
如何在RT-PCR过程中避免DNA污染? 用arcticzymes公司Heat&Run gDNA去除试剂盒



PCR是在研究和诊断中检测DNA存在的灵敏方法。PCR中使用的聚合酶经常被大肠杆菌  DNA 污染  。当靶向少量细菌DNA时,污染的DNA可能会导致灵敏度降低和假阳性。其他污染源可能是dNTP,缓冲液成分和引物/探针,以及在处理过程中引入的DNA。细菌的检测和分型可以通过使用针对保守区域(即16S或23S rDNA基因)的宽范围引物进行。该方法对细菌DNA污染非常敏感,在大多数预混液和聚合酶中都可以发现细菌DNA的痕迹。当使用qPCR检测或定量少量细菌DNA时,会污染  大肠杆菌 DNA可能导致假阳性结果。


Master mix AMaster mix BMaster mix CMaster mix DMaster mix EMaster mix F5101520253035404501,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,000CyclesFluorescence (dR)

周期数 预混料A 预混料B 预混料C 预混料D 预混料E 预混料F
1个 445.82 188.53 262.32 24.54 119.24 19.88
2 280.95 98.89 146.05 16.96 74.5 17.48
3 138.57 38.05 67.71 9.91 41.73 13.14
4 45.34 8.98 39.43 6.54 24.71 8.17
5 18.42 5.01 30.5 4.27 13.97 3.47
6 17.27 10.14 3.86 2.53 3.71 1.59
7 18.37 19.65 -13.69 1.3 -0.5 1.9
8 6.23 8.45 -14.54 -3.12 1.07 1.33
9 16.91 -10.83 1.59 -5.19 0.84 -1.22
10 27.13 -3.87 13.88 -6 -1.59 -5.54
11 15.27 2.74 17.72 -6.45 -4.11 -7.13
12 -9.27 11.16 7.09 -7.32 -4.19 -6.29
13 -23.72 15.34 -11.46 -7.05 -4.52 -6.29
14 -10.8 12.94 -18.65 -6.1 -4.63 -5.85
15 -11.42 -3.06 -18.21 -7.25 -4.49 -5.47
16 -9.14 -2.26 -14.4 -6.37 -6.29 -5.86
17 -11.23 2.29 -4.63 -6.29 -8.56 -7.84
18岁 -22.43 -2.06 11.46 -7.32 -10.91 -9.5
19 -37.18 2.12 1.48 -7.2 -12.59 -7.35
20 -42.19 3.56 -7.84 -6.83 -12.98 -7.59
21 -25.13 13.75 -6.62 -6.92 -12.16 -10.05
22 -10.7 8.27 -4.96 -6.11 -9.45 -9.58
23 -9.07 -1.34 12.42 0.75 -5.03 -9.3
24 -6.71 16.25 7.88 14.34 -2.95 -8.86
25 3.73 26.74 -12.22 38.92 -0.3 -4.95
26 21.95 16.12 -1.17 92.59 11.75 4.8
27 44.51 10.79 0.93 197.62 38.32 25.43
28 65.1 2.72 15.04 391.52 90.41 64.57
29 120.95 5.33 39.24 740.71 190.44 139.16
30 241.81 35.16 84.47 1,314.08 373.74 282.38
31 475.25 79.48 221.05 2,117.01 692.8 548.3
32 848.63 172.21 438.41 3,012.37 1,210.32 1,003.21
33 1,381.49 309.17 777.19 3,775.06 1,900.63 1,694.92
34 2,049.27 480.45 1,272.03 4,315.72 2,748.62 2,537.76
35 2,738.02 719.59 1,815.39 4,682.25 3,707.58 3,344.92
36 3,348.5 986.26 2,392.68 4,928.08 4,495.48 3,977.28
37 3,871.24 1,266.95 2,996.86 5,092.26 4,951.86 4,429.49
38 4,310.55 1,593.89 3,511.08 5,205.38 5,185.25 4,767.34
39 4,643.89 1,889.91 3,973.82 5,294.18 5,319.67 5,021.63
40 4,918.33 2,125.13 4,400.73 5,362.6 5,409.15 5,215.4
41 5,130.29 2,332.17 4,715.53 5,408.24 5,468.26 5,367.39
42 5,273.35 2,475.56 4,963.13 5,441.55 5,511.18 5,483.24
43 5,407.78 2,588.48 5,143.08 5,469.56 5,548.48 5,569.71
44 5,539.07 2,710.59 5,254.89 5,484.62 5,577.68 5,636.28
45 5,662.91 2,832.27 5,377 5,495.64 5,602.42 5,699.93

图1:通过使用水代替模板(NTC)并按照制造商的说明对来自不同供应商的2x探针预混合物中大肠杆菌23S DNA的存在进行了定量。该图显示了来自几个单独实验的图。在所有测试的预混物中都发现了痕量的大肠杆菌23S DNA,Cq值通常在30-35之间。

为了解决这个问题,我们开发了一种简单而又准确的  PCR去污试剂盒  ,该试剂盒可去除主混合物中的污染DNA,而不会降低PCR灵敏度






PCR Decontamination Kit



  • dsDNase的双链特异特性允许使用引物和探针进行去污染。
  • 高效用于终点PCR和基于探针的qPCR。
  • 污染的细菌DNA降至检测极限以下的水平。
  • 快速简便的协议。




  1. 将引物和探针与主要混合物和试剂盒内容混合
  2. 在37°C下孵育20分钟
  3. 在60°C下失活20分钟
  4. 添加模板并运行qPCR


用于从20 µl反应中去除污染性DNA的方案,但可以通过调整试剂盒内容物的体积来按比例放大或缩小。

图1: PCR去污试剂盒方案


500 pg untreated50 pg untreated5 pg untreated500 fg untreated50 fg untreatedNTC untreated500 pg decontaminated50 pg decontaminated5 pg decontaminated500 fg decontaminated50 fg decontaminatedNTC decontaminated5101520253035404502,5005,0007,50010,00012,50015,000Cycles

周期数 500 pg未经处理 50 pg未经处理 5 pg未经处理 500 fg未经处理 50 fg未经处理 未经处理的NTC 500 pg消毒 50 pg消毒 5 pg消毒 500 fg消毒 50 fg消毒 NTC净化
1个 -217 -38 -13 -63 -12 -7 -133 13 -10 13 17 21
2 -107 -22 2 -36 -9 -22 -55 14 -11 -3 8 -10
3 -69 -10 -1 -23 -20 -26 -27 10 -1 -12 12 -39
4 -46 -1 2 -12 -20 -14 -13   6 -6 8 -44
5 -29 7 4 3 -7 -4 -4 -2 5 5 4 -63
6 -11 9 6 8 11 1个 5 1个 -6 9 4 -63
7 6 5 11   12 9 15 2 -4 11 -7 -44
8 12 -3 12 6 -7 13 6 8 11 12 1个 -29
9 3 -17 3 14 -4 12 -13 9 14 -5 8 -12
10 -15 -16 -7 14 6 6 -8 -5 9 -4 1个 5
11 -22 2 -9 5 2 4 -1 -9 9 7 6 20
12 -21 3 -5 -2 -3 13 -10 3 8 14 5 14
13 -2 -11 -4 2 2 2 -5 -2 -3 14 -2 11
14 34 -4 -5 -13 12 1个 16 -12 -7   -9 22
15 89   -3 -16 8 7 60 -3 2 -9 -5 19
16 204 1个 -20 -9 -1 3 162 2 -15 -22 -10 25
17 416 20 -31 -9 -10 4 371 11 -33 -24 -17 35
18岁 764 70 -16 -12 -5 -1 746 57 -26 -14 -17 29
19 1,297 173 1个 -22 -7 -6 1,310 154 -16 -1 -22 21
20 2,015 347 15 -21 -25 -10 2,049 344 8 2 -15 13
21 2,886 644 46 -20 -27 -16 2,915 657 51 -8 -1 5
22 3,865 1,115 122 -7 -27 -28 3,879 1,122 127 -7 5 8
23 4,879 1,774 261 10 -33 -32 4,908 1,764 270 4 -2 20
24 5,919 2,597 508 35 -24 -21 5,927 2,576 527 34 -20 26
25 6,951 3,525 921 101 -2 -22 6,892 3,514 960 94 -22 25
26 7,930 4,526 1,520 221 14 -13 7,855 4,505 1,587 209 3 10
27 8,818 5,526 2,301 426 37 -5 8,771 5,495 2,406 434 36 8
28 9,628 6,511 3,242 778 99 2 9,570 6,473 3,357 808 93 11
29 10,380 7,472 4,278 1,337 192 9 10,291 7,422 4,384 1,375 199 5
30 11,037 8,371 5,346 2,101 382 43 10,940 8,306 5,445 2,146 393 6
31 11,646 9,210 6,400 3,047 721 101 11,524 9,096 6,489 3,097 727 4
32 12,184 9,985 7,417 4,132 1,229 182 12,042 9,814 7,496 4,149 1,261 -15
33 12,627 10,694 8,402 5,274 1,980 344 12,482 10,482 8,465 5,254 2,018 -24
34 13,001 11,317 9,291 6,409 2,945 586 12,836 11,075 9,387 6,393 2,961 -6
35 13,334 11,858 10,101 7,498 4,071 944 13,113 11,616 10,200 7,492 4,066 3
36 13,631 12,329 10,847 8,566 5,276 1,444 13,356 12,072 10,902 8,520 5,231 6
37 13,878 12,740 11,522 9,594 6,482 2,088 13,547 12,442 11,541 9,482 6,415 9
38 14,080 13,064 12,091 10,509 7,694 2,871 13,718 12,785 12,097 10,364 7,582 -11
39 14,235 13,341 12,562 11,364 8,880 3,793 13,876 13,064 12,576 11,178 8,696 -27
40 14,347 13,580 12,977 12,111 9,965 4,817 13,979 13,267 12,988 11,905 9,747 -14
41 14,443 13,785 13,329 12,773 10,940 5,848 14,068 13,462 13,290 12,533 10,676 -16
42 14,511 13,954 13,617 13,355 11,827 6,871 14,159 13,620 13,547 13,053 11,496 -35
43 14,542 14,068 13,844 13,839 12,602 7,895 14,224 13,739 13,803 13,469 12,202 -22
44 14,597 14,195 14,033 14,276 13,309 8,871 14,280 13,851 14,022 13,814 12,798  
45 14,664 14,332 14,217 14,689 14,022 9,824 14,347 13,952 14,234 14,147 13,385 13


图2:未经处理和去污的qPCR 2x预混液用于以5步分析10倍的大肠杆菌gDNA连续稀释液。包括NTC样品,连续稀释的所有图均显示三个重复的平均值。

使用PCR Decontamination Kit进行处理不会降低PCR的敏感性。即使稀释DNA,Cq水平也没有明显改变(图2)。


  • DTT(灭活援助)
  • dsDNase(100个反应)

质量控制:已  对试剂盒中是否存在RNase进行了测试。




不含甘油和Triton FREE的版本






测定条件:25 mM Tris pH 7.5、5 mM MgCl 2和2μM寡核苷酸。


基质 相对活动
双链DNA 100%
单链DNA <0.03%
双链RNA <0.01%
单链RNA <0.01%



dsDNase可以通过在65°C下15分钟或60°C下20分钟的热处理进行热灭活。该酶需要1 mM DTT和pH≥8才能*灭活。


  • 单位定义
    一个单位定义为在100 mM醋酸钠pH 5.0和5 mM MgCl2中使用50 µg / ml高分子量DNA在260 nm处的吸光度每分钟增加0.001。

  • 活Ca。400 000 Kunitz单位/毫克
  • 活性
    dsDNase在20-40°C的温度范围内具有很高的活性。它至少需要2.5 mM Mg的活性,并具有7.5的pH。
  • 储存缓冲液
    20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5、2 mM MgCl2、10 mM NaCl,0.01%(v / v)Triton X-100、50%(v / v)甘油。
  • 纯度
  • 储存


HL-dsDNase可通过在58°C下5分钟的热处理进行热失活。该酶需要1 mM DTT和pH≥8才能*灭活。


  • 单位定义
    一个单位定义为在100 mM乙酸钠pH 5.0和5 mM MgCl2中使用50μg/ ml高分子量DNA在260 nm处的吸光度每分钟增加0.001。

  • 活Ca。200 000 Kunitz单位/毫克
  • 活性
    HL-dsDNase在20-40°C的温度范围内具有很高的活性。它至少需要2.5 mM Mg的活性,并具有7.5的pH。
  • 储存缓冲液
    20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5、2 mM MgCl2、10 mM NaCl,0.01%(v / v)Triton X-100、50%(v / v)甘油。
  • 纯度
  • 储存


品名 货号 Cons. U/µl ml units
Cod UNG 1-100 70500-201 1 0.1 100
Cod UNG 1-1000 70500-202 1 1 1,000
Cod UNG 1-10k 70500-110 1 1 10,000
Cod UNG 1-50k 70500-151 1 50 50,000
Cod UNG 50-50k 70500-150 50 1 50,000
Cod UNG Glycerol-free 5kU 70510-105 40-60 0.1 5,000
Cod UNG Glycerol-free 50kU 70510-150 40-60 1 50,000
Cod UNG Triton FREE 1-100 70501-201 1 0.1 100
Cod UNG Triton FREE 1-1000 70501-202 1 1 1,000
Cod UNG Triton FREE 50-50k 70501-150 50 1 50,000
Cod UNG Glycerol-free Triton FREE 5kU 70511-105 ~50 0.1 5,000
Cod UNG Glycerol-free Triton FREE 50kU 70511-150 ~50 1 50,000
HL-dsDNase 2-250 70800-201 2 0.125 250
HL-dsDNase 2-1000 70800-202 2 0.5 1,000
HL-dsDNase 5-2500 70800-203 5 0.5 2,500
HL-dsDNase 50-50k 70800-150 50 1 50,000
HL-dsDNase 2-100k 70800-110 2 50 100,000
HL-dsDNase Glycerol-free 5kU 70810-50 80-140 0.05 5,000
HL-dsDNase Triton FREE 2-250 70801-201 2 0.125 250
HL-dsDNase Triton FREE 2-1000 70801-202 2 0.5 1,000
HL-dsDNase Triton FREE 5-2500 70801-203 5 0.5 2,500
HL-dsDNase Glycerol-free Triton FREE 5 kU 70811-50 > 50 N/A 5,000
dsDNase 2-250 70600-201 2 0.125 250
dsDNase 2-1000 70600-202 2 0.5 1,000
dsDNase 5-2500 70600-203 5 0.5 2,500
dsDNase 50-50k 70600-150 50 1 50,000
dsDNase 2-100k 70600-110 2 50 100,000
dsDNase Glycerol-free 5kU 70610-50 80-140 0.05 5,000
dsDNase Glycerol-free Triton FREE 5kU 70611-50 >50 N/A 5,000
SAN 5k 70900-201 25 0.2 5,000
SAN 25k 70900-202 25 1 25,000
SAN 500k 70900-150 >250 2 500,000
HL-SAN 25k 70910-202 25 1 25,000
HL-SAN 500k 70910-150 25 2 500,000
SAN HQ-25 kU 70920-202 25   25,000
SAN HQ>250-500kU 70920-150 >250   500,000
SAN HQ>250-5MU 70920-160 >250   5,000,000
SAN HQ Triton FREE 25 kU 70921-202 25   25,000
SAN HQ Triton FREE >250-500kU 70921-150 >250   500,000
SAN HQ Triton FREE >250-5MU 70921-160 >250   5,000,000
SAN HQ ELISA 70930-001      
M-SAN HQ-25 kU 70950-202 25   25,000
M-SAN HQ>250-500kU 70950-150 >250   500,000
M-SAN HQ>250-5MU 70950-160 >250   5,000,000
SAP 1-1000 70700-201 1 1 1,000
SAP 1-5000 70700-202 1 5 5,000
SAP 1-200k 70700-101 1 200 200,000
SAP 50-10M 70700-110 >20 500 10,000,000
SAP Glycerol-free 70710-201 20 0.25 5,000
IsoPol-5-200 71500-201 5 0.04 200
IsoPol SD+ 5-200 71501-201 5 0.04 200
IsoPol BST+ 5-200 71502-201 5 0.04 200
HL-ExoI 20-2500 70100-201 20 0.125 2,500
HL-ExoI 20-50k 70100-150 20 2.5 50,000
Heat&Run gDNA removal Kit 80200-50 50 rxn    
Heat&Run gDNA removal Kit 80200-250 250 rx    
PCR Decontamination Kit 80400-100 100 rxn   1
PCR Decontamination Kit 80400-500 500 rxn   1
A'SAP 80350-100 100 rxn   1
A'SAP 80350-500 500 rxn   1
A'SAP 80350-2000 2000 rxn   1
EcA'SAP 1-Tube 80310-100 100 rxn 0.2 1
ArcticZymes Proteinase 71600-201 0.2   50
ArcticZymes Proteinase 71600-110 0.2   1,000
T4 DNA Ligase 71800-202 5000 0.05 250,000


nanohelix DirectFast qRT-PCR 试剂盒说明书

nanohelix DirectFast qRT-PCR 试剂盒说明书

DirectFast qRT-PCR 试剂盒

  • DIRECT、FAST、灵敏、可靠的一步定量 RT-PCR 试剂盒

  • 直接从动物组织、植物组织和各种临床样本中进行实时扩增

  • 跳过 RNA 纯化

  • 快速实时检测:50 分钟,40 个循环

  • 多重:一个反应中最多 5 重探针

  • 基于探针的实时 RT-PCR 试剂盒

  • *的缓冲系统和抗体偶联的热启动Taq

  • UDG 系统:防止残留污染

货号 产品 尺寸
DFQRU-T100 RealHelix™ DirectFast qRT-PCR 试剂盒 100 次

RealHelix™ DirectFast qRT-PCR Kit是一种基于探针的 qRT-PCR 试剂盒,设计用于从动物组织和各种临床样本(包括全血、血清和拭子收集)中直接实时扩增 RNA,无需任何 RNA 纯化过程。快速反应可以在一小时内完成qRT-PCR循环。该酶混合物是逆转录酶、抗体抑制的Taq DNA 聚合酶、RNase 抑制剂和不耐热的尿嘧啶-DNA-糖基化酶 (HL-UDG)的优化混合物。反应缓冲液包含所有必需的成分,包括优化的缓冲液成分、Mg 2+、dUTP 和dNTP. 应用的 HL-UDG/dUTP 系统消除了先前反应中 PCR 产物的残留污染。HL-UDG 在 PCR 混合物的设置和处理过程中有效地去除含有 dU 的 DNA 中的尿嘧啶残基。

图 1. 使用 RealHelix™ DirectFast qRT-PCR 试剂盒   的直接和多重实时 RT-PCR 。

按照该方案制备掺有 10 8个 SARS-CoV-2 RNA 拷贝的拭子裂解液。使用不同目标特异性_ _ _探针(S基因、ORF8N基因)。探针用FAM( S基因)、HEX( ORF8 )和德克萨斯红( N基因)标记。使用 RealHelix TM DirectFast测试多重反应 实时 PCR 仪器 Bio-Rad CFX96 上的 qRT-PCR 试剂盒。








