CELLnTEC 2021年价格表

CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems 开发用于精确细胞培养的产品和技术。在世界各地,CELLnTEC 使科学家能够创建复杂的体外细胞系统。


CELLnTEC 提供一系列基础培养基和功能化培养基,包括设计用于在无血清、无异种或*确定的环境中扩增细胞的高度明确的培养基。我们的产品组合涵盖从上皮到内皮组织类型以及从 iPSC 到 MSC 的解决方案。

CELLnTEC 2021年价格表

货号 产品名称 规格 单价 品牌
CnT-07 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined 500mL KIT 3340 CELLnTEC
CnT-09 Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium 500mL KIT 2840 CELLnTEC
CnT-17 PCT Airway Epithelium Medium, Defined 500mL KIT 3900 CELLnTEC
CnT-30 Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500mL KIT 7080 CELLnTEC
CnT-40 Melanocyte Growth Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3560 CELLnTEC
CnT-40-HC CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified, 500ml FROZEN 500ml (Frozen) 5200 CELLnTEC
CnT-57 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Low BPE 500mL KIT 3120 CELLnTEC
CnT-ABM10 Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 2.0 mL 660 CELLnTEC
CnT-Accutase-100 Accutase Cell Detachment Solution 100 mL 940 CELLnTEC
CnT-AG2 VitroAge Keratinocyte Aging Medium 500ml (Frozen) Inquire CELLnTEC
CnT-CRYO-50 CRYO Defined, Animal Component Free Freezing Medium 50.0ml 2140 CELLnTEC
CnT-DNP-10 Dispase II, Netural Protease, 20x (POWDER) 5 x 100 mg 3020 CELLnTEC
CnT-ENDO CnT-Endothelium Medium 500ml (Frozen) 4980 CELLnTEC
CnT-FT-CELLS HPEKs Keratinocytes and HDFs Fibroblasts Value Pack (2 vials), 0.5 million cells/vial(HUMAN) 2 vials 22500 CELLnTEC
CnT-GAB10 Gentamycin / Amphotericin B Solution, 500x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 1.0 mL 1320 CELLnTEC
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-Prime IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, 1000x 50.0ul 2060 CELLnTEC
CnT-MSCDIFF-AD.S Adipogenic Differentiation Supplement 2×1.0ml 2580 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3020 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-3D CnT-Prime 3D Barrier Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 5060 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3420 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3680 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-BM.1 CnT-Prime Basal Medium 500ml (Frozen) 1680 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-CA CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Calcium-Free 500ml (Frozen) Inquire CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Co-Culture, Epithelial/Stromal Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime 2D Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3220 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-ECM CnT Prime Extra- Cellular Matrix (ECM) Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
Cnt-PR-EF Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium, Animal Component Free 500ml (Frozen) 4100 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Culture Medium 500ml (Frozen) 3100 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-FH CnT-Prime Fibroblast Homeostasis Medium 250.0ml (Frozen) 2280 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-FTAL5 CnT-Prime Airlift, Full Thickness Skin Airlift Medium 500ml (Frozen) 4400 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-H CnT-Prime Keratinocyte Homeostasis Medium 250.0ml (Frozen) 2280 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-KM CnT-Prime KM, Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MD Melanocyte Differentiation Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2080 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MH Melanocyte Homeostasis Medium 250ml (Frozen) 2280 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MSC CnT-Prime MSC Medium 500ml (Frozen) 6020 CELLnTEC
CnT-PR-MSC-XF CnT-Prime MSC Medium, Xeno-Free 500ml (Frozen) 6920 CELLnTEC
CnT-SP Spacer Plate, 12-well (re-usable) for Full-Thickness Skin, Airlift Models EACH 940 CELLnTEC
CnT-ST-100 Stain Kit, incl. Solution I and Solution II 2 x 50 mL 1460 CELLnTEC
CnT-XP3 XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250.0ml (Frozen) 1680 CELLnTEC
CPEK Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors (DOG) Cell Vial 18700 CELLnTEC
HBLAK Bladder Epithelium Progenitors, long-term (HUMAN) Cell Vial 18700 CELLnTEC
HCEP Corneal Epithelium Progenitors (HUMAN) Cell Vial 23680 CELLnTEC
HDFap Primary Human Dermal Fibroblasts POOLED ADULT donors (500,000 Cells/vial) Cell Vial 10120 CELLnTEC
HDFas Primary Human Dermal Fibroblasts Single ADULT donor (500,000 Cells/vial) Cell Vial 11940 CELLnTEC
HDFp Dermal Fibroblasts, Pooled Cell Vial 10120 CELLnTEC
HDFs Dermal Fibroblasts, Single Donor Cell Vial 11940 CELLnTEC
HDPs Dermal Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 23860 CELLnTEC
HEMas Epidermal Melanocytes, Adult, Single donor Cell Vial 16840 CELLnTEC
HEMns Epidermal Melanocytes, Juvenile, Single donor Cell Vial 16840 CELLnTEC
HGEPp Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Pooled Cell Vial 23800 CELLnTEC
HGEPs Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 24900 CELLnTEC
HPEKas Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Adult Donor Cell Vial 16440 CELLnTEC
HPEKp Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Pooled Cell Vial 14620 CELLnTEC
HPEKs Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 16080 CELLnTEC
MPEK-BL6 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors Cell Vial 18700 CELLnTEC
PR2D-CC 2D Co-culture Start Kit-Keratinocyte/Fibroblast, includes Keratinocyte and Fibroblast cells. 1 Kit 29960 CELLnTEC
PR2D-KM 2D Co-culture Starter Kit, Keratinocyte/Melanocyte, includes Keratinocytes and Melanocyte cells 1 Kit 36500 CELLnTEC
PR3D-HPEK-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit , incl. Keratinocytes 1 Kit 27460 CELLnTEC
PR3D-K-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit, without cells 1 Kit 14160 CELLnTEC
PRFT-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/o Cells Kit (frozen) 15500 CELLnTEC
PRFT-CELLS-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/Cells Kit (frozen) 37980 CELLnTEC










上海金畔为CELLNTEC国内特约经销商, CellnTec于2002年成立于瑞士,专业生产上皮细胞培养基及相关产品。CellnTec公司从细胞微环境、调控细胞自我更新、增殖分化信号通路视角,专业研发上皮细胞培养基,推出新一代适用于体外上皮细胞培养的2D, 3D培养基。目前,可提供新一代适用于皮肤、角膜、口腔、前列腺、乳腺、膀胱、阴道、气道等组织的上皮细胞PCT(Progenitor Cell Targeted Cul-ture Media), 2D, 3D培养基。CellnTec上皮细胞产品无论在细胞寿命、细胞形态,还是传代数、培养周期等方面均优于市场上同类产品。无需滋养层和血清,成分明确的培养基是培养上皮细胞的zui宜选择。




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
CnT-07 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined 500 mL Kit 2640 CELLNTEC
CnT-09 Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium 500 mL kit 2720 CELLNTEC
CnT-17 PCT Airway Epithelium Medium, Defined 500 mL Kit 3180 CELLNTEC
CnT-30 Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500 mL Kit 5780 CELLNTEC
CnT-40 Melanocyte Growth Medium 500 mL (frozen) 3100 CELLNTEC
CnT-57 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Low BPE 500 mL Kit 2760 CELLNTEC
CnT-ABM10 Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 2.0 mL 560 CELLNTEC
CnT-Accutase-100 Accutase Cell Detachment Solution 100 mL 900 CELLNTEC
CnT-AG2 VitroAge Keratinocyte Aging Medium 500 mL (frozen) 3900 CELLNTEC
CnT-CRYO-50 CRYO Defined, Animal Component Free Freezing Medium  50 mL 1760 CELLNTEC
CnT-DNP-10 Dispase II, Netural Protease, 20x (POWDER) 0.5g 2640 CELLNTEC
CnT-FT-CELLS HPEKs Keratinocytes and HDFs Fibroblasts Value Pack (2 vials), 0.5 million cells/vial(HUMAN) 2 vials 16200 CELLNTEC
CnT-GAB10 Gentamycin / Amphotericin B Solution, 500x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 1.0 mL 1140 CELLNTEC
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-Prime IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, 1000x 50.0ul 1720 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR CnT-Prime, Epithelial Culture Medium 500 mL (frozen) 2420 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-3D CnT-Prime 3D Barrier Culture Medium 500 mL (frozen) 4120 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway, Epithelial Culture Medium 500 mL (frozen) 2980 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500 mL (frozen) 3200 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-BM.1 CnT-Prime Basal Medium 500 mL (frozen) 1600 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-CA CnT-Prime Calcium Free, Epithelial Culture Medium 500 mL (frozen) inquire CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Co-Culture, Epithelial/Stromal Medium 250 mL (frozen) 1980 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime 2D Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium  500 mL (frozen) 2640 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-ECM CnT Prime Extra- Cellular Matrix (ECM) Medium 250 mL (frozen) 1980 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Culture Medium 500 mL (frozen) 2660 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-FH CnT-Prime Fibroblast Homeostasis Medium 250mlL (frozen) 1980 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-FTAL5 CnT-Prime Airlift, Full Thickness Skin Airlift Medium 500 mL (frozen) 3580 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-H CnT-Prime Keratinocyte Homeostasis Medium 250mlL (frozen) 1980 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-MD Melanocyte Differentiation Medium 250 mL (frozen) 1980 CELLNTEC
CnT-PR-MH Melanocyte Homeostasis Medium 250 mL (frozen) 1980 CELLNTEC
CnT-SP Spacer Plate, 12-well (re-usable) for Full-Thickness Skin, Airlift Models EACH 820 CELLNTEC
CnT-ST-100 Stain Kit, incl. Solution I and Solution II 2 x 50 mL 1260 CELLNTEC
CnT-XP3 XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250mlL (frozen) 1580 CELLNTEC
CPEK Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors (DOG) Cell Vial 16350 CELLNTEC
HBLAK Bladder Epithelium Progenitors, long-term (HUMAN) Cell Vial 16350 CELLNTEC
HCEP Corneal Epithelium Progenitors (HUMAN) Cell Vial 20700 CELLNTEC
HDFp Dermal Fibroblasts, Pooled Cell Vial 8850 CELLNTEC
HDFs Dermal Fibroblasts, Single Donor Cell Vial 10470 CELLNTEC
HDPs Dermal Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 20850 CELLNTEC
HEMas Epidermal Melanocytes, Adult, Single donor Cell Vial 14700 CELLNTEC
HEMns Epidermal Melanocytes, Juvenile, Single donor Cell Vial 14700 CELLNTEC
HGEPp Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Pooled Cell Vial 19470 CELLNTEC
HGEPs Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 20400 CELLNTEC
HPEKas Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Adult Donor Cell Vial 13470 CELLNTEC
HPEKp Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Pooled Cell Vial 11970 CELLNTEC
HPEKs Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Donor Cell Vial 13170 CELLNTEC
MPEK-BL6 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors Cell Vial 16350 CELLNTEC
PR3D-HPEK-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit , incl. Keratinocytes 1 Kit 19400 CELLNTEC
PR3D-K-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit, without Keratinocytes 1 Kit 15300 CELLNTEC
PRFT-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/o Cells Kit (frozen) 17500 CELLNTEC
PRFT-CELLS-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/Cells Kit (frozen) 27900 CELLNTEC








6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。



CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems 开发用于精密细胞培养的产品和技术。在世界各地,CELLnTEC使科学家能够创建复杂的体外细胞系统。




