCNAnti-EGF-R (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (225) 3,991.00 

GR13L-100UGCNAnti-EGF-R (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (225) 3,991.00 

GR15-100UGCNAnti-EGFR (Ab-5) Mouse mAb (EGFR.1) 3,731.00 

GR15L-100UGCNAnti-EGFR (Ab-5) Mouse mAb (EGFR.1) 3,731.00 

GR18-100UGCNAnti-PR (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (PR4-12) 3,497.00 

GR31L-100UGCNAnti-IGF-IR (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (33255.111) 3,185.00 

GR32L-100UGCNAnti-Glucocorticoid Recptr Mo mAb(BuGR2) 4,524.00 

GR36-100UGCNAnti-IR (b-Subunit) Mouse mAb (CT-3) 4,264.00 

GR37-100UGCNAnti-Vitamin D Recptr Rt mAb (9A7gE10.4) 3,991.00 

GR38-100UGCNAnti-IGF-I Receptor Mo mAb (24-31) 3,731.00 

GR39-100ULCNAnti-ER b (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (9.88) 3,497.00 

HSP01-100UGCNAnti-Hsp72/73 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (W27) 3,731.00 

IF01-100UGCNAnti-Vimentin/LN6 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (V-9) 3,237.00 

IF02L-100UGCNAnti-Desmin (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (DE-B-5) 3,627.00 

IF03L-100UGCNAnti-GFAP Mouse mAb (G-A-5) 3,887.00 

IF14-100UGCNAnti-Cytokeratin 18 (Ab-2) Mo mAb (DC10) 3,757.00 

IM03-100UGCNAnti-Cathepsin D (Ab-1) Mo mAb (BC011) 3,627.00 

IM09L-100UGCNAnti-MMP-9 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (6-6B) 3,627.00 

IM1012-50UGCNAnti-MTA3 Rabbit pAb 2,197.00 

IM1014-50UGCNAnti-Matriptase/MT-SP1 Rabbit pAb 2,197.00 

IM13L-100UGCNAnti-uPA (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (5) 3,731.00 

IM15L-100UGCNAnti-uPA (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (16) 3,731.00 

IM16-100UGCNAnti-Cathepsin D (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,757.00 

IM27L-100UGCNAnti-Cathepsin B (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (CA10) 4,407.00 

IM29L-100UGCNAnti-PAI-1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (2) 3,328.00 

IM31L-100UGCNAnti-PAI-1 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (7) 3,731.00 

IM32-100UGCNAnti-TIMP-1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (7-6C1) 3,627.00 

IM33-100UGCNAnti-MMP-2 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (42-5D11) 3,627.00 

IM35-100UGCNAnti-MMP-1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (41-1E5) 3,627.00 

IM36-100UGCNAnti-MMP-3 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (55-2A4) 3,497.00 

IM37-100UGCNAnti-MMP-9 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (56-2A4) 3,887.00 

IM38-100UGCNAnti-MMP-8 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (115-13D2) 3,757.00 

IM40-100UGCNAnti-MMP-7 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (141-7B2) 3,627.00 

IM42-100UGCNAnti-MT1-MMP (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (114-6G6) 3,627.00 

IM43-100UGCNAnti-TIMP-3 Mouse mAb (136-13H4) 3,887.00 

IM44-100UGCNAnti-MMP-13 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (181-15A12) 3,627.00 

IM51-100UGCNAnti-MMP-2 (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (75-7F7) 3,627.00 

IM55-100UGCNAnti-Cathepsin K Mouse mAb (182-12G5) 4,017.00 

IM57-100UGCNAnti-MT1-MMP (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (113-5B7) 3,627.00 

IM68-100UGCNAnti-MMP-2 (Ab-8) Mouse mAb (VB3) 4,017.00 

IM71-100UGCNAnti-MMP-7 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (ID2) 4,017.00 

IM82-100UGCNAnti-TIMP-2 (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (T2-N IC3) 3,757.00 

IM86-50UGCNAnti-MMP-11 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (SL3-05) 3,497.00 

LP02-100UGCNAnti-LDL Receptor Mouse mAb (15C8) 3,731.00 

NA02-100UGCNAnti-2,2,7-Trimethylguano Mo mAb (K121) 4,017.00 

NA02A-0.5MLCNAnti-2,2,7-Trimethylguano Mo mAb Ag Conj 5,447.00 

NA03-200UGCNAnti-PCNA (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (PC10) 4,017.00 

NA13-100UGCNAnti-RP-A (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (RPA70-9) 4,017.00 

NA14-100UGCNAnti-Topoisomerase II Mo mAb (SWT3D1) 4,017.00 

NA18-100UGCNAnti-RP-A (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (RPA34-19) 4,017.00 

NA19L-100UGCNAnti-RP-A (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (RPA34-20) 4,017.00 

NA26-100UGCNAnti-MSH2 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (GB12) 4,017.00 

NA27-100UGCNAnti-MSH2 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (FE11) 4,017.00 

NA28-100UGCNAnti-MLH1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (14) 4,017.00 

NA29-100UGCNAnti-p16 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (DCS-50.1/H4) 3,731.00 

NA35-100UGCNAnti-p27kip-1 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (DCS72) 3,497.00 

NA46-100UGCNAnti-p300 Mouse mAb (NM-11) 3,731.00 

NA57-100UGCNAnti-DNA-PK (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (18-2) 4,017.00 

NA61-100UGCNAnti-BrdU (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (Mobu-1) 4,017.00 

NA63-100UGCNAnti-PTB Protein (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (SH54) 4,017.00 

NA70-100UGCNAnti-p14ARF (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (14PO2) 3,731.00 

NA81-50UGCNAnti-5-Methylcytosine Mo mAb (162 33 D3) 3,627.00 

NB20-100UGCNAnti-AnkyrinG Mouse mAb (463) 3,887.00 

NB21-100UGCNAnti-N-Ethylmal-Sens Ftr Mo mAb (NSF-1) 3,627.00 

NB37-100UGCNAnti-Golgi Apparatus Mouse mAb (AE-6) 3,887.00 

NE1004-100ULCNAnti-Apolipoprotein E Mouse mAb (E6D7) 4,524.00 

NE1013-50ULCNAnti-PGP9.5 Rabbit pAb 2,587.00 

NE1018-100ULCNAnti-Myelin Basic Protein Mo mAb(SMI-94) 5,447.00 

NE1019-100ULCNAnti-Myelin Basic Protein Mo mAb(SMI-99) 4,537.00 

NE1020-100ULCNAnti-Myelin CNPase Mouse mAb (SMI-91) 3,887.00 

NE1022-100ULCNPD Anti-Neurofilament-H Mo mAb (SMI-31) 4,537.00 

NE1023-100ULCNAnti-NF H Non-Phospho Mo mAb (SMI-32) 4,797.00 

NE1024-100ULCNAnti-p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Rb pAb 4,927.00 

NE1037-100UGCNAnti-APOC1 Mouse mAb (2E2-1A3) 3,991.00 

NE1038-100UGCNAnti-F13A1 Mouse mAb (M1) 3,991.00 

NE1039-100UGCNAnti-IGFBP6 Mouse mAb (1H2-2D10) 3,991.00 

NE1040-100UGCNAnti-PLTP Mouse mAb (2F3-G4) 3,991.00 

NE1041-100UGCNAnti-AGT Mouse mAb (1A10) 3,991.00 

NE1042-100UGCNAnti-INHBA Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

NE1043-100UGCNAnti-INHBB Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

NE1044-100ULCNAnti-MDK Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

NI01-100UGCNNormal Rabbit IgG 923.00 

NI02-100UGCNNormal Goat IgG 923.00 

NI03-100UGCNNormal Mouse IgG 923.00 

NI04-100UGCNNormal Rat IgG 923.00 

NR07-100UGCNAnti-Ryanodine Receptor Mo mAb (C3-33) 4,147.00 

NS01L-1MLCNNormal Rabbit Serum 650.00 

NS02L-1MLCNNormal Goat Serum 650.00 

NS03L-1MLCNNormal Mouse Serum 650.00 

OB05-100UGCNAnti-His-Tag Protein Mo mAb (13/45/31/2) 3,757.00 

OP01-100UGCNAnti-v-H-Ras (Ab-1) Rat mAb (Y13-259) 3,991.00 

OP01A-0.5MLCNAnti-v-H-Ras Rt mAb (Y13-259) Agar Conj 4,927.00 

OP02-100UGCNAnti-v-Fes Rat mAb (F-113) 3,731.00 

OP03-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (PAb421) 4,017.00 

OP03-20UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (PAb421) 1,287.00 

OP03L-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (PAb421) 4,017.00 

OP07-100UGCNAnti-v-Src (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (327) 3,328.00 

OP07A-.5MLCNAnti-v-Src Mo mAb (327) Agar Conj. 5,057.00 

OP07L-100UGCNAnti-v-Src (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (327) 3,861.00 

OP09-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (PAb1801) 3,497.00 

OP09-200UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (PAb1801) 4,277.00 

OP10-200UGCNAnti-c-Myc (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (9E10) 4,017.00 

OP102-100UGCNAnti-von Hippel-Lindau Mo mAb (Ig33) 3,887.00 

OP104L-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (PAb1802) 4,017.00 

OP107-100UGCNAnti-BRCA1 (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (SD118) 3,887.00 

OP108-100UGCNAnti-p73 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (ER-13) 4,017.00 

OP109-100UGCNAnti-p73 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (ER-15) 3,497.00 

OP10F-100UGCNAnti-c-Myc Mo mAb (9E10) FITC Conj 4,277.00 

OP10L-200UGCNAnti-c-Myc (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (9E10) 4,017.00 

OP115-100UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (2A10) 4,017.00 

OP119-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB3 Mo mAb (H3.90.6 or Ab90) 4,017.00 

OP120-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB3 (Ab-5) Mouse mAb (H3.105.5) 4,017.00 

OP128-100UGCNAnti-PLZF Mouse mAb (2A9) 4,017.00 

OP128-10UGCNAnti-PLZF Mouse mAb (2A9) 1,157.00 

OP128L-100UGCNAnti-PLZF Mouse mAb (2A9) 4,017.00 

OP13-100UGCNAnti-N-Myc Mouse mAb (NCM II 100) 4,017.00 

OP133-100UGCNAnti-IKKa Mouse mAb (14A231) 4,654.00 

OP134-100UGCNAnti-IKKb Mouse mAb (10AG2) 4,797.00 

OP13L-100UGCNAnti-N-Myc Mouse mAb (NCM II 100) 4,017.00 

OP140-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (DO-7) 4,017.00 

OP14-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-2) Mo mAb (9G6) 4,017.00 

OP143-100UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (4B11) 3,497.00 

OP144-100UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (2A9C1.18) 3,497.00 

OP144-20UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (2A9C1.18) 1,287.00 

OP145-100UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-5) Mouse mAb (4B2C1.11) 4,017.00 

OP146-100UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-6) Mouse mAb (5B10C) 4,017.00 

OP14L-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-2) Mo mAb (9G6) 4,017.00 

OP15-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-3) Mo mAb (3B5) 4,277.00 

OP15L-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-3) Mo mAb (3B5) 4,017.00 

OP16-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-4) Mo mAb(7.16.4) 4,017.00 

OP16L-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-4) Mo mAb(7.16.4) 4,017.00 

OP171-100UGCNAnti-CD63 Mouse mAb (NKI/C-3) 3,731.00 

OP17-200UGCNAnti-c-Fos (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (2G9C3) 4,017.00 

OP17L-200UGCNAnti-c-Fos (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (2G9C3) 4,017.00 

OP180-100UGCNAnti-Noxa Mouse mAb (114C307) 4,537.00 

OP181-100UGCNAnti-DeltaNp73 Mouse mAb (38C674) 4,537.00 

OP185-100UGCNAnti-TLR 9 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (26C593) 4,017.00 

OP187-100UGCNAnti-EpCAM-1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (VU-1D9) 3,757.00 

OP188-100UGCNAnti-FAP Mouse mAb (F11-24) 3,887.00 

OP19-100UGCNAnti-c-Abl (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (19-110) 3,757.00 

OP20-100UGCNAnti-c-Abl (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (24-21) 4,017.00 

OP21-100UGCNAnti-Pan-Ras (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (F132-62) 3,991.00 

OP23-100UGCNAnti-c-H-Ras (Ab-1) Mo mAb (F235-1.7.1) 3,328.00 

OP23-200UGCNAnti-c-H-Ras (Ab-1) Mo mAb (F235-1.7.1) 4,394.00 

OP24-100UGCNAnti-c-K-Ras (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (234-4.2) 3,991.00 

OP25-100UGCNAnti-c-N-ras (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (F155-227) 3,328.00 

OP29-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Ab-3) (Mutant) Mo mAb (PAb240) 4,017.00 

OP29-200UGCNAnti-p53 (Ab-3) (Mutant) Mo mAb (PAb240) 4,407.00 

OP29-20UGCNAnti-p53 (Ab-3) (Mutant) Mo mAb (PAb240) 1,157.00 

OP29L-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Ab-3) (Mutant) Mo mAb (PAb240) 3,497.00 

OP31-100UGCNAnti-c-Myc (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (33) 4,017.00 

OP32-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Wild type) Mo mAb (PAb246) 4,017.00 

OP33-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Wild type) Mo mAb (PAb1620) 4,017.00 

OP33-20UGCNAnti-p53 (Wild type) Mo mAb (PAb1620) 1,157.00 

OP38-100UGCNAnti-Pan-Ras (Ab-1) Mo mAb (DWP) 3,731.00 

OP39-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-5) Mo mAb (TA-1) 4,017.00 

OP40-100UGCNAnti-Pan-Ras (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (RAS 10) 3,991.00 

OP43-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (DO-1) 4,407.00 

OP43-20UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (DO-1) 1,287.00 

OP43A-.5MLCNAnti-p53 (Pan) Mo mAb (DO-1) Agar Conj 5,057.00 

OP43L-100UGCNAnti-p53 (Pantropic) Mo mAb (DO-1) 4,017.00 

OP44-100UGCNAnti-APC (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (FE9) 4,147.00 

OP45-100UGCNAnti-DCC Mouse mAb (AF5) 4,277.00 

OP46-100UGCNAnti-MDM2 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (IF2) 4,017.00 

OP53-100UGCNAnti-c-Fos (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (CS93.1.18) 4,017.00 

OP55-100UGCNAnti-c-Jun/AP-1 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (76) 3,497.00 

OP60-100UGCNAnti-Bcl-2 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (100) 3,627.00 

OP62-100UGCNAnti-APC (Ab-5) Mouse mAb (CF11) 3,887.00 

OP64-100UGCNAnti-p21WAF1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (EA10) 4,017.00 

OP64-20UGCNAnti-p21WAF1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (EA10) 1,287.00 

OP64F-100UGCNAnti-p21WAF1 Mo mAb (EA10) FITC Conj. 4,797.00 

OP66-100UGCNAnti-Rb (Ab-5) Mouse mAb (LM95.1) 2,717.00 

OP67-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-6) Mo mAb (OD-3) 4,017.00 

OP68-100UGCNAnti-p21WAF1 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (DF10) 3,497.00 

OP74-100UGCNAnti-Protein Kinase C Mo mAb (MC5) 3,731.00 

OP76-100UGCNAnti-p21WAF1 (Ab-4) Mouse mAb (65) 3,497.00 

OP79-100UGCNAnti-p21WAF1 (Ab-6) Mouse mAb (22) 4,017.00 

OP80-100UGCNAnti-APC (Ab-7) Mouse mAb (CC-1) 4,147.00 

OP91-100UGCNAnti-Bcl-2 (Ab-3) Mouse mAb (4D7) 3,237.00 

OP92-100UGCNAnti-BRCA1 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (MS110) 4,017.00 

OP93-100UGCNAnti-BRCA1 (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (MS13) 3,887.00 

OP95-100UGCNAnti-BRCA2 (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (2B) 3,887.00 

OP97-100UGCNAnti-mTOR/FRAP (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (22C2) 3,731.00 

OR03L-200UGCNStreptavidin, HRP Conjugate 897.00 

OS03B-200UGCNAnti-Rabbit IgG (Goat) Biotin Conjugate 897.00 

PC04-100UGCNAnti-c-ErbB2/c-Neu (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC05-100UGCNAnti-c-Fos (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC05L-100UGCNAnti-c-Fos (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

PC08-100UGCNAnti-EGF (Ab-3) Rabbit pAb 3,588.00 

PC09-100UGCNAnti-PTHLP (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC10L-100UGCNAnti-Pan-Ras Asp12 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

PC116-100UGCNAnti-ATM (Ab-3) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC127-100UGCNAnti-DNA-PK (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC130-100ULCNAnti-Rad51 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

PC138-100ULCNAnti-NF-kB (p65, RelA) (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 4,264.00 

PC150-25UGCNAnti-b-Amyloid (1-42) Rabbit pAb 4,797.00 

PC154-100ULCNAnti-Excit A A Transporter (GLT-1)Rb pAb 4,667.00 

PC16-100UGCNAnti-Fibroblast GF, Basic (Ab-2) Rb pAb 3,588.00 

PC165L-100ULCNAnti-Opioid u Receptor Rabbit pAb 5,187.00 

PC168-100UGCNAnti-Estrogen Receptor b (Ab-1) Rb pAb 4,524.00 

PC176-100ULCNAnti-Serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) Recptr Rb pAb 5,187.00 

PC177L-100ULCNAnti-Serotonin (5-HT) Transporter Rb pAb 5,187.00 

PC205L-100ULCNAnti-Calcitonin Gene Rel Pep(CGRP)Rb pAb 4,537.00 

PC21-100UGCNAnti-PDGF (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

PC213L-100ULCNAnti-GABA Rabbit pAb 4,537.00 

PC223L-100ULCNAnti-Neuropeptide Y Rabbit pAb 4,147.00 

PC234L-100ULCNAnti-Vasopressin Rabbit pAb 3,757.00 

PC246-100UGCNAnti-GluR1 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

PC253L-100ULCNAnti-Calbindin D-28K (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 4,524.00 

PC255L-100ULCNAnti-Parvalbumin Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

*4-100UGCNAnti-AML1 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

*5-100UGCNAnti-AML1/RHD Domain (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

*6-100UGCNAnti-AML2 Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

*7-100UGCNAnti-AML3 Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC315-500UGCNAnti-VEGF (Ab-4) Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

PC317L-100UGCNAnti-Angiogenin Goat pAb 3,757.00 

PC319L-100UGCNAnti-HB-EGF (Ab-1) Goat pAb 3,731.00 

PC322L-100UGCNAnti-VEGF Receptor 1 Goat pAb 5,590.00 

PC325-50ULCNAnti-a-Synuclein (Ab-1) Guinea pig pAb 3,627.00 

PC34-100UGCNAnti-c-Kit Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC342-100UGCNAnti-MMP-2 (Ab-7) Rabbit pAb 3,757.00 

PC344-100UGCNAnti-Netrin-1 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,731.00 

PC345-1SETCNAnti-Orexin A (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

PC346-100UGCNAnti-Orexin B (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,588.00 

PC347-1SETCNAnti-Serotonin 3 (5-HT3) Receptor Rb pAb 3,627.00 

PC35-1EACNAnti-p53 (Ab-7) (Pantropic) Sheep pAb 4,537.00 

PC362-1SETCNAnti-Orexin A (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,757.00 

PC364-1SETCNAnti-Netrin-1 (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,731.00 

PC367-100UGCNAnti-PL-Scramblase Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

PC37-100UGCNAnti-VEGF (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,588.00 

PC373-100ULCNAnti-p40 Rabbit pAb 3,328.00 

PC376-100UGCNAnti-P2X4 Receptor Rabbit pAb 3,328.00 

PC38-100ULCNAnti-c-Fos (Ab-5) Rabbit pAb 3,115.00 

PC386-50ULCNPD Anti-p53 (pSer15) (Ab-3) Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

PC388-100UGCNAnti-hMre-11 Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC389-100UGCNAnti-CXCR4 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

PC408-100ULCNAnti-Green Fluorescent Protein Rb pAb 4,147.00 

PC409-100ULCNAnti-p14ARF (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,328.00 

PC41-100UGCNAnti-Cathepsin B (Ab-3) Rabbit pAb 3,367.00 

PC420-100UGCNAnti-Capsaicin Receptor (Ab-1) Rb pAb 3,887.00 

PC421-1SETCNAnti-Vanilloid Recptr Like Prot-1 Rb pAb 3,627.00 

PC435-100ULCNAnti-p19ARF (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 6,929.00 

PC449-25ULCNPD Anti-Tie2 (pAb-1) Rabbit pAb 3,328.00 

PC450-25ULCNPD Anti-Tie2 (pTyr1108/1117) Rb pAb 3,731.00 

PC459-25ULCNPD Anti-VEGF-R1 (pAb-2) Rabbit pAb 3,328.00 

PC460-25ULCNPD Anti-VEGFR 2/3 (pAb-1) Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

PC461-25ULCNPD Anti-p53 (pSer15) (Ab-6) Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

PC474-50ULCNAnti-PCNA (Ab-5) Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC491-100UGCNAnti-TACE (807 – 823) Rabbit pAb 3,731.00 

PC520-50ULCNAnti-Active Caspase-7 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

PC522-100UGCNAnti-ANT-1 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

PC528-100UGCNAnti-ADAM10 (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

PC529-100UGCNAnti-BACE (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC53-100UGCNAnti-GST (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 2,847.00 

PC538-50ULCNAnti-ATR (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

PC544-50UGCNAnti-HDAC 1 (467-482) Rabbit pAb 3,367.00 

PC548-50UGCNAnti-Porin (Ab-5) Rabbit pAb 2,977.00 

PC56-100UGCNAnti-MLH1 (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC563-100UGCNAnti-hTERT Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC57-100UGCNAnti-MSH2 (Ab-3) Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC630-100ULCNAnti-CD3 Rabbit pAb 3,055.00 

PC635-50ULCNPD Anti-NBS1 (pSer343) Rabbit pAb 3,107.00 

PC645-10TCNAnti-Cleaved Bid (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 4,667.00 

PC66-100UGCNAnti-Bax (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC67-100UGCNAnti-Bcl-x (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,497.00 

PC679-50UGCNAnti-Caspase-3, Cleaved (Ab-2) Rb pAb 3,627.00 

PC68-100UGCNAnti-Bcl-2 (Ab-2) Rabbit pAb 3,237.00 

PC686-100UGCNAnti-PUMA (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

PC69-100UGCNAnti-Fas (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,237.00 

PC709-100ULCNAnti-MYH Rabbit pAb 4,277.00 

PC711-100ULCNAnti-CHIP Rabbit pAb 4,121.00 

PC712-100ULCNAnti-p53 Binding Protein 1 (Ab-1) Rb pAb 4,407.00 

PC713-100UGCNAnti-Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 Goat pAb 4,524.00 

PC730-100ULCNAnti-IDE, N-Terminal (97-273) Rabbit pAb 4,537.00 

PC733-100ULCNAnti-Cdc25A Rabbit pAb 4,264.00 

PC742-100ULCNAnti-Aurora-A Rabbit pAb 4,394.00 

PC89-100UGCNAnti-Bcl-xs (Ab-1) Rabbit pAb 3,237.00 

PF023-5UGCNMMP-2, Active, Human, Recombinant 4,017.00 

PF024-5UGCNMMP-9, Human, Recombinant (83 kDa) 4,017.00 

PF033-10UGCNFas Ligand, Human, Recombinant 7,007.00 

PF037-10UGCNMMP-2, Proenzyme, Human, Recombinant 4,277.00 

PF038-10UGCNMMP-9, Proenzyme, Human, Recombinant 3,887.00 

PF060-.155MLCNTdT Enzyme 2,197.00 

PF063-10UGCNMMP-3, Proenzyme, Human 3,887.00 

PF082-50UGCNVEGF Receptor 1 (Flt-1), Hu., Recomb 5,733.00 

PF092-5UGCNFas Ligand Plus, Human, Recombinant 7,527.00 

PF117-10UGCNMT5-MMP Catalytic Domain, His-Tag, Rec. 5,837.00 

PF118-5UGCNMMP-2, Mouse Calvariae 2,587.00 

PF124-20UGCNADAM10, His-Tag, Mouse, Recombinant 6,227.00 

PF125-50UGCNBACE-1, His-Tag, Human, Recombinant 4,277.00 

PF126-50UGCNBcl-2, C-Terminal Truncated, Recomb., 5,577.00 

PF133-10UGCNTACE, His-Tag, Recombinant Protein 6,227.00 

PF136-100UGCNSmac/DIABLO, Human, Recombinant 7,787.00 

PF138-25UGCNResistin, Human, Recombinant, E. coli 4,394.00 

PF139-25UGCNResistin, Murine, Recombinant, E. coli 4,394.00 

PF140-5UGCNMMP-9, Hu., Recomb, Active (67 kDa) 4,017.00 

PH01-100UGCNAnti-PTPase 1B (Ab-1) Mouse mAb (FG6-1G) 3,731.00 

PH02-100UGCNAnti-PTPase 1B (Ab-2) Mouse mAb (AE4-2J) 3,731.00 

PH03L-100UGCNAnti-PTP, T Cell (Ab-1) Mo mAb (CF4-1D) 3,731.00 

PK1008-50ULCNPD Anti-PDGF Receptor-b(pTyr751) Rb pAb 3,055.00 

PK1010-50ULCNPD Anti-Syk (pTyr525/526) Rabbit pAb 3,055.00 

PK1013-50ULCNPD Anti-c-Abl (pTyr245) Rabbit pAb 3,055.00 

PK1017-50UGCNAnti-Corin Rabbit pAb 1,989.00 

PK1109-50ULCNPD Anti-Src Family (pTyr416) Rabbit pAb 3,055.00 

PK1111-100UGCNAnti-GSK-3 Beta Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

PP69-.25MGCNB-Amyloid Peptide (1-42), Human 2,847.00 

PS1003-100ULCNPD Anti-IFNAR1 (pSer535/539) Rabbit pAb 4,797.00 

PS1008-100ULCNPD Anti-FAK (pTyr861) Rabbit pAb 4,927.00 

PS1013-10TCNPD Anti-VEGFR2 (pTyr1054/1059) Rb pAb 4,797.00 

PS1014-100ULCNPD Anti-JAK2 (pTyr1007/1008) Rabbit pAb 4,524.00 

PS1019-100ULCNPD Anti-JNK1&2 (pThr183/pTyr185) Rb pAb 4,524.00 

PS1023-50ULCNPhosphoDetect Anti-Anti-Smad3 (pSer423/4 3,107.00 

PS1089-100ULCNPhosphoDetectAnti-RhoA(pSer188)RabbitpAb 4,797.00 

SC1000-50UGCNAnti-Nanog Rabbit pAb 2,717.00 

SC1002-100UGCNAnti-Sox2 Mouse mAb (245610) 4,147.00 

ST1013-10TCNPD Anti-GSK-3a/b (pTyr279/216) Rb pAb 5,057.00 

ST1027-50ULCNAnti-Acetylated Lysine Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

ST1029-1SETCNPD Anti-Fos (pSer374) Mouse mAb (34E4) 5,330.00 

ST1032-100ULCNAnti-TRB3 Rabbit pAb 4,121.00 

ST1033-50UGCNAnti-Shc Rabbit pAb 3,458.00 

ST1041-50ULCNAnti-RKIP Rabbit pAb 2,119.00 

ST1042-50UGCNAnti-PKD2 Rabbit pAb 2,522.00 

ST1043-100UGCNAnti-CSN3 Rabbit pAb 4,264.00 

ST1049-100ULCNAnti-20S Proteasome a1-3,5-7-Sub Mo mAb 4,264.00 

ST1053-100ULCNAnti-20S Proteasome Core Subunits Rb pAb 4,394.00 

ST1061-50UGCNAnti-Sin1 Rabbit pAb 3,731.00 

ST1069-50UGCNPD Anti-Paxillin (pSer178) Rabbit pAb 3,627.00 

ST1070-50UGCNAnti-Tiam1 Rabbit pAb 2,197.00 

ST1088-1SETCNAnti-Akt, PH Domain Mouse mAb (SKB1) 4,121.00 

ST1098-50ULCNAnti-PAN TORC (1-42) Rabbit pAb 2,119.00 

ST1099-50ULCNAnti-TORC2 (454-607) Rabbit pAb 2,392.00 

ST1102-50UGCNAnti-Kpnbeta1 Rabbit pAb 2,197.00 

ST1120-50UGCNAnti-IDE/Insulysin Rabbit pAb 2,119.00 

ST1121-50ULCNAnti-ASC Rabbit pAb 2,717.00 

ST1133-50UGCNAnti-Dnmt1 Mouse mAb (60B1220.1) 2,977.00 

ST1135-50UGCNAnti-SUMO2/3 Rabbit pAb 2,652.00 

ST1143-100UGCNAnti-Wnt-4 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1200-100UGCNAnti-Ubiquitin Mouse mAb 3,588.00 

ST1202-1SETCNAnti-PGC-1 alpha Mouse mAb (4C1.3) 4,537.00 

ST1203-100ULCNPGC-1 Mouse mAb (1F39) 4,797.00 

ST1204-100ULCNPGC-1 alpha Rabbit Polyclonal Ab 4,524.00 

ST1501-50ULCNPRAS40 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1502-50UGCNRNF-5 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1503-50ULCNProtor2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1504-50ULCNTCTP Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1505-100UGCNAnti-WIPI1 Mouse mAb (3C1) 3,991.00 

ST1506-100UGCNAnti-SAA1 Mouse mAb (3C11-2C1) 3,991.00 

ST1507-100UGCNAnti-AKR1B10 Mouse mAb (1A6) 3,991.00 

ST1508-100UGCNAnti-PCK1 Mouse mAb (3E4) 3,887.00 

ST1509-100UGCNAnti-PCK2 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1512-100UGCNAnti-EDN3 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1513-100UGCNEDN3 monoclonal antibody (M01), clone2A4 4,017.00 

ST1514-100UGCNAnti-FKBP1A Mouse mAb (1E5-A12) 3,991.00 

ST1515-100UGCNAnti-CAMK1 Mouse mAb (3G1) 3,991.00 

ST1516-100UGCNAnti-GK Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1517-100UGCNAnti-PIP5K3 Mouse mAb (6C7) 3,991.00 

ST1518-50UGCNAnti-PIK3C3 Mouse pAb 3,991.00 

ST1519-100UGCNAnti-ERN1 Mouse mAb (8D12) 3,991.00 

ST1520-100UGCNAnti-PRKACG Mouse mAb (2F3) 3,991.00 

ST1521-100UGCNAnti-ULK1 Mouse mAb 3,991.00 

ST1523-100UGCNAnti-CLN3 Mouse mAb (1G10) 3,887.00 

ST1524-100UGCNAnti-CLN3 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1526-100UGCNAnti-ATG3 Mouse mAb (1F7) 3,991.00 

ST1527-50UGCNAnti-FABP1 Mouse mAb (5F7) 3,991.00 

ST1528-100UGCNAnti-FABP3 Mouse mAb (4F6-1D6) 3,991.00 

ST1529-100UGCNAnti-HTT Mouse mAb (3F1) 3,887.00 

ST1530-100ULCNAnti-MB Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1531-100UGCNAnti-ADH4 Mouse mAb (1D2) 3,991.00 

ST1532-100UGCNAnti-ALDH2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1533-100UGCNAnti-ALDH2 Mouse mAb (1E5) 3,991.00 

ST1534-100UGCNAnti-NQO1 Mouse mAb (1E3-A6) 3,991.00 

ST1535-100UGCNAnti-NQO1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1536-50UGCNAnti-HSD17B1 Mouse mAb (2E5) 3,991.00 

ST1537-100UGCNAnti-PCSK1 Mouse mAb (3D2) 3,991.00 

ST1538-50UGCNAnti-ATG4C Mouse pAb 3,991.00 

ST1539-100UGCNAnti-PEPD Mouse mAb (1D5-H3) 3,991.00 

ST1540-100UGCNAnti-UBE2D3 Mouse mAb (4C1-1E3) 3,991.00 

ST1541-100UGCNAnti-TPP1 Mouse mAb (3B1) 3,991.00 

ST1542-100UGCNAnti-GZMM Mouse mAb (4D11) 3,991.00 

ST1543-100UGCNAnti-GHR Mouse mAb (3A12) 3,991.00 

ST1546-100UGCNAnti-CBS Mouse mAb (3E1) 3,991.00 

ST1547-100UGCNAnti-CPS1 Mouse mAb (8H8) 3,991.00 

ST1548-100UGCNAnti-CTH Mouse mAb (S51) 3,991.00 

ST1549-50UGCNAnti-FASN Mouse mAb (3F2-1F3) 3,991.00 

ST1550-100UGCNAnti-SHMT1 Mouse mAb (4F9) 3,991.00 

ST1551-100UGCNGGT1 monoclonal antibody (M01), clone1F9 3,887.00 

ST1552-100UGCNAnti-NPC1 Mouse mAb (4H2) 3,991.00 

ST1553-100UGCNAnti-VCP Mouse mAb (4A8) 4,017.00 

ST1554-100UGCNAnti-AGER Mouse mAb (1C1) 3,887.00 

ST1555-100UGCNAnti-AHSG Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1556-100UGCNAnti-ALAD Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1557-100UGCNAnti-ALDH1A1 Mouse mAb (1A2) 3,991.00 

