advancedbiomatrix 纤连蛋白



advancedbiomatrix 纤连蛋白

溶液,0.5 mg / ml(人类)

目录号advancedbiomatrix 5050

该纤连蛋白溶液已从人血浆中纯化,发现为二聚体,大小为440-500 kDa,具有通过两个二硫键连接的两个相似的亚基(220-250 kDa)。纤连蛋白的主要功能与细胞粘附和粘附至细胞外基质有关。




纤连蛋白是广泛使用的广泛的天然细胞附着因子。该产品已从人血浆中纯化,发现为二聚体,大小为440-500 kDa,具有通过两个二硫键连接的两个相似的亚基(220-250 kDa)。纤连蛋白的主要功能与细胞粘附和粘附至细胞外基质有关。已发现纤连蛋白的某些结构域起重要作用,涉及与胶原蛋白,肝素和其他细胞表面糖胺聚糖(GAG)的相互作用。


纤连蛋白是表面涂层的理想选择,通常以1-5 ug / cm2的浓度使用。它以用户友好的包装形式提供,以供使用和存储。纤连蛋白经过无菌过滤,经过解冻和浓度调节后作为即用溶液提供。本产品在干冰上单独运输。


参数,测试和方法 纤连蛋白#5050
数量 1.0毫克
体积 2.0毫升
浓度 0.5毫克/毫升
纯度-SDS PAGE电泳 > 95%
公式 20 mM Tris-HCL,pH 7.0,包含0.45 M NaCl和12%甘油
资源 人血浆
储存温度 -20°摄氏度
保质期 自收到之日起至少6个月
灭菌方法 过滤
细胞附着测定 通行证
无菌-USP修改 没有增长
安全 来源材料对传染原不利







产品 货号 尺寸 价钱  
脱水胰蛋白酶 SP30 0.1毫克 $ 395.00  
抗人类玻连蛋白 GP10 1.0毫升 $ 395.00  
用于ELISA和WB的抗人玻连蛋白。单克隆的 GP28 1.0毫克 $ 520.00  
抗人玻连蛋白,用于WB和ELISA,单克隆 GP29 1.0毫克 $ 520.00  
抗人玻连蛋白仅用于WB,单克隆 GP30 1.0毫克 $ 520.00  
抗人类玻连蛋白的免疫印迹 GP25 1.0毫克 $ 530.00  
抗人类玻连蛋白的免疫印迹 GP27 1.0毫克 $ 570.00  
抗人玻连蛋白IgG级分 GP12 1.0毫克 $ 395.00  
抗鼠玻连蛋白 GP14 1.0毫升 $ 395.00  
抗鼠Vitronectin IgG组分 GP16 1.0毫克 $ 395.00  
抗弹性蛋白酶,人中性粒细胞,兔标准抗血清 SP33 1.0毫升 $ 405.00  
抗胰蛋白酶,人胰腺,兔IgG组分 SP35 1.0毫升 $ 435.00  
生物素标记为人类Monom。玻连蛋白 GP31 0.1毫克 $ 650.00  
生物素标记为Human Multim。玻连蛋白 GP32 0.1毫克 $ 395.00  
牛玻连蛋白(多聚体) GP03 0.1毫克 $ 270.00  
Ecotin-丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂 RA11 1.0毫克 $ 690.00  
FITC标记的小鼠纤维蛋白原 FB01 1.0毫克 $ 575.00  
FITC标记的猪纤维蛋白原 FB04 10毫克 $ 300.00  
FITC标记的兔纤维蛋白原 FB05 10毫克 $ 300.00  
FITC标记的大鼠纤维蛋白原 FB06 1.0毫克 $ 575.00


FITC标记的绵羊纤维蛋白原 FB09 10毫克 $ 230.00  
人纤连蛋白 GP40 1.0毫克 $ 220.00  
人嗜中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶,冻干 SP34 0.5毫克 $ 595.00  
人玻连蛋白(单体) GP01 0.5毫克 $ 1,000.00  
人玻连蛋白(多聚体) GP02 0.1毫克 $ 270.00  
人玻连蛋白抗原试剂盒 GP90 套件 $ 550.00  
人玻连蛋白总抗原ELISA测定 GP48 套件 $ 480.00  
固定化脱水胰蛋白酶 SP32 1.0毫升 $ 650.00  
小鼠纤维蛋白原ELISA测定 FB02 套件 $ 435.00  
小鼠纤连蛋白 GP41 1.0毫克 $ 405.00

advancedbiomatrix 玻连蛋白说明书

advancedbiomatrix 玻连蛋白说明书


溶液,0.5 mg/ml(人)