图 2. 使用 RealHelix™ DirectFast qRT-PCR Kit 从小鼠组织中进行直接和快速实时 RT-PCR 。

按照方案制备小鼠全血或肝脏的裂解物。使用小鼠 GAPDH 基因特异性引物和 FAM 标记的探针在实时 PCR 仪器 CFX96 TM (Bio-拉德)。


  • 直接定量实时 RT-PCR




RealHelix™ DirectFast qRT-PCR 试剂盒 使用实时 PCR、靶特异性引物和水解探针根据提供的方案使用全血或血清进行评估。



nanohelix 多重 PCR 2x 预混液简介

nanohelix 多重 PCR 2x 预混液简介


多重 PCR 2x 预混液

  • 用于多重 PCR 的 2 倍预混液,最多 13 重 

  • *的特异性和高生产力 

  • 自动热启动 PCR 

  • 为复杂的多重 PCR 提供方便和快速的设置 

  • 通过内置 UDG 系统防止残留污染



货号 产品 特征
nanohelix BMPR 多重 PCR 2x 预混液
nanohelix BMPU 多重 PCR 2x 预混液,带 UDG + UDG 系统*


Multiplex PCR 2x Premix是设置复杂多重 PCR 的不错之选,是一种预混合溶液,包含HelixAmp™ Hot-Taq聚合酶、dNTP和 2x 浓度的优化缓冲液。Multiplex PCR 2x Premix旨在为热启动 PCR 提供高的特异性,并大限度地减少反应混合物中引物之间的中断。使用 UDG 系统可以去除残留污染的 PCR 产物。 




  • 多重 PCR(常规)

  • 等位基因特异性PCR

  • SNP分析和基因分型



特性:传统的多重 PCR 具有防止残留污染的功能。热启动。


热活化: +95°C 15 分钟。




稳定性: -20°C 下 12 个月










Fermentas B02 10X Buffer Cfr9I 1 ml                           141
B04 10X Buffer Cfr10I 1 ml                           141
B12 10X Buffer EcoRI 5×1 ml                           141
B13 10X Buffer Bsp143I 1 ml                           141
B14 Bovine Serum Albumin 5 mg                           162
B16 10X Taq Buffer with KCl and 15 mM MgCl2 4×1.25 ml                           151
B19 Dilution Buffer for Restriction Enzymes 5×1 ml                           151
B22 10X Buffer Eco52I 1 ml                           141
B23 10X Buffer SduI, Ppu21I 1 ml                           141
B24 10X Buffer SdaI 1 ml                           141
B25 10X Buffer Eam1105I 1 ml                           141
B26 10X Buffer Ecl136II, PacI, SacI 1 ml                           141
B27 10X Buffer AarI, AjiI, Bpu10I, ScaI, PasI 1 ml                           141
B28 10X Buffer TaqI 1 ml                           141
B29 10X Buffer KpnI 1 ml                           141
B30 Buffer Set for Restriction Enzymes 5×1 ml                           151
B31 10X Buffer BseXI 1 ml                           141
B33 10X Taq Buffer with (NH4)2SO4 4×1.25 ml                           151
B34 10X Taq Buffer with (NH4)2SO4 and 20 mM MgCl2 4×1.25 ml                           151
B38 10X Taq Buffer with KCl 4×1.25 ml                           151
B43 10X Reaction Buffer with MgCl2 for DNase I 1 ml                           151
B49 50X TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA) 1 l                           714
B52 10X TBE Buffer (Tris-borate-EDTA) 1 l                           389
B55 10X Taq Buffer without Detergent 4×1.25 ml                           151
B57 10X Buffer BamHI, Lsp1109I 5×1 ml                           151
B59 10X Buffer BfuI 1 ml                           141
B62 10X Reaction Buffer for phi29 DNA Polymerase 5×1 ml                           141
B65 10X DreamTaq™ Buffer 4×1.25 ml                           151
B69 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer 1.5 ml                           141
B71 10X DreamTaq™ Green Buffer 4×1.25 ml                           184
BB5 10X Buffer B 5×1 ml                           151
BG5 10X Buffer G 5×1 ml                           151
BO5 10X Buffer O 5×1 ml                           151
BR5 10X Buffer R 5×1 ml                           151
BY5 10X Buffer Tango™ 5×1 ml                           151
EF0221 Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic 10 units                           368
EF0651 FastAP™ Thermosensitive Alkaline Phosphatase 1000 units                           606
EF0652 FastAP™ Thermosensitive Alkaline Phosphatase 5×1000 units                        2,423
EF0654 FastAP™ Thermosensitive Alkaline Phosphatase 300 units                           346
EK0031 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 500 units                           324
EK0032 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 2500 units                        1,298
EL0011 T4 DNA Ligase 1000 units                           541
EL0012 T4 DNA Ligase 5×1000 units                        2,163
EL0013 T4 DNA Ligase, HC 5000 units                        2,163
EL0014 T4 DNA Ligase 200 units                           216
EL0016 T4 DNA Ligase, LC 2×500 units                           541
EL0021 T4 RNA Ligase 1000 units                           541
EM0821 CpG Methyltransferase (M.SssI) 250 units                        1,298
EN0141 Endonuclease V, T.maritima 250 units                           627
EN0181 Micrococcal Nuclease 8000 units                           443
EN0191 Exonuclease III 4000 units                           205
EN0201 RNase H 100 units                           130
EN0202 RNase H 500 units                           519
EN0321 S1 Nuclease 10000 units                           281
EN0361 Uracil-DNA Glycosylase 200 units                           346
EN0362 Uracil-DNA Glycosylase 5×200 units                        1,384
EN0521 DNase I, RNase-free 1000 units                           379
EN0523 DNase I, RNase-free, HC 1000 units                           379
EN0525 DNase I, RNase-free (supplied with MnCl2) 1000 units                           487
EN0531 RNase A, DNase and protease-free 10 mg                           346
EN0541 RNase T1 100000 units                           508
EN0542 RNase T1 500000 units                        2,033
EN0551 RNase A/T1 Mix 1 ml                           606
EN0561 Lambda Exonuclease 1000 units                           606
EN0562 Lambda Exonuclease 5000 units                        2,423
EN0581 Exonuclease I 4000 units                           606
EN0582 Exonuclease I 20000 units                        2,423
EN0591 Endonuclease IV, E.coli 100 units                           379
EN0601 RNase I 1000 units                           649
EN0602 RNase I 5000 units                        2,704
EO0381 RiboLock™ RNase Inhibitor 2500 units                           216
EO0382 RiboLock™ RNase Inhibitor 4×2500 units                        1,082
EO0384 RiboLock™ RNase Inhibitor 24×2500 units                        7,197
EO0461 Agarase 100 units                           703
EO0491 Proteinase K (recombinant), PCR grade 1 ml                           216
EO0492 Proteinase K (recombinant), PCR grade 5×1 ml                           973
EO0861 WELQut Protease 500 units                           942
EP0041 DNA Polymerase I 500 units                           281



COOLCUBE™ 微管和 PCR 板冷却器

  • 保持 0°C 长达 4 小时

  • 也可用作 PCR 工作站

  • 两侧,适用于:1.5 和 2.0 毫升微量管、0.2 毫升 PCR 管和条带、96 孔 PCR 板




温度 0°C 长达 4 小时
容量(第 1 面) 36 x 1.5/2.0ml 试管
容量(第 2 面) 96 x 0.2ml 试管
12 x 0.2ml 条
1 x 96 孔 PC 板
10×1.5/2.0ml 试管
尺寸(宽x深x高) 5.6 x 5.6 x 2.5 英寸/143 x 14.3 x 6.4 厘米
重量 2 磅(1 公斤)
保修单 2年


  • COOLCUBE™ 微管和 PCR 板冷却器

CoolCube™ 旨在将样品安全地储存在实验室工作台上,而不会因温度升高或波动而导致样品降解。只需将 CoolCube 放在冰箱中过夜,即可使用,保持样品低温,但不冷冻。
CoolCube 的一侧可容纳 36×1.5/2.0ml 试管。把它翻过来,你就有了一个 PCR 工作站。这一面有一个 96 孔 PCR 板(或 96×0.2ml 管)和十个 1.5/2.0ml 管。
CoolCube 在工作台上将温度保持在大约 0°C 长达四个小时。