ST1558-100UGCNAnti-ALOX12 Mouse mAb (2D10) 3,991.00 

ST1559-100UGCNAnti-ATP7B Mouse mAb (3E10) 3,991.00 

ST1560-100UGCNAnti-BZRP Mouse mAb (3D8-B2) 3,991.00 

ST1561-100UGCNAnti-CLN3 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1562-100UGCNAnti-COPB Mouse mAb (3E10) 3,991.00 

ST1563-100UGCNAnti-CYP1B1 Mouse mAb (2F8) 3,991.00 

ST1564-100UGCNAnti-CYP19A1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1567-100UGCNAnti-DEFA1 Mouse mAb (3G9) 3,991.00 

ST1568-100UGCNAnti-DEFB4 Mouse mAb (4C4) 3,991.00 

ST1569-200ULCNAnti-DSCR1 Mouse mAb (1G7) 3,887.00 

ST1570-100UGCNAnti-EPOR Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1571-100UGCNAnti-FCGR2A Mouse mAb (3E8) 3,991.00 

ST1575-100UGCNAnti-HFE Mouse mAb (1G12) 3,991.00 

ST1576-100UGCNAnti-NRG1 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1577-100UGCNAnti-HSD3B2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1578-100UGCNAnti-IMPDH2 Mouse mAb (1E12-B6) 3,991.00 

ST1579-100UGCNAnti-FADS1 Mouse mAb (2D9) 3,991.00 

ST1580-100UGCNAnti-LRP5 Mouse mAb (1E9) 3,991.00 

ST1581-100UGCNAnti-MAOA Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1582-100UGCNAnti-MAOB Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1583-100UGCNAnti-MFGE8 Mouse mAb (1E7) 3,991.00 

ST1584-100UGCNAnti-MTHFR Mouse mAb (2H9) 3,991.00 

ST1585-100UGCNAnti-OGG1 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

ST1586-100UGCNAnti-OLR1 Mouse mAb (2C9) 3,991.00 

ST1587-100UGCNAnti-OPA1 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1588-100UGCNAnti-PKLR Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1590-100UGCNAnti-PLA2G4A Mouse mAb (10G5) 3,991.00 

ST1591-100UGCNAnti-PLIN Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1592-100UGCNAnti-PLIN Mouse mAb (4G1) 3,991.00 

ST1593-100UGCNAnti-SLC11A1 Mouse mAb (2G2) 3,991.00 

ST1594-100ULCNAnti-SMN2 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1595-100UGCNAnti-SSR1 Mouse mAb (1A12) 3,991.00 

ST1596-100UGCNAnti-CDKL5 Mouse mAb (1D9) 3,991.00 

ST1597-100UGCNAnti-TGM1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1598-100UGCNAnti-YWHAG Mouse mAb (6A10) 3,991.00 

ST1599-100UGCNAnti-PLA2G7 Mouse mAb (5D1) 3,991.00 

ST1600-100UGCNAnti-ADAM12 Mouse mAb (1G3) 4,017.00 

ST1601-100UGCNAnti-NR0B2 Mouse mAb (1A11) 4,407.00 

ST1602-100UGCNAnti-APLN Mouse mAb (2A1-2D5) 3,887.00 

ST1603-100UGCNAnti-LIPG Mouse mAb (1E11) 3,991.00 

ST1604-100UGCNAnti-ADAMTS1 Mouse mAb (1B8) 3,887.00 

ST1605-100UGCNAnti-PDIA4 Mouse mAb (4C6) 3,991.00 

ST1606-100UGCNAnti-ABCG1 Mouse mAb (2E11) 3,887.00 

ST1607-100UGCNAnti-HERPUD1 Mouse mAb (2G7) 3,991.00 

ST1608-100UGCNAnti-TANK Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1609-100ULCNAnti-MAP3K7IP1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1610-100UGCNAnti-MAP3K7IP1 Mouse mAb (2A12) 3,991.00 

ST1611-100UGCNAnti-HPSE Mouse mAb (4D7) 4,017.00 

ST1612-100UGCNAnti-TXNDC4 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1613-100UGCNAnti-TXNDC4 Mouse mAb (3C7) 3,991.00 

ST1614-100ULCNAnti-MAP3K7IP2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1615-100UGCNAnti-FGF21 Mouse mAb (2F11) 4,264.00 

ST1616-100UGCNAnti-BSCL2 Mouse mAb (1G4) 3,991.00 

ST1617-100UGCNAnti-SPG3A Mouse mAb (1B9) 3,991.00 

ST1618-100ULCNAnti-TAOK3 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1619-100UGCNAnti-TAOK3 Mouse mAb (4C12) 3,991.00 

ST1620-100UGCNAnti-PNPLA2 Mouse mAb (2H1) 3,991.00 

ST1621-50UGCNAnti-FKBP10 Mouse mAb (1C6) 3,991.00 

ST1622-100UGCNAnti-LEPRE1 Mouse mAb (3C7) 3,991.00 

ST1623-100UGCNAnti-SYVN1 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1624-50UGCNAnti-AKAP9 Mouse mAb (1A6) 4,017.00 

ST1625-100UGCNAnti-SMAD7 Mouse mAb (4E1) 4,017.00 

ST1626-100UGCNAnti-GRB7 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1627-100UGCNAnti-RECK Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1628-100ULCNAnti-SKP2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1629-100UGCNAnti-GNA13 Mouse mAb (6F6-B5) 3,991.00 

ST1630-100UGCNAnti-FGF8 Mouse mAb (2A10) 3,887.00 

ST1631-100UGCNAnti-BMP7 Mouse mAb (M1-F8) 4,017.00 

ST1632-100ULCNAnti-BMP7 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1633-100UGCNAnti-NOV Mouse mAb (3C2) 4,017.00 

ST1634-100UGCNAnti-NOV Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1635-100UGCNAnti-ECGF1 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1636-200ULCNAnti-FST Mouse mAb (1G4) 3,991.00 

ST1637-100UGCNAnti-ITGA7 Mouse mAb (8G2) 3,887.00 

ST1638-100UGCNAnti-CDK7 Mouse mAb (1G5) 3,991.00 

ST1639-100UGCNAnti-CDK7 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1641-100UGCNAnti-MAP4K4 Mouse mAb (4A5) 3,991.00 

ST1642-100UGCNAnti-MAP4K5 Mouse mAb (3H3) 3,991.00 

ST1643-100UGCNAnti-PDK2 Mouse mAb (2G1) 3,991.00 

ST1645-100UGCNAnti-CKM Mouse mAb (1E3) 3,991.00 

ST1646-100UGCNAnti-CKM Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1647-100UGCNAnti-PGK1 Mouse mAb (2H4) 3,991.00 

ST1648-100UGCNAnti-DMPK Mouse mAb (2F7) 3,991.00 

ST1649-100UGCNAnti-DMPK Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1650-100UGCNAnti-DYRK1A Mouse mAb (7D10) 3,991.00 

ST1651-100UGCNAnti-GRK6 Mouse mAb (2C3) 3,991.00 

ST1652-100UGCNAnti-MVK Mouse mAb (2C5) 3,991.00 

ST1653-100UGCNAnti-RIOK3 Mouse mAb (3G11) 3,991.00 

ST1654-100UGCNAnti-RIOK3 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1656-100UGCNAnti-MOS Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1657-100UGCNAnti-MYLK Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1658-100UGCNAnti-PBK Mouse mAb (3A11) 3,991.00 

ST1659-50UGCNAnti-YARS Mouse mAb (2F3) 3,991.00 

ST1660-100UGCNAnti-MSLN Mouse mAb (1A10) 4,017.00 

ST1661-100UGCNAnti-MSLN Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1662-100UGCNAnti-BCL9 Mouse mAb (2D4) 4,017.00 

ST1664-100UGCNAnti-GMPS Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1665-100UGCNAnti-GSR Mouse mAb (6B4) 3,991.00 

ST1666-100UGCNAnti-GSR Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1667-100UGCNAnti-TFF2 Mouse mAb (2A10) 3,991.00 

ST1668-50UGCNAnti-TFF1 Mouse mAb (M2) 3,991.00 

ST1669-100UGCNAnti-PDCD11 Mouse mAb (3E12) 3,991.00 

ST1670-100UGCNAnti-TAL2 Mouse mAb (1G6) 4,017.00 

ST1671-100UGCNAnti-TMEPAI Mouse mAb (2A12) 3,991.00 

ST1672-100UGCNAnti-DPYD Mouse mAb (7D4) 3,991.00 

ST1673-100UGCNAnti-AFP Mouse mAb (1G7) 3,991.00 

ST1674-100ULCNAnti-AFP Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1675-100UGCNAnti-ADAMTS13 Mouse mAb (4F12) 4,017.00 

ST1676-100UGCNAnti-TMPRSS2 Mouse mAb (2F4) 3,991.00 

ST1677-100UGCNAnti-ABCC6 Mouse mAb (1E6) 3,991.00 

ST1678-100UGCNAnti-SLC3A2 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1680-100UGCNAnti-FGFR2 Mouse mAb (1G3) 3,991.00 

ST1681-200ULCNAnti-SIGIRR Mouse mAb (3H8-2G3) 4,017.00 

ST1682-100UGCNAnti-COPS2 Mouse mAb (4B12) 3,991.00 

ST1683-100UGCNAnti-FKBP4 Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1684-100UGCNAnti-MAG Mouse mAb (3C7) 3,887.00 

ST1685-100UGCNAnti-TRPA1 Mouse mAb (6G8) 3,887.00 

ST1686-100ULCNAnti-AIDA Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1687-100UGCNAnti-FLJ12806 Mouse mAb (2E6-1C11) 4,017.00 

ST1689-100UGCNAnti-FCN2 Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1690-100UGCNAnti-MEFV Mouse mAb (4E6) 3,991.00 

ST1691-100UGCNAnti-ICOS Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1692-50UGCNAnti-ICOS Mouse mAb (1G1) 3,991.00 

ST1693-100UGCNAnti-RARRES2 Rabbit pAb 4,407.00 

ST1694-100UGCNAnti-BOLL Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1695-100UGCNAnti-BOLL Mouse mAb (5B8) 3,991.00 

ST1696-100UGCNAnti-FRZB Rabbit pAb 4,017.00 

ST1697-100UGCNAnti-FRZB Mouse mAb (1H8) 4,017.00 

ST1698-100UGCNAnti-PDLIM7 Mouse mAb (2D6) 4,017.00 

ST1699-100UGCNAnti-NDE1 Mouse mAb (2G11-1C11) 3,887.00 

ST1700-100UGCNAnti-MIB1 Mouse mAb (2A9) 3,991.00 

ST1701-100UGCNAnti-CAV3 Mouse mAb (1G11) 4,017.00 

ST1702-100UGCNAnti-RAG2 Mouse mAb (2G8) 3,991.00 

ST1703-100UGCNAnti-DLL1 Mouse mAb (4F8) 3,991.00 

ST1704-100UGCNAnti-TOMM22 Mouse mAb (4G4) 3,991.00 

ST1705-100UGCNAnti-TOMM20 Mouse mAb (4F3) 3,991.00 

ST1707-100UGCNAnti-CDC37 Mouse mAb (3C7) 3,991.00 

ST1708-100UGCNAnti-TRIM5 Mouse mAb (2A6) 3,991.00 

ST1709-100UGCNAnti-SKP1A Mouse mAb (1H8) 3,991.00 

ST1710-100UGCNAnti-DFHR Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1711-100UGCNAnti-DFHR Mouse mAb (2B10) 3,991.00 

ST1712-100UGCNAnti-TTR Mouse mAb (4D8) 3,991.00 

ST1713-100UGCNAnti-SERPING1 Mouse mAb (3F4-1D9) 3,991.00 

ST1714-100UGCNAnti-PAPPA Mouse mAb (1G3) 4,017.00 

ST1715-100UGCNAnti-C1S Rabbit pAb 3,991.00 

ST1716-100UGCNAnti-IF Mouse mAb (1B3) 3,991.00 

ST1717-100UGCNAnti-BMPR2 Mouse mAb (4A2) 3,991.00 

ST1718-100UGCNAnti-SMO Mouse mAb (1D9) 3,887.00 

ST1724-100UGCNAnti-CDKAL1 Rabbit pAb 3,887.00 

ST1655-100UGCNAnti-CAMKK1 Mouse mAb (1F6) 3,991.00 

116811-1KITCNcAMP Direct Immunoassay Kit 6,994.00 

119107-1KITCNATP Assay Kit 4,797.00 

203119-10MGCNInnolink Biotin 354S 3,367.00 

206550-50MLCNCALBIOSORB Adsorbent 1,937.00 

207005-1KITCNCalcineurin Assay Kit, Colorimetric 6,266.00 

207007-1KTTCNCalcineurin Cellular Activity Assay Kit 6,266.00 

218790-1KITCNCaspase-1 Assay Kit, Colorimetric 7,137.00 

218824-1KITCNCaspase-9 Assay Kit, Colorimetric 6,747.00 

219265-1KITCNCatalase Assay Kit 6,747.00 

219346-1KITCNCathepsin B Detection Kit 5,967.00 

235418-1KITCNCaspase-3 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit 7,267.00 

235419-1KITCNCaspase-3 Cellular Activity Assay Kit 5,187.00 

235430-1KITCNCaspase3 Intracellular Activity Assay I 6,747.00 

235432-1KITCNCaspase3 Intracellular Activity Assay II 6,747.00 

322133-100MGCNDSP, Water-Soluble 2,054.00 

341006-25GMCNEDAC, HCl 2,652.00 

341006-5GMCNEDAC, HCl 1,027.00 

343210-1KITCNFITC Labeling Kit 3,393.00 

34321-1GMCNFITC, Isomer 1 2,483.00 

34321-250MGCNFITC, Isomer 1 780.00 

353919-1KITCNGlutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit 7,007.00 

354102-100TCNGlutathione Assay Kit 6,487.00 

354103-1KITCNGlutathione Assay Kit II 7,137.00 

354400-500MLCNGlutaraldehyde, 25% Aqueous Solution 1,924.00 

359963-1KITCNGlutathione Reductase Assay Kit II 6,357.00 

362280-1KITCNGlycoprotein Deglycosylation Kit 7,995.00 

362314-5MLCNGlycosyltransferase Affinity Gel-UDP 4,238.00 

371757-1KITCNGSH/GSSG Ratio Assay Kit 13,247.00 

391947-100GMCNHydroxylapatite, Fast Flow 2,795.00 

391947-500GMCNHydroxylapatite, Fast Flow 8,541.00 

391948-100GMCNHydroxylapatite, High Resolution 2,795.00 

391948-500GMCNHydroxylapatite, High Resolution 8,931.00 

428900-1KITCNLCAT Activity Assay Kit, Fluorometric 7,982.00 

428901-1KITCNCholesterol/Cholesteryl Ester Quant. Kit 8,541.00 

437639-1KITCNLipid Hydroperoxide (LPO) Assay Kit 6,266.00 

442630-100MGCNGMBS 2,353.00 

475866-1KITCNMitoCapture Apoptosis Detection Kit 6,747.00 

482650-1KTTCNNitric Oxide Assay Kit, Colorimetric 6,097.00 

482655-1KITCNNO Assay Kit, Fluorometric 6,227.00 

482700-1KTTCNNitric Oxide Synthase Assay Kit 6,097.00 

482702-1KITCNNOS Assay Kit, Colorimetric 6,487.00 

500095-1KITCNOxyDNA Assay Kit, Fluorometric 8,047.00 

524371-10GMCNPHM-L LIPOSORB Absorbent 4,862.00 

524371-1GMCNPHM-L LIPOSORB Absorbent 884.00 

524744-100UGCNSIRT2,  His*Tag, Human, Rec., E. coli 5,733.00 

525282-1KITCNPhosphoDetect (TM) Serine Detection Kit 6,578.00 

525288-1KITCNPhosphoDetect Threonine Detection Kit 5,876.00 

525322-1KITCNPD Tyrosine Detection Kit 6,994.00 

539122-5GMCNProtamine Sulfate, Salmon Milt 702.00 

539125-1KITCNProtease Assay Kit 6,617.00 

539158-1KTTCN20S Proteasome Assay Kit, SDS-Activated 6,396.00 

539159-1KITCN26S Proteasome Degradation Kit 7,384.00 

539176-1KITCNProteasome Isolation Kit, Human 7,137.00 

539736-1KITCNPTP1B Assay Kit, Colorimetric 6,227.00 

55674-10KUCNRibonuclease A, Bovine Pancreas 806.00 

55674-50KUCNRibonuclease A, Bovine Pancreas 3,107.00 

556746-10KUCNRibonuclease A, Protease-Free, Bov Pancr 1,196.00 

556746-50KUCNRibonuclease A, Protease-Free, Bov Pancr 4,667.00 

556785-5TUCNRibonuclease T1, Aspergillus oryzae 4,277.00 

565785-1KITCNb-Secretase Activity Assay Kit 7,397.00 

566328-1KITCNHDAC Activity Assay Kit 6,747.00 

566329-1KITCNSIRT2 Activity Assay Kit 8,307.00 

574590-1KTTCNSuperoxide Anion Detection Kit, Chemilum 6,747.00 

574601-1KITCNSuperoxide Dismutase Assay Kit II 6,097.00 

615700-1KITCNTotal Antioxidant Status Assay Kit 8,437.00 

662096-1KITCNUbiquitin Protein Conjugation Kit 6,526.00 

662200-1KITCNUbiquitinated Protein Enrichment Kit 6,266.00 

71282-3CNEMSA ACCESSORY KIT 1,612.00 



AM41-1EACNDNA Ladder Kit (Suicide Track) 2,847.00 

CBA001-1KITCNInnoZyme Cathepsin B Activity Assay Kit 6,097.00 

CBA003-1KITCNInnoZymeGelatinase(MMP2/MMP9)ActivityKit 7,657.00 

CBA010-1KITCNInnoCyte Cell Migration Assay, 96-well 6,487.00 

CBA011-1KITCNIC ECM Cell Adhesion Assay, Fibronectin 4,537.00 

CBA013-1KITCNIC ECM Cell Adhesion Assay, Collagen IV 5,317.00 

CBA016-1KITCNHuman Neutrophil Elastase Activity Kit 6,266.00 

CBA017-1KITCNInnocyte Cell Migration Assay, 24-well 5,577.00 

CBA019-1KITCNK-LISA Akt Activity Kit 6,266.00 

CBA020-1KITCNK-LISA Checkpoint Activity Kit 6,877.00 

CBA023-1KITCNInnoZyme Cathepsin L Activity Kit 6,487.00 

CBA024-1KITCNInnoZyme Myeloperoxidase Activity Kit 6,227.00 

CBA025-1KITCNIC ECM Cell Adhesion Assay, Laminin/BMC 5,187.00 

CBA040-1KITCNApo-BrdU Kit 7,137.00 

CBA042-1KITCNInnoZyme TACE Activity Kit 7,397.00 

CBA043-1KITCNIC Laminin-based Cell Invasion Assay 6,357.00 

CBA044-1KITCNK-LISA IKKbeta Inhibitor Screening Kit 5,863.00 

CBA054-1KITCNInnoZyme Calpain1/2 Activity Assay Kit 5,967.00 

CBA055-1KITCNK-LISA mTOR Activity Kit 7,462.00 

CBA059-1KITCNAnnexin V-FITC Apoptosis Det. Kit II 3,887.00 

CBA060-100TESTCNAnnexin V-PE Apoptosis Detection Kit 5,187.00 

CBA060-25TESTCNAnnexin V-PE Apoptosis Detection Kit 4,017.00 

CBA077-1KITCNInnoCyte Cytochrome c Release Kit 6,097.00 

CBA079-1KITCNInnoZyme Insulysin/IDE Immunocapture Act 6,656.00 


抗Iba1,兔(用于免疫印迹) Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)

Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)

  • 产品特性
  • 相关资料
  • Q&A
  • 参考文献

抗Iba1,兔(用于免疫印迹)                              Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)抗Iba1,兔(用于免疫印迹)

Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)

Iba1是在巨噬细胞/小胶质细胞特异性表达的钙结合蛋白,分子量17 kDa。本产品为与Iba1特异性反应的兔源多克隆抗体。


近年来,小胶质细胞除了神经营养和保护作用以外,其通过产生NO、TNF-α和IL-1β引起的神经损伤作用也备受关注。 本产品是一种WB用的Iba1抗体,适用于特异性检测小胶质细胞。



储存条件: 冷冻(干冰运输)






抗Iba1,兔(用于免疫印迹)                              Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)








   ※ “溶解性信息”不一定包含最适用溶剂。


   0.5-0.6 mg/mL









   Iba 1

Anti Iba1抗体系列



   小胶质细胞标记物抗体——Anti   Iba1抗体


   抗Iba1,   重组兔源单克隆抗体(6A4)






   抗Iba1,兔 生物素结合




   抗Iba1, 兔源, 结合SPICA Dye™ 568


   抗   Iba1,兔源,SPICA Dye™ 594偶联








   抗Iba1, 兔源单克隆抗体(NCNP27)



抗Iba1,兔(用于免疫印迹)                              Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)


产品编号 产品名称 产品规格 产品等级 备注
016-20001 Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting) 
50 μg 免疫化学用

Cytoskeleton 产品价格表

AAN01-A  Anti-actin antibody (rabbit polyAb) + control  4500 1x100ug
AAN01-B  Anti-actin antibody (rabbit polyAb) + control  10900 3x100ug
AB07-A  Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle)  5000 5x20ug
AB07-C  Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle)  13500 20x20ug
AB07-D  Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle)  请咨询  Largequantities
ACD03-A  Anti-Cdc42 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody  5200 1x100ug
ACD03-B  Anti-Cdc42 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody  13000 3x100ug
ACFL02-A  Cofilin antibody (host rabbit) + control  5200 1x50ug
ACFL02-B  Cofilin antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AD99-A  Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure)  1800 1x1mg
AD99-B  Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure)  7900 5x1mg
AD99-C  Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure)  29000 20x1mg
ADV01-A  Advanced Protein Assay (5X conc)  3400 1x500ml
ADV01-B  Advanced Protein Assay (5X conc)  9300 3x500ml
ADV02-A  Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay (1X conc)  2100 1x500ml
ADV02-B  Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay (1X conc)  5900 3x500ml
AFB01-A  Fibrillarin monoclonal antibody  5700 1x100ug
AFB01-B  Fibrillarin monoclonal antibody  13000 3x100ug
AKF99-A  Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle)  3100 1x1mg
AKF99-B  Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle)  12300 5x1mg
AKF99-C  Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle)  33000 20x1mg
AKIN01-A  Kinesin motor antibody (host rabbit + control)  5700 1x50ug
AKIN01-B  Kinesin motor antibody (host rabbit + control)  13000 3x50ug
AKIN04-A  CenPE motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN04-B  CenPE motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKIN05-A  MCAK motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN05-B  MCAK motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKIN06-A  MKLP1 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN06-B  MKLP1 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKIN09-A  KIF3C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN09-B  KIF3C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKIN11-A  KIF1C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN11-B  KIF1C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKIN12-A  Kid motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN12-B  Kid motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKIN13-A  Klp2 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  5700 1x50ug
AKIN13-B  Klp2 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control  13000 3x50ug
AKL95-B  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure)  1500 1x1mg
AKL95-C  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure)  6900 5x1mg
AKL95-D  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure)  12500 10x1mg
AKL95-E  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure)  21500 20x1mg
AKL95-XL  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure)  请咨询  Largequantities
AKL99-A  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure)  3600 4x250ug
AKL99-B  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure)  4100 2x1mg
AKL99-C  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure)  7900 5x1mg
AKL99-D  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure)  14500 10x1mg
AKL99-E  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure)  26500 20x1mg
AKL99-XL  Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure)  请咨询  Largequantities
AP05-A  Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle)  3700 1x1mg
AP05-B  Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle)  13700 5x1mg
AP05-XL  Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle)  请咨询  Largequantities
APHL99-A  Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure)  3400 2x250ug
APHL99-C  Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure)  4900 1x1mg
APHL99-E  Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure)  17000 5x1mg
APHL99-XL  Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure)  请咨询  Largequantities
APHR-A  Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle)  4900 4x10ug
APHR-C  Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle)  15000 20x10ug
APHR-D  Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle)  请咨询  Largequantities
APUF01-A  Profilin polyclonal antibody (host rabbit) + control  4900 1x50ug
APUF01-B  Profilin polyclonal antibody (host rabbit) + control  11900 3x50ug
AR05-B  Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle)  4500 10x20ug
AR05-C  Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle)  8700 20x20ug
AR05-D  Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle)  请咨询  Largequantities
ARC03-A  Anti-Rac1 specific mouse MAb  5700 100ug
ARC03-B  Anti-Rac1 specific mouse MAb  13000 300ug
ARH03-A  Anti-RhoA antibody (mouse MAb) + control.  4500 100ug
ARH03-B  Anti-RhoA antibody (mouse MAb) + control.  9900 300ug
AS99-A  Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure)  1800 1x1mg
AS99-B  Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure)  7900 5x1mg
AS99-C  Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure)  29000 20x1mg
AT01-A  Alpha-actinin (rabbit skeletal muscle)  4700 2x50ug
AT01-C  Alpha-actinin (rabbit skeletal muscle)  15500 10x50ug
ATN02-A  Anti-tubulin polyAb pan specific (sheep) + control  2500 1x100ug
ATN02-B  Anti-tubulin polyAb pan specific (sheep) + control  5900 3x100ug
BK001  Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Kit  12500 KIT30-100assays
BK003  Actin Polymerization Biochem Kit  13900 KIT30-100assays
BK004P / CDS01P  Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>97% pure porcine brain tubulin)  11700 KIT24assays
BK005  F-Actin Visualization Kit  6500 KIT300assays
BK006P / CDS03P  Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>99% pure porcine brain tubulin)  17000 KIT24assays
BK008  Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit  13400 KIT50assays
BK008-S  Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit  9000 KIT20assays
BK010S  Plant Tubulin Polymerization Kit (soybean tubulin)  37000 KIT30assays
BK011P  Tubulin Polymerization Assay (fluoresc-96assays porcine brain tubulin)  17000 KIT96assays
BK013  Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Kit (Non-muscle)  13500 KIT30-100assays
BK029  Microtubule Binding Protein Spin Down Assay Kit  12500 KIT30-100assays
BK030  Combo RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 Activation Assay Kit  13000 KIT3x10assays
BK032-S  Arf1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  9000 KIT20assays
BK033-S  Arf6 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  9000 KIT20assays
BK034  Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  13400 KIT50assays
BK034-S  Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  9000 KIT20assays
BK035  Rac1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  13400 KIT50assays
BK035-S  Rac1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  9000 KIT20assays
BK036  RhoA Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  13400 KIT80assays
BK036-S  RhoA Pulldown Activation Assay Kit  9000 KIT20assays
BK037  G-Actin : F-Actin In Vivo Assay Kit  13000 KIT30-100assays
BK038  Microtubule / Tubulin In Vivo Assay Kit  13000 KIT30-100assays
BK040  RalA Activation Assay Biochem Kit  13400 KIT50assays
BK051  ATPase ELIPA™ (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay)  5100 KIT96assays
BK052  GTPase ELIPA™ (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay)  5100 KIT96assays
BK053  HTS Kinesin ATPase Endpoint Assay  13700 KIT1000assays
BK054  CytoPhos™ Phosphate Assay (1-500ug/ml protein reactions)  5100 KIT1000assays
BK060  Kinesin ELIPA (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay TM)  13500 KIT96assays
BK100  GEF Exchange Assay  11700 KIT60-300assays
BK105  GAP Assay Kit  11700 KIT80-160assays
BK121  RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay (luminescence)  15200 KIT96assays
BK124  RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay (absorbance)  15200 KIT96assays
BK125  Rac1,2,3 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK126  Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK127  Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK128  Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK129  RalA G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK131  Ras G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK132  Arf1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK133  Arf6 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit  15200 KIT96assays
BK150  RhoA ELISA Kit  7900 KIT96assays
BM01-A  BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.)  5980 2x25ug
BM01-B  BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.)  19900 10x25ug
BM01-XL  BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.)  33900 1x1mg
BS01  GTP gamma S  1700 1x500ug
BSA01-001  General Actin Buffer  1120 1x10ml
BSA01-010  General Actin Buffer  3000 1x100ml
BSA02-001  Actin Polymerization Buffer (10x stock)  1120 1x2ml
BSA04-001  ATP (100mM Stock)  1120 1x1ml
BST01-001  General Tubulin Buffer  1120 1x10ml
BST01-010  General Tubulin Buffer  2700 1x100ml
BST01-100  General Tubulin Buffer  7000 1x1000ml
BST05-001  Tubulin Glycerol Buffer  1120 1x10ml
BST06-001  GTP (100mM Stock)  1120 1x100ul
BST06-010  GTP (100mM Stock)  3600 10x100ul
C17G01-A  Cdc42-GST protein: dominant negative  4700 1x25ug
C17G01-C  Cdc42-GST protein: dominant negative  11400 4x25ug
C6101-A  Cdc42-His Protein: constituitively active  4700 1x10ug
C6101-C  Cdc42-His Protein: constituitively active  11400 4x10ug
CD01-A  Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type  4700 1x100ug
CD01-C  Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type  11400 3x100ug
CD01-XL  Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type  19600 1x1mg
CDG01-C  Cdc42-GST Protein: Wild type  8700 8x25ug
CF01-A  Cofilin (Human Recombinant)  4300 1x100ug
CF01-C  Cofilin (Human Recombinant)  13900 4x100ug
CN01-A  Rho Activator  3900 5x10units
CN01-B  Rho Activator  13300 20x10units
CN02-A  Rac and Cdc42 Activator  3900 5x10units
CN02-B  Rac and Cdc42 Activator  13300 20x10units
CN03-A  Rho activator II  3900 3x20ug
CN03-B  Rho activator II  10500 9x20ug
CN04-A  Rho/Rac/Cdc42 Activator I  3900 3x20ug
CN04-B  Rho/Rac/Cdc42 Activator I  10500 9x20ug
CN06-A  Rho Pathway Inhibitor I  1400 5x10units
CN06-B  Rho Pathway Inhibitor I  4300 20x10units
CP01-A  CENP-E Motor domain (  5980 2x25ug
CP01-B  CENP-E Motor domain (  19900 10x25ug
CP01-XL  CENP-E Motor domain ( (Bulk discount avail.)  33900 1x1mg
CR01-A  Chromokinesin Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
CR01-B  Chromokinesin Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
CT03-A  C3 transferase protein  3900 1x25ug
CT03-B  C3 transferase protein  7900 2x25ug
CT03-C  C3 transferase protein  12700 4x25ug
CT04-A  Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based))  3900 1x20ug
CT04-B  Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based))  10900 5x20ug
CT04-C  Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based))  29000 20x20ug
EG01-A  Eg5 Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
EG01-B  Eg5 Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
EG01-XL  Eg5 Motor Domain ( (Bulk discount avail.)  33900 1x1mg
EG02-A  Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.)  5980 2x15ug
EG02-B  Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.)  19900 10x15ug
EG02-XL  Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.)  33900 1x1mg
F001  Fungal Cell Tubulin (Agaricus bisporus)  15100 1x250ug
FNR01-A  Fibronectin Rhodamine (bovine plasma)  5000 5x20ug
FNR01-B  Fibronectin Rhodamine (bovine plasma)  15000 20x20ug
FNR02-A  Fibronectin HiLyte488™ (bovine plasma)  5000 5x20ug
FNR02-B  Fibronectin HiLyte488™ (bovine plasma)  15000 20x20ug
FNR03-A  Fibronectin Biotin (bovine plasma)  5000 5x20ug
FNR03-B  Fibronectin Biotin (bovine plasma)  15000 20x20ug
FTZ01-A  FtsZ Protein (E.coli recomb. no tag)  7000 1x1mg
FTZ01-B  FtsZ Protein (E.coli recomb. no tag)  29000 5x1mg
FTZ02-A  FtsZ Protein (Staphylococcus aureus recombinant plus 6xHis tag)  7000 1x1mg
FTZ02-B  FtsZ Protein (Staphylococcus aureus recombinant plus 6xHis tag)  29000 5x1mg
FTZ03-A  FtsZ Protein (Streptococcus pneumoniae recombinant plus 6xHis tag)  7000 1x1mg
FTZ03-B  FtsZ Protein (Streptococcus pneumoniae recombinant plus 6xHis tag)  29000 5x1mg
FTZ04-A  FtsZ Protein (Enterococcus faecalis recombinant plus 6xHis tag)  7000 1x1mg
FTZ04-B  FtsZ Protein (Enterococcus faecalis recombinant plus 6xHis tag)  29000 5x1mg
FTZ05-A  FtsZ Protein (E.coli recombinant, 6xHis-tagged)  7000 1x1mg
FTZ05-B  FtsZ Protein (E.coli recombinant, 6xHis-tagged)  29000 5x1mg
GAP01-A  Rho GAP Protein GST  4600 1x50ug
GAP01-B  Rho GAP Protein GST  12000 4x50ug
GAS01-A  Rho GAP Protein: catalytic domain GST  4600 1x50ug
GAS01-B  Rho GAP Protein: catalytic domain GST  12000 4x50ug
GDI01-A  GDP dissociation inhibitor protein GST fusion  4600 1x25ug
GDI01-B  GDP dissociation inhibitor protein GST fusion  12000 4x25ug
GE01-A  Dbs protein GEF domain – HIS fusion  4600 2x50ug
GE01-B  Dbs protein GEF domain – HIS fusion  12000 8x50ug
H001-B  Hela Cancer Cell Tubulin  13400 1x250ug
H003  Hela Cancer Cell Tubulin Biotinylated  11400 1x40ug
H005  MCF-7 Cancer Cell Tubulin  13400 1x250ug
HPG6-A  Gelsolin (recomb. Human)  5300 4x20ug
HPG6-B  Gelsolin (recomb. Human)  17000 20x20ug
HTS03-A  Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 8 assays)  5200 1x4mg
HTS03-B  Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 96 assays)  27400 1x40mg
HTS03-XL  Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 250 assays)  54600 1x100mg
KC01-A  KIFC3 Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
KC01-B  KIFC3 Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
KF01-A  KIF3C Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
KF01-B  KIF3C Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
KF01-XL  KIF3C Motor Domain ( (Bulk discounts avail.)  33900 1x1mg
KR01-A  KHC Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
KR01-B  KHC Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
KR01-XL  KHC Motor Domain ( (Bulk discounts avail.)  33900 1x1mg
LMN01-A  Laminin Rhodamine (mouse tumor)  5000 5x20ug
LMN01-B  Laminin Rhodamine (mouse tumor)  15000 20x20ug
LMN02-A  Laminin HiLyte488™ (mouse tumor)  5000 5x20ug
LMN02-B  Laminin HiLyte488™ (mouse tumor)  15000 20x20ug
LMN03-A  Laminin Biotin (mouse tumor)  5000 5x20ug
LMN03-B  Laminin Biotin (mouse tumor)  15000 20x20ug
MAPF-A  MAP Fraction  3900 1x100ug
MAPF-C  MAP Fraction  13900 5x100ug
MH01-A  Myosin: Heavy Meromyosin  4700 4x50ug
MH01-B  Myosin: Heavy Meromyosin  13400 20x50ug
MK01-A  MCAK Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
MK01-B  MCAK Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
MK01-XL  MCAK Motor Domain (  33900 1x1mg
ML116-A  Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine)  1980 1x1mg
ML116-B  Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine)  8500 5x1mg
ML116-C  Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine)  23400 20x1mg
ML116-DX  Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine)  12900 1x10mg
ML116-XL  Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine)  请咨询  Largequantities
MP01-A  MKLP Motor Domain (  5980 2x25ug
MP01-B  MKLP Motor Domain (  19900 10x25ug
MP01-XL  MKLP Motor Domain (  33900 1x1mg
MT001-A  Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready (bovine)  6500 4x500ug
MT001-XL  Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready (bovine)  22600 1x10mg
MT002-A  Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready(porcine)  6500 4x500ug
MT002-XL  Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready(porcine)  22600 1x10mg
MY02-A  Myosin Skeletal Muscle  3600 5x1mg
MY02-B  Myosin Skeletal Muscle  13400 20x1mg
MY03-A  Myosin Cardiac Muscle  7000 5x1mg
MY03-B  Myosin Cardiac Muscle  13400 10x1mg
PAK01-A  PAK Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein  6500 1x250ug
PAK01-B  PAK Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein  18600 4x250ug
PAK02-A  PAK Beads, Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein on beads  7900 1x500ug
PAK02-B  PAK Beads, Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein on beads  23700 4x500ug
PHDG1-A  Acti-stain™ 488 phalloidin  2900 1x500ul(300slides)
PHDH1-A  Acti-stain™ 555 phalloidin  2900 1x500ul(300slides)
PHDN1-A  Acti-stain™ 670 phalloidin  2900 1x500ul(300slides)
PHDR1  Rhodamine Phalloidin (14uM in methanol)  2500 1x500ul
PIC02  Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x strength)  1200 1x1ml
PR01-A  Profilin 1 (recombinant human)  4500 1x50ug
PR01-C  Profilin 1 (recombinant human)  13000 4x50ug
R17G01-A  Rac1 GST Protein: dominant negative  4700 1x25ug
R17G01-C  Rac1 GST Protein: dominant negative  11400 4x25ug
R6101-A  Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active  4700 1x10ug
R6101-C  Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active  11400 4x10ug
R6301-A  RhoA His Protein: constitutively active  4700 1x10ug
R6301-C  RhoA His Protein: constitutively active  11400 4x10ug
RC01-A  Rac1 His Protein: wild type  4700 1x100ug
RC01-C  Rac1 His Protein: wild type  11400 3x100ug
RC01-XL  Rac1 His Protein: wild type  25000 1x1mg
RC02-A  Rac2 His Protein: wild type  4700 1x100ug
RC02-B  Rac2 His Protein: wild type  11400 3x100ug
RCG01-C  Rac1 GST Protein: wild type  8700 8x25ug
RF02-A  Raf protein ras binding domain on GST beads  7900 1x2mg
RF02-B  Raf protein ras binding domain on GST beads  23700 4x2mg
RH01-A  RhoA His Protein: wild type  4700 1x100ug
RH01-C  RhoA His Protein: wild type  11400 3x100ug
RH01-XL  RhoA His Protein: wild type  25000 1x1mg
RH03-A  RhoC His Protein: wild type  4700 1x100ug
RH03-C  RhoC His Protein: wild type  11400 3x100ug
RHG01-C  RhoA GST Protein: wild type  8700 8x25ug
RN01-A  Ran protein (Human wild type, His)  4700 1x10ug
RN01-B  Ran protein (Human wild type, His)  11400 3x10ug
RN03-A  Ran protein (Human Q69L mutant, His)  4700 1x10ug
RN03-B  Ran protein (Human Q69L mutant, His)  11400 3x10ug
RN05-A  Ran protein (Human T24N mutant, His)  4700 1x10ug
RN05-B  Ran protein (Human T24N mutant, His)  11400 3x10ug
RN07-A  Ran BP1 protein (Xenopus wild type, His)  5600 1x250ug
RN07-B  Ran BP1 protein (Xenopus wild type, His)  12800 3x250ug
RP01-A  Arp2/3 Protein Complex (Bovine brain)  7500 2x50ug
RP01-B  Arp2/3 Protein Complex (Bovine brain)  19500 6x50ug
RR02-A  Rap1b protein (Human wild type, His)  4700 1x100ug
RR02-B  Rap1b protein (Human wild type, His)  11400 3x100ug
RS01-A  H-Ras-His Protein wild type  4700 1x100ug
RS01-C  H-Ras-His Protein wild type  11400 3x100ug
RT01-A  Rhotekin RBD protein GST fusion  7600 1x500ug
RT01-B  Rhotekin RBD protein GST fusion  19600 3x500ug
RT02-A  Rhotekin RBD protein on GST beads  9500 2x2mg
RT02-B  Rhotekin RBD protein on GST beads  22600 6x2mg
T238P-A  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  3000 1x1mg
T238P-B  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  11900 5x1mg
T238P-C  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  33900 20x1mg
T240-A  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  2200 1x1mg
T240-B  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  9900 5x1mg
T240-C  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  33700 20x1mg
T240-DX  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  16500 1x10mg
T240-XL  Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure)  请咨询  Largequantities
T333P-A  Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain)  5500 5x20ug
T333P-B  Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain)  14700 20x20ug
T333P-XL  Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain)  12600 1x500ug
TA01-A  Tau (bovine brain)  5200 1x50ug
TA01-B  Tau (bovine brain)  12200 3x50ug
TL238-A  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  3400 4x250ug
TL238-B  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  2400 1x1mg
TL238-C  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  10500 5x1mg
TL238-D  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  19000 10x1mg
TL238-DX  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  17500 1x10mg
TL238-E  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  35600 20x1mg
TL238-F  Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized)  请咨询  Largequantities
TL440M-A  Tubulin (AMCA dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  5500 5x20ug
TL440M-B  Tubulin (AMCA dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  14700 20x20ug
TL488M-A  Tubulin (HiLyte 488TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  5500 5x20ug
TL488M-B  Tubulin (HiLyte 488TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  14700 20x20ug
TL590M-A  Tubulin (Rhodamine labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  5500 5x20ug
TL590M-B  Tubulin (Rhodamine labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  14700 20x20ug
TL620M-A  Tubulin (X-rhodamine labeled; Bovine Brain micr-injctn)  5500 5x20ug
TL620M-B  Tubulin (X-rhodamine labeled; Bovine Brain micr-injctn)  14700 20x20ug
TL670M-A  Tubulin (HiLyte 647TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  5500 5x20ug
TL670M-B  Tubulin (HiLyte 647TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn)  14700 20x20ug
TP005  Tubulin protein Soybean plant  13000 1x250ug
TXD01  Paclitaxel (2mM in DMSO)  3200 10x100ul
V01-A  Vimentin (Recombinant Syrian Hamster)  5900 2x50ug
V01-C  Vimentin (Recombinant Syrian Hamster)  21200 10x50ug
VCG03-A  VCA domain of WASP (GST fusion)  7500 1x500ug
VCG03-B  VCA domain of WASP (GST fusion)  25600 5x500ug