目录 #5051

这种玻连蛋白溶液已从人血浆中纯化,在血浆中发现它是 75kDa 和 65kDa 多肽的混合物。玻连蛋白在细胞培养中的主要用途与细胞粘附有关。它还与肝素和胶原蛋白结合。


玻连蛋白是一种单体糖蛋白,用于在多种细胞系和类型中促进细胞附着、迁移、增殖和分化。该产品已从人血浆中纯化,在血浆中发现它是 75kDa 和 65kDa 多肽的混合物。


Vitronectin 是表面涂层的理想选择。不同细胞类型的细胞附着和培养的最佳浓度可能不同。Vitronectin 已在塑料器皿上以低至 50 ng/cm2 的最终涂层浓度使用。它以用户友好的包装形式提供,以供使用和储存。玻连蛋白经过无菌过滤,在解冻和浓度调整后作为即用型溶液提供。该产品在干冰上单独运输。

参数、测试和方法 玻连蛋白#5051
数量 0.1毫克
体积 0.2 毫升
浓度 0.5 毫克/毫升
纯度 – SDS PAGE 电泳 > 95%
公式 0.15 M NaCl,0.005M HEPES pH 7.4
形式 解决方案
资源 人类,等离子
贮存温度 -20°C 或 -70°C 长期储存
保质期 自收到之日起至少 6 个月
灭菌方法 过滤
细胞附着试验 通行证
无菌 – USP 修改 没有增长
安全 发现传染源阴性的源材料


溶液,0.5 毫克/毫升

目录 #5121

该重组人玻连蛋白基因(20-398 aa 片段)通过密码子优化构建,并以非融合蛋白形式在大肠杆菌中作为包涵体表达。最终产品使用*的“温移包涵体重折叠”技术进行重折叠并进行色谱纯化。


Vitronectin 是一种 478 个氨基酸的蛋白质(1-19aa = 信号域),属于 pexin 家族的成员。玻连蛋白是在血清和细胞外基质中发现的一种丰富的糖蛋白。它促进细胞粘附和扩散,抑制末端溶细胞补体途径的膜损伤作用,并与几种丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂结合。它是一种分泌型蛋白质,以单链形式或通过二硫键连接在一起的短链形式存在。玻连蛋白已被推测与止血和肿瘤恶性肿瘤有关。 

最近的出版物表明,当与 E8 培养基结合时,单独包被的重组人玻连蛋白有利于 iPS 细胞的产生。该产品还被证明是一种出色的涂层基质材料,用于 1 1R 标记的重组 TF 细胞内递送,用于蛋白质衍生的 iPS 协议,具有极低水平的非特异性相互作用。通过密码子优化构建重组人玻连蛋白基因(20-398 a段),并以非融合蛋白形式在大肠杆菌中作为包涵体表达。最终产品使用*的“温移包涵体重折叠”技术进行重折叠并进行色谱纯化。

Vitronectin 是表面涂层的理想选择。不同细胞类型的细胞附着和培养的最佳浓度可能不同。Vitronectin 已在塑料器皿上以低至 50 ng/cm2 的最终涂层浓度使用。此外,以 5 – 10 µg/孔包被这种重组蛋白(NutriStem 或 E8 培养基中的 6 孔板可用于体外人 iPS 细胞生成。它以用户友好的包装提供,以供使用和储存。玻连蛋白是无菌的过滤并在解冻和浓度调整后作为即用型溶液提供。

参数、测试和方法 重组玻连蛋白 #5121
数量 0.5毫克
体积 1毫升
浓度 0.5 毫克/毫升
纯度 – SDS PAGE 电泳 > 90%
公式 20 mM pH 8 Tris-HCL 缓冲液,含有 NaCl、KCl、EDTA、精氨酸、DTT 和甘油的专有配方
形式 解决方案
资源 重组 – 大肠杆菌
贮存温度 -20°C 或 -70°C 长期储存
保质期 自收到之日起至少 6 个月
灭菌方法 过滤
细胞附着试验 通行证
入藏号 NP_000692