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
CnT-PR CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 3118.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-07 CnT-07 Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 3348 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-3D CnT-Prime Epithelial 3D Airlift Medium 500mL 3807 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-FTAL5 CnT-Prime Full Thickness 3D Airlift Medium 500mL 3604.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-30 CnT-30 iPSC Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500mL 5170.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-XP3 CnT-XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250mL 1296 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Epithelial 2D/3D Differentiation Medium 500mL 3037.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-DNP-10 CnT Dispase II, Neutral Protease 0.5g 2173.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-40 CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium 500mL 3037.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
PR3D-HPEK-50 CnT 3D Epithelial Starter Kit, with Keratinocytes 1Kit 26230.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
PR3D-K-50 CnT 3D Epithelial Starter Kit, w/o Cells 1Kit 12784.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
PRFT-24 CnT 3D Full Thickness Starter Kit, w/o Cells 1Kit 14080.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
MPEK-BL6 CnT Murine Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Long-Term CellVial 13905 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CPEK CnT Canine Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Long-Term CellVial 13905 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
PRFT-CELLS-24 CnT 3D Full Thickness Starter Kit, with Cells 1Kit 35856 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-SP CnT Spacer Plate, 12-Well, Reusable Each 634.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-KM CnT-Prime Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium 500mL 2794.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-HC CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Higher Certified 500mL 4887 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Proliferation Medium 500mL 2916 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-EF CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, EGF/FGF-Free 500mL 3213 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime Epithelial 2D Differentiation Medium 500mL 2862 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Epithelial/Stromal Co-Culture Medium 500mL 3186 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement 50uL 1471.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-ABM10 CnT Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250 x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10×2.0mL 540 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-57 CnT-57 Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Low BPE 500mL 2727 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-AG2 CnT-AG2 VitroAge Keratinocyte Aging Medium 500mL 3240 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-CA CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Calcium-Free 500mL 询价 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 3118.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-17 CnT-17 Airway Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 3969 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-09 CnT-09 Canine Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 2619 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-MSC CnT-Prime MSC Proliferation Medium 500mL 2916 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-MSC-XF CnT-Prime MSC Proliferation Medium, Xeno-Free 500mL 3591 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-ENDO CnT-ENDO Endothelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 4225.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-ECM CnT-Prime Fibroblast ECM Medium 500mL 2794.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-MD CnT-Prime Melanocyte Differentiation Medium 500mL 2794.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-MH CnT-Prime Melanocyte Homeostasis Medium 500mL 3064.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-BM.1 CnT-Prime Basal Medium 500mL 1458 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-H CnT-Prime Epithelial Homeostasis Medium 500mL 3064.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-FH CnT-Prime Fibroblast Homeostasis Medium 500mL 3064.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-MSCDIFF-AD.S CnT MSC Adipogenic Differentiation Supplement 2x1mL 询价 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-07-HC CnT-07 Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Higher Certified 500mL 5116.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-30-HC CnT-30 iPSC Epithelial Differentiation Medium, Higher Certified 500mL 询价 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-40-HC CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified 500mL 4482 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-ECM-HC CnT-Prime Fibroblast ECM Medium, Higher Certified 500mL 询价 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-ENDO-HC CnT-ENDO Endothelial Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified 500mL 5670 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-ISO-50-HC CnT-IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, Higher Certified 50uL 2349 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-KM-HC CnT-Prime Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium, Higher Certified 500mL 4563 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-F-HC CnT-Prime Fibroblast Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified 500mL 4360.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-FT-CELLS CnT Full Thickness Primary Cell Value Pack 2CellVials 21775.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
PR2D-CC CnT 2D Epithelial/Stromal Co-Culture Starter Kit, with Cells 1Kit 30078 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔

关键词:cellntec、上皮细胞培养基、精密细胞培养基、cellntec CnT-PR、黑色素细胞


   CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems开发用于精确细胞培养的产品和技术。CELLnTEC提供了一系列基础和功能化培养基,包括设计用于在无血清、无异种或*定义的环境中扩增细胞的高定义培养基。我们的产品组合包括从上皮到内皮组织类型的解决方案,以及从iPSC到MSC的解决方案。2018瑞士专业生产上皮细胞培养基及相关产品,是我们经销的品牌之一。  https://cellntec.com/


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 报价来源
CnT-07 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined 500mLKIT 3340  cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-09 Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium 500mLKIT 2840  cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-17 PCT Airway Epithelium Medium, Defined 500mLKIT 3900  cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-30 Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500mLKIT 7080  cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-40 Melanocyte Growth Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3560  cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-40-HC CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified, 500ml FROZEN 500ml(Frozen) 5200  cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔

Cellntec 2023年价格表

Cellntec 2023年价格表-上海金畔




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
CnT-PR CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL(frozen) 3753.75 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Proliferation Medium 500mL(frozen) 3510 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL(frozen) 3753.75 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-40 CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium  500mL(frozen) 3656.25 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-07 CnT-07 Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 4030 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-57 CnT-57 Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Low BPE 500mL 3282.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-17 CnT-17 Airway Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 4777.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-09 CnT-09 Canine Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500mL 3152.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-MSC CnT-Prime MSC Proliferation Medium 500mL(frozen) 3510 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-MSC-XF CnT-Prime MSC Proliferation Medium, Xeno-Free 500mL(frozen) 4322.5 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-ENDO CnT-ENDO Endothelial Proliferation Medium  500mL(frozen) 5086.25 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime Epithelial 2D Differentiation Medium 500mL(frozen) 3445 cellntec 4-6周 上海金畔