Advanced Protein Assay等产品价格表

货号 品名 规格 目录价($) 目录价(¥)
AAN01-A Anti-actin antibody (rabbit polyAb) + control 1 x 100 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
AAN01-B Anti-actin antibody (rabbit polyAb) + control 3 x 100 µg $545.00 ¥7,630.00
AB07-A Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
AB07-C Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle) 20 x 20 µg $675.00 ¥9,450.00
AB07-D Actin protein (biotin, rabbit skeletal muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
ACD03-A Anti-Cdc42 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody  1 x 100 µg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
ACD03-B Anti-Cdc42 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody  3 x 100 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
ACFL02-A Cofilin antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
ACFL02-B Cofilin antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AD99-A Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $90.00 ¥1,260.00
AD99-B Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
AD99-C Actin protein (bovine cardiac muscle, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
ADV01-A Advanced Protein Assay (5X conc) 1 x 500 ml $170.00 ¥2,380.00
ADV01-B Advanced Protein Assay (5X conc) 3 x 500 ml $465.00 ¥6,510.00
ADV02-A Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay (1X conc) 1 x 500 ml $105.00 ¥1,470.00
ADV02-B Precision Red Advanced Protein Assay (1X conc) 3 x 500 ml $295.00 ¥4,130.00
AFB01-A Fibrillarin monoclonal antibody 1 x 100 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AFB01-B Fibrillarin monoclonal antibody 3 x 100 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKF99-A Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle) 1 x 1 mg $155.00 ¥2,170.00
AKF99-B Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle) 5 x 1 mg $615.00 ¥8,610.00
AKF99-C Pre-formed actin filaments (rabbit skeletal muscle) 20 x 1 mg $1,650.00 ¥23,100.00
AKIN01-A Kinesin motor antibody (host rabbit + control) 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN01-B Kinesin motor antibody (host rabbit + control) 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN04-A CenPE motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN04-B CenPE motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN05-A MCAK motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN05-B MCAK motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN06-A MKLP1 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN06-B MKLP1 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN09-A KIF3C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN09-B KIF3C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN11-A KIF1C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN11-B KIF1C motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN12-A Kid motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN12-B Kid motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKIN13-A Klp2 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
AKIN13-B Klp2 motor antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
AKL95-B Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 1 x 1  mg $75.00 ¥1,050.00
AKL95-C Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 5 x 1  mg $345.00 ¥4,830.00
AKL95-D Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 10 x 1 mg $625.00 ¥8,750.00
AKL95-E Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,075.00 ¥15,050.00
AKL95-XL Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >95% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
AKL99-A Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 4 x 250 µg $180.00 ¥2,520.00
AKL99-B Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 2 x 1 mg $205.00 ¥2,870.00
AKL99-C Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
AKL99-D Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 10 x 1 mg $725.00 ¥10,150.00
AKL99-E Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,325.00 ¥18,550.00
AKL99-XL Actin protein (rabbit skeletal muscle, >99% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
AP05-A Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle) 1 x 1 mg $185.00 ¥2,590.00
AP05-B Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle) 5 x 1 mg $685.00 ¥9,590.00
AP05-XL Actin protein (pyrene, rabbit skeletal muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
APHL99-A Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) 2 x 250 µg $170.00 ¥2,380.00
APHL99-C Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $245.00 ¥3,430.00
APHL99-E Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $850.00 ¥11,900.00
APHL99-XL Actin protein (human plaet non-muscle, >99% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
APHR-A Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle) 4 x 10 µg $245.00 ¥3,430.00
APHR-C Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle) 20 x 10 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
APHR-D Actin protein (rhodamine, human plaet non-muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
APUF01-A Profilin polyclonal antibody (host rabbit) + control 1 x 50 µg $245.00 ¥3,430.00
APUF01-B Profilin polyclonal antibody (host rabbit) + control 3 x 50 µg $595.00 ¥8,330.00
AR05-B Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle) 10 x 20 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
AR05-C Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle) 20 x 20 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
AR05-D Actin protein (rhodamine, rabbit skeletal muscle) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
ARC03-A Anti-Rac1 specific mouse MAb 100 µg $285.00 ¥3,990.00
ARC03-B Anti-Rac1 specific mouse MAb 300 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
ARH03-A Anti-RhoA antibody (mouse MAb) + control. 100 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
ARH03-B Anti-RhoA antibody (mouse MAb) + control. 300 µg $495.00 ¥6,930.00
AS99-A Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $90.00 ¥1,260.00
AS99-B Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
AS99-C Actin protein (chicken gizzard muscle, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
AT01-A Alpha-actinin (rabbit skeletal muscle) 2 x 50 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
AT01-C Alpha-actinin (rabbit skeletal muscle) 10 x 50 µg $775.00 ¥10,850.00
ATN02-A Anti-tubulin polyAb pan specific (sheep) + control 1 x 100 µg $125.00 ¥1,750.00
ATN02-B Anti-tubulin polyAb pan specific (sheep) + control 3 x 100 µg $295.00 ¥4,130.00
BK001 Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $625.00 ¥8,750.00
BK003 Actin Polymerization Biochem Kit  KIT 30-100 assays $695.00 ¥9,730.00
BK004P / CDS01P Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>97% pure porcine brain tubulin) KIT 24 assays $585.00 ¥8,190.00
BK005 F-Actin Visualization Kit KIT 300 assays $325.00 ¥4,550.00
BK006P / CDS03P Tubulin Polymerization Assay Kit (>99% pure porcine brain tubulin) KIT 24 assays $850.00 ¥11,900.00
BK008 Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit KIT 50 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK008-S Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK010S Plant Tubulin Polymerization Kit (soybean tubulin) KIT 30 assays $1,850.00 ¥25,900.00
BK011P Tubulin Polymerization Assay (fluoresc-96assays porcine brain tubulin) KIT 96 assays $850.00 ¥11,900.00
BK013 Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Kit (Non-muscle) KIT 30-100 assays $675.00 ¥9,450.00
BK029 Microtubule Binding Protein Spin Down Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $625.00 ¥8,750.00
BK030 Combo RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 Activation Assay Kit KIT 3 x 10 assays $650.00 ¥9,100.00
BK032-S Arf1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK033-S Arf6 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK034 Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 50 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK034-S Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK035 Rac1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 50 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK035-S Rac1 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK036 RhoA Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 80 assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK036-S RhoA Pulldown Activation Assay Kit KIT 20 assays $450.00 ¥6,300.00
BK037 G-Actin : F-Actin In Vivo Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $650.00 ¥9,100.00
BK038 Microtubule / Tubulin In Vivo Assay Kit KIT 30-100 assays $650.00 ¥9,100.00
BK040 RalA Activation Assay Biochem Kit KIT 50  assays $670.00 ¥9,380.00
BK051 ATPase ELIPA™ (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay) KIT 96 assays $255.00 ¥3,570.00
BK052 GTPase ELIPA™ (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay) KIT 96 assays $255.00 ¥3,570.00
BK053 HTS Kinesin ATPase Endpoint Assay KIT 1000 assays $685.00 ¥9,590.00
BK054 CytoPhos™ Phosphate Assay (1-500ug/ml protein reactions) KIT 1000 assays $255.00 ¥3,570.00
BK060 Kinesin ELIPA (Enzyme Linked Inorganic Phosphate Assay TM) KIT 96 assays $675.00 ¥9,450.00
BK100 GEF Exchange Assay KIT 60-300 assays $585.00 ¥8,190.00
BK105 GAP Assay Kit KIT 80-160 assays $585.00 ¥8,190.00
BK121 RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay (luminescence) KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK124 RhoA G-LISA Activation Assay (absorbance) KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK125 Rac1,2,3 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK126 Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK127 Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK128 Rac1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK129 RalA G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK131 Ras G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK132 Arf1 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK133 Arf6 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit KIT 96 assays $760.00 ¥10,640.00
BK150 RhoA ELISA Kit KIT 96 assays $395.00 ¥5,530.00
BM01-A BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.) 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
BM01-B BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.) 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
BM01-XL BimC Motor Domain (Asp.nid.)  1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
BS01 GTP gamma S 1 x 500 µg $85.00 ¥1,190.00
BSA01-001 General Actin Buffer 1 x 10 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BSA01-010 General Actin Buffer 1 x 100 ml $150.00 ¥2,100.00
BSA02-001 Actin Polymerization Buffer (10x stock) 1 x 2 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BSA04-001 ATP (100mM Stock) 1 x 1 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BST01-001 General Tubulin Buffer 1 x 10 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BST01-010 General Tubulin Buffer 1 x 100 ml $135.00 ¥1,890.00
BST01-100 General Tubulin Buffer 1 x 1000 ml $350.00 ¥4,900.00
BST05-001 Tubulin Glycerol Buffer 1 x 10 ml $56.00 ¥784.00
BST06-001 GTP (100mM Stock) 1 x 100 µl $56.00 ¥784.00
BST06-010 GTP (100mM Stock) 10 x 100 µl $180.00 ¥2,520.00
C17G01-A Cdc42-GST protein: dominant negative 1 x 25 µg  $235.00 ¥3,290.00
C17G01-C Cdc42-GST protein: dominant negative 4 x 25 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
C6101-A Cdc42-His Protein: constituitively active 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
C6101-C Cdc42-His Protein: constituitively active 4 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
CD01-A Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
CD01-C Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
CD01-XL Cdc42-His Protein: Wild type 1 x 1 mg $980.00 ¥13,720.00
CDG01-C Cdc42-GST Protein: Wild type 8 x 25 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
CF01-A Cofilin (Human Recombinant) 1 x 100 µg $215.00 ¥3,010.00
CF01-C Cofilin (Human Recombinant) 4 x 100 µg $695.00 ¥9,730.00
CN01-A Rho Activator 5 x 10 units $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN01-B Rho Activator 20 x 10 units $665.00 ¥9,310.00
CN02-A Rac and Cdc42 Activator 5 x 10 units $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN02-B Rac and Cdc42 Activator 20 x 10 units $665.00 ¥9,310.00
CN03-A Rho activator II 3 x 20 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN03-B Rho activator II 9 x 20 µg $525.00 ¥7,350.00
CN04-A Rho/Rac/Cdc42 Activator I 3 x 20 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CN04-B Rho/Rac/Cdc42 Activator I 9 x 20 µg $525.00 ¥7,350.00
CN06-A Rho Pathway Inhibitor I 5 x 10 units $70.00 ¥980.00
CN06-B Rho Pathway Inhibitor I 20 x 10 units $215.00 ¥3,010.00
CP01-A CENP-E Motor domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
CP01-B CENP-E Motor domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
CP01-XL CENP-E Motor domain ( (Bulk discount avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
CR01-A Chromokinesin Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
CR01-B Chromokinesin Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
CT03-A C3 transferase protein 1 x 25 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CT03-B C3 transferase protein 2 x 25 µg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
CT03-C C3 transferase protein 4 x 25 µg $635.00 ¥8,890.00
CT04-A Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based)) 1 x 20 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
CT04-B Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based)) 5 x 20 µg $545.00 ¥7,630.00
CT04-C Cell Permeable Rho Inhibitor (C3 Trans based)) 20 x 20 µg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
EG01-A Eg5 Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
EG01-B Eg5 Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
EG01-XL Eg5 Motor Domain ( (Bulk discount avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
EG02-A Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.) 2 x 15 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
EG02-B Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.) 10 x 15 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
EG02-XL Eg5 Homolog Motor Domain (Asp.fum.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
F001 Fungal Cell Tubulin (Agaricus bisporus) 1 x 250 µg $755.00 ¥10,570.00
FNR01-A Fibronectin Rhodamine (bovine plasma) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
FNR01-B Fibronectin Rhodamine (bovine plasma) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
FNR02-A Fibronectin HiLyte488™ (bovine plasma) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
FNR02-B Fibronectin HiLyte488™ (bovine plasma) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
FNR03-A Fibronectin Biotin (bovine plasma) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
FNR03-B Fibronectin Biotin (bovine plasma) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
FTZ01-A FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recomb. no tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ01-B FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recomb. no tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ02-A FtsZ Protein (Staphylococcus aureus recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ02-B FtsZ Protein (Staphylococcus aureus recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ03-A FtsZ Protein (Streptococcus pneumoniae recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ03-B FtsZ Protein (Streptococcus pneumoniae recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ04-A FtsZ Protein (Enterococcus faecalis recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ04-B FtsZ Protein (Enterococcus faecalis recombinant plus 6xHis tag) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
FTZ05-A FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recombinant, 6xHis-tagged) 1 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
FTZ05-B FtsZ Protein (E.coli  recombinant, 6xHis-tagged) 5 x 1 mg $1,450.00 ¥20,300.00
GAP01-A Rho GAP Protein GST 1 x 50 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GAP01-B Rho GAP Protein GST 4 x 50 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
GAS01-A Rho GAP Protein: catalytic domain GST 1 x 50 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GAS01-B Rho GAP Protein: catalytic domain GST 4 x 50 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
GDI01-A GDP dissociation inhibitor protein GST fusion 1 x 25 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GDI01-B GDP dissociation inhibitor protein GST fusion 4 x 25 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
GE01-A Dbs protein GEF domain – HIS fusion 2 x 50 µg $230.00 ¥3,220.00
GE01-B Dbs protein GEF domain – HIS fusion 8 x 50 µg $600.00 ¥8,400.00
H001-B Hela Cancer Cell Tubulin 1 x 250 µg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
H003 Hela Cancer Cell Tubulin Biotinylated 1 x 40 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
H005 MCF-7 Cancer Cell Tubulin 1 x 250 µg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
HPG6-A Gelsolin (recomb. Human) 4 x 20 µg $265.00 ¥3,710.00
HPG6-B Gelsolin (recomb. Human) 20 x 20 µg $850.00 ¥11,900.00
HTS03-A Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 8 assays) 1 x 4 mg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
HTS03-B Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 96 assays) 1 x 40 mg $1,370.00 ¥19,180.00
HTS03-XL Tubulin (HTS format, porcine, 250 assays) 1 x 100 mg $2,730.00 ¥38,220.00
KC01-A KIFC3 Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
KC01-B KIFC3 Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
KF01-A KIF3C Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
KF01-B KIF3C Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
KF01-XL KIF3C Motor Domain ( (Bulk discounts avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
KR01-A KHC Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
KR01-B KHC Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
KR01-XL KHC Motor Domain ( (Bulk discounts avail.) 1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
LMN01-A Laminin Rhodamine (mouse tumor) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
LMN01-B Laminin Rhodamine (mouse tumor) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
LMN02-A Laminin HiLyte488™ (mouse tumor) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
LMN02-B Laminin HiLyte488™ (mouse tumor) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
LMN03-A Laminin Biotin (mouse tumor) 5 x 20 µg $250.00 ¥3,500.00
LMN03-B Laminin Biotin (mouse tumor) 20 x 20 µg $750.00 ¥10,500.00
MAPF-A MAP Fraction 1 x 100 µg $195.00 ¥2,730.00
MAPF-C MAP Fraction 5 x 100 µg $695.00 ¥9,730.00
MH01-A Myosin: Heavy Meromyosin 4 x 50 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
MH01-B Myosin: Heavy Meromyosin 20 x 50 µg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
MK01-A MCAK Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
MK01-B MCAK Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
MK01-XL MCAK Motor Domain (  1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
ML116-A Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 1 x 1 mg $99.00 ¥1,386.00
ML116-B Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 5 x 1 mg $425.00 ¥5,950.00
ML116-C Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 20 x 1 mg $1,170.00 ¥16,380.00
ML116-DX Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) 1 x 10 mg $645.00 ¥9,030.00
ML116-XL Tubulin: MAP-rich (porcine) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
MP01-A MKLP Motor Domain ( 2 x 25 µg $299.00 ¥4,186.00
MP01-B MKLP Motor Domain ( 10 x 25 µg $995.00 ¥13,930.00
MP01-XL MKLP Motor Domain (  1 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
MT001-A Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready (bovine) 4 x 500 µg $325.00 ¥4,550.00
MT001-XL Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready (bovine) 1 x 10 mg $1,130.00 ¥15,820.00
MT002-A Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready(porcine) 4 x 500 µg $325.00 ¥4,550.00
MT002-XL Microtubules Pre-formed Motor ATPase ready(porcine) 1 x 10 mg $1,130.00 ¥15,820.00
MY02-A Myosin Skeletal Muscle 5 x 1 mg $180.00 ¥2,520.00
MY02-B Myosin Skeletal Muscle 20 x 1 mg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
MY03-A Myosin Cardiac Muscle 5 x 1 mg $350.00 ¥4,900.00
MY03-B Myosin Cardiac Muscle 10 x 1 mg $670.00 ¥9,380.00
PAK01-A PAK Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein 1 x 250 µg $325.00 ¥4,550.00
PAK01-B PAK Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein 4 x 250 µg $930.00 ¥13,020.00
PAK02-A PAK Beads, Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein on beads 1 x 500 µg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
PAK02-B PAK Beads, Rac1/Cdc42 binding domain protein on beads 4 x 500 µg $1,185.00 ¥16,590.00
PHDG1-A Acti-stain™ 488 phalloidin 1 x 500 µl (300 slides) $145.00 ¥2,030.00
PHDH1-A Acti-stain™ 555 phalloidin 1 x 500 µl (300 slides) $145.00 ¥2,030.00
PHDN1-A Acti-stain™ 670 phalloidin 1 x 500 µl (300 slides) $145.00 ¥2,030.00
PHDR1 Rhodamine Phalloidin (14uM in methanol) 1 x 500 µl $125.00 ¥1,750.00
PIC02 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x strength) 1 x 1 ml $60.00 ¥840.00
PR01-A Profilin 1 (recombinant human) 1 x 50 µg $225.00 ¥3,150.00
PR01-C Profilin 1 (recombinant human) 4 x 50 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
R17G01-A Rac1 GST Protein: dominant negative 1 x 25 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
R17G01-C Rac1 GST Protein: dominant negative 4 x 25 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
R6101-A Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
R6101-C Rac1 His Protein: constitutively active 4 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
R6301-A RhoA His Protein: constitutively active 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
R6301-C RhoA His Protein: constitutively active 4 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RC01-A Rac1 His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RC01-C Rac1 His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RC01-XL Rac1 His Protein: wild type 1 x 1 mg $1,250.00 ¥17,500.00
RC02-A Rac2 His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RC02-B Rac2 His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RCG01-C Rac1 GST Protein: wild type 8 x 25 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
RF02-A Raf protein ras binding domain on GST beads 1 x 2 mg $395.00 ¥5,530.00
RF02-B Raf protein ras binding domain on GST beads 4 x 2 mg $1,185.00 ¥16,590.00
RH01-A RhoA His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RH01-C RhoA His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RH01-XL RhoA His Protein: wild type 1 x 1 mg $1,250.00 ¥17,500.00
RH03-A RhoC His Protein: wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RH03-C RhoC His Protein: wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RHG01-C RhoA GST Protein: wild type 8 x 25 µg $435.00 ¥6,090.00
RN01-A Ran protein (Human wild type, His) 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RN01-B Ran protein (Human wild type, His) 3 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RN03-A Ran protein (Human Q69L mutant, His) 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RN03-B Ran protein (Human Q69L mutant, His) 3 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RN05-A Ran protein (Human T24N mutant, His) 1 x 10 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RN05-B Ran protein (Human T24N mutant, His) 3 x 10 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RN07-A Ran BP1 protein (Xenopus wild type, His) 1 x 250 µg $280.00 ¥3,920.00
RN07-B Ran BP1 protein (Xenopus wild type, His) 3 x 250 µg $640.00 ¥8,960.00
RP01-A Arp2/3 Protein Complex (Bovine brain) 2 x 50 µg $375.00 ¥5,250.00
RP01-B Arp2/3 Protein Complex (Bovine brain) 6 x 50 µg $975.00 ¥13,650.00
RR02-A Rap1b protein (Human wild type, His) 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RR02-B Rap1b protein (Human wild type, His) 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RS01-A H-Ras-His Protein wild type 1 x 100 µg $235.00 ¥3,290.00
RS01-C H-Ras-His Protein wild type 3 x 100 µg $570.00 ¥7,980.00
RT01-A Rhotekin RBD protein GST fusion 1 x 500 µg $380.00 ¥5,320.00
RT01-B Rhotekin RBD protein GST fusion 3 x 500 µg $980.00 ¥13,720.00
RT02-A Rhotekin RBD protein on GST beads 2 x 2 mg $475.00 ¥6,650.00
RT02-B Rhotekin RBD protein on GST beads 6 x 2 mg $1,130.00 ¥15,820.00
T238P-A Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $150.00 ¥2,100.00
T238P-B Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $595.00 ¥8,330.00
T238P-C Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,695.00 ¥23,730.00
T240-A Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 1 x 1 mg $110.00 ¥1,540.00
T240-B Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 5 x 1 mg $495.00 ¥6,930.00
T240-C Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 20 x 1 mg $1,685.00 ¥23,590.00
T240-DX Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) 1 x 10 mg $825.00 ¥11,550.00
T240-XL Tubulin (porcine brain, >99% pure) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
T333P-A Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
T333P-B Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
T333P-XL Tubulin (Biotin Conjugate; Porcine Brain) 1 x 500 µg $630.00 ¥8,820.00
TA01-A Tau (bovine brain) 1 x 50 µg $260.00 ¥3,640.00
TA01-B Tau (bovine brain) 3 x 50 µg $610.00 ¥8,540.00
TL238-A Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 4 x 250 µg $170.00 ¥2,380.00
TL238-B Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 1 x 1 mg $120.00 ¥1,680.00
TL238-C Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 5 x 1 mg $525.00 ¥7,350.00
TL238-D Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 10 x 1 mg $950.00 ¥13,300.00
TL238-DX Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 1 x 10 mg $875.00 ¥12,250.00
TL238-E Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) 20 x 1 mg $1,780.00 ¥24,920.00
TL238-F Tubulin (bovine brain, >99% pure, lyophilized) Large quantities Inquire #VALUE!
TL440M-A Tubulin (AMCA dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL440M-B Tubulin (AMCA dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL488M-A Tubulin (HiLyte 488TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL488M-B Tubulin (HiLyte 488TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL590M-A Tubulin (Rhodamine labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL590M-B Tubulin (Rhodamine labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL620M-A Tubulin (X-rhodamine labeled; Bovine Brain micr-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL620M-B Tubulin (X-rhodamine labeled; Bovine Brain micr-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TL670M-A Tubulin (HiLyte 647TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 5 x 20 µg $275.00 ¥3,850.00
TL670M-B Tubulin (HiLyte 647TM dye labeled; porcine, micro-injctn) 20 x 20 µg $735.00 ¥10,290.00
TP005 Tubulin protein Soybean plant 1 x 250 µg $650.00 ¥9,100.00
TXD01 Paclitaxel  (2mM in DMSO) 10 x 100 µl $160.00 ¥2,240.00
V01-A Vimentin (Recombinant Syrian Hamster) 2 x 50 µg $295.00 ¥4,130.00
V01-C Vimentin (Recombinant Syrian Hamster) 10 x 50 µg $1,060.00 ¥14,840.00
VCG03-A VCA domain of WASP (GST fusion) 1 x 500 µg $375.00 ¥5,250.00
VCG03-B VCA domain of WASP (GST fusion) 5 x 500 µg $1,280.00 ¥17,920.00