货号 品名 价格
BV101  Vornado™ miniature vortexer, grey cup head, 100 to 240V with US Plug 3398.30 
BV101-E  Vornado™ miniature vortexer, grey cup head, 100 to 240V with European 2 prong PLUG* 3398.30 
BV101-B  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with blue cup head, 100 to 240V with US Plug 3398.30 
BV101-B-E  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with blue cup head, 100 to 240V with European 2 prong ADAPTER* 3398.30 
BV101-G  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with green cup head, 100 to 240V with US Plug 3398.30 
BV101-G-E  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with green cup head, 100 to 240V with European 2 prong ADAPTER* 3398.30 
BV101-P  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with purple cup head, 100 to 240V with US Plug 3398.30 
BV101-P-E  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with purple cup head, 100 to 240V with European 2 prong ADAPTER* 3398.30 
BV101-R  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with red cup head, 100 to 240V with US Plug 3398.30 
BV101-R-E  Vornado™ miniature vortex mixer with red cup head, 100 to 240V with European 2 prong ADAPTER* 3398.30 
BV1000 BenchMixer™  Vortexer 115V 4318.00 
BV1000-E BenchMixer™  Vortexer, 230V 4318.00 
BV1003 BenchMixer V2™ Vortex Mixer with flip top cup head and new counter balance, 115V 4836.50 
BV1003-E BenchMixer V2™ Vortex Mixer with flip top cup head and new counter balance, 230V 4836.50 
BV1005 Mortexer™  Vortexer 115V 4928.30 
BV1005-E Mortexer™  Vortexer, 230V 4928.30 
  BV1000-FLAT Vortexer Flat head 620.50 
  BV1000-COMBO COMBO™  head 1113.50 
  BV1003-T150 Optional Foam Rack for 12 x 15ml tubes ( BV1003 model only) 1113.50 
  BV1003-T500 Optional Foam Rack for 5 x 50 ml tubes (BV1003 model only) 1113.50 
  BV1000-H15 Horizontal head, for 12 x 1.5ml 1581.00 
  BV1000-H150 Horizontal head, for 4 x 15ml 1581.00 
  BV1000-H500 Horizontal head, for 2 x 50ml 1581.00 
BV1010* BenchMixer™ XL Multi-Tube Vortexer, includes 50x12mm tube rack, 115V 48450.00 
BV1010-E BenchMixer™ XL Multi-Tube Vortexer, includes 50x12mm tube rack, 230V 48450.00 
BV1010-TST BenchMixer XLQ, QuEChERS Shaker/Vortexer with QuEChERS Racks, 115V 49113.00 
BV1010-TST-E BenchMixer XLQ, QuEChERS Shaker/Vortexer with QuEChERS Racks, 230V 49113.00 
 BV1010-00 Foam Sheet, no holes (1 each) 633.25 
 BV1010-05 Tube Rack, 96 x 0.5ml (8mm) 633.25 
 BV1010-1520 Tube Rack, 50 x 1.5/2.0ml (10mm) 633.25 
 BV1010-12 Tube Rack, 50 x 12mm 633.25 
 BV1010-13 Tube Rack, 50 x 13mm 633.25 
 BV1010-150 Tube Rack, 50 x 15ml (16.5mm) 633.25 
 BV1010-500 Tube Rack, 15 x 50ml (29mm) 633.25 
 BV1010-25 Tube Rack, 15 x 25mm 633.25 
 BV1010-MP Rack for up to 3 microplates 2431.00 
 BV1010-MP02 Rack for 96 x 0.2ml tubes or strips (3pk) 650.25 
 BV1010-50HQ Tube Rack for 7x50ml QuEChERs, horizontal 612.00 
R3005 TubeRoller with 5 rollers, 115V 15215.00 
R3005-E TubeRoller with 5 rollers, 230V 15215.00 
R3010 TubeRoller with 10 rollers, 115V  22763.00 
R3010-E TubeRoller with 10 rollers, 230V 22763.00 
M2100  TubeRocker™ Compact Rocker with grooved mat for tubes, 115V 6103.00 
M2100-E TubeRocker™ Compact Rocker with grooved mat for tubes, 230V 6103.00 
R2020 Roto-Mini™ Rotator with tube holders, 115V 6375.00 
R2020-E Roto-Mini™ Rotator with tube holders, 230V 6375.00 
R2024 Roto-Mini™ Plus Variable Speed Rotator with tube holders, 115V 7514.00 
R2024-E Roto-Mini™ Plus Variable Speed Rotator with tube holders, 230V 7514.00 
H2020 Roto-Therm™ Incubated Rotator with tube holders, 115V 9350.00 
H2020-E Roto-Therm™ Incubated Rotator with tube holders, 230V 9350.00 
H2024 Roto-Therm™ Plus Incubated Rotator (variable speed) with tube holders, 115V 12495.00 
H2024-E Roto-Therm™ Plus Incubated Rotator (variable speed) with tube holders, 230V 12495.00 
R2020-1520 Tube holder, 11 x 1.5/2.0, 2/pk (1 pack included) 1045.50 
R2020-0507 Tube holder, 5 x 5-7ml, 2/pk (1 pack included) 1045.50 
R2020-150 Tube holder, 4 x 10-15ml, 2/pk (1 pack included) 1045.50 
R2020-500 Tube holder, 6 x 50ml, 1 each (1 pack included) 848.30 
R2020-PCR Tube holder, 96 x 0.2ml, 12 x PCR strips or one PCR plate (R2024 and H2024 Only) 1224.00 
R2020-RP Mini rocking platform with rubber mat, 4.5 x 3 in (R2024 and H2024 Only) 1589.50 
R4040 RotoBot Mini Programmable Rotator, includes tube holders for 12×1.5ml, 2x15ml and 2x50ml 9843.00 
R4040-E RotoBot Mini Programmable Rotator, includes tube holders for 12×1.5ml, 2x15ml and 2x50ml, 240V 9843.00 
R4045 RotoBot Programmable Rotator, includes tube holders for 30×1.5ml, 8x15ml and 2x50ml 15113.00 
R4045-E RotoBot Programmable Rotator, includes tube holders for 30×1.5ml, 8x15ml and 2x50ml, 240V 15113.00 
R4040-1520 6 x 1.5/2.0ml tube holder, pack of 2 (Installed for vertical or horizontal mixing) 318.75 
R4040-150 1 x 15ml tube holder, pack of 2 280.50 
R4040-500 1 x 50ml tube holder, pack of 2 280.50 
R4040-HZ15 6 x 15ml horizontal rotisserie, 1 ea 972.40 
R4040-HZ50 6 x 50ml horizontal rotisserie, 1 ea 972.40 
R4040-RP Rocking platform for RotoBot Mini, 6 x 5.5″ 2329.00 
R4045-RP2 Rocking platform for RotoBot, 6 x 10″ 2915.50 
R5010  Rotating Mixer with rotisseries for 1.5/2.0, 15 and 50ml tubes, 115v 17170.00 
R5010-E  Rotating Mixer with rotisseries for 1.5/2.0, 15 and 50ml tubes, 230v 17170.00 
BR1000 BenchBlotter™ Platform Rocker, fixed speed, 12″x12″ with flat mat, 115V 8245.00 
BR1000-E BenchBlotter™ Platform Rocker, fixed speed, 12″x12″ with flat mat, 230V 8245.00 
BR2000 BenchRocker™ 2D Rocker, variable speed, 14″x12″ platform with flat mat, 115V 13243.00 
BR2000-E BenchRocker™ 2D Rocker, variable speed, 14″x12″ platform with flat mat, 230V 13243.00 
BR5000 Everlast rocker with flat mat, 115V 18683.00 
BR5000-E Everlast rocker with flat mat, 230V 18683.00 
BR5000-STACK Stacking platform with flat mat with 3.5″ clearance 2193.00 
B3D1020 MiniMixer™ 3D Nutating Shaker, fixed speed 10″x7.5″ platform, dimpled mat, 115V 6953.00 
B3D1020-E MiniMixer™ 3D Nutating Shaker, fixed speed 10″x7.5″ platform, dimpled mat, 230V 6953.00 
B3D1320 BioMixer™ 3D Nutating Shaker, fixed speed, 12″x12″ platform, dimpled mat, 115V 8483.00 
B3D1320-E BioMixer™ 3D Nutating Shaker, fixed speed, 12″x12″ platform, dimpled mat, 230V 8483.00 
B3D2300 BenchRocker™ 3D Nutating Shaker, variable speed, 12″x12″ platform with 2 mats, 115V 15725.00 
B3D2300-E BenchRocker™ 3D Nutating Shaker, variable speed, 12″x12″ platform with 2 mats, 230V 15725.00 
B3D1008 Mini BlotBoy™ 3D Rocker, fixed speed, small 10″x7.5″ platform with flat mat, 115V 7140.00 
B3D1008-E Mini BlotBoy™ 3D Rocker, fixed speed, small 10″x7.5″ platform with flat mat, 230V 7140.00 
B3D1308 BlotBoy™ 3D Rocker, fixed speed, 12″x12″ platform with flat mat, 115V 8483.00 
B3D1308-E BlotBoy™ 3D Rocker, fixed speed, 12″x12″ platform with flat mat, 230V 8483.00 
B3D5000  BenchWaver™ 3D Rocker with flat mat, 13.5×13″ platform, 100-240V (US Plug) 21930.00 
B3D5000-E BenchWaver™ 3D Rocker with flat mat, 13.5×13″ platform, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 21930.00 
B3D5000-STK  Optional Stacking Platform with Flat Mat (4.5″ clearance) 2210.00 
B3D5000-DIMP Optional dimpled mat for use with a variety of tubes 1470.50 
  B3D-STACK Stacking platform, small 10.5″x7.5″ with flat mat  (3.0″separation) 1891.25 
  B3D-STACK-D Stacking platform, small 10.5″x7.5″ with dimpled mat  (3.0″ separation) 1963.50 
  BR1000-STACK Stacking platform, large 12″x12″ with flat mat (3.0″ separation) 1891.25 
  BR1000-STACK-D Stacking platform, large 12″x12″ with dimpled mat  (3.0″ separation) 1963.50 
  BR2000-STACK Stacking Platform, extra large 14″x12″ with flat mat  (3.0″ separation) 2057.00 
  BR2000-SP Additional platform separators (4 ea.). Adds 1.25″ to platform separation 735.25 
  BR2000-FLAT Flat Mat, extra large  14″ x 12″ 709.75 
  BR1000-FLAT Flat Mat, large 12″ x 12″ 620.50 
  BR1000-DIMPLED Dimpled Mat, large 12″ x 12″ 658.75 
  B3D-FLAT Flat Mat, small 10.5″ x 7.5″  561.00 
  B3D-DIMPLED Dimpled Mat, small 10.5″ x 7.5″ 578.00 
  B0718 LaBungee 4 cord bungee cord pack  7″ to 12″ working size 493.00 
BT302 Orbi-Shaker™Jr with rubber mat platform (9.5″x8″), 100-240V  (US Plug) 16609.00 
BT302-E Orbi-Shaker™Jr with rubber mat platform (9.5″x8″), 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 16609.00 
 H1000-MR MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks & tube racks (11×9.5in) 4003.50 
H1000-MR-1000 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 1000ml Erlenmeyer (max. 4) 935.00 
 H1000-MR-500 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 500ml Erlenmeyer (max. 6) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-250 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 250ml Erlenmeyer (max. 8) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-125 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 125ml Erlenmeyer (max. 12) 544.00 
 H1000-MR-50 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 50ml Erlenmeyer (max. 20) 510.00 
 H1000-MR-25 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 25ml Erlenmeyer  963.05 
 H1000-MR-MP MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, one microplate (max. 4) 1313.25 
 H1000-MR-1550 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 30x15ml &20x50ml tubes (max. 1) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T15 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 32x15ml, tubes (max.2) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T50 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 15x50ml, tubes (max. 2) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-CMB MAGic Clamp™ COMBO, for 125ml, 250ml, 500ml flasks 718.25 
 H1000-MR-TSR MAGic Clamp™ tilted holder for 15mL and 50mL tube racks (max 2) 1853.00 
 BT300-RB Roller Platform, adjustable for uncommon vessels 6009.50 
BT1011 Orbi-Shaker™XL orbital shaker with flat mat platform, 115V 52513.00 
BT1011-E Orbi-Shaker™XL orbital shaker with flat mat platform, 230V 52513.00 
BT3001 Orbi-Shaker™ with rubber mat platform (13″x12″) 115V 27710.00 
BT3001-E Orbi-Shaker™ with rubber mat platform (13″x12″), 230V 27710.00 
BT4001  Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 with remote controller and rubber mat platform (13″x12″), 115V 55505.00 
BT4001-E Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 with remote controller and rubber mat platform (13″x12″), 230V 55505.00 
BT4011 Orbi-Shaker™CO2 XL orbital shaker with flat mat platform, 115V 74783.00 
BT4011-E  Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 XL orbital shaker with flat mat platform, 230V 74783.00 
 H1000-MR MAGic Clamp™ universal platform (SM) for flasks & tube racks (9.5 x 11.5″) 4003.50 
 BT3000-MR MAGic Clamp™ universal platform (LG) for flasks & tube racks, 14 x 12″ 4343.50 
 H1000-MR-1000 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 1000ml Erlenmeyer (max. 5) 935.00 
 H1000-MR-500 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 500ml Erlenmeyer (max. 9) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-250 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 250ml Erlenmeyer (max. 14) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-125 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 125ml Erlenmeyer (max. 24) 544.00 
 H1000-MR-50 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 50ml Erlenmeyer (max. 30) 510.00 
 H1000-MR-25 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 25ml Erlenmeyer 963.05 
 H1000-MR-MP MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, one microplate (max. 6) 1313.25 
 H1000-MR-1550 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 30x15ml &20x50ml tubes (max. 2) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T14 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 72x14mm culture tubes 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T15 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 32x15ml, tubes (max. 3) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T50 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 15x50ml, tubes (max. 3) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T600 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 4x500ml or 600ml conical bottles (max. 1) 2839.00 
 H1000-MR-T15H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 12 x 1.5/2.0ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-T150H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 4 x 15ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-T500H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 2 x 50ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-TSR MAGic Clamp™ tilted holder for 15mL and 50mL tube racks (max 3) 1853.00 
H1000-MR-CMB MAGic Clamp™ COMBO, for 125ml, 250ml, 500ml flasks 718.25 
 H1000-P-500 Dedicated Platform, 5 x 500ml Erlenmeyer flasks 5661.00 
 H1000-P-250 Dedicated Platform, 8 x 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks 5661.00 
 H1000-P-125 Dedicated Platform, 12 x 125ml Erlenmeyer flasks 5661.00 
 H1000-P-MP Dedicated Platform, holds 4 standard micro plates (max. 1) 8806.00 
 H1000-P-SP Universal Spring Platform 8636.00 
BT4500  Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 with remote controller and rubber mat platform (13″x12″), 115V 57783.00 
BT4500-E Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 with remote controller and rubber mat platform (13″x12″), 230V 57783.00 
BT30  Orbi-Blotter™  with non slip rubber mat platform(14×12″), 115V 14365.00 
BT30-E  Orbi-Blotter™  with non slip rubber mat platform(14×12″), 230V 14365.00 
BR2000-STACK Stacking Platform, extra large 14″x12″ with flat mat  (3.0″ separation) 2057.00 
H1001-M  Incu-Shaker™ Mini with non-slip rubber mat, 115V 52003.00 
H1001-M-E  Incu-Shaker™ Mini with non-slip rubber mat, 230V 52003.00 
H3501 Incu-Shaker™ Mini CO2 with non slip rubber mat, 115V 155805.00 
H3501-E Incu-Shaker™ Mini CO2 with non slip rubber mat, 230V 155805.00 
 H1000-MR MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks & tube racks  (9.5 x 11.5″) 4003.50 
 H1000-MR-1000 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 1000ml Erlenmeyer (max. 2) 935.00 
 H1000-MR-500 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 500ml Erlenmeyer (max. 5) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-250 MAGic Clamp™   magnetic clamp, 250ml Erlenmeyer (max. 8) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-125 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 125ml Erlenmeyer (max. 12) 544.00 
 H1000-MR-50 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 50ml Erlenmeyer (max. 20) 510.00 
 H1000-MR-25 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 25ml Erlenmeyer 963.05 
 H1000-MR-MP MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, one microplate (max. 4) 1313.25 
 H1000-MR-1550 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 30x15ml &20x50ml tubes (max. 1) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T14 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 72x14mm culture tubes 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T15 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 32x15ml, tubes (max. 2) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T50 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 15x50ml, tubes (max. 2) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T600 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 4x500ml or 600ml conical bottles (max. 1) 2839.00 
 H1000-MR-T15H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 12 x 1.5/2.0ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-T150H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 4 x 15ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-T500H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 2 x 50ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-TSR MAGic Clamp™ tilted holder for 15mL and 50mL tube racks (max 1) 1853.00 
H1000-MR-CMB MAGic Clamp™ COMBO, for 125ml, 250ml, 500ml flasks 718.25 
 H1000-P-500 Dedicated Platform, 5 x 500ml Erlenmeyer flasks (max.5) 5661.00 
 H1000-P-250 Dedicated Platform, 8 x 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks (max. 8) 5661.00 
 H1000-P-125 Dedicated Platform, 12 x 125ml Erlenmeyer flasks (max. 12) 5661.00 
 H1000-P-MP Dedicated Platform, holds 4 standard micro plates (max. 1) 9095.00 
 H1000-P-SP Universal Spring Platform 8925.00 
 H2300-REG  Optional CO2 gas regulator    5355.00 
H2010  Incu-Shaker™ 10L with non-slip rubber mat, 115V 106063.00 
H2010-E  Incu-Shaker™ 10L with non-slip rubber mat, 230V 106063.00 
H2012  Incu-Shaker™ 10LR with non-slip rubber mat, Refrigerated Shaking Incubator, 115V 149940.00 
H2012-E  Incu-Shaker™ 10LR with non-slip rubber mat, Refrigerated Shaking Incubator, 230V 149940.00 
 H1010-MR  MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks & tube racks (18 x18″) 5593.00 
 BT4010-MR MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks & tube racks (16 x16.5″)  5593.00 
 H1000-MR-3000 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 3000ml Erlenmeyer (max. 4) 1513.00 
 H1000-MR-2000 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 2000ml Erlenmeyer (max. 5) 1207.00 
 H1000-MR-1000 MAGic Clamp™ magnetic clamp, 1000ml Erlenmeyer (max. 9) 935.00 
 H1000-MR-500 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 500ml Erlenmeyer (max. 16) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-250 MAGic Clamp™   magnetic clamp, 250ml Erlenmeyer (max. 25) 612.00 
 H1000-MR-125 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 125ml Erlenmeyer (max. 36) 544.00 
 H1000-MR-50 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 50ml Erlenmeyer (max. 49) 510.00 
 H1000-MR-25 MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, 25ml Erlenmeyer 963.05 
 H1000-MR-MP MAGic Clamp™  magnetic clamp, one microplate (max. 8) 1313.25 
 H1000-MR-1550 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 30x15ml &20x50ml tubes (max. 4) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T14 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 72x14mm culture tubes 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T15 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 32x15ml, tubes (max. 8) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T50 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 15x50ml, tubes (max. 8) 2448.00 
 H1000-MR-T600 MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 4x500ml or 600ml conical bottles (max. 1) 2839.00 
 H1000-MR-T15H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 12 x 1.5/2.0ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-T150H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 4 x 15ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-T500H MAGic Clamp™ Tube Rack, 2 x 50ml tubes, horizontal 1698.30 
 H1000-MR-TSR MAGic Clamp™ tilted holder for 15mL and 50mL tube racks (max 8) 1853.00 
H1000-MR-CMB MAGic Clamp™ COMBO, for 125ml, 250ml, 500ml flasks 718.25 
 H1010-P-MP  Platform, holds 6 standard micro plates (max. 1) 12223.00 
 H1010-P-SP  Universal Spring Platform 9435.00 
 H1010-SH  Shelf, 14 x 5.5″ for Petri dishes, plates, trays, etc. 2142.00 
H6002  Incu-Mixer MP2™  Heated Plate Vortexer 115-240V (US Plug) 28645.00 
H6002-E  Incu-Mixer MP2™  Heated Plate Vortexer 115-240V  (Schuko European plug) 28645.00 
H6004  Incu-Mixer MP4™  Heated Plate Vortexer, 115V  39355.00 
H6004-E  Incu-Mixer MP4™  Heated Plate Vortexer, 230V 39355.00 
BT1502 Orbi-Shaker™ MP with 4 position micro plate platform, 100-240V (US Plug) 16473.00 
BT1502-E Orbi-Shaker™ MP with 4 position micro plate platform, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 16473.00 
BT1500-A1520  Microtube Adapter, 20 x 1.5/2.0ml for microplate shakers BT1500 and H6004) 1292.00 
BT1500-A05 Microtube Adapter, 20 x 0.5ml for microplate shakers BT1500 and H6004) 1292.00 
H5000-HC MultiTherm™ Shaker with heating and cooling, 115V 45543.00 
H5000-HC-E MultiTherm™ Shaker with heating and cooling, 230V 45543.00 
H5000-H MultiTherm™ Shaker with heating only, 115V 34663.00 
H5000-H-E MultiTherm™ Shaker with heating only, 230V 34663.00 
 H5000-02 Block, 96 x 0.2ml or one PCR plate 5635.50 
 H5000-05 Block, 54 x 0.5ml 4743.00 
 H5000-CMB Block, combination 15 x 0.5 and 20 x 1.5ml 4743.00 
 H5000-15 Block, 35 x 1.5ml 4743.00 
 H5000-20 Block, 35 x 2.0ml 4743.00 
 H5000-12 Block, 24 x 12mm 6681.00 
 H5000-150 Block, 12 x 15ml 6681.00 
 H5000-500 Block, 6 x 50ml 6681.00 
 H5000-5MT Block for 5ml centrifuge tubes 6681.00 
 H5000-MP  Block for one Micro Plate 6681.00 
 H5000-DWMP Block for one Deep Well Micro Plate 6681.00 
 H5000-1232 Block , 24 x 2ml HPLC/ Autosampler Vials (12 x 32mm) 6681.00 
 H5000-025 Block, 48 x 250ul vial insert (6 x 30mm) 6681.00 
 H5000-CU  Block, custom drilled, for tubes/vials up to 40mm tall 11084.00 
 H5000-WB Block, multipurpose for liquids, beads, etc. Chamber dimensions: 4 x 2.6 x 1″ 6681.00 
T5000-96  TC 9639 Gradient Thermal Cycler with multiformat block with US Plug 88383.00 
T5000-96-E  TC 9639 Gradient Thermal Cycler with multiformat block with EU Plug 88383.00 
T5000-384  TC 9639 Gradient Thermal Cycler with 384 well block with US Plug 101150.00 
T5000-384-E  TC 9639 Gradient Thermal Cycler with 384 well block with EU Plug 101150.00 
T5000-A-IS  In-situ adapter for use with T5000-96 7939.00 
T5005-3205 TC 32 Mini Thermal Cycler with multiformat block with US Plug 52003.00 
T5005-3205-E TC 32 Mini Thermal Cycler with multiformat block with EU Plug 52003.00 
D2400  BeadBlaster™ Microtube homogenizer, 115V 141015.00 
D2400-E  BeadBlaster™ Microtube homogenizer, 230V 141015.00 
D2400-R BeadBlaster™ 24 Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizer, 115V 220830.00 
D2400-R-E  BeadBlaster™ 24 Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizer, 230V 220830.00 
D2400-R5V2 Optional tube holder, 12x5ml tubes 6443.00 
D1030 BeadBug™ Microtube homogenizer, 115V 14365.00 
D1030-E BeadBug™ Microtube homogenizer, 230V 14365.00 
D1036 BeadBug 6, Six Position Homogenizer, 115V 38335.00 
D1036-E BeadBug 6, Six Position Homogenizer, 230V 38335.00 
D1036-A5 Tube Holder for 5ml tubes (2 x 5ml) 1326.00 
 D1031-01 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Silica (Glass) Beads, 0.1mm Acid Washed, 50pk 1925.25 
 D1031-05 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Silica (Glass) Beads, 0.5mm Acid Washed, 50pk 1925.25 
 D1031-10 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Silica (Glass) Beads, 1.0mm Acid Washed, 50pk 1925.25 
 D1032-01 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 0.1mm Triple-Pure – High Impact, 50pk 2686.00 
 D1032-05 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 0.5mm  Triple-Pure – High Impact, 50pk 2686.00 
 D1032-10 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 1.0mm Triple-Pure  – High Impact, 50pk 2686.00 
 D1032-15 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 1.5mm Triple-Pure  – High Impact, 50pk 2686.00 
 D1032-30 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Zirconium Beads, 3.0mm Triple-Pure – High Impact, 50pk 2686.00 
 D1032-SK Prefilled – Triple-Pure Starter Kit, 10 each of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 3.0mm 2686.00 
 D1033-28 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Stainless Steel, 2.8mm Acid Washed, 50pk 2686.00 
 D1031-T20 Tubes (empty) pack of 1000 with caps and sealing ring 2847.50 
 D1031-T21 Tubes (empty) pack of 50 with caps and sealing ring 714.00 
D1031-RF Reinforced tubes (empty) pack of 500 with cap and sealing ring 3536.00 
C1005-SC5 5ml Screw Cap Tubes, non-sterile, w/ caps packed separately, pk/500  ( 5 bags /100) 1683.00 
C1005-SC5-S 5ml Screw Cap Tubes, Sterile with caps attached, 50 per rack, (500 total) 1785.00 
D1033-30G Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, Garnet Shards and one 6 mm Zirconium Bead, 50pk 2686.00 
D1034-MX Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, 0.1mm Silica, 1.4 mm Zirconium & 4mm Silica Beads, 50pk 2686.00 
D1032-60 Prefilled 2.0ml tubes, 6 mm Ceria Based Zirconium Oxide Satellite, 50pk 2686.00 
D1034-28 Prefilled 5.0ml tubes, Stainless Steel beads, 2.8mm Acid Washed, 50pk (for D1036 and D2400 only) 3587.00 
D1131-01 Bulk Beads, Silica (glass), 0.1mm, acid washed, 200g 3638.00 
D1131-05 Bulk Beads, Silica (glass), 0.5mm, acid washed, 200g  3638.00 
D1131-10 Bulk Beads, Silica (glass), 1.0mm acid washed, 200g 3638.00 
D1132-01TP Bulk Beads, Zirconium, 0.1mm, Triple-Pure Molecular Biology Grade, 250g 7267.50 
D1132-05TP Bulk Beads, Zirconium, 0.5mm, Triple-Pure Molecular Biology Grade, 250g 7267.50 
D1132-10TP Bulk Beads, Zirconium, 1.0mm, Triple-Pure Molecular Biology Grade, 250g 7267.50 
D1132-15TP Bulk Beads, Zirconium, 1.5mm, Triple-Pure Molecular Biology Grade, 250g 7267.50 
D1132-30TP Bulk Beads, Zirconium, 3.0mm, Triple-Pure Molecular Biology Grade, 300g 7267.50 
D1133-28 Bulk  Beads, Stainless Steel, 2.8mm, acid washed, 1,000/pk 7267.50 
D1134-50 Bulk Beads, Stainless Steel, 5mm, alcohol washed, 1000/pk   6613.00 
D1132-60 Bulk Beads, 6 mm Zirconium Oxide, Ceria Stabilized, 50/pk 612.00 
D1133-G Garnet shards, bulk, acid washed, 250g bottle 3714.50 
D1000  D1000 Homogenizer, includes 5mm and 7mm generators (ideal for microtubes), 115V 18853.00 
D1000-E  D1000 Homogenizer, includes 5mm and 7mm generators (ideal for microtubes), 230V 18853.00 
 D1000-M10  Optional generator, 10mm x 115mm saw tooth, for 15ml & 50ml tubes  5559.00 
 D1000-M14  Optional generator 14mm x 130mm saw tooth, for 50ml tubes up to 250ml vessels 16617.50 
 D1000-M5  Replacement generator pack, 5mm x 50mm for microtubes, pack of 5 9333.00 
 D1000-M7  Replacement generator pack, 7mm x 50mm saw tooth for microtubes, pack of 5 9902.50 
 D1000-ST  Stand for D1000 7446.00 
DP0150 Pulse 150™ Ultrasonic Homogenizer with 6mm horn and soundproof box, 120V 49283.00 
DP0150-E Pulse 150™ Ultrasonic Homogenizer with 6mm horn and soundproof box, 230V 49283.00 
DP0150-2 Horn, 2mm diameter, for 0.1-5ml, fits DP0150 4403.00 
DP0150-3 Horn, 3mm diameter, for 3-10ml, fits DP0150 4403.00 
DP0150-6 Horn, 6mm diameter, for 10-100ml, fits DP0150 4403.00 
DP0150-8 Horn, 8mm diameter, for 25-150ml, fits DP0150 4403.00 
B2000-2  MyBath™ 2L Digital Water Bath, 115V 10115.00 
B2000-2-E  MyBath™ 2L Digital Water Bath, 230V 10115.00 
B2000-4  MyBath™ 4L Digital Water Bath, 115V 15215.00 
B2000-4-E  MyBath™ 4L Digital Water Bath, 230V 15215.00 
B2000-8  MyBath™ 8L Digital Water Bath, 115V 16745.00 
B2000-8-E  MyBath™ 8L Digital Water Bath, 230V 16745.00 
B2000-12  MyBath™ 12L Digital Water Bath, 115V 19975.00 
B2000-12-E  MyBath™ 12L Digital Water Bath, 230V 19975.00 
  B2000-4-T5  Test Tube rack for 40 x 0.5 ml tubes 1419.50 
  B2000-4-T1520  Test Tube rack for 40 x 1.5/2.0 ml tubes 1326.00 
  B2000-4-T150  Test Tube rack for 41 x 15 ml tubes 1521.50 
  B2000-4-T500  Test Tube rack for 15 x 50 ml tubes 1521.50 
  B2000-8-T150  Test Tube rack for 76 x 15 ml tubes 3060.00 
  B2000-8-T500  Test Tube rack for 30 x 50 ml tubes 3060.00 
B2402 BeadBath Duo, 2L bath, 115V 11713.00 
B2402-E BeadBath Duo, 2L bath, 230V 11713.00 
B2410 BeadBath Duo, 10L bath, 115V 19975.00 
B2410-E BeadBath Duo, 10L bath, 230V 19975.00 
SB0012  SB-12L Shaking Water Bath, 115V 50150.00 
SB0012-E  SB-12L Shaking Water Bath, 230V 50150.00 
 SB0012-T1520 Optional Rack for 1.5/2.0 mL microtubes 1402.50 
 SB0012-T5 Optional Rack for 0.5 mL microtubes 1402.50 
BSH200 MyBlock™ Mini Dry Bath, 100-240V  (US Plug) 4403.00 
BSH200-E MyBlock™ Mini Dry Bath, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 4403.00 
BSH200-HL MyBlock™ HL Mini Dry Bath with Heated Lid, 100-240V (US Plug) 7225.00 
BSH200-HL-E MyBlock™ HL Mini Dry Bath with Heated Lid, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 7225.00 
BSH300  MyBlock™ Mini dry bath with cooling, 100-240V (US Plug) 11645.00 
BSH300-E  MyBlock™ Mini dry bath with cooling, 100-240V (European 2 prong Plug) 11645.00 
  BSH100-CU Block. 1.25in/32mm in height. Custom drilled with up to 20 holes 3825.00 
  BSH100-CV Block, for 8 cuvettes (12.5×12.5x32mm) 1521.50 
  BSH100-01 Solid Block. 1.25in/32mm in height 1521.50 
  BSH100-02 Block, 40 x 0.2ml tubes or 5 PCR strips of 8 tubes each 1521.50 
  BSH100-05 Block, 24 x 0.5ml centrifuge tubes 1521.50 
  BSH100-1213 Block, 15 x 12-13mm tubes, 60mm tall, no lid 1734.00 
  BSH100-1232 Block, 15 x HPLC or Cryovial tubes 1521.50 
  BSH100-15 Block, 15 x1.5ml centrifuge tubes  1521.50 
  BSH100-1520 Block, 15 x 1.5ml or 2.0ml centrifuge tubes (conical) 1521.50 
  BSH100-15HL Block, 15 x 1.5ml Centrifuge Tubes for Dry Bath with Heated Lid 1011.50 
  BSH100-5MT Block, 6 x 5ml centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter) 1929.50 
  BSH100-150 Block, 4 x 15ml centrifuge tubes 1929.50 
  BSH100-500 Block, 2 x 50ml centrifuge tubes 1929.50 
  BSH100-A12 12v vehicle power adapter 824.50 
BSH5001  myBlock l™ – digital dry bath, single chamber, without blocks, 115V 7633.00 
BSH5001-E  myBlock l™- digital dry bath, single chamber, without blocks, 230V 7633.00 
BSH5002  myBlock ll™- digital dry bath, dual chamber, without blocks, 115V 9503.00 
BSH5002-E  myBlock ll™- digital dry bath, dual chamber, without blocks, 230V 9503.00 
BSH5001-1B myBlock l™- digital dry bath with 1 Quick-Flip blocks (BSWCMB) for tubes (0.2 to 2.0ml, PCR strips and PCR plates, 115V 9673.00 
BSH5001-1B-E  myBlock l™- digital dry bath with 1 Quick-Flip blocks (BSWCMB) for tubes (0.2 to 2.0ml, PCR strips and PCR plates 230V 9673.00 
BSH5002-2B  myBlock ll™- digital dry bath with 2 Quick-Flip blocks (BSWCMB) for tubes (0.2 to 2.0ml, PCR strips and PCR plates, 115V 13583.00 
BSH5002-2B-E  myBlock ll™- digital dry bath with 2 Quick-Flip blocks (BSWCMB) for tubes (0.2 to 2.0ml, PCR strips and PCR plates, 230V 13583.00 
BSH6000  isoBlock™ – digital dry bath, with two independently controlled chambers, without blocks, 115V 13005.00 
BSH6000-E  isoBlock™ -digital dry bath, with two independently controlled chambers, without blocks, 230V 13005.00 
BSH-TP1  External Temperature Probe 3247.00 
BSH1001 One-Block Digital Dry Bath 115V 7633.00 
BSH1001-E One-Block Digital Dry Bath, 230V 7633.00 
BSH1002 Two-Block Digital Dry Bath 115V 9520.00 
BSH1002-E Two-Block Digital Dry Bath, 230V 9520.00 
BSH1004 Four-Block Digital Dry Bath 115V 15895.00 
BSH1004-E Four-Block Digital Dry Bath, 230V 15895.00 
   BSW01 Solid Block (for slides / machining) 2014.50 
   BSW01-DR Custom drilling for BSW01 (sold separately),  up to 36 holes 2720.00 
   BSW02 Block, 48 x 0.2ml tubes or 6 PCR strips of 8 tubes each 2014.50 
   BSW1500 Block, 24 x1.5ml centrifuge tubes (conical) 2014.50 
   BSW1520 Block, 24 x 1.5ml or 2.0ml centrifuge tubes 2014.50 
   BSW05 Block, 24 x 0.5ml centrifuge tubes 2014.50 
   BSW5MT Block, 12 x 5.0ml centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter) 2014.50 
   BSW15 Block, 12 x 15ml centrifuge tubes 2014.50 
   BSW10 Block, 20x10mm test tubes or 20×2.0ml centrifuge tubes 2014.50 
   BSW13 Block, 20 x 12mm or 13mm test tubes 2014.50 
   BSW50 Block, 5 x 50ml centrifuge tubes 2014.50 
   BSW1516 Block, 12 x 15mm or 16mm test tubes 2014.50 
   BSWBCT Block, Blood Collection tubes, 12 x 13mm and 8 x 16mm 2363.00 
   BSWCMB  Quick-Flip™ Block, 24 x 1.5ml tubes, or 32 x 0.2ml and 14 x 0.5ml tubes 2703.00 
   BSWPCR1 Block, PCR plate 96 x 0.2ml, skirted or non-skirted For 1-block dry bath only 4539.00 
   BSWPCR2 Block, PCR plate 96 x 0.2ml, skirted or non-skirted For 2 or 4-block dry bath only 4377.50 
   BSWMT Block, Micro Titer Plate, skirted or non-skirted For 2 or 4-block dry bath only 3315.00 
   BSWHEM Block, 48 X hematocrit tubes, 1.9mm (not compatible with cover) 2992.00 
   BSWNMR Block, 30 x NMR tubes 3978.00 
   BSW2MTS Block, for Microtube Strips (2.0ml)  6 strips 3119.50 
H2200-H  MyTemp™ Mini Digital Incubator, with heating only 115V 8483.00 
H2200-H-E MyTemp™  Mini Digital Incubator, with heating only 230V 8483.00 
H2200-HC MyTemp™ Mini Digital Incubator, with heating and cooling 115V 12903.00 
H2200-HC-E MyTemp™ Mini Digital Incubator, with heating and cooling 230V 12903.00 
 H3D1020 Mini Nutating Rocker, 8 x 6 in. platform, 115V 7089.00 
 H3D1020-E Mini Nutating Rocker, 8 x 6 in. platform, 230V 7089.00 
 H2200-SH Extra Shelf 10.5 x 8″ 663.00 
H2300-HC2  MyTemp™ Mini CO2 Digital Incubator, 115V 63665.00 
H2300-HC2-E MyTemp™ Mini CO2 Digital Incubator, 230V 63665.00 
 H2300-REG  Optional CO2 gas regulator    5355.00 
H2265-HC  MyTemp™ 65HC Digital Incubator, with heating and cooling 115V 50830.00 
H2265-HC-E  MyTemp™ 65HC Digital Incubator, with heating and cooling 230V 50830.00 
 H2265-SH  Extra Shelf, 12.0 x 15.0″, stainless steel  1717.00 
H2505-40 SureTemp ™ Dual Convection Incubator, 40 Liters with SureTemp Data Logging Software, 115V 27285.00 
H2505-40E SureTemp ™ Dual Convection Incubator, 40 Liters with SureTemp Data Logging Software, 230V 27285.00 
H2505-70 SureTemp ™ Dual Convection Incubator, 70 Liters with SureTemp Data Logging Software, 115V 35173.00 
H2505-70E SureTemp ™ Dual Convection Incubator, 70 Liters with SureTemp Data Logging Software, 230V 35173.00 
H2505-130 SureTemp ™ Dual Convection Incubator, 130 Liters with SureTemp Data Logging Software, 115V 46903.00 
H2505-130E SureTemp ™ Dual Convection Incubator, 130 Liters with SureTemp Data Logging Software, 230V 46903.00 
H2505-40SH Extra Shelf, stainless steel, for H2505-40 1946.50 
H2505-70SH Extra Shelf, stainless steel, for H2505-70 1946.50 
H2505-130SH Extra Shelf, stainless steel, for H2505-130 1946.50 
H3550-45 Benchmark ST-45 CO2 Incubator, 45L, 115V with two shelves 99705.00 
H3551-45P Benchmark ST-45 PLUS CO2 Incubator, 45L, 115V with two shelves 144075.00 
H3550-180 Benchmark ST-180 CO2 Incubator, 180L, 115V with three shelves 133025.00 
H3551-180P Benchmark ST-180 PLUS CO2 Incuubator, 180L, 115V with three shelves 185215.00 
H3550-45-SH Additional shelf for 45 liter incubators, 1 each 2609.50 
H3550-180-SH Additional shelf for 180 liter incubators, 1 each 5236.00 
H3550-45-SK Stacking kit for 45 liter incubator 5066.00 
H3550-180-SK Stacking kit for 180 liter incubator (height of top display approximately 135cm) 6111.50 
H3770-HS Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 115V 6783.00 
H3770-HS-E Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer,  230V 6783.00 
H3770-H Digital  Hotplate, 115V 4505.00 
H3770-H-E Digital Hotplate, 230V 4505.00 
H3770-S Magnetic Stirrer, 115V 4505.00 
H3770-SE Magnetic Stirrer, 230V 4505.00 
H3710-HS Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 10 x 10 inch,  115V 10863.00 
H3710-HS-E Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 10 x 10 inch, 230V 10863.00 
H3710-H Digital  Hotplate, 10 x 10 inch, 115V 7803.00 
H3710-H-E Digital Hotplate,  10 x 10 inch, 230V 6103.00 
H3710-S Magnetic Stirrer,  10 x 10 inch, 115V 7803.00 
H3710-SE Magnetic Stirrer,  10 x 10 inch, 230V 7803.00 
 H3770-ROD Optional Rod for Hotplate/Stirrer (H3770 Series) 773.50 
 H3770-TP Optional Temperature Probe (H3770 Series) 1912.50 
 H3770-CS Clamp set for H3770, includes rod and clamp 1326.00 