关键字:CnT-07   CnT-PR-AD  CnT-17  CnT-07  CnT-PR-F












货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
AM-1 Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
AM-1-250 Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, 250ml 250ml 1258 Zen-bio
AM-1-ABF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium WITHOUT antibiotics, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-BF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Biotin, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-DF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Dexamethasone, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-IF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Insulin, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-IF-DF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Insulin and Dexamethasone, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-L1 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
AM-1-L1-ABF 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Antibiotics, 500ml 500ml 2312 Zen-bio
AM-1-L1-DF 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Dexamethasone, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-L1-IF 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Insulin, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-L1-PRF 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Phenol Red, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-L1-SF 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Serum, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-PRF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium , WITHOUT Phenol Red, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-PRF-CSS Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Phenol Red, Dexamethasone, WITH Charcoal Stripped Serum 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-PRF-DF Adipocyte Medium, WITHOUT dexamethasone, phenol red free 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-PRF-DF-CSS Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Phenol Red, WITHOUT Dexamethasone, WITH Charcoal Stripped Serum 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-PRF-SF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium Phenol Red Free / without Serum, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-SF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium WITHOUT Serum, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
AM-1-SF-IF Adipocyte Maintenance Medium WITHOUT Serum and Insulin, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
AOX-1 ABTS Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-11 FRAP Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-14 Activated ABTS Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-15 Ferrous Iron Chelating (FIC) Assay Kit KIT 2580 Zen-bio
AOX-16 Cupric Iron Chelating (CIC) Assay Kit KIT 2580 Zen-bio
AOX-17 Total Phenolic Content Assay Kit KIT 5130 Zen-bio
AOX-2 ORAC Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-2RB ORAC Antioxidant Assay Kit, BULK (5-plates) KIT 12255 Zen-bio
AOX-3 DDPH Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-4 Cu-TAC Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-5 TAC-BCS Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-6 HORAC Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-7 NORAC Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-8 CLORAC Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 3900 Zen-bio
AOX-9 CAA Antioxidant Assay Kit KIT 5310 Zen-bio
ASC-F Cryopreserved Adult Stem Cells, 1 million cells/vial Vial 4650 Zen-bio
ASC-F-SL Cryopreserved Adult Stem Cells, Pooled Donor,1 million cells/vial Vial 4650 Zen-bio
BAM-1 Brown Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 2720 Zen-bio
BDM-2 Brown Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, 100ml 100ml 3825 Zen-bio
BEA-F Cryopreserved Plateable DOG (Beagle) Hepatocytes, >4 million cells/vial Vial 17775 Zen-bio
BM-1 Subcutaneous Basal Medium 500ml 500ml 1989 Zen-bio
BM-1-L1 3T3-L1 Basal Medium, 500ml 500ml 1989 Zen-bio
BM-1-L1-PRF 3T3-L1 Basal Medium, Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2312 Zen-bio
BM-1-NG Subcutaneous Basal Medium WITHOUT Glucose, 500ml 500ml 2312 Zen-bio
BM-1-PRF Subcutaneous Basal Medium Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2312 Zen-bio
BMSC-1 Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2992 Zen-bio
BPM-1 Brown Preadipocyte Medium, 500ml 500ml 2720 Zen-bio
BR-F Cryopreserved, Subcutaneous Breast Preadipocytes, 1 million cells/vial Vial 5640 Zen-bio
BSM-1 Bladder Smooth Muscle Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2703 Zen-bio
BSM-F Cryopreserved Human Bladder Smooth Muscle Cells (500,000/vial) Vial 10365 Zen-bio
CA-09 Custom Exosome Isolation from customer provided Conditioned Medium (Up to 390mls).Includes full QC: Particle mean diameter, Protein concentration, RNA concentration and Concentration of particles/ml. EACH 9645 Zen-bio
CC-12 Collagen I Coated 12-well Plate, Pack of 5 PK/5 1207 Zen-bio
CC-175 Collagen I Coated T-175 Flask, Vent Cap, Pack of 5 PK/5 2397 Zen-bio
CC-225 Collagen I Coated T-225 Flask, Vent Cap, Pack of 1 (EXCLUSIVE!) PK/1 493 Zen-bio
CC-24 Collagen I Coated 24-well Plate, Pack of 5 PK/5 1224 Zen-bio
CC-25 Collagen I Coated T-25 Flask, Vent Cap, Pack of 5 PK/5 1224 Zen-bio
CC-48 Collagen I Coated 48-well Plate, Pack of 5 PK/5 1224 Zen-bio
CC-6 Collagen I Coated 6-well Plate, Pack of 5 PK/5 1224 Zen-bio
CC-75 Collagen I Coated T-75 Flask, Vent Cap, Pack of 5 PK/5 1360 Zen-bio
CC-96 Collagen I Coated 96-well Plate, Pack of 5 PK/5 1207 Zen-bio
CEP-1 Corneal Epithelial Progenitor Cell Growth Media, 500ml 500ml 2958 Zen-bio
CEP-100 Corneal Epithelial Progenitor Cell Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml (FROZEN) Vial 2261 Zen-bio
CEP-2 Corneal Epithelial Progenitor Cell Differentiation Media, 50ml (FROZEN) 50ml 1870 Zen-bio
CM-1 Chondrocyte Differentiation Medium, 500ml 500ml 29070 Zen-bio
CM-1-100 Chondrocyte Differentiation Medium, 100ml 100ml 5967 Zen-bio
CM-1-100-PRF Chondrocyte Differentiation Medium, Phenol Red Free, 100ml 100ml 5967 Zen-bio
CMA-10 Conditioned Medium from Cultured Adipocytes 10ml 2025 Zen-bio
CMA10-D Conditioned Medium from Cultured Adipocytes, DIABETIC Donor 10ml 4995 Zen-bio
CMA-10-L1 Conditioned Medium from Cultured 3T3-L1 Adipocytes 10ml 3435 Zen-bio
CMOA-10 Conditioned Medium from Cultured Omental Adipocytes 10ml 11970 Zen-bio
CMOP-10 Conditioned Medium from Cultured Omental Preadipocytes 10ml 10260 Zen-bio
CMP-10 Conditioned Medium from Cultured Preadipocytes 10ml 2025 Zen-bio
CMP-10-L1 Conditioned Medium from Cultured 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes 10ml 3435 Zen-bio
CMQ-10 Conditioned Medium from Primary Adipocytes (Floaters) 10ml 2025 Zen-bio
CnT-07 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined 500mLKIT 3840 Zen-bio
CnT-07-HC PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined (HIGHER CERTIFIED) 500mLKIT 5800 Zen-bio
CnT-09 Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium 500mLKIT 2860 Zen-bio
CnT-17 PCT Airway Epithelium Medium, Defined 500mLKIT 4480 Zen-bio
CnT-30 Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500mLKIT 7160 Zen-bio
CnT-40 Melanocyte Growth Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3600 Zen-bio
CnT-40-HC CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified, 500ml FROZEN 500ml(Frozen) 5220 Zen-bio
CnT-57 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Low BPE 500mLKIT 3160 Zen-bio
CnT-ABM10 Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10×2.0mL 660 Zen-bio
CnT-Accutase-100 Accutase Cell Detachment Solution 100mL 940 Zen-bio
CnT-CRYO-50 CRYO Defined, Animal Component Free Freezing Medium 50ml 2160 Zen-bio
CnT-DNP-10 Dispase II, Netural Protease, 20x (POWDER) 5x100mg 3060 Zen-bio
CnT-ENDO CnT-Endothelium Medium 500ml(Frozen) 5720 Zen-bio
CnT-FT-CELLS HPEKs Keratinocytes and HDFs Fibroblasts Value Pack (2 vials), 0.5 million cells/vial(HUMAN) 2vials 24340 Zen-bio
CnT-GAB10 Gentamycin / Amphotericin B Solution, 500x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10×1.0mL 1340 Zen-bio
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-Prime IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, 1000x 50ul 2080 Zen-bio
CnT-MSCDIFF-AD.S Adipogenic Differentiation Supplement 2x1ml 2600 Zen-bio
CnT-PR CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3480 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-3D CnT-Prime 3D Barrier Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) 5120 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3460 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3720 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-BM.1 CnT-Prime Basal Medium 500ml(Frozen) 1700 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Co-Culture, Epithelial/Stromal Medium 500ml(Frozen) 4300 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime 2D Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3260 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-ECM CnT Prime Extra- Cellular Matrix (ECM) Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3780 Zen-bio
Cnt-PR-EF Cnt-Prime iPS Epithelial Differentiation Medium, Animal Component Free 500ml(Frozen) 4140 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3560 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-FH CnT-Prime Fibroblast Homeostasis Medium 500ml(Frozen) 4140 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-F-HC CnT-Prime Fibroblast Culture Medium, (Without serum), Higher Certified 500ml(Frozen) 5180 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-FTAL5 CnT-Prime Airlift, Full Thickness Skin Airlift Medium 500ml(Frozen) 5060 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-H CnT-Prime Keratinocyte Homeostasis Medium 500ml(Frozen) 4140 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-KM CnT-Prime KM, Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3780 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-MD Melanocyte Differentiation Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3780 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-MH Melanocyte Homeostasis Medium 500ml(Frozen) 4140 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-MSC CnT-Prime MSC Medium 500ml(Frozen) 3560 Zen-bio
CnT-PR-MSC-XF CnT-Prime MSC Medium, Xeno-Free 500ml(Frozen) 4560 Zen-bio
CnT-SP Spacer Plate, 12-well (re-usable) for Full-Thickness Skin, Airlift Models EACH 940 Zen-bio
CnT-ST-100 Stain Kit, incl. Solution I and Solution II 2x50mL 1480 Zen-bio
CnT-XP3 XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250ml(Frozen) 1700 Zen-bio
CPEK Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors (DOG) CellVial 18880 Zen-bio
DF-1 Dermal Fibroblast Culture Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
DF-2 Dermal Fibroblast Basal Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
DF-2-PRF Dermal Fibroblast Basal Medium, Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2312 Zen-bio
DFD-F Cryopreserved, Dermal Fibroblasts, DIABETIC Donor, 1 million cells/vial Vial 9045 Zen-bio
DF-F Cryopreserved, Dermal Fibroblasts, 1 million cells/vial Vial 5070 Zen-bio
DF-F-PS Cryopreserved, Dermal Fibroblasts, PSORIASIS Donor, 1 million cells/vial Vial 13605 Zen-bio
DFM-100 Dermal Fibroblast Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml 100ml 2312 Zen-bio
DFMK-F Matched Set-Cryopreserved Dermal Fibroblasts (1 million cells/vial) and Keratinocytes (500,000 cells/vial) 2Vials/SET 13845 Zen-bio
DFMP-F Matched Set-Cryopreserved, Dermal Fibroblasts (1 million cells/vial) and SQ Preadipocytes (2 million cells/vial) 2Vials/SET 14190 Zen-bio
DFN-F Cryopreserved Dermal Fibroblasts, NEONATAL, Single Donor (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 5685 Zen-bio
DIF-10 Wrinkle Treatment Screening Kit ( lipid accumulation) KIT 11790 Zen-bio
DIF-AG Adipocyte Differentiation Kit PPARγ agonist (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 11790 Zen-bio
DIF-AG-NC Adipocyte Differentiation Kit PPARγ agonist (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 6525 Zen-bio
DIF-AG-NC5 Adipocyte Differentiation Kit PPARγ agonist (5 Plates; REAGENTS + BUFFERS ONLY) KIT 27720 Zen-bio
DIF-GLUC Adipocyte Differentiation Kit Glucocorticoid Analogues (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 11790 Zen-bio
DIF-GLUC-NC Adipocyte Differentiation Kit Glucocorticoid Analogues (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 6525 Zen-bio
DIL-1 Blood Diluent, Sterile, 1000ml 1000ml 272 Zen-bio
DISP1 Dispase II, Neutral Protease, Partially Purified, Non-sterile 1.0gram/vial 3587 Zen-bio
DM-2 Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, 100ml 100ml 2312 Zen-bio
DM-2-500 Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-500-ABF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT Antibiotics, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-500-IF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT Insulin, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-500-NG Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT Glucose, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-500-PPG Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist, 500ml 500ml 10744 Zen-bio
DM-2-500-PPG-SF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist and Serum Free, 500ml 500ml 10744 Zen-bio
DM-2-500-PRF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 10744 Zen-bio
DM-2-ABF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium WITHOUT antibiotics, 100ml 100ml 2312 Zen-bio