货号 品名 价格
 OSA00191W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA1  4080
 OSA00192W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA1 (850-900)  4080
 OSA00212W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA10  4080
 OSA00204W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA12  4080
 OSA00205W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA12 (2550-2590)  4080
 OSA00209W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA2  4080
 OSA00207W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA3  4080
 OSA00206W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA3 (950-1050)  4080
 OSA00201W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA4  4080
 OSA00202W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA4  4080
 OSA00203W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA4 (2230-2273)  4080
 OSA00188W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA5  4080
 OSA00189W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA5  4080
 OSA00190W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA5  4080
 OSA00210W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA6  4080
 OSA00195W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA7 (1050-1100)  4080
 OSA00197W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA7 (2100-2146)  4080
 OSA00198W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA7 (2100-2155)  4080
 OSA00196W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA7 (440-490)  4080
 OSA00194W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA7 (60-110)  4080
 OSA00187W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA8  4080
 OSA00211W  Rabbit antibody to ABCA9  4080
 OSA00220W  Rabbit antibody to ABCB10  4080
 OSA00219W  Rabbit antibody to ABCB10 (670-738)  4080
 OSA00216W  Rabbit antibody to ABCB6  4080
 OSA00215W  Rabbit antibody to ABCB6 (200-250)  4080
 OSA00217W  Rabbit antibody to ABCB7  4080
 OSA00218W  Rabbit antibody to ABCB8  4080
 OSA00250W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC1 (MRP1; 1150-1200)  4080
 OSA00249W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC1 (MRP1; 280-330)  4080
 OSA00227W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC10 (200-250)  4080
 OSA00228W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC10 (800-850)  4080
 OSA00229W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC11  4080
 OSA00230W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC11 (300-400)  4080
 OSA00231W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC12  4080
 OSA00232W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC12  4080
 OSA00252W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC2 (MRP2; 1150-1200)  4080
 OSA00251W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC2 (MRP2; 900-950)  4080
 OSA00221W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC3 (850-900)  4080
 OSA00254W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC4 (MRP4; 1230-1280)  4080
 OSA00253W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC4 (MRP4; 60-110)  4080
 OSA00255W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC5 (MRP5; 10-60)  4080
 OSA00256W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC5 (MRP5; 500-550)  4080
 OSA00223W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC6  4080
 OSA00222W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC6 (825-875)  4080
 OSC00144W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC7 (CFTR, 1150-1200)  4080
 OSA00258W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC7 (CFTR, 1400-1450)  4080
 OSC00244W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC7 (CFTR, 20-70)  4080
 OSA00257W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC7 (CFTR, 650-700)  4080
 OSA00224W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC8  4080
 OSA00225W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC8  4080
 OSA00226W  Rabbit antibody to ABCC9  4080
 OSA00234W  Rabbit antibody to ABCD3  4080
 OSA00233W  Rabbit antibody to ABCD3  4080
 OSA00213W  Rabbit antibody to ABCE1  4080
 OSA00208W  Rabbit antibody to ABCG1  4080
 OSA00214W  Rabbit antibody to ABCG2  4080
 OSB00044W  Rabbit antibody to BPI  4080
 OSB00045W  Rabbit antibody to BPIL1  4080
 OSB00046W  Rabbit antibody to BPIL2  4080
 OSB00047W  Rabbit antibody to BPIL3  4080
 OSA00193W  Rabbit antibody to CAP37  4080
 OSC00218W  Rabbit antibody to chicken LL37  4080
 OSC00134W  Rabbit antibody to fish LL37  4080
 OSC00132G  Rabbit antibody to snake LL37  4080
 OSC00133G  Rabbit antibody to snake LL37  4080
 OSC00130W  Rabbit antibody to snake LL37  4080
 OSC00131W  Rabbit antibody to snake LL37  4080
 OSL00019W  Chicken antibody to LL-37  4080
 OSC00155G  Mouse monoclonal to Cathelicidin: OSX12 clone  4080
 OSC00066W  Rabbit antibody to CAP-18 (10-60)  4080
 OSC00067W  Rabbit antibody to CAP-18 (70-110)  4080
 OSC00009W  Rabbit antibody to LL-37  4080
 OSC00028G  Rabbit antibody to LL-37  4080
 OSC00039W  Rabbit antibody to scrambled Cathelicidin  4080
 OSC00142G  Sheep antibody to CAP-18 (40-80)  4080
 OSC00141W  Sheep antibody to CAP-18 (40-80)  4080
 OSC00129W  Sheep antibody to CAP-18 (70-110)  4080
 OSC00139G  Sheep antibody to CAP-18 (70-110)  4080
 OSC00037W  Sheep antibody to LL-37  4080
 OSC00038G  Sheep antibody to LL-37  4080
 OSC00240W  Goat antibody to mouse Cathelicidin  4080
 OSC00140G  Rabbit antibody to mouse Cathelicidin  4080
 OSC00228W  Rabbit antibody to mouse Cathelicidin  4080
 OSC00043W  Rabbit antibody to mouse Cathelicidin  4080
 OSC00044W  Rabbit antibody to rat Cathelicidin  4080
OSC00211W  Rabbit antibody to Cystatin 11  4080
 OSC00212W  Rabbit antibody to Cystatin 8  4080
OSD00023W  Rabbit antibody to DEFB-108  4080
 OSD00026W  Rabbit antibody to DEFB-109  4080
 OSD00024W  Rabbit antibody to DEFB-110  4080
 OSD00025W  Rabbit antibody to DEFB-110  4080
 OSH00026W  Goat antibody to Hepcidin (60-70)  4080
 OSH00014W  Rabbit antibody to Hepcidin  4080
 OSH00015W  Rabbit antibody to Hepcidin  4080
 OSH00013W  Rabbit antibody to pro Hepcidin (25-54)  4080
 OSH00016W  Rabbit antibody to pro Hepcidin (39-59)  4080
 OSH00017G  Rabbit antibody to pro Hepcidin (39-59)  4080
 OSR00358W  Rabbit antibody to RGMC  4080
 OSH00018W  Rabbit antibody to Histatin 1 (10-40)  4080
 OSH00052W  Rabbit antibody to hydra Hydramacin 1 (40-84)  4080
 OSN00092W  Rabbit antibody to Neuromacin (40-82)  4080
 OST00414W  Rabbit antibody to Theromacin (30-75)  4080
 OSS00223W  Rabbit antibody to Salvic  4080
 OSB00028W  Rabbit antibody to BNIP3  4080
 OSB00029W  Rabbit antibody to BNIP3L  4080
 OSD00045W  Rabbit antibody to DR6  4080
OSA00145W  Goat antibody to AQP2  4080
 OSA00140W  Goat antibody to AQP3  4080
 OSA00141W  Goat antibody to AQP8  4080
 OSA00102W  Rabbit antibody to AQP0  4080
 OSA00101W  Rabbit antibody to AQP0 (140-180)  4080
 OSA00180W  Rabbit antibody to AQP0 (240-280)  4080
 OSA00085W  Rabbit antibody to AQP1 (230-269)  4080
 OSA00095W  Rabbit antibody to AQP10  4080
 OSA00151W  Rabbit antibody to AQP11  4080
 OSA00152W  Rabbit antibody to AQP11  4080
 OSA00096W  Rabbit antibody to AQP12 (240-290)  4080
 OSA00153W  Rabbit antibody to AQP12A/B (10-50)  4080
 OSA00267W  Rabbit antibody to AQP2  4080
 OSA00086W  Rabbit antibody to AQP2  4080
 OSA00087W  Rabbit antibody to AQP3  4080
 OSA00123W  Rabbit antibody to AQP3  4080
 OSA00155W  Rabbit antibody to AQP4  4080
 OSA00088W  Rabbit antibody to AQP4 (280-320)  4080
 OSA00134W  Rabbit antibody to AQP5  4080
 OSA00089W  Rabbit antibody to AQP5  4080
 OSD00001W  Rabbit antibody to DFNA5  4080
 OSD00002W  Rabbit antibody to DFNA5  4080
 OSD00003W  Rabbit antibody to DFNA5 homolog  4080
 OSC00191W  Rabbit antibody to Nicotinic acetylcholine R alpha-10  4080
 OSO00039W  Rabbit antibody to Otoferlin (350-400)  4080
 OSP00001W  Rabbit antibody to Pejvakin  4080
 OSP00174W  Rabbit antibody to Pejvakin  4080
 OST00173W  Rabbit antibody to TMC1  4080
 OST00174W  Rabbit antibody to TMC1  4080
 OST00104W  Rabbit antibody to TMC1  4080
 OST00101W  Rabbit antibody to TMC2  4080
 OSR00227W  Rabbit antibody to TMC2  4080
 OSR00226W  Rabbit antibody to TMC3  4080
 OST00153W  Rabbit antibody to TMC3  4080
 OST00102W  Rabbit antibody to TMC4  4080
 OSR00225W  Rabbit antibody to TMC4  4080
 OST00149W  Rabbit antibody to TMC5  4080
 OST00154W  Rabbit antibody to TMC5  4080
 OSR00224W  Rabbit antibody to TMC5  4080
 OST00158W  Rabbit antibody to TMC5  4080
 OSG00094W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila GW182 (2-100)  4080
 OSG00047W  Rabbit antibody to GW182  4080
 OSG00097W  Rabbit antibody to GW182 (2-50)  4080
OSA00075W  Rabbit antibody to AMBRA1  4080
 OSA00074G  Rabbit antibody to AMRA1  4080
 OSA00072W  Rabbit antibody to AMRA1  4080
 OSA00016W  Rabbit antibody to ATG10  4080
 OSA00113G  Rabbit antibody to ATG10  4080
 OSA00280W  Rabbit antibody to ATG12  4080
 OSA00045W  Rabbit antibody to ATG16L1  4080
 OSA00129W  Rabbit antibody to ATG16L1  4080
 OSA00130W  Rabbit antibody to ATG16L1 (170-210)  4080
 OSA00018W  Rabbit antibody to ATG3  4080
 OSA00039W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4A  4080
 OSA00034W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4A  4080
 OSA00033W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4B  4080
 OSA00017W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4C  4080
 OSA00035W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4D  4080
 OSA00031W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4D  4080
 OSA00032W  Rabbit antibody to ATG4D (10-50)  4080
 OSA00021W  Rabbit antibody to ATG5  4080
 OSA00030W  Rabbit antibody to ATG5  4080
 OSA00131W  Rabbit antibody to ATG7  4080
 OSA00027W  Rabbit antibody to ATG12 (20-70)  4080
 OSA00026W  Rabbit antibody to ATG5  4080
 OSA00054W  Rabbit antibody to ATG5 (230-269)  4080
 OSA00055W  Rabbit antibody to Dr ATG9  4080
 OSB00083W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila Beclin 1 (100-150)  4080
 OSB00084W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila Beclin 1 (120-170)  4080
 OSB00021W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila Beclin 1 (350-400)  4080
 OSA00030W  Rabbit antibody to ATG5  4080
 OSM00027W  Sheep antibody to LC3 B  4080
 OSB00005W  Rabbit antibody to BEX1 (15-60)  4080
 OSB00008W  Rabbit antibody to BEX1 (2-40)  4080
 OSB00007W  Rabbit antibody to BEX3  4080
 OSB00009W  Rabbit antibody to BEX3  4080
 OSB00051W  Rabbit antibody to BEX4  4080
 OSB00011W  Rabbit antibody to BEX4  4080
 OSB00050W  Rabbit antibody to BEX4  4080
 OSB00006W  Rabbit antibody to BEX4  4080
 OSB00004W  Rabbit antibody to BEX5  4080
 OSB00012W  Rabbit antibody to BEX6  4080
 OSB00052W  Rabbit antibody to human BEX1 (2-35)  4080
 OSB00053W  Rabbit antibody to mouse BEX1 (20-70)  4080
 OSC00213W  Goat antibody to CGRP  4080
 OSD00029W  Goat antibody to DBH  4080
 OSB00066W  Rabbit antibody to Bai1  4080
 OSB00088W  Rabbit antibody to BCAS1 (5-50)  4080
 OSB00087W  Rabbit antibody to BCAS1 (500-550)  4080
 OSB00065W  Rabbit antibody to BIN1 (40-90)  4080
 OSC00158W  Rabbit antibody to CD147  4080
 OSC00301W  Rabbit antibody to CD147  4080
 OSC00157W  Rabbit antibody to CD24 (30-70)  4080
 OSC00316W  Rabbit antibody to CD82 (170-220)  4080
 OSC00315W  Rabbit antibody to CD82 (220-267)  4080
 OSC00190W  Rabbit antibody to CGRP  4080
 OSC00273W  Rabbit antibody to CKAP4  4080
 OSC00272W  Rabbit antibody to CKAP4 (150-200)  4080
 OSC00286W  Rabbit antibody to Clusterin alpha  4080
 OSC00284W  Rabbit antibody to Clusterin alpha  4080
 OSC00285W  Rabbit antibody to Clusterin alpha  4080
 OSC00209W  Rabbit antibody to Cullin 9  4080
 OSD00049W  Rabbit antibody to DBH  4080
 OSD00050W  Rabbit antibody to DBH  4080
 OST00437G  Mouse monoclonal to Integrin α4: OSX14 clone  4080
 OSC00058W  Rabbit antibody to Cadherin17  4080
 OSC00236W  Rabbit antibody to Claudin 1  4080
 OSG00053W  Rabbit antibody to Gephyrin  4080
 OSH00047W  Rabbit antibody to HAPLN2  4080
 OSL00017W  Rabbit antibody to LIN7  4080
 OSL00018W  Rabbit antibody to LIN7  4080
 OSL00016W  Rabbit antibody to LRFN5  4080
 OSL00025W  Rabbit antibody to LRRC4 (450-500)  4080
 OSL00024W  Rabbit antibody to LRRC4B (490-540)  4080
 OSN00053W  Rabbit antibody to NEGR1 (80-120)  4080
 OSN00054W  Rabbit antibody to Optimedin  4080
 OSA00099W  Rabbit antibody to ALDH3A1  4080
 OSA00158W  Rabbit antibody to ALDH3A1  4080
 OSA00081W  Rabbit antibody to ANGEL2  4080
 OSA00279W  Rabbit antibody to ARRDC4  4080
 OSE00030W  Rabbit antibody to Bif-1  4080
 OSS00429W  Rabbit antibody to ISCA2  4080
 OSL00026W  Rabbit antibody to LIMD2  4080
 OSM00128W  Rabbit antibody to MPP8 (450-500)  4080
 OSM00127W  Rabbit antibody to MPP8 (90-140)  4080
 OSN00085W  Rabbit antibody to Neurotrypsin  4080
 OSN00086W  Rabbit antibody to Neurotrypsin  4080
 OSP00110W  Rabbit antibody to PCM1  4080
 OSP00109W  Rabbit antibody to PCM1 (1290-1340)  4080
 OSP00189W  Rabbit antibody to POC1A (300-350)  4080
 OSR00389W  Rabbit antibody to RAI14 (2-50)  4080
 OSR00390W  Rabbit antibody to RIC3 (320-369)  4080
 OSS00238W  Rabbit antibody to SERPINA10  4080
 OSS00146W  Rabbit antibody to SERPINA10  4080
 OST00434W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM126B (5-50)  4080
 OSB00072W  Rabbit antibody to ZNHIT6 (90-140)  4080
 OSC00188W  Rabbit antibody to Connexin 37  4080
 OSC00189W  Rabbit antibody to Connexin 40  4080
 OSC00186W  Rabbit antibody to Connexin 46  4080
 OSC00185W  Rabbit antibody to Connexin 57  4080
 OSC00184W  Rabbit antibody to GJA10  4080
 OSM00121W  Rabbit antibody to MAGI3 (1190-1240)  4080
 OSM00123W  Rabbit antibody to MAGI3 (1310-1360)  4080
 OSM00122W  Rabbit antibody to MAGI3 (1450-1500)  4080
 OSM00125W  Rabbit antibody to MPP5 (170-220)  4080
 OSM00124W  Rabbit antibody to MPP5 (2-50)  4080
 OSM00126W  Rabbit antibody to MPP7 (340-390)  4080
 OSZ00007W  Rabbit antibody to ZO1  4080
 OSZ00008W  Rabbit antibody to ZO1  4080
 OSZ00009W  Rabbit antibody to ZO2 (740-790)  4080
 OSB00039W  Goat antibody to Bassoon  4080
 OSH00024W  Goat antibody to HOMER1  4080
 OST00324W  Goat antibody to Tyrosine Hydroxylase (30-100)  4080
 OSN00108W  Rabbit antibody to 200 Neurofilament (150-200)  4080
 OSB00048W  Rabbit antibody to BASP1  4080
 OSB00055W  Rabbit antibody to Bassoon  4080
 OSB00024W  Rabbit antibody to Bassoon (1000-1050)  4080
 OSG00106W  Rabbit antibody to GAD65, 67 (530-600)  4080
 OSG00023W  Rabbit antibody to GAP 43  4080
 OSG00024G  Rabbit antibody to GAP 43  4080
 OSG00074W  Rabbit antibody to GFAP (250-300)  4080
 OSH00001W  Rabbit antibody to HOMER1  4080
 OSH00002W  Rabbit antibody to HOMER1  4080
 OSH00036W  Rabbit antibody to HOMER2  4080
 OSH00003W  Rabbit antibody to HOMER2  4080
 OSH00004W  Rabbit antibody to HOMER3  4080
 OSL00025W  Rabbit antibody to LRRC4 (450-500)  4080
 OSL00024W  Rabbit antibody to LRRC4B (490-540)  4080
 OSN00107W  Rabbit antibody to NeuN  4080
 OSF00010W  Rabbit antibody to NeuN (50-100)  4080
 OSO00051W  Rabbit antibody to OLIG1 (125-175)  4080
 OSO00056W  Rabbit antibody to OLIG1 (170-220)  4080
 OSG00103W  Rabbit antibody to OLIG1 (210-260)  4080
 OSO00052W  Rabbit antibody to OLIG1 (5-50)  4080
 OSO00005W  Rabbit antibody to OLIG2 (80-130)  4080
 OSO00053W  Rabbit antibody to OLIG3  4080
 OSP00168W  Rabbit antibody to PGP 9.5 (50-100)  4080
 OSG00011G  Rabbit antibody to phospho S41 GAP 43  4080
 OSG00010W  Rabbit antibody to phospho S41GAP 43  4080
 OSP00021W  Rabbit antibody to Piccolo  4080
 OSP00022G  Rabbit antibody to Piccolo  4080
 OSP00128W  Rabbit antibody to Piccolo  4080
 OSS00212W  Rabbit antibody to SAP102  4080
 OSS00431W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptojanin1  4080
 OST00388W  Rabbit antibody to Tau  4080
 OST00389W  Rabbit antibody to Tau  4080
 OST00329W  Rabbit antibody to Tau (640-680)  4080
 OST00323W  Rabbit antibody to Tyrosine Hydroxylase (30-100)  4080
 OSO00030W  Sheep antibody to OLIG2  4080
 OSG00025W  Sheep antibody to phospho S41 GAP 43  4080
 OSG00026G  Sheep antibody to phospho S41 GAP 43  4080
 OSC00280W  Rabbit antibody to CD33 (300-364)  4080
 OSC00279W  Rabbit antibody to CD35 (1990-2038)  4080
 OSN00063W  Rabbit antibody to Enolase  4080
 OSE00031W  Rabbit antibody to Exportin-4  4080
 OSE00032W  Rabbit antibody to Exportin-7  4080
 OSA00111W  Rabbit antibody to AP180 (270-320)  4080
 OSG00054W  Rabbit antibody to GOSR1  4080
 OSG00055W  Rabbit antibody to Membrin  4080
 OSG00056W  Rabbit antibody to Membrin  4080
 OSS00042G  Rabbit antibody to SNAP 25  4080
 OSS00033W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP 25  4080
 OSS00051G  Rabbit antibody to SNAP 29 (150-200)  4080
 OSS00034W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP 29 (150-200)  4080
 OSS00039W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP 47  4080
 OSS00169W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP 47  4080
 OSS00167W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP-23 and SNAP-25  4080
 OSS00168W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP-47  4080
 OSS00166W  Rabbit antibody to SNAP23  4080
 OSS00222W  Rabbit antibody to SNAPIN  4080
 OSS00097W  Rabbit antibody to SNIP  4080
 OSS00098G  Rabbit antibody to SNIP  4080
 OSS00378W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaphilin  4080
 OSU00012W  Rabbit antibody to USE1  4080
 OSV00067W  Rabbit antibody to VTI1A  4080
 OSV00066W  Rabbit antibody to VTI1A  4080
 OSV00068W  Rabbit antibody to VTI1B  4080
 OSS00068W  Sheep antibody to SNAP 25  4080
 OSS00069G  Sheep antibody to SNAP-25  4080
 OSS00229W  Goat antibody to Syntaxin2  4080
 OSS00050G  Rabbit antibody to STB5L (900-950)  4080
 OSS00049W  Rabbit antibody to STB5L (900-950)  4080
 OSS00302W  Rabbit antibody to STXB1  4080
 OSS00075G  Rabbit antibody to STXB1 (460-510)  4080
 OSS00074W  Rabbit antibody to STXB1 (460-510)  4080
 OSS00027W  Rabbit antibody to STXB5  4080
 OSS00015W  Rabbit antibody to STXB5  4080
 OSS00379W  Rabbit antibody to Syntabulin  4080
 OSS00028W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 12  4080
 OSS00172W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 3 (60-110)  4080
 OSS00173W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 4  4080
 OSS00176W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 5  4080
 OSS00175W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 5  4080
 OSS00297G  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00030W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00012W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00177W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 8  4080
 OSS00178W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin 8  4080
 OSS00013W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin-1A-1B (60-110)  4080
 OSS00016W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin12  4080
 OSS00014W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin16  4080
 OSS00031W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin16  4080
 OSS00171W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin2  4080
 OSS00174W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin4  4080
 OSS00017W  Rabbit antibody to Syntaxin6  4080
 OSS00056W  Sheep antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00057G  Sheep antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00054W  Sheep antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00055G  Sheep antibody to Syntaxin 7  4080
 OSS00304W  Chicken antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00432W  Guinea pig antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSA00112W  Rabbit antibody to Amphiphysin  4080
 OSC00180W  Rabbit antibody to Complexin 3 (105-155)  4080
 OSC00178W  Rabbit antibody to Complexin-2 (40-80)  4080
 OSC00179W  Rabbit antibody to Complexin-3 & 4  4080
 OSC00181W  Rabbit antibody to Complexin-4  4080
 OSC00196W  Rabbit antibody to CSP  4080
 OSM00077W  Rabbit antibody to MUNC13  4080
 OSR00265W  Rabbit antibody to Rabphilin-3A  4080
 OSR00337W  Rabbit antibody to RIM1  4080
 OSR00338W  Rabbit antibody to RIM2  4080
 OSE00029W  Rabbit antibody to SH3GL2  4080
 OSS00235W  Rabbit antibody to SV2A  4080
 OSS00236W  Rabbit antibody to SV2B  4080
 OSS00179W  Rabbit antibody to Synapsin 1 (595-645)  4080
 OSS00020W  Rabbit antibody to Synapsin 2  4080
 OSS00181W  Rabbit antibody to Synapsin 2 (420-470)  4080
 OSS00018W  Rabbit antibody to Synapsin 3 (440-490)  4080
 OSS00093G  Rabbit antibody to Synaptogyrin 1  4080
OSS00093G  Rabbit antibody to Synaptogyrin 1  4080
 OSS00021W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00243W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00029W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00242W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00143G  Rabbit antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00081W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptoporin (210-260)  4080
 OSS00025W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptotagmin 1  4080
 OSS00022W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptotagmin 1 (10-60)  4080
 OSS00141G  Rabbit antibody to Synaptotagmin 1 (10-60)  4080
 OSS00023W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptotagmin 2  4080
 OSS00024W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptotagmin 5  4080
 OSS00026W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptotagmin2  4080
 OST00309W  Rabbit antibody to TRIM9  4080
 OSS00073G  Sheep antibody to Synapsin 2  4080
 OSS00061G  Sheep antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00058W  Sheep antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00059G  Sheep antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00060W  Sheep antibody to Synaptophysin  4080
 OSS00065G  Sheep antibody to Synaptotagmin1  4080
OSS00129G  Sheep antibody to Synaptotagmin2  4080
 OSS00101W  Sheep antibody to Synaptotagmin2  4080
 OSE00014W  Rabbit antibody to EXOC4  4080
 OSE00006W  Rabbit antibody to EXOC5 (350-400)  4080
 OSE00007G  Rabbit antibody to EXOC5 (350-400)  4080
 OSV00018W  Rabbit antibody to VDP  4080
 OSV00035G  Rabbit antibody to VDP  4080
 OSS00255W  Goat antibody to SYT17  4080
 OSV00076W  Goat antibody to VAMP4  4080
 OSV00078W  Goat antibody to VAMP5  4080
 OSV00077W  Goat antibody to VAMP8  4080
 OSC00298W  Rabbit antibody to CAPS1  4080
 OSC00299W  Rabbit antibody to CAPS2  4080
 OSC00056W  Rabbit antibody to CAV1 (30-80)  4080
 OSC00057G  Rabbit antibody to CAV1 (30-80)  4080
 OSC00321W  Rabbit antibody to Clavesin 1 (300-354)  4080
 OSC00035W  Rabbit antibody to COPD  4080
 OSC00036G  Rabbit antibody to COPD (150-200)  4080
 OSD00010W  Rabbit antibody to Doc2b  4080
 OSD00030W  Rabbit antibody to DOC2b  4080
 OSD00011G  Rabbit antibody to Doc2b  4080
 OSD00015W  Rabbit antibody to Dynamin 1  4080
 OSD00016G  Rabbit antibody to Dynamin 1  4080
 OSE00023W  Rabbit antibody to Ehd3  4080
 OSG00067W  Rabbit antibody to GCC1  4080
 OSG00028G  Rabbit antibody to GGA1 (170-220)  4080
 OSG00027W  Rabbit antibody to GGA1 (170-220)  4080
 OSG00104W  Rabbit antibody to GGA1 (280-330)  4080
 OSG00031G  Rabbit antibody to GGA2  4080
 OSG00030W  Rabbit antibody to GGA2  4080
 OSG00038G  Rabbit antibody to GGA3  4080
 OSG00029W  Rabbit antibody to GGA3  4080
 OSM00065W  Rabbit antibody to MAL2  4080
 OSN00012W  Rabbit antibody to Nexin 1  4080
 OSN00013W  Rabbit antibody to Nexin 2  4080
 OSN00014W  Rabbit antibody to NSF  4080
 OSN00015G  Rabbit antibody to NSF  4080
 OSP00188W  Rabbit antibody to Pallidin (50-100)  4080
 OSP00172W  Rabbit antibody to PICALM  4080
 OSS00390W  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP1 (2-50)  4080
 OSS00389W  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP1 (50-100)  4080
 OSS00087W  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP1 (90-140)  4080
 OSS00096G  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP1 (90-140)  4080
 OSS00183W  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP3  4080
 OSS00094W  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP5 (180-230)  4080
 OSS00095G  Rabbit antibody to SCAMP5 (180-230)  4080
 OSS00118G  Rabbit antibody to SEC22A  4080
 OSS00117W  Rabbit antibody to SEC22A  4080
 OSS00048G  Rabbit antibody to SEC22B (2-50)  4080
 OSS00040W  Rabbit antibody to SEC22B (2-50)  4080
 OSS00119W  Rabbit antibody to SEC22C  4080
 OSS00120G  Rabbit antibody to SEC22C  4080
 OSS00395W  Rabbit antibody to SEC24B (215-250)  4080
 OSS00086W  Rabbit antibody to SEC31b  4080
 OSS00219W  Rabbit antibody to SFT2A  4080
 OSS00220W  Rabbit antibody to SFT2B  4080
 OSS00221W  Rabbit antibody to SFT2C  4080
 OSS00100G  Rabbit antibody to SYT17  4080
 OSS00099W  Rabbit antibody to SYT17  4080
 OST00229W  Rabbit antibody to TMP21  4080
 OST00230G  Rabbit antibody to TMP21  4080
 OST00161G  Rabbit antibody to TPPC1  4080
 OST00160W  Rabbit antibody to TPPC1  4080
 OST00378W  Rabbit antibody to TRAK1  4080
 OST00231W  Rabbit antibody to TRAPPC3  4080
 OST00232G  Rabbit antibody to TRAPPC3  4080
 OST00162G  Rabbit antibody to TRAPPC5  4080
 OST00159W  Rabbit antibody to TRAPPC5 (80-120)  4080
 OST00263G  Rabbit antibody to TSG101 (280-330)  4080
 OST00226W  Rabbit antibody to TSG101 (280-330)  4080
 OSS00038W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP 1  4080
 OSS00035W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP 2,1 (10-60)  4080
 OSS00045G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP 2,1 (10-60)  4080
 OSV00043G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP 5  4080
 OSV00015G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP A/B (50-100)  4080
 OSV00014W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP A/B (50-100)  4080
 OSS00044G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP-1  4080
 OSS00037W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP3  4080
 OSS00046G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP3  4080
 OSV00041G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP4  4080
 OSV00038W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP4  4080
 OSV00042W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP5  4080
 OSS00047G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP7  4080
 OSS00036W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP7  4080
 OSV00039W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP8  4080
 OSV00096W  Rabbit antibody to VAMP8  4080
 OSV00040G  Rabbit antibody to VAMP8  4080
 OSV00098W  Rabbit pan antibody to VAMP1, 2, 3  4080
 OSC00124G  Sheep antibody to CAV1  4080
 OSC00123W  Sheep antibody to CAV1  4080
 OSG00041W  Sheep antibody to GGA3  4080
 OSG00042G  Sheep antibody to GGA3  4080
 OSS00071G  Sheep antibody to SEC22B  4080
 OSS00070W  Sheep antibody to SEC22B  4080
 OSV00012W  Sheep antibody to VAMP 1  4080
 OSV00010W  Sheep antibody to VAMP 3  4080
 OSV00011G  Sheep antibody to VAMP 3  4080
 OSV00052W  Sheep antibody to VAMP 7  4080
 OSV00013G  Sheep antibody to VAMP-1  4080
 OSV00008W  Sheep antibody to VAMP2  4080
 OSV00009G  Sheep antibody to VAMP2  4080
OSC00062W  Rabbit antibody to CHMP2A  4080
 OSC00059W  Rabbit antibody to CHMP2B  4080
 OSC00061W  Rabbit antibody to CHMP4B, C  4080
 OSC00049W  Rabbit antibody to CHMP6  4080
 OSC00121G  Rabbit antibody to CHMP6  4080
 OSV00023W  Rabbit antibody to SNF8  4080
 OSV00024G  Rabbit antibody to SNF8  4080
 OSV00055W  Rabbit antibody to VPS18  4080
 OSC00060W  Rabbit antibody to VPS24  4080
 OSC00122G  Rabbit antibody to VPS24  4080
 OSV00022W  Rabbit antibody to VPS25  4080
 OSV00044G  Rabbit antibody to VPS26  4080
 OSV00020W  Rabbit antibody to VPS26  4080
 OSV00025W  Rabbit antibody to VPS28  4080
 OSV00026G  Rabbit antibody to VPS28  4080
 OSV00029W  Rabbit antibody to VPS29  4080
 OSV00030G  Rabbit antibody to VPS29  4080
 OSV00085W  Rabbit antibody to VPS34  4080
 OSV00028G  Rabbit antibody to VPS35 (190-240)  4080
 OSV00027W  Rabbit antibody to VPS35 (190-240)  4080
OSV00031W  Rabbit antibody to VPS36  4080
 OSV00032G  Rabbit antibody to VPS36  4080
 OSV00084W  Rabbit antibody to VPS36 (190-240)  4080
 OSV00021W  Rabbit antibody to VPS37A  4080
 OSV00017G  Rabbit antibody to VPS4  4080
 OSV00016W  Rabbit antibody to VPS4  4080
 OSV00049W  Rabbit antibody to VTA1  4080
 OSC00127W  Sheep antibody to CHMP3  4080
 OSC00128G  Sheep antibody to CHMP3  4080
 OSC00126G  Sheep antibody to CHMP6  4080
 OSC00125W  Sheep antibody to CHMP6  4080
 OSV00050W  Sheep antibody to SNF8  4080
 OSV00051W  Sheep antibody to VPS26  4080
 OSC00002Y  Chicken antibody to MOR174-9  4080
 OSM00142W  Rabbit antibody to MOR103-16 (230-275)  4080
 OSO00046W  Rabbit antibody to MOR103-16 (275-316)  4080
 OSR00007W  Rabbit antibody to MOR106-1  4080
 OSR00043W  Rabbit antibody to MOR106-13  4080
 OSR00209W  Rabbit antibody to MOR107-1  4080
 OSR00210W  Rabbit antibody to MOR109-1 (260-310)  4080
 OSR00040W  Rabbit antibody to MOR118-1  4080
 OSR00264W  Rabbit antibody to MOR127-1  4080
 OSR00027G  Rabbit antibody to MOR13-6, 2, 5  4080
 OSR00019W  Rabbit antibody to MOR13-6, 2, 5  4080
 OSO00048W  Rabbit antibody to MOR140-1  4080
 OSR00197W  Rabbit antibody to MOR15-1  4080
 OSR00250W  Rabbit antibody to MOR158-1  4080
 OSR00196W  Rabbit antibody to MOR16-1  4080
 OSM00088W  Rabbit antibody to MOR170-6  4080
 OSR00028G  Rabbit antibody to MOR174-9  4080
 OSR00039W  Rabbit antibody to MOR175-1  4080
 OSR00194W  Rabbit antibody to MOR21-1  4080
 OSR00193W  Rabbit antibody to MOR22-1  4080
OSM00089W  Rabbit antibody to MOR23-1  4080
 OSR00092W  Rabbit antibody to MOR232-5  4080
 OSR00030G  Rabbit antibody to MOR256-17  4080
 OSO00022W  Rabbit antibody to MOR258-2  4080
 OSO00028W  Rabbit antibody to MOR26-1,2,3  4080
 OSR00044W  Rabbit antibody to MOR262-6, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12  4080
 OSO00047W  Rabbit antibody to MOR267-1  4080
 OSR00203W  Rabbit antibody to MOR27-1  4080
 OSR00031G  Rabbit antibody to MOR276-1  4080
 OSR00014W  Rabbit antibody to MOR276-1  4080
 OSR00205W  Rabbit antibody to MOR29-1  4080
 OSR00015W  Rabbit antibody to MOR31-2  4080
 OSR00032G  Rabbit antibody to MOR31-2  4080
 OSR00033G  Rabbit antibody to MOR33-1  4080
 OSR00017W  Rabbit antibody to MOR33-1  4080
 OSR00208W  Rabbit antibody to MOR39-1  4080
 OSR00041W  Rabbit antibody to MOR40-1  4080
 OSR00034G  Rabbit antibody to MOR40-4  4080
 OSR00009W  Rabbit antibody to MOR40-4  4080
 OSR00089W  Rabbit antibody to MOR42-1  4080
 OSR00016W  Rabbit antibody to MOR42-3  4080
 OSR00035G  Rabbit antibody to MOR42-3  4080
 OSR00010W  Rabbit antibody to MOR8-2  4080
 OSR00296W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr1303  4080
 OSR00018W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr15  4080
 OSM00086W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr15  4080
 OSR00212W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr1508  4080
 OSR00073W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr151  4080
 OSR00047W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr16  4080
 OSR00013W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr2 (270-325)  4080
 OSR00025G  Rabbit antibody to Olfr2 (270-325)  4080
 OSR00260W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr24  4080
 OSR00211W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr412 (260-312)  4080
 OSR00090W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr480  4080
 OSO00020W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr521  4080
 OSR00204W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr552 (270-317)  4080
 OSR00202W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr554 (200-245)  4080
 OSR00036G  Rabbit antibody to Olfr586  4080
 OSR00195W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr614  4080
 OSR00198W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr620  4080
OSR00199W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr631  4080
 OSR00200W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr632  4080
 OSR00091W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr672  4080
 OSR00206W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr686  4080
 OSR00002W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr73  4080
 OSM00087W  Rabbit antibody to Olfr73  4080
 OSR00026G  Rabbit antibody to Olfr749  4080
 OSR00029G  Rabbit antibody to ORL467  4080
 OSR00011W  Rabbit antibody to ORL467  4080
 OSO00038W  Rabbit antibody to human Odorant-binding protein 2b  4080
 OSO00029W  Rabbit antibody to rat OBP  4080
 OSO00024W  Rabbit antibody to Olr1057, Olr931  4080
 OSO00025W  Rabbit antibody to Olr1160, Olr1162  4080
 OSO00018W  Rabbit antibody to Olr1330  4080
 OSO00026W  Rabbit antibody to Olr1338  4080
 OSR00275W  Rabbit antibody to Olr1654  4080
 OSO00015W  Rabbit antibody to Olr247  4080
 OSO00016W  Rabbit antibody to Olr304, Olr305  4080
 OSO00017W  Rabbit antibody to Olr343  4080
 OSO00019W  Rabbit antibody to Olr37  4080
 OSO00021W  Rabbit antibody to Olr859  4080
 OSO00023W  Rabbit antibody to Olr920  4080
 OSO00027W  Rabbit antibody to Olr98, Olr101, Olr103, Olr115  4080
 OSR00084W  Rabbit antibody to Drosophila Tre1 (320-370)  4080
 OSC00187W  Goat antibody to CD36  4080
 OSC00135W  Rabbit antibody to CD36  4080
 OSC00136G  Rabbit antibody to CD36  4080
 OSC00230W  Rabbit antibody to CD36  4080
 OST00319W  Goat antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OST00477W  Guinea pig antibody to TAS1R2  4080
 OSR00182W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R1  4080
 OST00260W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R1  4080
 OSR00183W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R2  4080
 OST00254W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R2  4080
 OST00384W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R2 (230-280)  4080
 OSM00056W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OSR00184W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OST00383W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OST00259W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OST00178W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OST00396W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R10 (100-200)  4080
 OST00397W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R10 (30-100)  4080
 OST00279W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R16  4080
 OST00395W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R38  4080
 OST00280W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R4  4080
 OST00281W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R4  4080
 OST00283W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R7  4080
 OST00282W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R7 (50-100)  4080
 OST00325W  Rabbit antibody to TRCG1  4080
 OSC00325W  Rabbit antibody to CAHM1 (250-300)  4080
 OSG00040W  Rabbit antibody to GNAT3  4080
 OST00256W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R1  4080
 OST00257W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R2a  4080
 OST00258W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R2b  4080
 OST00240W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OST00255W  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish TAS1R1 (400-450)  4080
 OSR00179W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R1  4080
 OSR00180W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R2  4080
 OST00398W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OSR00181W  Rabbit antibody to TAS1R3  4080
 OSR00151W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R1 (200-300)  4080
 OSR00158W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R10 (200-250)  4080
 OST00406W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R10 (250-300)  4080
 OSR00160W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R13 (210-260)  4080
 OSR00161W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R14  4080
 OST00394W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R14 (140-180)  4080
 OST00393W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R14 (250-317)  4080
 OSR00162W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R16  4080
 OST00468W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R16 (200-250)  4080
 OST00432W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R2 (100-150)  4080
 OST00463W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R3 (150-200)  4080
 OSR00152W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R3 (200-250)  4080
 OST00448W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R30 (270-315)  4080
 OST00450W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R31 (150-200)  4080
 OST00449W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R31 (260-309)  4080
 OST00440W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R38  4080
 OSR00163W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R38  4080
 OST00469W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R39 (290-318)  4080
 OSR00153W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R4  4080
 OST00425W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R4 (130-180)  4080
 OSR00164W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R40  4080
 OST00470W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R41 (130-180)  4080
 OSR00165W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R41 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00166W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R42  4080
 OSR00167W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R43  4080
 OSR00171W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R43  4080
 OST00452W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R43 (260-309)  4080
 OSR00168W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R44  4080
 OSR00172W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R44  4080
 OSR00169W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R45  4080
 OST00459W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R45 (2-50)  4080
 OST00460W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R45 (200-250)  4080