 H3770-CSTF Clamp set for H3770 Chemically resistant/inert teflon, includes rod and clamp 3298.00 
S1005  MiniMag Magnetic Stirrer, 100V 1904.00 
S1005-E MiniMag Magnetic Stirrer, 240V  1904.00 
H4000-HS Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 7.5″x7.5″, 115V 6341.00 
H4000-HS-E Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer, 7.5″x7.5″, 230V 6341.00 
H4000-H Hotplate, 7.5″x7.5″, 115V 4233.00 
H4000-H-E Hotplate, 7.5″x7.5″, 230V 4233.00 
H4000-S Magnetic Stirrer, 7.5″x7.5″, 115V 4233.00 
H4000-S-E Magnetic Stirrer, 7.5″x7.5″, 230V 4233.00 
 H4000-ROD Rod for Hotplate/Stirrer 314.50 
B4000-16 BioClave™ 16 Research Autoclave, 16 liter,115V 97325.00 
B4000-16-E BioClave™ 16 Research Autoclave, 16 liter, 230V 97325.00 
B4000-28-220 BioClave™ 28 Research Autoclave, 28 liter, 208-240V ONLY 181730.00 
B4000-M BioClave™ Mini Research Autoclave, 8 liter, 115V 70023.00 
B4000-M-E BioClave™ Mini Research Autoclave, 8 liter, 230V 70023.00 
 B4000-P Printer, 115V  4896.00 
 B4000-PA Paper 2.25″x50 feet, pk. of 3 rolls 663.00 
B1000 BactiZapper™ Infrared MicroSterilizer, 115V 6375.00 
B1000-E BactiZapper™ Infrared MicroSterilizer, 230V 6375.00 
B1001 BactiZapper™ Tilt, MicroSterilizer with adjustable tilt angle, 115V 7973.00 
B1001-E BactiZapper™ Tilt, MicroSterilizer with adjustable tilt angle, 230V 7973.00 
B1001-XL BactiZapper™ Tilt XL, MicroSterilizer with adjustable tilt angle, 115V 8925.00 
B1001-XL-E BactiZapper™ Tilt XL, MicroSterilizer with adjustable tilt angle, 230V 8925.00 
 B1000-01 Loop holder attachment 964.75 
 B1000-03 Slide dryer attachment for 3 slides 1912.50 
 B1000-RA Heating Element, 115 voltage 2414.00 
 B1000-RA-E Heating Element, 230 voltage 2414.00 
B1201 Micro Bead Sterlizer, with glass beads, 115V 9163.00 
B1201-E Micro Bead Sterlizer, with glass beads, 230V 9163.00 
B1202 Micro Bead Sterlizer, TALL, with glass beads 11033.00 
B1202-E Micro Bead Sterlizer, TALL, with glass beads 11033.00 
B1201-BEAD Refill Glass Beads, 3mm, 1000g 437.75 
B1450 UV-Clave UltraViolet Chamber, 115V 7973.00 
B1450-E UV-Clave UltraViolet Chamber, 230V 7973.00 
B1450-SH Optional extra shelf, stainless steel 663.00 
V1450-SH-UV Optional extra shelf, UV Transparent 2363.00 
B1450-ISS UVC Indicator Stickers, pack of 40 1343.00 
B1450-IC UVC Indicator Cards, pack of 25 1513.00 
C1612 MC-12™ High Speed Microcentrifuge with 12 place rotor, 115v 23375.00 
C1612-E MC-12™ High Speed Microcentrifuge with 12 place rotor, 230v 23375.00 
C2417 MC-24™ Touch High Speed Microcentrifuge with COMBI-Rotor, 115v 37043.00 
C2417-E MC-24™ Touch High Speed Microcentrifuge with COMBI-Rotor, 230v 37043.00 
C2417-R5 Optional 8 x 5ml rotor for MC-24™ Touch  15674.00 
C2417-R5-ADP2 Cryovial adapter for C2417-R5 rotor, 8/pk 1955.00 
C1012 MyFuge™12 Mini Centrifuge 100-240V  (US plug) 6630.00 
C1012-E MyFuge™12 Mini Centrifuge 100-240V  (European 2 prong plug) 6630.00 
C1248 StripSpin™12 Mini Centrifuge, holds 12 position PCR strips, 115V 8415.00 
C1248-E StripSpin™12 Mini Centrifuge, holds 12 position PCR strips, 230V 8415.00 
 C1008-ROT Round Rotor, 8 position 807.50 
C2000  PlateFuge™ MicroPlate MicroCentrifuge with rotor and plate carriers, 115V 12665.00 
C2000-E  PlateFuge™ MicroPlate MicroCentrifuge with rotor and plate carriers, 230V 12665.00 
 C2000-A02  Tube Adapter, hold 96 x 0.2ml or 8 and 12 position PCR strips, 2/pk. 935.00 
 C2000-DWMP  Optional rotor with carriers for deep well plates up to 35mm tall (speed: 1500rpm) 3213.00 
C1005 MyFuge™ 5 MicroCentrifuge with combination rotor, 4 x 5ml & 4 x 1.5/2.0ml, 115V 7735.00 
C1005-E  MyFuge™ 5 MicroCentrifuge with combination rotor, 4 x 5ml & 4 x 1.5/2.0ml, 230V 7735.00 
 C1005-AC2  Adapter pack, for Cryovials (0.5 to 2.0ml) and 1.5/2.0ml HPLC vials, 4/pk. 782.00 
 C1005-T5-RK2  Work Station Rack for 50 x 5ml tubes 782.00 
 C1005-T5* Clear  Centrifuge Tube, 5ml, 200 per. pk. (4 bags of 50) 671.50 
 C1005-T5-ST Sterile Centrifuge Tube, 5ml, 200 per. pk. (10 bags of 20) 765.00 
C1005-SC5 5mL Tubes, non-sterile, w/ screw caps packed separately, pk/500  ( 5 bags of 100) 1683.00 
C1005-SC5-S 5ml Screw Cap Tubes, Sterile with caps attached, 50 per rack, (500 total) 1785.00 
C1005-SC5-OB 5mL Tubes, sterile, w/ attached screw caps in foam racks, Opaque Black, 500ea. 1853.00 
 C1005-T5-LOCK  CapLock™ Clip, with breakaway lifting tabs,  bag of 20 425.00 
 C2570  Adapter pack for 5 mL tubes in 15mL cavity, 4/pk. 663.00 
C1008-B MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, blue lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V  (US plug) 5015.00 
C1008-B-E MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, blue lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 5015.00 
C1008-C MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, clear lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V  (US plug) 5015.00 
C1008-C-E MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, clear lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 5015.00 
C1008-G MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, green lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V  (US Plug) 5015.00 
C1008-G-E MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, green lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 5015.00 
C1008-P MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, purple lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V  (US Plug) 5015.00 
C1008-P-E MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, purple lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 5015.00 
C1008-R MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, red lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V  (US Plug) 5015.00 
C1008-R-E MyFuge™ Mini Centrifuge, red lid, with 2 rotors, 100-240V (European 2 prong plug) 5015.00 
 C1008-ROT2 Strip Rotor for MyFuge Mini 671.50 
BSC1006-R Red mini-centrifuge with 2 rotors 5287.00 
BSC1006-R-E Red mini-centrifuge with 2 rotors, 230V 5287.00 
BSC1006-B Blue mini-centrifuge with 2 rotors 5287.00 
BSC1006-B-E Blue mini-centrifuge with 2 rotors, 230V 5287.00 
 C1008-A5-6 0.5ml Adapter pack, 6/pk. 365.50 
 C1008-A2-6 0.2ml Adapter pack, 6/pk. 365.50 
 C1008-A5-8 0.5ml Adapter pack, 8/pk. 459.00 
C1008-A2-8 0.2ml Adapter pack, 8/pk. 459.00 
C3100 LC-8 3500 Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml rotor,Max. Speed 3500 rpm, 120V 7633.00 
C3100-E LC-8 3500 Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml rotor,Max. Speed 3500 rpm, 230V 7633.00 
C3200 LC-8 5000 Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml rotor,Max. Speed 5000 rpm, 120V 11033.00 
C3200-E LC-8 5000 Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml rotor,Max. Speed 5000 rpm, 230V 11033.00 
C3100-ADP Adapter pack, for 5ml and 7ml (12-13mm) tubes in 15ml rotors, 8/pk. 1649.00 
C5000-6H Sprint™ 6H Clinical Centrifuge with 6 x 10ml swing out rotor, 115V  8415.00 
C5000-6H-E Sprint™ 6H Clinical Centrifuge with 6 x 10ml swing out rotor, 230V  8415.00 
C3303-6HP Sprint™ 6H Plus Clinical Centrifuge with 6 x 15ml swing out rotor, 115V  22933.00 
C3303-6HP-E Sprint™ 6H Plus Clinical Centrifuge with 6 x 15ml swing out rotor, 230V  22933.00 
C3303-1215 12 x 15ml fixed angle rotor for Sprint™  6H Plus 3315.00 
C5000-8 Sprint™ 8 Clinical Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml fixed angle rotor, 115V 8143.00 
C5000-8-E Sprint™ 8 Clinical Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml fixed angle rotor, 230V 8143.00 
Z207-A Sprint™ 8 Plus Clinical Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml fixed angle rotor, 115V 37400.00 
Z207-A-E Sprint™ 8 Plus Clinical Centrifuge with 8 x 15ml fixed angle rotor, 230V 37400.00 
Z326-15-A5 Adapter pack for 5ml tubes in Z207-A rotors, 2/pk. 2380.00 
Z326-15-A7 Adapter pack for 7ml tubes in Z207-A rotors, 2/pk. 2380.00 
C5000-ADP Adapter pack for C5000-6H and C5000-8, for 5ml and 7ml (12-13mm) tubes, 6/pk. 1598.00 
C3100-ADP Adapter pack for C3303-6HP, for 5ml and 7ml (12-13mm) tubes in 15ml rotors, 8/pk. 1598.00 
R1000 CoolCube™ Microtube and PCR Plate Cooler 2065.50 
A2505  EZ Pack™ Agarose Tablets, pack of 1000 tablets (500g) 8202.50 
A2501  EZ Pack™ Agarose Tablets, pack of 200 tablets (100g) 2703.00 
A1705  Benchmark Agarose LE, 500g 6783.00 
A1701  Benchmark Agarose LE, 100g 1946.50 
A1700  Benchmark Agarose LE, 25g 807.50 
A1801-LM Benchmark Agarose LM, Low Melt, 100g 5406.00 
A1801-31 Benchmark Agarose 3:1, 100g 4114.00 
A1801-HR Benchmark Agarose HR, PCR Grade for DNA fragments between 20 to 800bp, 100g 4675.00 
B3000-50 hybex™ Media storage bottle, 50ml with standard (GL32) blue cap, 10/pk. 1664.30 
B3000-100* hybex™ Media storage bottle, 100ml with standard (GL45) blue cap, 10/pk. 1664.30 
B3000-250* hybex™ Media storage bottle, 250ml with standard (GL45) blue cap, 10/pk. 1874.25 
B3000-500* hybex™ Media storage bottle, 500ml with standard (GL45) blue cap, 10/pk. 2259.30 
B3000-1000* hybex™ Media storage bottle, 1000ml with standard (GL45) blue cap, 10/pk. 2715.75 
B3000-2000* hybex™ Media storage bottle, 2000ml with standard (GL45) blue cap, 5/pk. 3128.00 
B3000-SP* hybex™ Media storage bottle, STARTER PACK (GL45) blue cap
(Includes 2x100ml, 3x250ml, 3x500ml and 2x1000ml)
 B3000-CAP* Replacement cap, standard blue (GL45), 10/pk. 493.00 
 B3000-CAP-HTC High temperature cap (RED – PBT Plastic /  up to 180C), GL45, 10/pk. 2091.00 
 B3000-RIN Replacement sealing ring, (GL45), 10/pk. 204.00 
 B3000-CAP2 Replacement cap, standard blue (GL32), 10/pk. 476.00 
 B3000-RIN Replacement sealing ring, (GL45), 10/pk. 204.00 
 B3000-RIN2 Replacement sealing ring, (GL32), 10/pk. 204.00 
B3110-50 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, 50ml, case of 12 833.00 
B3110-125 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, 125ml, case of 12 1018.30 
B3110-250 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, 250ml, case of 12 1188.30 
B3110-500 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, 500ml, case of 6 831.30 
B3110-1000 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, 1000ml, case of 6 1273.30 
B3110-2000 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, 2000ml EACH 389.30 
B3220-250 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, threaded with cap, 250ml, case of 12 3893.00 
B3220-500 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, threaded with cap, 500ml, case of 6 2363.00 
B3220-1000 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, threaded with cap, 1000ml, case of 6 3213.00 
B3220-2000 hybex™ Erlenmeyer Flask, threaded with cap, 2000ml, 1 Each 1173.00 
W3101A-120 Analytical Balance, series Dx, internal calibration, Graphical Display, 120gx0.0001g 31450.00 
W3101A-220 Analytical Balance, series Dx, internal calibration, Graphical Display, 220gx0.0001g 36550.00 
W3002A-120 Analytical Balance,series Tx, internal calibration, Touch Screen, 62gx0.00001g /120gx0.0001g 55590.00 
W3102A-220 Analytical Balance, series Tx, internal calibration, Touch Screen, 220gx0.0001g 42500.00 
W3120 Compact Anti Static Ionizer 18445.00 
W3130 Serial Printer for Accuris Series Dx and Tx balances 10115.00 
W3100-120 Accuris™ Analytical Balance, 120 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 115V 30600.00 
W3100-120-E Accuris™ Analytical Balance, 120 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 230V 30600.00 
W3100A-120 Accuris™ Analytical Balance with internal calibration, 120 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 115V 32470.00 
W3100A-120-E Accuris™ Analytical Balance with internal calibration, 120 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 230V 32640.00 
W3100-210 Accuris™ Analytical Balance, 210 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 115V 35530.00 
W3100-210-E Accuris™ Analytical Balance, 210 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 230V 35530.00 
W3100A-210 Accuris™ Analytical Balance with internal calibration, 210 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 115V 37655.00 
W3100A-210-E Accuris™ Analytical Balance with internal calibration, 210 grams, readability 0.0001grams, 230V 37655.00 
W3200-120 Accuris™ Precision Balance, 120 grams, readability 0.001grams, 115V 16575.00 
W3200-120-E Accuris™ Precision Balance, 120 grams, readability 0.001grams, 230V 16575.00 
W3200-320 Accuris™ Precision Balance, 320 grams, readability 0.001grams, 115V 17765.00 
W3200-320-E Accuris™ Precision Balance, 320 grams, readability 0.001grams, 230V 17765.00 
W3200-500 Accuris™ Precision Balance, 500 grams, readability 0.001grams, 115V 20570.00 
W3200-500-E Accuris™ Precision Balance, 500 grams, readability 0.001grams, 230V 20570.00 
W3200-1200 Accuris™ Precision Balance, 1200 grams, readability 0.01grams, 115V 16660.00 
W3200-1200-E Accuris™ Precision Balance, 1200 grams, readability 0.01grams, 230V 16660.00 
W3200-3200 Accuris™ Precision Balance, 3200 grams, readability 0.01grams, 115V 17765.00 
W3200-3200-E Accuris™ Precision Balance, 3200 grams, readability 0.01grams, 230V 17765.00 
W3200-5K Accuris™ Precision Balance, 5000 grams, readability 0.01grams, 115V 24480.00 
W3200-5K-E Accuris™ Precision Balance, 5000 grams, readability 0.01grams, 230V 24480.00 
W3300-120 Accuris™ Compact Balance, 120 grams, readability 0.01grams, 115V 4590.00 
W3300-120-E Accuris™ Compact Balance, 120 grams, readability 0.01grams, 230V 4590.00 
W3300-300 Accuris™ Compact Balance, 300 grams, readability 0.01grams, 115V 5355.00 
W3300-300-E Accuris™ Compact Balance, 300 grams, readability 0.01grams, 230V 5355.00 
W3300-500 Accuris™ Compact Balance, 500 grams, readability 0.01grams, 115V 5355.00 
W3300-500-E Accuris™ Compact Balance, 500 grams, readability 0.01grams, 230V 5355.00 
W3300-1200 Accuris™ Compact Balance, 1200 grams, readability 0.1grams,115V 5950.00 
W3300-1200-E Accuris™ Compact Balance, 1200 grams, readability 0.1grams, 230V 5950.00 
W3300-5K Accuris™ Compact Balance, 5000 grams, readability 0.1grams, 115V 5950.00 
W3300-5K-E Accuris™ Compact Balance, 5000 grams, readability 0.1grams, 230V 5950.00 
W3300-10K Accuris™ Compact Balance, 10000 grams, readability 0.1grams, 115V 7990.00 
W3300-10K-E Accuris™ Compact Balance, 10000 grams, readability 0.1grams, 230V 7990.00 
W4000-500  Accuris™ “Mini 500g” Balance, 500 grams/0.1g readability 697.00 
W4000-100  Accuris™ “Mini 100g” Balance, 100 grams/0.01g readability 782.00 
W1000-100 Accuris™ F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 100g 969.00 
W1000-200  Accuris™ F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 200g 1173.00 
W1000-500  Accuris™ F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 500g 1564.00 
W1000-1000 Accuris™ F1 Grade Calibration Weight, 1000g 3094.00 
W1005-1 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 1g 170.00 
W1005-2 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 2g 170.00 
W1005-5 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 5g 204.00 
W1005-10 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 10g 204.00 
W1005-20 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 20g 306.00 
W1005-50 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 100g 323.00 
W1005-100 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 100g 391.00 
W1005-200 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 200g 510.00 
W1105-500 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 500g 867.00 
W1005-1000 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 1000g 1445.00 
W1005-2000 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, 2000g 2414.00 
W1000-TF  Tweezers for Calibration Weights 459.00 
W1100-200  Accuris™ F1 grade calibration weight set, 23 pcs, 1mg to 200g 7140.00 
W1105-9-1000 Accuris™ M1 Grade Calibration Weight, Set, 9 pcs, 10g to 1000g 3094.00 
W1101-6-100 Accuris™ Class E2, Calibration set for Analytical Balances, 6 pcs: 1x100mg, 1x10g, 2x20g, 1x50g, 1x100g 8670.00 
P7700-1 NextPette™ variable volume pipette 0.1 to 1.0ul 4760.00 
P7700-10 NextPette™ variable volume pipette 0.5 to 10ul 4335.00 
P7700-20 NextPette™ variable volume pipette 2 to 20ul 4335.00 
P7700-100 NextPette™ variable volume pipette 010 to 100ul 4335.00 
P7700-200 NextPette™ variable volume pipette 20 to 200ul 4335.00 
P7700-1000 NextPette™ variable volume pipette 100 to 1000ul 4335.00 
P7700-5M NextPette™ variable volume pipette 0.5 to 5ml 4760.00 
P7700-10M NextPette™ variable volume pipette 1ml to 10ml 4760.00 
P7700-CAR NextPette™ Carousel 2584.00 
P7700-T10M 10ml Pipette Tips, 100/pk 850.00 
P7700-T5M 5ml Pipette Tips, 100/pk 391.00 
P7700-S1 (includes 4 pipettes: P7700-10, P7700-20, P7700-200, P7700-1000, and stand P7700-CAR) 9554.00 
P7700-S2 (includes 4 pipettes: P7700-200, P7700-1000, P7700-5M, P7700-10M, and stand P7700-CAR) 9928.00 
V0020 Aspire™ Laboratory Aspirator, includes base with internal vacuum pump, 2L Polycarbonate bottle with lid, silicone tubing, handheld vacuum controller and single channel adapters, 115V 14960.00 
V0020-E Aspire™ Laboratory Aspirator, includes base with internal vacuum pump, 2L Polycarbonate bottle with lid, silicone tubing, handheld vacuum controller and single channel adapters, 230V 14960.00 
 V1002-1SL Optional single channel adapter, extra long (80mm) stainless steel 561.00 
 V1002-8 Optional eight channel adapter, for use with 200ul pipette tips 3570.00 
 V1002-S8 Optional eight channel adapter, fine tip stainless steel 2176.00 
 V1002 Handheld vacuum controller with single channel adapters 4437.00 
 V0020-F1 Hydrophobic filter, pk/1 ( 1 each included) 493.00 
 V0020-QD Option quick disconnect kit, includes 2 male/female attachments & silicone tubing 2193.00 
 V0020-BOT Graduated, PC collection bottle (included) 2380.00 
 V0020-TB Extra tubing set, 1 meter 476.00 
V0020-SG Silicone O-ring for Aspire 2000ml PC  Collection 476.00 
E1101  myGel Mini Electrophoresis System 9265.00 
E1101-E  myGel Mini Electrophoresis System 230V (includes transformer) 9690.00 
E1101-CS1 Gel Casting set for 10.5x6cm gels, includes stand, 2 trays, and 2 combs(22/12 teeth) 697.00 
E1101-COMB1  Reversible Combs, 22/12 teeth, for E1101-CS1 Casting Stand, pk 2 170.00 
E1101-CS2  Gel Casting Stand for 5x6cm gels, includes 4 trays, and 2 combs (18/10 teeth) 1105.00 
E1101-COMB2  Reversible Combs, 18/10 teeth, for E1101-CS2 Casting Stand, pk 2 170.00 
E1101-SK myGel Mini Electrophoresis System Starter Kit (Includes E1101, A1701 and W4000-100) 10200.00 
E1101-SK-E  myGel Mini Electrophoresis System Starter Kit (Includes E1101-E, A1701 and W4000-100) 10625.00 
E1201 myGel InstaView™ Complete Electrophoresis System with Blue LED Illuminator 14875.00 
E1201-E myGel InstaView™ Complete Electrophoresis System with Blue LED Illuminator, 230V input 15725.00 
E1200 myGel InstaView™ Gel Tank with Blue LED Illuminator 11390.00 
E1200-E myGel InstaView™ Gel Tank with Blue LED Illuminator, 230V input 11475.00 
E1200-CS1 Extra casting set for 10.5x10cm and 10.5x6cm gels.  Includes stand, trays, E1101-COMB1 double-sided combs 697.00 
E1101-COMB1 Extra double-sided combs, 22/12 teeth, for E1200-CS1 Casting Set, pk of 2 170.00 
E2100  myVolt™  Mini power supply, 115V 3604.00 
E2100-E  myVolt™  Mini power supply, 230V 3604.00 
E2301  myVolt™ Touch power supply, 115V 9180.00 
E2301-E  myVolt™ Touch power supply, 230V 9180.00 
E2502-400 Accuris PowerVolt 500V/400mA Power Supply, 115V 9163.00 
E2502-400-E Accuris PowerVolt 500V/400mA Power Supply, 230V 9163.00 
E2302-2000 Accuris PowerVolt High Current, 300V/2000mA Power Supply, 115V 18785.00 
E2302-2000-E Accuris PowerVolt High Current, 300V/2000mA Power Supply, 230V 18785.00 
E5001-SD  Accuris SmartDoc 2.0 Imaging Enclosure 7055.00 
E5001-SDB              Accuris SmartDoc 2.0 System with Blue Light Illumination Base, 115V 12155.00 
E5001-SDB-E           Accuris SmartDoc 2.0 System with Blue Light Illumination Base, 230V 12155.00 
 E5000-MAT  SmartDoc UV Blocking Mat 714.00 
 E5001-535  SmartDoc band pass filter, 535nm, for imaging Green Stains on UV transilluminator 2057.00 
 E5001-590  SmartDoc band pass filter, 590nm, for imaging EtBr on UV transilluminator 2057.00 
 E5001-ORANGE SmartDoc Orange photo filter, for imaging Green Stains on Blue Light Illuminators 459.00 
 E5001-OC Orange viewing cover 476.00 
E3000 Accuris™ UV Transilluminator 17935.00 
E3000-E Accuris™ UV Transilluminator, 230V input 17935.00 
E3100 Accuris MyView™ Compact UV Transilluminator 11815.00 
E3100-E Accuris MyView™ Compact UV Transilluminator, 230V 11815.00 
E4100 SmartBlue™ Mini Transilluminator 7225.00 
E4100-E SmartBlue™ Mini Transilluminator, 230V input 7225.00 
E4100-AC SmartBlue™ Mini Replacement Amber Cover 7225.00 
E4000  SmartBlue™ Transilluminator 9775.00 
E4000-E SmartBlue™ Transilluminator, 230V input 9775.00 
E4000-AC  SmartBlue™ Replacement Amber Cover 646.00 
E4000-VG1 SmartBlue Viewing Glasses 816.00 
E4500-LD  SmartGlow™ Loading Dye with Safe Green Stain, 1.0ml 1836.00 
E4500-PS  SmartGlow™ Safe Green Pre Stain, 1.0ml 1836.00 
EB1000 QuickSilver TAE Buffer Powder, 100 pouches 2890.00 
EB1001 QuickSilver TBE Buffer Powder, 50 pouches 2550.00 
EB1002 QuickSilver Fast Running Buffer Powder, 100 pouches 2890.00 
EB1100 QuickSilver Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches 2295.00 
EB1101 QuickSilver Tris-MES-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches 4590.00 
EB1102 QuickSilver Tris-MOPS-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches 4590.00 
EB1200 QuickSilver PBS Buffer Powder, 100 pouches 1666.00 
EB1201 QuickSilver PBS-T Buffer Powder, 100 pouches 1700.00 
EB1202 QuickSilver TBS Buffer Powder, 100 pouches 2550.00 
EB1203 QuickSilver TBS-T Buffer Powder, 100 pouches 2669.00 
PR1000-S Accuris Taq Polymerase, sample, 50 units 102.00 
PR1000-500 Accuris Taq Polymerase, 500 units 1496.00 
PR1000-1000 Accuris Taq Polymerase, 1000 units 2414.00 
PR1000-6000 Accuris Taq Polymerase, 6000 units 12325.00 
PR1001-S Accuris Taq Master Mix, 2X conc., sample, 5 reactions 102.00 
PR1001-200 Accuris Taq Master Mix, 2X conc., 200 reactions 1258.00 
PR1001-1000 Accuris Taq Master Mix, 2X conc., 1000 reactions 5270.00 
PR1001-R-S Accuris Taq Master Mix Red Dye, 2X conc., sample, 5 reactions 102.00 
PR1001-R-200 Accuris Taq Master Mix Red Dye, 2X conc., 200 reactions 1275.00 
PR1001-R-1000 Accuris Taq Master Mix Red Dye, 2X conc., 1000 reactions 5270.00 
PR1000-HS-S Accuris Hot Start Taq, sample, 50 units 102.00 
PR1000-HS-500 Accuris Hot Start Taq, 500 units 3111.00 
PR1000-HS-1000 Accuris Hot Start Taq, 1000 units 5372.00 
PR1000-HS-6000 Accuris Hot Start Taq, 6000 units 25925.00 
PR1001-HS-S Accuris Hot Start Taq Mastermix, sample, 5 reactions 102.00 
PR1001-HS-200 Accuris Hot Start Taq Master Mix, 2X conc., 200 reactions 2329.00 
PR1001-HS-1000 Accuris Hot Start Taq Master Mix, 2X conc., 1000 reactions 9520.00 
PR1001-HSR-S Accuris Hot Start Taq Master Mix Red Dye, 2X conc., sample, 5 reactions 102.00 
PR1001-HSR-200 Accuris Hot Start Taq Master Mix Red Dye, 2X conc., 200 reactions 2329.00 
PR1001-HSR-1000 Accuris Hot Start Taq Master Mix Red Dye, 2X conc., 1000 reactions 9520.00 
PR1000-TP-S Accuris Taq Plus, sample, 50 units 102.00 
PR1000-TP-250 Accuris Taq Plus, 250 units 2907.00 
PR1000-TP-500 Accuris Taq Plus, 500 units 4658.00 
PR1001-TP-S Accuris Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X conc., sample, 20 reactions 102.00 
PR1001-TP-200 Accuris Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X conc., 200 reactions 3995.00 
PR1001-TP-1000 Accuris Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X conc., 1000 reactions 17085.00 
PR1000-HF-S Accuris High Fidelity DNA Polymerase, sample, 20 units 102.00 
PR1000-HF-200 Accuris High Fidelity DNA Polymerase, 200 units 2346.00 
PR1000-HF-1000 Accuris High Fidelity DNA Polymerase, 1000 units 8738.00 
PR1001-HF-S Accuris High Fidelity PCR Master Mix, sample, 5 rxns 102.00 
PR1001-HF-200 Accuris High Fidelity Master Mix, 200 rxns 2533.00 
PR1001-HF-500 Accuris High Fidelity Master Mix, 500 rxns 5627.00 
PR1001-HFHS-S Accuris High Fidelity Hot Start Master Mix, sample, 5 rxns 102.00 
PR1001-HFHS-200 Accuris High Fidelity Hot Start Master Mix, 200 rxns 2499.00 
PR1001-HFHS-500 Accuris High Fidelity Hot Start Master Mix, 500 rxns 5627.00 
PR1100-S Accuris One-Step RT-PCR kit, sample 10 reactions 867.00 
PR1100-50 Accuris One-Step RT-PCR kit, 50 reactions 4080.00 
PR1100-100 Accuris One-Step RT-PCR kit, 100 reactions 7361.00 
PR1300-MG-S Accuris 1 Hour Mammalian Genotyping Kit, Sample, 8 reactions 136.00 
PR1300-MG-80 Accuris 1 Hour Mammalian Genotyping Kit, 80 Reactions 1989.00 
PR1300-MG-400 Accuris 1 Hour Mammalian Genotyping Kit, 400 Reactions 8670.00 
PR2000-N-S Accuris qMax Green, No Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2000-N-100 Accuris qMax Green, No Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2000-N-500 Accuris qMax Green, No Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2000-N-1000 Accuris qMax Green, No Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2000-L-S Accuris qMax Green, Low Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2000-L-100 Accuris qMax Green, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2000-L-500 Accuris qMax Green, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2000-L-1000 Accuris qMax Green, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2000-H-S Accuris qMax Green, High Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2000-H-100 Accuris qMax Green, High Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2000-H-500 Accuris qMax Green, High Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2000-H-1000 Accuris qMax Green, High Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2010-L-S Accuris qMAX Gold, Low Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reaction 187.00 
PR2010-L-100 Accuris qMax Gold, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2010-L-500 Accuris qMax Gold, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2010-L-1000 Accuris qMax Gold, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2010-N-S Accuris qMax Gold, No Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2010-N-100 Accuris qMax Gold, No Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2010-N-500 Accuris qMax Gold, No Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2010-N-1000 Accuris qMax Gold, No Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2010-H-S Accuris qMax Gold, High Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2010-H-100 Accuris qMax Gold, High Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2010-H-500 Accuris qMax Gold, High Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2010-H-1000 Accuris qMax Gold, High Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2001-N-S Accuris qMax Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2001-N-100 Accuris qMax Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2001-N-500 Accuris qMax Probe, No Rox qPCR Mix,  500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2001-N-1000 Accuris qMax Probe No Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2001-L-S Accuris qMax Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2001-L-100 Accuris qMax Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2001-L-500 Accuris qMax Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2001-L-1000 Accuris qMax Probe, Low Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2001-H-S Accuris qMax Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, sample, 20 reactions 187.00 
PR2001-H-100 Accuris qMax Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, 100 reactions 1122.00 
PR2001-H-500 Accuris qMax Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, 500 reactions 4913.00 
PR2001-H-1000 Accuris qMax Probe, High Rox qPCR Mix, 1000 reactions 9010.00 
PR2100-C-S Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, sample, 5 reactions 272.00 
PR2100-C-25 Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, 25 reactions 1768.00 
PR2100-C-100 Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, 100 reactions 6222.00 
PR2100-C-250 Accuris qMax cDNA Synthesis Kit, 250 reactions 14756.00 
PR2110-S Accuris qMAX First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit, sample, 5 reactions 170.00 
PR2110-50 Accuris qMAX First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit, 50 reactions 1513.00 
PR2110-200 Accuris qMAX First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit, 200 reactions 6103.00 
PR2120-L-S Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, sample 10 reactions 272.00 
PR2120-L-100 Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, 100 reactions 2533.00 
PR2120-L-500 Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, 500 reactions 11016.00 
PR2120-L-1000 Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, 1000 reactions  20196.00 
PR2120-H-S Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, sample 10 reactions 272.00 
PR2120-H-100 Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, 100 reactions 2533.00 
PR2120-H-500 Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, 500 reactions  11016.00 
PR2120-H-1000 Accuris qMAX Green One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, 1000 reactions   20196.00 
PR2121-N-S Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, No Rox, sample 10 reactions 272.00 
PR2121-N-100 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, No Rox, 100 reactions 2533.00 
PR2121-N-500 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, No Rox, 500 reactions  11016.00 
PR2121-N-1000 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, No Rox, 1000 reactions   20196.00 
PR2121-L-S Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, sample 10 reactions 272.00 
PR2121-L-100 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, 100 reactions 2533.00 
PR2121-L-500 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, 500 reactions 11016.00 
PR2121-L-1000 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, Low Rox, 1000 reactions  20196.00 
PR2121-H-S Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, sample 10 reactions 272.00 
PR2121-H-100 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, 100 reactions 2533.00 
PR2121-H-500 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, 500 reactions  11016.00 
PR2121-H-1000 Accuris qMAX Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit, High Rox, 1000 reactions   20196.00 
PR3040-M-1 40mM dNTP Mix (10mM/20µmol each), 0.5ml 595.00 
PR3040-M-4 40mM dNTP Mix (10mM/80µm each), 2ml 2210.00 
PR3101-S-1 100mM dNTP Set, dATP, dGTP, dTTP, dCTP, 250µl /25µmol of each   2040.00 
PR3101-S-4 100mM dNTP Set, dATP, dGTP, dTTP, dCTP, 1ml/100µmol of each 7310.00 
PR4005-100 Accuris SmartCheck™ 50bp DNA Ladder, 500ul / 100 lanes 646.00 
PR4005-500 Accuris SmartCheck™ 50bp DNA Ladder, 5 x 500ul / 500 lanes 2890.00 
PR4010-100 Accuris SmartCheck™ 100bp DNA Ladder, 500ul / 100 lanes  646.00 
PR4010-500 Accuris SmartCheck™ 100bp DNA Ladder, 5 x 500ul / 500 lanes 2890.00 
PR4100-100 Accuris SmartCheck™ 1kb DNA Ladder, 500ul / 100 lanes 646.00 
PR4100-500 Accuris SmartCheck™ 1kb DNA Ladder, 5 x 500ul / 500 lanes  2890.00 
MR9600 SmartReader™ 96 Microplate Absorbance Reader, for 96 Well Plates, 115V 93500.00 
MR9600-E  SmartReader™ 96 Microplate Absorbance Reader, for 96 Well Plates, 230V 93500.00 
MR9600-T SmartReader™ 96 Microplate Absorbance Reader with Incubation, 115V 99535.00 
MR9600-T-E  SmartReader™ 96 Microplate Absorbance Reader, with incubation, 230V 99535.00 
MR9600-TP Thermal Printer for MR-9600 5525.00 
MR9600-PA Extra paper rolls for MR9600-TP printer, pk/4 527.00 
MR9600-340 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 340 nm 4590.00 
MR9600-370 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 370 nm 4590.00 
MR9600-380 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 380 nm 4590.00 
MR9600-405 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 405 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-415 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 415 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-420 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 420 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-450 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 450 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-470 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 470 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-492 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 492 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-510 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 510 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-520 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 520 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-532 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 532 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-540 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 540 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-546 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 546 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-560 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 560 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-562 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 562 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-570 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 570 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-578 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 578 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-590 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 590 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-595 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 595 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-600 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 600 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-620 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 620 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-630 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 630 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-650 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 650 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-663 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 663 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-665 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 665 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-680 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 680 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-690 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 690 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-700 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 700 nm 3451.00 
MR9600-750 Filter for Accuris Microplate Reader, 750 nm 3451.00 
MW9600 SmartWasher™ 96 Microplate Washer for 96 Well Plates, manifolds not included, 115V 73015.00 
MW9600-E SmartWasher™ 96 Microplate Washer for 96 Well Plates, manifolds not included, 230V 73015.00 
MW9600-12CM 12-Channel Manifold 5525.00 
MW9600-8CM 8-Channel manifold 5015.00 