DM-2-DF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT dexamethasone, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-IF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT Insulin, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium, 100ml 100ml 2312 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1-500 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium , 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1-500-PPG 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1-500-PRF 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium, Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1-ABF 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium WITHOUT Antibiotics, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1-PPG 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-L1-PRF 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium Phenol Red Free, 100ml 100ml 2533 Zen-bio
DM-2-PPG Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-PPG-DF 3T3-L1 Differentiation Medium WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-PRF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium Phenol Red Free, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-PRF-DF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium Phenol Red Free, WITHOUT Dexamethasone, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-PRF-PPG Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, WITHOUT PPAR Gamma Agonist, phenol red free, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DM-2-SF Adipocyte Differentiation Medium WITHOUT Serum, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
DMEMF12 DMEM/F-12 Ham’s (50/50) with glutamine and 15mM HEPES 500ml 697 Zen-bio
DMEMF12-PRF DMEM/F-12 Ham’s (50/50) Phenol Red Free with glutamine and 15mM HEPES 500ml 867 Zen-bio
DMEMHG DMEM (high glucose, 4.5g/L) 500ml 561 Zen-bio
DMEMHG-PRF DMEM (high glucose, 4.5g/L), Phenol Red Free 500ml 697 Zen-bio
DMEMLG DMEM (low glucose, 1g/L) 500ml 561 Zen-bio
DP-1 Dermal Papillary Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2040 Zen-bio
DPBS-1000 Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution, 1X 1000ml 578 Zen-bio
DPDR-100 Dermal Papillary/Reticular Fibroblast Cryopreservation Medium , 100ml 100ml 3655 Zen-bio
DR-1 Dermal Reticular Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2040 Zen-bio
ECGM-1 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2737 Zen-bio
EXCBS-F100 Human Cord Blood Serum Exosomes, Frozen (>1 billion particles/vial) Vial 16290 Zen-bio
EXP-F100 Human Preadipocyte (Mesenchymal Stem Cell) Exosomes, Frozen, (>1 billion particles/vial) Vial 12435 Zen-bio
EXPLMSC-F100 Human Placental Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes, Frozen, (>1 billion particles/vial) Vial 15330 Zen-bio
EZPREP-10 EZPREP Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Isolation Kit (can process up to 100ml of blood).Includes EZPREP Tubes and Reagents KIT 4425 Zen-bio
EZPREP-BULK EZPREP Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Isolation TUBES ONLY, Pack of 25 KIT 4425 Zen-bio
EZROLL EZROLL Dispenser EACH 2955 Zen-bio
EZROLL-ABL EZROLL Absorbent Bench Liner, 20″x300′, CS/1Rolls Case 2640 Zen-bio
FFA-STAN Free Fatty Acid Standard EACH 645 Zen-bio
FM-1-100 Cryopreservation Medium , Suitable for Omental or Subcutaneous Preadipocytes and Adipose Derived Adult Stem Cells, 100ml 100ml 3859 Zen-bio
FM-1-L1 Cryopreservation Medium , Suitable for 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes, 100ml 100ml 3859 Zen-bio
FM-L1-50 Cryopreservation Medium , Suitable for 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes, 50ml 50ml 2108 Zen-bio
GFA-1 Plasma/Serum Glycerol and Free Fatty Acid Detection Kit KIT 11790 Zen-bio
HA-1 Airway Epithelial Cell Culture Medium, (Small and Large Airway)-(HUMAN) 500ml 500ml 3944 Zen-bio
HBLAK Bladder Epithelium Progenitors, long-term (HUMAN) (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 18880 Zen-bio
HBMMSC-F Human Bone Marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 1 million cells/vial Vial 12930 Zen-bio
HBMOB-1 Human Bone Marrow Osteoblast Differentiation Medium, 500ml 500ml 2703 Zen-bio
HBSS-500 Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), 1X 500ml 561 Zen-bio
HCEP Corneal Epithelium Progenitors (HUMAN), (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 23920 Zen-bio
HCEPc-F Cryopreserved Human Corneal Epithelial Progenitor Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 13200 Zen-bio
HDFap Primary Human Dermal Fibroblasts POOLED ADULT donors (500,000 Cells/vial) CellVial 10220 Zen-bio
HDFas Primary Human Dermal Fibroblasts Single ADULT donor (500,000 Cells/vial) CellVial 12060 Zen-bio
HDFp Dermal Fibroblasts, Pooled, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 10220 Zen-bio
HDFs Dermal Fibroblasts, Single Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 12060 Zen-bio
HDPs Dermal Progenitors, Single Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 24100 Zen-bio
HEMas Epidermal Melanocytes, Adult, Single donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 17000 Zen-bio
HEMns Epidermal Melanocytes, Juvenile, Single donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 17000 Zen-bio
HF12 Ham’s F12 Nutrient Mixture, 500ml 500ml 544 Zen-bio
HGEPp Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Pooled, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 24040 Zen-bio
HGEPs Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Single Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 25140 Zen-bio
HM-1 Hepatocyte Plating Medium, 500ml 500ml 3859 Zen-bio
HM-1-250 Hepatocyte Plating Medium, 250ml 250ml 2040 Zen-bio
HM-2 Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 3859 Zen-bio
HM-2-250 Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium, 250ml 250ml 2040 Zen-bio
HM-3 Rodent Hepatocyte Plating Medium, 500ml 500ml 3859 Zen-bio
HM-4 Rodent Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 3859 Zen-bio
HM-5 Dog Hepatocytes Plating Medium, 500ml 500ml 3859 Zen-bio
HM-6 Dog Hepatocytes Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 3859 Zen-bio
HP-1 Hepatic ProgenitorCell Plating Medium, 500ml 500ml 7038 Zen-bio
HP-2 Hepatic ProgenitorCell Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 7038 Zen-bio
HPEKas Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Adult Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 16600 Zen-bio
HPEKp Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Pooled, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 16820 Zen-bio
HPEKs Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) CellVial 16240 Zen-bio
HP-F Cryopreserved Plateable Human Hepatocytes, minimum of 3 million cells/vial Vial 11925 Zen-bio
HP-F-NPC Cryopreserved Non-Parenchymal Cells (NPC), 1 million cells/vial Vial 3675 Zen-bio
HP-F-S Cryopreserved Human HepaticStellate Cells, (100,000 cells/vial) Vial 5235 Zen-bio
HP-KC-F Cryopreserved Human Kupffer Cells, 1 million cells/vial Vial 18315 Zen-bio
HP-NP Cryopreserved Mature Human Hepatocytes, Non-Plateable, 1 million cells/vial Vial 1980 Zen-bio
HP-NPC-250 Hepatic Non-Parenchymal Cell Growth Medium, 250ml 250ml 2091 Zen-bio
HP-NPC-250-PRF Hepatic Non-Parenchymal Cell Growth Medium, WITHOUT Phenol Red, 250ml 250ml 2737 Zen-bio
HRE-F Cryopreserved Human Retinal Endothelial Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12600 Zen-bio
HRP-F Cryopreserved Human Retinal Pericytes, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12600 Zen-bio
HSEC-F Cryopreserved Human Hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12555 Zen-bio
HSER-10ML Human Serum, Normal Off-the-Clot, Frozen (Default) or Fresh (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 10ml 1665 Zen-bio
HSER-10ML-SDS Human Serum, Normal Off-the-Clot, (Collect/Ship same day, *Pathogen Testing Pending*) 10ml 1665 Zen-bio
HSER-200ML Human Serum, Normal off-the-Clot, Frozen (Default) or Fresh (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 200ml 5685 Zen-bio
HSER-200ML-SDS Human Serum, Normal off-the-Clot, (Collect/Ship same day, *Pathogen Testing Pending*) 200ml 5685 Zen-bio
HSER-2ML Human Serum, Normal off-the-Clot (FROZEN), 2ml 2ml 1470 Zen-bio
HSER-ABP100ml Human AB Serum, Off-the-clot, Sterile Filtered-Pooled, Frozen 100ml 3330 Zen-bio
HSER-ABPM100ml Human AB Serum, Off-the-clot, Sterile Filtered-Pooled MALE DONOR Lot, Frozen 100ml 3720 Zen-bio
HSER-CABPM100ml Human AB Serum, (Converted), Heat Inactivated, Sterile Filtered-Pooled MALE DONOR Lot, Frozen 100ml 3135 Zen-bio
HSER-CDS-200ML Human Serum, Off-the-clot, CHARCOAL-DEXTRAN Stripped, Sterile Filtered, Frozen 200ml 10635 Zen-bio
HSER-P500ML Human Serum, Normal Pooled 500ml 7500 Zen-bio
HSER-P50ML Human Serum, Normal Pooled 50ml 4620 Zen-bio
HSFM-100 Human Stellate Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml 100ml 3655 Zen-bio
HSGM-250 Human Stellate Growth Medium, 250ml 250ml 2737 Zen-bio
HSGM-500 Human Stellate Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 4097 Zen-bio
HSGM-500-SF Human Stellate Grown Medium, WITHOUT serum, 500ml 500ml 3978 Zen-bio
HSP-F Cryopreserved Human Splenocytes, 25 million cells/vial Vial 16740 Zen-bio
HTM-F Cryopreserved Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12240 Zen-bio
HUVEC-F Cryopreserved Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (500,000 cells) Vial 4560 Zen-bio
IHBEC-1 Intra-Hepatic Biliary Epithelial Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2958 Zen-bio
IHBEC-F Cryopreserved Human Intra-Hepatic Biliary Epithelial Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12555 Zen-bio
ITS-20 ITS Plus Premix, 20ml, Universal Culture Supplement- contains insulin, human transferrin, and selenous acid. 20ml 1649 Zen-bio
KB-1 Keratinocyte Basal Medium, 500ml 500ml 2006 Zen-bio
KC-1 Kupffer Cell Plating Medium, 250ml 250ml 2261 Zen-bio
KC-2 Kupffer Cell Maintenance Medium, 250ml 250ml 2261 Zen-bio
KF-1-100 Keratinocyte Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml 100ml 4131 Zen-bio
KM-2 Keratinocyte Growth Medium, Adult, 500ml 500ml 2737 Zen-bio
KM-3 Keratinocyte Growth Medium, Neonatal, 500ml 500ml 2737 Zen-bio
KRB-1000 Krebs Ringer Buffer (KRB), 1L 1000ml 595 Zen-bio
KR-D-F Cryopreserved, Adult Epidermal Keratinocytes, DIABETIC DONOR, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 9495 Zen-bio
KR-F Cryopreserved, Adult Epidermal Keratinocytes (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 6705 Zen-bio
KR-F-SL Cryopreserved, Adult Epidermal Keratinocytes SUPERLOT (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 6705 Zen-bio
KRN-F Cryopreserved, NEONATAL Epidermal Keratinocytes, Single Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 7185 Zen-bio
KRNP-F Cryopreserved, NEONATAL Epidermal Keratinocytes, Pooled Donor (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 7395 Zen-bio
KT-01 3T3-L1 Differentiation Kit (media to differentiate 1x 96-well plate) KIT 2145 Zen-bio
KT-01-PRF 3T3-L1 Differentiation Kit, Phenol Red Free (media to differentiate 1 96-well plate) KIT 2370 Zen-bio
KT-02 Subcutaneous Adipocyte Differentiation Kit: sufficient media to differentiate 1 96 well plate human Subcutaneous Preadipocytes to adipocytes. 50.0ml PM-1, 25ml DM-2, 25ml AM-1, 1 blank sterile 96 well plate KIT 1380 Zen-bio
KT-03 Visceral Adipocyte Differentiation Kit: sufficient media to differentiate 1 96 well plate human visceral Preadipocytes to adipocytes. 50.0ml OM-PM, 25ml OM-DM, 25ml OM-AM, 1 blank sterile 96 well plate KIT 1380 Zen-bio
LAE-F Cryopreserved Human Large Airway Epithelial Cells, 0.5 million/vial Vial 11730 Zen-bio
LCM-1 Mammary Luminal Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2941 Zen-bio
LF-F Cryopreserved Human Lung Fibroblast: 500,000 cells/vial Vial 9435 Zen-bio
LIP-1 Lipolysis Assay Kit, Glycerol Detection ( REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 13695 Zen-bio
LIP-10 Cellulite Treatment Screening Kit,Lipolysis via Glycerol detection (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 13695 Zen-bio
LIP-11 Cellulite Treatment Screening Kit, Lipolysis viaFree fatty acid detection (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 15495 Zen-bio
LIP-12 Cellulite Treatment Screening Kit, Dual Free Fatty Acid and Glycerol Detection (REAGENTS+ CELLS) KIT 17865 Zen-bio
LIP-1-L1 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Assay Kit (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 12525 Zen-bio
LIP-1-L1-F 3T3-L1 Lipolyis Assay Kit with (REAGENTS + CRYOPRESERVED CELLS) KIT 11520 Zen-bio
LIP-1-NC Lipolysis Assay Kit , Glycerol Detection (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 6525 Zen-bio
LIP-1-NCL1 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Assay Kit (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 6525 Zen-bio
LIP-1-NCL1DIF 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Assay Kit, w/Differentiation Media for 1×96 well plate (REAGENTS & MEDIA) KIT 8610 Zen-bio
LIP-1-RB Lipolysis Assay kit (5 plates; REAGENTS + BUFFERS ONLY) KIT 27420 Zen-bio
LIP-1-SPF Lipolysis Assay Kit, Glycerol Detection ( REAGENTS + CELLS- Cryopreserved SQ Preadipocytes-1 vial) KIT 11310 Zen-bio
LIP-2 Lipolysis Assay Kit, Free fatty acids detection (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 15495 Zen-bio
LIP-2-L1 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Assay Kit free fatty acids detection , (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 14310 Zen-bio
LIP-2-NC Lipolysis Assay Kit, Free fatty acids detection (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 8325 Zen-bio
LIP-2-NC-L1 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Assay Kitfree fatty acids detection (REAGENTS ONLY)-NEFA KIT 8325 Zen-bio
LIP-2-RB Lipolysis Assay Kit, Free Fatty Acids Detection (5 plates; REAGENTS + BUFFERS ONLY) KIT 35205 Zen-bio