 OST00457W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R46  4080
 OST00458W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R46  4080
 OSR00173W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R46  4080
 OSR00170W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R47  4080
OSR00174W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R47 (130-180)  4080
 OST00453W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R48 (130-180)  4080
 OSR00176W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R48 (180-230)  4080
 OST00455W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R48 (250-299)  4080
 OSR00175W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R49  4080
 OST00456W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R5  4080
 OSR00154W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R5  4080
 OSR00177W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R50 (150-200)  4080
 OST00454W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R50 (200-250)  4080
 OST00461W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R60 (150-200)  4080
 OST00462W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R60 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00178W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R60 (250-315)  4080
 OST00465W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R7 (150-200)  4080
 OSR00155W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R7 (200-250)  4080
 OST00464W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R7 (260-318)  4080
 OST00466W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R8 (150-200)  4080
 OSR00156W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R8 (200-250)  4080
 OST00467W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R9 (150-200)  4080
 OSR00157W  Rabbit antibody to TAS2R9 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00012W  Rabbit antibody to OR11-33  4080
 OSR00023G  Rabbit antibody to OR11H4 (280-322)  4080
 OSR00008W  Rabbit antibody to OR11H4 (280-322)  4080
 OSO00043W  Rabbit antibody to OR1A1  4080
 OSR00249W  Rabbit antibody to OR1B1  4080
 OSR00251W  Rabbit antibody to OR1C1  4080
 OSR00252W  Rabbit antibody to OR1D4, OR1D5  4080
 OSR00253W  Rabbit antibody to OR1E1, OR1E2  4080
 OSR00254W  Rabbit antibody to OR1F12  4080
 OSR00255W  Rabbit antibody to OR1G1  4080
 OSR00256W  Rabbit antibody to OR1I1  4080
 OSR00257W  Rabbit antibody to OR1J1  4080
 OSR00258W  Rabbit antibody to OR1L8 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00259W  Rabbit antibody to OR1M1 (200-245)  4080
 OSR00261W  Rabbit antibody to OR1N2  4080
 OSR00262W  Rabbit antibody to OR1Q1 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00263W  Rabbit antibody to OR1S1  4080
 OSR00272W  Rabbit antibody to OR2A5, OR2A14, OR2A42  4080
 OSR00273W  Rabbit antibody to OR2AG2  4080
 OSR00274W  Rabbit antibody to OR2B2, OR2B9  4080
 OSR00276W  Rabbit antibody to OR2C3  4080
 OSR00277W  Rabbit antibody to OR2D3 (240-280)  4080
 OSR00278W  Rabbit antibody to OR2F1 and OR2F2  4080
 OSR00279W  Rabbit antibody to OR2G2  4080
 OSR00280W  Rabbit antibody to OR2H1  4080
 OSR00281W  Rabbit antibody to OR2K2  4080
 OSR00282W  Rabbit antibody to OR2L3 and OR2L8  4080
 OSR00283W  Rabbit antibody to OR2M5  4080
 OSR00284W  Rabbit antibody to OR2T1 (240-280)  4080
 OSR00285W  Rabbit antibody to OR2T5 and OR2T29  4080
 OSR00287W  Rabbit antibody to OR2V1 (240-280)  4080
 OSR00288W  Rabbit antibody to OR2W1  4080
 OSR00289W  Rabbit antibody to OR2Y1  4080
 OSR00290W  Rabbit antibody to OR3A3  4080
 OSR00291W  Rabbit antibody to OR4A5  4080
 OSR00292W  Rabbit antibody to OR4B1  4080
 OSR00293W  Rabbit antibody to OR4C11 (220-260)  4080
 OSR00294W  Rabbit antibody to OR4C15  4080
 OSR00295W  Rabbit antibody to OR4F3  4080
 OSO00002W  Rabbit antibody to OR4M2  4080
 OSO00033W  Rabbit antibody to OR4N2  4080
 OSO00034W  Rabbit antibody to OR4P4  4080
 OSO00035W  Rabbit antibody to OR4Q3  4080
 OSO00036W  Rabbit antibody to OR4S1  4080
 OSR00201W  Rabbit antibody to OR51E1 (270-317)  4080
 OSR00024G  Rabbit antibody to OR52A5  4080
 OSR00042W  Rabbit antibody to OR56A4  4080
 OSO00044W  Rabbit antibody to OR7D4  4080
 OSO00045W  Rabbit antibody to OR8A1  4080
 OSR00046W  Rabbit antibody to OR8A2P  4080
 OSR00286W  Sheep antibody to OR51E1 (235-275)  4080
 OSC00001Y  Chicken antibody to OMP  4080
 OSC00004W  Chicken antibody to OMP  4080
 OSG00001W  Goat antibody to OMP  4080
 OSG00002G  Goat antibody to OMP  4080
 OSM00001W  Mouse antibody to OMP  4080
 OSR00037W  Rabbit antibody to OMP  4080
 OSR00038W  Rabbit antibody to OMP  4080
 OSR00020G  Rabbit antibody to OMP  4080
 OSR00001W  Rabbit antibody to OMP  4080
 OSO00059W  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish OMP (10-60)  4080
 OSO00007G  Sheep antibody to human OMP  4080
 OSS00003W  Sheep antibody to human OMP  4080
 OSS00002G  Sheep antibody to OMP  4080
 OSS00001W  Sheep antibody to OMP  4080
OSR00144W  Rabbit antibody to Colon carcinoma laminin binding protein (50-100)  4080
 OSR00145W  Rabbit antibody to Colon carcinoma laminin binding protein (90-130)  4080
OSG00003W  Goat antibody to VACHT (450-510)  4080
 OSM00018A  Mouse monoclonal antibody to p75NTR (ME20.4)  4080
 OSM00019A  Mouse monoclonal antibody to rat p75NTR (MC192)  4080
 OSR00097W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC1  4080
 OSC00172W  Rabbit antibody to CNG4  4080
 OSC00173W  Rabbit antibody to CNG4  4080
 OSC00073W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA2 (600-650)  4080
 OSC00174W  Rabbit antibody to GARP  4080
OSR00137W  Rabbit antibody to GPRC2B  4080
 OSR00244W  Rabbit antibody to VN1A1  4080
 OSR00230W  Rabbit antibody to VN1A1, V1A13, V1A14 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00140W  Rabbit antibody to VN1A2  4080
 OSR00241W  Rabbit antibody to VN1A5  4080
 OSR00242W  Rabbit antibody to VN1A6  4080
 OSR00238W  Rabbit antibody to VN1A9  4080
 OSR00235W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B2, VN1B4 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00234W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B3 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00236W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B4, VN1B2  4080
 OSR00233W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B6  4080
 OSR00232W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B7  4080
 OSR00231W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B8 (200-250)  4080
 OSR00229W  Rabbit antibody to VN1B9  4080
 OSR00138W  Rabbit antibody to VN1R1 (160-210)  4080
 OSR00139W  Rabbit antibody to VN1R2  4080
 OSR00143W  Rabbit antibody to VN1R3  4080
 OSR00141W  Rabbit antibody to VN1R4  4080
 OSR00142W  Rabbit antibody to VN1R5  4080
 OST00472W  Rabbit antibody to rat TAAR1  4080
 OST00351W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR1  4080
 OSR00119W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR1  4080
 OST00374W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR1  4080
 OSR00079W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR1 (210-260)  4080
 OSR00115W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR2  4080
 OSR00080W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR2  4080
 OSR00081W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR3  4080
 OSR00094W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR3  4080
 OSR00114W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR4  4080
 OSR00078W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR5  4080
 OSR00120W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR5  4080
 OSR00082W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR6  4080
 OSR00116W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR7  4080
 OSR00117W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR7D  4080
 OSR00083W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR8  4080
 OSR00118W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR8  4080
 OST00350W  Rabbit antibody to TAAR9  4080
 OSH00037W  Rabbit antibody to Core histone macro-H2A.1  4080
 OSH00038W  Rabbit antibody to Core histone macro-H2A.1  4080
 OSH00039W  Rabbit antibody to Core histone macro-H2A.2  4080
 OSC00192W  Rabbit antibody to CNTNAP2  4080
 OSC00195G  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 1  4080
 OSC00026W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 1  4080
 OSC00027W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 1  4080
 OSC00306W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 2  4080
 OSC00222W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 2  4080
 OSC00012W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 2 (550-600)  4080
 OSC00013W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 3  4080
 OSC00018W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 4  4080
 OSC00016W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 6  4080
 OSC00023W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin 6  4080
 OSC00019W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin5  4080
 OSC00021W  Rabbit antibody to Contactin5  4080
OSM00103W  Chicken antibody to MAP2  4080
 OSA00262W  Rabbit antibody to Aggrecan (1440-1490)  4080
 OSA00260W  Rabbit antibody to Aggrecan (20-70)  4080
 OSA00261W  Rabbit antibody to Aggrecan (200-250)  4080
 OSA00144W  Rabbit antibody to Ankyrin 2  4080
 OSA00143W  Rabbit antibody to Ankyrin G (2600-2650)  4080
 OSA00061G  Rabbit antibody to Arg3.1  4080
 OSA00125W  Rabbit antibody to Arg3.1  4080
 OSA00029W  Rabbit antibody to Arg3.1  4080
 OST00306W  Rabbit antibody to beta Tubulin  4080
 OSB00073W  Rabbit antibody to BICD2  4080
 OSB00074W  Rabbit antibody to BICD2  4080
 OSC00283W  Rabbit antibody to CD2AP  4080
 OSC00281W  Rabbit antibody to CD2AP  4080
 OSC00282W  Rabbit antibody to CD2AP  4080
 OSC00322W  Rabbit antibody to Collagen VII (750-800)  4080
 OSD00057W  Rabbit antibody to DNAL1  4080
 OSD00027W  Rabbit antibody to LAP1  4080
 OSM00054W  Rabbit antibody to MAP2  4080
 OSM00055G  Rabbit antibody to MAP2  4080
 OSM00030W  Rabbit antibody to MAP2 (350-400)  4080
 OSM00036G  Rabbit antibody to MAP2 (350-400)  4080
 OSM00104W  Rabbit antibody to MICALL1  4080
 OSS00233W  Rabbit antibody to Septin 14  4080
 OSS00232W  Rabbit antibody to Septin 2  4080
 OSS00430W  Rabbit antibody to SNTB1  4080
 OSS00399W  Rabbit antibody to Spinophilin (450-500)  4080
 OSS00425W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptopodin  4080
 OSS00184W  Rabbit antibody to Synaptopodin  4080
 OST00359G  Rabbit antibody to Tubulin beta  4080
 OSA00001W  Sheep antibody to Arg3.1  4080
 OSA00014G  Sheep antibody to Arg3.1  4080
 OSM00037W  Sheep antibody to MAP2  4080
 OSM00038G  Sheep antibody to MAP2  4080
 OSM00147G  Rabbit antibody to MBP  4080
 OSM00141W  Rabbit antibody to MBP  4080
 OSM00069W  Rabbit antibody to MBP (100-140)  4080
 OSM00140W  Rabbit antibody to MBP (2-40)  4080
 OSQ00002W  Rabbit antibody to QKI (300-340)  4080
 OSQ00001W  Rabbit antibody to QKI (50-100)  4080
 OSA00239W  Rabbit antibody to AIRE (100-150)  4080
 OSA00238W  Rabbit antibody to AIRE (30-80)  4080
 OSB00067W  Rabbit antibody to BORIS  4080
 OSB00075W  Rabbit antibody to BRSK1  4080
 OSB00076W  Rabbit antibody to BRSK2  4080
 OSC00287W  Rabbit antibody to CBX1  4080
 OSC00288W  Rabbit antibody to CBX2 (410-460)  4080
 OSC00289W  Rabbit antibody to CBX3  4080
 OSC00290W  Rabbit antibody to CBX4 (100-150)  4080
 OSC00291W  Rabbit antibody to CBX5  4080
 OSC00292W  Rabbit antibody to CBX6  4080
 OSC00293W  Rabbit antibody to CBX7 (127-157)  4080
 OSC00294W  Rabbit antibody to CBX8  4080
 OSC00307W  Rabbit antibody to CEP164 (650-700)  4080
 OSC00308W  Rabbit antibody to CEP164 (860-920)  4080
 OSE00044W  Rabbit antibody to EDC3 (80-130)  4080
 OSH00043W  Rabbit antibody to HIG2  4080
 OSH00045W  Rabbit antibody to HLTF  4080
 OSH00046W  Rabbit antibody to HLTF (320-370)  4080
 OSH00044W  Rabbit antibody to HP1BP3  4080
 OSK00064W  Rabbit antibody to KAT2A  4080
 OSP00169W  Rabbit antibody to KAT2B  4080
 OSP00170W  Rabbit antibody to KAT2B  4080
 OSL00021W  Rabbit antibody to L3MBTL1  4080
 OSM00115W  Rabbit antibody to MACC1 (500-550)  4080
 OSM00130W  Rabbit antibody to MIXL1 (120-170)  4080
 OSM00131W  Rabbit antibody to MIXL1 (185-232)  4080
 OSP00187W  Rabbit antibody to POT1 (383-433)  4080
 OSA00237W  Rabbit antibody to PRMT6  4080
 OSS00426W  Rabbit antibody to SCP1  4080
 OSS00377W  Rabbit antibody to SETD1A  4080
 OSS00376W  Rabbit antibody to SETD1A  4080
 OSS00370W  Rabbit antibody to SGF29  4080
 OSS00428W  Rabbit antibody to SRF  4080
 OSS00373W  Rabbit antibody to STELLAR  4080
 OSS00374W  Rabbit antibody to STELLAR  4080
 OSS00398W  Rabbit antibody to Symplekin (200-250)  4080
 OST00399W  Rabbit antibody to Tankyrase 1 (1270-1320)  4080
 OST00400W  Rabbit antibody to Tankyrase 2 (40-90)  4080
 OSU00017W  Rabbit antibody to UHRF1  4080
OSV00099W  Rabbit antibody to VAM1 (470-520)  4080
 OSV00100W  Rabbit antibody to VAM1 (490-540)  4080
 OSR00383W  Rabbit antibody to REEP2 (180-230)  4080
 OSR00384W  Rabbit antibody to REEP3 (215-255)  4080
 OSR00385W  Rabbit antibody to REEP4 (210-255)  4080
 OSR00386W  Rabbit antibody to REEP5 (150-189)  4080
 OSR00387W  Rabbit antibody to REEP6 (2-50)  4080
 OST00363W  Goat antibody to TIAM 1  4080
 OSC00252W  Rabbit antibody to CXCR2  4080
 OSC00250W  Rabbit antibody to CXCR2 (2-50)  4080
 OSE00037W  Rabbit antibody to EDNRA  4080
 OSG00075W  Rabbit antibody to GIT1  4080
 OSG00076W  Rabbit antibody to GIT2  4080
 OST00343W  Rabbit antibody to GPCR TGR5  4080
 OSG00105W  Rabbit antibody to GPR120 (250-300)  4080
 OSG00068W  Rabbit antibody to GRPR  4080
 OSL00013W  Rabbit antibody to LPHN1  4080
 OSL00014W  Rabbit antibody to LPHN2 (1020-1070)  4080
 OSM00079W  Rabbit antibody to MAS1L  4080
 OSR00111W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRA (250-300)  4080
 OSR00112W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRD  4080
 OSR00106W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRD  4080
 OSM00059W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRD  4080
 OSR00113W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRE  4080
 OSR00107W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRE  4080
 OSM00050W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRE  4080
 OSM00051W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRE  4080
 OSM00049W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRF  4080
 OSM00071G  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRF  4080
 OSR00105W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRF  4080
 OSR00103W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRG  4080
 OSR00108W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRG  4080
 OSR00104W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRH  4080
 OSR00109W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRX1, 3, 4  4080
 OSR00110W  Rabbit antibody to MRGPRX2  4080
 OSM00143W  Rabbit antibody to Mu Opioid Receptor (370-395)  4080
 OSN00110W  Rabbit antibody to NMBR  4080
 OSN00065W  Rabbit antibody to NPFF1 R (2-43)  4080
 OSN00070W  Rabbit antibody to NPFF2 R (350-415)  4080
 OSR00378W  Rabbit antibody to RGS14 (380-430)  4080
 OST00086G  Rabbit antibody to TIAM 1  4080
 OST00367G  Rabbit antibody to TIAM 1  4080
 OST00364W  Rabbit antibody to TIAM 1  4080
 OST00085W  Rabbit antibody to TIAM 1  4080
 OSC00257W  Rabbit antibody to CNPY1  4080
 OSC00052G  Rabbit antibody to Cofilin 1  4080
 OSC00050W  Rabbit antibody to Cofilin 1  4080
 OSC00055G  Rabbit antibody to Cofilin 1  4080
 OSC00054W  Rabbit antibody to Cofilin-1  4080
 OSD00033W  Rabbit antibody to Draxin  4080
 OSI00002W  Rabbit antibody to ISLR2  4080
 OSI00003W  Rabbit antibody to ISLR2 (390-440)  4080
 OSK00072W  Rabbit antibody to Klotho (390-440)  4080
 OSN00064W  Rabbit antibody to LRRC4C (50-100)  4080
 OSN00046W  Rabbit antibody to NAV1 (930-980)  4080
 OSN00048W  Rabbit antibody to NAV2 (2400-2450)  4080
 OSN00047W  Rabbit antibody to NAV2 (960-1110)  4080
 OSN00060W  Rabbit antibody to NAV3  4080
 OSN00049W  Rabbit antibody to NAV3  4080
 OSD00032W  Rabbit antibody to Neucrin  4080
 OSN00034W  Rabbit antibody to Neurexin 1 (1000-1050)  4080
 OSP00165W  Rabbit antibody to PITX1  4080
 OSP00157W  Rabbit antibody to PITX2 (20-70)  4080
 OSP00164W  Rabbit antibody to PITX3  4080
 OSR00355W  Rabbit antibody to RGMA  4080
 OSR00354W  Rabbit antibody to RGMA  4080
 OSR00356W  Rabbit antibody to RGMB  4080
 OSR00357W  Rabbit antibody to RGMB  4080
 OSR00358W  Rabbit antibody to RGMC  4080
 OSS00306W  Rabbit antibody to SHOX  4080
 OSS00307W  Rabbit antibody to SHOX2  4080
 OSS00224W  Rabbit antibody to Spastin  4080
 OSS00225W  Rabbit antibody to Spastin  4080
 OST00433W  Rabbit antibody to TBR2 (640-680)  4080
 OSC00051W  Sheep antibody to Cofilin-1  4080
 OSC00053G  Sheep antibody to Cofilin-1  4080
 OSF00003W  Goat antibody to FGF2 (150-200)  4080
 OSF00024W  Rabbit antibody to FGF11 (2-50)  4080
 OSF00023W  Rabbit antibody to FGF12 (180-230)  4080
 OSF00022W  Rabbit antibody to FGF13 (2-50)  4080
 OSF00025W  Rabbit antibody to FGF14 (210-247)  4080
 OSG00014W  Rabbit antibody to FGF2  4080
 OSG00015W  Rabbit antibody to FGF2 (205-255)  4080
 OSF00029W  Rabbit antibody to FGF2 (30-80)  4080
 OSG00096W  Rabbit antibody to GDF6  4080
 OSN00056W  Rabbit antibody to Neuregulin 2  4080
 OSN00057W  Rabbit antibody to pro neuregulin 3  4080
 OSB00003W  Sheep antibody to FGF2  4080
 OSG00016W  Sheep antibody to FGF2 (240-285)  4080
OSA00268W  Rabbit antibody to hydra Antistasin (110-160)  4080
 OSF00028W  Rabbit antibody to hydra FGFR (775-816)  4080
 OSF00019W  Rabbit antibody to hydra FoxO (2-50)  4080
 OSF00021W  Rabbit antibody to hydra FoxO (400-450)  4080
 OSF00020W  Rabbit antibody to hydra FoxO (50-100)  4080
 OSH00052W  Rabbit antibody to hydra Hydramacin 1 (40-84)  4080
 OSV00101W  Rabbit antibody to hydra Opsin (180-230)  4080
 OSS00404W  Rabbit antibody to hydra SMN1 (320-370)  4080
 OST00408W  Rabbit antibody to hydra TERT (300-350)  4080
 OST00409W  Rabbit antibody to hydra TERT (450-500)  4080
 OST00410W  Rabbit antibody to hydra TERT (600-650)  4080
 OST00411W  Rabbit antibody to hydra TERT (850-900)  4080
 OSM00138W  Rabbit antibody to Morphogenetic neuropeptide (1-11)  4080
 OSB00054W  Goat antibody to BDKRB2  4080
 OST00314W  Goat antibody to TLR7  4080
 OST00315W  Goat antibody to TLR9 (830-880)  4080
 OSB00041W  Rabbit antibody to BDKRB1  4080
 OSB00049G  Rabbit antibody to BDKRB2  4080
 OSB00042W  Rabbit antibody to BDKRB2  4080
 OSC00208W  Rabbit antibody to C Reactive Protein  4080
 OSD00005W  Rabbit antibody to CD303 (30-80)  4080
 OSC00269W  Rabbit antibody to CNPY3  4080
 OSC00267W  Rabbit antibody to CNPY3  4080
 OSC00254W  Rabbit antibody to CNPY4  4080
 OSC00268W  Rabbit antibody to CNPY4  4080
 OSD00004W  Rabbit antibody to Dectin 2  4080
 OSD00022W  Rabbit antibody to Dectin 2  4080
 OSD00035W  Rabbit antibody to Dectin 2  4080
 OSD00009G  Rabbit antibody to Dectin 2  4080
 OSF00006W  Rabbit antibody to FPR1 (160-210)  4080
 OSF00014W  Rabbit antibody to FPR1 (160-220)  4080
 OSF00005W  Rabbit antibody to FPR1 (170-220)  4080
 OSF00026W  Rabbit antibody to FPR1 (2-50)  4080
 OSF00015W  Rabbit antibody to FPR1 (300-350)  4080
 OSF00027W  Rabbit antibody to FPR1 (330-380)  4080
 OSF00007W  Rabbit antibody to FPR2 (2-50)  4080
 OSG00098W  Rabbit antibody to GBP2 (200-250)  4080
 OSC00314W  Rabbit antibody to Mannose Receptor 1 (1150-1180)  4080
 OSM00129W  Rabbit antibody to MPO  4080
 DOM00001G  Rabbit antibody to MPO  4080
 OSE00035W  Rabbit antibody to pro Eosinophil peroxidase (50-100)  4080
 OSM00098W  Rabbit antibody to proMPO  4080
 OSM00099W  Rabbit antibody to proMPO  4080
 OSS00232W  Rabbit antibody to Septin 2  4080
 OSS00231W  Rabbit antibody to SFTPD  4080
 OSS00230W  Rabbit antibody to SFTPD (300-350)  4080
 OST00296W  Rabbit antibody to TLR7  4080
 OST00297W  Rabbit antibody to TLR9 (830-880)  4080
 OST00299G  Rabbit antibody to TLR9 (830-880)  4080
 OSD00013W  Sheep antibody to Dectin 2  4080
 OSD00014G  Sheep antibody to Dectin 2  4080
 OSS00164W  Goat antibody to STIM1  4080
 OSO00011W  Rabbit antibody to Orai1  4080
 OSO00012W  Rabbit antibody to Orai2  4080
 OSS00159W  Rabbit antibody to STIM1  4080
 OSS00147W  Rabbit antibody to STIM2  4080
 OST00307W  Goat antibody to TPC1 (750-800)  4080
 OSC00256W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1A  4080
 OSC00079W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1A (1000-1050)  4080
 OSC00271W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1A (2150-2210)  4080
 OSC00080W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1B  4080
 OSC00258W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1B (990-1040)  4080
 OSC00259W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1C  4080
 OSC00260W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1C  4080
 OSC00081W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1C (50-100)  4080
 OSC00082G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1C (50-100)  4080
 OSC00086G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1E  4080
 OSC00085W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1E  4080
 OSC00261W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1E (950-1000)  4080
 OSC00088G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1F  4080
 OSC00087W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1F (1700-1750)  4080
 OSC00154W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1G, CACNA1H (370-420)  4080
 OSC00262W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1H (2000-2050)  4080
 OSC00114G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1H, CACNA1G (400-450)  4080
 OSC00090W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1H, CACNA1G (400-450)  4080
 OSC00115G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1I  4080
 OSC00115G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1I  4080
 OSC00264W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1I (1750-1800)  4080
 OSC00263W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1I (450-500)  4080
 OSC00143W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA1S  4080
 OSC00083W  Rabbit antibody to Cav1.3  4080
 OSC00265W  Rabbit antibody to Cav1.3  4080
 OSC00084G  Rabbit antibody to Cav1.3  4080
 OST00271W  Rabbit antibody to mouse TPC2  4080
 OST00385W  Rabbit antibody to TPC1  4080
 OST00266W  Rabbit antibody to TPC1  4080
 OST00267W  Rabbit antibody to TPC1 (750-800)  4080
 OST00268G  Rabbit antibody to TPC1 (750-800)  4080
 OST00387W  Rabbit antibody to TPC2  4080
 OST00270G  Rabbit antibody to TPC2 (700-752)  4080
 OSC00182W  Goat antibody to CACNA2D3  4080
 OSC00104W  Rabbit antibody to CACHD1 (1120-1170)  4080
 OSC00105G  Rabbit antibody to CACHD1 (1120-1170)  4080
 OSC00323W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA2D1 (600-650)  4080
 OSC00100W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA2D2 (560-610)  4080
 OSC00101W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA2D3  4080
 OSC00102G  Rabbit antibody to CACNA2D3  4080
 OSC00103W  Rabbit antibody to CACNA2D4  4080
 OSC00152W  Goat antibody to CACNB1  4080
 OSC00091W  Rabbit antibody to CACNB1  4080
 OSC00092G  Rabbit antibody to CACNB1  4080
 OSC00093W  Rabbit antibody to CACNB2  4080
 OSC00094G  Rabbit antibody to CACNB2  4080
 OSC00072W  Rabbit antibody to CACNB3  4080
 OSC00097G  Rabbit antibody to CACNB4  4080
 OSC00096W  Rabbit antibody to CACNB4  4080
 OSC00235W  Goat antibody to CACNG5 (150-200)  4080
 OSC00106W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG1  4080
 OSC00108W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG3  4080
 OSC00109G  Rabbit antibody to CACNG3  4080
 OSC00110W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG4  4080
 OSC00111W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG5  4080
 OSC00112G  Rabbit antibody to CACNG5 (150-200)  4080
 OSC00312W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG5 (2-52)  4080
 OSC00113W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG6  4080
 OSC00117G  Rabbit antibody to CACNG7  4080
 OSC00116W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG7  4080
 OSC00118W  Rabbit antibody to CACNG8  4080
 OSC00119G  Rabbit antibody to CACNG8  4080
 OSS00161G  Rabbit antibody to Stargazin  4080
 OSS00237W  Rabbit antibody to Stargazin  4080
 OSC00107W  Rabbit antibody to Stargazin  4080
 OST00416W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM37 (160-211)  4080
 OST00273W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM37 (2-50)  4080
 OST00274G  Rabbit antibody to TMEM37 (2-50)  4080
 OSC00153W  Sheep antibody to CACNG8  4080
 OSC00201W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER1  4080
 OSC00277W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER2  4080
 OSC00202W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER2  4080
 OSC00203W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER3  4080
 OSC00204W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER4  4080
 OSA00162W  Rabbit antibody to ATP2C1  4080
 OSA00109W  Rabbit antibody to PMCA1 (710-760)  4080
 OSS00227W  Rabbit antibody to SERCA1  4080
 OSA00167W  Rabbit antibody to ATP13A2 (1130-1180)  4080
 OSA00168W  Rabbit antibody to ATP13A4 (1120-1170)  4080
 OSA00265W  Rabbit antibody to ATP2C2 (10-60)  4080
 OSA00165W  Rabbit antibody to ATP10A  4080
 OSA00241W  Rabbit antibody to ATP8A1 (2-50)  4080
 OSA00163W  Rabbit antibody to ATP8A1 (550-600)  4080
 OSA00164W  Rabbit antibody to ATP8B1  4080
 OSA00166W  Rabbit antibody to ATP12A  4080
 OSA00056W  Rabbit antibody to ATP1A1  4080
 OSA00142W  Rabbit antibody to ATP1A3 (1-50)  4080
 OSA00277W  Rabbit antibody to ATP1A3 (970-1113)  4080
 OSV00091W  Rabbit antibody to VGCNL1  4080
 OSV00090W  Rabbit antibody to VGCNL1  4080
 OSA00184W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 1  4080
 OSA00179W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 10  4080
 OSA00177W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 10  4080
 OSA00178W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 10  4080
 OSA00185W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 2  4080
 OSA00186W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 3  4080
 OSA00170W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 4  4080
 OSA00171W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 5  4080
 OSA00172W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 6  4080
 OSA00173W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 7  4080
 OSA00182W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 7  4080
 OSA00174W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 7 (810-860)  4080
 OSA00175W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 8  4080
 OSA00176W  Rabbit antibody to Anoctamin 9  4080
 OSB00057W  Rabbit antibody to Bestrophin 1  4080
 OSB00058W  Rabbit antibody to Bestrophin 1  4080
 OSB00059W  Rabbit antibody to Bestrophin 2  4080
 OSB00056W  Rabbit antibody to Bestrophin 3  4080
 OSC00149W  Rabbit antibody to CLCKB  4080
 OSC00251W  Rabbit antibody to CLCKB & CLCKA  4080
 OSC00145W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN1  4080
 OSC00245W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN1  4080
 OSC00246W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN2  4080
 OSC00247W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN2 (400-450)  4080
 OSC00146W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN3  4080
 OSC00274W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN3  4080
 OSC00238W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN4 (400-450)  4080
 OSC00239W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN5  4080
 OSC00147W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN6  4080
 OSC00248W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN7  4080
 OSC00148W  Rabbit antibody to CLCN7 (250-300)  4080
 OSC00172W  Rabbit antibody to CNG4  4080
 OSC00173W  Rabbit antibody to CNG4  4080
 OSC00168W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA1 (100-150)  4080
 OSC00162W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA1 (50-100)  4080
 OSC00309W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA1 (60-110)  4080
 OSC00310W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA1 (640-680)  4080
 OSC00169W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA3  4080
 OSC00170W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA3  4080
 OSC00171W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA3  4080
 OSC00175W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3  4080
 OSC00176W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3  4080
 OSC00177W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3 (160-210)  4080
 OSC00174W  Rabbit antibody to GARP  4080
 OSC00318W  Rabbit antibody to CALHM2 (160-210)  4080
 OSC00320W  Rabbit antibody to CALHM3 (300-350)  4080
 OSG00077W  Rabbit antibody to GABA A  4080
 OSG00088W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R alpha-2  4080
 OSG00086W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R alpha-3  4080
 OSG00089W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R alpha-5  4080
 OSG00087W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R alpha-6  4080
 OSG00085W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R beta-2  4080
 OSG00084W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R beta-3  4080
 OSG00082W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R G2  4080
 OSG00091W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R gamma-1  4080
 OSG00090W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R gamma-3  4080
 OSG00083W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) R pi  4080
 OSG00093W  Rabbit antibody to GABA(A) Receptor  4080
 OSG00046W  Rabbit antibody to GABABR2  4080
 OSG00079W  Rabbit antibody to GABBR1  4080
 OSG00069W  Rabbit antibody to GABRA1 (390-450)  4080
 OSG00078W  Rabbit antibody to GABRB1  4080
 OSG00092W  Rabbit antibody to GABRR2  4080
 OSA00120W  Goat antibody to AMPA 2  4080
 OSA00105W  Rabbit antibody to AMPA 3  4080
 OSA00183W  Rabbit antibody to AMPA 4  4080
 OSA00106W  Rabbit antibody to AMPA 4  4080
 OSA00097W  Rabbit antibody to AMPA1  4080
 OSA00104W  Rabbit antibody to AMPA2  4080
 OSA00236W  Rabbit antibody to AMPA2  4080
 OSG00058W  Rabbit antibody to GLUR5  4080
 OSG00059W  Rabbit antibody to GLUR6  4080
 OSG00065W  Rabbit antibody to GRID1  4080
 OSG00066W  Rabbit antibody to GRID2 (850-900)  4080
 OSG00057W  Rabbit antibody to GRIK1  4080
 OSG00062W  Rabbit antibody to GRIK3  4080
 OSG00063W  Rabbit antibody to GRIK4  4080
 OSG00064W  Rabbit antibody to GRIK5  4080
 OSN00040W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR1  4080
 OSN00027G  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2A  4080
 OSN00026W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2A (1050-1100)  4080
 OSN00028W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2B  4080
 OSN00029G  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2B  4080
 OSN00038W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2C  4080
 OSN00039W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2D  4080
 OSN00076W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2D  4080
 OSN00075W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR2D (450-500)  4080
 OSN00100W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR3A (1091-1135)  4080
 OSN00066W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR3A (800-850)  4080
 OSN00067W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR3A (980-1030)  4080
 OSN00101W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR3A (990-1040)  4080
 OSN00068W  Rabbit antibody to NMDAR3B  4080
OSG00099W  Rabbit antibody to Glycine receptor A1 (29-45)  4080
 OSG00100W  Rabbit antibody to Glycine receptor A2 (29-45)  4080
 OSG00101W  Rabbit antibody to Glycine receptor A3 (350-400)  4080
 OSG00102W  Rabbit antibody to Glycine receptor A4 (370-417)  4080
OSH00040W  Rabbit antibody to HVCN1  4080
 OSH00041W  Rabbit antibody to HVCN1  4080
 OSK00056W  Rabbit antibody to KCNIP1  4080
 OSK00057W  Rabbit antibody to KCNIP2  4080
 OSC00241W  Rabbit antibody to KCNIP3  4080
 OSC00242W  Rabbit antibody to KCNIP3  4080
 OSL00022W  Rabbit antibody to LGI1 (300-350)  4080
 OSS00354W  Rabbit antibody to SCLT1  4080
 OST00427W  Rabbit antibody to IP3 R1 (1140-1190)  4080
 OST00429W  Rabbit antibody to IP3 R2 (1150-1200)  4080
 OST00431W  Rabbit antibody to IP3 R3 (1100-1150)  4080
 OST00430W  Rabbit antibody to IP3 R3 (1800-1850)  4080
 OST00428W  Rabbit antibody to IP3R 1 (700-750)  4080
 OSF00012W  Rabbit antibody to FAM38A  4080
 OSF00013W  Rabbit antibody to FAM38A (1350-1400)  4080
 OST00391W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM38A  4080
 OST00392W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM38B  4080
 OSP00094W  Goat antibody to P2RX3  4080
 OSP00095W  Goat antibody to P2RX3  4080
 OSP00091W  Goat antibody to P2RX7  4080
 OSP00124W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX2  4080
 OSP00026W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX2  4080
 OSP00030W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX3  4080
 OSP00031G  Rabbit antibody to P2RX3  4080
 OSP00032W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX3  4080
 OSP00088G  Rabbit antibody to P2RX3  4080
 OSP00035W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX5  4080
 OSP00034W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX5 (340-390)  4080
 OSP00036W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX6  4080
 OSP00025W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX7  4080
 OSP00067W  Rabbit antibody to P2RX7  4080
 OSP00085G  Rabbit antibody to P2RX7  4080
 OSP00029W  Rabbit antibody to P2X1  4080
 OSP00033W  Rabbit antibody to P2X4  4080
 OSP00037G  Rabbit antibody to P2X6  4080
 OSP00040W  Rabbit antibody to P2X6  4080
 OSP00041G  Rabbit antibody to P2X6  4080
 OSP00139W  Goat antibody to P2RY13  4080
 OSP00121W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY1  4080
 OSP00119W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY1  4080
 OSP00120W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY1  4080
 OSP00061W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY1 (323-373)  4080
 OSP00064W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY11  4080
 OSP00096W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY13  4080
 OSP00122W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY2  4080
 OSP00027W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY2  4080
 OSP00123W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY2 (310-360)  4080
 OSP00062W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY4  4080
 OSP00063W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY5  4080
 OSP00089W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY6  4080
 OSP00092W  Rabbit antibody to P2RY7  4080
 OSP00065W  Rabbit antibody to P2Y12  4080
 OSA00114W  Goat antibody to extracellular ASIC3 (50-100)  4080
 OSA00139W  Rabbit antibody to ACCN4 (10-60)  4080
 OSA00135W  Rabbit antibody to ACCN4 (500-550)  4080
 OSR00097W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC1  4080
 OSA00270W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC1 (460-505)  4080
 OSA00066G  Rabbit antibody to ASIC2 (470-503)  4080
 OSR00098W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC2 (470-503)  4080
 OSR00096W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC3 (450-490)  4080
 OSA00274W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC3 (500-531)  4080
 OSR00101W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC4 (110-160)  4080
 OSA00276W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC5 (2-50)  4080
 OSA00083W  Rabbit antibody to ASIC5 (455-505)  4080
 OSA00064W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC1 (100-150)  4080
 OSA00065G  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC1 (100-150)  4080
 OSA00069W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC2  4080
 OSA00133W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC2 (105-155)  4080
 OSA00273W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC3 (2-50)  4080
 OSA00110G  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC3 (50-100)  4080
 OSA00068W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC3 (50-100)  4080
 OSA00275W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular ASIC3 (60-95)  4080
 OSR00124W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A  4080
 OSS00078W  Rabbit antibody to phospho S633 SCNN1B  4080
 OSS00308W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A  4080
 OSS00103W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A  4080
 OSS00080W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A  4080
 OSS00165G  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A  4080
 OSS00079W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A (390-440)  4080
 OSS00102W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1A (40-90)  4080
 OSS00315W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1B  4080
 OSR00125W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1B  4080
 OSR00100W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1D  4080
 OSS00104W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1G  4080
 OSR00095W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1G  4080
 OSS00105W  Rabbit antibody to SCNN1G  4080
 OSS00145W  Sheep antibody to phospho S633 SCNN1B  4080
 OSS00136W  Sheep antibody to SCNEA  4080
 OSS00150W  Rabbit antibody to Nav1.4  4080
 OSS00153W  Rabbit antibody to Nav1.6  4080
 OSS00154W  Rabbit antibody to Nav1.6  4080
 OSS00155W  Rabbit antibody to Nav1.7 (1000-1050)  4080
 OSS00156W  Rabbit antibody to Nav1.8  4080
 OSS00309W  Rabbit antibody to SCN11A  4080