简要描述:abmgood,代理,上海金畔生物提供大概30000抗体,包括细胞无限增殖,慢病毒载体,自定义的腺病毒,腺病毒载体,病毒载体的siRNA,RT PCR,,qpcrs,PCR,转染试剂等新的遗传和细胞的生命科学研究和生物技术行业的材料



   abmgood,abmgood代理,上海金畔生物提供大概30000抗体,包括细胞无限增殖,慢病毒载体,自定义的腺病毒,腺病毒载体,病毒载体的siRNA,RT PCR,,qpcrs,PCR,转染试剂等新的遗传和细胞的生命科学研究和生物技术行业的材料。除了提供范围广泛的产品外,开发的非病毒和病毒基因表达系统领域的全面的产品线,PCR和定量PCR,和抗体。是病毒基因表达系统的专家,处理的腺病毒,慢病毒,逆转录病毒为基础的系统。的PCR产品提供Taq DNA聚合酶的一个完整的线,高保真DNA聚合酶,DNA聚合酶和热。还开发了不同的格式等一系列优化PCR产物。他们的标记抗体具有zui高的质量,zui全面的清单,并提供。有一个质量抗体包括大量收集超过1000信号转导抗体。新开发的ilenti向量可以打破目标基因的瞬时性和稳定性。