LIP-2-SCRN Lipolysis Assay Kit, Free Fatty Acids Detection -Automation Screening Kit, REAGENTS ONLY KIT 56745 Zen-bio
LIP-3 Lipolysis Assay Kit Dual glycerol and free fatty acids detection (REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 18870 Zen-bio
LIP-3-L1 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Kit- Dual Detection Free Fatty Acid and Glycerol Release 100 point assay kit,(REAGENTS + CELLS) KIT 16695 Zen-bio
LIP-3-NC Lipolysis Assay Kit , Dual Glycerol and free fatty acids detection (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 11790 Zen-bio
LIP-3-NC-L1 3T3-L1 Lipolysis Assay Kit (REAGENTS ONLY) – Dual Detection-Free Fatty acid and glycerol release KIT 11790 Zen-bio
LIP-3-OM Lipolysis Assay Kit, Dual Glycerol and free fatty acids detection, Omental Cells (REAGENTS + CELLS, 100point) KIT 20775 Zen-bio
LIP-3-RB Lipolysis Assay Kit, Dual Glycerol and free fatty acids detection (REAGENTS ONLY for 5-96 well plates) KIT 50070 Zen-bio
LIP-6-NC Adipose Tissue Explant Lipolysis Assay Kit: Glycerol Detection (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 6525 Zen-bio
LIP-GLYSTAN Glycerol Standard, for Lipolysis Assay Kits EACH 645 Zen-bio
LYMPH-1 Lymphocyte Medium for Thawing, Plating and short-term maintenance 100ml 2176 Zen-bio
LYMPH-100 Peripheral Blood mononuclear Cell (PBMC) Cryopreservation Medium 100ml 3859 Zen-bio
LYMPH-1-50 Lymphocyte Medium for Thawing, Plating and short-term maintenance 50ml 1292 Zen-bio
M199 Medium 199 500ml 561 Zen-bio
MCM-100 Mesothelial Cell Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml 100ml 3859 Zen-bio
MEG-1 Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2941 Zen-bio
MEL-100 Meloncyte Cryopreservations Medium, 100ml 100ml 3859 Zen-bio
MEL-2 Melanocyte Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2941 Zen-bio
MEL-F Cryopreserved Human Adult Melanocytes (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 8805 Zen-bio
MEL-F-NEO Cryopreserved Human NEONATAL Melanocytes (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 8805 Zen-bio
MF-1 Human Mammary Fibroblast Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2601 Zen-bio
MF-2 Human Mammary Fibroblast Basal Medium, 500ml 500ml 1853 Zen-bio
MF-F Human Mammary Fibroblast Cells, Cryopreserved (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 11295 Zen-bio
MFM-100 Human Mammary Fibroblast Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml 100ml 3859 Zen-bio
MPEK-BL6 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors CellVial 18880 Zen-bio
MSB-1 Mesothelial Cell Basal Medium, 500ml EACH 2312 Zen-bio
MSCG-1 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium, 500ml (for use with Placental) 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
MSO-1 Mesothelial Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2856 Zen-bio
MSP-1 Splenocyte Maintenance Medium, 100ml 100ml 2465 Zen-bio
MSP-F Cryopreserved Mouse Splenocytes, 25 million cells/vial Vial 6300 Zen-bio
MTT-KIT ZenSkin MTT Kit.+ Includes 10mg of MTT reagentand 60ml of ethanol KIT 1320 Zen-bio
OA-1006-3 Omental Adipocytes 6-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 21885 Zen-bio
OA-1012-3 Omental Adipocytes 12-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 18240 Zen-bio
OA-1024-3 Omental Adipocytes 24-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 18240 Zen-bio
OA-1048-3 Omental Adipocytes 48-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 18240 Zen-bio
OA-1096-3 Omental Adipocytes 96-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 13080 Zen-bio
OB-1 Osteoblast Differentiation Medium, 500ml 500ml 2703 Zen-bio
OB-1-PRF Osteoblast Differentiation Medium, 500ml, Phenol Red Free 500ml 2992 Zen-bio
OB-1-SF Osteoblast Differentiation Medium, 500ml, WITHOUT Serum 500ml 2992 Zen-bio
OC-100 Ocular Cell Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml, (FROZEN)- for RPE-F, HRE-F, HRP-F, HTM-F 100ml 2261 Zen-bio
OM-AM Omental Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
OM-AM-IF Omental Adipocyte Maintenance Medium, WITHOUT Insulin, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
OM-AM-PRF Omental Adipocyte Medium, Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
OM-AM-SF Omental Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Serum, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
OM-AM-SF-IF Omental Adipocyte Medium WITHOUT Serum and Insulin, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
OM-BM Omental Basal Medium, 500ml 500ml 1989 Zen-bio
OM-BM-PRF Omental Basal Medium, Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
OM-DM Omental Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, 100ml 100ml 2312 Zen-bio
OM-DM-500 Omental Adipocyte Differentiation Medium, 500ml 500ml 9996 Zen-bio
OM-DM-PRF Omental Differentiation Medium Phenol Red Free, 100ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
OM-PM Omental Preadipocyte Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
OM-PM-PRF Omental Preadipocyte Medium Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
OP-2006-3 Omental Preadipocytes 6-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 19230 Zen-bio
OP-2012-3 Omental Preadipocytes 12-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 15570 Zen-bio
OP-2024-3 Omental Preadipocytes 24-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 15570 Zen-bio
OP-2048-3 Omental Preadipocytes 48-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 15570 Zen-bio
OP-2096-3 Omental Preadipocytes 96-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 10395 Zen-bio
OPD-F Cryopreserved Omental Preadipocytes, DIABETIC Donor, BMI >30.0, 1 million cells/vial Vial 11985 Zen-bio
OPD-F-SL Cryopreserved Omental Preadipocytes, DIABETIC Donor, SUPERLOT, 1 million cells/vial.BMI>30.0 Vial 11985 Zen-bio
OP-F-1 Cryopreserved Omental Preadipocytes, 1 million cells/vial, BMI<25.0 Vial 8010 Zen-bio
OP-F-2 Cryopreserved Omental Preadipocytes, 1 million cells/vial.BMI 25-29.99 Vial 8010 Zen-bio
OP-F-3 Cryopreserved Omental Preadipocytes, 1 million cells/vial.BMI >30.0 Vial 8010 Zen-bio
OP-F-SL Cryopreserved, Omental Preadipocytes, SUPERLOT-POOLED, 1 million cells/vial Vial 8010 Zen-bio
PDF-F Cryopreserved Human Dermal Papillary Fibroblasts, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12795 Zen-bio
PER-1 Pericyte Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2601 Zen-bio
PER-F Human Pericytes, Placenta derived Cryopreserved, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 10365 Zen-bio
PLMSC-F CryopreservedHuman Placental derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 500,000 cells/vial Vial 9060 Zen-bio
PM-1 Subcutaneous Preadipocyte Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
PM-1-250 Subcutaneous Preadipocyte Medium, 250ml 250ml 1258 Zen-bio
PM-1-ABF Preadipocyte Medium, WITHOUT Antibiotics, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PM-1-AB-SF Subcutaneous Preadipocyte Medium Without Antibiotics, Without Serum, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PM-1-L1 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
PM-1-L1-ABF 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte Medium WITHOUT Antibiotics, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PM-1-L1-PRF 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte Medium Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PM-1-L1-SF 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte MediumWITHOUT Serum, 500ml 500ml 1989 Zen-bio
PM-1-PRF Subcutaneous Preadipocyte Medium Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PM-1-PRF-SF Subcutaneous Preadipocyte Medium WITHOUT Serum/Phenol Red Free, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PM-1-SF Subcutaneous Preadipocyte Medium WITHOUT Serum, 500ml 500ml 2465 Zen-bio
PR2D-CC 2D Co-culture Start Kit-Keratinocyte/Fibroblast, includes Keratinocyte and Fibroblast cells. 1Kit 34560 Zen-bio
PR2D-KM 2D Co-culture Starter Kit, Keratinocyte/Melanocyte, includes Keratinocytes and Melanocyte cells 1Kit 40240 Zen-bio
PR3D-HPEK-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit , incl. Keratinocytes 1Kit 33560 Zen-bio
PR3D-K-50 3D Keratinocyte Starter Kit, without cells 1Kit 18420 Zen-bio
PRFT-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/o Cells Kit(frozen) 19620 Zen-bio
PRFT-CELLS-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/Cells Kit(frozen) 43960 Zen-bio
PSF-1 Antibiotics Penicillin/Streptomycin/Amphotericin B 10,000 Units/ml 10,000 mg/ml, 25ug/ml 100ml 459 Zen-bio
RBCL-1 Red Blood Cell LYSIS Buffer, 1X, Sterile 1000ml 1156 Zen-bio
RDF-F Cryopreserved Human Dermal Reticular Fibroblasts (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 12795 Zen-bio
RGTA-10 Glycerol Reagent A- 11ml 11ml 1972 Zen-bio
RGTA-40 Glycerol Reagent A- 40 ml 40ml 3179 Zen-bio
RHE-24 ZenSkin Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) Kit. Included in the RHE Kit is 24 ZenSkin RHEs, culture ware, DPBS, and 1% Triton-X 100 KIT 15435 Zen-bio
RNAmi-A10-1 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Cultured Subcutaneous Adipocytes.BMI<25.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-A10-2 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Cultured Subcutaneous Adipocytes.BMI 25.0-29.99 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-A10-3 Total RNA (includes miRNA)Cultured Subcutaneous Adipocytes, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-A10-D Total RNA (includes miRNA) Cultured Subcutaneous Adipocytes, DIABETIC Donor 10ug/vial 10455 Zen-bio
RNAmi-A10-SL Total RNA (includes miRNA)Cultured Subcutaneous Adipocytes, (SUPERLOT-Pooled) 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-DL10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from DIABETIC Human Hepatocytes 10ug/vial 18225 Zen-bio
RNAmi-DLT10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from DIABETIC Human Liver Tissue 10ug/vial 18225 Zen-bio
RNAmi-DOM-A10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from DIABETIC Omental Cultured Preadipocytes, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 13230 Zen-bio
RNAmi-DOM-P10 Total RNA (includes miRNA) from DIABETIC Omental Cultured Preadipocytes, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 13230 Zen-bio
RNAmi-DOM-T10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from DIABETIC Omental Tissue, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 11730 Zen-bio
RNAmi-DSKT10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Skeletal Muscle Tissue, DIABETIC Donor 10ug/vial 18225 Zen-bio
RNAmi-KR10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Keratinocytes 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-L10-1 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Hepatocytes.BMI<25.0 10ug/vial 7665 Zen-bio
RNAmi-L10-2 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Hepatocytes.BMI 25.0-29.99 10ug/vial 7665 Zen-bio
RNAmi-L10-3 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Hepatocytes, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 7665 Zen-bio
RNAmi-L1-A10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from 3T3-L1 Adipocytes 10ug/vial 10275 Zen-bio
RNAmi-L1-P10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes 10ug/vial 7950 Zen-bio
RNAmi-LT10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Normal Human Liver Tissue 10ug/vial 16230 Zen-bio
RNAmi-M40 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from same donor-(1 vial each: Adipocytes, Preadipocytes, Tissue, and Floaters) 10ug/vial 43290 Zen-bio
RNAmi-MST Matched Set Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Subcutaneous and Omental Tissue 10ug/vial 12855 Zen-bio
RNAmi-OMA10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Omental Cultured Adipocytes, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 8850 Zen-bio
RNAmi-OMP10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Omental Cultured Adipocytes, BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 8850 Zen-bio
RNAmi-OMT10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Omental Adipose Tissue.BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 6390 Zen-bio
RNAmi-P10-1 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes.BMI<25.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-P10-2 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes.BMI 25.0-29.99 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-P10-3 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes.BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-P10-D Total RNA (includes miRNA)from cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes, DIABETIC DONOR 10ug/vial 12075 Zen-bio
RNAmi-P10-SL Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes(SUPERLOT-Pooled) 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-Q10-1 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Primary (Floaters) Subcutaneous Adipocytes.BMI<25.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-Q10-2 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Primary (Floaters) Subcutaneous Adipocytes.BMI 25.0-29.99 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-Q10-3 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Primary (Floaters) Subcutaneous Adipocytes.BMI >30.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-SKB10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Skeletal Myoblasts 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-SKM10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Skeletal Myotubes 10ug/vial 5775 Zen-bio
RNAmi-SKN10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Subcutaneous Skin Section 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-SKT10 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Skeletal Muscle Tissue 10ug/vial 9015 Zen-bio