 OSS00157W  Rabbit antibody to SCN11A  4080
 OSS00158W  Rabbit antibody to SCN11A  4080
 OSS00148W  Rabbit antibody to SCN1A  4080
 OSS00149W  Rabbit antibody to SCN3A  4080
 OSS00151W  Rabbit antibody to SCN  4080
 OSS00152W  Rabbit antibody to SCN7A (800-850)  4080
 OSI00004W  Rabbit antibody to Protein I'm Not Dead Yet (INDY)  4080
 OST00360W  Goat antibody to TRPC3  4080
 OSR00085W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC1  4080
 OST00186W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC1  4080
 OST00189W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OST00476W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OSR00075W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OST00188W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OST00198W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC3  4080
 OSR00065W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC3  4080
 OST00191W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC4  4080
 OST00475W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC4  4080
 OST00242W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC4AP  4080
 OST00055G  Rabbit antibody to TRPC5  4080
 OSR00192W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC5  4080
 OST00304W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC6  4080
 OST00276G  Rabbit antibody to TRPC6 (10-60)  4080
 OST00197W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC6 (10-60)  4080
 OST00292W  Sheep antibody to TRPC1  4080
 OST00024W  Sheep antibody to TRPC1  4080
 OST00020W  Sheep antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OST00025W  Sheep antibody to TRPC4  4080
 OST00042W  Sheep antibody to TRPC5  4080
 OST00054G  Sheep antibody to TRPC5  4080
 OST00163W  Rabbit antibody to crocodile TRPM8  4080
 OST00058W  Rabbit antibody to crocodile TRPv1  4080
 OST00366W  Rabbit antibody to rattlesnake TRPV1  4080
 OST00369W  Chicken antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00308W  Goat antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OSR00127W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00206W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00087W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00208W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00091W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OSR00246W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OSR00071W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1 (790-839)  4080
 OSR00190W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV2  4080
 OST00182W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV2  4080
 OST00212W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV2  4080
 OSR00056W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV3  4080
 OSR00189W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV3  4080
 OST00210W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV3  4080
 OSR00062W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00185W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OSR00063W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00199W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00265G  Rabbit antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00265G  Rabbit antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OSR00059W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00216W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OSR00058W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00148W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00372W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OSR00129W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00214W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00215W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OSR00076W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OSR00128W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6 (620-670)  4080
 OST00098G  Sheep antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00029W  Sheep antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00019W  Sheep antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00097W  Sheep antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00040W  Sheep antibody to TRPV2  4080
 OST00044W  Sheep antibody to TRPV3  4080
 OST00012W  Sheep antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00013W  Sheep antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00264G  Sheep antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00035W  Sheep antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00012W  Sheep antibody to TRPV4  4080
 OST00099W  Sheep antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00008W  Sheep antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00009W  Sheep antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00048W  Sheep antibody to TRPV5  4080
 OST00096G  Sheep antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00047W  Sheep antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00022W  Sheep antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00095W  Sheep antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OSP00020W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila PYX (400-450)  4080
 OST00129W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRP  4080
 OST00135W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRP  4080
 OST00130G  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRP  4080
 OST00143G  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRPG  4080
 OST00142W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRPG  4080
 OST00131W  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRPL  4080
 OST00132G  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRPL  4080
 OST00138G  Rabbit antibody to drosophila TRPL  4080
 OSP00019W  Rabbit antibody to Pain  4080
 OST00140W  Rabbit antibody to Pain  4080
 OST00136G  Rabbit antibody to TRP  4080
 OST00114W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00139W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1 (1-50)  4080
 OST00137W  Rabbit antibody to TRPL  4080
 OSR00130W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00113W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00060G  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00169W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00061W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00062G  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00217W  Sheep antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00290G  Sheep antibody to TRPA1 (1050-1120)  4080
 OST00289W  Sheep antibody to TRPA1 (1050-1120)  4080
 OST00080G  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00337W  Rabbit antibody to TRPA1  4080
 OST00077W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OST00078G  Rabbit antibody to TRPC2  4080
 OST00073W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC5  4080
 OST00074G  Rabbit antibody to TRPC5  4080
 OST00081W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC6  4080
 OST00082G  Rabbit antibody to TRPC6  4080
 OST00083W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OST00084G  Rabbit antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OST00076G  Rabbit antibody to TRPM5  4080
 OST00075W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM5  4080
 OST00445W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM6 (1450-1500)  4080
 OST00070G  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00377W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00067W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00068G  Rabbit antibody to TRPV6  4080
 OST00444W  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish TRPM4 (1150-1200)  4080
 OST00069W  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish TRPV1  4080
 OST00071W  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish TRPV4 (20-70)  4080
 OST00072G  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish TRPV4 (20-70)  4080
 OST00417W  Rabbit antibody to zebrafish TRPV4 (800-841)  4080
OST00321W  Goat antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OST00345W  Goat antibody to TRPM4  4080
 OST00320W  Goat antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00362W  Goat antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00201W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OSR00049W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OST00141W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OSR00186W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OSR00048W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OSR00187W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OST00109W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM1 (1350-1400)  4080
 OST00112W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM2  4080
 OSR00131W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM2  4080
 OST00346W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM2  4080
 OST00327W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM2  4080
 OST00328W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM2 (1100-1150)  4080
 OSR00061W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM2 (1100-1150)  4080
 OST00107W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OST00194W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OSR00185W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OSR00088W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM4  4080
 OST00305W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM4  4080
 OST00357W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM5  4080
 OST00111W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM5  4080
 OST00195W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM5  4080
 OST00106W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM5  4080
 OST00108W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM6  4080
 OST00239W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM6  4080
 OST00196W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM6  4080
 OST00170W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00110W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00245G  Rabbit antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OSR00132W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00171W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00172W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OSR00077W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00181W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00133W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00317W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00134G  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00209W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OSR00126W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00005W  Sheep antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OST00037W  Sheep antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OST00004W  Sheep antibody to TRPM1  4080
 OST00038W  Sheep antibody to TRPM1 (750-800)  4080
 OST00030W  Sheep antibody to TRPM2  4080
 OST00011W  Sheep antibody to TRPM2 (1100-1150)  4080
 OST00036W  Sheep antibody to TRPM3  4080
 OST00033W  Sheep antibody to TRPM4  4080
 OST00031W  Sheep antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00246G  Sheep antibody to TRPM7  4080
 OST00028W  Sheep antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00023W  Sheep antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00446W  Rabbit antibody to TRP1 (280-330)  4080
 OST00065W  Rabbit antibody to TRP1 (700-750)  4080
 OST00066G  Rabbit antibody to TRP1 (700-750)  4080
 OST00064G  Rabbit antibody to TRPN1  4080
 OST00063W  Rabbit antibody to TRPN1  4080
 OST00146W  Rabbit antibody to chicken TRPV4  4080
 OSR00085W  Rabbit antibody to TRPC1  4080
 OST00144W  Rabbit antibody to TRPM8  4080
 OST00382W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00105W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV1  4080
 OST00147W  Rabbit antibody to TRPV3  4080
 OST00024W  Sheep antibody to TRPC1  4080
OSP00005W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1  4080
 OSP00167W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1  4080
 OSP00006W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1  4080
 OSP00008W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L1  4080
 OSP00015W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L1  4080
 OSP00013W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L1  4080
 OSP00016W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L2  4080
 OSP00007W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L2  4080
 OSP00084W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L3  4080
 OSP00014W  Rabbit antibody to PKD1L3  4080
 OSP00018W  Rabbit antibody to PKD2  4080
 OSP00017W  Rabbit antibody to PKD2  4080
 OSP00012W  Rabbit antibody to PKD2L1  4080
 OSP00055W  Rabbit antibody to PKD2L1  4080
 OSP00011W  Rabbit antibody to PKD2L1  4080
 OSP00010W  Rabbit antibody to PKD2L2  4080
 OSP00009W  Rabbit antibody to PKDREJ  4080
 OSM00072W  Goat antibody to Mucolipin 1  4080
 OSM00073W  Goat antibody to Mucolipin 2  4080
 OSM00074W  Goat antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSM00017W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 1  4080
 OSR00050W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 1  4080
 OSM00039W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 1  4080
 OSM00043W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 1  4080
 OSM00047W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 2  4080
 OSR00051W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 2  4080
 OSM00040W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 2  4080
 OSR00055W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 2  4080
 OSM00041W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSR00053W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSM00042W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSR00054W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSM00048W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSR00052W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSM00046W  Rabbit antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSM00035W  Sheep antibody to Mucolipin 1  4080
 OSM00031W  Sheep antibody to Mucolipin 2  4080
 OSM00033W  Sheep antibody to Mucolipin 3  4080
 OSP00127W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMA1  4080
 OSP00105W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMA1  4080
 OSP00028W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMA1  4080
 OSK00033W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMB1  4080
 OSK00034W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMB2  4080
 OSK00035W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMB3  4080
 OSK00036W  Rabbit antibody to KCNMB4  4080
 OSK00054W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN1  4080
 OSK00030W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN1  4080
 OSK00061W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN2  4080
 OSK00031W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN2  4080
 OSK00029W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN3 (250-300)  4080
 OSK00032W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN4  4080
 OSP00155W  Rabbit antibody to KCNN4  4080
 OSP00156G  Rabbit antibody to KCNN4  4080
 OSP00023W  Rabbit antibody to KCNT1  4080
 OSP00131W  Rabbit antibody to KCNT1  4080
 OSP00024W  Rabbit antibody to KCNT2  4080
 OSP00136W  Rabbit antibody to KCNU1  4080
 OSP00130W  Rabbit antibody to KCNU1  4080
 OSP00134W  Goat antibody to KCNJ10 (330-379)  4080
 OSP00133W  Goat antibody to KCNJ8  4080
 OSK00012G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ1  4080
 OSP00153W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ1  4080
 OSK00011W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ1  4080
 OSK00006W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ10  4080
 OSP00151W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ10  4080
 OSK00007G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ10 (330-379)  4080
 OSP00154W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ11  4080
 OSK00008W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ11  4080
 OSK00016G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ12  4080
 OSK00028G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ12  4080
 OSK00021W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ12  4080
 OSK00015W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ12  4080
 OSK00069W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ13 (2-50)  4080
 OSK00009W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ13 (200-250)  4080
 OSK00055G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ13 (200-250)  4080
 OSK00068W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ13 (300-350)  4080
 OSK00070W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ13 (320-360)  4080
 OSK00010W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ15  4080
 OSP00166W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ2  4080
 OSK00013W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ2  4080
 OSK00014G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ2  4080
 OSK00018G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ3  4080
 OSK00017W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ3  4080
 OSK00019W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ4  4080
 OSK00020W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ5  4080
 OSK00022W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ6  4080
 OSK00053W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ6  4080
 OSK00024G  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ8  4080
 OSP00152W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ8  4080
 OSK00023W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ8  4080
 OSK00025W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ9  4080
 OSK00060W  Rabbit antibody to KCNJ9  4080
 OSK00065W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK1  4080
 OSK00037W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK1  4080
 OSK00066W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK1 (290-336)  4080
 OSK00047W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK13  4080
 OSK00063W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK10  4080
 OSK00046W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK10 (400-500)  4080
 OSK00049W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK16 (10-60)  4080
 OSK00050W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK17  4080
 OSK00051W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK18  4080
 OSK00059W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK18  4080
 OSK00038W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK2  4080
 OSK00040W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK4  4080
 OSK00041W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK5  4080
 OSK00042W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK6  4080
 OSK00043W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK6  4080
OSK00048W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK15  4080
 OSK00039W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK3 (250-300)  4080
 OSK00044W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK7  4080
 OSK00045W  Rabbit antibody to KCNK9  4080
 OSP00083W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA1  4080
 OSP00148W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA10  4080
 OSK00002W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA2  4080
 OSK00067W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA3  4080
 OSK00003W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA3 (200-250)  4080
 OSP00147W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA4  4080
 OSP00104W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA5  4080
 OSP00162W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA6  4080
 OSP00146W  Rabbit antibody to KCNA7  4080
 OSP00074W  Rabbit antibody to KCNAB1  4080
 OSP00103W  Rabbit antibody to KCNB1  4080
 OSP00111W  Rabbit antibody to KCNC1  4080
 OSP00112W  Rabbit antibody to KCNC2  4080
 OSP00113W  Rabbit antibody to KCNC3  4080
 OSP00140W  Rabbit antibody to KCND1  4080
 OSP00158W  Rabbit antibody to KCND2  4080
 OSP00159W  Rabbit antibody to KCND3  4080
 OSP00071W  Rabbit antibody to KCNE1  4080
 OSP00070W  Rabbit antibody to KCNE1L  4080
 OSP00072W  Rabbit antibody to KCNE2  4080
 OSP00073W  Rabbit antibody to KCNE3  4080
 OSP00116W  Rabbit antibody to KCNF1  4080
 OSP00160W  Rabbit antibody to KCNG1  4080
 OSP00161W  Rabbit antibody to KCNG2  4080
 OSP00141W  Rabbit antibody to KCNG3  4080
 OSP00142W  Rabbit antibody to KCNG4  4080
 OSP00075W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH1  4080
 OSP00150W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH2 (1120-1162)  4080
 OSK00027G  Rabbit antibody to KCNH2 (850-900)  4080
 OSK00026W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH2 (850-900)  4080
 OSP00076W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH3 (100-150)  4080
 OSP00077W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH4  4080
 OSP00163W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH4  4080
 OSP00078W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH5  4080
 OSP00079W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH6  4080
 OSP00080W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH7  4080
 OSP00082W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH8  4080
 OSP00081W  Rabbit antibody to KCNH8  4080
 OSP00097W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ1  4080
 OSP00098W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ2  4080
 OSK00071W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ3 (60-120)  4080
 OSP00100W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ3 (650-700)  4080
 OSP00099W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ3 (750-800)  4080
 OSP00101W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ4  4080
 OSP00102W  Rabbit antibody to KCNQ5  4080
 OSP00143W  Rabbit antibody to KCNS1  4080
 OSP00144W  Rabbit antibody to KCNS2  4080
 OSP00145W  Rabbit antibody to KCNS3  4080
 OSP00117W  Rabbit antibody to KCNV1  4080
 OSP00118W  Rabbit antibody to KCNV2  4080
 OSR00123W  Rabbit antibody to HCN1  4080
 OSR00122W  Rabbit antibody to HCN1  4080
 OSR00102W  Rabbit antibody to HCN2  4080
 OSH00006W  Rabbit antibody to HCN2 (60-110)  4080
 OSR00121W  Rabbit antibody to HCN3  4080
 OSR00099W  Rabbit antibody to HCN4  4080
 OSR00093W  Rabbit antibody to HCN4  4080
 OSH00012G  Sheep antibody to HCN1  4080
 OSH00011W  Sheep antibody to HCN1  4080
 OSP00182W  Rabbit antibody to Perilipin 1 (100-150)  4080
 OSP00181W  Rabbit antibody to Perilipin 2 (250-300)  4080
 OSP00183W  Rabbit antibody to Perilipin 3 (2-50)  4080
 OSP00184W  Rabbit antibody to Perilipin 4 (1050-1100)  4080
 OSP00185W  Rabbit antibody to Perilipin 4 (1120-1170)  4080
OSA00199W  Rabbit antibody to ADAM10 (390-440)  4080
 OSA00147W  Rabbit antibody to ADAM22  4080
 OSM00094W  Rabbit antibody to MMP9 (650-700)  4080
 OSN00077W  Rabbit antibody to Neprilysin I  4080
 OSM00093W  Rabbit antibody to pro MMP9  4080
OSL00023W  Rabbit antibody to Laforin (50-100)  4080
 OSH00030W  Rabbit antibody to HA tag  4080
 OSH00031G  Rabbit antibody to HA tag  4080
 OSH00049W  Rabbit antibody to Hemagglutinin HA1 chain  4080
 OSH00048W  Rabbit antibody to Hemagglutinin HA2 (450-500)  4080
 OSV00097W  Rabbit antibody to Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin  4080
 OSM00110W  Rabbit antibody to Influenza A Virus M1 (20-70)  4080
 OSM00111W  Rabbit antibody to Influenza A Virus M1 (80-130)  4080
 OSM00112W  Rabbit antibody to Matrix protein 2 (50-90)  4080
 OSN00080W  Rabbit antibody to Neuraminidase  4080
 OSN00081W  Rabbit antibody to Neuraminidase  4080
 OSN00082W  Rabbit antibody to Nonstructural protein 1 (10-50)  4080
 OSN00083W  Rabbit antibody to Nonstructural protein 2 (50-80)  4080
 OSN00079W  Rabbit antibody to Nucleocapsid protein (50-100)  4080
 OSP00176W  Rabbit antibody to PB2  4080
 OSP00179W  Rabbit antibody to Protein PA-X (170-220)  4080
 OSP00180W  Rabbit antibody to Protein PA-X (70-120)  4080
 OSP00177W  Rabbit antibody to Protein PB1-F2 (10-50)  4080
 OSP00178W  Rabbit antibody to Protein PB1-F2 (50-78)  4080
 OSH00007W  Rabbit antibody to HDAC1  4080
 OST00355W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (10-60)  4080
 OST00413W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (1090-1132)  4080
 OST00050W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (2-50)  4080
 OST00051W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (400-450)  4080
 OST00356W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (550-600)  4080
 OST00052W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (610-660)  4080
 OST00053W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (910-960)  4080
 OST00412W  Rabbit antibody to TERT (950-1000)  4080
 OSA00098W  Goat antibody to alpha Synuclein  4080
 OSA00119W  Goat antibody to Amyloid beta (APP695)  4080
 OSD00040W  Goat antibody to LRRK2  4080
 OSA00243W  Rabbit antibody to AIP1 (1050-1100)  4080
 OSA00244W  Rabbit antibody to AIP1 (1260-1310)  4080
 OSA00051W  Rabbit antibody to ALMS1 (3223-3250)  4080
 OSA00161W  Rabbit antibody to ALMS1 (4100-4150)  4080
 OSA00107W  Rabbit antibody to Alpha Synuclein  4080
 OSA00062W  Rabbit antibody to ALS2  4080
 OSA00063G  Rabbit antibody to ALS2  4080
 OSA00115W  Rabbit antibody to Amyloid beta (APP695)  4080
 OSA00259W  Rabbit antibody to APBA2 (280-330)  4080
 OSA00240W  Rabbit antibody to APH1a (90-140)  4080
 OSA00148W  Rabbit antibody to APP (350-450)  4080
 OSA00049W  Rabbit antibody to APP (400-450)  4080
 OSA00050G  Rabbit antibody to APP (400-450)  4080
 OSB00060W  Rabbit antibody to BACE1  4080
 OSB00061W  Rabbit antibody to BACE1  4080
 OSB00062W  Rabbit antibody to BACE1  4080
 OSB00063W  Rabbit antibody to BACE2  4080
 OSB00064W  Rabbit antibody to BACE2  4080
 OSC00270W  Rabbit antibody to Calcyon  4080
 OSC00221W  Rabbit antibody to Calcyon  4080
 OSC00220W  Rabbit antibody to Calcyon (140-190)  4080
 OSD00055W  Rabbit antibody to DISC1  4080
 OSD00056W  Rabbit antibody to DISC1  4080
 OSF00011W  Rabbit antibody to FIG4  4080
 OSF00008W  Rabbit antibody to Frataxin  4080
 OSG00032W  Rabbit antibody to GAPDH  4080
 OSG00033G  Rabbit antibody to GAPDH  4080
 OSH00032W  Rabbit antibody to HAP 1  4080
 OSH00042W  Rabbit antibody to HAP 1A  4080
 OSH00008W  Rabbit antibody to HAP1  4080
 OSH00051W  Rabbit antibody to Huntingtin  4080
 OSH00034W  Rabbit antibody to Huntingtin  4080
 OSH00010G  Rabbit antibody to Huntingtin (1150-1200)  4080
 OSH00009W  Rabbit antibody to Huntingtin (1150-1200)  4080
 OSH00050W  Rabbit antibody to Huntingtin (60-110)  4080
 OSM00083W  Rabbit antibody to Mint1  4080
 OSM00100W  Rabbit antibody to Mitofusin 1  4080
 OSM00101W  Rabbit antibody to Mitofusin 1 (700-740)  4080
 OSM00097W  Rabbit antibody to Mitofusin 2  4080
 OSP00186W  Rabbit antibody to PARIS (520-570)  4080
 OSS00090W  Rabbit antibody to SorLA  4080
 OSS00091G  Rabbit antibody to SorLA  4080
 OSS00126G  Rabbit antibody to Synphilin 1  4080
 OSS00123W  Rabbit antibody to Synphilin 1  4080
 OSS00125W  Rabbit antibody to Synphilin 1  4080
 OSS00207W  Rabbit antibody to Synphilin-1  4080
 OSS00124G  Rabbit antibody to Synphilin-1  4080
 OSV00081W  Rabbit antibody to VILIP1  4080
 OSG00034W  Sheep antibody to GAPDH  4080
 OSG00035G  Sheep antibody to GAPDH  4080
 OSR00352W  Rabbit antibody to Reticulon 1 (170-220)  4080
 OSR00340W  Rabbit antibody to Reticulon 1 (200-250)  4080
 OSC00217W  Goat antibody to Calcipressin 1  4080
 OSN00044W  Goat antibody to NG2  4080
 OSN00052W  Goat antibody to NG2  4080
 OSN00031W  Goat antibody to Nogo  4080
 OSC00231W  Rabbit antibody to Calcipressin 1  4080
 OSC00075G  Rabbit antibody to Calcipressin 1  4080
 OSC00074W  Rabbit antibody to Calcipressin 1  4080
 OSC00300W  Rabbit antibody to CRMP1 (450-500)  4080
 OSC00047W  Rabbit antibody to CRMP2 (500-550)  4080
 OSD00042W  Rabbit antibody to DLX1  4080
 OSD00043W  Rabbit antibody to DLX2  4080
 OSF00016W  Rabbit antibody to FEZ1  4080
 OSF00017W  Rabbit antibody to FEZ2  4080
 OSF00018W  Rabbit antibody to FEZ2, 1  4080
 OSL00012W  Rabbit antibody to Lingo1  4080
 OSM00060W  Rabbit antibody to Meteorin  4080
 OSM00061G  Rabbit antibody to Meteorin  4080
 OSN00053W  Rabbit antibody to NEGR1 (80-120)  4080
 OSN00090W  Rabbit antibody to Neuritin (40-80)  4080
 OSN00091W  Rabbit antibody to Neuritin (80-130)  4080
OSN00042W  Rabbit antibody to NG2  4080
 OSN00033G  Rabbit antibody to NG2  4080
 OSN00019W  Rabbit antibody to NG2  4080
 OSN00041W  Rabbit antibody to NG2  4080
 OSN00089W  Rabbit antibody to NOGO (1050-1100)  4080
 OSN00024W  Rabbit antibody to NOGO (460-510)  4080
 OSN00025G  Rabbit antibody to NOGO (460-510)  4080
 OSN00097W  Rabbit antibody to NOXP20 (100-150)  4080
 OSN00030W  Rabbit antibody to NOXP20 (320-370)  4080
 OSN00098W  Rabbit antibody to NOXP20 (500-550)  4080
 OSC00046W  Rabbit antibody to phospho T514 & S518 CRMP2  4080
 OSC00232W  Rabbit antibody to RCAN2  4080
 OSR00372W  Rabbit antibody to RCAN3  4080
 OSR00359W  Rabbit antibody to Robo1  4080
 OSR00360W  Rabbit antibody to Robo3  4080
 OSR00361W  Rabbit antibody to Robo3  4080
 OSS00383W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK1 (210-260)  4080
 OSS00382W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK1 (410-460)  4080
 OSS00385W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK2 (350-400)  4080
 OSS00384W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK2 (750-800)  4080
 OSS00386W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK3 (920-970)  4080
 OSS00380W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK4 (220-270)  4080
 OSS00387W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK5 (310-360)  4080
 OSS00388W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK5 (750-800)  4080
 OSS00381W  Rabbit antibody to SLITRK6 (790-841)  4080
 OSS00397W  Rabbit antibody to SMN1 (120-170)  4080
 OSS00393W  Rabbit antibody to SMN1 (150-200)  4080
 OSS00396W  Rabbit antibody to SMN1 (260-294)  4080
 OSS00392W  Rabbit antibody to SMN1 (50-100)  4080
 OSS00127W  Rabbit antibody to SORCS3  4080
 OSS00128G  Rabbit antibody to SORCS3  4080
 OSS00082W  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00011W  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00076W  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00041G  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00144G  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00077G  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00010W  Rabbit antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00247W  Rabbit antibody to Stathmin 1  4080
 OSS00248W  Rabbit antibody to STMN2  4080
 OSC00048W  Sheep antibody to phospho T514 & S518 CRMP2  4080
 OSS00052W  Sheep antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00053G  Sheep antibody to Sortilin  4080
 OSS00228W  Goat antibody to 5HT1A R (300-350)  4080
 OSC00213W  Goat antibody to CGRP  4080
 OSN00003W  Goat antibody to   4080
 OSN00004G  Goat antibody to   4080
 OSN00016W  Goat antibody to NPY (20-70)  4080
 OSN00017G  Goat antibody to NPY (20-70)  4080
 OSS00208W  Goat antibody to SHANK3  4080
 OSS00107W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT1A R  4080
 OSS00182W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT1B R  4080
 OSS00185W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT1D R  4080
 OSS00186W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT1E R  4080
 OSS00188W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT2A R  4080
 OSS00189W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT2B R (380-430)  4080
 OSS00420W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT2B R (390-440)  4080
 OSS00419W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT2B R (440-481)  4080
 OSS00190W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT2C R (400-450)  4080
 OSS00423W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT2C R (420-460)  4080
 OSS00108W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT3A R  4080
 OSS00195W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT3D R  4080
 OSS00194W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT3D R / 5HT3E R  4080
 OSS00196W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT3E R  4080
 OSS00421W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT4 R  4080
 OSS00202W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT4 R (150-200)  4080
 OSS00201W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT4 R (210-260)  4080
 OSS00197W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT R  4080
 OSS00198W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT R  4080
 OSS00199W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT R (200-250)  4080
 OSS00200W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT5B R  4080
 OSS00203W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT6 R  4080
 OSS00375W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT6 R  4080
 OSS00204W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT6 R (400-450)  4080
 OSS00205W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT7 R  4080
 OSF00030W  Rabbit antibody to 5HT7 R (150-200)  4080
 OSC00214W  Rabbit antibody to CALB1  4080
 OSC00215W  Rabbit antibody to CALB2  4080
 OSC00207W  Rabbit antibody to CASK  4080
 OSC00190W  Rabbit antibody to CGRP  4080
 OSC00008W  Rabbit antibody to ChAT  4080
 OSC00326W  Rabbit antibody to ChAT  4080
 OSC00024W  Rabbit antibody to ChAT  4080
 OSC00029G  Rabbit antibody to ChAT  4080
 OSM00134W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular MC1R (2-50)  4080
 OSM00136W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular MC2R (60-110)  4080
 OSM00135W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular MC4R (2-45)  4080
 OSM00137W  Rabbit antibody to extracellular MC4R (90-130)  4080
 OSH00033W  Rabbit antibody to HPCA  4080
 OSL00015W  Rabbit antibody to LRFN1  4080
 OSM00132W  Rabbit antibody to MRAP2 (2-45)  4080
 OSM00133W  Rabbit antibody to MRAP2 (90-140)  4080
 OSN00078W  Rabbit antibody to Neurokinin 1 Receptor (150-200)  4080
 OSN00102W  Rabbit antibody to Neurokinin A receptor  4080
 OSN00103W  Rabbit antibody to Neurokinin B receptor (400-450)  4080
 OSN00062W  Rabbit antibody to Nociceptin  4080
 OSN00105W  Rabbit antibody to   4080
 OSN00069W  Rabbit antibody to NPY1R  4080
 OSN00071W  Rabbit antibody to NPY2R  4080
 OSN00074W  Rabbit antibody to NPY4R  4080
 OSN00072W  Rabbit antibody to NPY5R  4080
 OSN00073W  Rabbit antibody to NPY6R  4080
 OSO00050W  Rabbit antibody to Orexin R2  4080
 OSO00031W  Rabbit antibody to Orexin R2  4080
 OSP00106W  Rabbit antibody to Parvalbumin  4080
 OSD00039W  Rabbit antibody to PSD93  4080
 OSD00037W  Rabbit antibody to PSD95  4080
 OSS00422W  Rabbit antibody to rat 5HT2C R (415-460)  4080
 OSD00038W  Rabbit antibody to SAP97 (2-50)  4080
 OSS00210W  Rabbit antibody to SHANK1  4080
 OSS00209W  Rabbit antibody to SHANK2  4080
 OSS00115W  Rabbit antibody to SHANK3  4080
 OSS00116G  Rabbit antibody to SHANK3  4080
 OSS00211W  Rabbit antibody to SHANK3  4080
 OSS00254W  Rabbit antibody to Striatin (110-160)  4080
 OSS00253W  Rabbit antibody to Striatin 4 (250-300)  4080
 OSC00041W  Sheep antibody to ChAT  4080
 OSC00042G  Sheep antibody to ChAT  4080
 OSP00086W  Goat antibody to p75NTR  4080
 OST00336W  Goat antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00335W  Goat antibody to TrkC  4080
 OSM00018A  Mouse monoclonal antibody to p75NTR (ME20.4)  4080
 OSM00019A  Mouse monoclonal antibody to rat p75NTR (MC192)  4080
 OSN00050W  Rabbit antibody to NRADD  4080
 OSN00051W  Rabbit antibody to NRADD  4080
 OSP00002W  Rabbit antibody to p75NTR  4080
 OSP00003W  Rabbit antibody to p75NTR  4080
 OSP00058G  Rabbit antibody to p75NTR  4080
 OSP00137W  Rabbit antibody to p75NTR  4080
 OSP00048W  Rabbit antibody to p75NTR (150-200)  4080
 OSP00046W  Rabbit antibody to p75NTR (250-300)  4080
 OST00248G  Rabbit antibody to pan Trk  4080
 OST00220W  Rabbit antibody to phospho Y816 of TrkB  4080
 OST00221G  Rabbit antibody to phospho Y816 of TrkB  4080
 OST00233W  Rabbit antibody to phospho Y820 TrkC  4080
 OST00234G  Rabbit antibody to phospho Y820 TrkC  4080
 OST00122G  Rabbit antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00123W  Rabbit antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00331W  Rabbit antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00124G  Rabbit antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00121W  Rabbit antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00127W  Rabbit antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00125W  Rabbit antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00126G  Rabbit antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00224W  Rabbit antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00128G  Rabbit antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00225G  Rabbit antibody to TrkB  4080
 OST00179W  Rabbit antibody to TrkC  4080
 OST00347W  Rabbit antibody to TrkC  4080
 OST00334W  Rabbit antibody to TrkC  4080
 OST00293G  Rabbit antibody to TrkC  4080
 OST00236G  Rabbit antibody to TrkC (780-830)  4080
 OST00235W  Rabbit antibody to TrkC (780-830)  4080
 OST00250G  Rabbit pan antibody to phospho Y683 & Y684 of TrkA, B, C  4080
 OST00249W  Rabbit pan antibody to phospho Y683 & Y684 of TrkA, B, C  4080
 OST00247W  Rabbit pan antibody to TrkA, TrkB, TrkC  4080
 OSP00004W  Sheep antibody to p75NTR  4080
 OST00222W  Sheep antibody to phospho Y816 of TrkB  4080
 OST00223G  Sheep antibody to phospho Y816 TrkB  4080