SG qPCR Master Mix 说明书


Roboklon 在分子生物学方面,提供大量高质量,可靠但廉价的消耗品。 

SG qPCR Master Mix








SG qPCR Master Mix

100 x 25μl



SG qPCR Master Mix

200 x25μl



SG qPCR Master Mix






图: SG qPCR主混合物:来自一系列七个模板DNA稀释步骤和一个阴性对照的灵敏实时PCR。标准:分别为2500,250和25ng细菌基因组DNA。连续稀释的模板拷贝数(=基因组数目)分别在每次测定1000个模板拷贝至少1.2个模板拷贝的范围内。


SG qPCR Master Mix(2x) – 包装内容

2x Master Mix含有

Perpetual Taq DNA聚合酶(热启动),



SYBR Green I染料。


H 2 O,PCR级。


25mM MgCl 2溶液。如有需要,请在订单的同时申请此组件。



SG qPCR Master Mix(2x)plus(10x)ROX Solution

dART cDNA合成试剂盒,其中包含所有必需和专门调整的逆转录组分











5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们代理的品牌有:Antibody Research Corporation,arcticzymes,Biorelevant,AmberGen, Inc. ,clemente-associates,clodronaiposomes,Columbia Biosciences,enzyme research,Gene Bridges GmbH,Genovis,AmberGen, Inc.  Biotechnology GmbH,Haematologic Technologies HTI Haemtech,hookelabs,Immudex,Innovative Research of America,inspiralis ,List Biological Laboratories, Inc.,lumafluor,Microsurfaces,multiplicom,nanotools,Pel-Freez Biologicals,pentapharm,progen,Protein Ark,QA-Bio,Inc,QA-Bio,IncQuickZyme Biosciences,Teknova,TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc.,Zyagen Laboratories 等

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知名*批发,欢迎合作。


biotechrabbit BR0202101说明书

biotechrabbit 热启动 PCR

biotechrabbit 热启动 PCR 产品包括高度纯化的 YourTaq™ 热启动 DNA 聚合酶,该酶针对 0.1–3 kb DNA 靶标的高产量扩增进行了优化,即使是低拷贝数。该酶对广泛的扩增子显示出出色的 PCR 特异性和敏感性。YourTaq 聚合酶对 PCR 抑制剂具有抗性,例如血液(高达 20%)、乙醇或腐植酸,能够从 DNA 模板进行 PCR 扩增,并带有 PCR 抑制剂的残留。PCR 混合物结合了 YourTaq、优化的缓冲液和高质量的 dNTP,适用于苛刻的 PCR 应用。此外,该酶适用于使用 5× PCR Enhancer 扩增富含 GC 的模板(最高 70%)。

biotechrabbit BR0202101说明书

YourTaq™ 热启动 DNA 聚合酶,5 U/µl


  • 非常纯的 YourTaq 热启动 DNA 聚合酶

  • 优化缓冲液组成以提高扩增产量

  • 抗 PCR 抑制剂残留

  • 对广泛的扩增子具有出色的 PCR 特异性和灵敏度


  • 常规和要求苛刻的 PCR 扩增高达 3 kb

  • 适用于低目标拷贝数的扩增

  • RT-PCR 和 TA 克隆

目录 # 尺寸 包装内容
BR0202101 1250 个单位 250 µl YourTaq 热启动 DNA 聚合酶
3 × 1.8 ml 5X PCR 反应缓冲液
1.5 ml 50 mM MgCl 2
BR0202103 4 个试剂盒 BR0202102 YourTaq 热启动 DNA 聚合酶(每个 1250 U)

biotechrabbit™ YourTaq 热启动 DNA 聚合酶针对 0.1–3 kb DNA 靶标的高产量扩增进行了优化,即使是低拷贝数。该酶对广泛的扩增子显示出出色的 PCR 特异性和敏感性。YourTaq 热启动 DNA 聚合酶对 PCR 抑制剂具有抗性,例如血液(高达 20%)、乙醇或腐植酸,能够从 DNA 模板进行 PCR 扩增,并带有 PCR 抑制剂的残留。

YourTaq 热启动 DNA 聚合酶是一种高纯度酶。与优化的缓冲液和高质量的 dNTP (BR0600202) 一起,实现了苛刻的 PCR 应用的混合。此外,该酶还适用于与 5X PCR Enhancer (BR1900201) 配对扩增富含 GC 的模板(高达 70%)。