mol-innov PYFI-200U说明书


Molecular Innovations 成立于 1990 年,是研究抗体、蛋白质和 ELISA 试剂盒的主要制造商。我们专注于凝血和溶栓试剂,包括 PAI-1、tPA、尿激酶、凝血因子、玻连蛋白、纤维蛋白原、纤连蛋白、肾素原/肾素、前激肽释放酶、激肽释放酶、白蛋白、纤溶酶原、纤溶酶、抗纤溶酶、凝血酶、抗凝血酶、补体成分和免疫球蛋白. 我们提供全系列的分子生物学试剂,包括 DNA 聚合酶和感受态细胞。现在具有敲除小鼠和突变小鼠动物研究模型,例如 C1 抑制剂敲除(遗传性血管性水肿)、因子 IX 敲除(血友病 B)、前激肽释放酶敲除、点突变和转基因小鼠。我们的客户遍布全球,包括制药和生物技术公司以及主要研究机构。我们提供定制项目和批量报价。所有产品均在我们位于美国密歇根州诺维市的新工厂按照严格的质量控制标准制造。

mol-innov PYFI-200U说明书

PyFi 高保真 DNA 聚合酶

SKU:PYFI-200U 类别:DNA 聚合酶


PyFi 高保真 DNA 聚合酶

PyFi 高保真 DNA 聚合酶是一种基因修饰的重组热稳定酶,从激烈的火球菌中克隆,与标准 Pfu 聚合酶相比,具有更高的持续合成能力和两倍的准确性。PyFi 包含完整的 3'-5' 校对功能,可将保真度提高到 Taq DNA 聚合酶的 50 倍。PyFi 比一些竞争对手更敏感,并创造出钝端的产品。适用于标准终点 PCR、平端克隆和高达 8.5kb 的 DNA 模板诱变。PyFi 经历了广泛的质量控制,并且没有污染的核酸内切酶。包括 10X 反应缓冲液。













50% 甘油


平端克隆,终点 PCR ,诱变





EMP Genetech由Franz Welser博士于2000年创立,旨在生产细胞外基质的重组人蛋白,用于组织工程。诸如纤连蛋白,玻连蛋白,核心蛋白聚糖和弹性蛋白的蛋白质为原代细胞的细胞类型特异性生长提供蛋白质支架和微环境以产生新组织。











6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。



描述: 玻连蛋白是一种存在于血液中的多功能糖蛋白 和细胞外基质。完整的开放式阅读框编码 459 个氨基酸,前面是 19 个氨基酸信号肽。它包含三个糖化位点,其碳水化合物部分对该分子量的贡献约为30%。玻连蛋白是多种生物学功能的重要参与者。这些包括细胞附着、扩散和迁移、血液凝固、纤溶酶原活化、纤维蛋白溶解和补体功能的调节。与血液中的单链形式相比,重组玻连蛋白显示为多聚体。这种改变的结构可能有助于不同的生物活动。


玻连蛋白的原始 DNA 序列










HMS 800 kDa,还原二聚体为 120 kDa,单体为 65 kDa








100ug  1000ug


VN100   VN1000


实验室试剂 不得用作诊断产品或用于人类给药或用于任何药物目的


EMP Genetech由Franz Welser博士于2000年创立,旨在生产细胞外基质的重组人蛋白,用于组织工程。诸如纤连蛋白,玻连蛋白,核心蛋白聚糖和弹性蛋白的蛋白质为原代细胞的细胞类型特异性生长提供蛋白质支架和微环境以产生新组织。



Recombinant Human Alpha Thrombin


100 U 
1000 U 


99.00 EUR 
487.00 EUR 
on request



– hn凝血酶的全长DNA序列
– 在稳定的HEK293细胞中产生无血清
– 从培养上清液中纯化




重构:用100μl或1ml H2O重建; 


浓度:100μg/ ml 


> 95%还原SDS-PAGE,MW 36kDa


稳定性: 在-80°C下至少12个月,避免反复冻融循环 

尺寸: 100单位000 U Cat.No: rhThr100 rhThr1000 



用法: 实验室试剂 – 不得用作诊断产品或用于人体或用于任何药物目的 












Neuvitro Corporation 是一家使用 PDL、PLL、PLO、PEI、胶原蛋白、明胶、层粘连蛋白、纤连蛋白、PDL+层粘连蛋白、PDL + 纤连蛋白、PLO+层粘连蛋白、PLO+纤连蛋白、PEI 基材涂覆德国盖玻片的制造商+Laminin、PDL+Laminin+Fibronectin等用于细胞培养和活细胞成像