 OST00237W  Sheep antibody to phospho Y820 TrkC  4080
 OST00238G  Sheep antibody to phospho Y820 TrkC  4080
 OST00116G  Sheep antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00115W  Sheep antibody to TrkA  4080
 OST00117W  Sheep antibody to TrkB (400-450)  4080
 OST00118G  Sheep antibody to TrkB (400-450)  4080
 OST00119W  Sheep antibody to TrkC  4080
 OST00120G  Sheep antibody to TrkC  4080
 OST00251W  Sheep pan antibody to phospho Y683 & Y684 of TrkA, B, C  4080
 OST00252G  Sheep pan antibody to phospho Y683 & Y684 of TrkA, B, C  4080
 OSA00124W  Rabbit antibody to Artemin  4080
 OSB00092W  Guinea pig antibody to mature BDNF  4080
 OSB00091W  Guinea pig antibody to pro BDNF  4080
 OSB00017W  Rabbit antibody to BDNF  4080
 OSB0002  Rabbit antibody to BDNF  4080
 OSB00018G  Rabbit antibody to BDNF  4080
 OSB00069W  Rabbit antibody to human pro BDNF  4080
 OSB00032W  Rabbit antibody to mature BDNF  4080
 OSB00035W  Rabbit antibody to mature BDNF  4080
 OSB00015W  Rabbit antibody to pro BDNF  4080
 OSB00016G  Rabbit antibody to pro BDNF  4080
 OSB00026A  Sheep antibody to BDNF  4080
 OSB00022W  Sheep antibody to BDNF  4080
 OSB00023G  Sheep antibody to BDNF  4080
 OSB00013W  Sheep antibody to pro BDNF  4080
 OSB00014G  Sheep antibody to pro BDNF  4080
 OSC00296W  Rabbit antibody to CDNF  4080
 OSC00297W  Rabbit antibody to CDNF  4080
 OSC00295W  Rabbit antibody to CDNF  4080
 OSM00114W  Rabbit antibody to MANF  4080
 OSM00113W  Rabbit antibody to MANF (20-70)  4080
OSN00087W  Rabbit antibody to NDNF (300-350)  4080
 OSN00088W  Rabbit antibody to NDNF (450-500)  4080
 OSN00084W  Rabbit antibody to NENF  4080
 OSG00070W  Rabbit antibody to Neuroleukin  4080
 OSN00001W  Rabbit antibody to native NGF  4080
 OSN00002A  Rabbit antibody to NGF  4080
 OSN00106W  Rabbit antibody to NGF (130-180)  4080
 OSN00109W  Rabbit antibody to NGF (195-240)  4080
 OSN00006W  Rabbit antibody to proNGF  4080
 OSN00007G  Rabbit antibody to proNGF  4080
 OSN00061W  Rabbit antibody to proNGF  4080
 OSN00005W  Sheep antibody to proNGF  4080
 OSN00032W  Goat antibody to mature NT3  4080
 OSN00023G  Rabbit antibody to mature NT3 (140-200)  4080
 OSN00022W  Rabbit antibody to mature NT3 (140-200)  4080
 OSC00166W  Goat antibody to c Fos  4080
 OSR00350W  Goat antibody to RUNX2  4080
 OSR00351W  Goat antibody to Runx3 (380-415)  4080
 OSC00327W  Guinea pig antibody to cFos  4080
 OSA00157W  Rabbit antibody to ARX  4080
 OSA00264W  Rabbit antibody to ARX (2-50)  4080
 OSA00146W  Rabbit antibody to Ataxin 1  4080
 OSA00181W  Rabbit antibody to Ataxin 2  4080
 OSC00183G  Rabbit antibody to c Fos  4080
 OSR00004W  Rabbit antibody to c Fos  4080
 OSC00040W  Rabbit antibody to c Fos  4080
 OSC00233W  Rabbit antibody to cFos  4080
 OSD00031W  Rabbit antibody to DRGX  4080
 OSH00019W  Rabbit antibody to HIF1 alpha  4080
 OSH00020G  Rabbit antibody to HIF1 alpha  4080
 OSK00058W  Rabbit antibody to KLF7  4080
 OSM00092W  Rabbit antibody to MAD3  4080
 OSM00091W  Rabbit antibody to MAD3  4080
 OSZ00006W  Rabbit antibody to NRIF1  4080
 OSZ00002G  Rabbit antibody to NRIF1 (600-650)  4080
 OSZ00002G  Rabbit antibody to NRIF1 (600-650)  4080
 OSP00044W  Rabbit antibody to PCNA  4080
 OSR00371W  Rabbit antibody to RAP1  4080
 OSR00339W  Rabbit antibody to Ribeye  4080
 OSR00341W  Rabbit antibody to Runx2  4080
 OSR00270W  Rabbit antibody to Runx3  4080
 OSR00334W  Rabbit antibody to Runx3 (160-210)  4080
 OSR00335W  Rabbit antibody to Runx3 (380-415)  4080
 OSU00015W  Rabbit antibody to UNCX  4080
 OSK00001W  Rabbit pan antibody to KLF 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12  4080
 OSK00052W  Rabbit pan antibody to KLF2-4; 6-8; 12  4080
 OSR00271W  Rabbit to antibody to Runx1  4080
 OSR00309G  Rabbit to antibody to Runx1 (200-260)  4080
 OSC00011G  Sheep antibody to c Fos  4080
 OSC00007W  Sheep antibody to c Fos  4080
 OSR00312W  Sheep antibody to Runx1  4080
 OSR00313G  Sheep antibody to Runx1  4080
 OSA00058W  Rabbit antibody to AKT  4080
 OSC00219W  Rabbit antibody to CAMKV  4080
 OSC00227W  Rabbit antibody to CAMKV  4080
 OSE00038W  Rabbit antibody to Erk1  4080
 OSE00012W  Rabbit antibody to Erk1, Erk2  4080
 OSE00039W  Rabbit antibody to Erk2  4080
 OSL00005W  Rabbit antibody to LIMK2  4080
 OSL00006G  Rabbit antibody to LIMK2  4080
 OSA00070G  Rabbit antibody to pan AKT  4080
 OSA00057W  Rabbit antibody to pan AKT  4080
 OSL00001W  Rabbit antibody to phospho S291 & S293 LIMK2  4080
 OSL00002G  Rabbit antibody to phospho S291 & S293 LIMK2  4080
 OSE00009W  Rabbit antibody to phospho T202 & Y204 Erk1, Erk2  4080
 OSE00010G  Rabbit antibody to phospho T202 & Y204 Erk1, Erk2  4080
 OSL00004G  Sheep antibody to phospho S291 & S293 LIMK2  4080
 OSL00003W  Sheep antibody to phospho S291 & S293 LIMK2  4080
 OSA00073G  Sheep antibody to phospho S473 of AKT  4080
 OSA00060W  Sheep antibody to phospho S473 of AKT  4080
 OSE00011G  Sheep antibody to phospho T202 & Y204 Erk1, Erk2  4080
 OSE00008W  Sheep antibody to phospho T202 & Y204 Erk1, Erk2  4080
 OSE00036W  Goat antibody to EGFP/GFP/Venus  4080
 OSM00075G  Rabbit antibody to c Myc tag  4080
 OSM00067W  Rabbit antibody to c Myc tag  4080
 OSE00002W  Rabbit antibody to EGFP/GFP/Venus  4080
 OSE00003G  Rabbit antibody to EGFP/GFP/Venus  4080
 OSG00060G  Rabbit antibody to GST tag  4080
 OSG00044W  Rabbit antibody to GST tag  4080
 OSH00030W  Rabbit antibody to HA tag  4080
 OSH00031G  Rabbit antibody to HA tag  4080
 OSH00023W  Rabbit antibody to His tag  4080
 OSH00027G  Rabbit antibody to His tag  4080
 OSO00057W  Rabbit antibody to OLLAS tag  4080
 OSE00041W  Rabbit antibody to tag: CDYKDDDDK  4080
 OSV00053W  Rabbit antibody to V5 tag  4080
 OSV00079G  Rabbit antibody to V5 tag  4080
 OSM00068W  Sheep antibody to c Myc tag  4080
 OSM00076G  Sheep antibody to c-Myc tag  4080
 OSS00005W  Sheep antibody to EGFP/GFP/Venus  4080
 OSE00001G  Sheep antibody to EGFP/GFP/Venus  4080
 OSG00045W  Sheep antibody to GST tag  4080
 OSG00045W  Sheep antibody to GST tag  4080
 OSH00021W  Sheep antibody to HA tag  4080
 OSH00028G  Sheep antibody to HA tag  4080
 OSH00022W  Sheep antibody to His tag  4080
 OSH00029G  Sheep antibody to His tag  4080
 OSV00054W  Sheep antibody to V5 tag  4080
 OSV00080G  Sheep antibody to V5 tag  4080
 OSC00201W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER1  4080
 OSC00276W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER1  4080
 OSC00202W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER2  4080
 OSC00203W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER3  4080
 OSC00204W  Rabbit antibody to CATSPER4  4080
 OSC00212W  Rabbit antibody to Cystatin 8  4080
 OSD00028W  Rabbit antibody to DDX4 (550-600)  4080
 OSS00162W  Rabbit antibody to SPERT  4080
 OSS00226W  Rabbit antibody to SRD2  4080
 OSR00366W  Rabbit antibody to RYR1 (1360-1400)  4080
 OSR00368W  Rabbit antibody to RYR2  4080
 OSR00367W  Rabbit antibody to RYR2 (1350-1400)  4080
 OSR00369W  Rabbit antibody to RYR3  4080
 OSE00033W  Goat antibody to Endothelin B receptor  4080
 OSP00090W  Goat antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSM00146W  Guinea pig antibody to Mortalin  4080
 OSS00427W  Rabbit antibody to ARS2  4080
 OSA00247W  Rabbit antibody to Atlastin 1 (2-50)  4080
 OSA00248W  Rabbit antibody to Atlastin 1 (360-410)  4080
 OSA00245W  Rabbit antibody to Atlastin 2  4080
 OSA00246W  Rabbit antibody to Atlastin 2 (400-450)  4080
 OSB00040W  Rabbit antibody to BRS3  4080
 OSC00205W  Rabbit antibody to CaSR  4080
 OSC00206W  Rabbit antibody to CaSR  4080
 OSC00069W  Rabbit antibody to Cathepsin G  4080
 OSC00010W  Rabbit antibody to Cathepsin G  4080
 OSC00159W  Rabbit antibody to CBY1  4080
 OSC00160W  Rabbit antibody to CBY3  4080
 OSM00078W  Rabbit antibody to CCM2  4080
 OSD00017G  Rabbit antibody to DCTN1 (120-170)  4080
 OSD00008W  Rabbit antibody to DCTN1 (120-170)  4080
 OSD00041W  Rabbit antibody to DLG5  4080
 OSE00021W  Rabbit antibody to EDNRB  4080
 OSE00022G  Rabbit antibody to Endothelin B receptor  4080
 OSF00001W  Rabbit antibody to FSH R  4080
 OSG00020W  Rabbit antibody to GBB1  4080
 OSG00017W  Rabbit antibody to GBB2  4080
 OSG00021W  Rabbit antibody to GNB3  4080
 OSG00022W  Rabbit antibody to GNB4  4080
 OSG00043G  Rabbit antibody to GPX3  4080
 OSG00036W  Rabbit antibody to GPX3  4080
 OSH00025W  Rabbit antibody to HGS  4080
 OSH00053W  Rabbit antibody to HSP70  4080
 OSM00102W  Rabbit antibody to Mortalin  4080
 OSM00116W  Rabbit antibody to MPP1 (10-60)  4080
 OSM00117W  Rabbit antibody to MPP1 (410-460)  4080
 OSM00120W  Rabbit antibody to MPP4 (50-100)  4080
 OSM00118W  Rabbit antibody to MPP4 (500-550)  4080
 OSM00119W  Rabbit antibody to MPP4 (590-635)  4080
 OSN00043W  Rabbit antibody to Neuromedin B receptor  4080
 OSO00010W  Rabbit antibody to OX1R  4080
 OSO00009W  Rabbit antibody to OX1R (2-46)  4080
 OSC00063W  Rabbit antibody to phospho S271 & S274 of CREM  4080
 OSP00052G  Rabbit antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSP00049W  Rabbit antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSP00053G  Rabbit antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSP00050W  Rabbit antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSP00054G  Rabbit antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSP00051W  Rabbit antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSG00019W  Rabbit antibody to RACK1  4080
 OSS00130G  Rabbit antibody to SOD1 (100-144)  4080
 OSS00121W  Rabbit antibody to SOD1 (100-144)  4080
 OSS00206W  Rabbit antibody to SOD1 (40-90)  4080
 OSS00133G  Rabbit antibody to SOD3  4080
 OSS00372W  Rabbit antibody to SOD3  4080
 OSS00131G  Rabbit antibody to SOD3  4080
 OSS00122W  Rabbit antibody to SOD3  4080
 OSS00132W  Rabbit antibody to SOD3  4080
 OSC00120G  Rabbit antibody to SOD4  4080
 OSC00076W  Rabbit antibody to SOD4  4080
 OST00291W  Rabbit antibody to SPOCK  4080
 OSS00106G  Rabbit antibody to STAM 1, 2  4080
 OSS00085W  Rabbit antibody to STAM1, 2  4080
 OST00405W  Rabbit antibody to TANK (150-200)  4080
 OST00404W  Rabbit antibody to TANK (2-50)  4080
 OSW00001W  Rabbit antibody to WFS1  4080
 OSW00002G  Rabbit antibody to WFS1  4080
 OSX00001W  Rabbit antibody to XPO6  4080
 OSD00019G  Sheep antibody to DCTN1  4080
 OSD00018W  Sheep antibody to DCTN1  4080
 OSG00018W  Sheep antibody to GBB5  4080
 OSG00037W  Sheep antibody to GPX3  4080
 OSC00064W  Sheep antibody to phospho S271 & S274 of CREM  4080
 OSP00060W  Sheep antibody to Pr3  4080
 OSS00134W  Sheep pan antibody to STAM 1, 2  4080
 OSS00135G  Sheep pan antibody to STAM 1, 2  4080
 OSR00375W  Rabbit antibody to RSC1A1  4080
 OSR00374W  Rabbit antibody to RSC1A1  4080
 OSS00433W  Guinea pig antibody to SLC1A2  4080
 OSE00017W  Rabbit antibody SLC1A3  4080
 OSE00026W  Rabbit antibody SLC1A6  4080
 OSE00019W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A1 (150-200)  4080
 OSE00020G  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A1 (150-200)  4080
 OSE00015W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A2  4080
 OSE00004W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A2  4080
 OSE00005G  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A2  4080
 OSE00016W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A3  4080
 OSE00018G  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A3  4080
 OSS00362W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A4  4080
 OSS00244W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A5  4080
 OSE00027W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A6  4080
 OSE00034W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1A7  4080
 OSE00024W  Sheep antibody to SLC1A2 (500-550)  4080
 OSS00349W  Rabbit antibody to SLC10A2  4080
OSS00359W  Rabbit antibody to SLC11A2  4080
 OSS00265W  Rabbit antibody to SLC12A2 (NKCC1)  4080
 OSS00410W  Rabbit antibody to SLC12A3 (945-995)  4080
 OSS00403W  Rabbit antibody to SLC12A4 (2-50)  4080
 OSS00298W  Rabbit antibody to SLC12A5 (20-70)  4080
 OSS00290W  Rabbit antibody to SLC12A7 (940-990)  4080
 OSS00350W  Rabbit antibody to SLC13A5  4080
 OSS00262W  Rabbit antibody to SLC16A2 (10-60)  4080
 OSV00093W  Chicken antibody to VGLUT1 (500-560)  4080
 OSV00086W  Goat antibody to VGluT1 (2-50)  4080
 OSV00083W  Goat antibody to VGluT2  4080
 OSV00108W  Guinea pig antibody to VGluT2  4080
 OSS00257W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A1 (415-465)  4080
 OSS00413W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A3 (2-50)  4080
 OSS00414W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A3 (370-420)  4080
 OSS00268W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A4  4080
 OSS00267W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A5  4080
 OSS00411W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A9 (200-250)  4080
 OSS00412W  Rabbit antibody to SLC17A9 (385-436)  4080
 OSV00006W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT1  4080
 OSV00007G  Rabbit antibody to VGluT1  4080
 OSV00069W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT1 (2-50)  4080
 OSV00005G  Rabbit antibody to VGluT2  4080
 OSV00087W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT2  4080
 OSV00004W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT2  4080
 OSV00056W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT3  4080
 OSV00057W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT3  4080
 OSV00047W  Rabbit antibody to VGluT3  4080
 OSV00092W  Chicken antibody to VACHT (450-505)  4080
 OST00046A  Goat antibody to VACHT  4080
 OSV00082W  Goat antibody to VACHT (450-505)  4080
 OSV00003G  Goat antibody to VACHT (450-510)  4080
 OSG00003W  Goat antibody to VACHT (450-510)  4080
 OSV00063W  Goat antibody to VMAT2  4080
 OSV00001W  Rabbit antibody to VACHT  4080
 OSV00002G  Rabbit antibody to VACHT  4080
 OSV00073W  Rabbit antibody to VACHT (90-140)  4080
 OSV00059W  Rabbit antibody to VMAT1  4080
 OSV00060W  Rabbit antibody to VMAT1  4080
 OSV00061W  Rabbit antibody to VMAT2 (460-510)  4080
 OSV00062W  Rabbit antibody to VMAT2 (470-517)  4080
 OSS00286W  Rabbit antibody to SLC19A2  4080
 OSS00280W  Rabbit antibody to (GLUT9) SLC2A9  4080
 OSS00295W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT1 (SLC2A1)  4080
 OSG00048W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT10 (SLC2A10)  4080
 OSG00049W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT10 (SLC2A10)  4080
 OSG00050W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT11 (SLC2A11)  4080
 OSG00051W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT12 (SLC2A12)  4080
 OSS00345W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT2 (SLC2A2)  4080
 OSS00279W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT4 (SLC2A4)  4080
 OSG00052W  Rabbit antibody to GLUT6 (SLC2A6)  4080
 OSG00013G  Rabbit antibody to SLC2A3  4080
 OSG00012W  Rabbit antibody to SLC2A3  4080
 OSS00324W  Rabbit antibody to SLC2A3  4080
 OSS00260W  Rabbit antibody to SLC20A1  4080
 OSS00291W  Rabbit antibody to SLC20A1  4080
 OSS00261W  Rabbit antibody to SLC22A8  4080
 OSS00326W  Rabbit antibody to SLC24A1  4080
 OSS00351W  Rabbit antibody to SLC24A1 (800-850)  4080
 OSS00321W  Rabbit antibody to SLC24A2  4080
 OSS00352W  Rabbit antibody to SLC24A4 (350-400)  4080
 OSS00353W  Rabbit antibody to SLC24A5  4080
 OSS00283W  Rabbit antibody to SLC215  4080
 OSS00284W  Rabbit antibody to SLC216  4080
 OSS00292W  Rabbit antibody to SLC222  4080
 OSS00282W  Rabbit antibody to SLC225  4080
 OSS00241W  Rabbit antibody to SLC238  4080
 OSS00325W  Rabbit antibody to SLC26  4080
 OSS00287W  Rabbit antibody to SLC26A4  4080
 OSS00289W  Rabbit antibody to SLC26A5  4080
 OSS00288W  Rabbit antibody to SLC26A5  4080
 OSS00361W  Rabbit antibody to SLC29A1  4080
 OSS00360W  Rabbit antibody to SLC29A1  4080
 OSS00356W  Rabbit antibody to SLC29A2  4080
 OSS00357W  Rabbit antibody to SLC29A3 (2-50)  4080
OSS00264W  Rabbit antibody to SLC3A1  4080
 OSS00278W  Rabbit antibody to SLC3A2  4080
 OSS00329W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A1  4080
 OSS00330W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A1  4080
 OSS00348W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A10 (400-470)  4080
 OSS00331W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A3  4080
 OSS00328W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A3  4080
 OSS00320W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A3  4080
 OSS00299W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A5  4080
 OSS00346W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A6  4080
 OSS00347W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A7  4080
 OSS00263W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A8  4080
 OSS00327W  Rabbit antibody to SLC30A9  4080
 OSS00333W  Rabbit antibody to SLC31A1  4080
 OSV00107W  Rabbit antibody to VIAAT (150-200)  4080
 OSV00106W  Rabbit antibody to VIAAT (260-310)  4080
 OSV00105W  Rabbit antibody to VIAAT (475-525)  4080
 OSV00065W  Rabbit antibody to VIAAT (5-50)  4080
 OSS00415W  Rabbit antibody to SLC34A1 (50-100)  4080
 OSS00416W  Rabbit antibody to SLC34A2 (5-50)  4080
 OSS00417W  Rabbit antibody to SLC34A2 (640-690)  4080
 OSS00418W  Rabbit antibody to SLC34A3 (5-50)  4080
 OSS00332W  Rabbit antibody to SLC36A1  4080
 OSS00252W  Rabbit antibody to SLC38A1  4080
 OSS00300W  Rabbit antibody to SLC39A1  4080
 OSS00363W  Rabbit antibody to SLC39A14  4080
 OSS00301W  Rabbit antibody to SLC39A2  4080
 OSS00305W  Rabbit antibody to SLC39A4  4080
 OSS00364W  Rabbit antibody to SLC39A6  4080
 OSB00090W  Rabbit antibody to mouse SLC4A1  4080
 OSS00285W  Rabbit antibody to SLC4A1  4080
 OSS00344W  Rabbit antibody to SLC4A11  4080
 OSS00281W  Rabbit antibody to SLC4A1AP  4080
OSS00368W  Rabbit antibody to SLC43A1  4080
 OSS00318W  Rabbit antibody to SLC44A2 (2-100)  4080
 OSS00272W  Rabbit antibody to Prostein (SLC43; 300-350)  4080
 OSS00273W  Rabbit antibody to Prostein (SLC43; 400-450)  4080
 OSS00293W  Rabbit antibody to SLC41  4080
 OSS00275W  Rabbit antibody to SLC41  4080
 OSS00294W  Rabbit antibody to SLC42  4080
 OSS00276W  Rabbit antibody to SLC42  4080
 OSS00271W  Rabbit antibody to SLC44  4080
 OSS00366W  Rabbit antibody to SLC46A1  4080
 OSS00367W  Rabbit antibody to SLC46A1  4080
 OSS00269W  Rabbit antibody to SLC47A1  4080
 OSS00270W  Rabbit antibody to SLC47A2  4080
 OSS00245W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1  4080
 OSS00313W  Rabbit antibody to SLC1 (5-50)  4080
 OSS00311W  Rabbit antibody to SLC10  4080
 OSS00365W  Rabbit antibody to SLC11  4080
 OSS00314W  Rabbit antibody to SLC2  4080
 OSS00312W  Rabbit antibody to SLC5  4080
 OSS00249W  Rabbit antibody to SLC5  4080
 OSS00335W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7  4080
 OSS00336W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7  4080
 OSS00334W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7  4080
 OSS00250W  Rabbit antibody to SLC8  4080
 OSS00256W  Rabbit antibody to SLC8  4080
 OSS00401W  Rabbit antibody to SLC8 (560-610)  4080
OSS00371W  Rabbit antibody to Sugar transporter SWEET1  4080
 OSS00338W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A1  4080
 OSS00355W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A13  4080
 OSS00170W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A17  4080
 OSS00337W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A2  4080
 OSS00339W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A3  4080
 OSS00340W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A4  4080
 OSS00341W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A4  4080
 OSS00343W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A5  4080
 OSS00274W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A8 (200-250)  4080
 OSS00405W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A8 (580-630)  4080
 OSS00342W  Rabbit antibody to SLC6A9  4080
 OSS00259W  Rabbit antibody SLC7A8  4080
 OSS00319W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7A11  4080
 OSS00258W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7A3  4080
 OSS00296W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7A5 (400-450)  4080
 OSM00090W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7A7  4080
 OSS00266W  Rabbit antibody to SLC7A8  4080
 OSS00316W  Rabbit antibody to SLC8A1  4080
 OSS00402W  Rabbit antibody to SLC8A3 (300-350)  4080
OSS00137W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A1  4080
 OSS00138G  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A1  4080
 OSS00409W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A10 (1130-1177)  4080
 OSS00214W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A2  4080
 OSS00213W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A2  4080
 OSS00394W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A3 (300-350)  4080
 OSS00317W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A3 (450-500)  4080
 OSS00215W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A3 (650-700)  4080
 OSS00216W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A4  4080
 OSS00217W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A5  4080
 OSS00218W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A6  4080
 OSS00407W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A8 (450-500)  4080
 OSS00408W  Rabbit antibody to SLC9A9 (2-50)  4080
 OSC00025W  Rabbit antibody to pan RhO  4080
 OSR00297G  Rabbit antibody to pan RhO  4080
 OSR00269W  Rabbit antibody to RAC1, RAC2 (100-150)  4080
 OSR00330W  Rabbit antibody to Rho6  4080
 OSR00331G  Rabbit antibody to Rho6  4080
 OSR00298G  Rabbit antibody to RhoA (100-150)  4080
 OSR00266W  Rabbit antibody to RhoA (100-150)  4080
 OSR00301G  Rabbit antibody to RhoB  4080
 OSR00267W  Rabbit antibody to RhoB  4080
 OSR00316W  Rabbit antibody to RhoF (130-180)  4080
 OSR00320G  Rabbit antibody to RhoF (130-180)  4080
 OSR00391W  Rabbit antibody to RHOT1 (400-450)  4080
 OSM00145W  Rabbit antibody to RHOT1 (50-100)  4080
 OSR00317W  Rabbit antibody to RhoU  4080
 OSR00323G  Rabbit antibody to RhoU  4080
 OSR00321W  Rabbit antibody to RHOV  4080
 OSR00322G  Rabbit antibody to RHOV  4080
 OSR00303G  Sheep antibody to RhoB  4080
 OSR00302W  Sheep antibody to RhoB  4080
 OSR00297G  Rabbit antibody to pan RhO  4080
 OSC00025W  Rabbit antibody to pan RhO  4080
 OSC00070W  Sheep antibody to pan RhO  4080
 OSC00095G  Sheep antibody to pan RhO  4080
 OSE00025W  Rabbit antibody to ERAS  4080
 OSR00268W  Rabbit antibody to RalA  4080
 OSR00342W  Rabbit antibody to pan RAB  4080
 OSR00346W  Rabbit antibody to RAB1A, RAB1B  4080
 OSR00247W  Rabbit antibody to RAB24  4080
 OSR00347W  Rabbit antibody to RAB27A  4080
 OSR00348W  Rabbit antibody to RAB27B  4080
 OSR00336W  Rabbit antibody to RAB3A (2-50)  4080
 OSR00345W  Rabbit antibody to RAB4A  4080
 OSR00343W  Rabbit antibody to RAB4B  4080
 OSR00324G  Rabbit antibody to RAB  4080
 OSR00304W  Rabbit antibody to RAB  4080
 OSR00307W  Rabbit antibody to Rab5B  4080
 OSR00305W  Rabbit antibody to RAB5C  4080
 OSR00344W  Rabbit antibody to RAB6A  4080
 OSR00349W  Rabbit antibody to RAB6B  4080
 OSR00306W  Rabbit antibody to RAB7 (160-205)  4080
 OSR00308W  Rabbit antibody to RAB9B  4080
 OSR00325W  Sheep antibody to RAB  4080
 OSR00326G  Sheep antibody to RAB  4080
 OST00339W  Goat antibody to Transferrin receptor  4080
 OSZ00005W  Goat antibody to ZIC1-3  4080
 OSD00020W  Rabbit antibody to Desmin  4080
 OSD00021G  Rabbit antibody to Desmin  4080
 OSG00095W  Rabbit antibody to Glomulin  4080
 OSS00251W  Rabbit antibody to SOX2  4080
 OST00288W  Rabbit antibody to Transferrin receptor  4080
 OST00338W  Rabbit antibody to Transferrin receptor  4080
 OSZ00003W  Rabbit antibody to ZIC1-3  4080
 OSZ00004G  Rabbit antibody to ZIC1-3  4080
 OSS00310W  Rabbit antibody to RAMP4  4080
 OSC00194W  Goat antibody to Calreticulin  4080
 OSF00004W  Goat antibody to Fibrillarin  4080
 OSL00010W  Goat antibody to Lamin-A/C  4080
 OSC00328W  Guinea pig antibody to Catalase  4080
 OSA00059W  Rabbit antibody to Actin  4080
 OSA00071G  Rabbit antibody to Actin  4080
 OSA00117W  Rabbit antibody to ATP1  4080
 OSA00116W  Rabbit antibody to ATP1 (500-550)  4080
 OSC00220W  Rabbit antibody to Calcyon (140-190)  4080
 OSC00161W  Rabbit antibody to Calnexin  4080
 OSC00165W  Rabbit antibody to Calreticulin  4080
 OSC00164W  Rabbit antibody to Catalase  4080
 OSC00197W  Rabbit antibody to COX1 (400-450)  4080
 OSC00198W  Rabbit antibody to COX2  4080
 OSC00167W  Rabbit antibody to COX4 (130-169)  4080
 OSE00013W  Rabbit antibody to EEA1  4080
 OSE00028W  Rabbit antibody to ERAB  4080
 OSF00002W  Rabbit antibody to Fibrillarin  4080
 OSL00009W  Rabbit antibody to Lamin-A/C  4080
 OSM00081W  Rabbit antibody to M6PR  4080
 OSM00062G  Rabbit antibody to M6PR  4080
 OSM00057W  Rabbit antibody to M6PR  4080
 OSM00100W  Rabbit antibody to Mitofusin 1  4080
 OSM00101W  Rabbit antibody to Mitofusin 1 (700-740)  4080
 OSM00097W  Rabbit antibody to Mitofusin 2  4080
 OSM00084W  Rabbit antibody to MPR 300  4080
 OSI00001W  Rabbit antibody to MPR 300  4080
 OSA00200W  Rabbit antibody to MT-ATP6 (100-150)  4080
 OSA00118W  Rabbit antibody to MT-ATP6 (20-70)  4080
 OSN00095W  Rabbit antibody to NXF1 (2-50)  4080
 OSN00096W  Rabbit antibody to NXF1 (400-450)  4080
 OSP00107W  Rabbit antibody to PIST  4080
 OST00227W  Rabbit antibody to TGN38  4080
 OST00228G  Rabbit antibody to TGN38  4080
 OSV00033W  Rabbit antibody to VP33B  4080
 OSZ00007W  Rabbit antibody to ZO1  4080
 OSZ00008W  Rabbit antibody to ZO1  4080
 OSZ00009W  Rabbit antibody to ZO2 (740-790)  4080
 OSA00076W  Sheep antibody to Actin  4080
 OSA00077G  Sheep antibody to Actin  4080
 OSM00063W  Sheep antibody to M6PR  4080
 OSM00064G  Sheep antibody to M6PR  4080
 OST00278G  Sheep antibody to TGN38  4080
 OST00277W  Sheep antibody to TGN38  4080
 OSC00220W  Rabbit antibody to Calcyon (140-190)  4080
 OSM00105W  Rabbit antibody to MUPP1  4080
 OSM00106W  Rabbit antibody to MUPP1  4080
 OSM00082W  Rabbit antibody to MUPP1  4080
 OSM00058W  Rabbit antibody to MUPP1 (1450-1500)  4080
 OSN00035W  Rabbit antibody to Neuroligin 1, 2  4080
 OSN00036W  Rabbit antibody to Neuroligin 3  4080
 OSN00037W  Rabbit antibody to Neuroligin 4  4080
 OSS00008W  Rabbit antibody to Saporin  4080
 OSS00009W  Sheep antibody to Saporin  4080
 OSU00004W  Goat antibody to Ubiquitin  4080
 OSU00005G  Goat antibody to Ubiquitin  4080
 OSB00085W  Rabbit antibody to BACH2 (360-410)  4080
 OSC00266W  Rabbit antibody to CNPY2  4080
 OSC00210W  Rabbit antibody to Cullin 5  4080
 OSN00011W  Rabbit antibody to HECT domain of NEDD4  4080
 OSN00009W  Rabbit antibody to NDFIP1  4080
 OSN00010W  Rabbit antibody to NDFIP2  4080
 OSN00008W  Rabbit antibody to NEDD4  4080
 OSN00018W  Rabbit antibody to NEDD8  4080
 OSP00042W  Rabbit antibody to Parkin  4080
 OSP00043G  Rabbit antibody to Parkin  4080
 OSR00379W  Rabbit antibody to RNF139 (500-550)  4080
 OSS00234W  Rabbit antibody to SMURF1  4080
 OSS00007W  Rabbit antibody to SQSTM1 (300-360)  4080
 OSS00083G  Rabbit antibody to SQSTM1 (300-360)  4080
 OSS00111W  Rabbit antibody to SUMO 2  4080
 OSS00112G  Rabbit antibody to SUMO 2  4080
 OSS00113W  Rabbit antibody to SUMO 4  4080
 OSS00109W  Rabbit antibody to SUMO1  4080
 OSS00109W  Rabbit antibody to SUMO1  4080
 OSS00400W  Rabbit antibody to SYVN1 (460-510)  4080
 OST00390W  Rabbit antibody to TRIM11  4080
 OST00344W  Rabbit antibody to TRIM32 (160-210)  4080
 OSN00021G  Sheep antibody to NEDD8  4080
 OSN00020W  Sheep antibody to NEDD8  4080
 OSS00084G  Sheep antibody to SQSTM1 (300-360)  4080
 OSS00006W  Sheep antibody to SQSTM1 (300-360)  4080
 OSR00395G  Guinea pig antibody to Rhodopsin  4080
 OSR00393W  Guinea pig antibody to Rhodopsin  4080
 OSA00100W  Rabbit antibody to AIPL1  4080
 OSA00144W  Rabbit antibody to Ankyrin 2  4080
 OSB00030W  Rabbit antibody to BBS2  4080
 OSB00031W  Rabbit antibody to BBS4  4080
 OSC00168W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA1 (100-150)  4080
 OSC00162W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA1 (50-100)  4080
 OSC00169W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA3  4080
 OSC00170W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA3  4080
 OSC00171W  Rabbit antibody to CNGA3  4080
 OSC00175W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3  4080
 OSC00176W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3  4080
 OSC00253W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3  4080
 OSC00177W  Rabbit antibody to CNGB3 (160-210)  4080
 OSC00278W  Rabbit antibody to CORD2  4080
 OSC00077W  Rabbit antibody to CTRP5  4080
 OSC00078G  Rabbit antibody to CTRP5  4080
 OSC00156W  Rabbit antibody to CYPIB1  4080
 OSE00040W  Rabbit antibody to Encephalopsin  4080
 OSR00216W  Rabbit antibody to Encephalopsin  4080
 OSR00213W  Rabbit antibody to Encephalopsin  4080
 OSG00092W  Rabbit antibody to GABRR2  4080
 OSC00174W  Rabbit antibody to GARP  4080
 OSM00139W  Rabbit antibody to LIM2 (150-200)  4080
 OSR00222W  Rabbit antibody to M Opsin  4080
 OSR00221W  Rabbit antibody to M Opsin (2-50)  4080
 OSM00108W  Rabbit antibody to Melanopsin  4080
 OSR00217W  Rabbit antibody to Melanopsin  4080
 OSR00214W  Rabbit antibody to Melanopsin  4080
 OSM00085W  Rabbit antibody to Melanopsin  4080
 OSM00120W  Rabbit antibody to MPP4 (50-100)  4080
 OSM00118W  Rabbit antibody to MPP4 (500-550)  4080
 OSM00119W  Rabbit antibody to MPP4 (590-635)  4080
 OSR00218W  Rabbit antibody to Neuropsin  4080
 OSR00215W  Rabbit antibody to Neuropsin  4080
 OSR00146W  Rabbit antibody to OA1  4080
 OSO00004G  Rabbit antibody to OA1  4080
 OSR00147W  Rabbit antibody to OA1  4080
 OSG00071W  Rabbit antibody to OA1  4080
 OSO00004G  Rabbit antibody to OA1  4080
 OSO00042W  Rabbit antibody to OPA1  4080
 OSN00054W  Rabbit antibody to Optimedin  4080
 OSO00040W  Rabbit antibody to Optineurin  4080
 OSO00041W  Rabbit antibody to Optineurin  4080
 OSR00148W  Rabbit antibody to Peropsin  4080
 OSR00150W  Rabbit antibody to Peropsin (2-50)  4080
 OSP00059W  Rabbit antibody to PIM1  4080
 OSP00164W  Rabbit antibody to PITX3  4080
 OSP00171W  Rabbit antibody to PRCDP  4080
 OSR00332W  Rabbit antibody to RAX  4080
 OSR00353W  Rabbit antibody to Recoverin  4080
 OSR00149W  Rabbit antibody to RGR  4080
 OSR00220W  Rabbit antibody to Rhodopsin  4080
 OSR00394G  Rabbit antibody to Rhodopsin  4080
 OSP00135W  Rabbit antibody to RPE65 (320-370)  4080
 OSR00381W  Rabbit antibody to RPE65 (490-533)  4080
 OSR00219W  Rabbit antibody to S Opsin  4080
 OSO00014W  Rabbit antibody to S opsin  4080
 OSO00006G  Rabbit antibody to S Opsin  4080
 OSS00406W  Rabbit antibody to S opsin (2-33)  4080
 OSO00013W  Rabbit antibody to S opsin (300-350)  4080
 OSS00326W  Rabbit antibody to SLC24A1  4080
 OSS00322W  Rabbit antibody to SOX2  4080
 OSS00251W  Rabbit antibody to SOX2  4080
 OST00436W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM126A (10-60)  4080
 OST00435W  Rabbit antibody to TMEM126A (2-50)  4080
 OSR00333W  Rabbit antibody to UNC119 (100-150)  4080
 OSV00065W  Rabbit antibody to VIAAT (5-50)  4080
 OSV00081W  Rabbit antibody to VILIP1  4080
 OSV00094W  Rabbit antibody to VSX1  4080
 OSC00151W  Sheep antibody to CTRP5  4080
 OSR00329G  Sheep antibody to Rhodopsin  4080
 OSA00091P  AQP7 control peptide  2040
 OSA00094P  AQP9 control peptide  2040
GSD00001P  DRAM control peptide  2040
 GSD00002P  DRAM control peptide  2040
 OSB00005P  BEX1 control peptide  2040
 GSC00002P  Antibacterial protein LL-37 control peptide  2040
 OSC00030P  Human Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide  5950
 OSC00031P  Human Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide: FK peptide  4080
 OSC00032P  Human Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide: GK peptide  4080
 OSC00033P  Human Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide: KR peptide  4080
 OSC00034P  Human Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide: LL peptide  4080
 GSA00004P  ALDH3A1 control peptide  2040
 GSS00003P  Serpin control peptide  2040
 OSC00184P  GJA10 control peptide  2040
 OSC00056P  CAV1 control peptide  2040
 OSC00178P  Complexin 2 control peptide  2040
 GSD00003P  Doc2b control peptide  2040
 GSR00001P  RSSA control peptide  2040
GSM00005P  MOR103-15 control peptide  2040
 GSO00001P  MOR106-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00006P  MOR106-13 control peptide  2040
 GSM00007P  MOR118-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00008P  MOR13-6, 2, 5 control peptide  2040
 GSM00009P  MOR175-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00012P  MOR262-6, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12 control peptide  2040
 GSM00013P  MOR267-13 control peptide  2040
 GSM00014P  MOR276-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00015P  MOR31-2 control peptide  2040
 GSM00016P  MOR33-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00017P  MOR40-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00018P  MOR40-4 control peptide  2040
 GSM00023P  MOR42-1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00020P  MOR42-3 control peptide  2040
 GSM00019P  MOR8-2 control peptide  2040
 GSM00010P  Mouse ORL467 control peptide  2040
 OSR00018P  Olfr15 control peptide  2040
 OSO00020P  Olfr521 control peptide  2040
 OSR00261P  OR1N2 control peptide  2040
OSR00272P  OR2A5, OR2A14, OR2A42 control peptide  2040
 OSR00281P  OR2K2 control peptide  2040
 OSR00288P  OR2W1 control peptide  2040
 GSH00001P  OR51E1 control peptide  2040
 GSH00002P  OR51E1 control peptide  2040
 OSO00045P  OR8A1 control peptide  2040
GST00001P  TAAR1 control peptide  2040
 GST00002P  TAAR2 control peptide  2040
 GST00003P  TAAR3 control peptide  2040
 GST00004P  TAAR5 control peptide  2040
 OSC00104P  CACHD1 control peptide  2040
 OSC00079P  CACNA1A control peptide  2040
 OSC00083P  CACNA1D control peptide  2040
 GSC00006P  Orai2 control peptide  2040
 GSS00007P  STIM2 control peptide  2040
 GST00041P  TAS1R3 control peptide  2040
 GST00053P  TAS1R3 control peptide  2040
 GST00040P  TAS2R10 control peptide  2040
 OSR00161P  TAS2R14 control peptide  2040
 OST00468P  TAS2R16 control peptide  2040
 GST00039P  TAS2R38 control peptide  2040
 GST00028P  TAS2R4 control peptide  2040
 OSR00167P  TAS2R43 control peptide  2040
 GST00050P  TAS2R7 control peptide  2040
GSF00001P  FPR1 control peptide  2040
 OSF00007P  FPR2 control peptide  2040
 OST00297P  TLR9 control peptide  2040
 OSC00104P  CACHD1 control peptide  2040
 OSC00079P  CACNA1A control peptide  2040
 OSC00083P  CACNA1D control peptide  2040
 GSC00006P  Orai2 control peptide  2040
 GSS00007P  STIM2 control peptide  2040
OSP00084P  PKD1L3 control peptide  2040
 OSP00055P  PKD2L1 control peptide  2040
GSP00003P  KCNA3 control peptide  2040
 GSP00004P  KCNJ9 control peptide  2040
 GSP00005P  KCNK1 control peptide  2040
 GSP00007P  KCNN3 control peptide  2040
 OSP00100P  KCNQ3 control peptide  2040
 GSP00009P  P2RX3 control peptide  2040
 GSP00002P  P2RX4 control peptide  2040
 GSP00008P  P2RX6 control peptide  2040
 GSP00006P  P2RX7 control peptide  2040
 GSA00002P  ASIC2 control peptide  2040
 GSA00003P  ASIC3 control peptide  2040
 GSA00001P  ASIC4 control peptide  2040
 OSS00152P  SCN7A control peptide  2040
 OSS00079P  SCNN1A control peptide  2040
 GSS00002P  SCNN1A control peptide  2040
 OSS00102P  SCNN1A control peptide  2040
 GSS00001P  SCNN1D control peptide  2040
 GST00009P  Rat TRPM2 control peptide  2040
 GST00011P  Rat TRPV3 control peptide  2040
 GST00012P  Rat TRPV4 control peptide  2040
 GST00038P  TRP-1 control peptide  2040
 OST00114P  TRPA1 control peptide  2040
 OST00139P  TRPA1 control peptide  2040
 GST00025P  TRPA1 control peptide  2040
 GST00020P  TRPA1 control peptide  2040
 GST00021P  TRPA1 control peptide  2040
 GST00014P  TRPC1 control peptide  2040
 GST00032P  TRPC3 control peptide  2040
 GST00031P  TRPC3, 6, 7 control peptide  2040
 GST00008P  TRPM1 control peptide  2040
 GST00030P  TRPM1 control peptide  2040
 GST00043P  TRPM3 control peptide  2040
 GST00042P  TRPM5 control peptide  2040
 OST00357P  TRPM5 control peptide  2040
 OST00320P  TRPM7 control peptide  2040
 GST00044P  TRPM8 control peptide  2040
 GST00017P  TRPM8 control peptide  2040
 GST00048P  TRPM8 control peptide  2040
 OST00087P  TRPV1 control peptide  2040
 GST00026P  TRPV3 control peptide  2040
 GST00018P  TRPV4 control peptide  2040
 GST00027P  TRPV4 control peptide  2040
 GST00019P  TRPV4 control peptide  2040
 GST00037P  TRPV5 control peptide  2040
 GST00035P  TRPV5 control peptide  2040
 GST00036P  TRPV6 control peptide  2040
 GST00022P  TRPV6 control peptide  2040
 GST00034P  TRPV6 control peptide  2040
 GSP00010P  5HT1A R control peptide  2040
 GSS00004P  5HT3A R control peptide  2040
 OSS00201P  5HT4 R control peptide  2040
 OSS00205P  5HT7 R control peptide  2040
 OSM00134P  MC1R control peptide  2040
 GSB00001P  BDNF control peptide  2040
 GSB00002P  BDNF control peptide  2040
 GSB00003P  BDNF control peptide  2040
 OST00220P  TrkB control peptide  2040
 GSC00001P  c Fos peptide  2040
 GSC00003P  Cathepsin G control peptide  2040
 OSA00058P  AKT control peptide  2040
 OSE00041P  DYKDDDDK-tag control peptide  2040
 GSG00002P  GNB1 control peptide  2040
 GSS00006P  SLC12A2 control peptide  2040
 GSS00005P  SLC20A1 control peptide  2040
 OSS00274P  SLC6A8 control peptide  2040
 GSV00003P  VACHT control peptide  2040
 GSV00002P  VGluT1 control peptide  2040
 OSS00204P  CNGB3 control peptide  2040
 GSM00024P  Melanopsin control peptide  2040
 OSR00221P  OPSG/OPSR control peptide  2040
 OSR00215P  Opsin 5 control peptide  2040
 GSV00001P  RAX control peptide  2040
 OSR00219P  S Opsin control peptide  2040
 GSM00003P  Mucolipin 1 control peptide  2040
 GSM00002P  Mucolipin 2 control peptide  2040
 GSM00022P  Mucolipin 2 control peptide  2040
 GSM00004P  Mucolipin 3 control peptide  2040
 GSP00001P  Pejvakin control peptide  2040
 GST00023P  TMC1 control peptide  2040