RNAmi-T10-1 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue.BMI<25.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-T10-2 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue.BMI 25.0-29.99 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-T10-3 Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Subcutaneous Adipose TissueBMI >30.0 10ug/vial 5385 Zen-bio
RNAmi-T10-CS Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Brown Adipose Tissue 10ug/vial 42105 Zen-bio
RNAmi-WB Total RNA (includes miRNA)from Human Whole Blood 10ug/vial 7950 Zen-bio
RP1640 RPMI 1640, 1X, 500ml 500ml 561 Zen-bio
RPCT-1 Renal Proximal Convoluted Tubule Plating Medium, 500ml 500ml 2941 Zen-bio
RPCT-2 Renal Proximal Convoluted Tubule Maintenance Medium, 500ml 500ml 2941 Zen-bio
RPCT-F Cryopreserved Human Renal Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 9150 Zen-bio
RPCTFM-1-100 Cryopreservation Medium for Renal Epithelial Cells, 100ml 100ml 3689 Zen-bio
RPE-1 Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2669 Zen-bio
RPE-2 Retinal Pigment Epthelial Cell Differentiation Medium, 250ml 250ml 4063 Zen-bio
RPE-F Cryopreserved Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells, 0.5 million cells/vial. Vial 11805 Zen-bio
SA-1006-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 6-Well Plate.BMI <25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1006-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 6-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1006-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 6-Well Plate.BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1006-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 6-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1012-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 12-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1012-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 12-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1012-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 12-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1012-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 12-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1024-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 24 Well Plate,.BMI<25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1024-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 24 Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1024-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 24 Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1024-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 24 Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1048-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 48-Well Plate..BMI<25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1048-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 48-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1048-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 48-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1048-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 48-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1096-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 96-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1096-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 96-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1096-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 96-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1096-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 96-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1384-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 384-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1384-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 384-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1384-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 384-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-1384-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 384-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-25-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 25 cm2 flask.BMI<25.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-25-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 25 cm2 flask.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-25-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 25 cm2 flask, BMI >30.0 EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-25-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 25 cm2 flask(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 11280 Zen-bio
SA-75-1 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 75 cm2 flask.BMI<25.0 EACH 16500 Zen-bio
SA-75-2 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 75 cm2 flask.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 16500 Zen-bio
SA-75-3 Subcutaneous Adipocytes 75 cm2 flask, BMI >30.0 EACH 16500 Zen-bio
SA-75-SL Subcutaneous Adipocytes 75 cm2 flask(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 16500 Zen-bio
SAE-F Human Small Airway Epithelial Cells, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 11730 Zen-bio
SA-Q1-1 Subcutaneous Primary Adipocytes, Flash Frozen (Floaters).BMI<25.0 25ml 5445 Zen-bio
SA-Q1-2 Subcutaneous Primary adipocytes, Flash Frozen (Floaters).BMI 25.0-29.99 25ml 5445 Zen-bio
SA-Q1-3 Subcutaneous Primary adipocytes, Flash Frozen (Floaters), BMI >30.0 25ml 5445 Zen-bio
SBC-100 7.5% Sodium Bicarbonate Solution, STERILE, 100ml 100ml 187 Zen-bio
SEB-1 Sebocyte Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 4267 Zen-bio
SEB-F Cryopreserved Human Primary Sebocytes, (500,000 cells/vial) EACH 17790 Zen-bio
SER-100 Fetal Bovine Serum, US Sourced, 100ml 100ml 2490 Zen-bio
SER-10MLRBC Human Red Blood Cells (RBCs) (ACD), (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 10ml 1560 Zen-bio
SER-10MLRBC-SDS Human Packed Red Blood Cells, 10ml.(Collect/Ship same day, *Pathogen Testing Pending*) (Anticoagulant Varies) 10ml 1560 Zen-bio
SER-500 Fetal Bovine Serum, US Sourced, 500ml 500ml 11300 Zen-bio
SER-BC Human Buffy Coat, Fresh, (ACD default), (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 60ml 5610 Zen-bio
SER-BC-SDS Human Buffy Coat, Fresh (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*) 60ml 5610 Zen-bio
SER-BM Normal Human Bone Marrow, FRESH, 75ml/donor, (Sodium Heparin) EACH 67425 Zen-bio
SER-BMCD34-F Normal Human Bone Marrow CD34+ Cells,Cryopreserved, Single Donor, (500,000 cells/vial) Vial 11205 Zen-bio
SER-BMMNC-F Human Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (MNCs),CRYOPRESERVED, SINGLE Donor, 10 million cells/vial Vial 5190 Zen-bio
SER-CB Human Cord Blood Unit, Fresh, in CPD 60-125ml 11595 Zen-bio
SER-CBCD4+T-F Normal Human Cord Blood T-Cells, CD4+, Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial Vial 8010 Zen-bio
SER-CBCD4+TH-N-F Normal Human Cord Blood Cryopreserved Naive T Cells, CD4+, 1 million cells/vial Vial 8880 Zen-bio
SER-CBMNC-100-F Human Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells (MNCs),CRYOPRESERVED, SINGLE Donor, 100 million cells/vial Vial 21780 Zen-bio
SER-CBPL-10ML Human Cord Blood Recovered Plasma, Frozen, Anticoagulant is CPD 10ml 1725 Zen-bio
SER-CBS Human Cord Blood Serum, 1.0ml 1ml 975 Zen-bio
SER-CBS100P Human Cord Blood Serum, POOLED Donor lot, 100ml 100ml 45990 Zen-bio
SER-CD14-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood MONOCYTES, CD14+, Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial Vial 6690 Zen-bio
SER-CD19-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood B-Cells, CD19+, Cryopreserved, 1 million cells/vial Vial 3135 Zen-bio
SER-CD34/CD38-F Normal Human Cord Blood CD34+/CD38 Neg Stem Cells ( multipotential hemopoietic stem cells),Cryopreserved, Pooled (100,000 cells/vial) Vial 5745 Zen-bio
SER-CD34-1F Normal Human Cord Blood CD34/CD133+ Cells,Cryopreserved, Single Donor; 1 million cells/vial EACH 24195 Zen-bio
SER-CD34-F Normal Human Cord Blood CD34/CD133+ Cells,Cryopreserved, Pooled (100,000 cells/vial) EACH 4110 Zen-bio
SER-CD34-MPB1-F Human Mobilized Peripheral Blood CD34+ Cells,Cryopreserved, 1 million cells/vial Vial 14895 Zen-bio
SER-CD34-MPB-F Human Mobilized Peripheral Blood CD34+ Cells,Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial Vial 41775 Zen-bio
SER-CD3-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood T-LYMPHOCYTES, CD3+, Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial Vial 6690 Zen-bio
SER-CD3-PANT10-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Pan T cells, CD3+, NEG SELECTION, Cryopreserved, 10 million cells/vial Vial 7485 Zen-bio
SER-CD3-PANT-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Pan T cells, CD3+, NEG SELECTION, Cryopreserved, 20 million cells/vial Vial 13920 Zen-bio
SER-CD4+T-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood T-Cells, CD4+, Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial Vial 6690 Zen-bio
SERCS-100 Bovine Calf Serum, US Sourced, 100ml 100ml 675 Zen-bio
SERCS-500 Bovine Calf Serum, US Sourced, 500ml 500ml 2100 Zen-bio
SER-DLDRBC-W-SDS Human Double Leukocyte Depleted Red Blood Cells and Washed.Same day collect/ship* Pathogen testing pending** 250-300ml 12915 Zen-bio
SER-DMC-F Human Dermal derived Mast Cells, Cryopreserved: 500,000 cells/vial Vial 18000 Zen-bio
SER-D-PBMC Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Type 2 DIABETIC, Cryopreserved, 15 million cells/vial Vial 3135 Zen-bio
SER-DPLE10ML Human Recovered Plasma, in EDTA, Type 2 DIABETIC 10ml 3765 Zen-bio
SER-DPLE2ML Human Recovered Plasma, in EDTA, Type 2 DIABETIC 2ml 1770 Zen-bio
SER-HD Human Serum, DIABETIC Adult 1ml 1770 Zen-bio
SER-HI-500 Fetal Bovine Serum, US Sourced-HEAT INACTIVATED, 500ml 500ml 11540 Zen-bio
SER-HPL Human Platelet Lysate (HPL), Sterile Filtered, Pooled, Frozen, 100ml 100ml 6120 Zen-bio
SER-HPL-GROPRO GroPro Cell Culture Growth Supplement, Animal Component Free, Human Platelet Lysate-READY TO USE, Frozen, 500ml 500ml 2805 Zen-bio
SER-LDPL Leukocyte Depleted Plasma, (Unit) 180-200ml 10575 Zen-bio
SER-LDRBC Human Leukocyte Depleted RBCs, (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 250-300ml 6705 Zen-bio
SER-LDRBC-SDS Human Leukocyte Depleted RBCs, FRESH, (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*) 250-300ml 6705 Zen-bio
SER-LDRBC-W Human Leukocyte Depleted RBCs and Washed, (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 250-300ml 12570 Zen-bio
SER-LDRBC-W-SDS Human Leukocyte Depleted RBCs and Washed, FRESH (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*) 250-300ml 12570 Zen-bio
SER-LDWB Human Leukocyte Depleted Whole Blood, (UNIT), (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 500ml 13455 Zen-bio
SER-LDWB-SDS Human Leukocyte Depleted Whole Blood, (UNIT) (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*) 500ml 13455 Zen-bio
SER-LEUKO-FULL Fresh Human Leukopak, FULL.(~200ml, ~10 billion MNCs).Anticoag: ACD-A (Collect/Ship same day, Pathogen Testing Pending) EACH 79940 Zen-bio
SER-LEUKO-HALF Fresh Human Leukopak, HALF.(~100ml, ~5 billion MNCs).Anticoag: ACD-A (Collect/Ship same day, Pathogen Testing Pending) EACH 55000 Zen-bio
SER-LRS-SDS Human LRS Chamber 10-20mls, (Collect/Ship same day, Pathogen Testing Pending)* Use Universal Precautions*Expiration: 4 days EACH 6990 Zen-bio
SER-MNC-MPB-F Human Mobilized Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, CD34 Depleted, Cryopreserved, 100-200 million cells/vial Vial 2415 Zen-bio
SER-MODC-F Normal Human Monocyte Derived Dendritic Cells, Cryopreserved, 1 million cells/vial Vial 11175 Zen-bio
SER-MPB-L4 Fresh Human G-CSF (Mobilized,10ug/kg) Leukopak, 4 day injection, (~40 billion MNCs) EACH 0 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD1C-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Cryopreserved Myeloid Dendritic Cells, CD1c (BDCA-1) Positive: 500,000 cells/vial Vial 16710 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD25+TR-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Cryopreserved CD25+ Regulatory T Cells, 2 millions cells/vial Vial 16635 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD4+TH-N-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Cryopreserved Naive T Helper Cells, CD4+, 1 million cells/vial Vial 6690 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD56+NK-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cells, CD56+, Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial Vial 11400 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD56-UNT-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cells, CD56+, UNTOUCHED, Cryopreserved, 5 million cells/vial.Isolated by Negative Selection, indirect immunomagnetic NK cell labeling to deplete the non-CD56+ NK cells Vial 16665 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD8+KT-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Cryopreserved T Killer Cells, CD8+, 5 million cells/vial Vial 13605 Zen-bio
SER-PBCD8+KT-N-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Cryopreserved Naive T Killer Cells, CD8+, 1 million cells/vial Vial 13605 Zen-bio
SER-PBMC Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Fresh, 15 million cells/vial Vial 2715 Zen-bio
SER-PBMC-200 Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Fresh, 200 million cells/vial Vial 6330 Zen-bio
SER-PBMC-200-F Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Cryopreserved, 100 million cells/vial Vial 5985 Zen-bio
SER-PBMC-200P-F Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Cryopreserved, (POOLED) 100 million cells/vial Vial 5985 Zen-bio
SER-PBMC-F Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Cryopreserved, 15 million cells/vial Vial 2115 Zen-bio