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 HS code
GG-5 German glass coverslips, extra small, 5mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 816 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-8 German glass coverslips, extra small, 8mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 816 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12 German glass coverslips, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 612 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5 German glass coverslips, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 714 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5H High precision German glass coverslips, 12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 833 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-oz German glass coverslips, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 0.5oz/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 0.5oz/box 986 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-oz German glass coverslips, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 0.5oz/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 0.5oz/box 1156 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14 German glass coverslips, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 612 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15 German glass coverslips, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 612 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18 German glass coverslips, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 646 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18 -1.5 German glass coverslips, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 714 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18 -1.5H German glass coverslips, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 1003 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-oz German glass coverslips, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 0.5oz/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 0.5oz/box 935 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-oz German glass coverslips, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 0.5oz/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 0.5oz/box 1105 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20 German glass coverslips, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 680 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25 German glass coverslips, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 816 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5 German glass coverslips, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 1156 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5H High precision German glass coverslips, 25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 100ps/box, tested for cell and neuron cultures 100/box 1513 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1481.55 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1660.05 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1481.55 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1481.55 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1481.55 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1660.05 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1552.95 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1552.95 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1731.45 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 1660.05 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-pre Pre-treated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2142 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-12-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 977.33 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1597.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-12-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1066.58 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1776.16 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-14-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 977.33 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1597.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-15-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 977.33 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1597.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-18-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1004.02 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1651.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-18-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1093.27 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-20-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1004.02 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1651.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-22-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1004.02 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1651.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-22-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1093.27 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-25-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1066.58 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1776.16 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-25-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1298.63 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-PLL Poly-L-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2240.26 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1597.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1776.16 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1597.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1597.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1651.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1651.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1651.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 1704.76 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-Gelatin Gelatin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell cultures, user manual included 90/box 2240.26 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-12-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1066.58 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1776.16 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-12-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1155.83 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1954.66 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-14-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1071 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1776.16 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-15-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1071 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1776.16 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-18-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1106.7 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-18-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1195.95 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2008.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-20-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1106.7 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-22-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1106.7 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1829.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-22-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1178.1 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2008.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-25-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1124.55 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1883.26 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-25-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1392.3 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-PDL Poly-D-Lysine coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2418.76 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-12-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1160.25 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1945.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-12-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1267.35 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2124.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-14-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1160.25 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1945.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-15-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1160.25 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1945.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-18-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1160.25 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1945.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-18-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1249.5 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2124.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-20-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1178.1 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1999.2 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-22-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1178.1 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 1999.2 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-22-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1267.35 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2177.7 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-25-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1213.8 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2052.75 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
H-25-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 3 bags = 45 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 45/box 1481.55 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-Collagen Rat tail type I collagen coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 90/box 2588.25 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1582.36 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1760.86 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1671.61 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1760.86 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2028.61 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2207.11 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2153.56 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2224.96 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2403.46 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2581.96 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 3117.46 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1671.61 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12-1.5-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 12mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1850.11 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-14-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 14mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1760.86 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-15-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 15mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 1850.11 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2117.86 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18-1.5-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 18mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2296.36 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-20-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 20mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2242.81 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2314.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-22-1.5-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 22mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2492.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 2671.21 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25-1.5-Laminin Laminin coated German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use, 25mm round, #1.5 thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces, tested for cell and neuron cultures, user manual included 60/box 3206.71 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-pre Pre-treated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2124.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-PLL PLL coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2659.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-PDL PDL coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2838.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-Collagen Rat collagen coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3016.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-Laminin Mouse laminin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2838.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2838.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-12–1.5H-Gelatin Gelatin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,12mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2659.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-pre Pre-treated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2302.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-PLL PLL coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2838.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-PDL PDL coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3016.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-Collagen Rat collagen coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3195.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-Laminin Mouse laminin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3016.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3016.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-18–1.5H-Gelatin Gelatin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,18mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 2838.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-pre Pre-treated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3016.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-PLL PLL coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready to use,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3552.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-PDL PDL coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3730.65 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-Collagen Rat collagen coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3909.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-Laminin Mouse laminin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3909.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-Fibronectin Fibronectin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 4 bags = 60 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3909.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000
GG-25–1.5H-Gelatin Gelatin coated High precision German glass coverslips, sterilized by radiation, ready for your own coating,25mm round, #1.5H thickness, 15/bag x 6 bags = 90 pieces/box, user manual included 90/box 3552.15 neuvitro 7017.90.1000