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wako Anti Iba1, Rabbit小胶质细胞/巨噬细胞特异性抗体

wako Anti Iba1, Rabbit小胶质细胞/巨噬细胞特异性抗体


wako Anti Iba1, Rabbit For Immunocytochemistry)

wako Anti Iba1, Rabbit  016-20001 (for Western Blotting)

Iba1: ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1 小胶质细胞/巨噬细胞特异性蛋白抗体

        钙离子是已知的所有细胞,包括中枢神经系统(CNS)细胞中最重要的信号调解人之一。钙离子通过与各种钙结合蛋白结合发挥信号活动,其中许多钙结合蛋白被划分成一个大的蛋白家族,EF手性蛋白家族。Iba1是一个17 kDa的EF手性蛋白,在巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞中表达,并在这些细胞的活化过程中表达升高。
本抗体以合成的的Iba1羧基末端序列为抗原,该序列是人,大鼠和小鼠Iba1蛋白质保守序列。本抗体(免疫组化用)特异性与小胶质细胞/巨噬细胞反应,免疫双重染色与单克隆抗体结合,可与GFAP单克隆抗体((胶质纤维酸性蛋白,Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein)联合使用对脑组织和细胞培养物进行双重染色。



Wako 016-26721 Anti Iba1, Monoclonal Antibody(NCNP24) for Immunochemistry 50ul
Wako 012-26723 Anti Iba1, Monoclonal Antibody(NCNP24) for Immunochemistry 10ul
Wako 013-26471 Anti Iba1, Rabbit, Red Fluorochrome(635)-conjugated for Immunochemistry 100ul
Wako 016-26461 Anti Iba1, Rabbit, Biotin-conjugated for Immunochemistry 100ul
Wako  019-19741 Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Immunocytochemistry) for Immunochemistry 50μg
Wako 016-20001 Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting) for Immunochemistry 50μg


1. 固定
2. 用0.01M PBS缓冲液清洗二次
3. 使用含有0.3% 过氧化氢的甲醇孵育30分钟
4. 用0.01M PBS缓冲液清洗三次
5. 使用封闭液(含有1.5%的山羊血清和1%BSA的0.001M PBS缓冲液)室温孵育2小时
6. 使用含有Anti Iba1 polyclonal antibody的封闭液4℃孵育过夜
7. 用0.01M PBS缓冲液清洗三次
8. 使用含有生物素标记的抗兔IgG(1:200)的封闭液室温孵育1小时
9. 用0.01M PBS缓冲液清洗三次
10. 使用Elite ABC试剂(含有试剂A1:50,试剂B1:50的0.01M PBS溶液)
11. 用0.01M PBS缓冲液清洗三次

12. 过氧化物酶溶液(含有0.01% 过氧化氢和0.05% DAB的0.05M Tris溶液)


免疫细胞化学⇒和光 Cat. No. 019-19741 (50μg (100μL))

免疫印迹⇒和光Cat. No. 016-20001 (50μg (100μL))
 Iba1属于17-kDa EF蛋白,在巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞中特异性表达,起到正向调节的作用。
绿色:Iba1,小胶质细胞/巨噬细胞特异性蛋白抗体作用 (Wako Cat. #019-19741)
      (此数据由 日本神经系统科学国家研究所神经化学部提供)

Iba1抗体用于免疫细胞化学(Wako Cat. #019-19741)试验过程

100%二甲苯 10分钟  2次
100%乙醇   5分钟     2次
80%乙醇   5分钟 
70%乙醇   5分钟 
一蒸馏水    5分钟      2次
6)在4度下,与 Anti Iba1 Antibody (0.5 μg/mL)(Wako Catalog No. 019‐19741)在封闭液中孵育过夜;
7)用0.01M PBS冲洗3次;
8)在室温下,与生物素标记的anti‐Rabbit IgG Antibody (1:200)在封闭液中孵育1小时;
9)用0.01M PBS冲洗3次;

Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Immunocytochemistry)   019-19741 介绍



CAS No.:

This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.
Antibodies against Macrophage/Microglia-specific Protein Iba1
Calcium ions are known to be one of the most important signal mediators in all cells including central nervous system (CNS) cells. Calcium ions exert their signaling activity through association with various calcium binding proteins, many of which are classified into a large protein family, the EF hand protein family. Iba1 is a 17-kDa EF hand protein that is specifically expressed in macrophages/ microglia and is upregulated during the activation of these cells.Wako has launched rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the Iba1 carboxy-terminal sequence, which was conserved among human, rat and mouse Iba1 protein sequences. These antibodies are specifically reactive to microglia/ macrophages, are appropriate for immuno-double staining of brain tissues and cell culture in combination with monoclonal antibody to GFAP, which specifically reacts to astrocyte.
Rabbit Anti Iba1 antibody is raised a synthetic peptide corresponding to C-terminus of Iba1.
Preparation: Purified by the antigen affinity chromatography from rabbit antisera and prepared in TBS solution. Contains no preservatives and stabilizers.
Specificity: Specific to microglia and macrophage, but not cross-reactive with neuron and astrocyte. Reactive with human, mouse and rat Iba1.
Working Concentration: Immunocytochemistry 1-2 μg/mL
Storage:Store at -20°C. After opening, aliquot contents and freeze at -20°C.
Package Size: 50 μg (100 μL)
Specific to microglia and macrophage, but not cross-reactive with neuron and astrocyte. Reactive with human, mouse and rat Iba1.

  1. Imai, Y., Ibata, I., Ito, D., Ohsawa, K. and Kohsaka, S.: Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 224, 855 (1996).
  2. Ito, D., Imai, Y., Ohsawa, K, Nakajima, K, Fukuuchi, Y. and Kohsaka, S.: Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res., 57, 1 (1998).
  3. Ohsawa, K., Imai, Y., Kanazawa, H., Sasaki, Y. and Kohsaka, S.: J. Cell Sci., 113, 3073 (2000).
  4. Sasaki, Y., Ohsawa, K., Kanazawa, H., Kohsaka, S. and Imai, Y.: Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 286, 292 (2001).
  5. Kanazawa, H., Ohsawa, K., Sasaki, Y., Kohsaka, S. and Imai, Y.: J. Biol. Chem., 277, 20026(2002).


iba1小胶质细胞抗体 免疫印迹⇒ 016-20001 (50μg (100μL))

wako Anti Iba1, Rabbit  016-20001 (for Western Blotting)

钙离子作为信号转导通道中的第一信使,在所有细胞包括中枢神经细胞的生命活动中起重要作用。钙离子与不同的钙结合蛋白结合后进行级联反应。Iba1 是能与巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞发生特异性结合的钙结合蛋白,当这些细胞激活后,Iba1 的表达量上调,因此Iba1 通常作为鉴定小胶质细胞的标记物使用。近来研究发现,小胶质细胞除了提供营养、保护神经的作用外,还被证明可产生NO、TNF- α、IL-1 β等物质,因此将小胶质细胞定义为中枢神经系统中的巨噬细胞样吞噬细胞,具有重要的免疫细胞作用。当病原菌,病毒入侵中枢神经系统时会起免疫监视的作用。近来研究发现,该细胞可能与神经退行性疾病的发生和发展有关。本产品是可与小胶质细胞发生特异性反应的兔多抗,配合对星形胶质细胞有特异性的GFAP 单抗,可进行双染色。
抗原:合成肽(Iba1 的C 末端序列)
外观:TBS 溶液(1mg/ml)
能与人、小鼠、大鼠Iba1 反应。
用法: ① Iba1 抗体,兔源(Immunocytochemistry 用)
只需1 ~ 2 ug/ml 即可进行实验。
② Iba1 抗体,兔源(Western blotting 用)适合Western blotting。
只需0.5 ~ 1ug/ml 即可进行实验。

绿色:Iba1 抗体,兔源(Immunocytochemistry 用)(小胶质细胞)
红色:抗GFAP 抗体(星形胶质细胞)
数据提供:日本国立精神• 神经中心神经研究所代谢研究部

BioSB 2022年价格表

   2018美国加利福尼亚州BIO SB成立于1998年,致力于分子病理学研究,研发高品质的组织化学检测产品。同罗氏诊断、雅培、赛默飞、安捷伦、Biogenex、Sigma-Aldrich等公司为国际组织诊断市场的主要参与者。BioSB是我们代理的品牌之一。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 报价来源
BSB 0001 Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector DAB HRP Brown 15mL 4464 biosb 4-6周 上海金畔
BSB 0001H Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector HRP Label 15mL 2506 biosb 4-6周 上海金畔
BSB 0001L Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector Biotin Link 15mL 2506 biosb 4-6周 上海金畔
BSB 0001LH Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector Biotin Link & HRP Label 15mL 3332 biosb 4-6周 上海金畔
BSB 0001S Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector DAB HRP Brown 5mL 2397 biosb 4-6周 上海金畔
BSB 0002 Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector AEC HRP Red 15mL 4172 biosb 4-6周 上海金畔