SER-PBMC-P-F Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Cryopreserved, (POOLED) 15 million cells/vial Vial 2115 Zen-bio
SER-PCEX Human Platelet Concentrate/Platelet Rich Plasma, EXPIRED 50ml 2205 Zen-bio
SER-PDP Human Platelet Depleted Plasma, per UNIT, FROZEN 180-200ml 6585 Zen-bio
SER-PDP-10 Human Platelet Depleted Plasma, per UNIT, FROZEN 10ml 975 Zen-bio
SER-PLE Human Recovered Plasma, Frozen (Default) or Fresh (Shipped after testing complete) Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) 200-225ml 6135 Zen-bio
SER-PLE10ML Human Recovered Plasma, Frozen (Default) or Fresh (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete).Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) *fresh amount varies based on anticoagulant, frozen is 10ml* 10ml 1575 Zen-bio
SER-PLE10ML-SDS Human Recovered Plasma, Fresh-(Collect/Ship same day), Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin), *fresh amount varies based on anticoagulant, frozen is 10ml* 10ml 1575 Zen-bio
SER-PLE2ML Human Recovered Plasma, FROZEN,Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) 2ml 1530 Zen-bio
SER-PLE-CDS Human Recovered Plasma, CHARCOAL-DEXTRAN Stripped, Frozen:Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) 200-225ml 11130 Zen-bio
SER-PLE-CDS50 Human Recovered Plasma, CHARCOAL-DEXTRAN Stripped, Frozen:Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) 50ml 2895 Zen-bio
SER-PLE-SDS Human Recovered Plasma, Fresh-(Collect/Ship same day), Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) 200-225ml 6135 Zen-bio
SER-PLP Human Recovered Plasma, POOLED, Specify Frozen (Default) or Fresh,Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin)-UNIT 200-225ml 6135 Zen-bio
SER-PLP-1 Human Recovered Plasma, Normal Pooled, Frozen.Anticoagulant_______ 1L 21045 Zen-bio
SER-PLP25 Human Recovered Plasma, POOLED,(Frozen),Anticoagulants available: (ACD, EDTA, Heparin) 25ml 2280 Zen-bio
SER-PLP-5 Human Recovered Plasma, Normal Pooled, Frozen.Anticoagulant_______ 500ml 12645 Zen-bio
SER-PM Human Platelet Membranes, Frozen (-80c), 1.0ml 1ml 6765 Zen-bio
SER-PMN Human Polymorphonuclear Cells (PMN), Cryopreserved, 15 million cells/vial Vial 2610 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC Human Packed Red Blood Cells in ACD, Fresh, (Ships after testing complete) 250ml 3870 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC-AS Human Erythrocytes (RBCs)-Packed, 250-300mls.SICKLE CELL Trait Positive Donor.Standard anticoagulant is ACD, (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 250ml 12060 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC-CPD Human Erythrocytes (RBCs)-Packed, 250-300mls. Anticoagulant: CPD, (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 250ml 7515 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC-EXP Human Packed Red Blood Cells, EXPIRED, Anticoagulant varies 250ml 1650 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC-SDS Human Packed Red Blood Cells, Fresh (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*), Anti-Coagulant: Varies.If a certain one is needed, please specify 250ml 3870 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC-W Human Packed Red Blood Cells in ACD, WASHED 250ml 5520 Zen-bio
SER-PRBC-W-SDS Human Packed Red Blood Cells, WASHED, Fresh (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*), Anti-Coagulant: Varies.If a certain one is needed, please specify 250ml 5520 Zen-bio
SER-PRP Human Platelet Rich Plasma, in ACD, per UNIT, (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) 50ml 5760 Zen-bio
SER-PRP-SDS Human Platelet Rich Plasma, Anticoagulant varies, per UNIT, Fresh (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*). 50ml 5760 Zen-bio
SER-SPL Human Plasma, Fresh Frozen Source Plasma, 880mL, Sodium Citrate Anticoagulant 880ml 9555 Zen-bio
SER-TCRGD-F Normal Human Peripheral Blood Gamma Delta T-Cells, (TCR g/d+) Cryopreserved, 1 million cells/vial Vial 27225 Zen-bio
SER-WB Human Whole Blood, Unit (450ml)Anti-Coagulant: ACD or EDTA are standard
Expiration: 21 days after collection when stored at 2-8C (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete)
450ml 8295 Zen-bio
SER-WB10ML Human Whole Blood,up to 10ml. Anticoagulant: ACD or EDTA are Standard–specify if another is needed. *Draw volume may vary according to anticoagulant*.Expiration: 21 days after collection when stored at 2-8C, (Shipped after pathogen testing is complete) SingleTube 1410 Zen-bio
SER-WB10ML-SDS Human Whole Blood, up to 10ml. (Collect/Ship same day)-*Pathogen Testing Pending*Anticoagulant: May Vary–specify if another is needed. *Draw volume may vary according to anticoagulant*.Expiration: 21 days after collection when stored at 2-8C SingleTube 1410 Zen-bio
SER-WB-PAXRNA Human Whole Blood, SINGLE PAXGENE RNA Tube (2.5ml draw) EACH 2325 Zen-bio
SER-WB-SDS Human Whole Blood, Unit (~450ml), Fresh (Same Day Draw/Ship*Pathogen Testing Pending*).Anti-Coagulant: Varies.If a certain one is needed, please specify
Expiration: 21 days after collection when stored at 2-8C
450ml 8295 Zen-bio
SFA-1 Plasma/Serum Free Fatty Acid Detection Kit (96 point assay) KIT 6480 Zen-bio
SFA-10 Plasma/Serum Free Fatty Acid Detection Kit (960 point assay) KIT 28665 Zen-bio
SFA-5 Plasma/Serum Free Fatty Acid Detection Kit (480 point assay) KIT 15195 Zen-bio
SGA-1 Plasma/Serum Free Glycerol Detection Kit KIT 6480 Zen-bio
SKB-F Cryopreserved, Human Skeletal Myoblasts(500,000 cells/vial) EACH 8370 Zen-bio
SKB-F-1 Cryopreserved, Human Skeletal Muscle(500,000 cells/vial)Lean Donor, BMI<25.0 EACH 18420 Zen-bio
SKB-F-SL Cryopreserved, Human Skeletal Myoblasts (500,000 cells/vial), POOLED Donor lot EACH 8370 Zen-bio
SKM-100 Skeletal Muscle Cryopreservation Medium, 100ml 100ml 4267 Zen-bio
SKM-50 Skeletal Muscle Cryopreservation Medium, 50ml 50ml 2108 Zen-bio
SKM-D Skeletal Muscle Cell Differentiation Medium, 500ml 500ml 3213 Zen-bio
SKM-D-F Cryopreserved, Human Skeletal Myoblast(500,000 cells/vial)-DIABETIC DONOR EACH 18420 Zen-bio
SKM-M Skeletal Muscle Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 3213 Zen-bio
SKM-M-ABF Skeletal Muscle Cell Growth Medium, WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS, 500ml 500ml 3213 Zen-bio
SP-2006-1 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 6-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2006-2 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 6-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2006-3 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 6-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2006-SL Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 6-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2012-1 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 12-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2012-2 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 12-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2012-3 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 12-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2012-SL Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 12-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2024-1 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 24-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2024-2 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 24-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2024-3 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 24-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2024-SL Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 24-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2048-1 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 48-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2048-2 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 48-Well Plate. BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2048-3 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 48-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2048-SL Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 48-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2096-1 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 96-Well Plate.BMI<25.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2096-2 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 96-Well Plate.BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2096-3 Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 96-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SP-2096-SL Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 96-Well Plate(SUPERLOT-Pooled) EACH 8580 Zen-bio
SPD-F-1 Cryopreserved, Subcutaneous from DIABETIC Donor, LEAN DONOR (1 million cells/vial).BMI<25.0 EACH 15255 Zen-bio
SPD-F-2 Cryopreserved, Subcutaneous from DIABETIC Donor (1 million cells/vial).BMI 25-29.9 EACH 15255 Zen-bio
SPD-F-3 Cryopreserved, Subcutaneous from DIABETIC Donor (1 million cells/vial).BMI >30.0 EACH 15255 Zen-bio
SP-F-1 Cryopreserved, SubcutaneousPreadipocytes (2 million cells/vial).BMI<25.0 EACH 8280 Zen-bio
SP-F-2 Cryopreserved, SubcutaneousPreadipocytes (2 million cells/vial).BMI 25.0-29.99 EACH 8280 Zen-bio
SP-F-3 Cryopreserved, SubcutaneousPreadipocytes (2 million cells/vial).BMI >30.0 EACH 8280 Zen-bio
SP-F-SL Cryopreserved, Subcutaneous Preadipocytes,(SUPERLOT-Pooled) (2 million cells/vial). EACH 8280 Zen-bio
SP-L1-24 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes 24-well plate EACH 6300 Zen-bio
SP-L1-48 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes 48-well plate EACH 6300 Zen-bio
SP-L1-96 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes 96-well plate EACH 6300 Zen-bio
SP-L1-F 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes, Cryopreserved, (500,000 cells/vial) EACH 5820 Zen-bio
SP-L1-T25 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes T-25cm2 Flask EACH 8955 Zen-bio
SQE-F Cryopreserved, Subcutaneous Preadipocytes, FACE(1 million cells/vial). EACH 9540 Zen-bio
STG-1-NC Serum Triglyceride Assay Kit, 100-point (REAGENTS ONLY) KIT 6735 Zen-bio
ST-R100 Lipid Staining kit, 200 point assay, 96-well format KIT 1950 Zen-bio
T-AF-1.0ml Human Amniotic Fluid, price per mL 1ml 735 Zen-bio
T-BILE-10.0ml Human Bile, Flash Frozen 10ml 2145 Zen-bio
TCE-A10 Total Cell Extract from Cultured Subcutaneous Adipocytes 100ug 2310 Zen-bio
TCE-L1-A10 Total Cell Extract from 3T3-L1 Adipocytes 100ug 2025 Zen-bio
TCE-L1-P10 Total Cell Extract from 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes 100ug 2025 Zen-bio
TCE-OA10 Total Cell Extract from Cultured Omental Adipocytes 100ug 3525 Zen-bio
TCE-OAD10 Total Cell Extract from Diabetic Cultured Omental Adipocytes 100ug 4740 Zen-bio
TCE-OP10 Total Cell Extract from Cultured Omental Preadipocytes 100ug 3525 Zen-bio
TCE-OPD10 Total Cell Extract from Diabetic Cultured Omental Preadipocytes 100ug 4740 Zen-bio
TCE-P10 Total Cell Extract from Cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes 100ug 2310 Zen-bio
TCE-P10-SL Total Cell Extract from Cultured Subcutaneous Preadipocytes-Superlot (5-8 donors) 100ug 2310 Zen-bio
TCE-Q10 Total Cellular Extract, Primary Adipocytes 100ug 2310 Zen-bio
TCE-SKB Total Cell Extract from Skeletal Myoblasts 100ug 3525 Zen-bio
TCE-SKM Total Cell Extract from Skeletal Myotubes 100ug 3525 Zen-bio
T-CSF Frozen Human Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), SINGLE DONOR, 1.0ml 1ml 2385 Zen-bio
T-CSFP Frozen Human Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), POOLED DONORS, 3ml 3ml 6405 Zen-bio
TEN-1 Tenocyte Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2159 Zen-bio
TEN-F Cryopreserved Human Tenocytes: 1 million cells/vial. EACH 10140 Zen-bio
TG-1-NC Triglyceride assay kit (single plate) KIT 6735 Zen-bio
TG-5RB Triglyceride assay kit (5 plate) KIT 29235 Zen-bio
TG-GLYSTAN Glycerol Standard for Triglyceride/Differentation Assay Kits EACH 645 Zen-bio
T-HUC Human Umbilical Cord-Whole (Fresh or Frozen) Each 17295 Zen-bio
TM-1 Trabecular Meshwork Cell Growth Medium, 500ml 500ml 2669 Zen-bio
T-OMDFX-FF Flash Frozen Human Adipose Tissue, Omental-DIABETIC Donor.BMI >30.0, 1 gram Vial 18915 Zen-bio
T-OMFX-1FF Flash Frozen Human Adipose Tissue, Omental.BMI >25.0, 1 gram Vial 11385 Zen-bio
T-OMFX-Ln-FF Flash frozen Human Adipose tissue from Omental, lean donor.BMI<25.0, 1 gram Vial 18915 Zen-bio
T-PLAC Fresh Human Whole Placenta EACH 21510 Zen-bio
T-PLAC-F Flash Frozen Human Whole Placenta EACH 17295 Zen-bio
TROLOX-STD Trolox Standard, 1.5mM, 20ul EACH 645 Zen-bio
TRP-100 Trypsin-EDTA solution, , 1X (0.25% trypsin/2.21mM EDTA in HBSS) 100ml 476 Zen-bio
T-SK-01FF Flash Frozen Human Skeletal Muscle, 1 gram Vial 3615 Zen-bio
T-SK-1FF Flash Frozen Human Skeletal Muscle, 1 gram Vial 10830 Zen-bio
T-SKN Fresh Human Skin from Abdominalplasty, ~4度m2 EACH 9855 Zen-bio
T-SKN-10 Fresh Human Skin from Abdominalplasty, ~100cm2 EACH 14565 Zen-bio
T-SKN-FF10CM Flash Frozen Human Skin from Abdominalplasty, ~100cm2 EACH 13425 Zen-bio
T-SKN-FF2CM Flash Frozen Human Skin from Abdominalplasty, ~4度m2 EACH 8550 Zen-bio
T-SQ-100g Fresh Human, Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue 100g 27360 Zen-bio
T-SQ-200ml Fresh Subcutaneous Human Lipoaspirate 200ml 27360 Zen-bio
T-SQ-50.0ml Fresh Subcutaneous Human Lipoaspirate 50ml 6885 Zen-bio
T-SQDFX Fresh Human Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue, DIABETIC Donor, 1 gram Vial 18360 Zen-bio
T-SQDFX-FF Flash Frozen Human Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue, DIABETIC Donor, 1 gram Vial 18360 Zen-bio
T-SQFX Fresh Human SubcutaneousAdipose Tissue, 1 gram Vial 2985 Zen-bio
T-SQFX-FF Flash Frozen Human SubcutaneousAdipose Tissue, 1 gram Vial 2985 Zen-bio
WME-PRF William’s E, 1X WITHOUT L-Glutamine & Phenol Red 500ml 884 Zen-bio