EMP Genetech由Franz Welser博士于2000年创立,旨在生产细胞外基质的重组人蛋白,用于组织工程。诸如纤连蛋白,玻连蛋白,核心蛋白聚糖和弹性蛋白的蛋白质为原代细胞的细胞类型特异性生长提供蛋白质支架和微环境以产生新组织。











6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。


antagen ATG-fFN说明书



Human Fetal Fibronectin XpressCard (10 tests, Cat #ATG-fFN-10)






fFN也分泌到膀胱癌(移行细胞癌)患者的尿液中,并且可以在肝癌,乳腺癌和肺癌细胞系的组织培养上清液中检测到。fFN基因调控可能的胎儿 – 胎儿关系表明fFN可能是某些癌症的早期生物标志物。




胎儿纤维连接蛋白(FFN)是由胎儿细胞和某些肿瘤细胞产生的一种纤维连接蛋白。如果早产可能发生,胎儿纤维连接蛋白会“泄漏”到阴道。 e在筛选试验中测量。当fFN试验阳性时,结果不确定。一个积极的结果可以表明,一个妇女将进入早产,但她可能不会进入分娩。 好几周了。当fFN检验为阴性时,结果是一个较好的预测指标。阴性的结果意味着在接下来的7到10天内早产的可能性很小,测试结果可以是 对高危妇女每周重复一次。胎儿纤维连接蛋白试验阴性后,95%以上的胎儿在接下来的2周内没有分娩。


Ffn在膀胱癌(移行细胞癌)患者的尿液中也有分泌,并可在肝癌、乳腺癌和肺癌的组织培养上清液中检测到。 R细胞株fFN基因调控可能与胎儿相关,提示fFN可能是某些癌症的早期生物标志物。




Antagen公司的fFNXpress卡利用免疫层析原理(也称为侧流免疫分析法(LFIA)。一种小鼠抗人fffn抗体被固定在硝化纤维膜上。 E作为测试设备的测试窗口中的测试线(T线)。当测试样本通过测试装置内的膜组件时,样品内的ffn由感觉神经网络鼠抗。 -人fFN抗体与胶体金结合,从样品垫中释放。这种抗原-抗体复合物在膜上进一步移动到被f固定的测试区域。 IRST抗人fFN包被在膜上,形成一条彩色带,证实了检测结果的阳性。测试窗口中没有此彩色带表示为负t。 的结果。内建控制线(C线)将始终出现在测试窗口中,而不论样品中是否存在ffn。






对于膀胱癌筛查,新鲜的晨尿是的选择。尿液可储存在2-8°C至3天,以防检测延误。长期储存时,将试样冻结在-20°C,保存3次。 月或-70°C期较长。

















后果,结果( result的名词复数 )









该方法灵敏度可达10 ng/mL。











本试验可用于检测阴道液等其他生物液中的fFN。目前还没有进行大规模的临床试验来预测胎儿的早期分娩。 .














当检测程序完成后,按照一般医疗惯例处理标本,例如,在121个°C下高压灭菌医疗废物至少20分钟。或者,也可以用 0.5%次氯酸钠处理前1~2小时。







Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-1 (5 tests)

5 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-1 (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-1 (20 tests)

20 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-2 (5 tests)

5 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-2 (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-2 (20 tests)

20 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-3 (5 tests)

5 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-3 (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-3 (20 tests)

20 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-4 (5 tests)

5 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-4 (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit-4 (20 tests)

20 tests



Rapid Rat Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (5 tests)

5 tests



Rapid Rat Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Rat Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (20 tests)

20 tests



Rapid Hamster Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Hamster Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Kit (20 tests)

20 tests



Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (6 tests)

6 tests



Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (10 tests)

10 tests



Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (20 tests)

20 tests



Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (50 tests)

50 tests



LentiTitre Cassette (5 cassettes)

5 tests



LentiTitre Cassette (10 cassettes)

10 tests



Human Fetal Fibronectin XpressCard (10 tests)

10 tests



Human Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) XpressCard (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Human Interleukin-8 XpressCard (10 tests)

10 tests



Rapid Human Interleukin-8 XpressCard (20 tests)

20 tests



Rapid Human Interleukin-8 XpressCard (50 tests)

50 tests
































6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。