信息:推荐的退火温度比引物 Tm 高 2°C(使用梯度 PCR 优化退火温度)。







Legacy Cat. No. Product name Amount (UOM) 2012 List Price
Finnzymes ASF-0010 Adhesive Seal for Piko/PikoReal 100 seals ¥2,690
Finnzymes ASF-0020 Adhesive Seal for Piko/PikoReal 400 seals ¥2,266
Finnzymes F-120L Phire Hot Start DNA Polymerase 1000 x 50ul ¥3,757
Finnzymes F-120S Phire Hot Start DNA Polymerase 200 x 50ul ¥939
Finnzymes F-122L Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase 1000 x 50ul ¥3,757
Finnzymes F-122S Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase 200 x 50ul ¥939
Finnzymes F-130 Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit 200 x 50ul ¥1,921
Finnzymes F-140 Phire Animal Tissue Direct PCR 200 x 50ul ¥2,433
Finnzymes F-150 Phusion Human Specimen Direct 200 x 50ul ¥1,810
Finnzymes F-185L Harris Uni-Core/25-0.50mm Blue Bag of 25 ¥2,305
Finnzymes F-185S Harris Uni-Core/5-0.50mm Blue Bag of 5 ¥602
Finnzymes F-190S Harris Cutting Mat 6.4 x 7.6 cm, Bag of 5 Bag of 5 ¥376
Finnzymes F-203L Terminal Transferase (TdT) 2500 U ¥1,800
Finnzymes F-203S Terminal Transferase (TdT) 500 U ¥450
Finnzymes F-400L DyNAmo SYBR Green qPCR Kit 500 x 20ul ¥960
Finnzymes F-400S DyNAmo SYBR Green qPCR Kit 100 x 20ul ¥240
Finnzymes F-410L DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR Kit 500 x 20ul ¥1,920
Finnzymes F-410S DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR Kit 100 x 20ul ¥480
Finnzymes F-410XL DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR Kit 2500 x 20 ul ¥7,600
Finnzymes F-415L DyNAmo Flash SYBR Green qPCR Kit 500 x 20ul ¥2,100
Finnzymes F-415S DyNAmo Flash SYBR Green qPCR Kit 100 x 20ul ¥525
Finnzymes F-415XL DyNAmo Flash SYBR Green qPCR Kit 2500 x 20 ul ¥8,000
Finnzymes F-416L DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Kit 500 x 20ul ¥2,100
Finnzymes F-416S DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Kit 100 x 20ul ¥525
Finnzymes F-416XL DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Kit 2500 x 20 ul ¥8,000
Finnzymes F-420L DyNAmo Capillary SYBR Green qPCR Kit  500 x 20ul ¥5,336
Finnzymes F-420S DyNAmo Capillary SYBR Green qPCR Kit  100 x 20ul ¥1,332
Finnzymes F-430L DyNAmo SYBR Green 2-step qRT-PCR Kit  100 x RT, 500 x qPCR ¥3,200
Finnzymes F-430S DyNAmo SYBR Green 2-step qRT-PCR Kit  20 x RT, 100 x qPCR ¥800
Finnzymes F-440L DyNAmo Capillary SYBR Green 2-step qRT-PCR Kit  100 x RT, 500 x qPCR ¥6,659
Finnzymes F-440S DyNAmo Capillary SYBR Green 2-step qRT-PCR Kit  20 x RT, 100 x qPCR ¥1,665
Finnzymes F-450L DyNAmo Probe qPCR Kit  500 x 20ul ¥2,100
Finnzymes F-450S DyNAmo Probe qPCR Kit  100 x 20ul ¥525
Finnzymes F-450XL DyNAmo Probe qPCR Kit  2500 x 20 ul ¥7,900
Finnzymes F-455L DyNAmo Flash Probe qPCR Kit  500 x 20ul ¥2,205
Finnzymes F-455S DyNAmo Flash Probe qPCR Kit  100 x 20ul ¥545
Finnzymes F-455XL DyNAmo Flash Probe qPCR Kit  2500 x 20 ul ¥8,300
Finnzymes F-456L DyNAmo ColorFlash Probe qPCR Kit  500 x 20ul ¥2,205
Finnzymes F-456S DyNAmo ColorFlash Probe qPCR Kit  100 x 20ul ¥545
Finnzymes F-456XL DyNAmo ColorFlash Probe qPCR Kit  2500 x 20 ul ¥8,300
Finnzymes F-460L DyNAmo Probe 2-step qRT-PCR Kit  100 x RT, 500 x qPCR ¥4,800
Finnzymes F-460S DyNAmo Probe 2-step qRT-PCR Kit  20 x RT, 100 x qPCR ¥1,160
Finnzymes F-470L DyNAmo cDNA Synthesis Kit  100 Rxns ¥2,500
Finnzymes F-470S DyNAmo cDNA Synthesis Kit  20 Rxns ¥600
Finnzymes F-480L DyNAmo SNP Genotyping Master Mix  1000 x 25 ul ¥8,300
Finnzymes F-480S DyNAmo SNP Genotyping Master Mix  200 x 25 ul ¥2,090
Finnzymes F-480XL DyNAmo SNP Genotyping Master Mix  4000 x 25 ul ¥26,760
Finnzymes F-500L DyNAzyme DNA Polymerase (native) 500 U ¥2,142
Finnzymes F-500S DyNAzyme DNA Polymerase (native) 100 U ¥500
Finnzymes F-501L DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase 1000 U ¥1,200
Finnzymes F-501S DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase 250 U ¥375
Finnzymes F-502L DyNAzyme DNA Polymerase with Mg-free buffer 500 U ¥2,232
Finnzymes F-502S DyNAzyme DNA Polymerase with Mg-free buffer 100 U ¥522
Finnzymes F-503L DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase with Mg-free buffer 1000 U ¥1,320
Finnzymes F-503S DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase with Mg-free buffer 250 U ¥412
Finnzymes F-504L DyNAzyme II Hot Start DNA Polymerase 1000 U ¥3,400
Finnzymes F-504S DyNAzyme II Hot Start DNA Polymerase 200 U ¥1,000
Finnzymes F-505L DyNAzyme EXT DNA Polymerase 1000 U ¥3,000
Finnzymes F-505S DyNAzyme EXT DNA Polymerase 200 U ¥750
Finnzymes F-510L Mg-free DyNAzyme Buffer 4 x 1,5 ml ¥102
Finnzymes F-510S Mg-free DyNAzyme Buffer 2 x 1,5 ml ¥68
Finnzymes F-511L Optimized DyNAzyme Buffer 4 x 1,5 ml ¥102
Finnzymes F-511S Optimized DyNAzyme Buffer 2 x 1,5 ml ¥68
Finnzymes F-512L DyNAzyme EXT Buffer Pack 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-512S DyNAzyme EXT Buffer Pack 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-514L Optimized DyNAzyme EXT Buffer 4 x 1,5 ml ¥100
Finnzymes F-514S Optimized DyNAzyme EXT Buffer 2 x 1,5 ml ¥67
Finnzymes F-516L Optimized DyNAzyme buffer, detergent-free 4 x 1,5 ml ¥102
Finnzymes F-516S Optimized DyNAzyme buffer, detergent-free 2 x 1,5 ml ¥68
Finnzymes F-517L Optimized DyNAzyme EXT Buffer, detergent-free 4 x 1,5 ml ¥81
Finnzymes F-517S Optimized DyNAzyme EXT Buffer, detergent-free 2 x 1,5 ml ¥54
Finnzymes F-518L Phusion HF Buffer Pack 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-518S Phusion HF Buffer Pack 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-519L Phusion GC Buffer Pack 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-519S Phusion GC Buffer Pack 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-520L Detergent-free Phusion HF Buffer Pack 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-520S Detergent-free Phusion HF Buffer Pack 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-521L Detergent-free Phusion GC Buffer Pack 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-521S Detergent-free Phusion GC Buffer Pack 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-522L DyNAzyme II Hot Start Reaction Buffer 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-522S DyNAzyme II Hot Start Reaction Buffer 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-524L Phire Reaction Buffer 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-524S Phire Reaction Buffer 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-525L Detergent-free 5x Phire Reaction Buffer 4 x 1,5 ml ¥120
Finnzymes F-525S Detergent-free 5x Phire Reaction Buffer 2 x 1,5 ml ¥77
Finnzymes F-530L Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 500U ¥3,517
Finnzymes F-530S Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100U ¥879
Finnzymes F-531L Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buffer 500 x 50ul ¥5,703
Finnzymes F-531S Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buffer 100 x 50ul ¥1,426
Finnzymes F-532L Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer 500 x 50ul ¥5,703
Finnzymes F-532S Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer 100 x 50ul ¥1,426
Finnzymes F-540L Phusion Hot Start DNA Polymerase 500U ¥4,269
Finnzymes F-540S Phusion Hot Start DNA Polymerase 100U ¥1,067
Finnzymes F-541 Phusion Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit 20 Rxns ¥1,195
Finnzymes F-546L Phusion RT-PCR Kit 100 Rxns ¥3,244
Finnzymes F-546S Phusion RT-PCR Kit 20 Rxns ¥811
Finnzymes F-547L Phusion Blood Direct PCR Kit 500 Rxns ¥3,244
Finnzymes F-547S Phusion Blood DirectPCR Kit 100 Rxns ¥811
Finnzymes F-548L Phusion Flash High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix 500 Rxns ¥2,664
Finnzymes F-548S Phusion Flash High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix 100 Rxns ¥666
Finnzymes F-549L Phusion Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 500U ¥4,269
Finnzymes F-549S Phusion Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100U ¥1,067
Finnzymes F-550L DyNAzyme I DNA Polymerase Kit 500 units ¥1,950
Finnzymes F-550S DyNAzyme I DNA Polymerase Kit 100 units ¥415
Finnzymes F-551L DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase Kit 500 units ¥1,638
Finnzymes F-551S DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase Kit 100 units ¥378
Finnzymes F-552L DyNAzyme EXT PCR Kit  1000 Rxns ¥3,600
Finnzymes F-552S DyNAzyme EXT PCR Kit  200 Rxns ¥900
Finnzymes F-553L Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Kit 200 x 50ul ¥1,878
Finnzymes F-553S Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Kit 50 x 50ul ¥555
Finnzymes F-570L AMV Reverse Transcriptase 2 500 U ¥3,150
Finnzymes F-570S AMV Reverse Transcriptase 500 U ¥720
Finnzymes F-572L M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase H- 50 000 U ¥3,380
Finnzymes F-572S M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase H- 10 000 U ¥854
Finnzymes F-580L RobusT I RT-PCR Kit 100 rxn ¥2,250
Finnzymes F-580S RobusT I RT-PCR Kit 20 rxn ¥540
Finnzymes F-590L RobusT II RT-PCR Kit 100 rxn ¥2,250
Finnzymes F-590S RobusT II RT-PCR Kit 20 rxn ¥540
Finnzymes F-602L PowerCut Dicer 300 U ¥2,700
Finnzymes F-602S PowerCut Dicer 60 U ¥630
Finnzymes F-610 Replicator RNAi Kit 40 rxn ¥2,700
Finnzymes F-611L Phi6 RNA Replicase 300 U ¥3,240
Finnzymes F-611S Phi6 RNA Replicase 60 U ¥720
Finnzymes F-630 Phi6 dsRNA 20 ug ¥540
Finnzymes F-701 Mutation Generation System Kit 10 rxns ¥1,800
Finnzymes F-702 Template Generation System II Kit 20 rxns ¥1,800
Finnzymes F-703 Stop Generation System Kit 10 rxns ¥1,800
Finnzymes F-750 MuA Transposase 20 ul ¥1,152
Finnzymes F-750C MuA Transposase 5x concentrate 20 ul ¥5,220
Finnzymes F-760 Entranceposon (M1-Cam) 10 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-762 Entranceposon (M1-Kan) 10 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-764 Entransceposon (TetR) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-765 pEntranceposon (Cam) 40 ul ¥540
Finnzymes F-766 pEntranceposon(KanR) 40 ul ¥540
Finnzymes F-767 pEntranceposon (Tet) 40 ul ¥540
Finnzymes F-771 Entranceposon (SupF) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-772 Entranceposon (SupF-2) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-773 pEntranceposon (SupF) 40 ul ¥540
Finnzymes F-774 Entranceposon (LacZ) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-775 Entranceposon (LacZ-PT) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-778 Entranceposon (Cam-3) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-779 Entranceposon (Kan-3) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes F-784 Entranceposon (TetR-3) 20 ul ¥351
Finnzymes PRK0963 96-well Preparation Rack with cover, 5 pcs 5 pcs ¥342
Finnzymes PRK1383 384-well Aluminium Support Rack 1 ¥1,699
Finnzymes PRK1963 96-well Aluminium Support Rack 1 ¥1,699
Finnzymes SFR-0241 Piko PCR 24-well plate frames 50 frames ¥500
Finnzymes SFR-0961 Piko PCR 96-well plate frames 50 frames ¥500
Finnzymes SPL0240 24-well Piko PCR plate, Clear 200 plates ¥4,180
Finnzymes SPL0241 24-well Piko PCR plate, White 200 plates ¥4,180
Finnzymes SPL0960 96-well Piko PCR plate, Clear 200 plates ¥4,180
Finnzymes SPL0961 96-well Piko PCR plate, White 200 plates ¥4,180
Finnzymes TCS-1080 8-Cap Strips, Flat, Optically Clear 120 strips ¥4,180
Finnzymes TUC0010 UTW 0.1ml Individual Tubes with Flat Cap (Clear) 960 pcs ¥1,416
Finnzymes TUC0011 UTW 0.1ml Individual Tubes with Flat Cap (White) 960 pcs ¥1,416
Finnzymes F-180L Harris Uni-Core/25-0.50mm Blue bag of 25 ¥2,997
Finnzymes F-180S Harris Uni-Core/5-0.50mm Blue bag of 5 ¥666
Finnzymes PIP-2496 Piko Plate Illuminator 1 ¥5,051
Finnzymes TUC0080 UTW 8-Tube Strips with Caps (Clear) 120 pcs ¥1,332
Finnzymes TUC0081 UTW Bi-Color 8-Tube Strip with Caps (White) 120 pcs ¥1,480
Finnzymes F-400RL DyNAmo SYBR Green qPCR Kit with ROX 500 x 20ul ¥761
Finnzymes F-400RS DyNAmo SYBR Green qPCR Kit with ROX 100 x 20ul ¥195
Finnzymes F-508L DyNAzyme II PCR Master Mix 1000 x 50 ul Rxns ¥1,912
Finnzymes F-508S DyNAzyme II PCR Master Mix 200 x 50 ul Rxns ¥425



简要描述:ABgene提供业内*的专门用于PCR 和Q-PCR 的分子生物学试剂、塑料耗材及小型仪器,这些产品目前在药物发现、基因组学研究、法医学研究等领域被广泛使用,而且部分种类(如荧光定量PCR 试剂盒,PCR 板,热封膜等)已成为上众多医疗检测机构和生命科研单位的产品。此外,ABgene 还为生物贮存提供了完整的解决方案,包括从普通的生物样品存档到大规模的生物材料建档。



ABgene提供业内的专门用于PCR 和Q-PCR 的分子生物学试剂、塑料耗材及小型仪器,这些产品目前在药物发现、基因组学研究、法医学研究等领域被广泛使用,而且部分种类(如荧光定量PCR 试剂盒,PCR 板,热封膜等)已成为上众多医疗检测机构和生命科研单位的产品。此外,ABgene 还为生物贮存提供了完整的解决方案,包括从普通的生物样品存档到大规模的生物材料建档。