简要描述:CELLnTEC 代理,CELLnTEC 上海代理,CELLnTEC 北京代理, CELLnTEC 代理, CELLnTEC 一级代理, CELLnTEC 代理
上海金畔生物科技有限公司 CELLnTEC 专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商 CELLnTEC正式上海金畔为其中国代理, CELLnTEC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, CELLnTEC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获










Cat# Product Title Species Culture Medium
HPEKas.05 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Adult, Single Donor Human CnT-57
HPEKas.15 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Adult, Single Donor Human CnT-57
HPEKp.05 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Pooled Human CnT-57
HPEKp.15 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Pooled Human CnT-57
HPEKs.05 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Donor Human CnT-57
HPEKs.15 Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Single Donor Human CnT-57
HDFp.05 Dermal Fibroblasts, Pooled Human CnT-05
HDFp.15 Dermal Fibroblasts, Pooled Human CnT-05
HDFs.05 Dermal Fibroblasts, Single Donor Human CnT-05
HDFs.15 Dermal Fibroblasts, Single Donor Human CnT-05
HDPs.05 Dermal Progenitors, Single Donor Human CnT-05





CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems 开发用于精确细胞培养的产品和技术, 提供一系列基础和功能化培养基,原代细胞,和与细胞培养相关的试剂。


“正牌代理商”栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。  然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的全准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。


货号 品名 规格 品牌
cnt-PR CnT-Prime, Epithelial Culture Medium 500mL(frozen) cellntec
CnT-07 PCT Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium, Defined 500 mL Kit 500mL cellntec
CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium 500ml(Frozen) cellntec
PRFT-24 3D Full Thickness Skin Starter Kit w/o Cells Kit(frozen) cellntec
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Differentiation, Epithelial Culture Medium 500ml(Frozen) cellntec
cnt07 Epidermal Keratinocyte Medium 500 mL kit cellntec
CnT-XP3 XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250.0ml(Frozen) cellntec
CnT-DNP-10 CnT Dispase II, Neutral Protease 5x100mg cellntec
CnT-30 500 ml basal medium + supplement pack 500mLKIT cellntec
CnT-ABM10 Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10×2.0mL cellntec
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Co-Culture, Epithelial/Stromal Medium 250ml(Frozen) cellntec
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-Prime IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, 1000x 50.0ul cellntec
CnT-57 CnT-57 Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Low BPE 500mL cellntec


CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems 开发用于精确细胞培养的产品和技术。在世界各地,CELLnTEC 使科学家能够创建复杂的体外细胞系统。


CELLnTEC 提供一系列基础培养基和功能化培养基,包括设计用于在无血清、无异种或*确定的环境中扩增细胞的高度明确的培养基。我们的产品组合涵盖从上皮到内皮组织类型以及从 iPSC 到 MSC 的解决方案。

CELLnTEC 提供一系列基础培养基和功能化培养基,包括设计用于在无血清、无异种或*确定的环境中扩增细胞的高度确定培养基。我们的产品组合涵盖从上皮到内皮组织类型以及从 iPSC 到 MSC 的解决方案。


CELLnTEC 的细胞培养基是根据单一的通用基础化学配制而成的。在分离、增殖、分化、稳态、老化、冷冻保存等细胞培养工作流程中,CELLnTEC 专有的基础化学保证培养基的连续性,最大限度地减少变异并保证最佳结果。


在研发过程的早期采用正确的材料选择策略有助于避免代价高昂的后期失败。在进行临床阶段研究时,化学成分、成分的特性和可追溯性是关键。CELLnTEC 提供多种研究级培养基作为高级认证 (HC) 版本。HC 介质旨在支持用户成功地从研究阶段进入临床应用。


我们的培养基产品与一系列在 CELLnTEC 培养基中分离、精制和冷冻保存的原代细胞产品相辅相成,为我们的用户提供快速启动体验。补充试剂完善了我们的产品。



CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Systems 开发用于精确细胞培养的产品和技术。在世界各地,CELLnTEC 使科学家能够创建复杂的体外细胞系统。




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 Species
CnT-PR CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500 mL (frozen) 4020 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-CA CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Calcium-Free 500 mL (frozen) 询价 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-F CnT-Prime Fibroblast Proliferation Medium 500 mL (frozen) 3760 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-A CnT-Prime Airway Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500 mL (frozen) 4580 cellntec Human
CnT-40 CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium  500 mL (frozen) 4460 cellntec Human
CnT-07 CnT-07 Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500 mL  4320 cellntec Mouse
CnT-57 CnT-57 Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Low BPE 500 mL  4000 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-17 CnT-17 Airway Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500 mL  5120 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-09 CnT-09 Canine Epithelial Proliferation Medium 500 mL  3840 cellntec Dog
CnT-PR-MSC CnT-Prime MSC Proliferation Medium 500 mL (frozen) 6420 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-MSC-XF CnT-Prime MSC Proliferation Medium, Xeno-Free 500 mL (frozen) 7360 cellntec Human
CnT-ENDO CnT-ENDO Endothelial Proliferation Medium  500 mL (frozen) 5440 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-D CnT-Prime Epithelial 2D Differentiation Medium 500 mL (frozen) 4200 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-3D CnT-Prime Epithelial 3D Airlift Medium 500 mL (frozen) 5580 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-ECM CnT-Prime Fibroblast ECM Medium  250 mL (frozen) 2280 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-CC CnT-Prime Epithelial/Stromal Co-Culture Medium 250 mL (frozen) 2280 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-FTAL5 CnT-Prime Full Thickness 3D Airlift Medium 500 mL (frozen) 4640 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-AD CnT-Prime Airway Epithelial 2D/3D Differentiation Medium 500 mL (frozen) 4460 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-MD CnT-Prime Melanocyte Differentiation Medium 250 mL (frozen) 2280 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-MH CnT-Prime Melanocyte Homeostasis Medium 250 mL (frozen) 2500 cellntec Human
CnT-AG2 CnT-AG2 VitroAge Keratinocyte Aging Medium 500 mL (frozen) 询价 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-BM.1 CnT-Prime Basal Medium 500 mL (frozen) 2140 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-30 CnT-30 iPSC Epithelial Differentiation Medium 500 mL 7580 cellntec Human
CnT-XP3 CnT-XP3 Biopsy Maintenance Medium 250 mL (frozen) 1900 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-H CnT-Prime Epithelial Homeostasis Medium  250 mL (frozen) 2500 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-FH CnT-Prime Fibroblast Homeostasis Medium  250 mL (frozen) 2500 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-EF CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, EGF/FGF-Free 500 mL (frozen) 4720 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-KM CnT-Prime Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium 250 mL (frozen) 2280 cellntec Human
CnT-MSCDIFF-AD.S CnT MSC Adipogenic Differentiation Supplement 2 x 1 mL 2980 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-HC CnT-Prime Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Higher Certified 500 mL  6920 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-07-HC CnT-07 Epithelial Proliferation Medium, Higher Certified 500 mL  7220 cellntec Mouse
CnT-30-HC CnT-30 iPSC Epithelial Differentiation Medium, Higher Certified 500 mL  10460 cellntec Human
CnT-40-HC CnT-40 Melanocyte Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified 500 mL  6620 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-ECM-HC CnT-Prime Fibroblast ECM Medium, Higher Certified  250 mL  4920 cellntec Human
CnT-ENDO-HC CnT-ENDO Endothelial Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified  500 mL  7600 cellntec Human
CnT-ISO-50-HC CnT-IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement, Higher Certified 50 uL  3500 cellntec Human / Mouse
CnT-PR-KM-HC CnT-Prime Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Medium, Higher Certified 250 mL  4920 cellntec Human
CnT-PR-F-HC CnT-Prime Fibroblast Proliferation Medium w/o Serum, Higher Certified 500 mL  5920 cellntec Human / Mouse
PR3D-HPEK-50 CnT 3D Epithelial Starter Kit, with Keratinocytes 1 Kit 36400 cellntec Human
PR3D-K-50 CnT 3D Epithelial Starter Kit, w/o Cells 1 Kit 18520 cellntec Human
PRFT-CELLS-24 CnT 3D Full Thickness Starter Kit, with Cells 1 Kit 49220 cellntec Human
PRFT-24 CnT 3D Full Thickness Starter Kit, w/o Cells 1 Kit 19380 cellntec Human
CnT-FT-CELLS CnT Full Thickness Primary Cell Value Pack 2 Cell Vials 29840 cellntec Human
PR2D-CC CnT 2D Epithelial/Stromal Co-Culture Starter Kit, with Cells 1 Kit 39000 cellntec Human
PR2D-KM CnT 2D Keratinocyte/Melanocyte Co-Culture Starter Kit, with Cells 1 Kit 46940 cellntec Human
HPEKp CnT Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Juvenile, Pooled Cell Vial 19260 cellntec Human
HPEKs CnT Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Juvenile, Single Donor Cell Vial 21820 cellntec Human
HPEKas CnT Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 21820 cellntec Human
MPEK-BL6 CnT Murine Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Long-Term Cell Vial 20400 cellntec Mouse
CPEK CnT Canine Epidermal Keratinocyte Progenitors, Long-Term Cell Vial 20400 cellntec Dog
HCEP CnT Corneal Epithelium Progenitors, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 30540 cellntec Human
HEMas CnT Epidermal Melanocytes, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 21600 cellntec Human
HEMns CnT Epidermal Melanocytes, Juvenile, Single Donor Cell Vial 21600 cellntec Human
HDFs CnT Epidermal Melanocytes, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 16120 cellntec Human
HDFp CnT Epidermal Melanocytes, Juvenile, Single Donor Cell Vial 13560 cellntec Human
HDFas CnT Dermal Fibroblasts, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 16120 cellntec Human
HDFap CnT Dermal Fibroblasts, Adult, Pooled Cell Vial 13560 cellntec Human
HDPs CnT Dermal Progenitors, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 30000 cellntec Human
HGEPp CnT Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Adult, Pooled Cell Vial 32080 cellntec Human
HGEPs CnT Gingival Epithelium Progenitors, Adult, Single Donor Cell Vial 32800 cellntec Human
HBLAK CnT Bladder Epithelium Progenitors, Adult, Long-Term Cell Vial 20400 cellntec Human
CnT-ISO-50 CnT-IsoBoost, Isolation Boosting Supplement 50 uL 2160 cellntec
CnT-ABM10 CnT Pen-Strep / Amphotericin B Solution, 250 x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 2.0 mL 800 cellntec
CnT-GAB10 CnT Gentamycin / Amphotericin B Solution, 500 x, Ready-to-Use Single Aliquots 10 x 1.0 mL 1440 cellntec
CnT-SP CnT Spacer Plate, 12-Well, Reusable Each 940 cellntec
CnT-ST-100 CnT Stain Kit, incl. Solution I and Solution II 2 x 50 mL 1540 cellntec
CnT-Accutase-100 CnT Accutase Cell Detachment Solution 100 mL 1240 cellntec
CnT-CRYO-50 CnT-CRYO Defined, Animal Component-Free Freezing Medium  50 mL 2260 cellntec
CnT-DNP-10 CnT Dispase II, Neutral Protease 0.5 g 3180 cellntec