1044-00-0 Strip-Ease-8 tubes natural     120 strips 333  ABgene
1044-12-0 Strip-Ease-8 caps natural      120 strips 167  ABgene
1044-12-2 Strip-Ease-8 caps yellow       120 strips 167  ABgene
1044-39-3 Cyclefoil plate sealer         100 seals 962  ABgene
1044-39-4 Cycleseal For CP-96 (20/PK)    20 seals 481  ABgene
1044-39-6 Cycleseal For CP-384 (20/PK)   20 seals 481  ABgene
1044-50-0 Strip-Ease-12 tubes natural    80 strips 389  ABgene
1044-50-1 Strip-Ease-12 tubes red        80 strips 389  ABgene
1044-50-3 Strip-Ease-12 tubes blue       80 strips 389  ABgene
1044-72-0 Strip-Ease-12 caps natural     80 strips 259  ABgene
1044-72-4 Strip-Ease-12 caps green       80 strips 259  ABgene
1045-00-0 Thinwall Tubes – 0.6mL Natural 500 tubes 222  ABgene
1045-20-0 Thinwall Tubes – 0.2mL Natural 1000 tubes 315  ABgene
1055-00-0 Cycleplate-96ET natural        10 plates 315  ABgene
1055-10-0 Cycleplate-24ET natural        20 plates 407  ABgene
1055-90-0 Cycleplate-96ET natural        50 plates 1443  ABgene
AB-0192/A Taq DNA Polymerase 400 x 25 μl rxns 723  ABgene
AB-0192/B Taq DNA Polymerase 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 7245  ABgene
AB-0264 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes 250 strips 1560  ABgene
AB-0264/B ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Blue) 250 strips 1403  ABgene
AB-0264/G ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Green) 250 strips 1403  ABgene
AB-0264/P ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Purple) 250 strips 1403  ABgene
AB-0264/R ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Red) 250 strips 1403  ABgene
AB-0264/W ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (White) 250 strips 1600  ABgene
AB-0264/Y ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Yellow) 250 strips 1403  ABgene
AB-0265 ABgene Strips of 8 Domed Caps 250 strips 390  ABgene
AB-0265/B ABgene Strips of 8 Domed Caps (Blue) 250 strips 460  ABgene
AB-0265/G ABgene Strips of 8 Domed Caps(Green) 250 strips 460  ABgene
AB-0265/P ABgene Strips of 8 Domed Caps (Purple) 250 strips 460  ABgene
AB-0265/R ABgene Strips of 8 Domed Caps (Red) 250 strips 460  ABgene
AB-0265/Y ABgene Strips of 8 Domed Caps (Yellow) 250 strips 460  ABgene
AB-0266 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps 250 strips 1753  ABgene
AB-0266/B ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps (Blue) 250 strips 1753  ABgene
AB-0266/G ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps (Green) 250 strips 1753  ABgene
AB-0266/P ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps (Purple) 250 strips 1753  ABgene
AB-0266/R ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps (Red) 250 strips 1753  ABgene
AB-0266/Y ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps (Yellow) 250 strips 1753  ABgene
AB-0301/B Thermoprime Plus DNA with 10x Buffer 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 7245  ABgene
AB-0337 ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes 1,000 tubes 438  ABgene
AB-0337/B ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Blue) 1,000 tubes 438  ABgene
AB-0337/G ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Green) 1,000 tubes 438  ABgene
AB-0337/P ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Purple) 1,000 tubes 438  ABgene
AB-0337/R ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Red) 1,000 tubes 438  ABgene
AB-0337/Y ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Yellow) 1,000 tubes 438  ABgene
AB-0350 ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes 1,000 tubes 369  ABgene
AB-0350/B ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Blue) 1,000 tubes 369  ABgene
AB-0350/G ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Green) 1,000 tubes 369  ABgene
AB-0350/P ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Purple) 1,000 tubes 419  ABgene
AB-0350/R ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Red) 1,000 tubes 419  ABgene
AB-0350/Y ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Yellow) 1,000 tubes 369  ABgene
AB-0369 Strips of 8 Thermo Tubes-sterile 20 packs of 12 2104  ABgene
AB-0370 0.2mL Domed Cap Tubes          10 packs of 100 548  ABgene
AB-0382 Strips of 8 Domed Caps         10 packs of 12 504  ABgene
AB-0386 Strips of 8 Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 285  ABgene
AB-0404 ABgene Omnistrips & Domed Caps 250 strips 1512  ABgene
AB-0406/B Red Hot DNA Polymerase 800 x 25 μl rxns 1462  ABgene
AB-0407 Omni-Tube Plate 25 plates 1698  ABgene
AB-0427 Thermo-Mat 96  5 mats 398  ABgene
AB-0451 Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 789  ABgene
AB-0451/B Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 789  ABgene
AB-0451/G Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 789  ABgene
AB-0451/P Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 789  ABgene
AB-0451/R Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 789  ABgene
AB-0451/Y Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 789  ABgene
AB-0452 Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes  10 packs of 12 679  ABgene
AB-0452/B Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes  10 packs of 12 614  ABgene
AB-0452/G Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes  10 packs of 12 614  ABgene
AB-0452/P Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes  10 packs of 12 614  ABgene
AB-0452/R Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes  10 packs of 12 614  ABgene
AB-0452/Y Strips of 8 Thermo-Tubes  10 packs of 12 614  ABgene
AB-0485 ABgene Omnistrips 250 strips 1490  ABgene
AB-0489 ABgene 0.5 ml Domed Cap Tubes 1,000 tubes 504  ABgene
AB-0490 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Domed Caps (Assorted colors) 250 strips 1929  ABgene
AB-0491 ABgene 0.2 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Assorted colors) 1,000 tubes 504  ABgene
AB-0532 Abgene 0.5mL Flat Cap Tubes           10 packs of 100 504  ABgene
AB-0533 ABgene 0.5 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Assorted colors) 1,000 tubes 482  ABgene
AB-0535 ABgene 0.5 ml Domed Cap Tubes (Assorted colors) 1,000 tubes 482  ABgene
AB-0536 Cap-It (for domed cap strips) 1 unit 133  ABgene
AB-0538 Workstation/Stacking System 10 units 1018  ABgene
AB-0558 Adhesive PCR Seals 100 sheets 1050  ABgene
AB-0564 ABgene 1.2 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped) 50 plates Inquire  ABgene
AB-0564/K ABgene 1.2 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, Black) 50 plates 2257  ABgene
AB-0564/W ABgene 1.2 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, White) 50 plates 2257  ABgene
AB-0566 Sealing Mat (Round Cap, Pierceable) 50 mats 1217  ABgene
AB-0575/B 1.1x PCR Master Mix            1,600 x 25 µl rxns 4505  ABgene
AB-0575/DC/B 2 x PCR Master Mix             1,600 x 25 µl rxns 4505  ABgene
AB-0576 Gene Frame® 25µl (1.0 x 1.0cm) 100 frames & coverslips 797  ABgene
AB-0577 Gene Frame® 65µl (1.5 x 1.6cm) 100 frames & coverslips 841  ABgene
AB-0578 Gene Frame® 125µl (1.7x 2.8cm) 100 frames & coverslips 974  ABgene
AB-0580 Adhesive Plate Seals  100 sheets 415  ABgene
AB-0600 ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-0600/B ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Blue) 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-0600/G ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Green) 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-0600/K ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Black) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0600/P ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Purple) 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-0600/R ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Red) 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-0600/W ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0600/Y ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Yellow) 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-0600-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Black lettering) 25 plates 1028  ABgene
AB-0601 Thermo-Fast 96 PCR Plate       25 plates 983  ABgene
AB-0602 Strips of 8 Domed Caps (Natural) 25 packs of 12 657  ABgene
AB-0603 Strips of 8 Domed Caps (Natural) 25 packs of 12 767  ABgene
AB-0608/DC/B 2x PCR Master Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 5089  ABgene
AB-0608/DC/LD/B 2x ReddyMix PCR Master Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 5089  ABgene
AB-0619/B 1.1x ReddyMix PCR Master Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 5089  ABgene
AB-0620 ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes 1,000 tubes 416  ABgene
AB-0620/B ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Blue) 1,000 tubes 416  ABgene
AB-0620/G ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Green) 1,000 tubes 416  ABgene
AB-0620/P ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Purple) 1,000 tubes 416  ABgene
AB-0620/R ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Red) 1,000 tubes 416  ABgene
AB-0620/Y ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Yellow) 1,000 tubes 416  ABgene
AB-0621 ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes 1,000 tubes 548  ABgene
AB-0622 ABgene 0.2 ml Flat Cap Tubes (Assorted colors) 1,000 tubes 504  ABgene
AB-0624 Thermo-Fast 24 PCR Plate  50 plates 536  ABgene
AB-0624/B Thermo-Fast 24 PCR Plate (Blue) 50 plates 536  ABgene
AB-0624/G Thermo-Fast 24 PCR Plate (Green) 50 plates 536  ABgene
AB-0624/R Thermo-Fast 24 PCR Plate (Red) 50 plates 536  ABgene
AB-0624/Y Thermo-Fast 24 PCR Plate (Yellow) 50 plates 536  ABgene
AB-0626 Adhesive PCR Foils 100 sheets 815  ABgene
AB-0648 Thermo-Fast 48 PCR Plate  50 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0648/G Thermo-Fast 48 PCR Plate (Green) 50 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0661 ABgene 2.2 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped) 50 plates 2104  ABgene
AB-0661/W ABgene 2.2 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, White) 50 plates 2148  ABgene
AB-0662 Sealing Mats (Square Cap, Pierceable) 50 mats 1284  ABgene
AB-0674 Sealing Mats (Round Cap, Autoclavable) 50 mats 1360  ABgene
AB-0675 sealing Mats (Square Cap, Autoclavable) 50 mats 1328  ABgene
AB-0700 ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted 25 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0700/B ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Blue) 25 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0700/G ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Green) 25 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0700/P ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Purple) 25 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0700/R ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Red) 25 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0700/W ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0700/Y ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted (Yellow) 25 plates 894  ABgene
AB-0701 ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Non-Skirted, Sterile 25 plates 983  ABgene
AB-0718 Gas Permeable Adhesive Seals 50 sheets 832  ABgene
AB-0720/B Extensor Hi-Fidelity PCR       800 x 25 μl rxns 4186  ABgene
AB-0731 ABgene Thermo Tube Plate 25 plates 1735  ABgene
AB-0751 Polystyrene Plate Cover  50 covers 605  ABgene
AB-0752 Polystyrene Plate Cover with stacking ridge 50 covers 553  ABgene
AB-0753 Thermo-Mat 384  5 mats 487  ABgene
AB-0755 Polypropylene Plate Cover with stacking ridge 50 covers 553  ABgene
AB-0765 ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped) 50 plates 2120  ABgene
AB-0765/B ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped-Blue) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0765/G ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, Green) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0765/K ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, Black) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0765/P ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, Purple) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0765/R ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, Red) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0765/W ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, White) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0765/Y ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (Individually wrapped, Yellow) 50 plates 2105  ABgene
AB-0770 ABgene 384-well Thermo-Mat (Without Tabs) 5 mats 487  ABgene
AB-0771 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes 10 packs of 12 657  ABgene
AB-0771/W ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes (White) 10 packs of 12 723  ABgene
AB-0772 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 12 877  ABgene
AB-0773 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes & Flat Caps 10 packs of 12 833  ABgene
AB-0775 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes & Domed Caps 250 strips 1578  ABgene
AB-0776 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes & Flat Caps 250 strips 1578  ABgene
AB-0777 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tube & Domed Caps (Assorted colors) 250 strips 1929  ABgene
AB-0778 ABgene Strips of 8 Low Profile Tubes & Flat Caps (Assorted colors) 250 strips 1929  ABgene
AB-0781 120 µl 384-Well Storage Plate 50 plates 1909  ABgene
AB-0781/K 121 µl 384-Well Storage Plate, Black 50 plates 2104  ABgene
AB-0783 ABgene Strips of 8 Flat Caps 10 packs of 12 263  ABgene
AB-0784 ABgene Strips of 8 Flat Caps 250 strips 504  ABgene
AB-0785/B Thermoprime Plus with 10x ReddyMix buffer 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 7245  ABgene
AB-0786  Strips of 8 Flat Caps (please select colour#N/A 25 packs of 12 570  ABgene
AB-0788 ABgene 2.2 ml Storage Plate (1 bag of 50 plates) 50 plates 2411  ABgene
AB-0790/B Thermoprime Plus with ReddyMix Buffer and separate MgCl2 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 7245  ABgene
AB-0792/B Extensor Long PCR Master Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 5547  ABgene
AB-0794/B Extensor Long PCR Master Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 5547  ABgene
AB-0796 96-Well Standard Microplate (1 bag of 100 plates) 100 plates 1468  ABgene
AB-0800 ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted 25 plates 840  ABgene
AB-0800/B ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Blue) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0800/B-L ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black Lettering, Blue) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-0800/G ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Green) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0800/G-L ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black Lettering, Green) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-0800/K ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0800/P ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Purple) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0800/P-L ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black Lettering, Purple) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-0800/R ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Red) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0800/R-L ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black Lettering, Red) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-0800/W ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0800/W-L ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black Lettering, White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0800/Y ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Yellow) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0800-L ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted (Black Lettering) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0801 ABgene 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Skirted 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0847 ABgene Strips of 12 Low Profile Tubes 10 packs of 8 1140  ABgene
AB-0848 ABgene Strips of 12 Low Profile Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 8 1403  ABgene
AB-0849 ABgene Strips of 12 Low Profile Tubes & Flat Caps 10 packs of 8 1359  ABgene
AB-0850 ABgene Strips of 12 Flat Caps 10 packs of 8 307  ABgene
AB-0851 ABgene Strips of 12 Flat Caps 25 packs of 8 657  ABgene
AB-0852 ABgene Strips of 12 Domed Caps 10 packs of 8 438  ABgene
AB-0853 ABgene Strips of 12 Domed Caps 25 packs of 8 811  ABgene
AB-0859 ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (1 bag of 50 plates) 50 plates Inquire  ABgene
AB-0859/G ABgene 0.8 ml Storage Plate (1 bag of 50 plates), Green 50 plates 1994  ABgene
AB-0862 300 µl 384-Well Storage Plate 50 plates 3257  ABgene
AB-0866 ABgene Ultra Clear Cap Strips 120 strips 315  ABgene
AB-0899 ABgene 0.2mL Thermo-Strips and Caps   10 packs of 12 1813  ABgene
AB-0900 ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0900/B ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Blue) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0900/G ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Green) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0900/K ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Black) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0900/P ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Purple) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0900/R ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Red) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0900/W ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-0900/Y ABgene 96-well Segmented PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Yellow) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-0908/B Thermo-Start DNA Polymerase 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 9800  ABgene
AB-0908/C Thermo-Start DNA Polymerase 40,000 x 25 μl rxns 83476  ABgene
AB-0932 ABgene 2.2 ml Storage Plate MKII (Individually wrapped) 50 plates Inquire  ABgene
AB-0933 ABgene 2.2 ml Storage Plate MKII (1 bag of 50 plates) 50 plates 2257  ABgene
AB-0937 ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney 100 plates 3947  ABgene
AB-0937/B ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (Blue) 100 plates 3947  ABgene
AB-0937/G ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (Green) 100 plates 3947  ABgene
AB-0937/K ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (Black) 100 plates 4583  ABgene
AB-0937/P ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (Purple) 100 plates 3947  ABgene
AB-0937/R ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (Red) 100 plates 3947  ABgene
AB-0937/W ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (White) 100 plates 4583  ABgene
AB-0937/Y ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, with Raised Chimney (Yellow) 100 plates 3947  ABgene
AB-0952 ABgene 96-well Separation Plate 24 plates 2611  ABgene
AB-0981 ABgene Storage Plate Cap Strips 120 strips of 8 403  ABgene
AB-0988 6ml 48-Well Storage Plate 50 plates 2476  ABgene
AB-0990 ABgene  96-well PCR Plate, Rigid Semi-Skirted   25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1055 384-Well Microarray Cylindrical Plate 50 plates 1709  ABgene
AB-1056 384-Well Microarray V-Well Plate 50 plates 1709  ABgene
AB-1057/A Thermo-Start DNA Polymerase with High Performance Buffer 400 x 25 μl rxns 1143  ABgene
AB-1057/B Thermo-Start DNA Polymerase with High Performance Buffer 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 9800  ABgene
AB-1058 ABgene V-bottom 96-well Storage Plate (1 bag of 100 plates) 100 plates 2433  ABgene
AB-1068 ABgene 1.2 ml Polystyrene Storage Plate (Individually wrapped) 50 plates 3156  ABgene
AB-1100 ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1100/B ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Blue) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1100/G ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Green) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1100/K ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Black) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-1100/P ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Purple) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1100/R ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Red) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1100/W ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-1100/Y ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Yellow) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1111 Diamond 384-well PCR Plate 50 plates 1613  ABgene
AB-1112 ABgene Strips of 12 Tubes 10 packs of 8 855  ABgene
AB-1113 ABgene Strips of 12 Tubes & Domed Caps 10 packs of 8 1140  ABgene
AB-1114 ABgene Strips of 12 Tubes & Flat Caps 10 packs of 8 1030  ABgene
AB-1127 ABgene 1.2 ml Square Well Low Profile Storage Plate (Individually wrapped) 50 plates 1381  ABgene
AB-1132/A ABsolute QPCR Mix (no ROX) 200 x 25 µl rxns 1305  ABgene
AB-1132/B ABsolute QPCR Mix (no ROX) 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9210  ABgene
AB-1133/A ABsolute QPCR Mix (no ROX) 400 x 25 µl rxns 2533  ABgene
AB-1133/B ABsolute QPCR Mix (no ROX) 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 23029  ABgene
AB-1138/A ABsolute QPCR ROX (500 nm) Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1305  ABgene
AB-1138/B ABsolute QPCR ROX (500 nm) Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9210  ABgene
AB-1139/A ABsolute QPCR ROX (500 nm) Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2533  ABgene
AB-1139/B ABsolute QPCR ROX (500 nm) Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 13245  ABgene
AB-1147/B 2x Thermo-Start High Performance Master Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 6220  ABgene
AB-1158/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix (no ROX) 200 x 25 µl rxns 1495  ABgene
AB-1158/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix (no ROX) 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9860  ABgene
AB-1159/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix (no ROX) 400 x 25 µl rxns 2945  ABgene
AB-1159/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix (no ROX) 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 24558  ABgene
AB-1162/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green ROX (500 nM) Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1495  ABgene
AB-1162/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green ROX (500 nM) Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9860  ABgene
AB-1163/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green ROX (500 nM) Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2945  ABgene
AB-1163/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green ROX (500 nM) Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 24558  ABgene
AB-1166/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix plus ROX Vial 200 x 25 µl rxns 1495  ABgene
AB-1167/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix plus ROX Vial 400 x 25 µl rxns 2945  ABgene
AB-1167/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix plus ROX Vial 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 24558  ABgene
AB-1170 ABsolute qPCR Seals 50 sheets 1210  ABgene
AB-1171 384 MULTISIP Septum Mat 50 Mats 1217  ABgene
AB-1179 ABgene Individual Storage Plate Caps 960 caps 460  ABgene
AB-1182 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Flat Caps 250 strips 1622  ABgene
AB-1183 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes & Ultra Clear Cap Strips 10 packs of 12 1052  ABgene
AB-1191 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (White) & Ultra Clear Cap Strips 10 packs of 12 1030  ABgene
AB-1192/A Taq DNA Polymerase with 10x PCR buffer containing MgCl2 400 x 25 μl rxns 723  ABgene
AB-1192/B Taq DNA Polymerase with 10x PCR buffer containing MgCl2 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 7245  ABgene
AB-1219/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1495  ABgene
AB-1219/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9860  ABgene
AB-1220/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2945  ABgene
AB-1220/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 24558  ABgene
AB-1243 ABgene 96-well PCR Cycleplate 25 plates 782  ABgene
AB-1283/A ABsolute QPCR Capillary Mix 250 x 20 µl rxns 1305  ABgene
AB-1283/B ABsolute QPCR Capillary Mix 2,000 x 20 µl rxns 9210  ABgene
AB-1285/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Capillary Mix 250 x 20 µl rxns 1495  ABgene
AB-1285/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Capillary Mix 2,000 x 20 µl rxns 9860  ABgene
AB-1300 ABgene 96-well Robotic PCR Plate 50 plates 1676  ABgene
AB-1301/B Thermoprime Plus DNA Polymerase      4,000 x 25 μl rxns 7245  ABgene
AB-1301/C Thermoprime Plus DNA Polymerase      8,000 x 25 μl rxns 14456  ABgene
AB-1318/B ABsolute QPCR Low ROX Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9210  ABgene
AB-1319/B ABsolute QPCR Low ROX Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 23029  ABgene
AB-1322/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Low ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1495  ABgene
AB-1322/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Low ROX Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 9860  ABgene
AB-1323/A ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Low ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2945  ABgene
AB-1323/B ABsolute QPCR SYBR Green Low ROX Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 24558  ABgene
AB-1384 ABgene 384-well PCR Plate Standard 50 plates 2079  ABgene
AB-1384/G ABgene 384-well PCR Plate Standard (Green) 50 plates 2079  ABgene
AB-1384/K ABgene 384-well PCR Plate Standard (Black) 50 plates 2652  ABgene
AB-1384/R ABgene 384-well PCR Plate Standard (Red) 50 plates 2079  ABgene
AB-1384/W ABgene 384-well PCR Plate Standard (White) 50 plates 2652  ABgene
AB-1384/Y ABgene 384-well PCR Plate Standard (Yellow) 50 plates 2079  ABgene
AB-1391 Adhesive Seal Applicator 1 unit 93  ABgene
AB-1400 ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1400/B ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Blue) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1400/B-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black Lettering, Blue) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-1400/G ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Green) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1400/G-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black Lettering, Green) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-1400/K ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-1400/P ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Purple) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1400/P-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black Lettering, Purple) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-1400/R ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Red) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1400/R-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black Lettering, Red) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-1400/W ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (White) 25 plates 961  ABgene
AB-1400/W-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black Lettering, White) 25 plates 1832  ABgene
AB-1400/Y ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Yellow) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1400/Y-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Flat Deck (Black Lettering, Yellow) 25 plates 1721  ABgene
AB-1400-L ABgene 96-well PCR Plate (Semi-Skirted, Flat Deck with black lettering) 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1450 Adhesive Crystallography Seals 50 sheets 1028  ABgene
AB-1453/A Verso cDNA Synthesis Kit 40 x 20 µl rxns 1400  ABgene
AB-1453/B Verso cDNA Synthesis Kit 100 x 20 µl rxns 3200  ABgene
AB-1454/A Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit 40 x 50 µl rxns 689  ABgene
AB-1454/B Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit 200 x 50 µl rxns 3093  ABgene
AB-1454/LD/A Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit with ReddyMix buffer 40 x 50 µl rxns 2118  ABgene
AB-1454/LD/B Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit with ReddyMix buffer 200 x 50 µl rxns 3110  ABgene
AB-1455/A Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit with ThermoStart 40 x 50 µl rxns 790  ABgene
AB-1455/B Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit with ThermoStart 200 x 50 µl rxns 3412  ABgene
AB-1502 ABgene EasyStrip Snap Tube (Ultra Clear Caps w/Natural Tubes) 250 strips 1960  ABgene
AB-1502/W ABgene EasyStrip Snap Tube (Ultra Clear Caps w/White Tubes) 250 strips 2180  ABgene
AB-1504 ABgene EasyStrip Snap Tube (Domed Caps w/ Natural Tubes) 250 strips 2180  ABgene
AB-1900 ABgene Fast 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck 25 plates 849  ABgene
AB-1900/W ABgene Fast 96-well Low Profile PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (White) 25 plates 938  ABgene
AB-1908/B Thermo-Start DNA Polymerase with 10x buffer containing 15mM MgCl2 4,000 x 25 μl rxns 9800  ABgene
AB-2100 SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2100/B SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Blue) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2100/G SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Green) 25 plates 1573  ABgene
AB-2100/P SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Purple) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2100/R SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Red) 25 plates 1573  ABgene
AB-2100/W SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (White) 25 plates 1928  ABgene
AB-2100/Y SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted with Raised Deck (Yellow) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2150 Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/B Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Blue) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/G Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Green) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/K Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Black) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/O Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Orange) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/P Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Purple) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/R Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Red) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/W Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (White) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2150/Y Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Yellow) 50 plates 2719  ABgene
AB-2400 SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2400/B SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Blue) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2400/G SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Green) 25 plates 1573  ABgene
AB-2400/P SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Purple) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2400/R SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Red) 25 plates 1573  ABgene
AB-2400/W SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (White) 25 plates 1328  ABgene
AB-2400/Y SuperPlate 96-well PCR Plate, Semi-Skirted (Yellow) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-2800 ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted 25 plates 1650  ABgene
AB-2800/B ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted (Blue) 25 plates 1650  ABgene
AB-2800/G ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted (Green) 25 plates 1650  ABgene
AB-2800/P ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted (Purple) 25 plates 1650  ABgene
AB-2800/R ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted (Red) 25 plates 1650  ABgene
AB-2800/W ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted (White) 25 plates 1328  ABgene
AB-2800/Y ABgene SuperPlate Low Profile 96-well, Skirted (Yellow) 25 plates 1200  ABgene
AB-4100/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR Kit + ROX vial 200 x 25 µl rxns 1490  ABgene
AB-4100/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR Kit + ROX vial 400 x 25 µl rxns 2810  ABgene
AB-4101/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR ROX Kit 200 x 25 µl rxns 1268  ABgene
AB-4101/B Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR ROX Kit 2,000 x 25 µl rxns 11058  ABgene
AB-4101/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR ROX Kit 400 x 25 µl rxns 2313  ABgene
AB-4102/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR Low ROX Kit 200 x 25 µl rxns 822  ABgene
AB-4102/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR Low ROX Kit 400 x 25 µl rxns 2588  ABgene
AB-4104/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Mix + ROX Vial 200 x 25 µl rxns 1395  ABgene
AB-4104/B Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Mix + ROX Vial 2,000 x 25 µl rxns Inquire  ABgene
AB-4104/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Mix + ROX Vial 400 x 25 µl rxns 2541  ABgene
AB-4105/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1395  ABgene
AB-4105/B Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 2,000 x 25 µl rxns Inquire  ABgene
AB-4105/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2576  ABgene
AB-4106/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Low ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 847  ABgene
AB-4106/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Low ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2647  ABgene
AB-4107/A Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 2736  ABgene
AB-4107/B Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 2,000 x 25 µl rxns Inquire  ABgene
AB-4107/C Verso 1-Step QRT-PCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 5399  ABgene
AB-4136/A ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix & ROX Vial 200 x 25 µl rxns 1450  ABgene
AB-4136/B ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix & ROX Vial 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10054  ABgene
AB-4137/A ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix & ROX Vial 400 x 25 µl rxns 2810  ABgene
AB-4137/B ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix & ROX Vial 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 25682  ABgene
AB-4138/A ABsolute Blue QPCR ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1450  ABgene
AB-4138/B ABsolute Blue QPCR ROX Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10054  ABgene
AB-4139/A ABsolute Blue QPCR ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2810  ABgene
AB-4139/B ABsolute Blue QPCR ROX Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 25682  ABgene
AB-4162/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1674  ABgene
AB-4162/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10996  ABgene
AB-4163/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 3324  ABgene
AB-4163/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green ROX Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 27275  ABgene
AB-4166/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Mix & ROX Vial 200 x 25 µl rxns 1674  ABgene
AB-4166/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Mix & ROX Vial 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10996  ABgene
AB-4167/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Mix & ROX Vial 400 x 25 µl rxns 3324  ABgene
AB-4167/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Mix & ROX Vial 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 27275  ABgene
AB-4219/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1674  ABgene
AB-4219/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10996  ABgene
AB-4220/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 3324  ABgene
AB-4220/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 27275  ABgene
AB-4318/A ABsolute Blue QPCR Low ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1409  ABgene
AB-4318/B ABsolute Blue QPCR Low ROX Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10180  ABgene
AB-4319/A ABsolute Blue QPCR Low ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 2796  ABgene
AB-4319/B ABsolute Blue QPCR Low ROX Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 25682  ABgene
AB-4322/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green low ROX Mix 200 x 25 µl rxns 1622  ABgene
AB-4322/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green low ROX Mix 1,600 x 25 µl rxns 10996  ABgene
AB-4323/A ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green low ROX Mix 400 x 25 µl rxns 3324  ABgene
AB-4323/B ABsolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green low ROX Mix 4,000 x 25 µl rxns 27275  ABgene
AB-4350/A Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Master Mix + ROX Vial 200x 25ul rxns 2200  ABgene
AB-4350/B Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Master Mix + ROX Vial 400x 25ul rxns 3900  ABgene
AB-4350/C Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Master Mix + ROX Vial 1000x 25ul rxns 8700  ABgene
AB-4350/INT Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Master Mix + ROX Vial 100x 25ul rxns 1100  ABgene
AB-4351/A Solaris qPCR Gene Expression ROX Master Mix 200x 25ul rxns 2200  ABgene
AB-4351/B Solaris qPCR Gene Expression ROX Master Mix 400x 25ul rxns 3900  ABgene
AB-4351/C Solaris qPCR Gene Expression ROX Master Mix 1000x 25ul rxns 8700  ABgene
AB-4351/INT  Solaris qPCR Gene Expression ROX Master Mix 100x 25ul rxns 1100  ABgene
AB-4352/A Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Low ROX Master Mix 200x 25ul rxns 2200  ABgene
AB-4352/B Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Low ROX Master Mix 400x 25ul rxns 3900  ABgene
AB-4352/C Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Low ROX Master Mix 1000x 25ul rxns 8700  ABgene
AB-4352/INT Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Low ROX Master Mix 100x 25ul rxns 1100  ABgene
BC-3150 Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Barcoded) 50 plates 2822  ABgene
BC-3151 Diamond Ultra 384-Well PCR Plate (Barcoded, White) 50 plates 2822  ABgene
TF-0384 ABgene 384-well PCR Plate 50 plates 2037  ABgene
TF-0384/W ABgene 384-well PCR Plate, White  50 plates 1328  ABgene